09b. Additional Practice Problem For Slope Defln From Kassimali

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702 CHAPTER 16 Slope-Deflection Method ‘SUMMARY PROBLEMS sty = 225,60) 4 May (16.9) which relates the moments at the ends of a member to the rotations and displacements of its ends and the extemal loads applied to the member. The procedure for analysis essentially involves (1) identifying the mnknown joint displacements (degrees of freedom) of the structure; (2) for each member, writing slope-deflection equations relating member end moments to the unknown joint displacements; (3) establishing the equations of equilibrium of the structure in terms of member end mo ments; (4) substituting the slope-deflection equations into the equili- brium equations and solving the resulting system of equations to de- termine the unknown joint displacements; and (5) computing member end moments by substituting the values of joint displacements back into the slope-deflection equations. Once member end moments have been evaluated, member end shears and axial forces, and support reactions can be determined through equilibrium considerations Section 16,3 16.1 thr igh 16.5 Determine the reactions and draw the 186 Solve Problem 162 for the loading shown in Fig 16.2 and a settlement of 8 mam at support B. shear and bending moment diagrams for the beams shown in Figs, P16.1-P16.5 by using the slope-deflection method. took 90kN SokN | s7siam cooper ee TT gr Al = Fie PIG. |— sm —L sm — 4m E=200GPa 12213 (10%) mint Fis P162, PI66 Problems 703 16.7 Solve Problem 16:4 for the loading shown in Fig. PI6-4 168 through 16.14 Determine the reactions and draw the and the support settlements of 50 mm at Band 25mm at C. shear and bending moment diagrams for the beams shown in Figs, P16.8-P16.14 by using the slope-dellection method. 100K 1005 sasiwin 4 5 4 4 . , eee er, = e D , ch or tsa Logg tp ts | [ie Er=consan aaa ru. PI6s a 63 20 kNin cow 25 kNim Cerro. z 7 se—__L-__+». E=70GPa I= 1,300 (105) mm* 6, PI64, PI67 Fi PIGS, A Fis, P16.10 Skin oo 30KNIa por tree a T= constant i PI6.11 704 CHAPTER 16 —_Slope-Deflection Method | G babe} on bem fent ‘= fs oat ‘AiG. P16,12, P16.16 a COCO, Fu PI6AS 200 kN 375 kNim 200 kN 1 cfm 4 a G a | 4 aml2m) a FG, PI6.14 16.15 Solve Problem 169 for the loading shown in Fig. 16.9 and a settlement of 25 mam at support C. 16.16 Solve Problem 16.12 for the loading shown in Fig. 16.12 and support settlements of 10 mm at 4; 65 mm at C; 40 mm at F; and 25mm at G. Section 16.4 16.17 through 16.20 Determine the member end moments ‘and reactions for the frames shown in Figs, P16.17-P16.20 bby using the slope-deffection method. 25kNim 3 ++ sine El =constant 3m £=200GPa i A [9m 6, P1617, P1621 1S kNin 8 £ D 100 kN 5m 4 - 11380 10° mm Sm sm— FG, PI6.18, P16.22 50 Nm cf i 1 = 7 E 2m | 1 al — ashes 1m ah— 4m I = constant Fis, P1619 Problems 705 30kNim 2s EE TTT c D 3 Sm 4m A B 10m | T= constant A Fis, P16.20 3m E1= constant 16.21 Solve Problem 16.17 for the loading shown in Fig. 16.17 and a settlement of $0 mm at support D. Fi P16.24 16.22 Solve Problem 16.18 for the loading shown in Fig. 37.5 kNim PIGS and a setlement of Tm at support A 100 kN > 16.23 Determine the member end moments and reactions for the frame in Fig. P16.28 for the loading shown and the support settlements of I7mm at A and 25mm at D. Use the slope-deflection method. Ex constant 6m SOkN/m SOKN p_} aE | 0, P16.25 27 kN | om 6m 10kN 2m £1 = constant TGP T= 1200 108 mt 6, P16.23 Section 16.5 16.24 through 16.31 Determine the member end moments ‘and reactions for the frames shown in Figs, P16.24-P16.31 bby using the slope-deflection method. tom EL= constant Fi, P16.26 706 CHAPTER 16 —_Slope-Deflection Method 2 |" Lf ET~ constant t= consant FIG, P16.30 IN aa | i yer a Bi a] sm ol 4m 3m—| | 1m | r= consant = constant Fis. P16.28 FG, P16.31 een TT rN 1 SOKN \ 2m e | A a Sm 3m— t= constant Fis, P16.29 360 Answers to Selected Problems ABAD Ay = 60 KN 5 Ay = 1365 KN 1; By = 40 EN Ey = 128.5 RN f; Mp = 1224 KN-m 2 YBAS Ay = 21.45: Ay = 11625 RNY My = 107.9 eA; By = TBS KN; By = 183.75 INT; Mg = 22.19 ABT Ay = SLATEN 0) Ay = 6945 EN 1; C, = 30.55KN7) Dy = 5L87KN Fay = 61.23 KN (T) 1349 Ay = 179.5 KN fs My=955S KN—m 3; Dy= I9SKN | 1851 4, = 133.6KNT; B, = LTTKNT; G, = 89.4 kNT 1353 4, — 1652 KN T) My~ 4494 KN-m > By 1258 KN J; Cy = 109 NT 1355 Fye = Fer = 37.4 EN (C); Far = For = 46.67 KN (1) 357 Fug = 15.13 KN (Ch Fac = Fac = 42.78 k (1); Few 60.5 KN (1) CHAPTER 14 Mal A, = By = 625 KN J; C= 275 KNT Maa A, = IALSENT: C =428.9 ENT; D, = 1043 KN T Vas and 411 Ay = 13.125 KN |; My = 91.875 KN—m 2; By = 203.125 kN NAT A, = 125.64 KNT; B, = 354.86 KNT; C, = 298.36 ENT; E = TLS NT 149A, = 13,7 ENT; B, = 176.7 KNT; CG, = 89.6 EN MIS Fye = 119.8 EN (Cs Fp = 130.2 162.5 KN (1); Fen = 1708 KN (C) (CHAPTER 15 184 and 152 4,: 1 at 4; 0.688 al BO at C My:O at A and C;225 at B C:0at 4; 0313 at BL atc Sy: Oat A and C; ~0.313 at By; 0.687 at By My: Oat A and C; 1.875 at B 183 Cy: 0 at A: 0.633 at By Lat C:1.375 at D Spi O at A and C; —0.633 at By; 0.367 at By 0,375 at D Mp: Oat A and C; 0.633 at B, ~0.625 at D 155 Ay: Lat 4; Oat Band D; 0.047 at C,0.063 at F By: at A and D; 1 at Bi; 0.594 at C; 0,625 at E Dy Oat A and B; 0.453 at C: 1 at D; 1563 at F Se: 0 at A, B, and D; ~0453 at Cy; 0.847 at Cys 0.563 at E Me: 0 at A, B, and D; 1.81 at C: 157 Fyc:0 at C;0.833 at D; 0.938 at E Fep: Oat C; 0.667 at D; 1.917 at E 159 By: 1.643 at A; 1 at B; 0.393 at C; 0 at D and E; 0.054 at x Dy: -0857 at A; 0 at Band E; 0.767 at C; 1 at D; 0.447 at x= 4m Sc: 0.643 at A; Oat B, D, and E; ~0.607 at C;;0.393 at Cx; -0.054 at x = 4m Me: ~0357 at A; O at B, D, and E; 0.393 at C: 0.054 at x = 20 f 1511 Cy: O at A and D; 0.582 at B; Lat C Fac! Oat A, C, and D; 0.11 at B Fee: Oat A, C, and D; -0.252 at B Fap: Oat A, C, and D; ~0.208 at B LIS aE (CHAPTERS 16 AND 17 161 and 171 Myc = 50.6 KNom 3; Meg = 588 kN-m 2; Meg = 58.8 KN-m 5; Mec = 26.9 kN-m ) 163 and 173 Mag = 100 KN ~_m 2; Mpg = 200 KN —m 2; ‘Mag = 200 KN — m5; Meg = 500 KN —m 2 185 and 175 Mas = Mes = 0; Mug = 101.7kN-m2 Mc ~ 101.7kN-m 187 and 17.7 Myp = 449.4KN ~ m9; May = 72.3KN—m9; Myc = 72.3 KN ~mQ; Mcp =0 169 and 179. Mag ~ 103.5 KN —m); Ms = 113 KN —_m); Me = 113 KN ~m 9; Mep = 85 KN ~m 2; Mee = 85KN—m); Mec = 475 KN~m) W611 and 17.11 Mp4 = 67.5 KN-m J: Map = 61.5 kN-m 9; Mpg = 121.78 KN-m 2; Mpe = 121.78 kN-m 3: Mp = 74.34 KN-ma2 1619 and 17.13 Myp—Men=0: Mz4~Mpc=57.9 KN-m 2: Myc=Mog=579 kN-m 3; Mcp=38.6 KN-m_ 2 Mep=38.6 KN—m

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