Syl Bio 2 - Edited

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2nd Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023


Day/ Time Faculty E-Mail

Day 2/ 9:55-10:55 AM
Day 3/ 9:55-10:55 AM
11:55-12:45 PM
(Total of 80hrs)

I. Course Description: This subject is designed to enhance the understanding of the principles
and concepts in the study of biology, particularly heredity and variation, and the diversity of
living organisms, their structure, function, and evolution.

II. Course Objectives:

1. To have an understanding of Plant Organ Systems and their functions;
2. To have an understanding of Animal Organ Systems and their functions;
3. To learn basic Taxonomic concepts; and,
4. To understand principles, description, nomenclature, identification and classification;

III. Audience: The course is intended for 12th Grade-STEM Senior High School students.

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE:

 To compare and contrast the following processes in plants and animals:

reproduction, development, nutrition, gas exchange, transport/circulation,
regulation of body fluids, chemical and nervous control, immune systems, and
sensory and motor mechanisms Illustrate the transmission of an X-linked and
a Y-linked character;
 To predict genotypes and phenotypes of parents and offspring using the laws
of inheritance;
 To describe general features of the history of life on Earth, including generally
accepted dates and sequence of the geologic time scale and characteristics of
major groups of organisms present during these time periods; and,
 To explain how the structural and developmental characteristics and
relatedness of DNA sequences are used in classifying living things
V. Teaching and Learning Strategies:

1. LECTURE. Lecture method shall be the primary teaching strategy to be considered in

the class. The class shall be provided learning modules for the semester. Lecture shall
be done through the aid of classroom smart televisions, projectors and video
presentations. Computer-aided instruction shall likewise be utilized to develop the
students’ abilities in the use of IT.

2. INTERACTIVE LEARNING. It is another widely used method of teaching which is

usually intermingled with lecture. Its uses or value includes transmitting knowledge to
students; assisting students in organizing knowledge and developing concepts and
generalizations; answering students’ questions; clarifying understanding; showing how to
solve a problem or do something; giving students opportunity to interact with each other
and with the instructor/professor; and improving students’ ability to speak on a subject,
to organize thoughts and to communicate effectively.

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4013 rev. 01
3. GROUP/INDIVIDUAL REPORTING. The strategy will help the students to enhance their
presentation skill. It is an avenue for the students to learn how to present the assigned
topics. Reports should include current issue or related actual case in the business to
make the topic assigned to them more interesting.

4. DEBATE. Debate is a structured form of argumentations that requires participants to

engage in research, develop listening and oratory skills, and think critically. Debating can
be employed as an instructional strategy wherever the learning material and
circumstances are open to opposing points of view. Debates may be viewed or read to
contribute additional perspectives on a classroom topic.

5. STUDENT SELF-ASSESSMENT. Student self-assessment refer to academic

assessment tools, often a rubric, that describes a learning task or skill by its attributes
and level of quality, which students use to assess their own progress and performance.
These tools may also be used individually or in teacher or peer conferences and


INTELLIGENCES). The cognitive theory of multiple intelligences posits that students
learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways, including various
intelligences, such as musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-
mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. As a
cognitive theory, learning styles/multiple intelligences is controversial but has proved
useful to classroom teachers in fostering different interests, providing variety and
differentiation in instruction, and developing the students.

7. INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY. Integrating technology into a course curriculum when

appropriate is proving to be valuable for enhancing and extending the learning
experience for both teacher and students.

8. GAMIFICATION. It is a teaching-learning technique through the use of games is one of

the teaching methods that has already been explored especially in the modern
environment. It is also very useful technique to keep students motivated.

9. REINFORCEMENT OF ACTIVE LISTENING. Active listening also means listening to

understand rather than reply. Reinforce building good listening skills by encouraging
students to practice asking clarifying questions to fully understand the speaker’s
intended message.

10. MODELLED CONVERSATIONAL SKILLS. Conversation is one of the most basic and
essential communication skills. It enables people to share thoughts, opinions, and ideas,
and receive them in turn. Although it may appear simple on the surface, effective
conversations include a give-and-take exchange that consists of elements such as: 1)
body language 2) eye contact 3) summarizing/paraphrasing 4) responding.

VI. Course Requirements:

The following requirements should be complied to pass the course:

1. Regular Attendance
2. Active Class Participation (Recitation, Seatworks, Boardworks and other
Classroom Activities)
3. Written Works/Lab Reports
4. Performance Tasks
5. Major Examinations

VII. Grading System:

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4013 rev. 01



Interpretation of Progress and Achievement Scores


e Total
Score Range:
No. of
Percentage: 100%

Analysis of Results:

RESULTS: Actions to be Taken

65% and above of the
population got 75% and Proceed to the next lesson.
above of the total items
More than 35% of the
students got 74% and Reteach the lesson.
below of the total items

VIII. References:
Maria Elena Z. Basco-Tiamson. General Biology 2. Philippine Adaptation. Vibal Group.
2016. Print

Reece, Jane. B. et. al. Campbell Biology (9th ed.). Boston: Pearson, 2011. Print

The Geologic Time Scale:


Hopson, Janeth L., and John H. Postlethwait. Modern Biology. Holt, Rinehart and
Winston. 2016. Print.

IX. Tentative Course Outline:

The following is a tentative list of topics for the course. The instructor has the right to
alter the outline at any time due to time constraints, unexpected scheduling conflicts,
unexpected affairs/activities in the academe, or overall benefit to class effectiveness.

1 Genetics
1.1 Concepts of Mendelian Genetics
1.2 Modifications to Mendel’s Classic Ratios
1.3 Sex Linkage
1.4 Genetic Linkage and Epistasis
2 Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
2.1 Basic Structures: DNA, RNA, and Protein
2.2 DNA Replication
2.3 Transciption
2.4 Translation
3 Evolution and Origin of Biodiversity
3.1 History of Life on Earth

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4013 rev. 01
3.2 Mechanism of Evolution
3.3 Evidences of Evolution
3.4 Speciation

4 Systematics
4.1 The Phylogenetic Tree and Basic Taxonomic Concepts
4.2 Perspectives on the Phylogenic Tree
5 Prokaryotes and their Diversity
5.1 The Structure of Prokaryotes
5.2 Prokaryotes, Diseases and the Environment
5.3 Eukaryotic Origins
5.4 Protists
5.5 Fungi
6 Diversity of Plants
6.1 The Plant Kingdom
6.2 Seedless Plants
6.3 Seed Plants
7 Diversity of Animals
7.1 The Animal Kingdom
7.2 The Invertebrates
7.3 The Vertebrates
7.4 Evolution of Human
8 Organismal Biology
8.1 Structure and Function of Animals
8.2 Structure and Function of Plants
8.3 Homeostasis and Feedback Mechanism

X. Classroom Policies:
1. Be on-time, on-task, & prepared to learn every class.
2. Be responsible for your own learning.
3. Respect the teacher, the classroom and other classmates.
4. Written/paper works must be neat and not disheveled.
5. In every Performance Task, a rubric will be provided by the teacher. It is the
responsibility of the student/s to read the criteria cited thereof.

*Additional classroom policies maybe added during the semester.

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4013 rev. 01

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