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The Mediterranean Diet is most closely associated with the

Use generously olive oil (extra virgin if possible) to cook
traditional dietary patterns of rural Greece and Southern
Italy during the 1960’s, when it was first formally described and dress salads and food (e.g. in a toast instead of butter)
by Ancel Keys. Keys’ pioneering observations brought wide
Consume 3 or more servings per week of mixed nuts
attention to the fact that the Mediterranean Diet was
strongly associated with lower cardiovascular disease and (including peanut butter made only with peanuts)
mortality risks. Since then, a great number of studies
(e.g. a fist of nuts as a snack in substitution of other things)
support the adherence to Mediterranean Diet to prevent
heart diseases, cancer and to improve longevity and have a Consume 2 or more servings a day of vegetables
wonderful health. The appeal of the Mediterranean Diet
Consume 3 or more servings per day of whole fruit
extends beyond its many proven health benefits. By
combining diverse flavors, colors and aromas fresh from the Consume 3 or more servings per week of fish and seafood
land and sea and its liberal use of olive oil, herbs and lean
(including fatty fish, at least one serving)
proteins, the Mediterranean Diet provides delicious meals
capable of transporting us to Mediterranean locales through Consume 3 or more servings per week of legumes
our senses. Moreover, because of its emphasis on limited
Consume lean meats (turkey, chicken) instead of red and
consumption, rather than abstention from red meat and
sweets, as well as permitting the moderate use of alcohol, the processed meats (hamburgers, sausages, meatballs, beef)
Mediterranean Diet represents a healthy, yet indulgent and
Consume 2 or more servings per week of “sofrito”, a sauce
appealing lifestyle that can be sustained over long periods of
time. made with tomato and onion and/or garlic slowly simmered with
The traditional Mediterranean Diet pattern differs
olive oil as a side of main courses (whole pasta, brown rice) and use
significantly from other eating patterns. First, olive oil is
used generously for most cooking and is consumed as the fresh herbs and allium to cook
primary dietary fat. Second, the MD has a high intake of
Limit commercial sweets and refined carbohydrates to
various plant foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, unrefined
cereals, nuts, and seeds). At the same time, there is less than 3 servings per week. Instead consume whole grains
moderate consumption of fish, seafood, fermented dairy
Limit the consumption of soda and sugary drinks, spread
products (yogurt and cheese), poultry, and eggs; as well as
alcohol use in moderation with meals (usually wine). Finally, fats (whole cream, butter), fast and processed foods (fried
the consumption of red and processed meats, and sweets is
foods, chips) to 1 or less times per week
limited together with adequate activity, rest, and conviviality

Firefighters Mediterranean

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