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Grapes of Wrath


The film Grapes of Wrath depicts what life was like for some individuals during the
Great Depression.

Movie Guide
Your task is to watch the movie Grapes of Wrath. While watching the film you are
required to answer the questions in the movie guide.

In addition to the movie guide, you will pick a character and write diary entry (short
paragraph) from that characters point of view. If your character dies, you should pick a
new character and write from their point of view. Make sure when you write your diary
entries that you use “I” statements.

You will get a grade for the Movie Guide and the Diary. The Movie Guide will be worth
30 points. The diary entries will be worth 40 points. This will be worth a total of 70

Cast of Characters:
Tom Joad
Ma Joad
Pa Joad
Jim Casey (preacher)
Rose Sharon (pregnant women)
Grandma Joad
Grandpa Joad
Al Joad (Tom’s younger brother)
Connie (Rose Sharon’s Husband)
Uncle John
Ruthie Joad (kid)
Winfield Joad (kid)
Grapes of Wrath
Directions: Answer the questions as they come up in the film.

1. Who wrote the Grapes of Wrath?

2. Why did Tom go to Jail?

3. Why did Jim Casey (preacher) stop preaching?

4. Why do the Joads have to move to California?

5. What does Muley mean when he says, “Who do we shot?”

6. What do you notice about the conditions of the land?

7. What items does Ma keep and what does she discard?

8. Why do you think Grandpa suddenly resist leaving for California when he
originally could not wait to leave?

9. How do the Joads eventually get grandpa to go on the trip?

10. What is the significance of Route 66 being called “the mother road”
11. How do the Joads try to give grandpa a burial with dignity?

12. What is the significance of Casey’s statement “I’d pray for folks who’s alive?”

13. How much does it cost to stay at the first camp?

14. Where are some of the other migrants from at the camp?

15. How are the Joads treated at the gas station?

16. Why does the waitress tell pa that the candy is “two for a penny”

17. What comparison do the gas station employees make about the Okies?

18. How do the inspectors treat the Joads after ma insist grandma is ill? Why does ma
lie to them?

Transit Camp
19. What does the transit camp look like?

20. How are the authorities depicted at the camp?

21. How does the policeman’s statement, “Boy what a mess them .45s make” reflect
the films view of law enforcement?

22. Why do the Joads leave the transit camp?

Keene Peach Ranch

23. How much were they going to pay at the Keene Peach Ranch?

24. What are the conditions like at the Keene Peach Ranch?

Arrival at the Wheatpatch Camp

25. Whom does the camp director resemble?

26. How does the camp differ from other places?

27. Who runs the camp?

28. Who is responsible for the creation of the camp?

29. Why does ma say we are the people that live? What does she mean by this?

30. What message does the film covey about the role of the government in helping the
Day One
Character Name: ________________________












Day Two:
Character Name: ________________________











Day Three
Character Name: ________________________












Day Four
Character Name: ________________________










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