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Barriers are often embedded within the policies of a school or within the long-held practices of

the teacher’s methods.

In your reflection, think about your personal educational history. Did you experience any barriers

to your education? If you did not personally experience a memorable encounter with any

barriers, can you remember any classmates who did? What was the experience like?

In what way was your educational experience influenced by this barrier. Include details about

whether or not accommodations were made or if there were efforts to redress the barrier. How

might this experience better inform your empathy for different student experiences?

1. Lack of Learning Materials:

o Problem: Access to learning resources like textbooks, stationery, and technology

is often taken for granted. However, many children worldwide lack these basic


o Observation: I witnessed classmates who struggled due to inadequate materials.

Some shared textbooks, borrowed pencils, or had limited access to computers.

o Impact: Their learning was hindered, affecting their academic performance.

o Efforts to Redress: Our school initiated book drives and provided communal

supplies. Teachers encouraged resource-sharing and creative solutions.

o Empathy: This experience taught me to appreciate the privilege of having

abundant learning materials and to empathize with those who don't.

2. Displacement due to War or Conflict:

o Problem: Armed conflicts disrupt education. Children forced to flee their homes

face immense challenges.

o Observation: A Syrian classmate joined our school after escaping conflict. She

struggled with language barriers and trauma.

o Impact: Catching up academically was tough, and she felt isolated.

o Efforts to Redress: Our teachers organized extra language support and

counseling. Classmates befriended her, easing her transition.

o Empathy: Witnessing her resilience fueled my empathy for displaced students

and their unique struggles.

3. Lack of Family Income:

o Problem: Poverty affects educational opportunities. Some classmates faced

financial hardships.

o Observation: A friend worked part-time to support her family. She missed school

due to work commitments.

o Impact: She fell behind in studies, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

o Efforts to Redress: Our school offered scholarships, waived fees, and provided

meals. Teachers encouraged her to balance work and education.

o Empathy: I learned that socioeconomic barriers can hinder learning and

perpetuate inequality.

4. Discrimination Against Pregnant Teenagers:

o Problem: Social stigma affects pregnant students. They often face exclusion and

o Observation: A classmate became pregnant during high school. She encountered

judgmental attitudes.

o Impact: She felt isolated and struggled emotionally.

o Efforts to Redress: Our school promoted inclusivity, provided counseling, and

ensured she could continue her education.

o Empathy: Witnessing her resilience and the importance of nonjudgmental

support shaped my empathy for diverse student experiences.

These experiences inform my teaching approach. I strive to create an inclusive environment,

address individual needs, and advocate for equitable access to education. Empathy drives my

commitment to supporting all students, regardless of their barriers.

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