I Ross McDougall MB, CHB, PHD, FACP, FRCP Glas Auth Thyroid Disease

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Thyroid Disease in

Clinical Practice
Thyroid Disease in
Clinical Practice

I. Ross McDougall
Professor of Radiology and Medicine,
Stanford University School of Medicine,

Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. I~nl

First edition 1992
© 1992 1. Ross McDougall
Originally pub1ished by Chapman & Hall in 1992.
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1992
Typeset in 10/12pt Palatino by Graphieraft Typesetters Ud., Hong
ISBN 978-0-19-520936-5 ISBN 978-1-4899-2881-8 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-2881-8

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To Liz, Shona and Stewart

Preface xi

1 Thyroid structure, development and developmental abnormaIities 1

1.1 Gross structure 1
1.2 Microscopic structure 3
1.3 Development 4
1.4 Developmental abnormalities 6
Key facts 10
References 10
2 Thyroid physiology 12
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Regulation of thyroid function 12
2.3 Formation of thyroid hormones 16
2.4 Autoregulation of the thyroid 20
2.5 Transport of hormones in serum 21
2.6 Metabolism of thyroid hormones 23
2.7 Iodide cyde 24
2.8 Action of thyroid hormones 27
2.9 Calcitonin 28
Key facts 28
References 29
3 Tests of thyroid function 34
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 Total thyroid hormones 35
3.3 Pituitary-thyroid axis: TSH (newand old technologies) 40
3.4 Hypothalamic-pituitary axis: (TRH test) 42
3.5 Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 43
3.6 Tissue diagnosis 59
3.7 Miscellaneous tests 63
Key facts 66
References 67
4 CIinical examination 75
4.1 Introduction 75
4.2 General 75
4.3 Examination of the thyroid 75
4.4 Diagnostic indices 78
Key facts 81
References 81
viii Contents
5 Hyperthyroidism 82
5.1 Introduetion 82
5.2 Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 83
5.3 Functioning autonomous thyroid nodule, single and multiple 118
5.4 Toxie multinodular goitre 125
5.5 Hyperthyroidism with low uptake of radioiodine 126
5.6 Iatrogenie hyperthyroidism 127
5.7 Faetitious thyrotoxieosis 127
5.8 Hamburger thyrotoxicosis 128
5.9 Silent thyroiditis 128
5.10 Postparturn thyroiditis 128
5.11 Subacute thyroiditis 129
5.12 Hyperthyroidism due to cancer invading thyroid 129
5.13 Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism Ood Basedow phenomenon) 129
5.14 Struma ovarii 132
5.15 Metastatic functioning thyroid cancer 132
5.16 Hyperthyroidism due to a high TSH or TSH-like material 133
5.17 Pituitary hyperthyroidism 134
5.18 Non-pituitary cancer secreting TSH 135
5.19 Hyperthyroidism with inappropriate TSH secretion 135
5.20 Hyperthyroidism from trophoblastic tumours 135
5.21 Hyperthyroidism in the young, the old and pregnant 136
5.22 Hyperthyroidism in children 136
5.23 Hyperthyroidism in the elderly 138
5.24 Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy and in the neonate 139
5.25 Thyroid crisis (storm) 142
Key facts 144
References 146

6 Hypothyroidism 163
6.1 Introduction 163
6.2 Aetiology 163
6.3 Prevalence 165
6.4 Clinieal features 166
6.5 Associated diseases 171
6.6 Diagnosis 171
6.7 Treatment 173
6.8 Thyroid replacement in patients with angina pectoris 176
6.9 Anaesthesia and surgery in hypothyroidism 177
6.10 Myxoedema coma 177
6.11 Hypothyroidism in children 179
6.12 Neonatal hypothyroidism 179
6.13 Cost benefit analysis of screening for hypothyroidism 181
6.14 Inborn errors of synthesis of thyroid hormones (dyshormonogenesis) 182
6.15 Scintigraphy in neonatal hypothyroidism 183
6.16 Treatment 183
6.17 Acquired (juvenile) hypothyroidism 184
Contents ix

6.18 Hypothyroidism in the elderly 184

Key facts 185
References 186

7 Management of thyroid nodules 193

7.1 Introduction 193
7.2 Causes of thyroid nodule 194
7.3 Clinical evaluation of patient and nodule 194
7.4 Testing thyroid function 195
7.5 Investigations 195
7.6 Management of cystic nodules 202
7.7 Role of thyroid suppression 203
7.8 Summary 204
Key facts 204
References 204

8 Thyroid cancer 207

8.1 Introduction 207
8.2 Classification of thyroid cancers 207
8.3 Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 208
8.4 Differentiated thyroid cancer: follicular 232
8.5 Differentiated thyroid cancer: Hurthle cell 234
8.6 Differentiated thyroid cancer: dear cell 236
8.7 Differentiated cancers in extrathyroidal sites 236
8.8 Undifferentiated cancer: anaplastic 237
8.9 Medullary cancer 240
8.10 Lymphoma of the thyroid 244
8.11 Metastases to the thyroid 246
Key facts 247
References 248

9 Thyroiditis 257
9.1 Introduction 257
9.2 Hashimoto's thyroiditis 257
9.3 Subacute thyroiditis (granulomatous or de Quervain's thyroiditis) 263
9.4 Silent thyroiditis including postpartum thyroiditis 268
9.5 Acute (suppurative) thyroiditis and thyroid abscess 271
9.6 Riedel's thyroiditis (invasive fibrous thyroiditis) 273
9.7 Radiation thyroiditis 274
Key facts 275
References 276

10 Simple goitre <non-endemic, non-toxie goitre) and multinodular goitre 282

10.1 Introduction 282
10.2 Aetiology and pathogenesis 282
x Contents

10.3 Pathology 283

10.4 Clinieal presentation 284
10.5 Diagnosis and investigations 284
10.6 Treatment 285
10.7 Substernal goitre 285
Key facts 289
References 289

11 Iodine deficiency disorders, endemie goitre and endemie cretinism 291

11.1 Introduction 291
11.2 Aetiology 291
11.3 Clinieal presentation 292
11.4 Prophylaxis and treatment of endemie goitre and cretinism 292
11.5 Problems of iodization programmes 293
11.6 WHO classification for endemie goitre 293
11.7 Endemie cretinism 294
Key facts 295
References 295

12 Changes in thyroid function tests in physieal and psychiatrie diseases 297

12.1 Introduction 297
12.2 Organie non-thyroidal illness 297
12.3 Psychiatrie illness 300
Key facts 301
References 302

13 Radiation and the thyroid 304

13.1 In trod uction 304
13.2 Radiation physics 304
13.3 Dosimetry 311
13.4 Thyroid disease due to external radiation 313
13.5 Thyroid disease due to internal radiation 318
Key facts 321
References 321

Index 325

Thyroid diseases are common. They indude physieal and mental can distort thyroid func-
hyper- and hypothyroidism, enlargement of tion tests so that thyroid dysfunction is dia-
the gland both diffuse and nodular, solitary gnosed inappropriately. This is addressed in
nodules both benign and malignant, in- Chapter 12 with adviee that should de-
flammatory diseases, rare congenital defects crease this occurrence. Because radiation
in structure and inborn errors in function. to the thyroid can cause dinieally relevant
Many are simple to diagnose and treat, thyroid disease and because some of the
others are not. The literature often com- diagnostic tests and treatments involve
plicates rather than simplifies issues. My in- administration of radioactive iodine to the
tention is to use personal experience, the patient, Chapter 13 brings together some
teaching of others and distillation of the aspects of radiation biology in relation the
literature as the basis for a text which will the thyroid.
allow the physician to deal with specific, The author has been lucky to be associated
patient-related problems. The first four with academic and practising physicians and
chapters are general. There are short chap- basic scientists whose main interest was 'the
ters on the structure and function of the thyroid'. Early in my training I had the great
thyroid followed by a review of tests. The fortune of working in Professor Edward
fourth chapter is an outline of dinical eva- McGirr' s department at Glasgow Royal In-
luation, but this is no way substitutes for firmary. There I worked most dosely with
personal experience at the bedside or in the the late Bill Greig on the interface of thyroid
dinie. and nuclear medicine. Subsequently, I had a
The chapters on hyper- and hypothyroid- fellowship to work with the late Joe Kriss at
ism should help define the specific cause Stanford University Medical Center where
and management of patients with these we were colleagues for 15 years. In both of
problems. Evaluation and treatment of thyr- these institutes I worked with, and learned
oid nodules and thyroid cancer cause con- from, many fine clinicians and scientists.
siderable differences of opinion. These However, I have to pay a special tribute to
differences are reviewed and specific re- Joe Kriss, who embodied all the characteris-
commendations are outlined. Thyroiditides, ties patients ho pe for in their physieian with
although not related causally, symptomati- the creative mind of a researcher and the
cally or therapeutically, are placed in Chap- ability to transmit his thoughts with preci-
ter 9 for convenience. Simple enlargement of sion and darity.
the thyroid (Chapter 10) and iodine deficien- It is possible the book may be of value to
cy dis orders (Chapter 11) receive less cover- medical students and physicians in training,
age than their dinical importance worldwide but it is aimed primarily at practising physi-
merits, but the key issues are covered. One cians. I hope it meets this goal.
of the most disconcerting aspects of thyr-
oidology is how non-thyroidal illnesses both I. Ross McDougall

Thyroid structure, development and

developmental abnormalities


The thyroid is situated in the anterior neck.
It consists of two somewhat pear-shaped Slerno-
................__- - Hyoid bone
lobes which lie to the sides of the trachea, muscle
and a smaller isthmus joining the medial Thyroid cartilage
aspects of the lobes lies over the second to museie - -+---+-1
fourth tracheal rings (Figure 1.1). The lobes SternOhyoid - t--WLfJo.l
Thyrold gland
are about 5 cm long, 3 cm across at the muscle
widest part, and 2 cm thick at the broader
lower pole. The inferior poles of the lobes Tracheal ring
extend to the sixth tracheal ring, and the Sternohyold
superior poles to the thyroid cartilage. In museie
adults the thyroid weighs approximately 20
g. In the newborn it is about 1.5 g and it
increases progressively with age and size [1].
There is some debate about whether a nor- Figure 1.1 Diagram showing the relation of the
mal thyroid is palpable or' not. Certainly in thyroid to trachea, neck muscles and manubrium.
weIl-built men it is not, du~ to development
of the anterior neck muscIks. On the other
hand, the normal thyroid c~n be palpated in
many normal women. Thisl will be discussed the pretracheal fascia is densest anteriorly,
in more detail in Chapter t. enlargement of the gland can extend post-
The thyroid is covered ~y the pretracheal eriorly and inferiorly and the findings on
fascia which is attachedl to the larynx, palpation give an underestimate of the
trachea and oesophagus,i and since the gland' s size.
isthmus is fixed to the t~acheal rings, the A pyramidal lobe which is the remnant of
gland moves upward wit~ these structures the thyroglossal duct (see below) projects up
on swallowing. This is a v~luable manoeuvre from the isthmus, or medial aspect of one of
when the clinician is trying to locate the in- the lobes, more often from the left. It is the
ferior aspect of the lobes ~r the isthmus be- author's opinion that a pyramidal lobe is
cause these can be sensed! to slide und er, or found alm ost entirely in patients with auto-
bump against, the exami~ing fingers when immune thyroid diseases, such as Graves'
the patient swallows. A thyroid nodule also hyperthyroidism, or Hashimoto's thyroidi-
moves when the patient swaIlows. Because tis (Figure 1.2). This has been substantiated
2 Thyroid structure, development and development abnormalities

- Sternoclc,do-
Inlrahyold mastoid
Pret racheal lascla Trachea ThyrOid muscle

Figure 1.4 Cross-section of the neck at the level

of the thyroid showing its relationship to the
trachea, muscles, spine, etc.

by a study by Levy et al. [2] and is probably
best explained by the glands being under
constant stimulation either by thyroid stimu-
lating hormone (TSH) or thyroid receptor
Figure 1.2 Thyroid scintigram using 1231 showing antibodies (TRAb), which stimulate small
the lobes of the gland and pyramidal lobe. The rests of cells to divide and grow sufficiently
scan was made 3 hours after an oral dose of 200 to be seen on thyroid scintiscan. Alternative-
/LCi 1231.
ly, patients with autoimmune thyroid dis-
eases are more likely to have imaging
studies which would lead to discovery of this
finding. The relationship of the thyroid to
other structures in the neck is shown weIl
by computed tomography (CT), or nuclear
magnetic resonances (NMR) imaging (Figure
1.3). Figure 1.4 provides a diagrammatic rep-
resentation. The thyroid is among the most
vascular organs gram for gram. A euthyroid
gland has a flow rate of about 5 ml/g/min. In
Graves' hyperthyroidism this can increase to
a litre/min and is clinically apparent by a
palpable thrilI and a bruit. There are four
main arteries. Paired superior thyroid arter-
ies arise as the first branch of the external
carotid artery and descend to the upper
poles. Paired inferior arteries arise from the
Figure 1.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance image of thyrocervical trunk which is a branch of the
the neck, showing in cross-section the thyroid first part of the subclavian artery (Figure
(with a smalI, incidental right-sided cyst seen as a
white spot). Compare this which Figure 1.4,
1.5). Less constant is the thyroidea ima
which is an anatomical diagrammatic representa- artery which can arise from the aorta, in-
tion of the structures. nominate, subclavian or even the common
Microscopic structure 3
diological imaging of lymph drainage has
been demonstrated by several group [5-7].
....____ I:xlernal carotld artery The recurrent laryngeal nerves run in-
jugular vein feriorly to the thyroid, Behind the lower
thyrold artery
thryrold vetn third of the gland they lie about 1 cm lateral
__~..--I-Ivl;rlrllo thyroid vein to the trachea in dose relation to the interior
artery. As many as 28 types of relationships
Infertor thyroid artery
(lies postertor) between these two structures have been de-
scribed. The motor branch of the nerve in-
nervates the laryngeal musdes and damage
LeI! innomlnate vein
to that nerve causes ipsilateral para lysis of
the vocal cord and a ho ar se voice. The su-
perior laryngeal nerve is a branch of the
vagus which arises dose to the base of the
Figure 1.5 Arteries and veins of the thyroid. skull. It has an internal sensory branch and
an external motor branch to the cricothyroid
musde. This nerve is in dose proximity to
the superior thyroid artery and is at risk
carotid arteries. It supplies the inferior du ring surgery when this artery is being li-
isthmus and hence is in a position of risk gated. The main nerve supply to the thyroid
during tracheostomy. It is found in about itself is sympathetic. It arises from the mid-
10% of the population. Small unnamed dIe cervical ganglion and traveIs with the
arteries communicate from the trachea to the inferior thyroid artery. Some sympathetic
posterior aspect of the thyroid; as a result fibres from the superior cervical ganglion
the cut gland can bleed even after the major reach the thyroid along with the superior
vessels are'ligated. There is a rich anastamo- thyroid artery. These nerves are vasocon-
sis between superior and inferior vessels as strictors. Some patients with enlarged thyr-
weIl as between the lobes. The arteries di- oids notice rapid fluctuations in the size of
vide into lobar and then lobular branches. their glands and this is likely to be a vascular
The latter are small end arteries supplying a phenomenon mediated by the autonomie
lobule consisting of some 20-50 follides [3]. nervous system. These nerves are not im-
A plexus of veins on the surface of the portant in the formation and release of thyr-
thyroid drain into superior and middle thyr- oid hormones.
oid veins, which in turn drain into the inter-
nal jugular veins. The inferior jugular vein,
or veins, drain into the innominate veins. 1.2 MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE
There is a rich lymphatic supply which The epithelial cells of the thyroid which pro-
follows the veins. Within the thyroid, the duce and secrete thyroid hormones are
lymphatics communicate between the lobes. arranged in spherical structures called fol-
The lymphatics drain into the internal jugu- lides [8]. The cells are therefore called fol-
lar, pretracheal and anterosuperior medias- licular cells. A single layer of follicular cells
tinal nodes. From the posterior aspect there surrounds colloidal material containing
is drainage into retropharyngeal nodes. stores of hormone incorporated into a pro-
Lymphatic drainage can be demonstrated in tein called thyroglobulin, which is the main
vivo by scintigraphy by injecting 99mTc sul- constituent of the colloid material. The
phur colloid directly into the gland and dimensions of the follide, the follicular cells
imaging for several ho urs [4]. Likewise ra- and the colloid material vary considerably
4 Thyroid structure, development and development abnormalities
depending on the availability of iodine, the FOllicle
eifect of physiological and pathological diameter
stimulators, the presence of goitrogens, in- ranges from
duding medications, as weIl as thyroid
suppressors. The diameter of foIlides, even
in physiological conditions, varies from 100
to 1000 /J-m (average 200-300 /J-m). SmaIler
foIlides appear to be more active. When
there is excessive prolonged stimulation the
quantity of coIloid material decreases reflect-
ing release of stored hormone from thyroglo-
bulin. The foIlicular ceIls are cuboidal with a
length of about 10 /J-m. Und er stimulation,
they become progressively more columnar 10-20 j.lm dependlng on cell's aChvJty

and can be as taIl as 20 /J-m. This appearance __t ___________ _

is characteristic of Graves' hyperthyroidism
which has not been treated, however, a Base
of cell:
similar appearance is found if the thyroid is site 01
lacking iodine and the gland is stimulated to trap
make as much hormone as possible by
pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH. Nucleus is basal In
active cell
In the former, the patient is hyperthyroid, in
the latter hypothyroid, or euthyroid. There- ma rgin:
fore, it is not possible to judge the thyroid site of
status by looking at histology alone. Groups syntheslS
of 20-50 follides form lobules which have a (a)
fine covering of connective tissue, which is
continuous with the capsule of the gland. Figure 1.6 (a) diagrammatic representation of a
follicle (the functional unit) and follicular cell
Each foIlide is surrounded by delicate capil- showing briefly the subcellular components.
laries, but on standard staining these are not
weIl demonstrated because they coIlapse.
The rich lymphatic system is also difficult to
demonstrate in specimens from normal
glands, but lymphatics are weIl seen when
carcinoma invades them.
The internal structure of the foIlicular ceIls They are difficult to see in sections of normal
reflects their active involvement in pro tein thyroid.
formation and secretion. The cytoplasm is
rich in mitochondria, rough endoplastic re-
ticulum, Golgi apparatus and secretory
droplets. The nudeus is round or oval and Abrief description of the embryological de-
is central in cuboidal ceIls, but more basal in velopment of the thyroid is necessary to ex-
columnar ones. Numerous microvilli project plain the rare developmental abnormalities
from the apical end of the ceIls into the col- which can be encountered (Figure 1.7). The
loid. Figure 1.6 iIlustrates these features. thyroid develops from the foregut and de-
ParafoIlicular ceIls (C ceIls) which produce scends by a circuitous route to its normal
and secrete calcitonin lie between foIlides. cervical position. Its original position is
Development 5


(b) Histology of follicles showing normal resting state on the left panel. The cells are low cuboidal and
the follicles are of varying diameters. The panel on the right shows follicular cells that are stimulated,
and these are more columnar and the follicles are smaller with less colloid. This could be produced by
thyroid-stimulating hormone.

marked by the foramen caecum at the junc- These will become the lateral lobes. They
tion of the anterior two-thirds and posterior fuse with the ultimobranchial body which
one-third of the tongue. The first evidence of supplies cells that will become the para-
its presence occurs at about 4 weeks as an follicular cells. Thus the follicular and para-
evagination between the first and second follicular cells have different lineage. The
pharyngeal pouches. This evagination . pathway from pharynx to anterior neck
lenghthens to form a tube and descends in- is marked by the thyroglossal duct. It loses
feriorly and anteriorly to pass anteriorly to its tubular structure and by the sixth week
the hyoid bone. It then loops round and atrophies. The follicular cells are able to trap
behind the hyoid before continuing its des- iodine by the twelth week and hormone pro-
cent in the neck. Two lateral buds form. duction occurs soon after that.
6 Thyroid structure, development and development abnormalities
Table 1.1 Developmental abnormalities
Lingual thyroid at
site of foramen caecum Agenesis
Dysgenesis: ectopic

Suprahyoid thyroid
- intra tracheal
"'-"""-..... _ Hyoid bone
- Infrahyoid thyroid cardiac
- Pyramidal lobe Persistent thyroglossal duct
Thyroglossal cysts
- Thyroid

anterior neck swelling had this disorder. The

Manubnum _ bsternal thyroid cyst can be asymptomatic, it can be noted as
a simple swelling, or it can get infected and
present like a swollen lymph node. These
cysts are usually perihyoid and found by the
second decade. In the series described by
Figure 1.7 Pathway of the thyroglossal duct and
sites of ectopic thyroid.
Hawkin's et al. [10], 68% were in children
less than 10 years of age and 94% in patients
less than 20 years of age. The swellings are
round, non-tender if uninfected, and cyst-
like to pressure. They contain mucinous
material and the lining epithelium is cuboid-
Developmental abnormalities fall into three al or columnar and often ciliated. Repeated
major groups (Table 1.1). Firstly, agenesis of infection of the cyst alters the histological
the gland. This is an important cause of appearances. Reports of the frequency of fol-
neonatal hypothyroidism and is discussed in licular cells in association with these cysts
full in that section in Chapter 6. Secondly, give quite divergent results. Okstad et al.
defects due to persistence of the thyroglossal [11] found some in 41% of their cases,
duct. These fall into two categories: recur- whereas Deane and Telander [12] found this
rent infections due to persistence of a patent in only 6%. There is not enough thyroid
duct, and cyst formation along the course of tissue to be imaged on radionuc1ide scinti-
the duct. Thirdly there is dysgenesis of the graphy, thus differentiating a cyst from ecto-
gland with ectopic thyroid occurring at any pic thyroid. Ultrasound is valuable to define
point in the descent of the gland. Failure of that the swelling is cystic and to define its
one lobe to develop is inc1uded, as is pyra- relationships to other structures in the neck
midallobe which can be important especially [13]. Thyroglossal cysts move when the
to the surgeon. Biochemical abnormalities of patient protrudes the tongue and some-
the formation of thyroid hormones are not times, but not always, they move with
discussed here. swallowing. If the cyst is small and asymp-
With the exception of goitre, thyroglossal tomatic it can be left alone. Those which are
duct cysts are among the commonest mid- large and cosmetically unpleasing should be
line swellings in the anterior neck. Knight removed, as should those which have been
et al. [9] found that 52% of 146 children with infected. Aspiration will frequently lead to
Developmental abnormalities 7
sinus formation and chronic drainage, if not, Table 1.2 Symptoms and signs of ectopic thyroid
the cyst will usually reaccumulate. Aspira-
tion is not advised for treatment, but can be Site o[ ectopic thyroid Symptomslsigns
used to establish a dia gnosis preoperatively, Lingual Dysphagia
when there is doubt about the nature of the Dysphonia
mass. The principles of the operation were Dyspnoea
defined by Sistrunk in 1920 [14]. The cyst is Bleeding
removed with the thyroglossal duct, indud- Perihyoid None
ing the central portion of the hyoid, en bloc. Swelling
A central core of tissue up to the foramen In tra tracheal None
caecum should also be removed. No effort Dyspnoea
should be made to dose the defect in the Intraoesophageal None
hyoid and no physiological disturbance is Dysphagia
encountered. Only by doing this will the Cardiac None
recurrence rate be low. Several surgeons re- Murmur
port a recurrence rate of 2-3%; this contrasts Cardiac failure
with 40-59% if ductal structures are left.
Thyroid tissue can occur at any point from
the foramen caecum to the cervical position.
In addition, because the truncus arteriosus
develops in dose proximity to the thyroid TSH. This will almost invariably cause the
and then passes inferior to it, thyroid tissue mass to shrink.
can be pulled into an ectopic position in the A perihyoid mass should also be evalu-
mediastinum, induding inside the heart. ated by 1231 scintigraphy to determine if it is
The sites in which ectopic thyroid can be ectopic thyroid, but most will be thyroglos-
found are listed in Table 1.2. Lingual thyr- sal duct cysts. Knight et al. [9] found only 2
oid is by far the most common. The anoma- patients with ectopic thyroids out of 146 pa-
lies are found because the patients have tients with anterior midline neck swellings.
symptoms listed in Table 1.2. Lingual thyr- Okstad et al. [11] found 5 out of 46 masses
oid is visible as a red or purpie swelling at were ectopic thyroid, and 41 were thyro-
the back of the tongue (Figure 1.8). In 70% glossal cysts. If the mass concentrates
of cases, it is the only functioning thyroid, radioiodine it is thyroid, and treatment with
and often it is unable to make enough hor- thyroxine should cause the lump to dis-
mone to keep the patient euthyroid. The appear and keep the patient euthyroid. Re-
ectopic thyroid is then stimulated by pituit- ports of surgery to split the midline tissue
ary TSH to grow in an effort to pro du ce and implant the halves into the lateral neck
more hormone. Growth is accompanied by are becoming rare and usually result from
symptoms of dysphagia, dysphonia and incomplete preoperative evaluation. If the
dyspnoea [15]. Because the surface is vascu- intact tissue is not able to provide enough
lar it can bleed. The appearance and position hormone, it is unlikely that after it has been
of a mass like this should prompt an 1231 cut and moved it will be able to do so.
scan (Chapter 3) to determine whether this Ectopic thyroid in the trachea or oesopha-
is functioning thyroid and, if so, whether gus is extremely rare and only found if the
there is also a cervical thyroid (Figure 1.9). appropriate symptoms are present. Endosco-
Biopsy or surgical treatment are seldom pie biopsy proves, much to the surprise of
necessary. The patient should be treated the dinician, that there is thyroid inside the
with sufficient thyroid hormone to suppress lumen. The most important differential
8 Thyroid structure, development and development abnormalities

Figure 1.8 Typical appearance of lingual thyroid.

diagnosis is cancer of the thyroid which has mass is found which on biopsy is thyroid.
invaded these structures. To make this dif- The cervical thyroid is usually normal and
ferential requires careful examination of the this can be shown on radionuclide scan,
biopsy, looking for criteria of malignancy, which should be obtained if struma cordis is
plus palpation of the thyroid to determine if diagnosed. Treatment is thyroxine for life.
a primary lesion can be feIt. Treatment in- Once again it is important to ensure the
cludes surgical removal of as much of the patient does not have metastatic thyroid
mass as possible by endoscopy, plus thyrox- cancer.
ine for life [16]. Ectopic thyroid is in the midline. Older
Thyroid in the he art, struma cordis, is ex- texts describe a condition, 'lateral aberrant
traordinarily rare. Only 10 cases have been thyroid', and include this as a developmen-
described in the literature. Nine of these tal defect. This is now recognized to be
involved the right ventricle [17]. They are metastatic well-differentiated thyroid can-
found on imaging studies such as ultra- cer, which can remain in regional lymph
sound and angiography, which have been nodes for years without growth, hence its
ordered to investigate a murmur [18]. A confusion with an aberrant benign rest. Stru-
Developmental abnormalities 9



Figure 1.10 Iodine-123 scan in hemiagenesis

where the remaining lobe and isthmus are seen.
This has been called the 'hockey-stick' sign.


of these reports, the patients had an under-

lying problem that prompted thyroid
Figure 1.9 Iodine-123 scintigram of an ectopic scintigraphy or surgery, and a significant
thyroid in the region of the hyoid. The top panel proportion of reported cases have hyper-
shows the lesion with a radioactive cobalt marker thyroidism [21] including T3 toxicosis [22]
placed at the side of the palpable midline swell-
ing, showing that what is feit is indeed function- or unilateral goitre. One of the first reports
ing thyroid which traps iodine. The lower panel of this defect was by Gow [23], who also in a
shows the ectopic thyroid at the top of the image, different context provided evidence that
thyroid cartilage (TC) and sternal notch (SN) are myxoedema is caused by atrophy of the
marked, showing thare is no cervical thyroid. thyroid. Melnick and Stemkovoski [24] re-
viewed the literature and found a total of 90
cases. The defect is three times more com-
ma ovarii is not a developmental error, but is mon in women and in 80% the left lobe is
thyroid in an ovarian teratoma. This is de- missing, though there are well-documented
scribed briefly in Chapters 5 and 8. reports of the right being absent [25]. There
Absence of a lobe of the thyroid is rare in is no known aetiological factor.
clinical practice, and there are few good sta- If one lobe is seen on scintiscan, it is im-
tistics about its true frequency. Hamburger portant to prove that the condition is indeed
and Hamburger [19] describe 4 cases out of hemiagenesis. The scan appearance can be
7000 (0.057%) who had thyroid scintiscans. like a hockey-stick when one lobe and
An almost identical frequency was presented isthmus are present (Figure 1.10). The most
by Harada ct al. [20] in patients having thyr- likely differential is a functional nodule with
oid surgery, 7 out of 12456 (0.056%). In both suppression of the remainder of the gland
10 Thyroid structure, development and development abnormalities
(see section on autonomous nodule in Chap- • The follicular cell is the most important
ter 5). Inflammation of the opposite lobe and common cell in the gland.
which can have no uptake of radioiodine • A single layer of follicular cells surrounds
in one lobe is easy to diagnose elinically a central core of colloid, which contains
because the non-visualized lobe is swollen thyroglobulin, the prehormone for thyr-
and tender. To separate hemiagenesis from oid hormones.
autonomous nodule requires either ultra- • The thyroid is very vascular.
sound which will show whether the con- • Knowledge of the elose association of the
tralateral lobe is present or not [26] or, recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyr-
alternatively, scintigraphy can be repeated oids are important for the surgeon.
after giving the patient injections of TSH.
Other methods of differentiating these two
conditions inelude thallium 201 e01Tl) scin-
tigraphy which shows suppressed tissue, or REFERENCES
imaging with 1231 with a lead shield over the 1 Spencer, RP. and Banever, C. (1970) Human
hot tissue. Even suppressed thyroid will thyroid growth: a scan study. Invest. Radio!., 5,
take up some 1231 and can be seen if imaged 111-16.
sufficiently long. These tests are discussed in 2 Levy, H.A., Sziklas, J.J., Rosenberg, RJ. et al.
Chapter 3. If the patient with hemiagenesis (1987) Incidence of a pyramidal lobe on thyr-
oid scans. Clin. Nucl. Med., 12, 560-6l.
is euthyroid and has no goitre, no treatment 3 Johnson, N. (1955) The blood-supply of the
is required. Pathological problems are human thyroid gland under normal and
treated exactly as they would be in patients abnormal conditions. Br. J. Surg., 42, 587-94.
with both lobes intact. 4 Kriss, J.P. (1970) Radioisotopic thyroidolym-
phography in patients with Graves' disease. J.
Clin. Endocrino!. Metab., 31, 315-24.
5 Beales, J.5.M., Nundy, S. and Taylor, S.
KEY FACTS (1971) Thyroid lymphography. Br. J. Surg., 58,
• Developmentally the thyroid arises from 6 Ram, M.D., Archer, B.T. and Brown, H.W.
the back of the tongue and migrates to (1974) Thyroidography and thyroidolympho-
graphy. Surg. Gynecol. Obstet., 138, 417-20.
the cervical position. 7 Gandhi, G.M. and Shanker, S. (1976) Thyroid
• Ectopic thyroid tissue can be found from lymphography. Am. J. Surg., 131, 563-5.
the region of the foramen caecum, through- 8 Klinck, G.H., Oerte!, J.E. and Winship, T.
out the thyroglossal tract, and even (1970) Ultrastructure of normal human thyr-
inferior to the thyroid due to altered oid. Lab. Invest., 22, 2-22.
9 Knight, P.J., Hamoudi, A.B. and Vassy, L. E.
migration. (1983) The diagnosis and treatment of midline
• Total agenesis is rare, but hemiagenesis is neck masses in children. Surgery, 93, 603-11.
found in about 0.06% of patients. 10 Hawkins, D.B., Jacobsen, B.E. and Klatt, E.C.
• An enlarged thyroid is the commonest (1982) Cysts of the thyroglossal duct. Laryngo-
midline swelling in the neck. scope, 92, 1254-8.
11 Okstad, S., Mair, I.W.S., Sundsfjord, J.A. et
• A thyroglossal cyst is the second most a!. (1986) Ectopic thyroid tissue in the head
common midline swelling in the neck. and neck. J. Otolaryngol., 15, 52-5.
• In adults the normal thyroid is about 12 Deane, S.A. and Telander, R.L. (1978) Surgery
20 g. for thyroglossal duct and branchial eleft ano-
malies. Am. J. Surg., 136, 348-53.
• There are two lobes, the right is more
13 Noyek, A.M. and Friedberg, J. (1981) Thyro-
often the bigger. glossal duct and ectopic thyroid disorders.
• The follicle is the functional unit which Otolaryngol, Clin. N. Amer., 14, 187-20l.
makes up the structure of the thyroid. 14 Sistrunk, W.E. (1920) The surgical treatment
References 11

of cysts of the thyroglossal tract. Ann. Surg., 21 Avramides, A., Vichayanrat, A., Solomon, N.
71, 121-2. et al. (1977) Thyroid hemiagenesis. Clin. Nucl.
15 Katz, A.D. and Zager, W.J. (1971) The lingual Med., 2, 310-14.
thyroid: its diagnosis and treatment. Arch. 22 Matsumura, L.K, Russo, E.M.K., Dib, S.A. et
Surg., 102, 582-5. al. (1982) Hemiagenesis of the thyroid gland
16 Postlethwait, RW. and Detmer, D.E. (1975) and T3 hyperthyroidism. Postgrad. Med. J., 58,
Ectopic thyroid nodules in the esophagus. 244-6.
Ann. Thorac. Surg., 19, 98-100. 23 Gow, W.J. (1883) Total absence of the left lobe
17 Shemin, R.J., Marsh, J.D. and Schoen, F.J. of the thyroid body. J. Anat. Physiol., 18, 118.
(1985) Benign intracardiac thyroid mass caus- 24 Melnick, J.c. and Stemkowski, P.E. (1981)
ing right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Thyroid hemiagenesis (hockey stick sign): a
Am. J. Cardiol., 56, 828-9. review of the world literature and areport of
18 Rieser, G.D., Ober, KP., Cowan, R.J. and four cases. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 52, 247-
Cordell, A.R (1988) Radioiodine imaging of 51.
struma cordis. Clin. Nucl. Med., 13, 421-2. 25 Russotto, J.A. and Boyar, RM. (1971) Thyroid
19 Hamburger, J.I. and Hamburger, S.W. (1970) hemiagenesis. J. Nucl. Med., 12, 186-7.
Thyroid hemiagenesis. Arch. Surg., 100, 319- 26 Cornelius, E.A. (1987) Combined nuclear
20. medicine and ultra sound studies in the eva-
20 Harada, T., Nishikawa, Y. and Ito, K (1972) luation of suppressed thyroid tissue. Clin.
Aplasia of one thyroid lobe. Am. J. Surg., 124, Nucl. Med., 12, 8-9.

Thyroid physiology


T~is chap.ter deals with the control of thy-
rOld funchon, the formation and secretion of 2.2.1 INTRODUCTION
thyroid hormones, their transport in the
The formation and secretion of T3 and T4 are
blood, their action at the cellular level and
largely controlled by thyroid stimulation
the~ met~bolism. There are two physio-
horm?n~ (thyrotropin in the USA; thyro-
log1cal 1mportant thyroid hormones:
troph1O 10 the UK.) designated TSH. TSH is
L triiodothyronine and L thyroxine. L
prod~ced in, and secreted from, specific
triiodothyronine is the more important hor-
cells 10 the anterior pituitary. There are two
mone at the cellular level, but L thyroxine is
main factors controlling formation and re-
th~ more a~~ndant in the circulation. Thyr-
lease of TSH. Thyrotrophin releasing hor-
oxme and trnodothyronine are designated T4
mone (TRH) from the hypothalamus is a
and T3 because they contain 4 and 3 iodine
positive stimulus, and increased level of T
atoms per molecule respectively. Through-
and/or T4 in the circulation a negative one~
out the text, I have used T4 and T3 to indi-
Several other hormones, neurotransmitters
cate serum hormones, and L thyroxine or L
drugs and dinical conditions modulate thi~
triiodothyronine when these compounds are
contro!. The hypothalamus is under less weIl
used for treatment. Aspects of iodine intake
defined control from higher centres. Finally,
and excretion are discussed after the forma-
the thyroid is able to 'autoregulate' all steps
tion and metabolism of thyroid hormones.
of synthesis and release of hormones [1]
Thyrocalcitonin (calcitonin), a hormone pro-
although this is much less important than
duced, albeit not exdusively, by the thyroid
~he TSH. control mechanism. Autoregulation
is discussed separately at the end of the
1S descnbed after the formation of thyroid
chapter. In general, physiology as it applies
hormones, because an understanding of the
to man is discussed, although in certain
synthesis is necessary to understand auto-
areas, knowledge from animal experiments
regulation. Figure 2.1 shows the overall
has to suffice. I have tried to introduce cli-
c~ntrol in its simplest form. As each step is
nical relevance in each section. I have not
d1scussed, additional control mechanisms
discussed testing of thyroid function in this
are added.
chapter, but have provided a basis on which
the reader can understand investigations as
described in Chapter 3.
Regulation of thyroid function 13
specific sites in the hypothalamus caused the
Higher centres release of pituitary hormones. The hypo-
thesis was proven in 1968, when TRH was
isolated, characterized, synthesized and
shown to act in vitra and in vivo by releasing
TSH from pituitaries [4, 5]. Guillemin pro-
cessed 50 tons of sheep hypothalami from 5
million sheep, and obtained 1 mg of pure
, -.. Hypothalamus TRH. Schally working with pigs isolated an
I equivalent substance. Both isolates were
TRH Positive
shown to be the tripeptide, L-pyroglutamyl-
L-histidyl-L-prolinamide, molecular weight
362. These workers' contributions are well
described in their Nobellectures [6, 7].
Pituitary TRH is formed in the hypothalamic cells
T4 • T3 as aprecursor consisting of five copies of
Negative the active molecule; the tripeptide is formed
post-translationally [8]. It is synthesized in
TSH Positive the median eminence and specific hypotha-
lamic nudei. In addition, TRH is produced
in many other sites in the brain, spinal cord,
retina, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and
prostate [9]. Its purported roles in these sites
is discussed at the end of this section. TRH

formed in neurone bodies of hypothalamic
neurones travels in the axons to the primary
- - - - I.~
. Tissues vascular plexus of the portal system where it
gains access to the blood and is transported
Figure 2.1 Simplified diagram of the control of to the anterior pituitary. There it interacts
thyroid function. with high-affinity, specific receptors on the
thyrotrophes, specific cells designated to pro-
duce TSH. TRH causes a rapid release and
a slower formation of TSH from these cells.
Much of our understanding of the physiol-
ogy of TRH comes from studies of the effects
of pharmacological quantities in normal
The existence of hypothalamic factors, or people and in those with hyperthyroidism,
hormones which control the anterior pituit- or hypothyroidism [10-13]. The usual dose
ary and subsequently peripheral endocrine is 200-400 /Lg given by intravenous injec-
glands, was proposed for more than 40 years tion. In normal people, it causes a brisk rise
[2, 3]. The hypothesis was based on the in serum TSH (normal basal range approx-
knowledge that lesions in the hypothalamus imately 0.4-5.0 /LU/mI or 0.4-5.0 mUll),
could cause end organ failure; damage to the which reaches a peak at 20-30 min and falls
portal vessels between the hypothalamus towards normal by 60-90 min (Figure 2.2).
and anterior pituitary could also cause end One to 4 hours after injection of TRH, there
organ failure, and electrical stimulation of is a rise in serum T3 of up to 70%, and a
14 Thyroid physiology
thyroid is failing and the levels of T4 and T3

Response accentuated
'~by oestrogen
low, TSH is high and TRH causes a dramatie
increase in serum TSH whieh falls to base-
line slowly, (Figure 2.3(B».
TSH I / ........ ""

value J
/ /
.. ,~Normal response
;;: " ,
TRH is thought to cause release of TSH by
üLU/ml) 1 /
1 ,
1 /
... ....
........... , the
following sequence. When TRH interacts
the receptor, there is subsequent
hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-
biphosphate to inositol triphosphate [14].
This causes a rise in intracellular calcium,
o 20 40 60 either by release from an intracellular pool,
Time (minutes) or by rapid entry of extracellular calcium.
Calcium forms a calcium-calmodulin com-
Figure 2.2 TRH test showing normal response to
intravenous injection of 400 /Lg TRH on serum plex which activates protein bound kinases.
TSH in normal men and in women or men pre- These produce fusion of vesicles containing
treated with oestrogen. TSH with the plasma membrane through an
intermediary phosphorylation step, releas-
ing TSH into the circulation.
cr- TRH has a half-life of about 5 minutes, it
- - - _ -=--B Hypothyroid is degraded by peptidases and some is
excreted intact in the urine. When injected
/ -0

, / intravenously, only about 1-2% crosses the

blood-brain barrier.
In addition to releasing TSH, TRH causes
value a brisk rise in serum prolactin in normals
üLU/ml) and hypothyroid patients [15]. There is no
5 rise in the already high levels in patients
with prolactinomas (tumours of the pituitary
whieh secrete prolactin and can cause
amenorrhoea, infertility and galactorrhoea).
o 20 40 60
thyroid TRH causes a rise in growth hormone in
Time (minutes) children, but not in adults or patients with
Figure 2.3 TRH test showing normal response to acromegaly.
intravenous injection of 400 /Lg TRH on serum Because TRH is present in diverse areas of
TSH in hyperthyroidism (A) and hypothyroidism the brain, brain stern and spinal cord, its role
(B). as a neurotransmitter has been proposed. It
has been found to reverse spinal cord injury
in cats [16] and improve shock [17]. There
has been considerable interest in TRH in dia-
15-20% rise in T4 . This shows the sequence, gnosing and treating psychiatrie diseases,
hypothalamus to pituitary to thyroid. In pa- and this is discussed in Chapter 12. In-
tients who are hyperthyroid, irrespective of terested readers are referred to excellent
the cause, injection of TRH falls to produce a reviews by Vagenakis [18], Jackson [19]
surge in serum TSH (Figure 2.3(A)). There- and Utiger [20] whieh deal mostly with the
fore, high levels of T4 or T3 , or both, inhibit hypothalamie-pituitary-thyroid axis and
the effect of TRH on the pituitary. In con- Griffiths [9] whieh covers the central ner-
trast, in primary hypothyroidism where the vous system effects.
Regulation of thyroid function 15
2.2.3 CLINICAL Peripheral tissues, in particular liver and
kidney, metabolize TsH and the thyroid
TRH has been very valuable in our und er-
plays almost no role in this regard. The main
standing of physiology and pathophysiology
negative feedback control for production and
of the hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid axis.
secretion of TsH is the level of free thyroid
The TRH test was important in defining
hormones in the blood. There are nuclear
subtle degrees of hyperthyroidism and
receptors for T4 and T3 in the thyrotrophe,
hypothyroidism; however, as measurements
the affinity for T3 is about 10-20 times grea-
of T4, T3 and TSH have become more re-
ter than for T4 . In addition, the thyrotrophe
fined, they alone fulfil this role. TRH still
is rich in enzymes which deiodinate T4 to T3
has a role in differentiating hypothalamic
(5' deiodinase, type 11) [25]. About 50% of T3
from pituitary lesions. These aspects are dis-
in the thyrotrophe is formed in the cell by
cussed in Chapter 3, which deals with tests.
this mechanism. Therefore, intrathyrotrophe
T3, but not serum T3, is the more important
regulator. Chin et al. [26] have shown in a
mouse model that T3 in higher than phy-
siological amounts lowers the level of mes-
About 5% of anterior pituitary cells secrete senger RNAs which control formation of the
TsH. The ceIls, called thyrotrophes, are pre- TsH subunits, in particular the beta subunit.
dominantly located in the anteromedial It appears that T3 has a direct action at the
aspect of the gland. TsH is a glycoprotein of chromosomal level. As is discussed under
molecular weight 28000 which is constituted action of thyroid hormones, the nuclear
from two non-covalently bound polypeptide receptor is usually 50% occupied by T3 in
chains designated alpha and beta [21, 22]. normal circumstances, but as occupancy in
The alpha subunit is identical to those of thyrotrophes increases there is progressive
luteotrophin (LH), follitrophin (FsH) and inhibition of mRNA synthesis of the TsH
chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). It has 96 peptides which at 90% occupancy is com-
amino acids and is called the common sub- plete. High levels of thyroid hormones also
unit. It is encoded by a single gene. The beta reduce the number of TRH receptors on the
unit of 110 amino acids confers biological thyrotrophe and T3 might have a minor in-
and immunological properties. The gene hibitory role on the hypothalamus.
which encodes this subunit is on a different Somatos ta tin and dopamine have an in-
chromosome. Chin and his colleagues [23, 24, hibitory action at the level of the pituitary.
26] have isolated the genes for both sub- Oestrogen augments the action of TRH. This
units. Alpha chain mRNA is approximately has been shown in vitro on cultured thyrot-
800 bases in length, beta mRNA about 700 rophes and in men who were subjected to
bases. The thyrotrophe produces an excess TRH tests before and after oestrogen admi-
of alpha units and therefore the production nistration. Norepinephrine has a positive
of the beta subunit is the rate limiting step. role and glucocorticosteroids an inhibitory
Carbohydrate moieties are added at a post- role at this level (Figure 2.4). Each of these is
translational step [27, 28]. As discussed of considerably less importance than TRH
above, TRH is the main stimulus for release and free thyroid hormone levels.
of TsH. TsH can be measured in serum with TsH levels show diurnal variation, peak
preClslOn by immunoradiometric assay levels are from about 12 midnight to 3 or
(Chapter 3). The hormone has a half-life of 4 am; the nadir is about 11 am till noon.
about 1 hour in the circulation. In normal The diurnal range is about 1 jLU/ml (normal
man about 165 mU are secreted daily. range of TsH in healthy people is 0.4-5.0
16 Thyroid physiology

Hypothalamus Glycoprotein
part of
Negative Positive
Dopamine TRi=! Lipid
Somatostatin Norepinephrine bllayer Gangllosldl
Corticosteroids Oestrogen of cell pan of
T3 • T, --------,1--------- receptor


Vaflety of Intracellular
messages leadlng to Increased
trans port of Iodide. formation
and release of thyrOld hormones

Figure 2.4 Additional factors rnodulating the ac- Figure 2.5 Diagrarnrnatic representation of the
tion of TRH on TSH secretion by the thyrotrophe. TSH receptor and its interaction with subunits of
TSH. Adapted frorn Chan et al. [31].

J.l.U/ml or mUll). The secretion is pulsatile cello The interaction of the beta subunit/
with peaks every 10 minutes which are on glycoprotein receptor causes an increase in
average 50% greater than basal values [29]. phosphatidyl inositol and produces changes
Immediately after birth, there is a brisk rise in microtubules which result in increased
in TSH which subsides in 24-48 hours . This iodide transport into the follicular lumen
is followed by a rise in total and free thyroid and increased iodination of thyroglobulin.
hormone levels, and is thought to be teleolo- Much of the current knowledge of the
gically sound, by protecting the newborn structure and function of the TSH receptor
from the cold, harsh world by a surge in comes from development of families of
hormones which 'produce heat'. Cold ex- monodonal antibodies against parts of the
pos ure causes a rise in TSH in newborn, receptor [30, 31] . Experiments with these
but not adult experimental animals or man, antibodies have also demonstrated that
although extreme cold can produce very different antibodies can have disparate
minor changes in adults. effects on the cell. So me simply block the
TSH combines with a specific trans- action of TSH, and the expected rise in
membrane receptor in the follicular cells. cydic AMP does not occur. Others cause
The receptor has two components: one a an increase in cydic AMP and in thyroid
glycoprotein, the other a ganglioside. the function. Others cause an increase in cell
two units of TSH interact with these as growth, rather than function.
shown diagrammatically in Figure 2.5. The
alpha subunit attaches to the cell membrane
and the ganglioside part, the beta subunit
with the glycoprotein. This interaction pro-
duces several important intracellular signals. The functional unit of the thyroid is the folli-
There is an increase in cydic AMP, which de. Follides consist of an outer layer of fol-
has been attributed to the alpha subunitl licular cells surrounding the central mass of
ganglioside interaction. This most probably colloid. The follicular cells are critical for the
controls iodide uptake into the follicular production and secretion of thyroid hor-
Formation of thyroid hormones 17

ranges !rom
50- 500 Iodide in the serum is actively transported
into into the follicular cell by an active
mechanism situated at the base of the cello
Wolff [35] has proved this is an active trans-
port mechanism which concentrates iodide
against a chemical and electrical gradient.
The concentration of iodide inside the ceH is
20-40 times that in the extracellular fluid,
and this ratio can be increased (several hun-
10-20 11m depending on cel l's activity dredfold) when the thyroid is under TSH
stimulation. Experimentally, thyroid cells
- j ------------ have to be intact to trap iodide and the
mechanism can be saturated by excess

Base @O ~ ~ iodide, or inhibited by other anions such as
01 cell:
site 01 o@ • bromide, thiocyanate (SCN-), perchlorate
iodine ~ 0 @0 (Cl0 4-) and pertechnetate (TC04 -) [36] . The
trap transport requires oxidative metabolism and
Nucleus is basal in @ phosphorylation and is increased by high
levels of TSH. It is inhibited in vitra by oua-
@ Mitochondria bain, but this has no clinical implication for
hormone patients on digitoxin or derivatives. Normal-
o Lysosome synthesis ly trapped iodide is rapidly transported
• Colloid droplet across the follicular cell and organified. In
@ Phagolysosome certain thyroid diseases - including a specific
inborn error of hormone synthesis and
Figure 2.6 Follicle and follicular cell showing Hashimoto' thyroiditis, and in patients on
more detail than Figure 1.6. antithyroid drugs, such as methimazole and
propylthiouracil, and excess inorganic iodine
- there is a defect in this mechanism and
mones, although some of the synthetic steps free iodide remains inside the follicular cello
occur at the interface of the apex of the cell This can be demonstrated using a tracer of
and the colloid. Figure 2.6 is a diagram of radioactive iodine followed by perchlorate to
the structure of a follicle and a follicular cello block further trapping of iodide. In these
Iodide is transported into the cell and com- clinical situations, the radioactive iodine
bines with tyrosine to form iodotyrosines. leaks out of the thyroid and this can be
These are coupled to form thyroid hor- detected by scintillation counting over the
mones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine thyroid. This is described in more detail in
(iodothyronines) which are stored in the col- Chapter 3.
loid on molecules of thyroglobulin from Iodide is also trapped by parietal cells of
which they are released as required. Thyrox- the gastric mucosa, and glandular epithe-
ine structure was determined by Harrington lium in mammary glands, salivary glands
and Barger in 1927 [32] and triiodothyronine and choroid plexus. The non-thyroidal tis-
by Gross and Pitt-Rivers and Roche et al. in sues which trap iodide are unable to pro-
1952 [33, 34]. duce thyroid hormones. Uptake in these
18 Thyroid physiology

sites is seen on whole-body scintiscans of

the distribution of radioiodine, and should
not be misinterpreted as abnormal or meta-
static thyroid cancer.
Loss of the ability to trap iodide by the
thyroid is a rare cause of hereditary goitrous
hypothyroidism [37, 38]. The defect is also
present in other tissues, therefore, it is easy
to diagnose by finding low uptake of a tracer
dose of radioiodine by the thyroid and low
salivary to serum iodide ratio. Because the
anions described above are trapped by the
thyroid they have, or have had, clinieal re-
levance. 99mTc04 - is radioactive with a short
half-life of 6 hours, and it has been used for Figure 2.7 Structure of monoiodotyrosine and
thyroid scintigraphy [39, 40], although I diiodotyrosine. Numbers designate appropriate
position of carbon atoms in benzene ring. In tyro-
prefer 1231 for reasons that are presented in sines, these are numbered 1 to 6. In thyronines
Chapter 3. KCl0 4 and NaSCN were used as the inner ring carbons are numbered 1 to 6, the
antithyroid drugs. However, both are toxie, outer ring l' to 6'.
the former causing aplastie anaemia, and
they are not used [41, 42].
As the concentration of plasma iodide in- antibodies are directed. This enzyme has
creases, the percentage of iodide trapped by molecular weight of approximately 100000
the thyroid decreases (although the absolute [44].
uptake remains constant). This is very im- One iodine atom combining with tyrosine
portant clinically, since iodine can be given produces monoiodotyrosine (MIT), two
unknowingly to patients in medications and atoms diiodotyrosine (DIT) (Figure 2.7).
radiographie contrast media. This makes Thyroglobulin is discussed in more detail be-
quantitative measurement of thyroid func- low, but suffice it to say here that there are
tion with radioiodine impossible. about 120 tyrosine moleeules per moleeule
of thyroglobulin; of these about 30 can be
iodinated and about 6-8 are available for
formation of thyroid hormone. The most im-
portant action of standard antithyroid drugs
All subsequent steps in formation and stor- such as propylthiouracil and methimazole is
age of thyroid hormones take place in the to interfere with this synthetic step. Thus
colloid. Iodide which has been trapped is iodide is not organified. Hereditary defi-
rapidly transferred to the lumen of the folli- ciency of this enzyme is a cause of goitrous
cle where it combines with tyrosine which cretinism. In this disorder, the uptake of
has been incorporated into thyroglobulin iodine into the thyroid is increased, but the
molecules. Iodide must be oxidised to 1° for iodine is not organified [45, 46]. Diagnosis is
this to occur. If one wishes to attach iodine established by demonstration that the trap-
to proteins in vitra, this step is also essential. ped iodide can be 'washed out' using the
In viva, this is achieved by an enzyme, thyr- perchlorate discharge test [47]. The associa-
oid peroxidase in the presence of H 2 0 2 [43]. tion of deaf-mutism and goitrous hypothyr-
The peroxidase is found in microsomes and oidism from this defect is called Pendred's
is the antigen against whieh antimierosomal syndrome [48].
Formation of thyroid hormones 19

HO %%
, ,
0 0 0 CH z -
CH ""-
NH z
the rough endoplasmic reticulum [52]. Gly-
cosylation occurs post-translationally. It is
transported through the smooth endoplas-
mic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus where
glycosylation occurs. Glycosylated thyroglo-
bulin is packaged in vesicles and delivered

' -©- /
into the colloid space by fusion of the vesicle

and apical cell membranes [53]. Iodination is
a post-translational step which takes place at
the interface of the cell and colloid. When
0S' 0S there is adequate iodine in the diet and the

e ,
HO 0 CH z - CH ""-
NH 2 patient is euthyroid it has been determined
that each thyroglobulin molecule has approx-
imately 7-10 MIT, 5-10 DIT, 2 T4 molecules
and there is 1 T3 for every 2 or 3 thyroglobu-
Figure 2.8 Structure of L thyroxine (T4) and L lin molecules [54]. The review of thyroglobu-
triiodothyronine (T3 ). lin synthesis and secretion by Van Herle et
al. is recommended [55].
2.3.3 COUPLING OF TYROSINES TO Thyroglobulin is a repositary for thyroid
FORM THYRONINES hormones and their precursors. Normally
there is a supply of about 100 days of hor-
Two iodotyrosines combine to form iodo- mone stored in the colloid. Thus the thyroid
thyronine, two OIT molecules produce T4 differs from other endocrine glands in this
and one MIT plus one DIT produce T3 . The regard, since hormones are usually pro-
structures of T4 and T3 are shown in Figure duced and secreted on demand. Thyroglo-
2.8. The tertiary structure of thyroglobulin bulin is important clinically, since it is an
brings the precursor OIT molecules into antigen characteristic for the thyroid. It can
apposition, which is thought to involve be detected in the serum in a variety of thyr-
formation of a diphenylether ring. Alterna- oid diseases, but most importantly it is a
tive theories are presented in references 49 marker for persistent, or recurrent, thyroid
and 50. The coupling step is catalysed by the cancer. This is discussed in the next chapter.
same peroxidase enzyme which is involved The potential for abnormal thyroglobulin
in oxidation of iodide and organification of is considerable due to its high molecular
tyrosine. weight. It has been shown that some cases
of goitre, and/or goitre plus hypothyroidism
2.3.4 THYROGLOBULIN are due to abnormal thyroglobulin structure
Thyroglobulin makes up the majority of the which cannot be iodinated efficiently, or
colloid. It is a large glycoprotein of molecular which cannot form the necessary configura-
weight 660000, made from two dimers of tion for coupling [56].
330000 [51]. It contains approximately 5170
amino acid molecules, of which 120-30 are
tyrosine and about 10% of the total weight
is carbohydrate. The human thyroglobulin
gene is on chromosome 8. Its amino acid Before thyroid hormones are secreted, thyro-
sequence is known, as is the ONA sequence globulin has to be taken into the follicular
[51]. Thyroglobulin is synthesized in large cell and hydrolysed to release the active hor-
membrane-bound polyribosomes found in mones. Droplets of thyroglobulin are
20 Thyroid physiology
Follicular cell Colloid intact molecules to be present unaltered
• in the urine by radiochromatography. Nor-
mally the molecules would be deiodinated
and free radioiodine found in the urine.


1 Transport of iodide
2 Oxidation of iodide to 1° The control mechanisms described above,
3 Formation of MIT and DIT in colloid
4 Coupling of MIT and DIT to form T3 and T.
although exquisitively sensitive to alterations
5 Endocytosis of colloid in thyroid hormone levels, do not work
6 Release of T. and Tl by proteolysis of thyroglobulin instantaneously. In addition, they fail to
7 Re lease 01 AA (amino acids) and 10 by proteolysis 01
thyroglobulin account for potential changes in thyroid hor-
mone levels brought about by rapid changes
® Thyrog loblin
in plasma inorganie iodine. The amount of
• Lysosome iodine in the diet varies considerably; also
CI Phagolysosome there are sources of iodine such as medica-
tions (amiodarone), antiseptics, and radio-
Figure 2.9 Formation of thyroid hormones. graphie contrast agents which suddenly
provide many orders of magnitude the
amount of iodine required for normal func-
engulfed by pseudopods from the apex of the tion. The thyroid has several well-
cell [57]. Colloid droplets enclosed in apieal recognized mechanisms independent of the
membranes are taken into the cytoplasm of hypothalamie-pituitary axis whieh help pre-
the follieular cell, and lysosomes containing serve normality. The term autoregulation
proteolytie enzymes migrate towards and was introduced in this context by Ingbar [1].
fuse with them producing phagolysosomes These mechanisms can be demonstrated to
[58]. Migration of these organelles is reg- be active in the absence of TSH in ex-
ulated by intracellular microtubules and mie- perimental animals, or when TSH is kept
rofilaments [59]. Enzymatic degradation of constant.
thyroglobulin produces T4 , T3 , MIT, DIT and A rise in plasma inorganic iodide is
amino acids [60, 61]. The first two are sec- followed by reduced uptake of iodide into
reted into the circulation, the iodotyrosines the follicular cells. This does not occur im-
are deiodinated by intracellular deiodinases mediately and the mechanism is not under-
and iodide used again for iodination of tyro- stood. Clearly, it results in less iodide being
sine bound to thyroglobulin (Figure 2.9). A available for hormone synthesis. If trapping
small proportion of iodine is lost from the were to remains constant, a large excess
thyroid. of plasma iodide would result in more
There is a rare inborn errar where function iodide entering the cell than normal, but as
of the deiodinase enzyme is absent and MIT the intracellular concentration of iodine
and DIT are secreted. Since these iodotyro- increases, a second control mechanism
sines are metabolically inactive, their release prevents excess hormone formation. The
from the thyroid is equivalent to loss of iod- second mechanism decreases the organifiea-
ine and eventually causes iodine deficiency tion of tyrosine. This is called the Wolff-
[62-64]. This defect can be diagnosed by in- Chaikoff effect [65]. It is transient and in
jecting radiolabelIed MIT or DIT intra- normals usually only lasts for several days.
venously into the patient, and showing these Break-through from this protective mechan-
Transport of hormones in serum 21
ism in patients is almost certainly due to the oid hormones are not lost in the urine unless
first protective mechanism reducing the there is severe proteinuria. Knowledge of
amount of iodide entering the cello There- the protein binding is very important in
fore, there is no longer an excess of in- understanding serum thyroid function tests
tracellular iodine and the iodination can and the effect of drugs and non-thyroidal
return to a normal rate of hormone pro- illnesses on thyroid function test results.
duction. In a number of c1inical situations, Three plasma proteins are important in
the Wolff-Chaikoff effect continues as long transport, thyroid binding globulin (TBG),
as there is excess iodine. These inc1ude thyroxine binding prealbumin (TBPA) also
Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease, called transthyretin, and albumin. These can
which has been treated by radioiodine or be demonstrated by adding tracer quantities
partial thyroidectomy. of radioactive T4 and T3 to serum and run-
Large doses of iodide reduce secretion of ning an electrophoretic strip and demon-
stored hormones. The mechanism is not strating the distribution of radioactivity in
fully understood. Changes in reducing re- relation to the pro tein c1asses. Alternatively,
lease of hormones are subtle in euthyroid electrophoresis of the serum of a patient
normals, but are dramatic in hyperthyroid treated several days previously with
patients with Graves' disease. radioiodine provides the same information,
When there is a deficiency of iodide, the the thyroid having produced T4 and T3 as
transport of iodide into follicular cells in- described previously, although some
creases. In man the other changes are not radioiodine has been incorporated into the
easy to separate from those of increased TSH thyroid hormones by in vivo labelIing.
and, indeed, iodide deficiency probably aug- TBG is a single-chain glycoprotein pro-
ments the TSH effects. There is an increase duced by the liver [69]. It should not be
in formation of MIT and T3; therefore, the confused with thyroglobulin. It migrates
more active hormone which contains less as an interalphaglobulin, has a molecular
iodine is produced preferentially. weight of 55000 and is present in the lowest
concentration of the three, approximately 1-
2.5 TRANSPORT OF HORMONES IN 2 mg/d!. The affinity of TBG for T4 and T3 is
SERUM the highest of the transport pro teins and
Almost all thyroid hormone in the circula- although present in the lowest concentra-
tion is reversibly bound [66] to carrier pro- tion, it carries approximately 70% of both
teins. The small proportion of unbound, or hormones. There is one binding site for T3
free hormone dictates the metabolie condi- and T4 on each moleeule . When TBG is fully
tion. The protein-bound hormone is metabo- saturated, it can carry 12-28 /J-g TJdl (150-
lically inert, although it supplies a potential 360 nmol/l). Since the normal range for T4 is
sources of hormone. It acts as a buffer, so 5-11 /J-g/dl, TBG is about one-third satu-
that sudden changes in levels of hormones rated; in other words one out of three or
in the blood do not cause sudden alterna- four TBG molecules carries a T4 moleeule.
tions in thyroid function. There has been TBG has a half-life of about 5-6 days and is
debate whether protein-bound hormone en- produced by the liver, which is also a major
ters some tissues [67], but there is little ex- site for its metabolism. Reference 69 is a
perimental data to support this concept [68]. comprehensive review of this protein. The
In serum only 3 molecules out of 10000 of T4 gene responsible for TBG production is on
and 3 out of 1000 of T3 are free. Conversely the X chromosome and there are X-linked
99.97% of T4 and 99.7% of T3 are protein associated increases and decreases of TBG
bound. Because of the pro tein binding, thyr- [70-73].
22 Thyroid physiology
Table 2.1 Summary of important features of TBC, TBPA and albumin
TBC TBPA Albumin

Plasma concentration (mg/dl) 1-2 15-20 3000-4500

% T4 bound 60-80 10-20 5-15
% T3 bound 50-70 0-1 30-50
T4 binding capacity (lLg/dl) 12-28 250-300 considerable
Molecular weight 55000 54000 66000

Thyroxine binding prealbumin was dis- Normal Increased Decreased

covered by Ingbar in 1958 [74]. It is present
in approximately 15-20 mg/dl and has the
capacity to bind 300 /J-g T4 • However, it has a
lower affinity than TBC for T4 and normally
carries about 10-20% of this hormone [75]. It
consists of four identical polypeptide chains
which are arranged so there is a central

' 'r ~ ..
channel containing two T4 binding sites [76].
Usually only the first site is occupied and ty
only one out of 300 TBP A molecules carries
T4 [77]. TBPA transports no (or very little) •• ••
T3 . TBPA is associated with retinol-binding- Bound hormone
pro tein, which is the major transport protein
• Free hormone
for vitamin A. TBPA is produced in the liver,
has a half-life of about 1-2 days and it is Figure 2.10 Effect of alterations in the amout of
very sensitive to illness and malnutrition, I thyroid transport proteins on total thyroid hor-
which cause the level to fall as a direct result mone levels. Under normal circumstances, every
effort is made to keep the level of free hormone
of lowered synthesis. It contains no carbohy- normal. Therefore, an increase or decrease in
drate and is stable in vitro. transport protein levels results in a corresponding
Albumin has the largest capacity for bind- change in level of bound hormone so that the
ing thyroid hormones. However, because it amount of free hormone remains the same.
has the lowest affinity, it carries only 5-15% T4
of T4 and about 30-50% of T3 . Table 2.1 FT = K x --.
summarizes important features of these
The amount of free hormone is pro-
portional to the amount of binding proteins
and the total hormone level. This can be otherwise the total hormone results cannot
expressed simply by the following rela- be interpreted correctly. The levels of the
tionship: transport proteins are altered by genetic,
physiological, pharmacological and patholo-
T4 T4 T4
Ff4 is proportional to - - + - - + --~- gical conditions, and any change in the
TBC TBPA Albumin amount or affinity of these proteins, alters
Therefore, if total thyroid hormone levels the measurement of total thyroid hormones.
are used to define thyroid status, it is impor- This is shown diagrammatically in Figure
tant to know the thyroid binding capacity, 2.10. Table 2.2 gives a list of some of the
Metabolism of thyroid hormones 23

Table 2.2 Factors that cause an increase in thyroid function with release of the proportionately
binding pro teins correct amount of T4 to bring FT4 back to
normal. These changes continuously mod-
TBC Inherited
Oestrogens ulate thyroid function to keep FT4 within
Pregnancy physiological range.
Hepatitis Abnormally high total thyroid hormone
Porphyria levels have been attributed to a albumin-
Drugs like carrier protein in several families [78,
TBPA Inherited 79]. This has been called familial dysalbu-
Albumin Familial dysalbuminaemic minaemic hyperthyroxinaemia, and should
hyperthyroxinaemia be considered when total T4 is high, but TSH
and FT4 normal and there is no evidence of
high TBG or oestrogen use.
Table 2.3 Factors that cause a decrease in thyroid
binding pro teins
Steroids T4 is the most abundant thyroid hormone. It
Severe nephrosis is also aprehormone and is converted to T3
Chronic liver disease for its major activity [80-84]. This involves
Binding inhibitors Drugs: Dilantin removal of an outer ring 1- by the enzyme 5'
(diphenylhydantain; deiodinase. There are two forms of this en-
hydantain), aspirin zyme: one is found in liver, kidney and mus-
Severe illness cle ceIls, the other form in pituitary and in
brown fat cells [85]. An alternative break-
down pathway is through formation of rT3
factors that increase the amount of binding by enzymatic removal of an inner ring 1-.
proteins and Table 2.3 lists factors that The enzyme is a 5 deiodinase. This is shown
reduce the levels. Numerically, the most in Figure 2.11. The same enzymes meta-
important is the effect of oestrogen in in- bolize triiodothyronines to diiodothyronines,
creasing binding capacity . This topic is which is shown diagrammatically in Figure
expanded in Chapter 3, in the section 2.12. Normally about 80% of T4 is broken
dealing with thyroid function tests, and in down by 10 deiodination, the remainder by
Chapter 12 on the effects of non-thyroidal alternative pathways. Of the deiodinated T4 ,
illness on thyroid function and testing. about 50% forms T3 and 50% rT 3 . The outer
The free hormone enters the cell and dic- ring deiodination is reduced in severe ill-
tates thyroid function. This applies to all ness, starvation, and by medications such as
cells including thyrotrophes in the anterior propylthiouracil, ipodate, steroids and prop-
pituitary. The control mechanisms discussed ranolol [83]. These factors inhibit the 5'
above strive to keep the free hormone levels deiodinase enzyme, type I, which also is in-
normal. Therefore, an increase in thyroid volved in deiodination of rT3 ; therefore, the
binding proteins for any reason will cause a level of T3 is lower and rT3 higher under
corresponding fall in FT4 because the de- these circumstances. Table 2.4 gives a com-
nomina tor of the equation increases, but the prehensive list of conditions that inhibit this
numerator remains constant. This is recog- enzyme.
nized at the pituitary level, resulting in a rise The remaining 20% of the hormones are
in TSH which causes an increase in thyroid conjugated with glucuronide, or sulphate in
24 Thyroid physiology

HO o
CH, - CH " NH,
h b
HO ~- O~- CH, - CH, - NH,

4. ether
~deiodinase ~5 deiodinase cleavage
Triiodothyronine T3 Reverse T3
5. conjugation 1. decarboxylation to

/ ~3,3' / ~3',5' with sulphate tetraiodothyronamine \

or (tetram) \,.

..j. Ho10-

Figure 2.11 Metabolism of thyroid hormones by

~ I NH 2

deiodination. . 2. deamination to
. acid ~

the liver, deaminated, decarboxylated, or h b COOH

subjected to ether deavage. The net result is
formation of metabolically inert compounds, H0-V-
although deaminated T4 (tetrac) and T3
(triac) do retain activity. These compounds
are also subject to deiodination which re-
moves all activity. Figure 2.12 shows these 3. decarboxylation to
diagrammatically and reference 86 is a com- tetraiodothyroacetic acid
prehensive, well-referenced review.
Figure 2.12 Alternative pathways for degradation
2.7 IODIDE CYCLE of thyroid hormones.

Discussion of the iodide cyde has been in-

troduced at this point because it depends Table 2.4 Some of the factors that impair conver-
not only on intake of iodine, but also on sion of T4 to T3 by inhibiting type I 5' deiodinase
iodide released during metabolism of thyr-
1 Systemic illness Chronic ill health
oid hormones. The amount of iodine in Calorie deprivation
the diet varies considerably, but normal Acute illness: e.g. surgery,
homeostasis is maintained over a range of myocardial infarct
about 75 p,g to several thousand p,g/day. The 2 Drugs Propylthiouracil
recommended range is 80-150 p,g/day [87], Ipodate
and from 50-1000 p,g is considered safe [88]. Amiodarone
In the USA, the average amount of dietary Propranolol
High-dose steroids
iodine increased from 150 p,g/day in the ear-
ly 1960s, to approximately 500 p,g/day by the 3 Age Fetus and early neonate
? old age - probabIy due to
1970s. Recent data shows the intake is cur-
chronic illness
rently falling, and is in the range of 200-300
Iodide eyde 25

Table 2.5. Sources and quantities of dietary iodine considerable distances and, as a result,
in the USA in 1978. Adapted from [90] knowledge of the local iodine content of soil
can be misleading in predieting iodine status
Sauree p,g/day* %
of the population. Meat and animal pro-
Dairy 535 56 ducts, such as milk, contain iodine in prop-
Grain 153 16 ortion to that in fodder, although sources
Meat/fish/poultry 103 11 such as antisepties used to deanse teats can
Sugars 102 11 add substantial amounts of iodine to milk.
Beverages 40 4
Potatoes 4 0.4 Seaweed is very rieh in iodine with up to 4
Legumes 2 0.2 or 5 mg/kg. Cattle fed on seaweed produce
Leafy vegetables 1 0.1 milk whieh is very rieh in iodine; normally
Miscellaneous 12 1.3 milk contains 35-55 JLg/kg. Too much iodine
Total 952 100 can cause goitrous hypothyroidism in par-
ticular in people with autoimmune thyroid
• Based on 3900 kcal: 2580 kcal provides 700 J.Lg iodine. disease, and one of the culprits is seaweed.
There are medicinal sources whieh are
extremely potent [92], e.g. amiodarone con-
tains 75 mg iodide per 200 mg tablet, and 6
JLg/day. In the UK, two recent surveys found mg is released daily, thus a patient taking
intakes of 100 and 250 JLg/day [89]. As intake 600-800 mg amiodarone daily is 'ingesting'
falls below 50 JLg/day there is an increase in 18-24 mg iodine. Radiographie contrast
the incidence of goitre, and at values less agents contain 300-500 mg iodine/ml. Usual-
than 20 JLg/day, goitre is almost universal ly 50-150 ml of contrast is injected giving
and cretinism occurs in offspring [88]. This is 1.5-7.5 g iodine to the patient (1500000-
discussed in Chapter 11. 7500000 JLg). It should be remembered that
Sources of dietary iodine are shown in contrast is frequently used for CT scanning.
Table 2.5. Measurements have been made There is in the USA great pressure from
on sampie foodbaskets in different regions advertisements to ingest multivitamins,
of the USA [90] and the results presented are many of which contain approximately 150
taken from that reference. The main sources J.tg iodine per pHI. There is also considerable
are food and drink, although air, especially intake of kelp for poorly defined reasons.
in sea-coastal areas, can provide 14-20 JLg/ Other sources of increased iodine intake can
day [91]. Seawater contains 50 JLg!l and be subtle. Erythrosine, a dye used widely to
iodine is volatilized by sunlight. Marine fish colour foodstuffs and pills, contains 58%
and shellfish provide about 800 p,g/kg but iodine [93]. Iodide is lost by cooking, in par-
there is wide variation. Plants take up iodine ticular boiling [94].
in the concentration it is present in the soil. I have taken three situations each in
This depends on the distance from the sea, steady state, with dietary intakes of 100, 300
and in areas where the topsoil has been re- and 500 JLg daily and tabulated expected dis-
moved by glaciers, the iodine conte nt is low. tributions as shown in Table 2.6, and illus-
Old soil is considerably rieher in iodine than trated in more detail the cyde for intake of
new. Thus, in general mountainous areas far 300 JLg in Figure 2.13.
from the sea, where the topsoil has been Dietary iodine is converted to iodide in the
removed by glaciers or other natural forces, stornach and absorbed in the stoma eh and
are low in iodine and their inhabitants are at upper small intestine. It is absorbed rapidly
risk of iodine deficiency, unless they have and after 3 hours there is no difference be-
access to alternative sources of iodine. In the tween fasting and non-fasting [94]. Iodide
developed world, foodstuffs are transported enters the extracellular water and is called
26 Thyroid physiology
Table 2.6 Effeet of the amount of iodine in the 100 /Lg/day (90-129 nmol/day) and of T3 5-
diet on the iodine eyde 10 /Lg/day (7.5-15 nmol/day). If we accept
mean values of T4 and T3 production of 85
Dietary iodine
Endogenous iodide 1~~ ~~ 3~~ ~~ 5~~ ~~ and 7.5 /Lg respectively, and accept that 80%
of these are subsequently deiodinated, T4
Thyroid transport 70 ILg 70 ILg 70 ILg produces 44 /Lg iodide (65% of [80 x 85]/
Thyroid uptake 47 % 20 % 13%
Urinary iodide 80 ILg 280 ILg 480 ILg 100), and T3 gives 3.5 /Lg iodide (58% of [7.5
Faeeal iodide 15 ILg 15 ILg 15 ILg x 80]/100). Therefore, 47.5 /Lg iodide from
endogenous sources is added to the dietary
Dietary iodide 300 I1g
iodide. (In Table 2.6, 47.5 /Lg has been
approximated to 50 /Lg.)
Salivary glands f
""""""~""":":'T-----1~ Stomach The thyroid and the kidney account or
Mammary glands almost all iodide clearance. It is true that
Choroid plexus salivary glands, parietal cells, mammary
Sweat glands g Ian d s, an d ch orOl·d p Iexus t rap 10
. d·d
1 e b u,t
of these, lactation is the only one which
loses iodide from the body. Milk can contain
20 times the concentration of plasma
inorganic iodide. The thyroid pro duces 85
/Lg T4 and 7.5 /Lg T3 and small amounts of
rT3 and other inactive iodinated tyrosines
and thyronines daily; therefore, it requires

48 I1g iodide
about 60 /Lg of iodide every 24 hours. Due to
leakage of some iodide from the gland, the
amount necessary for normal hormone
280 I1g in urine
12-15 119
synthesis is 70 /Lg/day. With an in take of 300
in faeces as /Lg plus 47.5 /Lg from endogenous sources,
conjugates the thyroid transports approximately 20% of
the extrathyroidal inorganic iodide, 70/347.5.
Inorganic iodide pool
varies with intake, approximately 150-300 1-19 The remainder is excreted by the kidneys.
There must be a small positive balance of
D Organic iodide, (hormone) pool, approximately
600 I1g iodide
iodide, since the thyroid is the main reposit-
ory in the body containing from 5000-10000
Figure 2.13 Iodide eyde. /Lg. It is now possible using fluorescent
scanning to determine this with accuracy
(Chapter 3).
Twenty per cent of the hormones are con-
jugated and they are secreted in the bile into
faeces. The organic iodide pool is approx-
the extracellular inorganic iodide pool. To imately 600 /Lg.
this pool, iodide is added from the break- In cases of severe iodine deficiency, the
down of thyroid hormones. Inorganic iodide thyroid preferentially produces T3, therefore
in the circulation is called plasma inorganic balanced equations have to take this into
iodide, and usual concentrations are be- consideration. If T3 alone is secreted, appro-
tween 0.1-1.0 /Lg/dl. Values less than 0.1 ximately 40 /Lg/day (61 nmol/day) would
/Lg/dl are associated with goitre. The average be adequate and this requires only 23 /Lg
range of T4 produced by the thyroid is 70- iodide.
Action of thyroid hormones 27
2.8 ACTION OF THYROID HORMONES low. There is also good correlation between
the number of receptor sites occupied by T3
Thyroid hormones in excess or deficiency
and the thyromimetic effects. Of the sites
have dramatic effects on whole animals and
occupied, about 80% contain T3 and 10-15%
on organ systems. Thyroid hormone is
contain T4 •
essential for metamorphosis of a tadpole to a
T3 by attaching to its receptor modulates
frog and in the developmment of the sala-
gene expression. In most cases, the response
mander. In humans, fetal brain and skeletal
is positive with formation of new or more
development are greatly impaired by lack of
pro tein but, in some cases, the effect is in-
thyroid hormones. The oxygen consumption
hibitory. After addition of T3 to responsive
of almost all tissues increases with increas-
cells in vitra, it is possible to demonstrate an
ing levels of thyroid hormones, the excep-
increase in RNA polymerase I, ribosomal
tions being the spleen, testis and adult
RNA, RNA polymerase 11 and messenger
brain. There has been debate about how
RNA. This sequence is foIlowed by creation
these occur, but the consensus of opinion is
of new protein. Therefore thyroid hor-
that the main action is a nuclear one [95-97],
mones, in particular T3 , can increase pro tein
lesser actions occur at the ceIl membrane
formation. Many pro teins are known to be
and mitochondria.
produced in increased amounts by increase
in thyroid hormone receptor occupancy.
They include growth hormone, malic
2.8.1 NUCLEAR ACTIONS enzyme which is important in lipid synthe-
Thyroid hormones have to be internalized to sis, acetykoenzyme A carboxylase, fatty acid
have an effect. This may be partly by diffu- synthetase, glucose-6--phosphate dehydro-
sion, but re cent evidence points to a receptor genase, plus several others [100]. Some-
being of importance. Once inside the ceIl, what paradoxicaIly, thyroid hormone
thyroid hormones bind to a nuclear receptor. decreases formation of TSH in thyrotrophes
The receptor has highest affinity for triac, as discussed previously. It would appear
then L T3, L T4 and reverse T3, and this is that the major physiological functions of
consistent with the metabolic effects of these thyroid hormones result from production, or
hormones [97, 98]. The receptor is a non- inhibition, of biologically important proteins,
histone pro tein of approximately 50000- some of which are enzymes, others hor-
60000 molecular weight, which is bound mones and hormone receptors.
to chromatin [99]. There are two genes en-
coding thyroid receptor proteins, one on
chromosome 3, the other on chromosome 2.8.2 EXTRANUCLEAR EFFECTS OF
17. These are designated C-erb-A beta and THYROID HORMONES
C-erb-A alpha respectively. Although the Thyroid hormone causes an increase in
two receptors are minimaIly different struc- transport of glucose into ceIls within mi-
turaIly, they have the same affinities for nutes. The time course is not consistent with
thyroid hormones. The receptor has been a nuclear effect causing translation, or trans-
found in aIl thyroid hormone responsive cription, of proteins which would facilitate
cells, and there is good correlation between this. In contrast, a similar increase in trans-
the amount of receptor in a tissue and the port of amino acids is delayed for many
effect of thyroid hormones on that tissue. hours and probably is due to a nuclear ac-
Under normal conditions about 50% of the tion of T3 , rather than an action on plasma
receptor sites are occupied by thyroid hor- membranes.
mones; therefore, the receptor capacity is For several years there was a bitter debate,
28 Thyroid physiology
whether the primary action was at the level thyroidectomy, provided the parathyroids
of the mitochondria [101] rather than the are intact and patients with consistently ele-
nucleus, but at this time most of the evi- vated calcitonin levels (medullary cancer) are
dence points to the mitochondrial changes not hypocalcaemic.
such as morphological alterations, increased Calcitonin is a sensitive marker for the
transport of ADP, and production of ATP in presence of medullary cancer, and can be
hyperthyroidism as secondary to nuclear used to monitor the course of this cancer.
actions. Testing is usually combined with a stimulus
for its secretion such as pentagastrin or cal-
cium. These tests are described in Chapters
3 and 8. Cacitonin has a role in treatment of
Calcitonin is made and secreted from para- Paget' s disease of bone. There is increasing
follicular cells, also called C cells. The con- evidence that it is as active when given by
cept of a calcium-Iowering hormone was nasal spray. This is outside the scope of the
proposed by Copp et al. in 1962 [102], and text, but reference 107 covers the topic
investigations by several groups confirmed comprehensively.
the theory and determined that the main Cacitonin gene related protein is produced
source of the material is the thyroid [103, and secreted mainly at nerve terminals and
104]. Calcitonin is a peptide of 32 amino has a similar, but considerably weaker, effect
acids. There are two genes, alpha and beta, on lowering calcium, at least an order of
responsible for formation of calcitonin. Both magnitude less than calcitonin. In contrast,
are on the eleventh chromosome. They also it has a profound action on blood vessels
encode two closely related proteins, calcito- and is the most potent vasodilator known
nin gene related protein and katacalcin. Cal- [108]. No physiological function has been
citonin lowers serum calcium and its action ascribed to katacalcin.
is largely through inhibition of osteoclasts
[105]. Very quickly it causes reversal of the
structural changes of osteoclasts which are
characteristic of bone resorption [106]. When • The functional unit of the thyroid is the
calcitonin is given chronically in large doses, follicle.
it reduces the number of osteoclasts; this • The follicle is made up of a single layer of
might be secondary to inhibition of function cuboidal (follicular) cells surrounding a
of these cells. Calcitonin also increases renal central store of colloid.
excretion of calcium, sodium and phosphate • The basal end of the follicular cell traps
and possibly stimulates formation of 1, 25- iodine from the plasma and synthesizes
dihydroxycholecalciferol. The major stimu- thyroid hormones from iodine and tyro-
lus to calcitonin secretion is a rise in serum sine.
ionized calcium. Other stimuli are gastrin • The synthesis involves the trapping of
and secretin. The last two are thought to aid iodine, its oxidation and attachment of
conservation and storage of calcium after a one atom to tyrosine (monoiodotyrosine
meal. Calcitonin levels fall in patients after MIT), followed by a second atom to pro-
thyroidectomy. They also fall concomitantly duce düodotyrosine (DIT), coupling of the
with oestrogen at and after the menopause. iodotyrosines to produce iodothyronines,
It is believed that this is one factor in causing· triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyr-
osteoporosis. The physiological importance onine (T4 ).
of calcitonin is not great since there is no • The synthesis occurs at the apex of the
disturbance in calcium homeostasis after follicular cello
References 29

• The iodotyrosines and iodothyronines are • T3 is about 50% bound to both TBC and
stored as part of thyroglobulin in the col- albumin.
loid. • Medications, hormones and hereditary
• Thyroglobulin is taken up into the follicu- defects can increase and decrease the
lar cells by pinocytosis. amount of binding proteins.
• Pinocytotic vesicles fuse with lysosomes • Altered amounts of binding proteins
containing proteolytic and other en- change the amount of total hormone in
zymes. the plasma, but the free hormone remains
• Thyroid hormones are released from the constant.
breakdown of thyroglobulin and released • The main action of thyroid hormones is at
into the extracellular space and plasma. the nucleus.
• All steps of thyroid hormone formation • T3 is more important than T4 for thyroid
and release are controlled by TSH. activity.
• There is a less important autoregulation • However, the relationship of FT4 and
which depends on the amount of iodine TSH levels in the blood are more closely
in the follicular cell; too much inhibits related than T3 and TSH levels.
synthesis, too little spe~ds synthesis and • Most cells have 5' deiodinase enzymes,
augments TSH actions. which convert T4 to T3 intracellularly.
• Iodine comes from the diet, in particular • The main role of thyroid hormones is to
seafood, preservatives and red dyes. increase transcription of proteins, includ-
• 100 f.Lg iodine is adequate for normal hor- ing structural and functional proteins.
monogenesis. • Extranuclear actions of thyroid hormones
• TSH is a glycoprotein with two peptide on cell membranes and mitochondria are
chains. much less important.
• TSH is produced in, and secreted from,
specific cells in the anterior pituitary.
• There is a receptor for TSH on follicular REFERENCES
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Tests of thyroid function

Sensitivity = TP + FN
Thyroid disorders are common. At least 5%
of the adult population in Western countries TN
Specificity = TN + FP
have hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism,
goitre or a nodule in the thyroid. Most of Example: In a study 01 thyroid lunction in 100
those with a goitre or nodule are euthyroid, hyperthyroid patients, 95 have aserum free T4 value
above normal and 5 have normal values. In 900
but laboratory confirmation of this is re- euthyroid controls, 45 have results that are high and
quired. Laboratory documentation of ab- 855 results are normal.
normal thyroid function is very important, Sensitivity = 95% (95/{95+5))
because treatment, whether for hyperthy- Specificity = 95% (855/{855+45))
roidism or hypothyroidism, is often lifelong From the data it is possible to calculate:
and therefore should not be based on clinical The positive predictive value = TP/{TP+FP}
opinion alone. Suspected thyroid disease is = 95/{95+45} = 70%
more common than true dysfunction. The The negative predictive value = TN/{TN+FN}
tired, depressed, overweight, nervous, infer- = 855/{855+5} = 99%
tile, irritable, thin and comatose are all at TP = True positive TN = True negative
risk of having their thyroid function tested. FP = False positive FN = False negative
Therefore, whatever tests are used they
should have high sensitivity (almost all pa- Figure 3.1 Tests of thyroid function. Interpreta-
tion of test results.
tients with disease should be detected by the
test in question), and high specificity (nor-
mal people should have normal results with
the test). Figure 3.1 shows how sensitivity,
specificity and predictive values are calcu- some of the methods for measuring free T4
lated. Many of the tests of thyroid function (FT4 ) achieve these goals, and since they are
do not fufil these basic requirements. the ones which best allow both ends of the
The tests should also function reliably in pituitary-thyroid axis to be evaluated, they
as wide a range of pathological conditions as will be discussed in most detail. Figure 3.2 is
possible, and should not be influenced by a diagram of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
ill-health unrelated to thyroid, or to altera- thyroid-tissue interactions and shows what
tions in the plasma proteins, or by medica- tests can be conducted to study each level.
tions. They should be cost-effective. To a In this chapter, the individual tests are
large extent newer methods of measuring described with supporting data on their
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and strengths and weaknesses. There is abrief
Total thyroid hormones 35

thyroidism, irrespective of its cause, have

high levels of these hormones, but normal or
~ ----_.. (C) TRH test
near normal levels of binding proteins. Less
commonly, only T3 is high (T 3 toxicosis) and
this is more characteristic of hyperthyroid-
ism due to a functioning autonomous
nodule [1, 2] in patients with early Craves'
~----_... (6) TSH hyperthyroidism [3, 4], or those relapsing
after stopping antithyroid drugs [5]. High
~ --_... (0) Oynamic and
~ imaging studies levels of T3 are found in patients taking oral
--_... (E) Tissue diagnosis triidothyronine (cytomel), and very rarely it

~ ----- ... (A)

Thyroid hormones
Total T,
Total T3
is due to metastatic thyroid cancer [6]. The
corollary, high T4 with normal or low T3 , is
Free hormones
--_.. (F) Miscellaneous tests
found in patients with hyperthyroidism and
coexistent non-thyroidal illness [7-9]. From
these data, it would appear that T4 and T3
Figure 3.2 Diagrammatic representation of would be sensitive and specific for diagnos-
hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid relations, show- ing hyperthyroidism from euthyroidism.
ing what levels can be investigated by laboratory This is not so. The most important problem
is that high T4 and T3 values are found in
patients with increased levels of binding
proteins. This is most often due to oes-
description of which tests should be ordered trogens (pregnancy or contraceptive pill)
to diagnose or exclude various thyroid which induce increased production of TBC
disorders. Algorithms to diagnose specific by the liver. Table 3.2 lists the causes of
thyroid dysfunctions are introduced and increased T4 , many of which are due to in-
described in greater detail in appropriate creased binding proteins. As was discussed
chapters. in Chapter 2, the unbound or free hormone
dictates thyroid status; protein-bound hor-
mone is functionally inert. Therefore, it is
essential to prove that a high T4 is not simp-
Total T4 and total T3 are designated T4 and ly due to increased binding proteins.
T3 respectively. These are measured by spe- Low levels of T4 and T3 are found in se-
cific radioimmunoassays. Normal values are vere hypothyroidism. In mild hypothyroid-
listed in Table 3.1. T4 in the serum is 99.96% ism, T4 and T3 values are of no diagnostic
pro tein bound and T3 about 99.7%. value because they are frequently in the low-
Measurement of these hormones is depen- normal range; this applies to T3 in particular
dent not only on the amount of hormone [10]. Just as high levels of T4 and T3 do not
secreted and its rate of degradation and ex- implicitly define hyperthyroidism, neither
cretion, but also on the levels of binding do low levels define hypothyroidism. Low
proteins in the serum. The three major bind- or absent levels of bin ding proteins can be
ing proteins, thyroid binding globulin the cause. Table 3.3lists the causes of low T4
(TBC), thyroid binding prealbumin (TBPA) and low T3 .
and albumin are described in detail in Chap- To add further to the limitations of
ter 2. Most healthy euthyroid individuals measuring T4 and T3 , it is recognized that
have normal levels of T4 and T3 and normal systemic illness can produce low results
binding proteins. Most patients with hyper- even when there is nO thyroid disorder. No
36 Tests of thyroid function
Table 3.1 Thyroid function test results: standard, Systeme Internationale (SI) and conversion factors

Standard SI reference Conversion

Test reference intervals Units intervals Units factor
T4 5-11 ~g!dl 64-142 nmol/l 12.87
T3 70-200 ng/dl 1.1-3.1 nmol/l 0.01536
rT3 20-40 ng/dl 0.3-0.6 nmol/l 0.01536
FT4 0.8-2.0 ng/dl 10-26 pmol/l 12.87
T3RU 25-35 % 0.25-0.35 0.01
TSHRIA <6 ~U/ml <6 mUll 1
TSHIRMA 0.4-4.0 ~U/ml 0.4-4.0 mUll 1
24-hour uptake
USA 10-30%
UK 15-45%
Athyreotic <5 ng/ml <5 ~g!l 1
Normal <20 ng/ml <20 ~g/l 1

Table 3.2 Tests of thyroid function: causes of Table 3.3 Tests of thyroid function: causes of
high levels of thyroid hormones (total) low levels of thyroid hormones (total)

Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism
Increased binding proteins Decreased bin ding pro teins
pregnancy androgens
oral contraceptives glucocorticosteroids
newborn nephrotic syndrome
acute hepatitis cirrhosis
porphyria L-asparaginase
fluoruracil hereditary
marijuana Non-thyroidal iIIness
hereditary increase low T3 syndrome
abnormal binding protein low T3 and low T4 (siek euthyroid)
Acute psychiatrie illness
Acute medical iIIness (rare)
Pituitary resistance to thyroid hormone
Antibodies to thyroid hormones

single unifying theory explains all of the 15]. We found that approximately 50% of
abnormalities in thyroid tests found in the siek patients who had a low T3 also had a
siek. The topie is diseussed separately in low T4 and low FT4 I [16]. This is ealled the
Chapter 12 and only important generaliza- euthyroid siek syndrome. To further eon-
tions are presented here. In most euthyroid fuse matters, a small proportion of siek pa-
siek patients, T3 levels are low [11-13]. This tients have high T4 values, in particular
is termed the low T3 syndrome. In a signi- those with acute liver disease and acute
fieant proportion of patients with more se- psyehotie illnesses [17-19].
vere or protraeted illness, T4 and ealculated Beeause reverse T3 levels are high in siek
FT4 I (this is diseussed below) are low [14, patients, some investigators have reeom-
Total thyroid hormones 37

mended measurement of this to help in di- Euthyroid Hyperthyroid Hypothyroid

agnosis [12, 14]. The fact that the patient is
sick is apparent from clinical examination,
and I have rarely found this test to be useful.
In summary, high values of T4 and T3 are binding
characteristic of hyperthyroidism, but are
found in euthyroid patients with excessive
or abnormal binding proteins. Low T4 and
T3 are characteristic of severe hypothyroid-
! ••
•• •
ism, but are also found in euthyroid patients • Free hormone
with low levels of binding proteins, or with o - Bound hormone
systemic illness. Hyperthyroid patients with
coexisting systemic illness can have normal Figure 3.3 Relation of bound hormone to free
hormone and binding capacity.
T4 and T3. Patients with mild hypothyroid-
ism can also have normal resuIts. As a re-
sult, the sensitivity of these tests is moderate HypothyrOld
Euthyroid Hyperthyroid
and their speeifieity poor. It is necessary to

• •t
have information of the binding proteins to
interpret T4 and T3 values. I)


• T3

Most of the 'falsely' abnormal total hormone T3RU N T3RU H T3 RU L

resuIts are due to abnormalities of the bind- T, N T, H T, L
FT, 1 N FT, I H FT, I L
ing proteins, and with knowledge of the
thyroid binding capaeity of the plasma it is
T3 '" Radioactive tracer of T3
possible to correct for these. There are spe-
eific radioimmunoassays for TBC and TBP A. EI 0: Resin

Because TBC is the most important binding

Figure 3.4 T3 resin uptake test.
protein carrying 70-80% of the hormones,
it is usually measured alone [20]. Thyroid
binding capaeity (this is shortened to TBC
and is largely due to TBC, and readers tween the resin and unoccupied sites on the
should look at re ports carefully since these bin ding pro teins in the serum. The resin is
abbreviations TBC and TBC are sometimes removed and radioactivity counted. The
used interchangeably, aIthough they are proportion of added radioactivity which is
somewhat different) can be measured in- present in the resin is the T3RU, and usually
directly by quantitating the capaeity of bind- it is in the range 25-35%. If there are a lot of
ing sites in serum which are not carrying unoccupied binding sites on the proteins,
hormone. This is done using the T3 resin the tracer will bind there and the T3RU is
uptake test (T3RU). T3RU does NOT low and vice versa. Figures 3.3 and 3.4 show
meausre T3. In this test, serum from the the basis for the test and the findings in
patient, plus a resin which binds T3 and a euthyroid, hyperthyroid and hypothyroid
tracer of radioactive 1251_T3, are incubated patients who have normal bin ding proteins.
together under conditions defined for each Figure 3.5 shows the resuIts when the levels
commereial kit. The 125I_T3 equilibrates be- of bin ding proteins are increased or
38 Tests of thyroid function
Increased Normal Decreased FT total T IT 1
TBC TBC TBC 4 oe ---:rsc=;
= tota 4 x TBC

Figure 3.6 Theoretieal derivation of free thyrox-
ine index (FT4I).

Table 3.4 Thyroid funetion tests in various clinic-

al situations
Figure 3.5 T3 resin uptake test: effeet of ehanges
in thyroid binding eapacity. Clinical status T4 T3 RU FT41 FT4 T3

Euthyroid N N N N N
Hyperthyroid H H H H H
Hypothyroid L L L L L
decreased. Knowledge of T4 , (T3 ) and T3RU Euthyroid H L N N H
values makes it possible to determine if the High TBC
problem is due to thyroid disease, or to a Euthyroid L H N N L
bin ding protein abnormality. If both tests are Low TBC
Euthyroid L N L N L
abnormal in the same direction, the thyroid Siek
is at fault, e.g. if T4 and T3RU are both high,
hyperthyroidism is diagnosed; in hypothyr-
oidism both tests are low. In eontrast, if one
test is high and the other low, the defect is
due to the carrier proteins. the expected results of T4 , T3 , T3 RU and FT4 I
in a variety of thyroidal and non-thyroidal
conditions. FT3 I can be calculated using the
formula {T3 x T3 RU }/lOO, however, this
has less practical value.
Many c1inicallaboratories provide a measure
of free thyroxine which is obtained from the
formula { T4 x T3 RU }/lOO. The mathematic-
al derivation for this is provided in Figure
3.6. This is called the free thyroxine index FT4 can be measured by two methods:
(FT4 I), which has also been given the term equilibrium dialysis, or radioimmunoassay
T7 since it is derived from T4 and T3 RU. This [22, 23]. It is gene rally accepted that the
test has gained widespread acceptance in dialysis method is the 'gold standard',
practice because the two tests used for its however, it is restricted to research labor-
derivation are simple to perform and are atories because the method is time consum-
robust. In addition, it gives c1inically valu- ing, requires meticulous attention to detail,
able results in healthy outpatients [21]. Un- and only a small number of sampies can be
fortunately, the test gives low results in sick processed simultaneously. The basis of the
euthyroid patients [14, 16]. Table 3.4 shows test is shown diagrammatically in Figure 3.7.
Total thyroid hormones 39

Dialysis bag --t--~ I

Butler solution

FT 4 125-I-FT4

Total T4 125-I-total T4

and total T4 = bound T4 + FT4 Antibody to T4 /

attached to test
Figure 3.7 Diagrammatic representation of the
measurement of free thyroxine (FT4) by dialysis.
A tracer amount of 125I_T4 is added to the serum,
and the mixture is placed in the dialysis bag. The
radioactive hormone dis tributes like the natural
hormone. The free hormone can leak out of the Figure 3.8 Diagram of the basis for a one-step
bag. The radioactivity that leaks out is counted free thyoxine (FT4) assay. Represents radioactive
and the percentage free hormone is calculated by analogue of thyroxine which competes with FT4
dividing this by the amount placed in the bag. for antibody binding sites. The higher the FT4 the
The free T4 is calculated by multiplying the total lower the amount of analogue binding to anti-
T4 by this percentage. body. The test depends on the analogue not bind-
ing to plasma proteins. However in practice
protein (albumin) binding does occur.

FT4 measurements by RIA have been both @

valuable and perplexing. Not all commercial ( @
FT4 kits actually assay FT4 . As a result, the @
same specimen assayed by different kits ( @
appears to have disparate amounts of FT4
[24 - 27]. Those kits which include a deriva- ®
tive of T4 to be used in the method (so called (
one-step methods) measure albumin-bound (
T4, not FT4 [28]. The two-step techniques
provide reproducible, clinieally valuable re- First step serum Supernatant Labelied T4
sults in patients with thyroid dysfunction, in or standard decanted and counted
added 20 min labelied T4 added
healthy euthyroid controls and also in second step
euthyroid patients with severe systemie ill-
ness [16, 29]. The two-step assays are sensi- Figure 3.9 Diagram showing the basis for a two-
tive and specifie. The results closely match step free thyroxine (FT4) assay.
those obtained by equilibrium dialysis [30].
The theoretical basis for these tests are mended. Accuracy should not be sacrifieed
shown in Figures 3.8 and 3.9. The one-step for simplicity [31].
assays are simple but give falsely low results The two-step assays will be referred to as
in siek patients, and they are not recom- FT4 measurements. FT4 measurements
40 Tests of thyroid function
provide an excellent index of thyroid status in malities in the thyroid bin ding proteins, by
almost any clinical situation, but there are medications (except heparin), or by non-
severallimitations, which fortunately are not thyroidal illnesses. I find it indispensable in
common in clinical practice. It has been work-up of patients.
known for two decades that FT4 by equilib-
rium dialysis gives high results in patients
who are heparinized [32, 33]. This has also
been demonstrated when measurements are
made with the two-step assay [34]. Unpub- The anterior pituitary is the organ most
lished research has shown that heparin sensitive to changes in thyroid hormone
cleaves serum triglycerides into free fatty levels. TSH radioimmunoassays became
acids (FFA) and glycerol. The FFA binds to available in 1965 [34, 35]. Ridgway [36] has
albumin and displaces T4 . Therefore FT4 recently written about the development of
rises. Our studies have shown that the these assays and the sequence of advances
heparin only has this effect when given to the new, highly sensitive methods which
parenterally to the patient, it does not pro- are described below. With the old technolo-
du ce a rise in FT4 when added to serum in gy, most laboratories report an upper limit
vitra. Also the rise in FT4 occurs in the test of 5-6 /LU/mI (mU/I). In primary hypothyr-
tube after heparinized blood is withdrawn oidism, TSH is high and this is the most
from the patient. The FT4 in viva is normal sensitive single test to diagnose mild
and the patient euthyroid. If thyroid func- hypothyroidism. Because of the sensitivity
tion is required in a patient who needs of the pituitary to minor fluctuations in thyr-
heparin, draw the serum sampie first, or oid hormones, it is possible to have a TSH
wait several days until after heparin is stop- result which is above the normal range in
ped. association with normal T4 and T3 (FT4 can
Wehave also found FT4 values to be high be normal but is usually at the low end of
in some patients with acute psychiatrie ill- the range). This is called subclinical hypo-
ness [19]. The mechanism has not been de- thyroidism. In the past, it was understood
fined and this topic is discussed in more theoretically that TSH should be low in
detail in Chapter 12. FT4 values are usually patients with hyperthyroidism, since high
normal in sick patients but in very siek levels of T4 and T3 suppress the pituitary.
euthyroid patients the values can be low. But older assays could only differentiate
This is a bad prognostic finding. A compre- TSH levels of 1, or 2 /LU/mI, and since many
hensive discussion of changes in thyroid euthyroid individuals have TSH levels of
function in sickness is presented in Chapter 0.5-2.0 /LU/mI the assay could not separate
12. Clinicians should be cautious when they suppressed from normal values (Figure
interpret thyroid function tests in critically ill 3.10). There have been remarkable advances
patients but, fortunately, testing is not often in technology, and sensitive TSH assays
required in this setting. have been developed using two antibodies
In summary, FT4 is the active fraction of against different epitopes of TSH and the
the main circulating hormone. Knowledge of assay technique is a non-competitive sand-
this value is a very important indicator of the wich. If a radionuclide is used, the assay
thyroid status of any patient. The two-step is termed an immunoradiometric assay
methods give an accurate, precise result (IRMA), but amplified enzyme-linked im-
which can be trusted in differentiating hy- munoassays (AEIA) give the same precision.
perthyroidism and hypothyroidism from Figure 3.11 shows the difference between
normal. The test is not influenced by abnor- convential TSH RIA and IRMA. Using one of
Pituitary-thyroid axis: TSH 41
15 RIA

f,lU/ ml

0 .8 2.0
Antibody 1
FT. ng/dl

D = Normal range for

both TSH and FT. TSH - antibody
Figure 3.10 Diagram showing the relationship of
free thyroxine (FT4) with TSH measured by
radioimmunoassay. A, Band C have different FT4 Antibody 2
values but TSH RIA results are not different. A is unlabelted
euthyroid; B is mildly hyperthyroid; C is mod-
erately hyperthyroid.
Figure 3.11 Diagram showing the basis for the
measurement of TSH by immunoradiometric
assay (IRMA). Antibody competes for unlabelled
and labelIed antigen. A and Bare chains of TSH
the earlier TSH IRMA kits with some minor and * is labelIed antigen. Sandwich of antigen
modifications which could detect <0.3 /LU! between labelIed antibody 1 and unlabelled anti-
ml, we reported a sensitivity of 97% for body 2 makes the assay extremely sensitive.
hyperthyroidism; only 1 out of 30 hyperthyr-
oid patients had a measureable TSH [37].
The specificity was 100% in 62 controls.
More recent assays can detect <0.05 /LU/mI
or Iower, and several investigators have re- tients low levels. Because there appears to
ported even better statistics. Toft [38] found be clear separation form normal, some have
a11 hyperthyroid patients had suppressed recommended this as the first test of thyroid
TSH, and an normal controls had normal function [41]. Figure 3.12 shows diagramma-
results, therefore the test had perfect sensi- tica11y how this is possible and should be
tivity and specificity. This contrasted with contras ted with Figure 3.10. When the result
results of conventional assay in the same is normal the patient is euthyroid. When
sampIes where sensitivity and specificity TSH is low, the patient is hyperthyroid pro-
were both 93%. Hershman et al. [39] eva lu- vided pituitary insufficiency is excluded.
ated five new TSH kits and all gave unde- When TSH is high, the patient is hypothyr-
tectable levels in 51 hyperthyroid patients. oid provided a pituitary tumour secreting
Klee and Hay [40] recommend that any new- TSH is excluded. The evidence supports that
technology TSH assay must have sensitivity TSH measurement can replace the TRH test
and specificity above 95%, and this appears for mild hyperthyroidism. Blunt el al. [42]
to be met by most. TSH is an extremely recommend that TRH test be retained in
valuable diagnostic aid: hypothyroid pa- work-up of hypopituitary patients to differ-
tients have high levels and hyperthyroid pa- entiate hypothalamic from hypopituitary
42 Tests of thyroid function

10 I
jJ.U/ml I
5 I

0.8 2.0 I
I /
FT, ng/dl ....
/ ....
Normal range !or ....
15 ....
both TSH and FT. ....
TSH below normal ....
FT, high ....
10 ....
Figure 3.12 Graph of the relationship of free thyr-
TSH IlU/ml
oxine (Fr4) with TSH as measured by IRMA. A, B
and C have different FT4 values and TSH IRMA 5
results are different.

TRH injected
at ti me 0
hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, there are o 30 60
borderline situations where thyroid hor- Time (minutes)
mone levels are normal but TSH is undeteet- [lEil Normal range !or TSH
able. This is subc1inical hyperthyroidism,
analogous to subc1inical hypothyroidism. Figure 3.13 TRH test showing normal response,
Utiger [43] is eoneerned that patients who and results in primary hypothyroidism and
hyperthyroidism. A is the normal response in
fall into this eategory will reeeive unneees- euthyroid patients; B is the response in hyper-.
sary treatment for hyperthyroidism. We and thyroid patients (blunted); C is the response in
others have shown that eritieally siek pa- hypothyroidism.
tients oeeasionally have low TSH values
which do not signify hyperthyroidism [44,
4?] and this is diseussed in Chapter 12. notiee a strange taste and have a feeling in
the perineum not unlike the urge to mictu-
rate. Venous blood sampIes are drawn at 20
and 60 minutes (some investigators include a
40 minute sampIe as weIl). TSH measure-
Thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) was ments are obtained on the sam pIes and the
isola ted, eharaeterized and synthesized in results plotted against time. A normal re-
1968 [46, 47] and soon after beeame available sponse is a rise in TSH which is maximal at
for clinical use [48, 49]. The test involves 20-30 minutes with return to normal by 60-
injeeting TRH intravenously and evaluating 90 minutes. Figure 3.13 shows the normal
the response of the pituitary to seerete TSH. range of results and the response in hypo-
The patient should be fasted, relaxed and and hyperthyroidism. In hyperthyroidism,
recumbent. An intravenous line is in plaee the pituitary is suppressed by thyroid hor-
and a blood sampIe drawn immediately mone and there is no rise in TSH after injee-
before the TRH is injected. Most patients tion of TRH.
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 43

Table 3.5 Radionuc1ides for thyroid uptake and scintigraphy

Approximate radiation dose

Radionuclide T1I2 Energy Dose j.tCi thyroid whole body

Iodine 123 13.3H 159 Kev 100-200 1-3R 3-6mR

Iodine 131 8.05D 365 Kev 5-10 uptake 5-lOR 3-6mR
50-100 scan 50-100R 30-60mR
Technetium 99m 6.0H 140 Kev 1000-2000 0.4-2.0R 10-50mR

The test was of great value in understand- sensitive TSH assay and will seldom be used
ing the physiology and pathophysiology of in practice. TRH testing still has a role in
the hypothalamie-pituitary-thyroid interac- work-up of hypothalamic-pituitary lesions
tions, and it was valuable clinieally in the [42].
dia gnosis of borderline hyperthyroidism
[50]. Because of the development of sensitive
TSH measurements whieh show suppressed 3.5 DYNAMIC AND IMAGING STUDIES
levels in hyperthyroidism, the TRH test is OF THE THYROID
superfluous in this role. Patients with pri-
mary hypothyroidism have an elevated TSH
by definition; therefore, the TRH test is also In this test, a known amount of radioactive
superfluous in this situation. When it was iodine is given to the patient and the percen-
done, a very exuberant rise in TSH was tage taken into the thyroid measured by an
found and its return to normal was delayed. external counting device. The radionuclide
Sometimes this test is used in research of choiee is 1231, although historieally 1251,
to study patients with subclinieal thyroid 1301, 1311 and 1321 have been used. 1251 and 1311
dysfunction. give a significant radiation dose to the gland,
The TRH test can give false positive results and are not recommended for routine use.
in elderly men, with flat responses being Table 3.5 lists the important physieal charac-
recorded in patients who have no clinical, teristies of these radionuclides and the doses
or laboratory evidence of hyperthyroidism used for uptake and scintigraphy which is
[51]. There are re ports of the injection discussed in the next section. The radionuc-
causing hypertension and complications lide is usually given by mouth, 1231is supplied
have been reported [52]. However, these are in capsule form, but all the radionuclides can
uncommon. be given as liquids. The measurement is
TRH testing is being recommended to help made at a known time after ingestion. The
differentiate subtypes of affective disorders 24 hour uptake is most useful, but this can
[53]. At times, the test is even difficult to be coupled with an early measurement be-
interpret in relation to thyroid disorders, tween 3-6 hours. When early measurements
and it is my perception that its use in dia- are used, the patient should be fasted, but
gnosing psychiatrie illness should not be this is not important for the 24 hour study.
accepted until controlled blinded trials show Uptake is often done in coordination with
it is of value. This is discussed in more detail scintigraphy. However, the clinician may
in Chapter 12. need one rather than the other, so time and
In summary, the TRH test in diagnosis of money can be saved by thoughtful ordering.
thyroid dysfunction has been replaced by For uptake measurement, the external
44 Tests of thyroid function
lodine-123 sam pie counted using same probe that is Radioiodine uptake is dependent on the plasma
used for patient.

inorganic iodide pool
Sampie should be in same position in neck phantom .
Measure room background.
Give iodine-123 sampie to patient 500 ~9 avallable
100 ~9 reqwed

Patient measurements made at predetermined times.* Iodide pool Uptake = 20%
Measure counts over thyroid .
Measure counts over thigh as patient background. '
Thyroid uptake =

!;d"P~k' Cl
Urinary excretion
(thyroid - patient background counts) )( 100
(sampie - room background counts) x decay factor 1000 ~g avallable
* In general uptake measurements are made at 6 100 119 required
and/or 24 hours. Uplake = 10%
For iodine-123 decay factor for 6 hour uptake = 0.73
and decay factor for 24 hour uptake = 0.284.
Figure 3.15 Diagram showing the effect of an
Some measure background over the neck with a
lead block over the thyroid .
iodine pool on radioiodine uptake measurement.

Figure 3.14 The steps involved in measuring

radioiodine uptake of the thyroid.
iodine pool or, more precisely, the plasma
inorganic iodine. Figure 3.15 shows how the
uptake can vary significantly in normal peo-
deteeting device is usually a si,mple probe pIe beeause of differences in the amount of
dedieated to this purpose. It has one sodium inorganic iodine in the serum.
iodide erystal and one photomultiplier tube. Originally, the test was important in dif-
A radioactive incident in the erystal causes a ferentiating normal people from hyperthyroid
tiny flash of light, which causes an eleetrical and hypothyroid patients. There is signi-
pulse which is in turn multiplied up to 106 ficant overlap between these groups, and so
and is detected as an electrical pulse . The the test is not recommended for this pur-
number of pulses are proportional to the pose. In the USA there has been a progres-
number of radioactive emissions which, in sive fall in uptake measurements in normal
turn, are proportional to the amount of people. Pittman et al. [58] noted a deerease
radioactivity . from 28.5 ± 6.5% in 1959 to 15.4 ± 6.8% in
The test was very important in our und er- 1967-8. Bernard et al. [59] in California
standing of normal physiology and patho- found the 24 hour uptake was alm ost iden-
physiology, and interested readers can read tical to that described by Pittman et al. : the
references 54-57 which are of historie in- average in 116 euthyroid patients was 15.6%
terest. Figure 3.14 shows the ealculations ± 4.5%. Even lower values were reeorded
used to make the measurement. It requires by Caplan and Kujak [60] (12.1 ± 6.1%), and
attention to detail. The capsule is counted their lower limit was 0; therefore hypothyr-
prior to administering it to the patient. oid patients could not be separated from
Counts are made over the thyroid at a spe- normals. The same group of investigators, in
eific time, and are correeted for background a subsequent study, found that 14% of pa-
by subtracting thigh counts. Correction is tients with Graves' disease and 80% with
necessary for temporal deeay of the radio- toxic nodular goitre had normal uptake
nuclide, over the time between its adminis- measurements. Therefore, the uptake test
tration and the uptake measurement. has poor sensitivity and spe~ificity.
The uptake measurement depends on the The two main indications for this test are,
function of the thyroid and the size of the firstly, to differentiate those patients with
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 45

Table 3.6 Tests of thyroid funetion: eauses of taking any thyroid or antithyroid prepara-
inereased radioiodine uptake tion, and that there has been no recent
radiographie contrast injections, or intake
Hyperthyroidism: Graves' disease
toxie adenoma of iodine-containing medieations. Thyroxine
toxic multinodular goitre has to be stopped for 4 weeks and
Iodine defieieney triiodothyronine for 2 weeks before doing
Recovery from thyroiditis: silent this test. Water-soluble contrast studies re-
subaeute quire a delay of 4 weeks and lipid-soluble
Dyshormonogenesis exeept trapping defeet agents, e.g. for lymphangiography of up to a
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (some eases) year before an accurate measurement can be
After stopping antithyroid drugs obtained. Clearly, it is important to ensure a
Teehnieal error patient who is to be treated with radioiodine
does not have an injection of radiographie
contrast before the treatment since radio-
Table 3.7 Tests of thyroid function: eauses of iodine therapy has to be delayed for the
deereased radioiodine uptake
same length of time. However, in the situa-
Iodine load: dietary tion where it is important to reduce thyroid-
radiographie eontrast agents al uptake of iodine, e.g. an atomie accident
medicinal with inorganie iodine with release of large amounts of 1311, this can
amiodarone be achieved with inorganie iodine. Ten milli-
Thyroxine or other thyroid medieations: factitious
Thyroiditis: aeute phase grams iodine reduces uptake to less than
silent 1.5%, 130 mg potassium iodide (100 mg
subaeute iodide) reduces thyroidal uptake to less than
Hypothyroidism 1%.
Eetopie thyroid Because the uptake is so dependent on
Capsule not ingested or digested
After surgery or radioiodine plasma inorganic iodine, PlI, some workers
Lower results in elderly have used the absolute iodine uptake (AlU).
After severe exercise
Teehnieal error AlU = PlI x thyroid clearance rate
Normally, this ranges from 1-6 ~glhour.
Very few laboratories offer this test although
hyperthyroidism and high uptake, from, theoretieally it is superior to the RAIU.
those with low uptake. Secondly, the test Because 99mTc is trapped by the follicular
is aprerequisite to treating a patient with cells and is readily available in sterile form
radioiodine. High radioiodine uptake can be for intravenous injection, it has been used
due to many causes apart from Graves' for thyroid uptake measurement. The up-
disease (Table 3.6). There are many conditions take is usually calculated by counting over
associated with low uptake of radioiodine the thyroid and thigh 20-130 minutes after
(Table 3.7) and the patient can be clinically injection of 1-2 mCi (37-74 MBq) 99mTc as
hyperthyroid, euthyroid, or hypothyroid; pertechnetate, and expressing the result as
therefore the uptake cannot be used to de- the percentage of the administered dose.
termine thyroid status. Thyroid status has to The normal range is 0.2-3.0%. There is no
be defined clinieally and by measurement of good separation of hypothyroid patients
thyroid hormone, preferably FT4 and TSH from euthyroid controls. Hyperthyroid
levels. patients with Graves' disease usually have
Prior to making an uptake measurement, high results, but since the radioiodine up-
it is important to ensure the patient is not take is used to determine how much therapy
46 Tests of thyroid function
to prescribe, technetium uptake is of limited historie interest only because the differentia-
use. In the situation where it is essential to tion is possible with measurement of FT4,
establish the dia gnosis of hyperthyroidism TSH and TRH test. It is not without risk
with great urgency, technetium uptake or because patients can have reactions to the
scintiscan can confirm this in minutes. The TSH [64].
clinical problem could be severe toxicity, fev- This test has also been used to demons-
er, tachycardia, confusion and obtundation trate suppressed thyroid in patients with
in a patient with a goitre. There is concern autonomous nodules. The dia gnosis can be
that the patient has thyroid storm and blood made simply by shielding the hot nodule
test results cannot be obtained for several with a strip of lead and scanning for a few
hours. I should stress that appropriate treat- more minutes [65]. Alternatively, ultrasound
ment for thyroid storm should be started or 201Tl scintigraphy can show the presence
promptly, but technetium uptake greater of the suppressed lobe.
than 4.0% would confirm the need for this.
Uptake of technetium is also lowered by a (b) T3 suppression test
high iodine pool, and the measurement This test is also of historie interest; it will be
should be made prior to treatment with in- used very infrequently in practiee. The test
organie iodine or infusion of radiographie differentiated autonomous non-suppressible
contrast (refer to section on thyroid storm in thyroid function from normal [66]. It was
Chapter 5). used to diagnose mild hyperthyroidism,
In summary, the RAIU is valuable to dif- whether due to Graves' disease or autonomous
ferentiate hyperthyroidism with high uptake nodule, from normal thyroid function. The
from low uptake. This differentiation is im- rationale is, if the thyroid is autonomous,
portant because treatment is quite different. the uptake will not be decreased by giving
As a corollary, the uptake is necessary prior the patient thyroid hormone, in particular,
to treatment with radioiodine because it will T3 . In contrast, in normal people, T3 will
determine that the gland is capable of trap- inhibit pituitary TSH secretion, and subse-
ping iodine and the uptake result is usually quent thyroid uptake of radioactivity is de-
incorporated into a formula whieh deter- creased. Traditionally, T3 was used because
mines what dose is prescribed. of its rapid effects, and 75-100 /Lg was pre-
scribed daily (25 /Lg 3 or 4 times) for 7-10
(a) TSH stimulation test days. Some investigators used T4 [67] or
The basis of this test is to determine if the thyroid extract [68], but T3 is recommended
thyroid can trap more iodine after stimula- provided there is a specific reason to do the
tion with parenteral TSH [63]. In primary test. Twenty-four hour uptake of radioiodine
hypothyroidism, the gland is incapable of is obtained first, then T3 is prescribed in the
responding, but in central hypothyroidism dose range described and a repeat 24 hour
an increase is found when the measurement uptake obtained on the last day of the T3
after TSH is compared with the baseline treatment. Currently, 1231 would be used for
measurement. The test involves a standard the measurements. In the past, 1311 was used
24 hour RAIV, then the patient is given and it was important to make counts over
three daily doses of 10 IV of TSH intramus- the thyroid prior to administering the
cularly. RAIU is repeated after the third in- second uptake dose because of the long half-
jection. If the second measurement is double life of that radionuclide.
the first, or if it is increased by 15%, the The T3 suppression test is not without
patient has central, not primary hypothy- risk, because the additional thyroid hormone
roidism. This test was important but is of can add to that secreted by an autonomous
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 47
gland and make the patient more hyperthyr- Normal perchlorate discharge test
oid, and even cause complications such as
Thyroid activity
arrhythmias. This is important when the test
% uptake
does not contribute much clinically. The
reason for its low clinical utility is that in
vitra tests define the thyroid status precisely,
and borderline hyperthyroidism is deter-
mined by a suppressed TSH and high, or
high-normal, FT4 and T3 . The test was im-
portant in defining pathophysiology by 2 4
actually showing non-suppressibility of thyr- Time (hours)
oid, and before accurate in vitra tests were Perchlorate !
glven T
available it was used diagnostically. One
Positive perchlorate discharge test
situation where it is still used is to show
whether the thyroid in a patient with
Graves' disease treated with antithyroid % uptake Thyroid activity
medications has lost its autonomous func-
tion [69]. This would imply that the gland
has returned to normal and spontaneous re-
mission occurred. Unfortunately, the test is
not sufficiently predictive to recommend its
use in practice. 2 4
Time (hours)
(c) Perchlorate discharge test Perchlorate!
lodine which is trapped by the follicular cell glven T
is rapidly bound to tyrosyl molecules in Figure 3.16 Diagram of perchlorate 'washout'.
thyroglobulin in the normal thyroid. There is The top graph shows a normal response, the low-
almost no free iodine in the follicular cells. er shows an abnormal or positive discharge.
The organification step is inhibited in several
clinical situations, and these lead to an accu-
mulation of unbound iodine in the cello cello It is more correct to call the test perchlo-
These conditions include Hashimoto' s thyr- rate leak, or perchlorate wash-out, because
oiditis [70] and the rare inborn error of the the iodine is not actively discharged. The
peroxidase enzyme necessary for the organ- conventional wash-out test involves giving a
ification of iodine biochemically [71]. Anti- tracer dose of 1231 (100-200 /LCi to an adult)
thyroid drugs, such as propylthiouracil and and making thyroid and thigh measure-
methimazole, act by inhibiting this enzyme ments at timed intervals for 2-3 hours. An
leaving free iodine in the cell [72, 73], as oral dose of 400 mg of potassium perchlorate
does iodine in pharmacological doses [74]. is prescribed and thyroid and thigh counts
The perchlorate ion competes with iodine for continued for 2-3 hours. Slight variations in
the trapping mechanism, and if a pharmaco- the procedure have been described, but
logical dose of perchlorate is prescribed no the theory is the same (75-77). Figure 3.16
further iodine is trapped. No iodine is added shows diagrammatically a normal (negative)
to that already inside the cell. Because the and abnormal (positive) response. A positive
iodine in the cell is free, it leaks out into the result is usually easy to determine, and Trot-
circulation due to there being a higher con- ter [78] requires a drop of 15% before he
centration inside compared with outside the accepts it to be abnormal. Gray et al. [79]
48 Tests of thyroid function
developed a short perchlorate discharge test
using sterile 131 1 given intravenously with
continuous monitoring over the thyroid for
10 minutes, at which time 200 mg sterile
potassium perchlorate is injected in-
travenously with counting over the thyroid
continued for a further 10 minutes. A posi-
tive discharge by this technique is greater
than 0.5% of the administered dose.
The only reason for doing this test is to
diagnose they very uncommon inborn defect
in organification. The other conditions caus-
ing a positive result are easily diagnosed by
history, examination and in vitro tests.

3.5.1 THYROID SCINTIGRAPHY Figure 3.17 Anormal thyroid scintigram made 3

hours after an oral dose of 200 I-tCi 123I. The lobes
(a) Routine scintigraphy are fairly symmetrical and the isthmus is not seen
Thyroid scintigraphy as a routine test be-
came possible with the development of the
rectilinear scanner by Cassen. Interested
readers are referred to early landmark pap- is trapped and not organified and there are
ers by Cassen et al. [80], Allen and Goodwin many reports of this radiopharmaceutical
[81] and Bauer et al. [82]. Thyroid imaging is giving different results from radioiodine (see
now done using an Anger camera with a below). The indications for scan have been:
pinhole collimator, rather than rectilinear 1. Determining the size of the thyroid.
scanner because the former gives better re- 2. Determining if a nodule concentrates
solution [83, 84]. A pinhole collimator with a radioiodine (hot nodule), or not (cold
4 mm aperture can resolve non-functioning nodule). Figure 3.17 shows anormal scan
lesions smaller than 1 cm, provided the le- and Figure 3.18 shows a cold nodule (a)
sion is not surrounded by normal thyroid, or and a hot nodule (b) .
sitting in front of the full thickness of the 3. Determining if aretrostemal shadow on a
normal lobe. The best radionuclide is 1231 [85], chest radiograph is a thyroid.
which is given by mouth as a capsule and 4. Determining if a lump in the tongue or
scintigrams are obtained 3-6 hours later. track of thyroglossal duct contains a func-
Imaging is done with the patient lying tioning thyroid.
supine, and it is advantageous to place a 5. Evaluation of a multinodular goitre.
pillow under their shoulders to push the
neck and thyroid anteriorly. The collimator It is not necessary to ob ta in a thyroid scin-
should be placed at the correct distance, tiscan to determine the size of the gland, this
usually 4-5 cm above the anterior neck, and can be judged by clinical examination. In
the thyroid centred in the field of view. addition, Ripley et al. [86] have shown that
Many thyroidologists and nuclear physicians routine scintigraphy in work-up of patients
use 1-2 mCi (37-74 MBq) 99mTc pertechne- with Graves' disease who are to be treated
tate given by intravenous injection and with radioiodine gave no additional informa-
image after 5-10 minutes. If speed is impor- tion over clinical examination and uptake
tant, this is recommended; however, 99mTc measurement.
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 49

(a) (b)

Figure 3.18 (a) and (b) are both made 3 hours after 200 /LCi 123I. (a) A cold nodule in the left lower pole
(compare with Figure 3.19 showing a marker over the nodule) . (b) A hot nodule in the left lower pole
in a different patient. In this case, cobalt markers have been placed at the upper and lower margins of
the nodule, thus ensuring what is feit and imaged are the same.

Probably more thyroid scans are obtained able thyroid nodules are hot by scanning.
to determine if a nodule is hot or cold than The incidence is greater in countries where
for any other reason. This is because malig- multinodular goitres are common.
nancy is extremely rare in a hot nodule, and If we assurne that a hot nodule is never
thyroid cancers are often cold on scan. Based malignant and that all cancers are cold
on these statements, the rationale for obtain- nodules; and accept that 20% of nodules are
ing a scan would appear sound. However, hot (and therefore are benign); and that 10%
there are several problems. First and most of patients with a single palpable nodule
important, although a cancerous nodule is have a cancer in that nodule; and that 100
usually cold, most cold nodules are not patients who have a thyroid nodule are in-
cancerous. The average incidence of cold vestigated using radioiodine scintigraphy;
nodules being cancerous is quoted to be 80 will have a cold nodule and 10 of
10-20% [87]. Other pathological conditions these will be malignant, so the scan has
which produce cold nodules on scintiscan increased the probability of a nodule being
include adenoma, adenomatous hyperplasia, malignant from 1:10 (10 out of 100) to 1:8 (10
colloid cyst, haemorrhagic cyst, Hashimoto's out of 80). The sensitivity is 100%, but the
thyroiditis, subacute thyroiditis, and a large specificity only 30%, the positive predictive
parathyroid adenoma. Datz [88] has listed value of a cold nodule being malignant is
rare causes such as abscess, artifact, fibrosis 12.5%, and the negative predictive value
after radiation and amyloidosis. There is of finding a cancer in a hot nodule 100%.
general agreement that only 10-20% of palp- Several of the assumptions can be
50 Tests of thyroid function
questioned. In many series, the incidence of
cancer in solitary nodules is lower than 10%.
The incidence of hot nodules is often re-
ported to be 6-10% [89, 90]. Not all hot
nodules are benign, but almost all are. In-
serting these numbers makes the test even
less useful dinically. The assumption that all i
cancers are cold is not correct, as shown by
Nelson et al. [90]. These investigators re-

viewed rectilinear scans in 67 patients who

had proven thyroid cancer: only 54% of the
cancers were cold, in 40% the scan was nor-
mal and in the remainder the scan had a
patchy appearance. It is probable that more
cancers would have been cold if imaging had
been done with a gamma camera. I agree
with the concept that anormal scintigram
does not exdude cancer. In a differerit re- Figure 3.19 A Scan in same patient as 3.18 (a)
port, only one-half of lesions subsequently with a cobalt marker placed over the centre of the
proven to be cancer were cold on preopera- left-sided nodule. This proves the palpable lesion
tive scintigram [91]. There is further difficul- is a cold nodule.
ty in the interpretation of the scan by what is
meant by a hot or cold nodule. Some report
warm, or lukewatm nodules, and this leaves that one-half of the gamma emissions from
the dinician in doubt about how to proceed. normal thyroid are attenuated by a nodule of
I try to be as dogmatic as possible. If the diameter 4.7 cm, but, more important, if the
nodule has less radioactivity than surround- nodule is 1-1.5 cm in diameter approximate-
ing normal thyroid, it is cold, even if the ly 90% of the emissions from normal thyroid
difference is minimal. If the nodule has more behind will be detected. This accounts for
radioactivity it is hot. The nodule should many of the false negative reports. By imag-
be palpated while scanning is done and ing the nodule at an angle which places it
radioactive markers, which will be seen on dear of normal thyroid, the 'true' result is
the images, positioned carefully at the edges obtained. These concepts are shown di-
of the lesion. This leaves no doubt that the agrammatically in Figure 3.20. When the
palpable nodule and the scan findings relate nodule lies within normal thyroid it can
to the same area (Figure 3.19). This techni- be impossible to image. The concept that hot
que is not simple and requires practice and nodules are never malignant is based on
attention to detail. Suitable markers are a pathological correlation with the results of
dedicated cobalt source, or a few f.LCi of radioiodine scintigraphy. There are a few
99mTc at the tip of a Q-tip which is covered ca se re ports of malignant hot nodules [93-
with Sellotape. 95] and this topic is expanded in Chapters 5
In certain cases, it is valuable to obtain and 7. This data does not apply to the re-
oblique [92] and/or lateral images because sults of a pertechnetate scan. Pertechnetate
passage of radioactivity through the cold is trapped by the follicular cell but is not
nodule from normal thyroid behind it can organified and leaks out fairly quickly. As a
lead to the wrong impression. The half-value result, it is to be expected that the scan
layer of 1231 in tissues is 4.7 cm. This means finding 10-20 minutes after injection of this
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 51
A B c

~ ••••
Lateral •• I I I I I I

Figure 3.20 Schematic representation of scintigra-

phy of the thyroid nodules. A, Band C are thyr-
oids of identical size with cold nodules of similar
dimensions in the right lobes. The nodule in A
appears cold, but the ones in Band C do not, due FiJ?ure 3.21 Thyroid scan 3 hours after 200 J.tCi
to gamma rays from 1231 from the normal thyroid 12 I, showing an abnormal thyroid with reduced
penetrating the nodule (B), or arising from in uptake in the left lobe as weil as a faint uptake
front of it (C). lateral to the left lobe. This is rare, but found in
functioning metastases from thyroid cancer in the
cervical nodes. Usually, the function of the
metastases is not great enough for them to be
radiopharmaceutical could differ from the imaged until normal thyroid has been removed.
findings several ho urs after administration
of radioiodine. There are many reports of
disparate findings, and a hot nodule on a
pertechnetate scan can be cold with The best way of proving whether a super-
radioiodine and vice versa [88, 96-100]. ior mediastinal mass is a retrosternal thyroid
Therefore, if there is uncertainly whether a is by scintigraphy with 1231. 99mTc should not
nodule really is hot when pertechnetetate is be used, because there is so much back-
used, why not always use 1231 [85, 101, 102]? ground activity from the surrounding
Uptake of radioiodine or pertechnetate in cardiac and vascular tissues that it is im-
the neck outside of the thyroid is virtually possible to delineate thyroid tissue at that
diagnostic of metastases [103, 104]. Figure site. It has been stated that the energy of the
3.21 shows a proven example of this. gamma rays of 99mTc are not high enough to
In summary, thyroid scintigraphy is not penetrate the sternum, and that is why this
recommended as the primary routine test in radiopharmaceutical is not used . This is in-
the work-up of a solitary thyroid nodule. correct since the same agent is used success-
Any palpable nodule in the region of the fully to image the cardiac blood pool and
thyroglossal tract could contain functioning obtain important functional informational
thyroid, and in that situation the cervical about the ventric1es. The reason why 99mTc
thyroid is often not present. 1231 scintigram should not be used in diagnosis of a subster-
defines exactly what and where there is nal goitre is the high background activity in
thyroid tissue. Most thyroglossal duct cysts blood pool and vessels which makes dis-
do not contain enough follicular cells to be tinction of substernal goitre impossible.
imaged, and normal cervical thyroid is Although 131 1 emits gamma rays with a high-
present. A scan is recommended in this er energy than 1231, there is no need to use
situation. the former and the higher absorbed
52 Tests of thyroid function
radiation dose is a disadvantage. Tomo- started postoperatively, it should be discon-
graphie imaging of 1231 (single photon emis- tinued for 4 weeks prior to scanning and
sion tomography - SPECT) can occasionally triiodothyronine should be stopped for 2
help to delineate the extent of a multi- weeks [106]. Blood is drawn for TSH and
nodular goitre [105]. thyroglobulin measurement be fore the dose
A thyroid scintigram of a goitre sometimes of 1311 is administered. The TSH gives
provides information whieh is different from information about the metabolic condition
the clinical impression. This applies in a under which scanning is done, and thyro-
multinodular goitre where there is no way of globulin is an independent marker for thyr-
knowing if the nodules are functioning or oid cancer which is discussed below.
not without the scan. A dominant nodule A whole-body scan is obtained 48-72
which is cold should be investigated further hours after the dose is administered. This
by ne edle aspiration (Chapter 7). delay allows background activity to fall to
very low levels, and it allows sufficient time
(b) Whole body scintigraphy for thyroid for metastases to trap radioiodine. 1 routine-
metastases ly obtain anterior and posterior whole-body
This test is designed to provide information images as weIl as pin-hole images of the
about the presence, or absence, of function- thyroid area. Normal uptake is expected in
ing metastases from differentiated thyroid residual thyroid, salivary glands, stornach
cancer. The test is of no value in anaplastic and colon and bladder. The last two are
or medullary cancer. It should only be done routes of excretion of iodine. Late scans
after thyroidectomy, which removes the (5-10 days after the dose is administered)
primary cancer and a proportion of normal can demonstrate diffuse hepatie uptake of
thyroid tissue. The extent of surgery is con- radioiodine, whieh is due to the liver meta-
troversial and is discussed in full in Chapter bolizing radioiodinated thyroid hormones
8. If the scan is done when there is a signi- [107]. There has to be functioning thyroid
ficant amount of normal thyroid present, the tissue producing hormone for this to occur,
radioiodine localizes preferentially in that and the appearance should not be misinter-
site and metastases are not visualized. Auto- preted as metastases. The main drawback
radiographie studies have shown that can- about this scan is that about 10% of differ-
cers have about 1% of the uptake of normal entiated cancers do not concentrate iodine.
thyroid. The test uses 131 1 and doses from Recently, Hoschl et al. [108] described a
0.5-10 mCi (18.5-370 MBq) have been re- false-positive result in the lungs caused by
commended with most nuclear physicians bronchiectasis. 1 have seen positive uptake
using 1 or 2 mCi (I use 2 mCi (74 MBq)). in the lungs in a patient who had bronchitis
When whole-body scintigraphy is done after at the time of scanning. There was no other
thyroidectomy, it should be delayed for clinical or laboratory evidence of metastases
about 4 weeks from the time of operation to (radiographs, thyroglobulin and a thallium
allow endogenously secreted thyroid hor- scan were negative). No therapy was
mones to be metabolized and TSH to rise. advised, and a repeat scan when the patient
This will only occur when a signifieant had no lung problem was negative. Fortu-
amount of thyroid has been removed. If nately, 1 read the aforementioned article.
the operation was a lobectomy and Another cause of a false-positive result was
isthmusectomy, there is sufficient residual J311 accumulating in a renal cyst [109].
thyroid to maintain euthyroidism, and the Lakshmanan et al. [110] recommend a sim-
scan will usually only demonstrate the plified low-iodine diet to augment uptake in
residual lobe. When thyroxine has been lesions. Several aspects of this are provided
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 53
Table 3.8 Simplified low-iodine diet used in the
preparation of a patient with thyroid cancer for
whole-body scintigraphy

A low-iodine diet is recommended for 2 weeks

before a 131 1 scan and continued until therapy has
been prescribed. The following should be
lodized salt and sea salt
Milk and dairy products
Breads with iodate dough conditioners
Red food dyes
Restaurant foods
This successfully reduces urinary iodide to 50
JLg/day [110].

in Table 3.8. 1 ensure there is no obvious

increased source of iodine such as radio-
graphie contrast/or kelp tablets. There is no
good way of doing a controlled study of
normal and low-iodine diets in the same pa-
tients, since any lesion seen on the first scan
would be treated.
It is valuable to calculate uptake in lesions
so that adecision about treatment can be
made. Figure 3.22 (a and b) shows a wh ole-
body scan with önly thyroid uptake and
Figure 3.23 one with widespread metastases.
More examples are given in Chapter 8. Tech-
netium whole-body scintigram is inferior to
131 1 [111], and since it does not predict

whether therapy can be given 1 do not re- (al

commend this.

Figure 3.22 (a) Whole-body radioiodine scan

made 48 hours after 2 mCi 1311, showing residual
thyroid in the cervical area but no metastases in
regional nodes, or distant sites. (b) Spot over
thyroid . (b)
54 Tests of thyroid function

Figure 3.23 Whole-body scan made 72 hours after 2 mCi 131 1, showing multiple areas of abnormal
uptake due to functioning metastases of follicular cancer.

3.5.3 MISCELLANEOUS RADIONUCLIDE cause both cancer and inflammation are im-
IMAGING TESTS aged, the test cannot have good specificity
and there are not enough publications to
(a) Gallium aIlOW us to determine the sensitivity. Since
Gallium citrate [67Ga] is used to detect in- most of the diseases in which this test is
flammatory disease and metastases. It was positive are diagnosed by other simpler and
introduced as a bone scanning agent in the more accurate methods, the role for 67Ga
1960s and found to localize in non-skeletal scintigraphy is very limited. It might be con-
primary cancers and their metastases. The sidered in a patient with a fever of unknown
cancers include lung, melanoma, hepatoma origin, who is borderline hyperthyroid to
and lymphoma. The radiopharmaceutical diagnose thyroiditis and it has a small role
was also found to localize in abscesses and in staging of lymphoma.
other acute and chronic inflammatory pro- 67Ga emits gamma rays with energies of
cesses. The mechanism of uptake in these 93, 184, 295 and 394 Kev, it has a half-life of
lesions is multifactorial and includes the 78 hours, and the usual dose is 3-5 mCi
labelling of transferrin, the uptake in in- (111-185 MBq) by intravenous injection. Im-
flammatory ceIls, increased capillary per- aging for inflammatory pathology is done
me ability in the lesion, and the labelling of from 6-24 hours after the injection, and for
bacteria and others not weIl defined [112- cancer the image should be delayed up to 48
114]. Gallium has a minor role in diagnosing hours after injection.
thyroid diseases. As might be expected there
are reports of it showing positive uptake in (b) Thallium
anaplastic cancer [115], lymphoma [115], Thallium 201 decays by electron capture and
subacute thyroiditis [116, 117], Hashimoto's emits low-energy X-rays with energies of 70-
thyroiditis [118], amiodarone thyroiditis 80 Kev. It has a half life of 64 hours. The
[119], and sarcoidosis of the thyroid [120, standard dose is 2.0 mCi by intravenous in-
121]. There is one report of positive uptake jection, and imaging is started at 5 minutes.
in the thyroid in Graves' disease [122]. Be- Thallous chloride eOlTl) is used commonly
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 55
that some other test is necessary before de-
termining how the cancer can be treated.
U sually amI scan has to be done. There-
fore, I prefer to obtain a standard 131 1 wh ole-
body scintigram first. Thallium has a role in
searching for suspected disease when the
1311 scan is negative in a patient with persis-

tently high thyroglobulin. If 201TI is shown

to be as sensitive as 131 1 in detecting cancer,
it is probable that it will become the first test
looking for metastases. A negative 201TI
study would me an there is no need to stop
the patient' s thyroid. Brendel et al. [125]
found a low sensitivity for thallium [43%];
therefore, there is insufficient published data
to support this approach at present.
Arecent report shows that 201TI demons-
trates suppressed thyroid in patients with
autonomous hyperfunctioning nodules,
thus differentiating a hot nodule from
hemiagenesis [126].

(e) Other radiopharmaeeutieals

99mTc pentavalent dimercaptosuccinate
(DMSA) has been used to image medullary
Figure 3.24 Whole-body 201Tl scan in a patient
with metastatic follicular cancer (not the patient cancer with varied results. Images are made
whose scan is shown in Figure 3.25). 201Tl is nor- 2 hours after intravenous injection of 10 mCi
mally seen in the heart, salivary glands, liver and (370 MBq) of the radiopharmaceutical. It
intestines. The uptake in the lungs, neck and should be considered in patients with high
pelvis are metastases. values of calcitonin, but no evidence of its
source [127]. Alternatively, radioiodinated
to image the myocardium. In addition, it has metaiodobenzyl guanidine (MIBG) has been
been shown to localize in certain cancers in- used in this clinical setting [128].
cluding thyroid cancer [123, 124]. Why and
how the radionuclide is taken up by cancer
are not known. Whole-body thallium scinti-
gram searching for metastases has good sen-
sitivity, and this test has the great benefit Ultrasound is a simple rapid, relatively
that thyroid medications do not have to be cheap and non-invasive method to study the
stopped prior to imaging. Figure 3.24 Shows structure of the thyroid. It requires no pa-
whole-body 201TI scan in a patient with tient preparation. The study is done with the
metastatic follicular cancer. The reason for patient recumbent and the neck extended.
whole-body 131 1 scan described above is to A very high frequency sound wave (5-10
define whether there is uptake in cancer that MHz) is pulsed into the area of interest and
could subsequently be treated with the same the echoes detected by the transmitter and
radionuclide. A positive 131 1 scan means that reproduced as an image. Because fluid has
therapy can be considered, a positive thal- no internal structures it does not produce an
lium scan me ans that cancer is present and echo; in contrast, solid tissue produces many
56 Tests of thyroid function

Figure 3.25 Ultrasound of a right-sided thyroid nodule. This is solid. Ultra sound does not give tissue
characteristics that allow cancer to be differentiated from benign tissue. This nodule was shown to be
benign on fine-ne edle aspiration.

echoes at tissue interfaces (Figure 3.25). through the posterior wall of the cyst [131].
Modern, 'state of the art', small-parts equip- There is one article which stands out in con-
ment provide marvellous resolution, of <0.5 trast. Hammer et al. [132] studied 341
mm in the axial direction and <1 mm trans- patients who had thyroid surgery and in
versely [129]. In spite of this, the hope that whom the pathology was known. Forty-
ultra sound would provide different tissue eight patients had cancer (14%), and 94 had
characteristics in cancers compared to be- pathological evidence of a cyst (35%). Thy-
nign lesions has been realized. As a result, I roid ultrasound was available in 64 patients,
find this test less useful than some investiga- and it correctly predicted cysts in only 15 of
tors in work-up of the solitary nodule. It is 27 cases (sensitivity 56%), and it showed 7
possible to differentiate asolid from a pure of 37 solid lesions to be cystic (specificity
cystic nodule with more than 95% confid- 83%). Details of the imaging in this study
ence [130], however, pure cysts in the thyr- are not provided, but the results are dis-
oid are not common; in one report only 1 out quieting.
of 146 single nodules met the criteria of a Differentiation of the cystic lesion is im-
single, fluid-filled lesion, with a well-defined portant because pure cysts are seldom malig-
capsule and increased passage of echoes na nt. However, in the series described [132],
Dynamic and imaging studies of the thyroid 57

27% of the benign and 33% of the malignant nodule is not growing. The rationale and
lesions were cystic. The cancer could be in expected results from suppression are pre-
the cyst, or the cyst was the result of central sented in Chapter 7. Blum [130] states that
necrosis of the cancer. Some clinicians find knowledge of the dimensions of the thyroid
the results of ultrasound help them decide if allow accurate calculation of its volume,
surgery is necessary. Walker et al. [133] com- which can be used in determining how
pared the results from operation with pre- much radioiodine treatment to prescribe in
operative ultrasound results in 200 patients cases of Graves' hyperthyroidism or 'hot'
with a solitary nodule on clinical examina- nodule. Secondly, on occasion the clinical
tion. One hundred and one of the series impression can be that of a dominant
subsequently had a thyroid operation. Forty- nodule, but there is a hint of smaller sub-
nine solitary solid nodules were diagnosed clinical nodules. Ultra sound will differenti-
by ultrasound, and 8 (16%) were cancers. ate a solitary nodule from a multinodular
The ultrasound did not prevent operation on goitre. Ultrasound can demonstrate un-
the 41 with benign nodules. Fifty-two pa- equivocally that the problem is multinodular
tients had complex or cystic lesions on ultra- goitre. If one nodule is dominant, I recom-
sound, and all were histologically benign. me nd evaluating it as if it were solitary, and
Thirty were removed for clinical indications. this will usually involve fine-needle aspira-
The authors have followed the remaining tion. Thirdly, those who are skilled ultraso-
99 patients who were found to have cystic, nographers state that the test aids needle
multinodular or diffuse lesions. They state aspiration. I have virtually no experience of
'nearly 50% of patients with a clinically solit- combining the two procedures, and usually
ary thyroid nodule have avoided surgery'. do aspirations using touch, holding the
This begs the questions of who palpated the nodule with the forefinger and thumb of my
thyroids, why were some asymptomatic left hand and aspirating with the right hand
multinodular goitres removed, and how do using a syringe holder. This is described in
they know the remainder are benign? detail in section 3.6.
Ultrasound has been recommended as a
screening test to find nodules in patients
who have had head and neck irradiation.
There is no unanimity of opinion but un- This test images the distribution of inorganic
doubtedly the test will find non-palpable iodine in the thyroid. The principle was
nodules in 10-25% of patients [134] and proposed by Hoffer et al. in 1968 [135], and
cause a dilemma for the clinican and concern early results presented by Hoffer and Gott-
for the patient. This finding almost always schalk [136]. If a photon (either a gamma ray
results in a nuclear scintigram being or X-ray), whose energy is greater than the
bin ding energy of an inner K shell electron
obtained and this can be normal. Then the
questions of biopsy or even surgery of an e
of non-radioactive iodine 271), strikes the
impalpable nodule arise. As a result, in this electron, the latter is ejected from its orbit
clinical setting I prefer to rely on palpation with an energy equal to the difference of the
which is repeated annually. incident photon and the electron's binding
In spite of these negative comments, I find energy. The gap created by loss of the K
ultra sound helpful in several clinical setting. shell electron is filled by an electron from the
Firstly, in obtaining accurate measurement next orbit, the L shell, falling into that spot.
of the size of a nodule. If a patient is put on The se co nd electron has a higher binding
suppressive therapy in an effort to shrink a energy than the first, and as it moves into
nodule, it is reassuring to have measure- the K shell the difference in energy is given
ments at intervals (annually) proving the off. This can take one of two forms, either a
58 Tests of thyroid function
X-ray trom source and this corresponds with the course of the
illness described in Chapter 9. Similar results
have been described by other investigators
in the USA, but Meignan and Gall [138] in
France found considerably lower normal
values (5 ± 2.5 mg) most probably the result
Characteristic of less dietary iodine. These results are in-
X-ray teresting in relation to our knowledge of
physiology of thyroidal iodine, but do not
help in practice.
It was hoped that malignant nodules
could be differentiated from benign on the
Emitted electron
basis of their iodine content. Although early
investigations were encouraging with lower
Figure 3.26 This shows the theoretical basis for iodine content found in maligancy [139], cur-
fluorescent scintigraphy. N = nucleus; E = elec- rent data indicate that the iodine content
tron; K = inner shell; L = second shell; 1 = cannot be used to discriminate in an indi-
incident X-ray; 2 = emitted electron, 3 = L-K
electron; 4 = characteristic X-ray. vidual case. In a study of 150 nodules, 38 of
which were subsequently shown to be
malignant, a ratio of iodine content in the
nodule compared to the content of the oppo-
low-energy electron (Auger electron), or a site lobe of <0.6 correctly identified 37 can-
characteristic X-ray which has an energy of cers, but incorrectly put 41 of the 112 benign
28.5 Kev that is suited to imaging. Figure lesions into the same category (sensitivity
3.26 shows the sequence diagrammatically. 97%, specificity 65%).
The equipment for fluorescent scanning has The test gives an extremely low radiation
a source of photons, usually americium dose to the thyroid (approx 20-40 mrad)
(Am-241), which emits 59.6 Kev gamma [140], no radiation has to be administered
rays, and a high-resolution detector capable and the whole-body dose is negligible.
of imaging the low energy X-rays.
Because the equipment is expensive and
limited in use to thyroid investigations, the 3.5.6 MISCELLANEOUS RADIOLOGICAL
test is not widely available. The patient re- STUDIES
quires no preparation and one benefit of the
study is that it can be done after the patient (c) Computerized tomography (CT)
has received a large dose of iodine. The There is no place for CT scanning in routine
number of photons given off are proportion- evaluation of patients with thyroid diseases.
al to the amount of iodine in the gland, and There are a few situations where this test
therefore it is possible to quantitate the contributes c1inical information which is not
iodine content. Patton and Sandler [137] available from other simpler and cheaper
found in 33 normal controls an average of approach es (140-142). Although CT can
10.7 ± 4.8 mg (M ± SO). The result in pri- diagnose substernal goitre, this condition
mary hypothyroidism was only 1.5 ± 0.9 mg is diagnosed more specifically by 123I. In the
and in untreated hyperthyroidism 36.5 ± rare patient with thyroid cancer who has a
19.4 mg. In subacute thyroiditis, there was spinal metastasis, this test gives excellent
normal content at the onset of symptoms, anatomical information of the relationship of
but thyroidal iodine decreased dramatically, the spinal cord. It sometimes is useful in
Tissue diagnosis 59
acteristic that would allow it to be differenti-
ated from normal and benign pathology. As
a corollary, it was hoped that malignant
nodules would show a different signal from
benign ones. This is not so. NMRI has no
place in routine work-up of thyroid disease
[145, 146] . It is valuable in evaluating the
spinal cord in cases with metastases to the
spine, and is better than CT in the diagnosis
of compression and has the benefit that no
contrast is given. It allows the extent of can-
cers which do not trap radioiodine to be
evaluated. In contrast, the test can show un-
expected abnormalities as is shown in Figure
1.3. The scan was done to evaluate the cer-
Figure 3.27 CT of orbits in a patient with adv-
vical spine in a young woman with radicular
anced Craves' ophthalmopathy. The extraocular
muscles are considerably enlarged. symptoms in the neck and arm. A thyroid
nodule was found, and this engendered con-
cern in the patient and her internist. No
patients with recurrent cancer in the neck lesion was palpable, but an ultrasound was
when there is no uptake of radioiodine. If necessary to prove that the problem was a 5
the scan shows localized lesions which are mm cyst. No additional tests or treatment
known not to concentrate iodine, then were advised or have been necessary.
surgery can be recommended. Whenever CT
is ordered, the physcian must anticipate that 3.6 TISSUE DIAGNOSIS
contrast material containing inorganic iodine
will be given; therefore, scintigraphy or ther- There has been a remarkable change in the
apy with radioiodine must be done first, or approach to diagnosing thyroid nodules in
be delayed for 4-6 weeks. the last 10 years. This involves establishing
We have found that CT scan of the orbits a tissue dia gnosis by ne edle biopsy. The
valuable in evaluating Graves' ophthalmo- approach had been used in Scandanavia
pathy [144]. No contrast is required and the [147], and by a small number of clinicians in
scan gives excellent resolution of the ex- the USA [148, 149] for many years prior to
traocular muscles and the optic nerve. The its general acceptance in the USA and
test should not be ordered routinely in pa- Europe. Reasons for biopsy results not being
tients with mild disease, but should be used accepted earlier include fear that malignancy
when treatment of the ophthalmopathy by would be tracked along the course of the
radiation or surgery is planned. Figure 3.27 needle, that the tissue obtained would not
shows characteristic findings of bulky ex- be representative of the nodule as a whole,
traocular muscles in a patient with clinically and concern about false-positive and false-
advanced Graves' ophthalmopathy. negative results. There is no data to support
that this test spreads cancer; the other con-
(b) Nuc1ear magnetic resonance imaging cerns are discussed in more detail below.
(NMRI) There are several methods of obtaining
When NMRI was introduced in clinical tissue. Firstly, using a large-bore (14 or
medicine, there was the hope that neoplastic 15 gauge) dedicated biopsy needle, such
tissue would have tissue spectroscopic char- as Trucut, or Vim Silverman [150]. This
60 Tests of thyroid function
approach requires a small incision in the push the thyroid and nodule more anterior-
skin overlying the nodule, and it provides a ly. The skin should be anaesthetized with
core of tissue which is evaluated by standard 1% Xylocaine. When a 23-25 gauge ne edle
pathological techniques. This is fairly is used for aspiration, the instillation of the
traumatic and can cause complications, such anaesthetic is about as painful as a single
as perforation of the trachea, damage to the aspirate, but several aspirates are usually
recurrent laryngeal nerve and haematoma necessary and this aspiration is tolerated bet-
[150]. The most common approach is to use ter after local anaesthesia. The nodule is im-
a smaller regular needle [gauge 23-25], and mobilized between the fingers and thumb of
10-20 ml syringe. This technique provides one hand, and the ne edle inserted using
tissue for cytological rather than histological firm pressure with the other hand. To help
interpretation, and because it has gained stabilize the syringe and needle, it is very
widespread acceptance it is described in helpful to use a dedicated syringe holder
more depth below. One of my colleagues such as the Cameco syringe pistol. Suction
uses a compromise between these extremes can be obtained in the syringe with one
with an 18-19 gauge needle. He obtains a hand, the other hand ensuring the nodule
small core of tissue which is large enough to remains immobilized. The ne edle is moved
be sectioned for histological interpretation. back and forth in the nodule while pressure
No skin incision is required. is maintained in the syringe. As soon as
Fine-needle aspiration is promoted as the material is seen in the barrel of the syringe,
primary test for evaluation of a solitary thyr- the procedure is stopped. The best speci-
oid nodule by Van Herle et al. [151]. Their mens are obtained by first removing the
detailed analysis demonstrates that it is the syringe from the needle, leaving the ne edle
most cost-effective first test. Blum [152] in situ for a second or two, before the
raises a concern, which I echo, that cost- syringe is reattached to the ne edle and then
effectiveness is easier to apply to a popula- removed with the needle. A tissue drop is
tion than to a patient. As with any test, the gently expressed onto a glass slide. The drop
reason for proceeding with fine-ne edle is smeared with the edge of a second slide in
aspiration should be carefully considered, the same fashion as a blood smear. If the
and it should not be done by rote. For exam- syringe and needle are pulled out together,
pIe, if a patient has had previous neck irra- without releasing the negative pressure,
diation and now presents with a hard, fixed there is a risk of sucking the specimen into
thyroid nodule, should the biopsy be the barrel of the syringe from which it is
obtained? I would argue no. A negative re- difficult to remove. One half of the slides are
sult would not alter my recommendation placed as quickly as possible in 95% alcohol
to have the nodule removed. Some believe fixative, the remainder are dried in air. The
knowledge of the pathology preoperatively former are stained using Papanicolaou, or
helps the surgeon plan the procedure. an equivalent stain, the latter with Wright's
However, if the clinical suspicion is so stain which demonstrates colloid.
strongly in favour of cancer, I believe the When fluid is obtained, the aspirator
procedure would be the same without the should try to remove it all. The colour can
biopsy result. When adecision is reached to vary from serous, through bloody to black.
do an aspirate, there should be a full discus- Clear liquid, like water, establishes that a
sion with the patient of the procedure, the parathyroid cyst has been drained [153]. The
possible results and the steps taken to treat fluid is put into a plain sterile tube and the
each of these (see below). The patient lies contents spun down so that the any cells
supine with a pillow under the shoulders to can be stuided microscopically. If a mass is
Tissue diagnosis 61

still palpable after the fluid is drained, it ating the thyroid if there is a bleeding dis-
should be aspirated. Blum [152] states that order and I agree. However, I do not request
ultrasound-assisted aspiration is helpful in coagulation studies before aspiration and
this situation because it allows the operator know of no-one who does. He also recom-
to determine where the biopsy needle is mends not aspirating a nodule in a patient
positioned. This was discussed above under with Graves' disease because the gland is so
ultrasound, and I admit I do not use this vascular. I have done so several times. One
combination of procedures. Gentle pressure patient had Graves' disease plus a nodule,
should be applied to the puncture site for coexisting severe cardiac and joint disease. I
5 minutes, and the patient kept under wished to treat her with radioiodine and try
observation for 15-20 minutes. Those clini- to prevent referral for thyroid surgery. There
cians who get immediate feed-back of the was no bleeding from the aspirate, the cyto-
result are in an enviable position. I consider logy was benign, radioiodine was successful
mys elf fortunate in obtaining the result in 24 (one dose made her hypothyroid) and, to
hours, so there is very little delay in discus- my surprise and her pleasure, the nodule
sing them with the patient. It is prudent to disappeared after the radioiodine treatment.
have everything ready before doing the pro- There are four broad categories into which
cedure, inclUding having the slides prepared the results fall: malignant, benign, suspi-
with the identifying features of the patient. cious, and inadequate. In the last case, the
(Ball-point and regular ink are dissolved by aspirate should be repeated. Papillary can-
the fixative, and so a pencil is recommended cer, which is the commonest thyroid cancer,
for recording details.) has characteristic features shown in Figure
Two alternative approaches for aspiration 3.28. Ashcraft and Van Herle [156] in an
have been described. Burch [154] uses a 21 extensive review of the literature, found the
gauge butterfly needle attached to a 20 ml overall accuracy of the procedure was 90%.
syringe, and he stands behind the patient There are numerous reports of hundreds
palpating the nodule as most clinicians do in [154-165] or even thousands of patients
routine practice. Having defined the nodule, being studied [166-168]. It is generally
he inserts the ne edle and a colleague stand- agreed that there are few false-positive re-
ing in front of the patient does the aspira- sults. Boey et al. [164] in a review of 14
tion. The patient does not see the needle. I publications calculated that the false-positive
ask patients if they would like a cover over rate was 3.8%. There are exceptions to this.
their eyes and can only recall one who did. Khalifa et al. [169] report a false-positive rate
Zajdela et al. (155) use a ne edle alone with- of 56%, but the small number of patients
out negative pressure from a syringe. They studied probably is responsible for their re-
insert a 23 or 25 gauge ne edle and move it sults. Similarly, the incidence of false nega-
back and forth in different directions in the tives is smalI, averaging about 5%. These
tumour. Cells are drawn into the barrel of figures conceal an important fact, namely,
the ne edle by capillary action. They have that suspicious lesions are not included in
used this technique to aspirate successfully the statistical calculations. In many series,
both thyroid and breast lesions. 10-20% of the results fall into a suspicious
Complications are uncommon. Occas- or indeterminate category. The most fre-
sionally, there is bleeding into the lesion, quent and troublesome cause of this is the
but his responds to pressure and I have used microfollicular neoplasm (Figure 3.29), be-
an ice pack and pressure with apparent re- cause it is impossible by cytological analysis
solution. Pressure alone might have been to differentiate a follicular adenoma from a
sufficient. Blum [152] recommends not aspir- follicular carcinoma. This is because the
62 Tests of thyroid function

(a) (b)

Figure 3.28 Fine-needle aspirate of a thyroid nodule made with a 23 gauge needle. Two papillary
fronds of cells are seen on low power (a). (b) High power of same tissue; the papillary configuration is
noted. The nuclei are prominent and have a ground glass appearance, with prominent nucleoli.
Nuclear inclusions, which are characteristic, are not seen in this example but are seen in Figure 8.2.

diagnosis of carcinoma depends on vascular inflammatory disease of the thyroid [171].

and capsular invasion, which is only seen on Aspiration should not be used indiscrimi-
histological specimen. As an example Gharib nately but only if it will add information to
et al. [168] did fine-needle aspiration on 1970 the c1inical and standard laboratory findings.
patients, and 330 (17%) had indeterminate I do not think it should be used routinely in
pathology. Of the 330, 253 had surgery and diffuse goitre. The test has aided in deter-
60 were found to have cancer. In their series, mmmg the presence of metastases to the
98 patients were diagnosed to have cancer thyroid [172]. Since most of the published
by biopsy. In the total group, only 8% had re ports are from academic thyroid units,
cancer ([98 + 60]/1970), but 38% of the can- there is concern that the test is not applic-
cers were in the suspicious group. Plani- able to routine community or distriet hospit-
metrie evaluation of the cells does not help als. Asp et al. [173] in a non-academic insti-
[170] . tute had a sensitivity and specificity of 100%
Thyroid aspirate is helpful in diagnosing for papillary cancer, but the results of their
Miscellaneous tests 63
has good sensitivity and specificity, but the
problem of the indeterminate pathology is
not resolved. The number of patients with a
nodule who are referred to surgery should
be less than when scintigraphy and ultra-
sound are used, and the proportion of pa-
tients found to have cancer at operation
should be increased. Additional discussion
of this topic is presented in Chapter 5 in the
section on autonomous nodule, and Chapter
7 on management of thyroid nodules.


Measurement of thyroglobulin in the serum
provides very important clinical information
about patients who have had surgical and/or
additional radioiodine therapy for differ-
entiated thyroid cancer. If there is no func-
tioning thyroid tissue (normal/or malignant),
there should be no thyroglobulin in the
circulation. Based on this measurement, it
would appear straightforward to define
whether a patient is free of differentiated
Figure 3.29 Fine-needle aspirate of a thyroid
nodule with a 23 gauge needle. The aspirate thyroid cancer. However, a substantial pro-
shows a 'microfollicular' appearance. With this portion of patients with papillary cancer,
appearance, it is not possible to differentiate well- which is the most common thyroid cancer,
differentiated thyroid cancer from follicular ade- have in their circulation antibodies to thyr-
noma. This turned out to be a follicular cancer. oglobulin. We found this in 40% of the first
group of patients we studied [174]. Conven-
tional radioimmunoassays for thyroglobulin
entire series were sensitivity 100% and spe- cannot function with accuracy in the pre-
cificity 47%. Like most practitioners who use sence of the antibody against the antigen
this test, they found that it increased the that is being measured. We use a sandwich-
likelihood of finding cancer when the patient type immunoradiometric assay to overcome
is referred to surgery. In their study, 64% of this problem [175, 176]. Not all commercially
patients who had a needle aspirate and were available assays are of this type, and the
referred to surgery had cancer, compared to differences in the assays result in important
only 26% of those who did not have pre- clinical implications [177].
operative aspiration during the same time There are many publications attesting to
period. the value of thyroglobulin in excluding or
In summary, fine-needle aspiration has diagnosing the presence of metastatic diffe-
become accepted as a standard test in the rentiated cancer [178-189]. In our original
diagnosis of dominant thyroid nodules. study comparing thyroglobulin measure-
The published results indicate that the test ments with whole-body radioiodine 131
64 Tests of thyroid function
scintiscans, the blood test had a sensitivity of thyroid cancer whieh can be evaluated along
100% and a specificity of 83% [174]. In this with a whole-body 131 1 scan. In many pa-
situation, the patients had discontinued sup- tients it reduces the number of follow-up
pressive thyroxine for 4 weeks and had scans. However, it should only be used as
elevated TSH values, which are known to the sole method of follow-up when a 131 1
increase thyroglobulin levels if there is scan is negative.
any functioning thyroid tissue. Therefore, Thyroglobulin levels are high in many be-
whether the patient is taking thyroxine nign thyroid conditions, including non-toxie
should be recorded. Black et al. [183] evalu- goitre [188] and benign nodules [189]. It can-
ated thyroglobulin measurements in 274 pa- not be used as a screening test for the pre-
tients, 266 of whom had thyroid surgery and sence of cancer. Similarly, Schneider et al.
183 also had postoperative radioiodine treat- [190] did not find any difference in thyro-
ment. With the patients taking thyroxine, globulin levels in patients with benign or
thyroglobulin predieted correctly the pre- malignant thyroid nodules after external
sence or absence of disease in 97.5%; when neck irradiation.
the patients were off thyroxine this figure
fell to 84%. The results have to be inter-
preted in relation to the amount of residual
thyroid tissue left postoperatively. We Calcitonin is a valuable serum marker for
accept as normal values up to and equal to medullary cancer [200]. It is analogous to
10 ng/ml in those who have one lobe. How- thyroglobulin. If the patient has had a total
ever, if all thyroid has been ablated thyroglo- thyroidectomy, there should be no calcito-
bulin should be undetectable [184]. Using nin, and serum values rise when there is a
these criteria, sensitivity and specificity for recurrence. Unfortunately, there is no single
patients who had had ablation and were on radionuclide like 131 1 which can be used to
thyroxine were 97% and 96% respectively; diagnose and treat medullary cancer. The
for those with residual thyroid the results test is important in screening relatives of a
were 97% and 87%. When thyroxine was patient with known medullary cancer [201],
stopped for 4 weeks, the statistics were low- and there are provocative tests using calcium
er. The sensitivity and specificity for those and pentagastrin whieh increase the sen-
with no thyroid tissue were 79% and 95% sitivity of the measurement [202]. This is
respectively, and in those with residual thyr- expanded under medullary cancer in
oid 94% and 71 %. Somewhat against these Chapter 8.
overall favourable results. Coakley et al.
[185] found the test to be of little use, with 5
of 10 patients having false-negative results.
Similarly, Moser et al. [186] found 30 out of There is abundant evidence that several of
158 patients had a positive 131 1 scan but un- the common and important thyroid diseases
detectable thyroglobulin, and they recom- are autoimmune. These include Graves'
mend that thyroglobulin should not be sub- disease; Hashimoto's throiditis, primary
stituted for a 131 1 scan until a negative scan is hypothyroidism and simple non-toxic goitre.
obtained. In spite of these negative results, it Antithyroid antibodies are found in the cir-
is very unusual for thyroglobulin to be un- culation of patients with these disorders.
detectable in the presence of widespread The antibodies cause the pathophysiology in
metastases [187]. I find this test extremely some instances, such as thyroid receptor
valuable. It gives an independent index of antibody (TRAb) in Graves' disease; others
the status of patients with differentiated appear to be simply markers of the presence
Miscellaneous tests 65

of autoimmunity. The antibodies which are tion of knowledge of these antibodies

of diagnostic importance are antithyroglobu- has given us remarkable insight into the
lin (antiTg), antimicrosomal (antiM), TRAb, pathophysiology of Graves' hyperthyroid-
and thyroid growth antibodies or immuno- ism, they are of less diagnostic relevance
globulins (TGI). There are different methods because the diagnosis can be made without
of measuring each of these. AntiTg was them and treatment is not influenced by the
originaHy measured by tanned red cell result. One exception to this is in the pre-
agglutination [191], but solid-phase radio- gnant woman with Graves' disease, in
immunoassay is more sensitive [192, 193]. whom high titres of TRAb should alert the
Using the latter, positive results are found in clinicians to the possibility of neonatal hyper-
more than 90% of patients with Graves' dis- throidism due to transplacental passage
ease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and many of this immunoglobulin. Growth-promoting
with primary hypothyroidism. AntiM, antibodies have been discovered more re-
which is thought to be an antibody against cently, and have provided us with the con-
thyroid peroxidase, was originaHy detected cept that goitrous conditions associated with
by complement fixation, but is also detected euthyroidism and negative antiTg and antiM
with more sensitivity using solid-phase are caused by other anti-TSH receptor anti-
radioimmunoassay. More than 90% of pa- bodies which produce ceH hyperplasia [198].
tients with Graves' disease and Hashimoto's Their role in clinical thyroidology is not de-
thyroiditis have this in their circulation. fined. The topic of thyroid autoimmunity is
These tests are not specific, since from 15- discussed in relevant chapters in more de-
20% of apparently normal people have cir- tail. Those readers interested in the historical
culating thyroid antibodies, albeit at low background of the discoveries of thyroid
titres. It is not clear if they have a forme autoimmunity are referred to Autoimmunity
fruste of autoimmune thyroiditis, or not. [199].
These assays are of value in the diagnosis of
Hashimoto's thyroiditis. High titres of these
antibodies in a euthyroid patient with a dif-
fuse goitre establish this diagnosis. I seldom
use these measurements in the dia gnosis of One of the most important thyroid tests
Graves' disease since the clinical features of from the 1920s for three decades was the
hyperthyroidism, diffuse goitre and ophthal- basal metabolic rate [203]. Basal metabolism
mopathy, define that disease. There are is increased in hyperthyroidism and de-
some clinicians who believe that the pre- creased in hypothyroidism, but there is sig-
sen ce of high levels of antibodies predict nificant overlap with normal results, logistic
subsequent hypothyroidism and, therefore, difficulties in conducting the test, and sever-
they alter the therapeutic approach, e.g. al non-thyroidal conditions which increase
they treat with antithyroid drugs or remove the result (polycythaemia, leukaemia, pre-
less thyroid at operation [194]. I do not sub- gnancy, cardiac failure and phaeochromocy-
scribe to this philosophy. toma) and decrease the result (adrenal insuf-
TRAb was originally discovered by Adams ficiency, nephrotic syndrome and cachexia),
and Purves [195], and because it has a longer so that it is of no value. The last time I
time-activity course than TSH, it was caHed wanted to do this test for a research project,
long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS). This the equipment could not be located!
topic is expanded in Chapter 5. Two re cent Thyroid hormones affect almost every tis-
excellent, well-referenced, reviews are re- sue and organ, and excess or insufficiency
commended [196, 197]. Although the evolu- produce secondary changes, such as high
66 Tests of thyroid function
Table 3.9 Tests of thyroid funetion in various uneomplieated thyroid eonditions

To prove suspected condition First tests Secondary

Euthyroidism TSH FT4

Hyperthyroidism TSH FT4
Hypothyroidism TSH FT4
Hashimoto' s TSH FT4 antiTg+M
Non-toxie goitre TSH FT4
Single nodule FNA Seintigram/sonogram
Multinodular goitre TSH FT4 Scintigram
Subacute thyroiditis TSH FT4 Uptake
Silent thyroiditis TSH FT4 antiTg+M Uptake
Siek euthyroid* TSH FT4

* Only if suspicion of thyroid disease is high.

cholesterol in hypothyroidism and shor- • In general, hyperthyroidism and in-

tened systolic time intervals in hyper- creased levels of bin ding proteins cause
thyroidism. However, none of the tests of high levels of total T4 and T3 .
peripheral effect of thyroid hormones has • In general, hypothyroidism and low
sufficiently good sensitivity and specificity to levels of bin ding proteins cause low levels
recommend their use diagnostieally. The of total T4 and T3 .
corollary, however, is that a high cholesterol • Ill-health and starvation can produce in-
without any explanation should prompt appropriately low total hormone values.
measurement of FT4 and TSH to ensure that • There are mathematical methods of deter-
hypothyroidism is not overlooked. mining free thyroid hormone levels, but
Table 3.9 lists the tests whieh are recom- they are not truly measuring free hor-
mended in uncomplicated common thyroid mone.
conditions. More detailed approaches are • The commonest mathematical derivation
presented in each of the chapters dealing is (T4 x T3 RU)/lOO.
with specific diseases. • There are several methods for measuring
FT4 , the gold standard is dialysis, the
most cost and time effective is a two-step
KEY FACTS • One-step FT4 measurements should not
• Because thyroid dysfunction is common be relied on, especially in ill patients.
and suspected thyroid dysfunction very • New methods for measuring TSH using
common, laboratory testing is necessary two antibodies against the alpha and beta
in many patients. chains of TSH respectively, allow both
• Testing can evaluate plasma thyroid hor- low and high values to be differentiated
mones, the pituitary thyroid axis and the from normal values.
hypothalamic-pituitary thyroid axis. • Low TSH values are characteristic of
• Imaging of thyroid can give exeellent ana- hyperthyroidism.
tomie details (ultra sound and CT) or func- • High TSH values are characteristic of
tional information (radionuclide). hypothyroidism.
• Total thyroid hormone levels are altered, • The best combination of tests is FT4 and
not only by changes in thyroid status, but TSH.
also by changes in binding proteins. • The amount of rise in TSH after an in-
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isms in thyroid disease, in The Thyroid, (ed. 18.

Clinical examinati on


Diagnosis of thyroid disease starts with the Moderate and severe cases of hyperthyroid-
interview and clinical examination. The ism and hypothyroidism can be diagnosed
primary physician is usually in the position instantaneously in most patients. The
of determining whether thyroid dysfunction appearance of a hyperthyroid patient with
is the cause of the patient' s complaints, and Graves' disease is characteristic (Figure 4.1).
the endocrinologist of confirming the dia- The patient is tense, nervous, restless and
gnosis and recommending therapy. Not in- fidgety, the eyes are staring and often bulg-
frequently, unsuspected thyroid disease is ing, and the skin is hot and sweaty. Almost
found on clinical examination. The clinician immediately after introduction to and shak-
should try and answer the following ques- ing hands with the patient, the clinician
tions. Firstly, is the patient euthyroid, knows what is wrong. Elaborate ques-
hyperthyroid, or hypothyroid? Secondly, is tionaires and investigations are not neces-
the thyroid enlarged (goitre) and, if so, is sary. Similarly, at the other end of the spec-
it symmetric, diffuse or nodular? Thirdly, is trum the sluggish, sleepy, tolerant patient
there a solitary nodule? The reader might sitting quietly in the waiting room with a
weIl re mark that tests of thyroid function are puffy, yellow face and cold, dry skin is not a
better to answer the first question, and diagnostic dilemma (Figure 4.2). The pa-
imaging studies the last two questions. tients who are difficult to diagnose are those
Although thyroid dysfunction is common, who have mild dysfunction, and whose
lack of dysfunction is much commoner, and symptoms and signs are subtle and often
it would not be cost effective, or good medi- restricted to a single organ or system. In
cine, to order tests without good reason. them, it is necessary to conduct a systematic
Therefore, the clinician plays an important review of symptoms and a methodical clinic-
role, by recognizing an abnormality, indicat- al examination. Some clinical investigators
ing to the patient that the probable cause of have used objective rating scales as a aid to
symptoms has been found and ordering making the dia gnosis and for following the
appropriate tests to confirm, or exclude, this response to therapy. Several of these are dis-
with as high a degree of reliability as possi- cussed below.
ble. Most thyroid diseases are treatable and
curable, and in appropriate settings the
nature of treatment can be introduced at
this time. In most cases of hyperthyroidism and many
with hypothyroidism, the thyroid is en-
larged. Exceptions are equally important.
76 Clinical examination

Figure 4.2 Classie appearanee of severe hypo-

thyroidism. The patient looks tired and lethargie,
and there is puffiness of the face, in partieular
around the eyes.

such as subacute thyroiditis and thyroid abs-

cess, is often red and warm. The skin can be
Figure 4.1 Young woman with severe Graves'
hyperthyroidism. She looks startled and had up-
red and telangiectasia can be present when
per and lower lid retraetion and proptosis. She is high doses of external radiation have been
thin and had lost about 20 pounds in spite 'Of an given. However, doses less than 2000 rad do
exeellent appetite and high ealoric intake. not leave this sign. Goitre is the commonest
cause of a midline swelling. An asymmetrie
goitre, or a single nodule, can cause devia-
tion of the trachea to the opposite side. For
For example, if a patient is clearly hyperthyr- inspection, the examiner and patient should
oid but the thyroid cannot be feIt, this sug- be seated opposite each other with good
gests, a cause such as silent thyroiditis, or light falling on to the patient's neck. The
factitious hyperthyroidism (Chapter 5). To neck should be extended slightly. Because
examine the thyroid, the entire neck must the thyroid is enveloped in the pretracheal
be accessible with clothes removed, the chin fascia it moves with swallowing. The patient
elevated and sufficient light available. The is asked to take a sip of water and hold it in
neck is inspected for a thyroidectomy scar, the mouth until the cup and patient's hands
colour changes, swellings and asymmetry. are out of the way. On swallOwing, the thyr-
Sometimes, prior operations are forgotten oid if enlarged is seen as a fullness whieh
and the scar may be the answer for forgetful- moves up and down under the skin. There
ness, whieh is common in hypothyroidism. is debate whether anormal thyroid is visi-
The skin overlying inflammatory conditions, ble. In some thin people, especially women,
Examination of the thyroid 77
it is, but the finding is subtle and is often In goitres, this can be easy. In many normal
restricted to seeing the isthmus in front of people no tissue, or at best a slight sensation
the trachea. In men, anormal thyroid is sel- of fullness, is all that can be feIt. The same
dom visible. It is not critical if such a subtle sequence is conducted on the opposite lobe.
finding is missed. The important mistakes The examiner defines the size, consistency,
are when a large goitre is overlooked and shape of the lobes, determines if there is a
thyroid dysfunction not considered as a re- nodule, or nodules and if there is tender-
sult. An alternative method of inspection is ness. In the case of a diffusely enlarged thyr-
to have the patient lie supine with a pillow oid, the examiner should determine the size
under the neck to cause full extension, in of the gland, its consistency, whether it is
which case the spine pushes the thyroid nodular and if there is fixation deeply or
anteriorly. This can help to visualize small superficially. The normal thyroid is approx-
nodules. imately 20 g and, as stated, is often not visi-
Palpation of the thyroid is the most impor- ble or palpable. Therefore, if the normal
tant part of its examination. I prefer to ex- gland cannot be feIt and is assumed to be 20
amine the gland from behind the patient g, it could be argued that the size of en-
who is seated. The examiner' s thumbs are larged glands can only be estimated. Never-
placed in the midline of the back of the neck theless, with constant practice, best obtained
on each side of the spine. The pulps of the by working with an experienced endocrino-
first, second and third fingers of each hand logist, a degree of accuracy can be obtained.
are placed just to the side of the midline. I Studies comparing the estimated weight of
feel for the thyroid cartilage, then the sup- the thyroid by c1inical examination com-
rasternal notch to determine the area of in- pared with the true weight at operation
terest. About midway between these, the shows a tendency to overestimate small
isthmus lies in front of the trachea. It is glands and underestimate large ones. It will
usually easier to feel the inferior border of be seen in Chapter 5 that this estimation is
the isthmus by gentle rotatory or up and used to determine how much radioiodine to
down movement of the fingers, which prescribe for treatment of hyperthyroidism.
should move the skin and subcutaneous tis- In Graves' disease, the thyroid is diffusely
sue over the deeper structures. It is impor- enlarged and can range from 20 g to more
tant not to press too firmly, or to poke than 100 g, and it is usually soft to rubbery
directly into the trachea, since this is sensi- in consistency. It is fixed neither deeply nor
tive and usually causes coughing and makes superficially. The thyroid in lymphocytic
further examination more difficult. Having thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis), is also
the patient swallow helps to define the diffusely enlarged, it is easy to palpate the
isthmus as it slides beneath the examining margin of the gland and the feel is rubbery
fingers. When the inferior border of the to firm. In some cases, the gland has a
isthmus is located it is followed laterally, granular or bosselated fee!. These findings
first to one side, then to the other to the are not different from those of simple goitre,
inferomedial aspect of the lobes. Both hands and the final diagnosis depends on the cli-
are moved to one side. For examin- nical findings plus laboratory results. If the
ion of the left lobe, the fingers of the gland is fixed deeply, the most likely cause
examiner' s left hand gently pull the sterno- is carcinoma. Riedel's thyroiditis, which is
c1eidomastoid musc1e back, thus exposing not malignant and is extremely rare, invades
the thyroid. Having located the inferior bor- surrounding tissues. Hashimoto's thyroidi-
der of the lobes, the examiner should try tis, which is common c1inically, very rarely
and follow the margin round the entire lobe. extends outside the gland.
78 Clinical examination

Percussion has a minor role in cases of around its circumference, thus excluding the
goitre in whieh the inferior margin cannot possibility of a thyroid nodule. 1 usually au-
be feIt. Substernal extension can be recog- scultate large nodules before aspirating them
nized by dullness to percussion over the to ensure there is no bruit which would
manubrium and upper sternum. Radio- prompt an alternative approach.
graphie studies, or 1231 scintigram, are more An alternative method of palpating the
accurate. thyroid is from the front. The pulp of the
Using the diaphragm of a stethoscope, the thumbs are used in the same rotatory and
clinician should listen for a systolic bruit up and down action as described. 1 find this
whieh is most characteristic of Graves' less satisfactory as I have less fine touch
hyperthyroidism. sense in my thumbs than fingers. Neverthe-
When a nodule is palpated, it should be less, some clinieians prefer this. It can be
characterized by its size, shape, consistency, coupled with inspection from the front.
fixation, tenderness and whether there is
associated lymph node enlargement. Of
these, the size can be determined with some
objectivity. Callipers can be used to measure The clinieal symptoms and signs of hyper-
length and breadth. Some clinicians find that thyroidism and hypothyroidism are pre-
drawing the shape and size of the nodule on sen ted in Chapters 5 and 6. So me clinicians
a piece of paper laid over the nodule valu- have developed indiees by giving a numerie
able as arecord which can be compared with score to certain features which, when added
subsequent measurements. None of these is together, indicate whether there is thyroid
absolute, but they help to determine if a dysfunction or not. The benefits of these in-
lesion is enlarging or not. No clinieian, dices are that they are not operator depend-
irrespective of his or her experience and ent, they ensure the clinical features are
skill, can determine the pathology of a looked for and they allow repeat results to
nodule. However, some nodules are more be compared. The experienced clinicians
suspicious of being cancerous and others of does not require such an aid, and frequently
being cystic, and a clinieal impression the patient is the best judge of response
can aid the determination of whieh inves- to treatment, and judicious use of FT4 and
tigations, if any, are advised. As stated in TSH measurements defines the progress
Chapters 3 and 7, the most definite test of a objectively.
nodule is fine-needle aspiration (FNA). Crooks et al. [1] developed a diagnostic
Thyroid nodules can usually be differenti- index which had two functions, firstly to
ated from enlarged nodes, branchial cleft establish that a patient was hyperthyroid,
cysts, carotid body tumours and thyroglossal and secondly to graph the response to treat-
cysts based on their location and movement ment [2]. They used features of hyper-
on swallowing. Lymph nodes, branchial thyroidism which are expected to change
cleft cysts and carotid body tumours are with therapy of the disease. Their index was
more lateral. Cysts transilluminate. None of verified mathematically. It is shown in Table
these move with swallowing. Thyroglossal 4.1.
cysts lie above the isthmus and move up- Klein et al. [3] described an alternative
ward with protrusion of the tongue and scale for assessing the response of the pa-
sometimes with swallowing. Occasionally, a tient to therapy. They state that Crooks et al.
prominent, or asymmetric, tracheal ring is 'did not apply the evaluation to treated pa-
misinterpreted as a hard thyroid nodule. tients'; however, they did. The items used in
The ring can usually be followed laterally the system of Klein et al. are shown in Table
Diagnostic indices 79
Table 4.1 Thyrotoxicosis therapy index devel- Table 4.2 Hyperthyroid symptom scale devel-
oped by Crooks et al. [1, 2] oped by Klein et al. [3]

Symptom Score Sign Score Symptom or sign

Dyspnoea on effort +1 Hyperkinetic +4 1 Nervousness
movement 2 Sweating
Palpitations +2 Fine finger tremor +1 3 Heat tolerance
Tiredness +2 Hands: hot +2 4 Hyperactivity
moist +1 5 Tremor
Preference for cold +5 6 Weakness
Nervousness +2 Resting pulse +3 7 Hyperdynamic precordium
> 85/min 8 Diarrhoea
Appetite increased +1 9 Appetite
Weight decreased +4
10 1ncapacitation
1 point deducted for each 4 pounds weight gain.
0-5 considered normal. Each of the 10 characteristics is graded on ascale of
0-4. For example, incapacition is scored 0 = None,
1 = 10% reduction, 2 = 30% reduction, 3 = 60% reduc-
tion, and 4 = 90% reduction in daily function. The
maximum score for all 10 items is 40 points. Patients
with proven hyperthyroidism had scores greater then
20, and when they were euthyroid the scores were less
than 10. The article should be consulted for details of
each characteristic.

Table 4.3 Diagnostic index for premyxoedema of 1kram et al. [4]

Factor If present If absent

1 Thyroid antibodies + to + + + +50 -50

2 Thyroid antibodies (trace) +25 -50
3 Cholesterol greater than 300 mg/dl +50 -20
4 TSH greater than 4.2 +60 -20
5 Reduced thyroid reserve* +40 -60
6 Past l3l1 therapy +40 0
7 Thyroidectomy +30 0
8 Follow-up of goitre +20 0
9 Fall in cholesterol on LT4 +20 -40
10 Ankle jerk half relaxation time 360-480 msec +20 0
11 Pernicious anaemia and Addison' s disease +10 0
12 Coronary artery disease +10 0
13 Strokes +5 0
14 Blood relative with thyroid disease (each one) +10 0
15 Blood relative with pernicious anaemia +5 0
16 Family history of coronary disease (each one) +5 0
17 Fall in cholesterol with c10fibrate +5 -20
18 Corneal arcus +5 0
19 Vitiligo +5 0
20 Ankle reflex <360 msec on LT4 +10 -10

Sum of scores more than 100 diagnostic.

Sum of scores SO-100 equivocal.
Sum of scores less than 80 negative.
• See original article for explanation of scoring of this item. Based on radioiodide uptake before and after TSH
injection which is not now advised as a test.
80 Clinical examination

Table 4.4 Symptoms and signs of hyperthy- Table 4.5 Symptoms and signs of hypothy-
roidism roidism

General Muscular General Muscular

Insomnia Weakness Weight gain Cramps
Weight loss Tremor Cold intolerance Stiffness
Youthfulness Genitourinary Lassitude Genitourinary
Increased drug tolerance Oligomenorrhoea Growth retardation Menorrhagia
Increased vitamin Hypersomnia Infertility
requirement Skeletal Decreased drug tolerance Decreased libido
Accelerated growth Osteoporosis Aged appearance Abortion
Hyperkinesis Increased rate of Decreased activity
Fatigue closure Skeleton
Brain Short stature
Heat intolerance Bone pain
Depression Epiphyseal closure
Brain Psychosis delay
Periosteal new bone*
Nervousness Cerebellar signs Delayed dentition
Psychosis Endocrine Poor memory Stippled epiphysis
Labile mood Goitre* Poor concentration (child)
Irritabili ty Agitation
Special senses Endocrine
Lower intelligence
Cardiorespiratory Stare Reduced secretion of
Hypertension Lacrimation* other glands
Heart failure Diplopia* Cardiorespiratory
Arrhythmias Periorbital oedema* Hoarseness Special senses
Dyspnoea Proptosis* Bradycardia Deafness
Palpitations Corneal ulcer* Dizziness Numbness
Tachycardia Hypotension Stuffy nose
Skin Hypertension
Gastrointestinal Hair loss Skin
Pericardial effusion Cold
Thirst Onycholysis
Hyperdefecation Heat Gastrointestinal Dry
Diarrhoea Sweating Decreased appetite Puffy
Increased appetite Fineness Large tongue Hair loss
Hunger Pretibial thickening* Constipation Brittle nails
Weight loss Hypoglycaemia Raynaud' s disease
Yellow colour
Lymphocytosis Tabulation developed by the late Joseph P. Kriss.

* Not induced by administration of excess thyroxine or

triiodothyronine. Tabulation developed by the la te Their index includes family history, clinical
Joseph P. Kriss. findings, as weIl as tests and, in these re-
gards, differs from the two presented above.
This is more of aide-memoire and is shown in
4.2. This is somewhat more subjective but, Table 4.3. Clinicians may find these short
nonetheless, ensures that 10 important lists helpful, or may develop their own di-
symptoms and signs are recorded at each agnostic lists. More comprehensive lists of
visit. symptoms and signs are provided in Tables
Ikram et al. [4] devised a diagnostic index 4.4 and 4.5.
for 'premyxoedema' which they thought Patients with thyroid dysfunction are an-
would be valuable in screening large num- xious, depressed, weepy, and irritable due
bers of patients, determining if additional to the thyroid disease per se, and not just as
tests were advisable and preventing mis- a response to the illness. Their personal and
diagnosis based on the result of a single test. family situations have often been greatly dis-
References 81
rupted. These patients need gentle, sym- of other nodules or enlarged cervical
pathetic care. The dramatic responses to lymph nodes.
treatment of both hyperthyroidism and • Diagnostic indices for hyperthyroidism
hypothyroidism which usually accompany and hypothyroidism can be useful aide
return of function to normal are rare in memoires which ensure the clinician rules
medicine. The vast majority of patients are in or out these diagn~ses.
abundantly satisfied with the final outcome. • Experienced endocrinologists probably do
Because thyroid dysfunction is common not benefit from these indices.
and, in most cases, treatable, clinicians • The importance of listening to the patient
should be vigilant and try not to overlook cannot be overemphasized.
their diagnosis.


• Diagnosis of thyroid disease starts with 1 Crooks, J., Murray, LP.C. and Wayne, E.J.
the history and physical examination. (1959) Statistical methods applied to the clinical
• Abnormalities of thyroid structure and diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis. Quart. J. Med., 28,
function are common and the clinician 211-34.
2 Crooks, J., Wayne, E.J. and Robb, R.A. (1960)
should have a low threshold for consider- A clinical method of assessing the results of
ing these. therapy in thyrotoxicosis. Lancet, 1, 397-40l.
• Thyroid dysfunction often involves one 3 Klein, 1., Trzepacz, P. T., Roberts, M. et al.
system more than others and the clinician (1988) Symptom rating scale for assessing
again must consider the thyroid as a hyperthyroidism. Arch. Intern. Med., 148, 387-
potential cause. 4 Ikram, H., Banim, S. and Fowler, P.B.S. (1973)
• A thyroid nodule should be evaluated for Diagnostic index for premyxoedema. Lancet, 2,
size, consistency, mobility, site, presence 1405-8.


5.1 INTRODUCTION Table 5.1 Causes of hyperthyroidism

This chapter deals with a variety of clinieal Common with increased trapping o[ iodine by the
conditions in whieh there is excessive effects thyroid
of thyroid hormones on the tissues. Hyper- 1 Craves' disease: toxic diffuse goitre
thyroidism is the general term, although toxic goitre with functioning
nodules (Marine Lenhart
some workers restriet this to conditions syndrome)
where the thyroid, per se, is overactive. I use 2 Single toxic nodule
hyperthyroidism to imply that there is too 3 Toxic multinodular goitre
much thyroid hormone in the circulation, All associated with reduced uptake o[ iodine in
irrespective of its source. A second term, the thyroid
thyrotoxicosis, literally means 'toxic' because 4 Iatrogenic hyperthyroidism
of too much thyroid hormone. However, 5 Factitious hyperthyroidism
many patients with high serum thyroid 6 Hamburger hyperthyroidism
7 Silent thyroiditis
levels are not toxic. Nevertheless, in this 8 Postpartum thyroiditis
chapter the two terms are used interchange- 9 Subacute thyroiditis
ably. Most frequently, there are high levels 10 Cancer invading thyroid
of total hormones and, most often, both T4 11 Iodine induced (Jod Basedow phenomenon)
and T3 are above normal. On occasion, total 12 Struma ovarii
13 Metastatic functioning thyroid cancer
hormone values are normal and only the
free hormones are high. In a minority of Uncommon: uptake o[ iodine in the thyroid is
patients, only one hormone is abnormal, 14 Pituitary hyperthyroidism
usually T3 . 15 Non-pituitary tumour secreting excess TSH
Table 5.1 lists the causes of hyperthyroid- 16 Inappropriate TSH secretion
ism. The causes have been divided into 17 Hyperthyroidism from trophoblastic tumours
three categories. Firstly, the common clinical
syndromes with increased uptake of iodine
in the thyroid. In North America and are several conditions in which the uptake of
Europe, Graves' disease or diffuse toxic radioiodine is low. In some of these, this
goitre is the commonest syndrome. Toxie results from high levels of circulating hor-
nodular goitre is less common in North mones suppressing TSH and, in turn, trap-
America, where the diet is replete with ping by the thyroid (factitious, iatrogenic
iodine, but is an important cause in central and iodine induced). In others, the thyroid
Europe. is damaged and releases stored hormones,
Secondly, somewhat paradoxically there but the basic pathology make the gland in-
Graves' disease or diffuse toxic goitre 83
capable of trapping iodine (thyroiditides, the original publications and short historieal
and invasive pathologies). vignettes are collected in Major's text [4].
Thirdly, there are several unrelated con- Arecent article and a book about Robert
ditions whieh are not common and not Graves provide excellent accounts of hirn as
associated with low radioiodine uptake. a physician, educator and person [5a,b]. The
Most of these are caused by excess TSH or symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism,
TSH-like material, whieh is inappropriate whieh are common to a11 causes, are discus-
under the circumstances. sed in this section, and then characteristics
Each entity is discussed separately. Since found only in Graves' disease are discussed.
most of the clinical features, complications Extrathyroidal manifestations can occur be-
and treatments are similar, they are not re- fore the patient is hyperthyroid (indeed the
peated but discussed under the first heading patient might never become hyperthyroid)
of Graves' disease. There are clinieal features or after the hyperthyroidism has been tre-
which are peculiar to Graves' disease, in- ated sucessfully. When there is ophthalmo-
filtrative ophthalmopathy, dermopathy and pathy and the patient is euthyroid, the term
acropachy. These are discussed separately euthyroid Graves' ophthalmopathy is used.
after clinieal features. Whenever there are In general, therapy is directed at the clinical
differences in other entities, they are pre- problem. If the patient is hyperthyroid, the
sented in the appropriate section. Because of hyperthyroidism is treated and, likewise, if
differences in clinical features and manage- there is only ophthalmopathy that alone is
ment at the extremes of age, there are short treated.
sections concerned with hyperthyroidism in The aetiology of Graves' disease is und er-
children and the elderly towards the end of stood and, although at the time of writing it
the chapter. does not influence treatment, this is dis-
Hyperthyroidism complicating pregnancy cussed in moderate detail. The clinical
also merits separate discussion. The most aspects are presented by system and because
severe form of thyrotoxieosis, thyroid storm complications of thyrotoxicosis are simply
or thyroid crisis, can be precipitated in pa- extremes of these, they are included. The
tients with hyperthyroidism of any cause laboratory dia gnosis is simple and the tests
and this topie is given aseparate section at used were described in Chapter 4. Therapy
the end of the chapter. applies to all causes of hyperthyroidism with
increased trapping of iodine in the thyroid.


There is compelling evidence that Graves'
This section deals specifically with Graves' disease is caused by an antibody against the
disease [1]. The use of eponyms is becoming TSH receptor of the follicular cello The anti-
less common and it is true that Parry [2] who body is capable of stimulating the function
described this syndrome in 1825 did so be- of the cello It is designated thyroid receptor
fore Graves in 1835. In addition, in several antibody or TRAb [6]. This abnormal stimu-
European countries Basedow [3] is credited lator was discovered in 1956. Adams and
by the eponym. Nevertheless, because of Purves [7] were evaluating a biologieal assay
common usage in the English literature, I for TSH, which they had developed in
use the terms Graves' disease and diffuse guinea pigs. The animals were injected with
toxie goitre synonymously. For easy access, radioiodine, whieh was trapped by the
84 Hyperthyroidism
thyroid and then they were given L thyroxine thyroid tissue [15]. The former showed one
to prevent release of the radioiodine from the of the functions of the abnormal stimulator,
gland. Serum containing TSH when injected namely, its ability to attach to the TSH re-
into the guinea pig caused a brisk release of ceptor and prevent TSH bin ding, but could
radioiodine into the circulation which not demonstrate function and was called
peaked at about 2 hours. Serum from a pa- TSH-binding inhibiting activity or TSH-
tient with Craves' disease caused a delayed bin ding inhibiting immunoglobulin [TBIA
dis charge of endogenous radioiodine. The or TBII]. The latter type of assay which
factor in the serum was called long acting showed function, such as increasing cydic
thyroid stimulator (LATS) because of its de- AMP in human thyroid slices, was called
layed course of action. It was shown to be an thyroid stimulating antibody or immunoglo-
immunoglobulin of IgC dass and therefore, bulin (TSAb, or TSI). This somewhat con-
it differed from TSH in structure and action fusing list of abbreviations is actually
[8]. McKenzie substituted mouse for guinea abbreviated for simplicity! A more complete
pig in the biological assay, thus simplifying tabulation is found in a review by McKenzie
the logistics and reducing cost [9]. Two ex- [16], but the terms have been unified by the
cellent reviews from 1968 are provided for Nomendature Committee of the American
readers interested in early developments [10, Thyroid Association to thyroid receptor anti-
11]. It was only possible to demonstrate the body, TRAb. The method used for the deter-
presence of LATS in the serum of 20-40% of mination should then be appended for
patients with dassic Craves' disease, and if complete definition of the assay.
concentrates of gamma globulin were tested Different assays produce somewhat differ-
the sensitivity rose to approximately 70% ent results on the same sampies, but 85-
with 7% false positives. Kriss et al. [8] 95% of patients with active Craves' disease
showed that thyroid tissue neutralized LATS test positive, and tests in those with der-
and Adams and Kennedy [12] discovered mopathy or ophthalmopathy are almost in-
that LATS negative serum could neutralize variably positive [17]. The test is positive in
LATS. Presumablya material similar to LATS up to 5% of controls. Sensitivity ranges from
was present in the serum which attached to 85-95%, and specificity is approximately
the same site as LATS. This new material was 95%.
called LATS protector [LATS-P]. However, Is measurement of TRAb important in the
as stated, serum containing LATS-P did not dia gnosis of Craves' disease? I would argue
cause release of endogenous radioiodine not. If the patient is hyperthyroid with a
using the mouse model. Adams [13] credits diffuse goitre and ophthalmie features, it is
Doniach with the answer to the conundrum, not relevant whether TRAb can be measured
namely LATS-P is a human specific antibody or not. In addition, finding TRAb in the
which does not function in the mouse model. serum of a normal person would not lead to
LATS-P was subsequently shown to func- antithyroid treatment. The test has been
tion as expected as a thyroid stimulator used to try and prediet if a patient taking
when infused into human volunteers [14]. antithyroid medications has gone into remis-
The biological assay for LATS was un- sion, the inference being if TRAb values be-
wieldy and lacking in sensitivity, and was co me unmeasurable, remission has occur-
replaced by in vitra assays. These fell into red. Unfortunately, the data is not dear cut,
two major categories: assays which used in- with some investigators finding this reliable
hibition of binding of radiolabelIed TSH to [18] and others not [19]. Rees-Smith [20] has
its receptor on thyroid membranes, or those suggested that the test might not be of value
that demonstrated an increase in function of in iodine-deficient regions, because the
Graves' disease or diffuse toxic goitre 85
availability of iodine may be the factor which antibody against the TSH receptor, which is
determines whether hyperthyroidism recurs, capable of stimulating follicular cells to make
not TRAb. Its main use is in patients with and secrete thyroid hormones. The thyroid
Graves' disease who are pregnant. High is not under normal control and pituitary
titres are predictive of neonatal Graves' dis- TSH is suppressed by high levels of thyroid
ease [21]. This is discussed below under hormones. What precipitates the disease is
hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. not fully understood.
This begs the question of how the anti-
body comes to be present in the circulation?
There is a genetic predisposition, and some
families have several affected members. The
risk in Caucasians is greatest in those who
have tissue type HLA-DR3. Nonetheless, The dinical features of hyperthyroidism are
not all people with this tissue type develop presented systemically. This is not meant to
Graves' disease - not even a minority do. imply that all systems are involved in each
Patients with Graves' disease can have other patient. The spectrum of involvement varies
tissue types. Volpe [22] has promoted the greatly, depending on the severity of the
theory that the disease) is due to a deficiency disease, its duration, the age of the patient
in suppressor T cells. This allows the pro- and the presence of coexisting disease, as
duction of TRAb by B cells which would not weIl as individual factors such as race, gen-
occur if these cells were suppressed. This der and personality which are difficult to
theory is consistent with the belief that emo- characterize. Any differences due to the
tional stress, such as an accident or bereave- cause of hyperthyroidism are discussed in
ment, triggers Graves' disease. It has been appropriate sections, but those to be de-
shown that such stress can affect the im- scribed next can occur in all of them.
mune sytem [24]. Some investigators believe Hyperthyroidism in the young, the elderly
that stress does not cause hyperthyroidism, and the pregnant have differences, and
but think the patient is already mildly hyper- these are discussed separately at the end of
thyroid at the time of the stressful situation the chapter, although in each case, Graves'
and, therefore, does not handle the situation disease is the most likely cause and the most
weIl and comes to medical attention. A likely condition to produce management
study comparing the type and severity of problems.
stresses in patients with Graves' disease Table 5.2 shows the percentage of patients
with those in patients attending an ortho- who had some of the common symptoms
paedic dinic showed no difference [25]! and signs. Women are about 4-8 times more
Alternatively, the antigen, that is the TSH likely to have Graves' disease. Graves' dis-
receptor, could be altered so that anormal ease occurs at any age, but the highest inci-
immune system responds by mounting an dence is from 40-60 years.
antibody response. One precipitating factor Nervousness and irritability are abundant-
could be viral. The finding of Graves' dis- ly obvious to dose relatives and colleagues,
ease in patients with Hodgkin' s disease who and usually to the patient. Restlessness in-
have had external radiation over the thyroid, terferes with concentration, and perform-
points to the possibility that the radiation ance at work or school deteriorates. Minor
acts by altering thyroid membrane antigens personal slights cause inappropriate emo-
[26]. tional outbursts and weeping. Insomnia is
Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease very common and the patient describes
in which the hyperthyroidism is due to an thoughts rushing through the mind while
86 Hyperthyroidism
Table 5.2 Symptoms and signs of Graves' hyper- Reflexes are unusually brisk. Signs of
thyroidism upper motor neurone lesion are rare, but
have been reported and have improved with
% involved
beta-blockers and correction of hyperthyr-
Symptom/sign [re!] [50] [51] [52] Control oidism [29].
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis is a rare
Nervousness 99 54 59 21 complication of hyperthyroidism, whose
Weight loss 85 79 52 2 pathogenesis is not fully understood.
Heat intolerance 89 67 73 41
Palpitations 89 75 26 Almost all patients have been Oriental [30],
Fatigue 88 71 80 31 although it has been seen in Caucasian [31],
Dyspnoea 75 81 40 Chicano and Philipino [32]. It is seen pre-
Polyphagia 65 13 32 2 doninantly in men, and familial cases have
Tachycardia 100 88 68 19 been reported. McFadzean and Yeung [33]
Goitre 100 67 87 11
Tremor 97 41 66 26 found this in 23 of 178 hyperthyroid men in
Hong Kong, but only in 2 of 1188 women.
she lies awake; the problem is aggravated by The onset is most commonly between 30 and
heat intolerance and palpitations. Fatigue 50 years, which probably corresponds to
follows. Nervousness can become extreme to the onset of hyperthyroidism. The usual
the point of delirium, at which time the underlying cause of hyperthyroidism is
patient by definition has thyroid storm Graves' disease, but it is hyperthyroidism
(see below). I have seen patients who were per se, not the cause of the hyperthyroidism,
admitted for psychiatric care due solely to which is at fault. It has been precipitated by
hyperthyroidism. The difficulty of excluding excess oral thyroxine [34] and in toxic multi-
the dia gnosis of hyperthyroidism in acute nodular goitre [35]. It disappears when the
psychiatric patients is described in Chapters patient is euthyroid and recurs if there is a
3 and 12. There are re ports of hyperthyroid- relapse. The paralysis is commonest at night
ism causing people to commit criminal off- and starts with weakness of the legs.
ences, but whether it is the only factor is Muscles of the trunk and bulbar area can be
hard to defend [28, 29]. A fine tremor of the affected [36]. A preceding high carbohydrate
fingers is very common, and this can be de- meal (often with alcohol) is frequently
monstrated by having the patient hold the obtained by history. This plus the finding of
hands outstretched with the fingers apart. It low serum K+ [33, 37] point to insulin play-
is usually not necessary to place a sheet of ing a role in the pathogenesis. Feely [38]
paper on top of the outstretched fingers, but found a marked rise in red ceH K+. Muscle
this accentuates the sign. The quality of writ- fibres examined by electron microscopy
ing deteriorates and can cause embarass- show dilatation of the endoplastic reticulum
ment in banks, etc., and cups and sau cers with vacuolar changes. Sudden onset of
are rattled and objects dropped. Tremor can periodic paralysis in an adult man should
be seen in the tongue when it is extended. point to a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
In more severe cases, the entire body shakes Familial (non-thyroidal) periodic paralysis al-
and the complaint may be of internal rather ways presents in childhood. Those patients I
than finger tremor. Other causes of tremor have seen have aH been flagrantly thyrotox-
which should be considered include familial, ie. Ouring an attaek if K+ is low, it ean be
alcohol and drug abuse, excess caffeine, ner- replaced cautiously, but the goal is rapid
vousness and phaeochromocytoma. These cure of hyperthroidism. Beta blockers are
can usuaHy be excluded by his tory and valuable in providing partial protection
examination. while awaiting definitive treatment [39].
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 87
Proximal muscle weakness is present in [52]. This range or higher is still found in
about 50% of hyperthyroid patients [40]. It current practiee [53]. Atrial fibrillation can
can limit the patient in simple tasks, such as cause emboli, both to the systemic and pul-
rising from the sitting position and walking monary circulations [54, 55]. Staffurth et al.
up stairs. Objective evidence of muscle [56] recorded 26 episodes of systemic embo-
weakness was found in 81.5% of patients by lization in 262 patients with thyrotoxicosis
Ramsay [40], and the range from six artieies and atrial fibrillation. Seventeen emboli were
quoted by this investigator was 55-81.5%. to the brain. Twelve occurred when the pa-
The strength is regained when hyperthyr- tients were hyperthyroid, 11 euthyroid and 3
oidism is cured. However, muscle bulk is occurred coincidentally with reversion to
not recovered in full for some time after that. sinus rhythm. The authors recommend anti-
Myasthenia gravis is found in association coagulants in any patient who has had an
with autoimmune thyroid diseases more fre- embolus and in young patients until sinus
quently than by chance [41]. Therefore, un- rhythm has occurred, either spontaneously
usual myopathie features, such as ptosis or or by electrical conversion.
muscle weakness brought on rapidly by ex- In all patients with cardiac complications,
ercise, should be investigated with this in the hyperthyroidism should be treated as ex-
mind. peditiously as possible, usually with anti-
Tachycardia is almost a universal finding. thyroid drugs, then definitively with
The cardiac output is high, pulse pressure radioiodine. Atrial fibrillation frequently re-
increased and heart beat forceful. The pa- verts spontaneously when tl)e patient is
tient is aware of the heart thumping, espe- euthyroid [57], but if not can be electrically
cially after exercise or while lying on the left converted after it is clear the patient is no
side in bed. Ability to exercise decreases and longer hyperthyroid. Cardiomyopathy,
is often attributed to being out of shape. whieh is due to severe hyperthyroidism, is
Palpitations can occur as a result of sinus rare in practice. This so-called thyrotoxic
tachycardia, ectopie beats, supraventricular he art disease causes congestive failure and
tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Heart usually recovers when the patient is made
block has been described in severe cases [42- euthyroid. It is serious and can cause death
45]. Ventricular fibrillation is a very rare in patients of all age groups [58, 59]. Man-
complication [46]. However, in a short agement of cardiac complications should be
period before I wrote the first draft of this shared with a cardiologist.
section, I saw two middle-aged women, one Hunger and increased appetite are very
with ventricular fibrillation, the other with common. In spite of the increased appetite
heart block from hyperthyroidism. Myocar- often coupled with thirst for cold drinks
dial infarction from spasm of the coronary (usually high in calorie content), the pa-
arteries appears to be areal phenomenon in tient's weight remains stable or loss occurs.
hyperthyroidism [46-48]. In elderly patients In the early phase of the illness, before un-
with new onset heart failure or arrhythmias, pleasant symptoms occur, weight loss is
it is advisable to measure FT4 and TSH. Cob- accepted happily and weight gain is often a
ler et al. [49] found thyrotoxicosis to be the concern of successful treatment. Rosenthall
cause of atrial fibrillation in 31 % of elderly et al. [60] described seven hyperthyroid pa-
institutionalized women, and 11 % of elderly tients aged 35 to 66 with severe and pro-
men. Atrial fibrillation was present at the loged vomiting which was controlled by
time of diagnosis in 10% of hyperthyroid antithyroid medications. This symptom can
patients studied by Williams [50] and Mor- be a sign of impending crisis, and should
nex and Orgiazzi [51], and 19% by Wayne alert the clinician of the need for early
88 Hyperthyroidism

prescription of treatment. Whether this is due enlarged in about 30% of patients, but is
to activation of the 'chemoreceptor trigger seldom palpable, and there are reports of
zone', or to gastric stasis, is unclear. Parkin thymic enlargement [71]. Lymph node en-
et al. [61] found gastric stasis attributable to largement, especicaHy the left subtrapezoid
hypomagnesaemia, and this biochemical nodes during the hyperthyroid phase, are
finding has been reported in some patients thought to re fleet drainage of thyroid anti-
with apathetic hypothyroidism. Serum mag- gens to these nodes [72]. Iron deficiency
nesium is not measured routinely, but in anaemia is almost always due to blood loss;
hyperthyroidism with a complication it the source should be found and treatment
should be, and corrected if low. Hyperde- directed at that and iron re placement.
fecation is common and severe diarrhoea is Hyperca1caemia has been reported in
encountered less frequently. Malabsorption almost one-quarter of hyperthyroid patients
with more than 7 g fat in the stool in 24 [73], and in any series the me an value is
hours is found in about 25% of patients, and statistically higher than in controls. The
this improves when the patient is euthyroid cause is thought to be due to thyroid hor-
[62]. Severe, watery diarrhoea is less com- mone causing increased osteoclastic activity,
mon, but should be thought of as a rare so that bone calcium is lost and hypercal-
presenting sign of hyperthyroidism. Abnor- caemia and hyperca1ciuria result. The ques-
malities in liver enzymes can be found in tion arises, is the hyperca1caemia due to
moderate to severely hyperthyroid patients, thyrotoxicosis alone, or is there coexisting
but morphological changes in the liver on hyperparathyroidism? In the former, serum
biopsy are mild [63, 64]. Finding high results phosphate tends to be high, in the latter
on routine chemical panel should not lead to low. Because serum phosphate is dependent
liver biopsy. on diet and renal function, this measurement
Haematologically there are few changes of alone can be misleading. Until recently,
significance in most patients. However, be- there was disparate information concerning
cause of the association of Graves' disease parathormone values in hyperthyroidism.
with other autoimmune conditions, perni- High, normal and low results were reported.
cious anaemia and thrombocytopenia are It appears the discrepancies were due to dif-
found more commonly. Herbert [65] in a re- ferences in assays. Using the midregion spe-
view of three publications found that 3.1 % cific assay, Mallette et al. [74, 75] found low
of patients with Graves' disease had perni- values, appropriate for hyperca1caemia being
cious anaemia, and from 10 papers that due to thyrotoxicosis. Alkaline phosphatase
1. 9% of patients with pernicious anaemia levels are frequently high and can take up to
had Graves' disease. There are many reports 1 year to return to normal after successful
and anecdotal statements concerning the treatment of hyperthyroidism [76]. There are
association of easy bruisability and Graves' cases of hyperparathyroidism coexisting
disease. Low platelet counts and true with thyrotoxicosis [77L and to add another
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura are related factor, hyperparathyroidism has
weH documented [66-68]. It is important to been documented to occur more commonly
exclude antithyroid medications as the cause in patients who have had neck irradiation
of thrombocytopenia, since treatment differs [78, 79L including radioiodine 1311 therapy
from the idiopathic variety. In active Graves' [80]. The bone density can be reduced as
disease, the total polymorphonuclear count determined by single or dual photon densi-
can be low [69L the totallymphocyte count tometry, and severe osteopenia and frac-
can be high and the suppressor T lympho- tures can result [81]. Similar findings occur
cyte count reduced [70]. The spleen is in patients overtreated with exogenous thyr-
Graves' disease or diffuse toxic goitre 89
oid hormone [82-84]. Treatment of hyper- primary hypothyroidism [89]. It is puzzling
thyroidism can slow and reverse these why the contents of the orbit are involved in
findings, thus restoration of physiological autoimmune thyroid disease. OriginaIly, the
levels of FT4 and TSH is warranted. main lesion was thought to be an increase in
With fee exceptions, moderate and severe fat in the orbit [90], but results from autop-
hyperthyroidism cause a drop in libido. sies [91], surgery and non-invasive imaging
Infertility has been reported in men [85]. including ultrasound [92, 93], CT [94] and
One report of gynecomastia in 83% of men NMRI have shown that the major change is
[85] is considerably higher than my exper- an increase in the bulk of orbital muscles,
ience, but reminds clinicians that it can sometimes to a dramatic degree. Why the
occur. Sex hormone binding globulin values muscles are involved is becoming apparent
are increased. However, this should not be from laboratory studies. Thyroglobulin,
measured routinely, as it returns to normal antithyroglobulin and complexes of
with restoration of euthyroidism. In women, thyroglobulin/antithyroglobulin have been
oligomenorrhoea is common. The periods shown to attach preferentially to membranes
are short and light and secondary amenor- made from eye muscles [95]. Monoclonal
rhoea can occur. antibodies made in vitro against orbital anti-
The skin is moist, warm and soft. Facial gen have been shown to react with thyroid
wrinkles are lost, only to be regained when membranes and the converse has also been
treatment is successful. Onycholysis, separa- demonstrated [96]. Thus autoantibodies
tion of the nail from the nail bed, is over- made against thyroid antigens could attach
looked unless the nails are examined careful- to orbital antigens, either muscle membrane
ly. These are called Plummer's nails. The or to fibrous tissue between muscle fibres.
hair is soft and fine and does not take a Antibody-antigen complexes are known sti-
permanent wave. Vitiligo has been reported muli for immune cells, such as lymphocytes
in 6-7% of patients with Graves' disease [87, and macrophages, and in the acute in-
88], but it is also found with the same fre- flammatory stage of the ophthalmopathy,
quency in Hashimoto' s disease and primary the orbital muscles are infiltrated with these
hypothyroidism. cells and there is oedema and inflammation.
For continuity, clinical and therapeutic As the muscles become infiltrated and in-
aspects of the severest form of thyrotoxi- flamed, they swell within the fixed space of
cosis, thyroid crisis or storm are presented the boney orbit and the globe is compressed
together at the end of the chapter. from the back and pushed anteriorly. The
enlarged muscles do not relax weIl. The
alteration in anatomy causes obstruction
5.2.4 SPECIFIC MANIFESTATIONS OF to venous and lymph drainage and further
GRAVES' DISEASE oedema and swelling occurs.
(a) Infiltrative ophthalmopathYi Graves' The ophthalmopathy is usually bilateral,
ophthalmopathYi malignant although there is often a disparity in severity
exophthalmosi dysthyroid between the eyes. Sometimes the ophthal-
ophthalmopathy mopathy is unilateral. This makes the
immunological explanation given above dif-
Introduction and aetiology
fieult to accept. However, if the autoanti-
The ophthalmopathy of Graves' disease is bodies arrive at the orbit by a route different
not seen in the other conditions which cause from the blood stream, asymmetry would
hyperthyroidism, but it is seen occasionally be possible. Kriss [97] demonstrated that
in patients with Hashimoto' s thyroiditis or radiolabelIed colloidal material and thyro-
90 Hyperthyroidism
globulin when injected into the thyroid left via authors have blamed 131r. We and others
the lympahties and travelled fairly rapidly have noted a striking relationship between
to the preaurieular nodes, which are elose on set of progressive ophthalmopathy and
to the baek of the orbit. Similar material radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism,
injeeted into eye museles at operation mi- and found this in 97 of 311 patients whose
grated to the same nodes. Thus eontinuity eyes were sufficiently bad to require radia-
from thyroid to orbit was demonstrated via tion therapy (see below) [102, 103]. This
the lymphaties. The eoneentration of thyro- eould be due to patient seleetion and due to
globulin and antithyroid antibodies are high the faet that most hyperthyroid patients are
in the loeallymphaties. In addition, the flow treated with 131r. In eontrast, Gwinup et al.
from the thyroid is quite asymmetrie. This [104] found patients treated with antithyroid
experiment shows how thyroid antigen, drugs did worse from the ophthalmie point
antithyroid antibody, complexes of both and of view. A reeent study showed no differ-
possibly lymphoeytes from the thyroid eould enee in incidenee of ophthalmopathy after
gain asymmetrie aeeess to the orbit. radioiodine eompared to antithyroid drugs
or thyroidectomy in Graves' patients. In that
Clinical aspects study, approximately 1 out of 20 patients
The Ameriean Thyroid Association pub- who had no prior ophthalmopathy de-
lished a mnemonic, NOSPECS, to help elas- veloped eye disease and 1 out of 5 who
sify and eompare patient with infiltrative already had eye signs got worse [105]. About
ophthalmopathy [98]. This is shown in Table 3-5% of all patients with Graves' disease got
5.3. Donaldson et al. [99] modified this by severe ophthalmopathy. However, if dia-
adding a numeric seore to the objective gnostie tests, sueh as ultrasound or CT,
SPECS. Although no elassifieation is ideal, of the orbits are obtained in all patients
this one allows eomparison between patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism, degrees of
and provides an objeetive way of determin- ophthalmopathy are seen in almost all of
ing natural history and response to therapy. them [92, 93]. Men with Graves' disease are
It does not give appropriate weight to prob- proportionately more likely to get eye dis-
lems sueh as loss of vision, sinee soft tissue ease, 29% of Gorman's and our series were
signs are seored the same as double vision men [100, 102], eompared to the 10-15%
and visual loss. Figure 5.1 shows a range of incidenee of men with Graves' hyperthyroid-
abnormalities in patients with infiltrative ism. Young patients are rarely found to have
ophthalmopathy. progressive infiltrative ophthalmopathy,
The onset ean be gradual or explosive. It although they have lid retraction and prop-
ean oeeur while the patient is hyperthyroid, tosis. Reeent da ta strongly associates smok-
euthyroid, or hypothyroid. Gorman [100] ing and ophthalmopathy.
found that the distribution of onset was The patient eomplains of a gritty or sandy
from 18 months before, to 18 months after, feeling in the eyes, tearing is noted, and
the onset of hyperthyroidism. His data sug- there is usually intoleranee to bright lights
gest that hyperthyroidism and ophthalmo- and sunlight. The lids are retraeted, more
pathy are simply manifestations of one often the upper lids, but quite often upper
disease and treatment of one does not eause and lower lids. Upper lid retraction is an
the other. This relationship is confirmed by important clue in differentiating Graves'
an almost identical series of Marcocci et al. ophthalmopathy from other causes of pro-
[101]. The role of therapy as a eause or pre- ptosis where the lid is usually pushed for-
cipitating factor of ophthalmopathy has ward with the globe, and not retraeted (a
been, and still is, a eause for debate. Some differential diagnosis is given in Table 5.4).
Graves' disease ar diffuse taxie gaitre 91
Table 5.3 Classfication of ophthalmopathy of Graves' disease

Severity Score
Class Mnemonic 1 2 3

o No signs or symptoms
1 Only signs
2 Soft tissue Minimal Moderate Severe
3 Proptosis >20-23 >23-27 >27
4 Extraocular muscle Infrequent diplopia Frequent diplopia Constant diplopia
5 Cornea Slight stippling Marked stippling Ulceration
6 Sight loss 20/25-20/40 20/45-20/100 <201100

Ophthalmie index = sum of scores of five eategories SPECS.

Table 5.4 Causes of proptosis

Unilateral - Graves' ophthalmopathy

Orbital pseudotumour
Tumour: benign
malignant primary
Cysts: congenital
Orbital varix
Bilateral - Graves' ophthalmopathy
Orbital pseudotumour
Carotid-cavernous fistula

The lids become puHy and the red, swollen and outward. The muscle defect can prog-
tearing eyes are a source of embarrassment ress to the point where no movement of the
to the patient. As the eyes become more globe is possible (frozen orbit). However,
proptotic, the appearance is altered and downward and inward gaze is usually pre-
comparison with photographs help to deter- served except in the most severe cases.
mine the degree of abnormality and its rate Severe proptosis plus retraction of the lids
of progression. More severe involvement of can leave the cornea exposed and abrasions
the muscles causes double vision. This is not can occur. This is very serious since untre-
due to a defect in the cranial nerves which ated ulceration can become infected, result
control the muscles, but the muscles them- in panophthalmitis, and progress to the
selves. The problem is one of failure to relax; point where the globe has to be removed.
thus the antagonist, not agonist, muscle is at The patient should consult an ophthalmo-
fault. From CT imaging, it is recognized that logist, and corneal staining should be done
the muscles which are most often the largest to determine whether there are small ulcers.
are the medial and inferior recti, and as The bulky recti muscles come to a con-
would be expected the double vision is most fluence at the back of the orbit where they
prominent when the patient looks upward surround the optic nerve. As the muscles
92 Hyperthyroidism

(a) (b)


Figure 5.1 Appearance of patients with various gradations of Graves' ophthalmopathy.

(a) Proptosis and upper and lower lid retraction plus mild infraorbital oedema.
(b) Proptosis with lid retraction, both features are worse on the left; there is also marked periorbital
oedema and chemosis.
(c) Proptosis, lid retraction, and supraorbital oedema with restriction of upward gaze in the right eye.
(d) Extremely severe inflammatory opthalmopathy with bilateral periorbital oedema, chemosis and
seleral injection.
(e) Mild inflammatory signs in a patient who is attempting to look up and to the right. The right globe
is being restricted from moving.
(f) Panophthalmitis of the left eye which resulted from corneal abrasion, ulceration and infection. The
patient had moderate ophthalmopathy and could not elose the lids of the left eye, resulting in the
catastrophic sequence. The eye had to be enueleated.
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 93



94 Hyperthyroidism

Figure 5.2 CT appearance of the orbit in Craves' ophthalmopathy showing greatly enlarged extraocu-
lar musc1es on serial coronal cuts. The most posterior image is in the left panel, and it demonstrates
how the optic nerve (central) is at risk of compression by the enlarged recti musc1es as they converge.

enlarge, they compress the nerve and a com- ments in the same patient, therefore the
pression neuropathy results. The disc can be same instrument should be used for sequen-
normal, congested or pale. Early evidence of tial measurements. Different ob servers using
a problem is loss of colour vision, which is the same instrument can re cord disparate
usually only detected by specific testing. measurements, and careful setting of the
Sight loss can be due to optic nerve or cor- base and alignment of the instrument, firm
neal problems, and both are medical pressure on the canthus and avoidance of
emergencies. parallax are important. Trainees should prac-
tice at all possible times and cornpare their
measurements with those of an experienced
Diagnosis ophthalmologist or thyroidologist. Early
When the patient has bilateral proptosis and symptoms of grittiness and tearing without
a history of Graves' hyperthyroidism, the hyperthyroidism are often misdiagnosed as
diagnosis is easy. More than 90% of bilateral allergies. Fifty per cent of unilateral propto-
proptosis is due to this cause, so even with sis are due to infiltrative ophthalmopathy
no history of hyperthyroidism the clinician is (Table 5.4), and knowledge of current or
usually correct. Measurement of proptosis past Graves' hyperthyroidism clinches the
with an exophthalmometer is valuable for diagnosis. In unilateral cases where there are
deterrnining the severity of the proptosis no additional clinical features of Graves' dis-
and for following its progression, or re- ease, it is importantto exclude an orbital
sponse to therapy. There are racial and sex space-occupying lesion such as a tumour,
differences in exophthalmometry measure- (benign or malignant, primary or metasta-
rnents. Oe Juan et al. [106] found the range tic), pseudotumour, lymphoma and in-
in normal white men and women to be 16.0 flammatory pathologies. The best way is by
+/- 2.30 and 14.7 +/- 1.92, and the corres- orbital CT (or NMR) using a current genera-
ponding values in Africanl American men tion machine with a computer program cap-
and women 17.9 +/- 2.86 and 17.1 +/- able of providing sagittal and coronal cuts of
2.71. Orientals have smaller measurements, the orbits. The appearance of infiItrative
but I have not seen published results. Dif- ophthalmopathy is characteristic (Figure
ferent instruments give different measure- 5.2), and the most frequent differential,
Graves' disease or diffuse taxie gaitre 95

orbital pseudotumour, can usually be recog- against spending a lot of money on new
nized. It is not necessary to use radiographic prescriptions for spectacles, since changes
contrast to diagnose Craves' ophthalmo- will occur with certainty.
pathy. However, it often is in the case of a To treat severe forms, called in older
pseudotumour . textbooks 'malignant exophthalmos', the
Intraocular pressure is high when mea- approaches attempt to reduce the inflamma-
sured in an eye looking upwards [107]. This tion and swelling of the muscles, or to make
is due to the enlarged muscles pressing on more space for them. The former is by gluco-
the globe. This is not specific and should not corticosteroids (steroids for short), extern al
be used diagnostically, and it should not be radiotherapy, or chemotherapy, the latter by
accepted as glaucoma unless the pressure is surgery.
also high with the gaze downward. Steroids are the most widely used treat-
When there is no his tory of Craves' dis- ment and doses of 40-80 mg prednisone dai-
ease, diagnosis is helped by finding high ly by mouth can improve soft-tissue swelling
levels of antithyroid antibodies. A suppress- and restore visual loss [108]. Prummel et al.
ed TSH or blunted rise in TSH in response to [109] showed that steroids were superior to
TRH point to subclinical hyperthyroidism, cyclosporin in a controlled study in which 18
but some patients are euthyroid by all patients were randomly selected to be
criteria, and are said to have euthyroid treated either with prednisone or cyclospor-
Craves' disease. in. Eleven out of 18 responded to predni-
sone (60 mg for 2 weeks, 40 mg for 2 weeks,
30 mg for 4 weeks, 20 mg for 4 weeks, and
then tape ring over the next 2 months). Only
Treatment 4 out of 18 who received cyclosporin (7.5 mg
Mild ophthalmopathy requires only simple per g daily for 3 months) got better. This
supportive measures and visits to determine amount of prednisone inevitably causes
there is no progression. Intolerance to bright side-effects. In the above study, 17 out of 18
lights is helped by tinted glasses, and flaps had moderate or severe complications.
on the legs of spectacles help to prevent Therefore, the dose of steroid has to be re-
gusts of wind blowing in from the side caus- duced to re du ce complications at a rate
ing irritation. Dryness is treated with demul- which might not be commensurate with cli-
cent eye drops, such as 4% methylcellulose, nical improvement. In many patients, there
and the patient might have to insert a drop is a critical dose of prednisone below which
every 2-3 hours. If it appears the lids do not the signs recur, and this dose is only found
appose at night, they can be taped shut, or by trial and error. If that dose is smalI, e.g.
goggles, such as used by swimmers (racing 10-15 mg daily, the patient often accepts the
goggles) can be worn to protect the eyes at the compromise between tolerable side-effects
expense of glamour. Sleeping with the head of and benefit to the eyes. However, if the cri-
the bed elevated reduces the degree of puffi- tical dose is too high and if it is recalled the
ness in the morning, but not all patients patients with ophthalmopathy are on aver-
tolerate this. I have been unimpressed of the age age of about 50 years, weight gain, bone
value of diuretics in helping the local oedema. loss, diabetes, hypertension, etc. may not
Slight diplopia is helped by spectacles with be accepted with equanimity. For these
prism lenses, and a trial with temporary 'stick reasons, many patients have to stop steroids
on prisms' helps to determine whether the and consider an alternative treatment.
expense of permanent prisms is justified. If We have preferred supravoltage radio-
the ophthalmopathy is fluctuating, I advise therapy. It is critical that the technique of
96 Hyperthyroidism
Table 5.5 Patients treated with orbital radio- Table 5.6 Results of radiation therapy for Craves'
therapy [103] ophthalmopathy, 311 patients
Number of patients 311 Percentage
Men/women 98/213 Sign Worse Same Improved Resolved
Mean age (years) 53
Mean length of symptoms (months) 12 Soft tissue 2 19 22 58
Number previously hyperthyroid 244 Proptosis 6 42 19 32
Number concurrently hyperthyroid 52 Eye muscle 1 38 29 32
Number worse after radioiodine 97 Cornea 4 20 4 73
Number worse after surgery 10 Sight loss 4 34 16 45
Number taking steroids 98
Number with prior decompression 10 Adapted from Kriss et al. [103].

delivery follows that advocated by Donald- had eye muscle surgery, 28 lid surgery and
son et al. [99] to ensure that the cornea and 12 decompression. The analysis of the re-
lens are not included in the radiation port. sults of radiation therapy described above
We have used 2000 rad (20 Gy) delivered were concluded whenever surgery or any
over 10 days. Some have used smaller doses other treatment was prescribed, so that the
with success. This form of treatment was effects of radiation alone could be deter-
introduced by Jones in 1955, but the equip- mined.
ment was not suited for this [110]. The Surgery creates more space by removing
rationale is that the lymphocytes in the orbit- one or more of the walls of the orbit. This is
al muscles, thought to be causal, are called orbital decompression. The most
radiosensitive. Therefore killing these cells commonly used approach involves removal
should cure the problem. Why do new cells of the inferior-medial walls - the Ogura tech-
not enter the muscles and perpetuate the nique [111, 112]. The operative approach is
condition? In brief why this therapy works is through a Caldwell-Luc incision, which is
not known. Details of 311 patients treated at used commonly to drain the maxillary sinus.
Stanford are shown in Table 5.5. Of 311 The operator continues through the sinus
patients treated, 80% had improvement in and removes the bony structures leaving the
soft-tissue signs, 51% in proptosis, 61% in orbital periosteum as a 'harnrnock' for the
diplopia, 77% of corneal problems and 61 % orbital contents to lie on. The eye muscles
of visual loss [103]. Prednisone was being then sit more inferiorly, and the globe
taken by 98 patients (29%) when they were moves back on average 3-6 mm. In addition,
referred for orbital radiotherapy, and 74 removal of the lateral wall achieves a 5-8
(76%) were able to discontinue it after radia- mm reduction in proptosis. A lateral-inferior
tion (Table 5.6). A slight fIare in soft-tissue approach is gaining in popularity, produces
signs is seen in some patients between the 3-6 mm reduction in proptosis, but does
4th and 8th day of radiation; this is tempor- leave a scar [113]. Correction of the problem
ary and usually is predictive of a good by rebuilding the bony structures around the
response. There has been no occurrence globe has been described [114, 115]. None of
of radiation cataracts, or other radiation- these operations deals with the cause of
induced complication in this series. How- the ophthalmopathy. Double vision can be
ever, other therapist have described prob- worsened, or occur for the first time after
lems which were due to deviations from the decompression and a second muscle-
protocol. After orbital radiation, 51 patients balancing procedure is often required. I have
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 97

not used this often in patients with progres- sive ophthalmopathy. The patient can pre-
sive inflammatory ophthalmopathy, but sent, or be left after these therapies, with
have recommended it in patients with severe problems such as lid retraction, diplopia and
proptosis. If there is progression of disease redundant tissues caused by periorbital
after surgical decompression, 1 recommend oedema that can be treated by appropriate
external radiation. surgical procedures. Lid retraction can be
Other approaches for progressive infiltra- corrected by recession of upper and lower
tive ophthalmopathy inc1ude immuno- lid retractors. Tarsorrhaphy brings the lids
suppressive drugs such as cyc1osporin as into apposition at the expense of altering
described above and cyc1ophosphamide. their natural contour. Diplopia not corrected
Their use is limited to small trials and side- by prisms is managed by surgery on the
effects are such that routine use is not ocular rotatory musc1es. Because of the va-
recommended [116]. Plasmapheresis to re- rious presentations and problems, our pa-
move pathogenic immunoglobulins has been tients are generally seen by thyroidologists,
moderately successful in small numbers of radiation therapists and ophthalmologists
patients [117]. Total ablation of thyroid [118], prior to management decisions.
to remove all antigen, has not been bene- Excellent reviews by Kriss [119] and Jacob-
ficial in several trials and is not recom- son and Gorman [120] with somewhat con-
mended, although the patient should be trasting advice, illustrate that this condition
made euthyroid. is not straightforward to manage, and pa-
There is no good trial to determine the tients should probably be referred to centres
best way of treating the patient who is where there is a team experienced in all
hyperthyroid and has severe ophthalmo- aspects of its management. Arecent report
pathy. The argument has already been made shows a very stastistically significant rela-
that treatment of hyperthyroidism does not tionship of Graves' ophthalmopathy with
influence the ophthalmopathy, yet in some cigarette smoking and patients should be
cases acceleration of signs weeks after 1311 counseIled to stop [121].
makes it appear there is a relation. Three For completeness it is necessary to men-
possible approaches are as folIows. The first tion the condition of orbital pseudotumour.
is to treat the eyes with orbital radiation and This disease is not related to Graves'
simultaneously treat the hyperthyroidism ophthalmopathy, indeed, it may be several
with radioiodine. The second is to prescribe diseases and the cause, or causes, are un-
steroids for the ophthalmopathy and treat known. It can involve one or both orbits,
the hyperthyroidism with 1311. When hyper- and it produces a clinical picture similar to
thyroidism has been controlled, if the Graves' ophthalmopathy (Figure 5.3). There
ophthalmopathy persists it can be treated is proptosis, periorbital oedema and diplo-
by external radiation or decompression, my pia, but no evidence of thyroid autoimmun-
preference being the former. Alternatively, ity, no hi'story of hyperthyroidism and,
the ophthalmopathy can be treated with usuaIly, no lid retraction. It is diagnosed by
radiation and the hyperthyroidism with anti- c1inical suspicion and CT scan (Figure 5.4).
thyroid drugs. When the ophthalmopathy We have found it responds weIl to radiation
has been stable for several months, the therapy, but the dia gnosis should be con-
hyperthyroidism is treated definitively_ with firmed by biopsy before this treatment is
radioiodine. At this time, there are insuf- given because orbital lymphoma can give a
ficient patients treated to provide guidance similar CT finding. An analysis of treatment
as to the best sequence. of 20 cases of pseudotumour showed co m-
The treatments described are for progres- pIe te resolution of ophthalmopathy in 15
98 Hyperthyroidism

cases [122]. Ouring the same period, 12 pa-

tients with lymphomatous or atypical lym-
phoid infiltrate of the orbit were treated.
Eight of the 12 had no systemic evidence of

(b) Dennopathy (pretibial myxoedema)

Oermopathy is a perplexing aspect of
Craves' disease. It occurs in 1-4% of pa-
tients and is almost exc1usively found in the
pretibial regions. The term 'dermopathy' is
preferred to pretibial myxoedema, which im-
Figure 5.3 Appearance of a patient with biopsy- plies an association with hypothyroidism.
proven bilateral orbital pseudotumour. Clinically, The lesion varies in severity from slight dis-
there is bilateral proptosis and periorbital oede- coloration of the skin to elephantiasis. Most
ma, and this is difficult to differentiate from commonly it appears as a round, or oval
Graves' ophthalmopathy. One helpful c1inical fea- lesion 2-4 cm in diameter, which has a pink
ture is lack of upper lid retraction.
to brown colour (Figure 5.5a). More than
one lesion can be present and they can be-
come confluent (Figure 5.5b). They are often
asymptomatic and are frequently not recog-
nized by the patient to be associated with
the thyroid condition. They are not re la ted
to thyroid status and can occur during
hyperthyroidism, euthyroidism or hypothyr-
oidism. Anecdotally, some cases occur in
elose temporal relation to therapy of hyper-
thyroidism with radioiodine. Oermopathy
coexists with ophthalmopathy and usually
TRAb titres in the serum are high. However,
the TRAb does not cause the dermopathy
[123]. Experimental work suggests that there
is a compound in the serum which stimu-
lates fibroblasts to pro du ce excess hyaluronic
acid [124]. It also appears that fibroblasts
from the pretibial area are different from
others in their response. Pretibial myxoede-
ma is rich in mucopolysaccharides, in par-
ticular hyaluronic acid [125].
As mentioned, the lesions are usually
asymptomatic, but more extensive lesions
can itch and produce a feeling of heaviness
Figure 5.4 CT appearance in orbital pseudotu- and discomfort. The major problem is that
mour of the left orbit. This is not the same patient they are unsightly and force women to wear
as Figure 5.3. The abnormality is mostly between
the musc1e bundles in this case in the lateral
trousers instead of skirts. When the lesions
aspect of the orbit, although the inflammatory are large, symptomatic or unsightly, the best
infiltrate can involve the musc1es as weIl. treatment is topical fluorinated corticosteroid
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 99


Figure 5.5 (a) Typical appearance of dermopathy, 'pretibial myxoedema'. The lesion is circumscribed,
usually on the shin, and slightly raised with browny discoloration. (b) Extensive confluent der-

cream applied at night and covered with an swelling and puffiness of the overlying soft
occlusive dressing, such as Seran wrap [126]. tissues. It is rare, occurring in less than 1%
Severe cases require high potency prepara- of patients with Craves' disease [127]. When
tions which should be used sparingly due to present, the patient almost invariably has
concern about absorption into the systemie both infiltrative ophthalmopathy and dermo-
circulation. Systemie steroids are not helpful pathy. These relationships strongly suggest
and cause side-effects. Injection of steroids that this is an auto immune condition.
into the lesion can leave 'healed' pits [123]. However, there are no data concerning the
Surgery should not be done, since ugly pathogenesis. Acropachy is more likely to
scarring resuIts. This also applies to biopsy, occur after treatment of hyperthyroidism,
which is seldom necessary to establish the and it severity is not influenced by thyroid
diagnosis if the patient has Craves' disease status [128-132]. The first report in English
with ophthalmopathy. was in a 22-year-old man in whom acro-
pachy and dermopathy arose 8 months after
(c) Acropachy partial thyroidectomy for Craves' hyperthyr-
Thyroid acropachy consists of clubbing of oidism [130]. Acropachy can be asymptoma-
the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes, tie, but in cases where there is marked soft-
plus osteoarthopathy of the phalanges with tissue involvement the fingers can be stiff
100 Hyperthyroidism
and painful. Men are affected more often chance. Vitiligo, myasthenia [135] and perni-
than women. In his review of the literature cious anaemia have been mentioned above.
in 1960, Cimlette [129] found 12 men and 7 There are a number of re ports of Addisonian
women with this manifestation. However, 5 adrenal insufficiency with Craves' disease
out of his 6 personal cases were women. [136]. This is important because hyperthyr-
Because of the associated conditions of oidism is not tolerated weIl in this situation,
Craves' disease and the frequent history of and any suspicion of adrenal insufficiency
treatment of hyperthyroidism, the diagnosis should prompt a synthetie ACTH stimula-
is seldom difficult. Other forms of arthro- tion test and, if abnormal, re placement
pathy, such as rheumatoid arthritis and therapy with hydrocortisone. Rheumatoid
osteoarthritis, are excluded by his tory and arthritis is 6 to 10 times more common than
examination. Other causes of finger clubbing in controls [137].
and osteoarthropathy including pulmonary
conditions, such as cancer and bronchiecta-
sis, cirrhosis and malabsorptive symptoms 5.2.6 LABORATORY DIACNOSIS
are usually diagnosed by history. Familial The first step in laboratory diagnosis is to
clubbing is usually recognized as such and suspect the patient is hyperthyroid. In mod-
antedates all thyroid problems. Acropachy erately severe cases this is not problematic,
has been misdiagnosed as acromegaly, and and if there is a diffuse goitre and proptosis,
it should be recalled that Craves' disease can the diagnosis is Craves' disease. However,
coexist with acromegaly. On occasion, the as has been discussed, the diagnosis can on
diagnosis is made by radiograph or bone occasion be diffieult because one organ is
scintigraphy. In the former there is perios- involved alone, or to an inappropriate de-
teal reaction in the phalanges and sometimes gree. Testing should be directed to proving
in the metacarpals and metatarsals and even there are high levels of circulating hor-
the distal long bones of the limbs. Cimlette mones; I find FT4 the most sensitive single
[129] states the radiographie findings are test, with FT41 an alternative. This is coupled
different from other forms of osteoarthro- with TSH to demonstrate that the pituitary is
pathy, with a bubbly periosteal reaction. suppressed by the high T4 and T3 . For prim-
Scintigraphic findings show linear uptake in ary work-up, it is usually not necessary to
cortieal bone producing a tram-line appear- measure T3 . However, I leave this to the
ance [133, 134]. The scintigraphie findings individual practitioner. I ask the laboratory
are not pathognomonic; they exclude arthri- to hold the serum and if FT4 and TSH do not
tides and acromegaly, but are the same as correspond, e.g. normal FT4 and low TSH, I
pulmonary osteoarthropathy. No single request T3 without recalling the patient.
treatment has been uniformly successful. True T3 toxicosis is not common, therefore
The patient described by Parker et al. [133] it is not cost effective to measure T3 in
was significantly improved by topieal gluco- every patient. I recommend measuring
corticosteroids under occlusive dressings. radioiodine 1231 uptake to ensure that the
thyroid is actively trapping. It is not neces-
sary to obtain a scintigram if the thyroid is
diffusely enlarged on palpation.
In classic cases of Craves' disease, I have
Craves' disease is an organ-specific autoim- not found measurement of TRAb or other
mune disease and it is associated with other antibodies to be particularly helpful. TRAb is
autoimmune disorders, both organ specifie not always present in the circulation, and if
and generalized, more frequently than by absent in a patient with all the features of
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 101
Graves' disease, does this change the dia- for example, medications are used to make a
gnosis or treatment? I think not. One excep- patient weIl prior to surgery. They might
tion to this is the pregnant woman with also be used for a short time while awaiting
Graves' disease, where high levels of the response to radioiodine. If a patient re-
matemal TRAb can cause neonatal Graves' lapses after thyroidectomy, radioiodine be-
disease, but even in this situation the asso- comes the therapy of choice. It is apparent
ciation is not inevitable and the endocrino- that none of the treatments tackle the basic
logist and obstetrician should be alert to this pathophysiological problem of reducing or
problem irrespective of TRAb levels. This is eliminating TRAb. Antithyroid medications
discussed below. Does knowledge of the might have a minor immunosuppressive role
levels of antithyroglobulin and antimicro- as will be discussed below, but all work by
somal antibodies alter management? I do not reducing the level of circulating thyroid
believe so. hormones, either by interfering with their
Laboratory diagnosis is therefore simple formation or removing their source.
and inexpensive.
Antithyroid drugs are used primarily to treat
Graves' hyperthyroidism. Medications
It is generally accepted that hyperthyroid pa- which are valuable in treatment of hyper-
tients should be treated unless the symp- thyroidism can be categorized into five
toms and signs are very mild and the patient groups. (1) Those that interfere with synthe-
can be monitored closely to ensure the dis- sis of thyroid hormones at the cellular level,
ease is not progressing. There is evidence including propylthiouracil, methimazole and
that mild hyperthyroidism, perhaps even carbimazole. Ions such as perchlorate and
subclinical biochemical hyperthyroidism, thiocyanate compete for the iodine trapping
produces long-term complications including mechanism, but serious toxicity greatly re-
osteoporosis [138]. Untreated hyperthyroid- duces their role. (2) Those which interfere
ism can progress to thyroid storm and cause with the release of formed hormones. In-
death. organic iodine works largely this way.
In a review of the outcome of hyperthyr- Lithium has a similar effect but, in practice,
oidism (largely Graves' disease) prior to this action is more of a problem when
modern therapies, Wilson [139] found that lithium is used to treat psychosis, than a
approximately 33% of patients died, 33% benefit in treating hyperthyroidism. (3)
spontaneously got better and 33% remained Those that interfere with the conversion of
chronically unwell. It is difficult to relate T4 to T3 in peripheral tissues. Propylthioura-
these numbers to present practice, because eil has a minor effect but, in practice, this is
we are now able to diagnose hyperthyroid- of questionable importance. Iodinated con-
ism at a very early stage and we recognize trast agents, such as Ipodate, act in this
many transient causes, plus our general sup- fashion. Propranolol causes a minor re duc-
portive care is superior. Nevertheless, two tion in T4 deiodination to T3 • (4) Those drugs
important facts are seen: some untreated which interfere with the action of thyroid
patients die and others recover without hormones on peripheral tissues. The beta-
therapy. blocking drugs act this way. (5) Those that
There are three broad forms of treatment: have an immunosuppressive role. These in-
medications, radioactive iodine and opera- clude methimazole and propylthiouracil.
tion. They are not exclusive of one another; However, there is considerable debate as to
102 Hyperthyroidism
Table 5.7 Drugs used to treat hyperthyroidism: review of their actions and their clinical role

Category Action Relative importance Medication Use

(see text) of action

1 Blocking iodination ++++ Propylthiouracil Primary

of tyrosine Methimazole "
(reduced coupling) Carbimazole
Compete with iodine ++++ Potassium perchlorate Not advised
for trapping Sodium thiocyanate
2 Block release of ++++ Iodine Adjuvant
formed hormones
++ Lithium Not advised
3 Reduce conversion + Propylthiouracil Primary
ofT4 to T3 Propranolol Adjuvant
4 Interfere with action ++++ Propranolol Adjuvant
ofT4 , T3 Atenolol
5 Immunosuppressive + Propylthiouracil Primary
Methimazole "

how much of their action derives from this. H

The weight of evidence points to reduction I
in formation of thyroid hormone being signi- 11 Methimazole
ficantly more important. True immunosup- N-CH
pressive drugs are too toxic for routine use 1
CH 3
in hyperthyrcidism. Table 5.7 shows the
drugs used, and their main actions and C2 H5 00C
roles. 1

The drugs from group 1 are the most fre- / N-CH

S=C, 11
quently used in practice. Their structures are , N-CH
shown in Figure 5.6. They re du ce iodination 1

of tyrosine, but there is disagreement how CH 3

this occurs. When the ratio of antithyroid H CH 3
drug to iodine is high, the drug interferes I ~
with the peroxidase enzyme. When the ratio /N-C"
HS = C , / C Propylthiouracil
of drug to iodine is low, the drug is oxidized 'N-C
and less iodine is organified [140]. The cou- I ~
pling of iodotyrosines is also reduced. In H 0
part this is due to inhibition of the perox- Figure 5.6 Structure of three most commonly
idase enzyme, which also catalyses this step. used antithyroid drugs (thioureylenes): methima-
However, interaction of the drug directly zole, carbimazole and propylthiouracil.
with thyroglobulin altering the tertiary struc-
ture cannot be excIuded.
Each of these medications is absorbed
rapidly after oral administration. Propyl- has a half-life of 6-8 hours [141, 142], is
thiouracil has a short half-life in the plasma, somewhere between 10-100 times as potent
of the order of 1-2 hours, and 80% is ex- as propylthiouracil and is not protein bound.
creted in the urine in 24 hours. Methimazole The pro tein binding of propylthiouracil is
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 103

advantageous when treating pregnant or lac- thiouracil in the serum shortly after they
tating women, since smaller amounts of said they took the medication. In an addi-
medication cross the placenta or enter the tional two patients, the data pointed to non-
milk. Lazarus et al. [142] showed that 10 mg compliance but was not unequivocal. The
methimazole or carbimazole produced 90% aim should be to maintain the lowest dose of
inhibition of organification after 8 hours in 8 medication that keeps the patient euthyroid.
out of 11 hyperthyroid patients. Carbimazole There is considerable debate about how long
is converted to methimazole in vivo, and it is treatment should be continued and about
likely that methimazole is the active metabo- the expected response rate. These two are
lite. One hundred mg propylthiouracil somewhat related.
caused inhibition of about 60% after the A proportion of patients with Graves' dis-
same length of time. Methimazole or carbi- ease have a spontaneous remission. In fact,
maz oie can be given on ce daily [143-145], some go on to become hypothyroid [150].
whereas propylthiouracil has to be taken 2 to Clinical features which have been recog-
4 times each day [146]. There is national and nized to predict remission with modest
individual preference concerning which reliability are a short history of hyperthyr-
drug is used. In the USA, propylthiouracil is oidism, a small goitre, disappearance of a
favoured, in the UK, carbimazole, and in goitre on treatment and no family history of
mainland European countries, methimazole. hyperthyroidism. Remission rates range
Cooper [143] has presented a case for methi- from 13-80% [151]. It is not obvious that all
mazoie based on convenience of once a day patients studied had Graves' disease and in-
ingestion, cost and minor reduction in se- dusion of patients with thyroiditides would
rious complications. bias the remission rate favourably. Alexan-
The medications are prescribed in larger der et al. [152] were the first to demonstrate
doses at the start to 'load' the system. The that modest doses of inorganic iodine could
actual amount will depend on the severity of increase the relapse rate, and this was con-
hyperthyroidism, the need for urgent con- firmed by a retrospective analysis of pub-
trol and the weight of the patient. For pro- lished results by Wartofsky [153] and an eva-
pylthiouracil, 100-200 mg 3 times daily and luation of patients treated by that author.
for the methimazole and carbimazole 30-60 There was an inverse relationship of remis-
mg once a day are usual ranges. As the sion rate versus iodine intake. Since iodine
patient's condition improves, the dose is ti- intake in the diet increased in the USA from
trated and a maintenance dose for propyl- 1950 to 1970, the remission rate using
thiouracil ranging from 50 mg twice daily to medications fell. In 1973, Wartofsky [153] re-
as much as 100 mg 3 times a day is pre- ported a remission rate of 14%, and in 1987
scribed. For methimazole or carbimazole, a investigators in du ding Wartofsky found the
single dose of 10-20 mg is usually adequate. remission rate to be 50.7%, which was attri-
Several studies have shown that on average buted to a fall in dietary iodine [151]. In my
it takes about 8 weeks for patients to become experience, the remission rate in the USA is
euthyroid [147, 148]. Some patients require considerable less than 50%, and further stu-
larger doses. However, Cooper [149] demon- dies are awaited with interest. It would seem
strated that resistance was more likely to be fair to state the remission rate lies some-
due to non-compliance. He studied nine pa- where between 20-50%. If this is the case,
tients whose hyperthyroidism was poorly how long should antithyroid medication be
controlled by daily doses of 800 mg or more prescribed be fore it is stopped to determine
of propylthiouracil. Six of the nine, induding wh ether remission has occurred? Standard
a patient I treated, had undetectable propyl- therapy has been for 12-18 months, and the
104 Hyperthyroidism
remission rates quoted above relate to such white cell counts at dinic visits are of no
reports. Greer et al. [154] advocated a shorter value in predicting the problem. It should be
course. They treated patients until they be- recalled that a modest leukopenia is found in
came euthyroid and stopped the drug. Graves' disease and the antithyroid medica-
Thirty-eight per cent went into lasting remis- tions cause a leukopenia of 3-4 x 109/1 in
sion after an average of 4.5 months of treat- about 10% of patients, which does not prog-
ment. This is no different from the result ress to agranulocytosis. Patients should be
expected from a longer course and might be told to stop the medication and report symp-
somewhat better. Burr et al. [155] could not toms such as sore throat, fever, or infection
reproduce these results, and 22 of 25 pa- to their physieians. A 'stat' white cell count
tients (88%) treated on a similar protocol and differential establishes the diagnosis.
relapsed within 4 weeks of stopping medica- The patient should be hospitalized, and if
tion. necessary antibiotics given to treat apparent
The proportion of patients with lasting re- infections. A rise in white cell count is to be
mission increases with the length of treat- antieipated over the course of several days,
ment [156]. I have found that some patients but deaths have occurred. Aplastic anaemia
prefer antithyroid medications to the alterna- is very rare, although the international study
tives, and provided they are euthyroid dini- mentioned previously, found the relative
cally and biochemically and the dose of risk to be 9.2. They found four cases in their
medication is modest, e.g. 200 mg propyl- investigation. This contrasts with the well-
thiouraeil or 20 mg methimazole, I continue known risk of aplastic anaemia from potas-
that treatment until remission occurs, or in- sium perchlorate, which is not used in the
definitely if it does not. These drugs all have USA to treat hyperthyroidism.
similar toxieity. About 5% of patients experi- Hepatitis is assoeiated with propylthioura-
ence minor side-effects, such as skin rashes, eil, but apparently not with other antithyroid
arthralgias, gastrointestinal upset, and some drugs [161]. This occurs within 6 months of
patients develop astrange disagreeable starting therapy. Hanson [162] reported two
aftertaste. About 0.5-1 % have a major co m- cases and reviewed the literature and found
plication, the most common being agranu- only one case occurring after 6 months; the
locytosis (leukocyte count less than 0.25 x remaining seven were on propylthiouracil
109/1), which has been reported in 0.1-0.5% from 2 weeks to 5 months. Seven of the
[157, 158]. It appears to be immunologically eight patients were less than 30 years of age
media ted. Other major complications are and were women. However, these data most
hepatitis and vasculitis. Cooper et al. [159] probably reflect the age and gender of pa-
state the risk of agranulocytosis is less with tients treated with these drugs. Prop-
small doses of methimazole, such as 25-30 ylthiouraeil should be stopped and tests
mg daily. They found no relation to the dose done to ensure there is not an alternative
of propylthiouraeil. The risk is greater in pa- cause, such as viral or alcoholic hepatitis.
tients over 40 years of age [149]. Arecent Paradoxically, propylthiouracil has been
multinational study showed that antithyroid used in treatment of alcoholic hepatitis [163].
drugs were assoeiated with a relative risk of Vasculitis, or a lupus-like syndrome, is very
agranulocytosis of 102 (that is patients were rare and appears to be more common with
102 times more likely to get agranulocytosis) propylthiouraeil than the other drugs. Based
[160]. This seems a considerable risk. on the data, there is a recommendation to use
However, when calculated differently, these methimazole with an initial loading of 30
drugs only produce 6.3 cases per 106/week. mg, which can be taken once daily. In pa-
The complication occurs rapidly and usually tients with large goitres and severe hyper-
within the first 3 months of therapy. Routine thyroidism, this dose might not be enough,
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 105
and as the dose increases, so does the risk of taking the drug for its anti-psychotic pro-
complications. perties [167-170]. It has been investigated
Beta-blocking drugs are very valuable in in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. In a
the treatment of hyperthyroidism [164], but randomized trial comparing lithium carbon-
in most cases play an adjuvant role. I prefer ate with methimazole, the former showed
propranolol and the dose varies from 20 mg no advantage and 73% of patients had side-
3 times a day to 60 mg 4 times a day, most effects attributable to the drug [171]. Lithium
patients responding weIl to 40 mg 3 or 4 in combination with carbimazole produced a
times each day. Several of the symptoms larger fall in thyroid hormones than carbima-
and signs of hyperthyroidism, such as tachy- zole alone [172]. A third study showed that
cardia and tremor, are similar to those of smaller doses of radioiodine could be used
overstimulation of the sympathetie nervous because the 1311 was retained longer in the
system; the levels of catecholamines in the thyroid [173]. Any role that lithium has in
circulation are normal, but there is evidence the treatment of hyperthyroidism is minor,
of an increase in their receptors. Beta- and would be based on unusual clinieal
blockers act at this site. Propranolol alone requirements.
has a minor effect in reducing the conver-
sion of T4 to T3 • One study showed no dif-
ference clinieally between propranolol,
oxprenolol, atenolol and acebutolol, but only (a) Introduction
propranolol caused a fall in T3 [165]. Each The radionuclide of iodine which is now
clinician should gain experience with the use used universally is 1311. In the past, trials of
of one preparation. These drugs do not 13°1 and 1251 were conducted, but these
make the patient euthyroid. The pulse rate is radionuclides showed no advantage over
slowed, tremor and sweating reduced and 1311. This section deals specifieally with
general well-being improved. However, radioiodine in the treatment of Craves'
objective evidence of thyrotoxieosis persists hyperthyroidism. In Chapter 13, I have tried
clinieally and biochemically. A thyroid storm to bring together the effects of various types
has occurred in a patient who appeared and doses of radiation on the thyroid, and
appropriately treated with propranolol [166]. have attempted not to repeat data here. The
Rubenfeld et al. [167] showed that proprano- thyroid cannot differentiate radioiodine from
101 is metabolized faster in hyperthyroidism, inorganic, non-radioactive 1271. Therefore,
and the serum levels can be lower than anti- when radioiodine is introduced into the
cipated. plasma it is trapped in the same proportion
lodine has paradoxieal effects on the thyr- as inorganie iodine. Most of the iodine
oid. In a subsequent section in this chapter, is rapidly organified and stored in the col-
its role in producing hyperthyroidism is dis- loid in thyroglobulin. lodine-131 emits beta
cussed. However, in Craves' hyperthyroid- partieIes which are locally destructive over
ism, pharmacologieal doses, such as 5 drops several hundred micrometres; it also emits
of SSKI, containing 180 mg of iodine, rapidly high-energy gamma rays, whieh can be de-
reduce the release of preformed thyroid hor- tected externally and whieh contribute
mones. lodine has an adjuvant role rather approximately 10% of the radiation dose to
than an independent one. Iodide should not the gland. In Craves' hyperthyroidism, the
be used in the treatment of toxie nodular distribution of iodine is fairly homogeneous;
goitre. The usual preparations are SSKI and therefore the cells are irradiated uniformly,
Lugol's iodine. with the exception of the most peripheral
Lithium has been shown to produce goitre rim of the gland, whieh is not radiated from
and hypothyroidism in euthyroid patients all sides. The diameter of follicles in Craves'
106 Hyperthyroidism

hyperthyroidism is less than the path-Iength hyperthyroidism and frequently the need to
of the beta particles, and the length of the retreat. At this juncture ladmit my prefer-
follicular cells considerably less. As a result, ence for the former. In early reviews approx-
the radioiodine is expected to cause equal imately 10% of patients treated with 131 1
damage across the length of the cells, but be ca me hypothyroid. In some patients, the
because the nucleus is the most radio- hypothyroidism did not occur for many
sensitive part, it bears the brunt of the dam- years after treatment [179]. In 1961, Beling
age. Radioiodine causes a proportion of the and Einhorn [180] demonstrated a rise in
follicular cells to die, and so they do not hypothyroidism with increasing passage of
function. This is the rationale for the treat- time after treatment, and this finding has
ment. The proportion of cells killed depends been reproduced in many subsequent pub-
on the amount of radiation concentrated in lications [180-184]. Nofal et al. [183] and
the thyroid and this is discussed below. Blahd and Hays [185] found that 70% of
patients were hypothyroid 10 years after
(b) History therapy, and there was no evidence of a
The first patient was treated with radio- plateau at this time. It is not clear why early
iodine in January 1941, the radionuclide was investigators did not recognize the incidence
1301 (half-life 12.5 hours). In 1942, two of postradioiodine hypothyroidism. It seems
groups of investigators published their pre- likely that insensitive tests might have con-
liminary results [174, 175]. Because the tributed. Clearly, if hypothyroidism was
patients were also treated with inorganic considered a problem, the method of re duc-
iodine after the radioiodine, it was not possi- ing the incidence was to reduce the amount
ble to determine which was responsible for of radioiodine prescribed. The 'conventional'
clinical improvement. Chapman [176] tre- dose was in the range of 150-160 jLCi/g of
ated the first patients with radioiodine alone thyroid, and trials of 50% of this dose were
in May 1943, and in 1946 reported on 22 undertaken. Even with the low doses,
patients treated with 14-54 mCi of 1301 [177]. hypothyroidism occurred and the incidence
lodine-131 was introduced in 1946 [176], and continued to rise with time [147, 186-191].
there are many articles indicating its efficacy In addition, the proportion of patients re-
and safety. A representative segment of the maining hyperthyroid for long periods of
literature is discussed below. Greig et al. time increased, and these patients required
[178] suggested that 1251, because of its low antithyroid medication for months or longer
energy Auger and conversion electrons, to keep them weIl, and many required
might control hyperthyroidism without pro- second or third treatments with radioiodine.
ducing hypothyroidism. The clinical results Therefore, the logistics of taking medications
using this radionuclide are presented briefly. and the potential risks were added plus a
larger total radiation burden than that of a
(e) Results 0/ radioiodine therapy and single dose.
methods 0/ ealeulating the dose The methods of 'calculating' the dose of
The goal of radioiodine treatment is to ren- radioiodine are discussed and results of
der all patients euthyroid with a single ther- several publications presented. I accept that
apy dose within a reasonable period of time. some posttreatment hypothyroidism is a sine
This goal cannot be achieved. The clinician qua non, and because this is simple to di-
and patient have to accept that a rapid one- agnose and treat, it is not considered a com-
dose cure causes hypothyroidism; alterna- plication of treatment. The radiation dose to
tively, any attempt to prevent hypothyroid- the thyroid depends on the amount of 1311
ism inevitably causes delay in treatment of prescribed, its percentage uptake in the thyr-
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 107

oid, the average life (effective half-life x ment are considered as disadvantages. There
1.44) and the size of the thyroid. The out- is no way of knowing how much 131 1 is re-
come depends on the result of these, plus tained in the thyroid, or of calculating the
some individual sensitivity factor, or factors radiation dose. Nevertheless, it works!
which cannot be defined, or measured. Using the second approach, the dose is
There are many methods of determining calculated from the weight of the thyroid
how much 1311 is to be prescribed. (1) The multiplied by a predetermined dose of l3lI/g.
simplest, but not necessarily the best, is to Dunn and Chapman [182] used this
give all patients the same dose irrespective approach and gave 165 p.Ci/g which they
of the size of the gland or its uptake of thought delivered 120 p.Ci/g retained in the
radioiodine. The routine amount varies from thyroid. If the uptake was 73%, that would
2.5 mCi (92.5 MBq), 10 mCi (370 MBq) [192] be true, but the retained amount could range
to 15 mCi (555 MBq) [193]. (2) Some physi- from 50 p.Ci to 160 p.Ci depending on thyr-
cians prescribe a specific amount per gram of oidal trapping. After 10 years follow-up,
thyroid; this takes into consideration the size 50% were hypothyroid.
of the thyroid but not its uptake. (3) Most Thirdly, when the dose is determined
clinicians, including myself, prescribe a from the size of the thyroid and percentage
given amount of 1311 per gram of thyroid uptake of iodine, the formula is:
corrected for uptake. (4) This approach has Weight of gland (g) x
been expanded to prescribe increasing
Desired p.Ci/g x 100
amounts per gram as the size of the thyroid Dose in p.Ci = --------
increase [194]. (5) Other investigators plan to
deliver a specific number of rads to the thyr-
oid and to do this they have to know thyroid Using this approach, Cunnien et al. [196]
size, uptake and effective half-life of 1311 in also found an increase in hypothyroidism
the gland. with time, and more hypothyroidism in re-
Let us look at the results. In the first situa- cent years. They evaluated the results of
tion, where a fixed dose is prescribed, Lowe radioiodine treatment at several time periods
et al. [191] reported an incidence of 19% from 1952 to 1977. Although the policy of
hypothyroidism after single doses of 2.5 mCi prescribing approximately 160 p.Ci/g was up-
(92.5 MBq). Ten mCi (370 MBq) produced held, the incidence of hypothyroidism in-
hypothyroidism in 50% of patients at 3 creased through the study and the need to
months and 69% at 1 year [192]. In spite of retreat decreased. In 1952, 3% became
this, 19% of the total group required retreat- hypothyroid in 3 months, and 40% by 1
ment for persistent thyrotoxicosis. With 15 year. In 1977, 36% and 91 % were hypothyr-
mCi [555 MBq], 64% were hypothyroid after oid after the same intervals. The only differ-
1 year, and 5.5% remained hyperthyroid ence was the clinicians' estimate of gland
[193]. Scott et al. [195] treated 75 patients size, and because this is on the numerator of
with 16.2 mCi (600 MBq], and 31 be ca me the equation above, it increases the total
euthyroid and 44 hypothyroid, and all were dose prescribed. The implication is that clini-
cured of hyperthyroidism by 3 months. cians desire a rapid one-dose cure with the
Empiric doses of radioiodine work. If the knowledge that hypothyroidism would
wish is to ablate a hyperthyroid gland with a occur, and they report a gland size which
high degree of certainty, for example, in a results in prescription of a dose expected to
patient with cardiac complications, a single answer the desire. Another study done by
dose of 15-16 mCi (555-600 MBq) seldom myself and the late Dr W.R. Greig [147] ev-
fails. The simplicity and lack of measure- aluated 160 p.Ci/g in 38 patients versus 80
108 Hyperthyroidism
ILCi/g in 36 patients. The two groups of pa- to determine that a specific radiation dose is
tients were weIl matched for age, size of required, e.g. 7000 rad (70 Gy). One ILCi of
thyroid and 24-hour uptake. Each patient re- 1311 in 1 g tissue for 1 hour gives 0.433 rad. It
ceived a single therapeutic dose and to en- is possible to work back and with knowledge
sure they remained euthyroid, they received of the gland size, uptake and average life
carbimazole and L thyroxine for 10 months. (effective half-life X 1.44) to determine the
On review 20 months after therapy, 21 % of dose required. The measurement of effective
the standard group were hypothyroid and half-life is time consuming and some author-
37% had relapsed, in contrast to 8% and ities simply assurne a value, in the range of
47% respectively in the low-dose group. 4-6 days. If this value is assumed, both the
Rapoport et al. [189] used this method, but effective half-life and gland size are esti-
planned to have a retained dose of 50 ILCi/g. mates and it therefore does not seem ration-
Antithyroid drugs were needed in most pa- al to take time for elaborate measurements
tients, and when they were stopped at 1 which are inherently flawed. In addition,
year, 54% of the patients were hyperthyroid what is the best dose, 6000, 7000, 10000 rad
and 7% permanently hypothyroid. (60, 70100 Gy), or more?
Therefore, if this formula is used, no sing- Smith and Wilson [198] compared 7000 rad
le dose per g will result in euthyroidism. with 3500 rad. One year after treatment with
Small retained doses leave a significant pro- the former dose, 8% were hypothyroid and
portion of patients hyperthyroid; large doses 44% hyperthyroid and, with the latter, 4%
pro du ce hypothyroidism. were hypothyroid and 65% hyperthyroid. A
The fourth method of alte ring the dose per small group of 26 patients were given 14000
g based on the gland size was introduced by rad, but when the incidence of hypothyroid-
Goolden and Fraser [188] and reintroduced ism at 6 months was found to be 19%, it was
by Roudebush et al. [194]. The rationale was feIt unjustified to continue that part of the
that hypothyroidism appeared more often in experiment! Holm et al. [199] 'aimed at 6000
patients with small thyroids, and retreat- rad per treatment' in patients with Graves'
ment was more common in those with large disease and noted as others have, an in-
glands. Goolden and Fraser [188] prescribed crease in hypothyroidism with time [200]. It
60 ILCi/g retained in the thyroid for glands is of interest that patients treated from 1970-
smaller than 40 g and 80 ILCi/g, and 100 5 had an average 10.4% annual incidence
ILCi/g for glands of 40-49 g and 50-59 g rate for hypothyroidism for the first
respectively. At 1 year, 38.5% were still 7 years, in contrast to 4% in 1951-5, and
hyperthyroid and only 8% hypothyroid. No approximately 5% from 1956-65. This trend
longer foIlow-up is available. In the study of is similar to that described by Cunnien et al.
Roudebush et al. [194], the therapeutic sche- [196] which has been discussed. In the pre-
dule was to have a retained dose of 40 ILCi/g se nt report, there was no easy explanation,
in glands of 20 g, or less, up to 100 ILCi/g in although the introduction of TSH measure-
glands greater than 100 g. After follow-up of ments seemed to coincide with the
1 year, 9.7% were hypothyroid and 24.2% increased incidence of hypothyroidism.
hyperthyroid. The results appeared promis- Patients who responded to one dose had a
ing. However, at the end of 11 years, 76% lower incidence of hypothyroidism. In this
were hypothyroid [197]. The authors con- study 56% were cured by one dose, 28%
clude there is 'no way to modify therapy required two doses, 10% three and 6% more
with 1311 alone to pro du ce early control of than three treatments. Therefore, the
thyrotoxicosis and a low incidence of attempt to prevent hypothyroidism by pre-
hypothyroidism' . scribing a small dose first, resulted in re-
Finally, the most complicated approach is treatment and a higher long-term incidence
Graves' disease or diffuse taxie gaitre 109

of hypothyroidism. Originally, Staffurth thyroid drugs have to be prescribed for

[201] designed 'to give between 7000-10000 many months, or longer. Recall the decision
rads'. Of 298 patients treated, 60 (20%) re- had been made to treat with radio~odine in
quired a second dose, and 22 (7%) three or 'preference to medications. A second radio-
more treatments. After a follow-up of 17 iodine therapy is required more often, and
years, 78% were hypothyroid, or 4.6% per that increases the risk of hypothyroidism. It
year. Thereafter, he prescribed from 3500- is accepted that every clinician working in
5000 rad (35-50 Gy), and the patients were this field routinely ablates the thyroiä to pro-
treated with carbimazole for up to 1 year. In du ce hypothyroidism when thyrotoxicosis is
the second group, 55% were hypothyroid at causing complications such as cardiac
15 years, at an average rate of 3.6% annually arrhythmias. Therefore, hypothyroidism per
(62.2% predicted at 17 years, which was the se is not looked on as a major complication.
follow-up in the first group), and 11% re- Hypothyroidism is easy to diagnose, espe-
quired a repeat dose. He concludes that un- cially if the physician knows it is about to
less ablation is required for medical reasons, occur. In this setting, muscle cramps are
the patient 'should only be given a small characteristic and measurement of FT4 and
dose of radioiodine so that the onset of TSH clinch the diagnosis. Treatment of
hypothyroidism is delayed as long as possi- hypothyroidism is not difficult. However,
ble. Alternatively, a low dose of antithyroid residual functioning thyroid which is insuf-
drug can be continued indefinitely in this ficient to maintain euthyroidism is often
group'. The data shows that even when non-suppressible, and the replacement dose
efforts are made to calculate with some pre- of L thyroxine can be less than that required
cision the radiation dose to the thyroid, to treat primary hypothyroidism. The dose
euthyroidism is an untenable goal. has to be titrated in each patient, and this
In summary, irrespective of the method may require two or three visits over 3-6
used to determine what therapy dose is pre- months to establish the optimum dose clini-
scribed, there is a trade-off. Higher doses cally and biochemically. Therefore, why not
cure hyperthyroidism with greater regular- treat the complaint which brought the
ity, but cause more hypothyroidism; lower patient to a doctor originally, accept that
doses cause less hypothyroidism but fai! to hypothyroidism will occur, take steps to en-
cure hyperthyroidism. Patients are referred sure this is understood by the patient and
for treatment of hyperthyroidism and, usual- to ensure follow-up and appropriate testing
ly, there has been lengthy discussion and treatment when necessary? I have gen-
between patient and physician about the re- erally used 160 Ci/g, corrected for uptake to
lative merits of the three forms of therapy, treat patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism.
and the decision made that radioiodine is
the simplest, safest and least expensive. It is (d) Complications 01 radioiodine-131
my opinion that it does not make sense to Because this radionuclide is used widely to
delay restoration of euthyroidism for an ex- treat Graves' disease in patients of all ages,
tended period, simply to reduce by a small clinicians should be acquainted with potent-
degree, the incidence of post-treatment ial and real problems. Knowledge of lack of
hypothyroidism. The preceding data shows certain complications, such as induction of
that hypothyroidism can be caused by the cancer of the thyroid and other organs, is
smallest therapeutic doses, and the inci- very important for discussion with patients.
dence continues to rise irrespective of the The complications are presented in the time
dose. By delaying recovery from hyperthyr- course that they can occur, but because of con-
oidism, the clinician puts the patient at risk siderable variation of several (there is consid-
of complications and, in many cases, anti- erable overlap), they are listed in Table 5.8.
110 Hyperthyroidism

Iahle 5.8 Complications and risks - real and quently higher than the original measure-
theoretical - from radioiodine ment because the gland is depleted of
iodine, therefore a larger percentage of treat-
Radiation thyroiditis
Thyroid crisis ment is trapped. As a result 1 repeat the
Vocal cord para lysis uptake meaurement immediately prior to
Hypoparathyroidism radioiodine therapy so that dose calculations
Hyperpara th yroidism can be made. Several investigators have
Ophthalmopathy shown that methimazole is somewhat
Thyroid cancer
Leukaemia radioprotective [205], therefore the dose of
131 1 prescribed should not be reduced. One
Genetic problems report compares the results of 131 1 therapy in
patients simultaneously taking antithyroid
drugs compared with controls who were not
on medications at the time of radioiodine
It is not uncommon for a mild exacerba- treatment [206]. Thirteen patients were in
tion of thyrotoxicosis to occur several days the trial group; one became hypothyroid
after 1311. This is due to the release of pre- (8%), three needed retreatment and the
formed hormone from disrupted follicles. mean dose was 15.8 mCi (585 MBq). The
Frank thyroid storm is not common, but is normal group received a mean of 9.2 mCi
well documented [202, 203]. McDermott et (340 MBq); 36% became hypothyroid, and
al. [204] documented 16 reports from the 29% were retreated. The numbers of pa-
literature. This serious complication has tients are too small to draw conclusions,
been reported as early as 1 day and as la te as although hypothyroidism was reduced in
20 days from the time of treatment. There the study group in spite of prescription of
are undoubtedly others unpublished cases. a larger dose. This is due to rapid loss of
The patients were usually older than 40 131 1 from the thyroid, rather than radio-
years (14 of the 16), and had severe thyr- protection from the antithyroid drugs.
otosicosis, frequently with cardiac complica- It is important to recognize that in several
tions. Thyroid storm has also been found in large series there has not been a single case
patients with toxic nodular goitres who re- of thyroid storm [207, 208]. It should be rare,
ceive radioiodine therapy. It is therefore my especially if precautions taken. Treatment is
policy to pretreat older patients (usually described under thyroid storm.
those older than 50 years), and those who Radiation thyroiditis is very rare with the
are truly thyrotoxic, with antithyroid doses used to treat Graves' disease. There is
medications for 2-3 months as a preliminary pain over the thyroid, which radiates to the
step to 1311 treatment. This allows the patient jaw or ears, and the gland is tender to palpa-
to be rendered euthyroid, it depletes the tion [199]. The overlying skin can appear
thyroid of stored hormone, and it allows red. This complication is treated with
continued frank discussion about 131 1 treat- analgesics and, if symptoms are very severe,
ment when the patient is euthyroid. Prop- a short course of steroids. Sialitis from ther-
ylthiouracil is stopped for 3 or 4 days, and apeutic radioiodine therapy of Graves' dis-
methimazole for 4 to 7 days before measur- ease is rare [210, 211]; it usually involves the
ing uptake and prescribing therapy. 1 cannot parotid because it has the highest saliva to
recall any patient spontaneously improving serum concentration of iodine. This is tran-
permanently with this short course of anti- sient and subsides without treatment. The
thyroid medication. Repeat radioiodine problem is more frequent in patients with
uptake after this course of medication is fre- thyroid cancer who are treated with 1311, be-
Graves' disease or diffuse taxie gaitre 111

cause the doses are an order of magnitude There is temporal evidence of worsening
greater. In 1968 Silver [212] commented that of infiltrative ophthalmopathy in about 5%
131 1 caused no detectable injury to the recur- of patients (20% of those who already have
re nt laryngeal nerves. There are now two ophthalmopathy at the time of radioiodine
cases where the temporal relations hip of therapy) after radioiodine, but this is prob-
hoarseness, vocal cord paralysis, and ther- ably part of the natural history of the
apeutic radioiodine strongly implicates 131 1 disease. The corollary, that about 33% of
[213, 214]. I still have difficulty accepting patients referred to us with severe progres-
that the radiation dose to the recurrent sive ophthalmopathy had radioiodine within
laryngeal nerve would be sufficient to dam- 1 year seems paradoxical, but is consistent
age the nerve. Pressure entrapment from with Gorman' s theory that ophthalmopathy
swelling of the thyroid is probable. The first occurs in a normal distribution from 18
patient received 7.3 mCi (272 MBq) and had months before to 18 months after the onset
a 24 hour uptake of 93% [213]. She became of hyperthyroidism. Gwinup et al. [104]
hoarse after 1 week and that symptom had showed that ophthalmopathy was more like-
not improved after 1 year. Robson [214] re- ly to occur in patients treated with antithyr-
ported the first ca se in the UK in 1981, oid drugs.
where about 3000 patients receive this treat- All of the above are rare and unlikely to be
ment annually. The patient became hoarse found in routine clinical practice. The major
the day after 6 mCi radioiodine (222 MBq) risks as far as the patient is concerned are:
and recovered after 15 months. It is notable will this treatment cause leukaemia or
that this complication has not been reported cancer, will it make me infertile, and will it
with larger cancerocidal doses of 1311. effect my offspring?
Hypocalcaemia and hypoparathyroidism All radiation is potentially carcinogenic
have been reported very infrequently after [218]. There is evidence from several
1311. It is also unlikey that the radiation from sources, including survivors of atomic fall-
adjacent thyroid would be sufficient to cause out, spondylitic patients treated with spinal
this, unless the parathyroids are all intra- radiation, cancer patients treated with radia-
thyroidal. Alternatively, hypocalcaemia tion and infants exposed to radiation in
might be due to rapid correction of calcium utero, that the incidence of leukaemia is in-
deficiency which is characteristic of hyper- creased by radiation. There is no increase in
thyroidism, or release of calcitonin by the patients treated with 131I. The relationship
radioiodine. The delay from radioiodine was investigated by the Cooperative Follow-
treatment to diagnosis of hypocalcaemia up Study [219]. Seventeen patients out of
ranges from 5 days [215] to 2 years [216], 18379 treated with radioiodine developed
and the doses ranged from 4 mCi (148 MBq) leukaemia, the total review was 119000 pa-
to 30 mCi (921 MBq) [217]. Those cases aris- tient years. Of the 10731 patients treated by
ing longer than 1 month from therapy are operation, 16 subsequently were found to
probably due to some other cause. In con- have leukaemia. There was no evidence to
trast, there is an increase in hyperparathyr- support the thesis that radioiodine caused
oidism after radioiodine, and it is not clear leukaemia. There are other reviews [220] and
wh ether this is the result of the increased single case reports, but their authors con-
relation of hyperparathyroidism with clude there is no added risk [221, 222]. Chro-
Graves' disease per se, or whether it is mosomal abnormalities are found in circulat-
caused by radiation to the parathyroids [80]. ing lymphocytes after standard doses of 131 1,
Whatever the aetiology, the problem is un- as weIl as larger doses used to treat thyroid
common clinically. cancer [223-226]. Similar abnormalities are
112 Hyperthyroidism
seen in the lymphocytes of patients treated hyperthyroidism are encountered very infre-
with 1251 [227]. It is thought that cells with quently. Of these, thyroid storm has to be
visible chromosomal abnormalities are sterile recognized early and treated urgently, as
and although they are viable and even func- outlined at the end of the chapter. The
tional, they cannot divide and hence cannot theoretical long-term risks of an increase
become malignant. Concern about leukae- in cancer and genetic malformations to
mia is not a reason to advise against 131 1 offspring have not been documented:
There is no evidence of an increased inci- (e) Therapeutic uses 01 other radionuclides 01
dence of thyroid cancer in patients who have iodine
received radioiodine therapy. This topic is The first radionuclide of iodine used to treat
discussed and referenced in full in Chapter hyperthyroid patients was 1301. Its half-life is
13 [228-232]. Cancers in other organs are no too short. A small number of patients were
more common in patients treated with 131 1 treated with 1331. The radionuclide which has
[233, 234]. been used most often after 131 1 was 1251. This
The radiation doses from 131 1 in the treat- was introduced in an effort to prevent post-
ment of Graves' disease does not reduce fer- treatment hypothyroidism, yet control
tility in either sex. Hyperthyroidism per se hyperthyroidism. Greig et al. [178] drew
often reduces libido and, in addition, it is attention to the microscopic dosimetry of
generally accepted that fertility in hyperthyr- 1251, which preferentially radiates the apex of

oid women is reduced. When someone is the follicular cell, the site of hormone synth-
hyperthyroid, unprotected intercourse might esis. The nucleus receives less than 10% of
see m safe, but patients should be advised the radiation [239]. I with Greig treated 355
that one of the first signs of improvement hyperthyroid patients with this radionuclide
after any form of therapy is unexpected [240]. After follow-up of an average of 49
pregnancy, and appropriated steps taken to months, 63.4% were euthyroid, 33.5%
avoid this. hypothyroid and the remainder hyperthyr-
Over more than 40 years of use of 131 I, oid. No dose per gram of thyroid produced
there has been a progressive move to treat euthyroidism in all patients, and both
younger patients, including those who plan hypothyroidism and persistent hyperthyr-
to have children. oidism were found. In general, small doses
This caused concern that the gonadal dose left the patient hyperthyroid, and large
would increase the risk of genetic malforma- doses caused hypothyroidism. Several other
tion in the offspring. The ovaries receive less groups of investigators published similar re-
than 3 rad per 10 mCi (370 MBq) [235, 236], sults [241-243]. One considerable disadvan-
and this theoretically could add 20 tage of 1251 is its long half-life, which can
to 30 cases of genetic malformation per cause an environmental hazard. Because it
1000000 births per rad. This has to be con- does not provide a conclusive advantage
trasted to the risk without radiation, which over 1311, I do not recommend its use.
is reported to be 10.65%, i.e. 106500 abnor-
malities per 1000000. There is no evidence (f) Precautions and logistics 01 radioiodine
that the number or type of abnormality in treatment
children whose parents received 131 1 differ Patients treated with radioiodine are a
from babies born to age- and sex-matched source of radiation, and precautions are
controls [237, 238]. necessary when they are discharged after
In summary, problems occurring days treatment. In the USA, no specific restric-
to weeks after 1311 treatment of Graves' tions are required if the activity at discharge
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 113

is 8 mCi or less, or the exposure is 1.8 mRih after by a relative or friend for 3 or 4 days,
at I m [244]. In spite of that, all patients that is preferable. Patients should be in-
should be advised to sleep in aseparate formed of the effect of distance, time and
bed for 2 nights. Their urine is radioactive shielding in reducing radiation to others.
and should not be kept for tests. Suitable Radiation falls by the square of the distance
arrangements of travel horne have to be and directly with time. Walls provide some
made in advance, preferably the patient degree of shielding, those in granite houses
can drive horne alone. Children should not more than those made from woodframe and
accompany hyperthyroid relatives to the piasterboard .
hospital at the time of therapy. Before ther-
apy, a negative pregnancy test should be 5.2.10 SURGICAL TREATMENT OF
documented in women of childbearing age. GRA VES' DISEASE
Even using serum beta HCG, false negative
results are possible in the first week after (a) History
conception. Stoffer and Hamburger [245] in Surgical treatment was the earliest treatment
a survery of members of the American Thyr- for Graves' disease. Thyroid surgery as a
oid Association found that 237 pregnant standard therapy was introduced by Kocher
women had been treated with radioiodine who, by 1889, had done 350 operations with
during the first trimester. Of 182 allowed to a mortality of 2.4%. The history has been
proceed to term, there were 2 spontaneous reviewed by Halsted [247] and Mansberger
abortions, 2 stillbirths and I child with biliary [248]. The operation was reserved for
atresia. Based on these results, they do not seriously ill patients and, at times, involved
advise therapeutic abortion. Inadvertent removal of thyroid tissue in stages, as many
treatment after 12 weeks puts the infant' s as seven operations being done to achieve
thyroid at risk, and the investigators found 6 the end result. Other procedures were liga-
cases of neonatal hypothyroidism. This tion of the arterial supply, but the clinical
should not happen. studies of Mayo [249, 250] and Lahey [251]
Women must stop breastfeeding. indicated a better outcome with subtotal
Radioiodine-131, because of its relatively thyroidectomy. Even 70 years ago, there was
long half-life, its concentration in the mam- debate about how much thyroid tissue
mary glands and secretion in milk, coupled should be left. The introduction of inorganic
with the small size of the thyroid in the iodine as apreoperative treatment [252]
newborn and its higher uptake, can be made a dramatic change in the selection of
potentially hazardous for weeks [246]. Refer- patients for operation, and on the safety of
ence 246 is an excellent review of published the procedure and reduction in the incidence
da ta of radiation hazard to babies from va- of postoperative thyroid storm. lodine given
rious radiopharmaceuticals secreted in milk. for 7-10 days reduced the degree of hyper-
Derived results indicate that the babies' thyr- thyroidism and made the thyroid less
oid would receive 27 rad/J-tCi 1311 in breast vascular. It was soon recognized that the
milk (5.7 GyIMBq). The maximal permissible hyperthyroid gland escaped from the
dose is 150 mrad (0.0005 Gy)! It is not wise to inhibitory effect of iodine after that time.
attempt to restart breastfeeding. Breast- Until the early 1940s, surgery was the only
feeding should be interrupted for 2-3 days definitive treatment. It remains an effective
after the mother receives a tracer dose of· and valuable therapy. However, because of
20 !-LCi 1231 (0.74 MBq). After treatment the the safety and simplicity of radioiodine, plus
mother should be restricted from contact the availability of antithyroid medications, it
with her children, and if they can be looked is used less frequently. Periodically, there is
114 Hyperthyroidism
Table 5.9 Results of surgical treatment of Graves' the literature of those reports where this was
hyperthyroidism with special reference to the in- the aim, and in combined results in 1296
crease in hypothyroidism in most re cent reports patients calculated the recurrence rate to be
Reference Year % hypothyroid % hyperthyroid 3.4%, and postoperative hypothyroidism
was found in 52.6%. This trend is reversed
254 1964 5 8 in arecent publication from France where
255 1966 10.6 5.8 only 14.5% became hypothyroid, most with-
256 1968 6.5 11.4 in 1 year of operation, whereas 18% re-
260 1970 25 7
271 1972 49 NA lapsed, some as long as 6 years after surgery
263 1982 55 0 [265]. This is retrogressive because those pa-
tients who relapse have to be treated with
radioiodine, since there is considerable selec-
tion of patients for operation, often as a
an advocate for resurgence of this treatment result of the alternative treatments being
[253]. positively excluded, e.g. severe reaction to
antithyroid drugs plus an obsessive fear
(b) Results and complications 01 surgery of radioiodine. Therefore, when there
Before looking at the selection of patients for is a recurrence of hyperthyroidism, this is of
surgery and the logistics of rendering the considerable import. The risk of repeat opera-
patient euthyroid for operation, let us re- tion is significant and recurrence is best
view the results and potential problems of treated with radioiodine [266]. In contrast,
operation. The ideal goal of the operation hypothyroidism is easy to diagnose and easy
is to remove enough thyroid to eure the to treat, and should not be judged as post-
hyperthyroidism, and leave sufficient to operative morbidity. When hypothyroidism
prevent hypothyroidism. This cannot be occurs, it is unlikely that the patient will
achieved in all patients. Table 5.9 shows the relapse and surgery has been successful.
in eiden ce of these in several series. Up to Some surgeons allow the patient to become
1970, there was, on average, approximately hypothyroid and do not introduce L thyrox-
10% recurrence and 10% hypothroidism ine immediately, because some patients will
[254-256]. The final outcome was usually de- achieve euthyroidism by high TSH levels sti-
fined by clinical evaluation, or by tests mulating the remnant to function normally.
which are now recognized to be crude and Because there is an incidence of late
of modest diagnostic value. In these reports, hypothyroidism, it has been my policy to
hypothyroidism was most likely to result in start re placement therapy whenever there is
patients with high levels of circulating anti- a rise in TSH, and to continue it for life. The
thyroid antibodies [257, 258], or with signi- patients are told preoperatively that this is
ficant lymphoid tissue in the resected gland the probable outcome
[259]. The incidence of hypothyroidism in- There are important complications of thyr-
creases with time. After 1970, many reports oid operations. Provided patients are pro-
showed a higher frequency of hypothyroid- perly prepared for surgery, mortality is very
ism, 25% [257], 36% [260, 261], 49% [262] low but increases with age. Wound infec-
and 55% [263]. Concidentally, with the in- tion, atelectasis, pneumonia and pulmonary
crease in hypothyroidism there were less re- embolus can occur as with any major opera-
currences, e.g. Lee et al. [263] had none. tion [267]. Many patients are fully ambulant
This was due to a change in philosophy of within a few hours, and provided there are
the surgeons, who planned to do near total no problems can be discharged from hospital
thyroidectomy. Bradley et al. [264] reviewed between 24-48 hours after the procedure. As
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 115
many as 30% notice a change in voice post- which can require re-exploration to find the
operatively [268]; in some this is due to in- bleeding site. In emergent situations where
tubation and in others to transient damage there is dyspnoea or dysphonia, it is neces-
to the recurrent laryngeal nerves but, fortu- sary to open the wound urgently. Nurses
nately, permanent damage is uncommon. and physicians responsible for the patient
Riddell [269] by meticulous identification of should be educated about this potential
the nerves plus electrical stimulation to test problem, and any change in breathing or
their integrity, reduced the risk to 1.7% in voice should prompt urgent consultation by
1700 patients. A 1-2% incidence of this com- the surgical team. Because the scar is in a
plication is anticipated. The long-term result visible position, keloid formation is an un-
is a change in the pitch of voice, an inability fortuna te occurrence. The neck and upper
to sing, and difficulty in projecting the voice chest are more common areas for this to
when lecturing or shouting. Hyperventila- happen, and it is more common in African
tion in an effort to continue talking can and African-American patients. Lesser de-
cause dizziness. It is wise to wait at least a grees of problem with the scar are often a
year before considering any treatment to the source of unhappiness, especially in youn-
cord, because compensatory changes occur ger women who have this area uncovered.
wh ich bring the cords doser together, with Local injection of fluorinated glucocorticos-
an acceptable result. If the improvement teroids are of considerable help, or in excep-
with time is insufficient, the paralysed cord tional situations surgical removal of the
can be augmented with an injection of unsightly tissue should be considered. With
silicone. Fortunately, bilateral recurrent time, the colour of the wound alters, and
laryngeal nerve damage is very rare. In this unsightly pink areas become less noticeable
situation, the voice can appear remarkably and of no concern to many patients.
normal; the problem is one of breathing and Patients referred for operation should be
surgical correction by arytenoidectomy or informed about potential complications and
tracheostomy inevitably causes a deteriora- their management and have time to discuss
tion in the voice. The patient is happy to these.
accept this if it allows her to breathe.
Hypocalcaemia from damage to the para- (e) Selection of patients for operation
thyroid glands complicates about 2% of op- Which patients should have surgery to treat
erations [270]. This is largely due to damage Graves' disease? It is easier to start with
to the parathyroids or their vascular supply those who should not. The elderly and those
at the time of surgery. An alternative cause with cardiac complications are not candi-
of hypocalcaemia is rapid reversal of the dates for operation. There is still concern
negative calcium balance of hyperthyroidism among some patients and physicians that
[271]. This is temporary but requires treat- radioiodine causes long-term complications
ment with vitamin D and calcium. Because and genetic defects in offspring, and in some
of the possibility that hypoparathyroidism is these concerns provide an insurmountable
temporary, efforts should be made to lower barrier to radioiodine. If such a patient is
the doses of medications and try to discon- allergic to antithyroid medications, the best
tinue them provided the patient has no approach is operation. Thyroid cancer can
symptoms and remains normocalcaemic. coexist with Graves' hyperthyroidism (Chap-
This should only be done when dose com- ter 13), and if there is a nodule in a diffusely
munication between patient and physician is enlarged gland, it should be subjected to
possible. A rapidly developing wound FNA; if the cytology is anything but benign,
haematoma is an important complication an operation deals with both conditions.
116 Hyperthyroidism
Many articles state that large glands should led hyperthyroid patient, it is very important
be treated operatively. However, this is not to render the patient euthyroid prior to op-
a sine qua non, because these glands fre- eration. This has traditionally been done us-
quently melt away after 1311 treatment. ing standard antithyroid drugs, and 7-10
Surgery has been advocated in children be- days before the operation inorganie iodine is
cause there has been concern about treating added to the regime to reduce the vascular-
children with 1311, but there is solid data ity of the gland. By this approach, it can take
which points to radioiodine as the primary 8-12 weeks to render the patients euthyroid.
treatment of choiee. I refer very few patients The medieations should be stopped post-
for operation with Graves' hyperthyroidism. operatively. As an alternative, several
In each patient, there has been a consteIla- groups have shown that beta-blockers made
tion of factors whieh culminated in this the patient weIl enough for surgery in a few
deeision. One young woman became hyper- days. Usually propranolol has been pre-
thyroid postpartum with classic Graves' dis- scribed in a dose of 40 mg 4 times a day [263,
ease. She dearly wished to breastfeed but 273, 274]. In spite of the data, I find little to
was very thyrotoxic. After prolonged discus- support this recommendation. Toft et al.
sion with her and her husband, it was [274] admitted the patients to hospital 4 days
agreed to start propylthiouraeil and continue preoperatively and titrated the propranolol
breastfeeding [272]. The debate about breast- to the optimal level as judged by pulse less
feeding and antithyroid drugs is expanded than 90/min, and the medieation was con-
below in the section on hyperthyroidism in tinued for 7 days postoperatively. Four days
pregnancy. She wished to become pregnant in hospital would add substantially to the
again and to breastfeed the expected second cost and would not be acceptable in the
baby. Although propylthiouracil was USA. There is abundant evidence that beta-
accepted during breastfeeding, she feIt the blockers do not make the patient euthyroid.
risk to the unborn child from propylthioura- The biochemical abnormalities persist, and
eil during pregnancy was greater. I advised there are well-documented cases of thyroid
stopping breastfeeding, treating with 131 1 storm occurring in patients treated only with
and planning the second pregnancy about 1 propranolol [275]. In addition, why should
year after that. The patient refused to stop there be such a need to operate quiekly? The
breastfeeding, opted for operation and Surgery is not urgent. A more acceptable
breastfed while recovering in hospital. The regime is to combine beta-blockers with in-
öperation cured her hyperthyroidism, and organie iodine [276]. Iodine should not be
removed any concerns of antithyroid drugs used in patients with toxie nodular goitre
and 131 1 on her subsequent children. She because hyperthyroidism can be worsened
quiekly became pregnant with twins, but [277], or in patients who are severely hyper-
tragieally one was stillborn. Because of her thyroid [278].
concern about radioiodine be fore and In summary, surgery as treatment of
medications during pregnancy, it is likely Graves' hyperthyroidism has a small but
she would have blamed either of these for important place. The goal of the surgeon
the baby' s demise. should be to remove as much thyroid as
possible, yet preserve the functions of the
parathyroids and recurrent laryngeal nerves.
(d) Preparation for surgery Permanent euthyroidism or, more likely,
Because the surgery is elective, and because hypothyroidism are to be expected, and the
the greatest risk is of crisis in an uncontrol- incidence of recurrence should be less than
Graves' disease or diffuse toxie goitre 117
5%. Patients should be euthyroid before the Table 5.10 Bias to specific therapy of Graves' dis-
procedure. ease in various clinical situations

5.2.11 WHICH THERAPY? Patient group drugs Radioiodine Surgery

The clinidan and patient are in the enviable Neonatal ++++

position of having three well-tried thera- Juvenile + +++ +
peutic methods for Graves' disease. There is
Young woman, + +++ +
not pregnant
no other disease where the options are so Young woman, +++ + +
varied and successful. In some clinical situa- pregnant
tions, the choice is clear cut, e.g. in a relapse Man + ++++ +
after thyroidectomy, 1311 is advised; in a Elderly + ++++
Coexistent ++++
thyroid storm, antithyroid drugs. How does cold nodule
the clinidan advise the patient about the
optimum approach in the individual. A
frank discussion of the logistics of each
method, the expected results and potential
risks is the first step. For primary therapy, therapy is generally prescribed for 12-18
the role of surgery has lessened, and the months. Relapse can be treated with a
choice comes down to medications or 1311. second course of medication, but at this
Radioiodine in an adequate dose cures point 131 1 is preferred. I have treated several
hyperthyroidism in all patients, but causes patients who had repeated courses of anti-
hypothyroidism. In some series, almost all thyroid drugs (prescribed by other physi-
patients are hypothyroid by 1 year. If this dans), with short remissions. They were
possibility is recognized and the patient is cured by 1 dose of 131 1 and, to aperson, each
willing to take L thyroxine for life, this is the regretted not having proceeded with 1311
simplest approach. There has been doubt ex- from the start. It has been calculated that
pressed about prescribing 1311 to children, primary treatment with radioiodine is the
adolescents and young patients who plan to least costly. The number of follow-up visits
have children. No increased risk has been is less. A significant proportion of patients
demonstrated, and the approach ensures treated with drugs eventually have the com-
that mothers are not taking antithyroid bined costs of that treatment and subsequent
medications during pregnancy and puerper- definitive therapy with 1311. Therefore, 1311
ium, or when whey are breastfeeding. has a definitive role in most patients with
Therefore an argument can be made for us- Graves' hyperthyroidism. Ouring preg-
ing this treatment in patients of all age nancy, hyperthyroidism should be treated
groups, the only exceptions being if the pa- with propylthiouradl, and this drug appears
tient is pregnant, or breastfeeding. I usually to be safe for breastfeeding. Antithyroid
advise a short course of antithyroid drugs drugs have an important role in rendering
prior to radioiodine if the patient is very patients euthyroid for surgery and, as men-
thyrotoxic or over 50-55 years. tioned, in some cases before radioiodine.
Medications can be used in exactly the Surgery is advised when there is a suspi-
same settings, but the patient should recog- dous nodule in addition to Graves' disease,
nize the chance of long-term remission is and in spedfic situations, such as reaction to
less than 50% (the results vary considerably, antithyroid medication, coupled with fear of
most reporting from 20-50%), and that radioiodine. Table 5.10 lists possible
118 Hyperthyroidism
treatments for Graves' hyperthyroidism in external neck irradiation [284, 285], suggest-
several clinieal categories. ing, but not proving, that radiation was
causal. Growth factors including insulin,
somatomedins and even oestrogen (in view
of the remarkable proportion of women with
this disease), have been suggested as possi-
ble factors. None has been proven to be the
5.3.1 INTRODUCTION aetiological factor.
Functioning autonomous thyroid nodules
are also called hot nodules because of their
appearance on radiouclide scan. The nodule
is not under normal physiologieal control of The lesions are usually adenomas and, on
the pituitary, and concentrates more radio- occasion, adenomatous hyperplasia. The
iodine than the surrounding normal thyroid. tumour is usually encapsulated. The follicles
Patients with hot nodules can be euthyroid, are similar in appearance and can be termed
although a proportion of them are hyper- mierofollicular, fetal, embryonal, or simple.
thyroid due to the nodule secreting exces- There is no capsular or vascular invasion.
sive amounts of thyroid hormones, in par- There are few mitoses. It is not possible from
tieular T3. Plummer [279] was the first to review of the histology to predict if the
differentiate hyperthyroidism due to diffuse- nodule causes hyperthyroidism or not.
ly hyperfunctioning goitre, namely Graves'
disease, from hyperthyroidism due to nodu-
lar goitre. He did not differentiate single tox- 5.3.4 CUNICAL FEATURES
ie nodule from toxic multinodular goitre.
This section deals first with the single Patients with hot nodules usually seek
nodule. However, the distinction is not clear medical care because of the nodule per se.
cut, since additional impalpable nodules can This applies whether they are euthyroid or
be detected by scintigraphy, by the surgeon hyperthyroid. Those who are hyperthyroid
at operation, or by the pathologist. Hambur- have the appropriate symptoms and signs,
ger [280] has argued that Goetsch [281, 282] but they are usually less marked than in
rather than Plummer should be remembered patients with Graves' disease. Those fea-
by the eponym for this disorder . Goetsch tures whieh are specific for Graves' disease,
[281, 282] demonstrated that the follicular such as infiltrative ophthalmopathy, dermo-
cells in toxic adenoma (his term) contained pathy and acropachy, are not found in pa-
abundant mitochondria, suggesting that the tients with toxic hot nodules. Because the
onset of hyperthyroidism is subtle, the pa-
cells were indeed hyperfunctioning. The
best early clinical description of the condi- tient can have mild symptoms which go un-
tion is that of Boothby [283]. Nevertheless, recognized for years. Not infrequently, they
Plummer' s name will not be dislodged easily have had a non-toxic nodule for years prior
because of prolonged usage. to that. Autonomous nodules are more likely
to cause toxicity in older patients, and be-
cause of the prevalence of cardiac problems
in this age group, heart complications due to
hyperthyroidism, such as atrial fibrillation or
In the vast majority of cases, the cause of cardiac failure, are not infrequent findings.
nodular formation is not known. There are The remarkable trend for hot nodules to
sparse re ports of hot nodules occurring after occur in women is shown in Table 5.11,
Functioning autonomous thyroid nodule, single and multiple 119

Table 5.11 Gender of patients with hot nodules were 3 cm in diameter or larger [290]. Table
(from seven publications) 5.12 gives an overview of statistics from
seven studies of the proportion of patients
Wornen Men Total Reference
who are hyperthyroid at presentation and
31 4 35 286 on follow-up.
33 2 35 287 Very rarely, hyperthyroidism is transient
50 4 54 288 and due to the release of stored hormore as
289 a result of haemorrhagic infarction [299].
21 2 23
Autonomous nodules are rare in children
T 53 9 62 290
NT 302 20 322 290 [285, 300], and any such nodule in a child
263 291 must raise a higher concern of its being
T 234 29
NT 252 22 274 291 malignant [301].
21 7 28 292
997 (91 %) 99 (9%) 1096 5.3.5 DIAGNOSIS
T = Toxie. The evaluation of thyroid nodules has
NT = Non-toxie. evolved recently. Many authorities recom-
mend fine-needle aspiration first. This is dis-
cussed in full in Chapter 7. This contrasts
with earlier approach es which started with
which also highlights that the gender bias is radionuclide scintigraphy. Although the cli-
greater for non-toxic nodules. nical features discussed above are important,
In almost every series, the average age of it can be seen that apriori most patients with
patients with toxie hot nodules is greater autonomous nodules cannot be differ-
than that in euthyroid patients. Toxieity is entiated from those with non-functioning
also more common in patients with large nodules unless hyperthyroidism is present.
nodules [286, 288, 289]. The implication is Only 5-20% of nodules are hot on scan,
that hot nodules in young patients are likely therefore, it is economically sounder to biop-
to be small and, as the patient and the sy all nodules with the intention of obtaining
nodule age, the latter grows and, at some a pathological diagnosis to stratify the 80-
point, secretes excessive amounts of thyroid 95% which are cold on scan into low or high
hormones. Most patients who are euthyroid risk of malignancy. Hot nodules are rarely
at presentation remain euthyroid. Burman et malignant (vide infra). However, on cytolo-
al. [288] studied 48 patients for an average of gical examination, they frequently show a
2 years (4-136 months) and none developed microfollicular pattern, which means that a
hyperthyroidism. Two of the nodules under- low-grade follicular cancer cannot be ex-
went degeneration, which is well recognized cluded. The clinician has a dilemma: in un-
as one of the expected outcomes [293]. De- selected patients with solitary nodules, if a
generation has been described after injection radionuclide scan is ordered first, the most
of TSH used prior to reimaging suppressed likely finding will be a cold nodule. If biopsy
normal thyroid [294, 295]. This test is not is done first, a 'benign' hot nodule might be
recommended therapeutically, and it is diagnosed cytologically as a suspicious le-
seI dom necessary diagnostically. In another sion. It would appear acceptable to obtain a
series, 14 of 159 patients with non-toxic hot scan first to find those with hot nodules, and
nodules became hyperthyroid after a follow- then biopsy the cold ones. Alternatively, if a
up of 1-6 years, but the risk of hyperthyr- biopsy is done first, a radionuclide scan
oidism was 1 in 5 in those whose nodules would be obtained if the cytology shows a
120 Hyperthyroidism
Table 5.12 Hyperthyroidisrn and hot nodules

Hyperthyroid at Hyperthyroid on
No. o[ patients presentation [ollow-up Follow-up years Reference

35 18 4 NA 286
54 2 0 0.3-13 288
349 62 14 1-6 290
34 19 NA NA 292
29 2 1 2-8 296
22 1 0 2-7 297
58 0 6 1-12 298
581 104 (18.5%) 25/457 (5.5%)

mierofollicular pattern. Thus surgery would

be avoided in a euthyroid patient with an
autonomous nodule.
If the patient is hyperthyroid and has a
nodule, the most probable diagnoses are
solitary toxie hot nodule, Graves' disease
... l'

plus a solitary cold nodule or hemiagenesis f

of the gland. The last is very rare and it
should be possible to discriminate between

the first two on clinieal grounds. A radionuc-

lide scan will make the distinction. In the
first, there is a 'hot' nodule with suppression
of surrounding tissue (Figure 5.7), in the
second there is a diffusely enlarged hyperac- •
tive gland with a cold nodule (Figure 5.8). A
cold nodule in this setting will require full
work up independent of the hyperthyroid-
lodine-123 is recommended for thyroid ~~ .

scintigraphy. Historically, 1311 was used, but

it gives an unacceptable radiation dose to the
thyroid (Chapter 3). Most, but not all,
nodules whieh are 'hot' on a 1231 scan are Figure 5.7 Thyroid seintigrarn showing intense
'hot' when scanned with 99mTc (pertechne- foeal uptake in the thyroid nodule with suppres-
sion of rernainder of the gland. This is typical of a
tate). Conversely, most, but not all, cold toxie hot nodule.
nodules on a 1231 scan are cold with 99mTc.
Since there are many reports of disparate
findings [302-304], and since the definition scan. Why not use 1231 first? When a scan is
and knowledge of the natural history of hot obtained it is extremely important to ensure
nodules are based on radioiodine scanning, that the palpable nodule corresponds pre-
whJ: not use 123I? It has been suggested that cisely to the hot nodule.
a 9 roTc scintigram should be obtained first The remainder of the gland can be sup-
and if the nodule is hot to proceed to a 1231 pressed to varying degrees, because the
Functioning autonomous thyroid nodule, single and multiple 121

• •

A B c

Figure 5.8 Thyroid scintigram in a 44-year-old woman with classical Graves' hyperthyroidism. Howev-
'er, on palpation of her thyroid, in addition to diffuse enlargement a firm nodule was feIt beneath the
isthmus. This nodule is cold on scan. Pathology showed the cold nodule was benign adenomatous
hyperplasia. A: Scan alone . B: Scan with markers around nodule. C: Schematic of findings.

nodule by its autonomous production of almost never necessary to do a T3 suppres-

hormones suppresses the pituitary secretion sion test to prove the nodule is autonomous
of TSH. The degree of suppression depends for reasons explained below.
not only on the level of thyroid hormones, To define the thyroid status of the patient
but the scintigraphic technique. With older FT4 , T3 and TSH should be obtained . A
equipment (a rectilinear scanner), the sup- proportion of patients with hot nodules have
pression tended to be exaggerated, and in true T3 toxicosis, and in early studies when
cases where no thyroid was seen in the con- T3 measurements became available, 40% of
tralateral lobe, that tissue could be imaged hyperthyroid patients with hyperfunctioning
albeit faintly using a gamma camera. In pa- nodules had normal T4 and FT41 [290, 305,
tients where only the hot nodule is seen and 306]. A borderline high T3 with suppressed
hemiagenesis cannot be excluded (Figure TSH can explain mild or atypical hyperthyr-
5.9), the functioning tissue should be oid symptoms. There is no recent study
shielded with a lead strip and imaging con- comparing FT4 with T3 in this setting.
tinued. Suppressed thyroid will be imaged if A spectrum of results can be found. All
the procedure is continued for a sufficiently three tests might be normal, in which case
long time. The missing lobe in hemiagenesis the patient has a non-toxie autonomous
can never be imaged. Alternatively, ultra- nodule. FT4 and T3 might both be high and
sound can be employed to demonstrate the TSH low; the patient, therefore, has a toxie
presence of atrophie thyroid. It is almost hot nodule. These two extremes are easy to
never necessary to do a TSH stimulation test understand and to treat. It is more difficult
to visualize the suppressed tissue. Also, it is when thyroid hormone levels are normal,
122 Hyperthyroidism
Functioning nodule

Obtain thyroid
function tests

FT, (T 3 ) TSH normal
Review annually

FT4 (T3 ) high TSH low

Smaller nodule Larger nodule
Older patient Younger patient

L Preference


Figure 5.9 123r scintigram in a 23-year-old man Figure 5.10 Algorithm for diagnostic work-up of
with mild hyperthyroidism and a palpable left a patient with a functioning thyroid nodule.
lobe of the thyroid. The scan does not look like a
hot nodule but either an ultrasound, or a TSH
stimulation test, would be necessary to prove
there is no thyroid on the right side and that the
diagnosis is hemiagenesis with hyperthyroidism.
The final dia gnosis was Craves' disease with Table 5.13 Number of cancers found in surgically
hemiagenesis of the thyroid. treated hot nodules

Number of cancers Number of hot nodules Reference

o 10 309
but TSH suppressed. The clinician has to o 40 291
consider the clinical features, the degree of o 40 310
suppression of the normal thyroid on the 3 200 311
scan, the size of the nodule and the degree
o 27 296
2 5 312
of normality of the blood tests. Figure 5.10
provides an algorithm for the management
of patients with autonomous nodules. Rare cancers have been found in hot
nodules; Livadas et al. [311] reported three
cases, but there was an explanation for each
one, e.g. the cancer was in a small cold spot
within the hot nodule, or there were several
Means [307] reports 'we have never found a nodules one of which was cancerous. Becker
hot nodule which has shown histologie evid- et al. [313] described two cases
ence of malignancy'. Similarly, Miller and which were small and lying within the hot
Hamburger [308] state no proved case of a nodule. Of the three cases reported by Nagai
hot cancer which could be confused with a et al. [285], one was in a child and one in a
benign lesion has yet been reported. Table man who had received external radiation to
5.13 shows the incidence of cancer in the neck. Both of these situations must be
hot nodules from several surgical series. accepted as high risk for malignancy. The
Functioning autonomous thyroid nodule, single and multiple 123

The majority of patients with autonomous

thyroid nodules are euthyroid clinically and
biochemically. It is generally agreed that
these patients do not require therapy, but
reassurance that the nodule is benign and
that the condition will remain stable. Some
have argued that surgical removal of nodules
at this stage removes any chance of hyper-
thyroidism in the future. They support their
argument by citing a very low complication
.. L
rate and a very low incidence of postsurgical
hypothyroidism. However, it is my opinion
that unless there are features which would
predict a problem, such as rising thyroid
Figure 5.11 Hot nodule in the right lobe of the
thyroid with a cold area in the upper outer function tests, a large nodule (greater than 3
aspect: owl's eye sign. This is almost always due cm) or a nodule that is growing, observation
to cystic degeneration of the nodule. The left lobe at 6-12 month intervals is appropriate treat-
is somewhat suppressed. Radioiodine uptake at ment. Attention should then be paid to any
24 ho urs is 60%. clinical or biochemie al evidence of hyper-
Hyperthyroidism when it occurs is almost
third cancer was in a cold spot within the always permanent. There are anecdotal re-
hot nodule, which is troublesome because ports of nodules and toxicity disappearing
this appearance is usually attributed to cystic due to degeneration. Nevertheless, defini-
degeneration (Figure 5.11). Sandler et al. tive therapy with surgery or radioiodine will
[314] added a single case and provided an be necessary in almost all hyperthyroid pa-
extensive review of the literature. tients. Antithyroid drugs are not recom-
Although several well-documented cases mended because spontaneous eure is so rare
have been recognized, the data stress the and because the nodule can continue to
infrequency of thyroid cancer appearing as a grow. A short course of antithyroid drugs
hot nodule with the following provisos: might be used preoperatively.
1. The radionuclide used is 1231 not 99mTc. Surgery, usually lobectomy, has the be-
2. Two nodules are present, one hot on scan nefit of controlling hyperthyroidism rapidly;
and benign, the other cold and malig- the nodule is removed, and any linge ring
nant. This emphasizes the importance of doubt the patient has about malignancy ex-
marking palpable nodules on the scan cluded. Prior to surgery, the patient should
and correlating the scintigraphic and cli- be made euthyroid, either with antithyroid
nical findings. drugs or, if the symptoms are mild, with
3. An occult cancer is found in adjacent beta-blockers. Eyre-Brooke and Talbot [315]
thyroid tissue. This would have the same operated on 60 patients without complica-
significance as an occult cancer found tion, and only 6.6% became hypothyroid
after thyroid surgery for any other dis- postoperatively. Similar statistics have been
ease. It should not be construed as a reported by Bransom et al. [287] who found
cancerous hot nodule. that only 5 of 35 became hypothyroid.
124 Hyperthyroidism
Table 5.14 Amount of radioiodine-131 required Table 5.15 Comparison of different doses of 131r
to deliver 30000 rad (300 Gy) to the centre of a hot used by three groups of investigators to treat
nodule assuming 30% uptake and an effective hyperthyroid hot nodules
half-life of 5 days. Selectively extracted from
Gorman and Robertson [317] Diameter Referenee
ofnodule Volume (ce) 319 320 317
Nodule diameter (ern) Dose (mCi) (MBq)
2 4.2 2.2 2.5 5.6
2 5.6 207 3 14.2 7.6 8.5 18.3
3 18.3 677 4 33.5 17.9 20.0 42.0
4 42.0 1554 5 65.0 34.7 40.0 80.0
5 80.0 2960
Doses in mCi; to convert to MBq multiply by 3.7.

hypothyroid. Weiner [320] delivered 200

Radioiodine-131 has also been used with JLCilg of nodule whieh is similar to the dose
success. This avoids surgery but does not recommended by Hamburger and Hambur-
work as fast and is not universally effective. ger [321] to treat toxie multinodular goitre.
Frequently, the nodule persists after treat- Using this dose, 75 of 88 patients became
ment. The speed of recovery, overall effect- euthyroid, 1 hypothyroid and 12 remained
iveness, and ultimate size of the nodule hyperthyroid. Five of these 12 required small
depend on the amount of 131 1 prescribed. It doses of antithyroid drugs. It can be seen
is generally accepted that the amount of from Table 5.15 that Wiener [320] prescribes
radiation required to treat a hot nodule is approximately one-half of the dose that Gor-
greater than that for Graves' disease [316]. man and Robertson [317] advise for nodules
Gorman and Robertson [317] provide de- of any size. Ross et al. [319] prescribe about
tailed dosimetry calculations for the amount 20% less than Wiener [320]. Who is correct?
of 131 1 necessary to deli ver 30000 rad (300 It is legitimate to prescribe 160 JLCilg of
Gy) to the centre of hot nodules of various nodule corrected for uptake in patients with
sizes. They stress that the volume increases mild to moderate hyperthyroidism. Larger
considerably as the diameter increases (4/3 doses, such as 200-250 JLCilg, are advised
1fr3 ). Table 5.14, which extracts data from for patients with more severe hyperthyroid-
their article, shows the doses they recom- ism and in older patients where rapid con-
mend, assuming an uptake of 30% at 24 trol is desirable.
hours, and an effective half-life of 5 days. There is concern that the suppressed tis-
Their doses are quite large. In contrast, Ratc- sue is subjected to a significant radiation
liffe et al. [318] recommend a fixed dose of 15 dose from 131 1 concentrated in the hot
mCi (555 MBq). Forty-one of their 48 pa- nodule. This is addressed weIl by Gorman
tients were euthyroid at 6 months, and none and Robertson [317]. The concerns about
became hypothyroid. Unfortunately, they do this are (1) the radiation might cause cancer
not provide information about the size or in adjacent thyroid, and (2) it might cause
activity of the hyperactive nodules, so it is hypothyroidism. There is only one report of
impossible to calculate JLCi/g. Ross et al. thyroid cancer occurring after 1311 treatment
[319] found an average dose of 10.3 mCi (385 of a hot nodule [322], so that risk appears
MBq; 160 JLCilg of nodule) produced euthyr- hypothetical. Likewise, the long-term results
oidism in 41 of 45 patients in 6 months. of 1311 therapy discussed above show a very
Three patients remained hyperthyroid and low incidence of hypothroidism. In this con-
3 had a late recurrence; none became text, it is important to discuss the results of
Toxie multinodular goitre 125
Goldstein and Hart (289), who found 8 of 22 be warned about radiocontrast studies and
(32%) became hypothyroid 4-64 months about medieations that contain large quanti-
after 131I. This high percentage has been ex- ties of iodine. A proportion of nodules will
plained by the fact that their patients were get smaller and rarely might disappear as a
euthyroid prior to treatment, therefore nor- result of cystie degeneration. Hyperthyroid-
mal thyroid was not suppressed and trapped ism should be treated by surgery or
sufficient 131 1 to cause hypothyroidism. This radioiodine. Posttreatment hypothyroidism
should be kept in mind. if patients are pre- is rare, so thyroid replacement is usually not
treated with antithyroid drugs. It has also necessary. Some argue it will prevent forma-
influenced some physicians to give T3 for tion of another nodule, but there is not a lot
several days prior to radioiodine to suppress of data to support that. Follow-up should be
normal thyroid maximally. This approach arranged after therapy to ensure that the
can cause worsening of hyperthyroidism patient is euthyroid. In surgieal cases, visits
by adding fuel to the fire, and is seldom at 6 weeks and 1 year should suffiee. After
necessary. radioiodine, more frequent visits might be
In summary, either surgery or radioiodine required because of the expected slower re-
will cure toxic hot nodules. When is one sponse. Occasionally, an antithyroid mediea-
prescribed in preference to the other? In tion is required for a few weeks or months
younger patients, surgery is the more ob- while awaiting recovery.
vious choiee, likewise when the nodule is
large. However, increasing age and increas-
ing nodule size are related, so the clinieian
can be faced with a confliet, such as an Toxie multinodular goitre is very similar to
elderly patient with a very large nodule. single toxie nodule in all aspects except that
Radioiodine would be better for the former, more than one nodule is autonomous. The
surgery for the latter. The author's prefer- condition is a more common cause of hyper-
ence is to advise surgery for patients 45 thyroidism in regions of low iodine intake,
years or younger, or for those with nodules than in the USA. The patients are somewhat
4 cm in diameter, or larger. Each patient older than those with Graves' disease. Di-
should have the benefit of a detailed discus- agnosis is based on clinical examination, a
sion of both therapies including risks, be- low TSH and high FT4 and/or T3 . Scintigra-
nefits, expected outcomes, logisties and even phy with 1231 shows two or more areas of
costs. Only then can the optimum decision increased uptake, whieh correspond to palp-
be reached individually: A patient might be able nodules (Figure 5.12). Treatment de-
so concerned about radiation or about sur- pends on the degree of enlargement of the
gery that referral for the alternative is better. thyroid, local symptoms and the age and
general health of the patient. Surgery has
the merit of removing the goitre in addition
to controlling hyperthyroidism. Jensen et al.
Most patients with autonomous nodules are [324] report 16% hypothyroidism 1 year after
euthyroid and remain so. The risk of cancer operation. In view of the greater age of pa-
in a hot nodule is extremely smalI. Because a tients plus more associated conditions, there
small proportion of patients will become has been a trend to operate less and to treat
hyperthyroid, follow-up is important. In- with 131I. Uptake is lower in multinodular
organic iodine can increase the risk of de- goitre than Graves' disease, and it is agreed
veloping hyperthyroidism, which can be the former is more radioresistant; therefore,
serious [298, 323]. Therefore, patients should the dose required for a successful outcome is
126 Hyperthyroidism
Radioiodine is a safe, effective treatment
for toxic multinodular goitre, and can re-
place surgery for many patients. In general,
antithyroid drugs are not recommended as
the primary therapy because spontaneous
remission is not expected. Older patients
forget to take their pills. Charkes [325] has
used the eponym Marine Lenhart syndrome
for the rare condition of Graves' disease with
functioning nodules. He states this is im-
portant to differentiate from toxic nodular
goitre, because the response to radioiodine
was poor. His mean dose was 8.6 mCi (318
MBq), which would not be enough to treat
most multinodular goitres, and it is likely
that euthyroidism would be obtained if 200
J-LCi/g is prescribed. As discussed above,
when there is concern about a 'cold' nodule
in the thyroid coexisting with Graves' dis-
ease, it should be biopsied and, if the
Figure 5.12 Thirty-seven-year-old woman who is
pathology is not unequivocally benign,
hyperthyroid clinieally and bioehemieally. She surgery is advised.
has a palpable left-sided thyroid nodule. Sean
with 200 MCi 123{ shows a large hot nodule in the
left lobe, plus a smalI, impalpable hot nodule in 5.5 HYPERTHYROIDISM WITH LOW
the right lobe. The remainder of the thyroid is UPTAKE OF RADIOIODINE
almost eompletely suppressed. A sean 5 years
earlier in a different institute was almost identie- The next ten conditions are taken together
al, but at that time she was euthyroid. The eur- because they have in common the symptoms
rent diagnosis is toxie nodular goitre. and sign of hyperthyroidism: high levels of
circulating hormones, suppressed TSH and
low uptake of radioiodine. The first three are
substantial. Jensen et al. [324] found the closely related since they all involve the in-
same frequency of hypothyroidism, 16% 1 take of too much thyroid hormone. The
year after 131 1, as with surgery. Twenty-four second three are thyroiditides. Silent and
per cent required a second treatment be- postparturn thyroiditis are so similar that
cause of persistent hyperthyroidism. The any distinction is academic. Cancer invading
average first treatment was 37 mCi (1370 the thyroid has many clinical features in
MBq), the range of doses was from 6.3-150 common with subacute thyroiditis. lodine-
mCi (233-1550 MBq), and so it is difficult to induced hyperthyroidism has gained more
interpret the outcome. importance because iodine contrast is used
Hamburger and Hamburger [321] pre- with increasing frequency, and iodine-
scribed 200 J-LCi/g corrected for uptake. Initial containing medications, such as amiodarone
doses ranged from 25-200 mCi (925-7400 are prescribed in large quantities. Finally, in
MBq). These are similar to those used to the event of nuclear accidents, iodine is pre-
treat thyroid cancer, and the precautions scribed to interfere with the trapping of 1311
outlined in Chapter 8 have to be followed. In in the thyroids of normal persons. The very
this investigation, 78% were cured by one rare but fascinating struma ovarii, when it
dose. causes hyperthyroidism, can suppress the
Factitious thyrotoxicosis 127

normal thyroid's ability to trap iodine. Final- otoxieosis. Gorman et al. [331] and Rose et al.
ly, a small number of follicular cancers pro- [332] each described three patients, and Har-
duce enough thyroid hormone to cause vey [333] diagnosed four cases in the surpri-
hyperthyroidism. singly short time of 4 months. The patients
do not volunteer that they are taking the
medieation and actually deny it vehemently,
even when the evidence in favour of the
Prescription of excessive amounts of thyroid diagnosis is incontrovertible. The diagnosis
hormone is much more common than facti- should be considered in a patient who is
tious hyperthyroidism, and it is usually clinically and biochemically hyperthyroid,
easier to diagnose and treat. The thyroid but who has no goitre, no infiltrative eye
medieation is usually taken for well-founded signs, and low radioiodine uptake. The
medical reasons, but the dose is simply too other low-uptake conditions are alternative
much. It is interesting to note that the nor- diagnoses. In iatrogenie thyrotoxicosis there
mal re placement dose has decreased over is no attempt to conceal that thyroid mediea-
the last 10-15 years, as the testing of thyroid tion is taken. The pain and malaise of sub-
function and our knowledge of thyroid phy- acute thyroiditis makes this easy to exclude.
siology has become more sophisticated. In 'Hamburger' thyrotoxicosis should not occur
the early 1970s many patients took 300 /-Lg of because of regulations against thyroid being
L thyroxine, yet now the average dose included in ground meat. The most diffieult
ranges from 100-200 /-Lg depending on the differential is silent thyroiditis. In factitious
weight of the patient. With the introduction thyrotoxicosis, because the thyroid is sup-
of FT4 measurements, many patients were pressed, there should be low or absent levels
found to have levels above normal, and us- of thyroglobulin [334] unless there is a
ing newer TSH assays even more were coexiting thyroid disorder. Thyroglobulin is
found to have suppressed values. When L high in the hyperthyroid phase of silent
thyroxine is for re placement and not for TSH thyroiditis, because the gland has been dis-
suppression, as in patients with thyroid can- rupted. If this does not clinch the diagnosis,
cer, it is more correct to keep the TSH in the radioiodine uptake can be repeated after ex-
normal range [326, 327]. Some patients ogenous TSH. There is a rise in factitious
admit frankly that they feel better on a thyrotoxicosis, because the gland is normal,
slightly supraphysiologieal dose, they can and usually there is no rise in silent thyroidi-
eat more without weight gain, they have tis. In cases which are still not resolved, a
more energy and achieve more. Neverthe- whole-body 1231 scan should be done to en-
less, they are probably balancing these sub- sure that there is not an ectopic source of
jective benefits against long-term objective hormone production.
problems, such as osteoporosis and possibly Almost all patients are women and there
cardiac and hepatic toxicity [87, 328-330]. is often a history of a psychiatrie problem,
The diagnosis is usually a laboratory one which is usually labelIed as hysterical.
since the degree of hyperthyroidism is mar- Although self-medieation is difficult to
ginal. The treatment is to titrate the dose of prove, there is often a source for thyroid
L thyroxine such that FT4 and TSH are phy- hormone, e.g. from a relative, or the patient
siological. is in the health care profession. If the patient
can be hospitalized and guaranteed to have
no access to thyroid hormone, the high
blood values fall with the anticipated half-
Surreptitious ingestion of excessive amounts life of about 1 week for thyroxine. Should
of thyroid hormone is a rare cause of thyr- the patient be more sophisticated and take
128 Hyperthyroidisrn
triiodothyronine, FT4 and T4 are low and basis of this data. In Nebraska, 49 patients in
this can cause further diagnostic confusion. I a small community had the condition in a
consulted on a 67-year-old woman with clas- 3-month period and, in retrospect, they
sie apathetic hyperthyroidism caused by her were found to buy more beef in one super-
surreptitious ingestion of 400 p,g L thyroxine market than control patients. There were 129
daily, which she obtained by filling an old patients in the other outbreak which lasted
prescription. The diagnosis was made by several months longer. Investigation of beef
finding a high FT4 which fell by 50% in a from the incriminated source showed a high
week in hospital. The hospitalization was for iodine and thyroid hormone (both T4 and T3)
suspected malignancy because of chronic content. A quarter-pound hamburger con-
diarrhoea and weight loss. She had no tained 1300 p,g T4 and 76 p,g T3 . The con-
palpable thyroid, low 1231 uptake, negative dition was cured by stopping eating meat
whole body 1231 scan, negative antithyroid containing thyroid, and symptoms seldom
antibodies and undetectable thyroglobulin. persisted longer than 8 weeks. Volunteers
The medical student reached the diagnosis who ate this meat got rapid increases in
by phoning the only pharmacy in the pa- serum hormone levels. The thyroid was in-
tient's horne town! A previous physician had cluded in neck muscle trimmings, and now
prescribed thyroxine more than a decade be- this is prohibited by US Department of Agri-
fore for uncertain reasons. Even with all this culture regulations. Not even the phar-
data, the patient denied taking the medicine. maceutical companies want animal thyroid
Treatment requires the assistance of a any more, because almost all patients who
psychiatrist. take thyroid use L thyroxine.


Two very well-documented studies showed In this condition, there is transient thyrotoxi-
unequivocally that localized outbreaks of cosis caused by release of stored hormones
thyrotoxicosis were due to ingestion of thyr- from the thyroid. The hyperthyroid episode
oid in ground beef [335, 336]. Both occurred is short, lasting weeks or months, but it is
in the mid-west of America, one in Nebraska followed by hypothyroidism which can be
[335] and the other at the junction of Minne- prolonged. The serum levels of thyroid
sota, South Dakota and Iowa [336]. The hormones are high, TSH is suppressed
patients had fairly abrupt onset of nervous- and radioiodine uptake low. Hyperthyroid
ness, sleeplessness, weight loss, increased symptoms are treated by beta-blockers and
heart rate, shortness of breath, etc. and in hypothyroid symptoms with L thyroxine.
general did not have enlarged thyroids. This syndrome is described in full in
They were biochemically hyperthyroid, and Chapter 9.
when radioiodine uptakes were measured
they were low. Hedberg et al. [336] found
the median 24 hour value to be 2%, and 23 This syndrome has a time course similar to
of 25 results were less than 10%. The simi- silent thyroiditis. Since it occurs within 6
larity to silent thyroiditis is remarkable, months of delivery, it is called postpartum
especially since silent thyroiditis appears to thyroiditis. Postpartum thyroiditis is com-
be more common in this area, although out- mon, affecting approximately 5% of women
breaks are not found. In addition, the ende- after delivery and, unfortunately, the symp-
mie syndrome could not be differentiated toms and signs are easily attributed to post-
from iodine-induced hyperthyroidism on the parturn blues or depression. The hyperthyr-
Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism 129

oid phase is treated with beta-blockers and vated and TSH suppressed. Radioiodine
the hypothyroid phase with L thyroxine. uptake is usually low. Once the dia gnosis is
This is discussed in full in Chapter 9. established, hyperthyroidism is treated with
beta-blockers and coincidental treatment
of the cancer. In the case of lymphoma,
5.11 SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS a reasonable prognosis is expected with
Subacute, granulomatous or De Quervain's appropriate radiation therapy and ehe mo-
thyroiditis is thought to be a viral inflamma- therapy. The fact that the other types of can-
tion of the thyroid. In addition to a time cers have spread to the thyroid is a gloomy
course similar to silent thyroiditis, there is prognostic factor. Therapy for the thyroid
pain and tenderness in the thyroid and sys- lesion should be tempered with the know-
temic features, such as fever, malaise and ledge that the long-term pro gnosis is
laboratory evidence of inflammation with poor. Because of the pathogenesis of the
a rapid sedimentation rate. A detailed des- condition, antithyroid medications and radio-
cription with references is to be found in iodine do not help and the condition of the
Chapter 9. patient usually excludes thyroidectomy.
For completeness, there is one report of
anaplastic cancer of the thyroid causing
5.12 HYPERTHYROIDISM OUE TO hyperthyroidism, most probably by the
CANCER INVADING THYROID same mechanism [343]. Since anaplastic can-
A very small number of patients have pre- cers do not function, the cancer cannot have
sented with a syndrome of hyperthyroidism been producing the hormone (see 5.15).
and pain in the thyroid, which was due to
metastatic cancer invading the gland. The
topic of metastases to the thyroid is dealt
with in Chapter 8. The association of hyper-
thyroidism and metastasis is so rare that the
clinician would not be faul ted at the onset Iodine in large doses can cause the syn-
for diagnosing and treating subacute thyr- drome of iodism, with increased salivation,
oiditis. Additional symptoms of malaise, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, a painful
weight loss, plus an elevated sedimentation salivary gland, tearing, running no se and
rate are all consistent with thyroiditis. The acne. Iodine can cause fever (pyrexia) of
cancers which have caused this are lympho- unknown origin [344]. These disappear
ma [337], pancreas [338], breast [339], lung over a few days after the iodine is stopped.
[340], vagina [341] and adenocarcinoma of Hypersensitivity angiitis and polyarteritis
an unknown source [342]. The cause is due nodosa-like syndromes are thought to be
to the cancer disrupting follicles and releas- due to an iodide-protein complex which acts
ing stored hormones into the circulation. as an antigen [345]. Rarely, iodine causes an
If a patient with a known primary cancer allergie re action which is more common in
presents with thyroiditis and hyperthyroid- patients with hypocomplementaemia [346].
ism, this dia gnosis should be excluded by These are not described further. About 100
fine-ne edle aspiration. However, most pa- /-Lg of iodine is adequate for normal thyroid
tients with metastases to the thyroid are function. There are intrinsic mechanisms
euthyroid, and most cases of subacute thyr- within the follicular cell which modulate
oiditis are not due to metastases. The thyr- function, so that rapid alterations in iodine
oid is firm to hard, diffusely enlarged and it availability are not associated with changes
can be painful. Thyroid blood tests are ele- in thyroid fuction [347]. Whenever there is a
130 Hyperthyroidism
reduction in available iodine, compensatory Table 5.16 Sourees of iodine as eause of Jod Base-
mechanisms attempt to re-establish homeos- dow phenomenon
tasis by increasing iodine trapping and
Iodine Potassium iodide
secreting proportionately more T3. An in-
Lugol' s solution
crease in plasma inorganic iodine results in a Saturated solution Ki
reduction in trapping. A single dose of 100
Radiographie Ipanoic acid
mg of iodine suppresses 24 hour uptake to eontrast Ipodate
less than 1.5% [348]. In addition, organifica- Metrizamide
tion is decreased (Wolff-Chaikoff effect) and Diatrozide
the thyroid produces anormal amount of Medieations Amiodarone
hormone. In certain circumstances, such as Expeetorants
pre-existing Hashimoto's thyroiditis [349], Iodoehlorhydroxyquinolone
Graves' disease treated by operation or 1311, Vitamin with iodine (kelp)
Food colouring
excess iodine causes hypothyroidism [350].
In contrast, in some patients excess iodine Topical Betadine
does cause thyrotoxicosis. Many of the pa- Tineture of iodine
tients who become hyperthyroid have
euthyroid nodular goitres, either multinodu-
lar or uninodular. As a corollary, most of the
reports of community outbreaks of iodine- was a fall in radioiodine uptake and thyroid
induced hyperthyroidism co me from coun- size in the population. When there is an
tries or regions that are deficient, or margi- increase in hyperthyroidism in a commun-
nally deficient, in iodine. Vagenakis et al. ity, the cause is likely to be dietary, but
[351], however, described iodine-induced alternative sources should be kept in mind.
hyperthyroidism in iodine-replete indi- Table 5.16 lists several of the important
viduals in Boston. sourees. More extensive lists are found in
The first record of iodine causing thyr- reviews by Fradkin and Wolff [354], and
otoxieosis dates from 1820. Wilson [352] pub- Martino et al. [355].
lished abrief early history of the discovery One of the commonest situations to get a
of iodine and its use in treating goitre. The high dose of iodine is as a patient in hospit-
description of what is clearly hyperthyroid- al. Radiographie contrast agents contain
ism antedates the classic papers of Graves from 30-50% iodine and since they are
and Basedow, who are remembered epony- administered in significant volumes (50-150
mously. The term Jod Basedow (iodine- ml), many grams of iodine are prescribed.
induced Basedow) is not precise, since the This complication is more common in areas
patients usually have nodular, not diffuse, where daily iodine in take is low, such as
goitres and there is no evidence that auto- Germany and Tuscany [355]. In the USA
immunity is causal. Stewart and Vidor [353] iodine-induced hyperthyroidism is not com-
documented an increase in thyrotoxicosis in mon, but cases are documented [356-358].
Tasmania, from approximately 20-25 cases a Hyperthyroidism has been precipitated by
year to 80-100 cases. The original increase topieal iodine applied to an open wound
could be related to iodine-containing disin- [359, 360].
fectants used in the dairy industry, which Because the hyperthyroidism occurs
increased the iodine conte nt of milk. This weeks after the prescription of iodine, the
increase in dietary iodine was perpetuated association can be overlooked. The rela-
by iodine added to flour. Pari passu with the tionship is better recognized in iodine-
rise in number of thyrotoxie patients, there lacking regions, and in those areas caution
Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism 131

should be used when iodine or contrast is in both T4 and T3 • In iodine-replete areas,

given to a patient with a nodular goitre [356, the excess iodine is more likely to cause
361]. It has been suggested in iodine- hypothyroidism. This difference was de-
deficient areas that the patients with nodular monstra ted in two populations given
goitres should be studied to determine if amiodarone. In Worcester, Massachusetts,
there is autonomous thyroid function and, if USA, an iodine-sufficient city, 22% became
so, careful follow-up is advised. Iodine has hypothyroid and 2% hyperthyroid, whereas
been reported to cause a painful thyroiditis in West Tuscany, Italy, a region of low
[362]. iodine intake, 10% became hyperthyroid
A variety of medications, such as expec- and 5% hypothyroid [367].
torants, vitamin pills, kelp and antidi- Garnrnage and Franklyn [368], in a review,
arrhoeal preparations, contain iodine. In the state that the incidence of overt hyperthyr-
past several years, the drug that has caused oidism and hypothyroidism are each 2%. In
the most concern in this respect is amiodar- a study of 128 patients in Australia, 7% were
one. Amiodarone is widely used as an anti- hyperthyroid, 33.6% euthroid but with
arrhythmie agent, and it contains two atoms hyperthyroxinaemia, and 7% had a high
of iodine per molecule, or 37.2% iodine by TSH [369]. Therefore, 47% could be judged
weight. The drug is prescribed in a dose to have a thyroid problem. To prove that
range of 200-600 mg (sometimes even high- hyperthyroidism is present, there has to be
er), and the iodine is released slowly with a careful evaluation of the clinical features,
half-life of weeks. The thyroids of patients and the best tests are T3, FT3 and TSH [369].
ingesting amiodarone have been shown to In a study from Israel, 20 of 97 patients be-
have high iodine levels as measured by came thyrotoxic and 16 hypothyroid [370].
fluorescent scanning. The radioiodine up- Martino et al. [365] found the radioiodine
take measurements are reduced. There uptake values to be higher than in iodine-
appears to be a paradoxieal effect on the induced hyperthyroidism from other causes.
thyroid. In some regions, amiodarone causes Amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism in
hyperthyroidism and in other regions patients with he art disease and arrhythmias
hypothyroidism. To add more confusion, is serious, since the cardiac problems can be
the drug interferes with 5' monodeiodina- worsened by hyperthyroidism caused by the
tion of thyroid hormones, so T4 can be high drug used for their treatment. Weight loss,
yet the patient normal (euthyroid hyperthyr- weakness and breathlessness can be due to
oxinaemia) [363]. Inhibition of this enzyme cardiac disease, and tremor and myopathy
also causes rT 3 to be high [364]. It can also has been caused by amiodarone without
alter pituitary release of TSH and slightly hyperthyroidsm, therefore clinical diagnosis
raised values do not necessarily imply is not straightforward. The presence of a
hypothyroidism. Therefore, care is necessary nodular goitre helps to establish the diagno-
when interpreting test results in patients sis, but is not found in all cases. The con-
and in publications. The excess iodine is dition is more common in men but, in part,
more likely to produce hyperthyroidism in this is due to the gen der of patients being
iodine-deficient areas, where patients have treated with amiodarone. Rarely, amiodar-
more multinodular goitres with autonomous one causes a painful thyroiditis [371].
function [365, 367]. Livadas et al. [366] Treatment of amiodarone-induced hyper-
showed that small increases of inorganic thyroidism is not easy. Theoretieally, the
iodine (100 /Lg daily for the first week, in- condition should improve after the drug is
creasing to 200 p,g in the second week, and stopped. However, because of its long half-
400 p,g/day in the third week) caused a rise life, improvement is not to be anticipated for
132 Hyperthyroidism
weeks, and hyperthyroidism has occurred lems of attributing hyperthyroidism to stru-
after the drug has been discontinued. Be- ma ovarii is that the cervical thyroid has
cause patients with malignant arrhythmias been enlarged in several of the reports [375,
die suddenly, and the response to amiodar- 378], and sophisticated imaging techniques
one is so satisfactory, there is reluctance to were not available. The coexistence of a cer-
stop it. There is no role for radioiodine be- vical goitre and ovarian struma is consistent
cause the uptake in the thyroid is too low. with Graves' disease where TRAb stimulates
Thyroidectomy is not usually a viable all thyroid tissue. However, it is gene rally
approach in patients with cardiac disease. accepted that struma ovarii causing hyper-
Most agree that the response to standard thyroidism functions autonomously and
antithyroid medications is disappointing. suppresses the normal thyroid. Therefore,
Martino et al. [355] found that a combination this is one of the situations where the pa-
of methimazole and potassium perchlorate tient is hyperthyroid and radioiodine uptake
provided rapid improvement. Newnham et in the cervical thyroid low. Cause and effect
al. [369] could not substantiate this with can be assumed when there is hyperthyroid-
propylthiouracil and potassium perchlorate. ism, low uptake in the neck and increased
Because potassium perchlorate can cause uptake over an ovary, having made sure that
aplastic anaemia, it is hard to promote its the counts are not from the bladder [379]
use, and therapy should inc1ude stopping and the hyperthyroidism is cured by remov-
amiodarone and prescribing a standard anti- ing the ovary.
thyroid drug in moderately high doses, such The correct treatment is surgical removal
as methimazole 60 mg daily, or prop- of the ovary, and because the patient is
ylthiouracil 200 mg 3 times a day. Predni- hyperthyroid, correction of thyroid status
sone has been successful in limited numbers should precede operation. Preparatory treat-
of patients, but has not been used in a con- ment depends on the severity of thyrotoxi-
trolled trial [372]. cosis and the age of patient, but usually
includes standard antithyroid medications
plus, in severe cases, beta-blockers.
5.14 STRUMA OVARII Radioiodine is less advisable. One somewhat
Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian tumour. In difficult problem is to determine when a
two large reviews, it accounted for a fraction struma ovarii is malignant. The usual criteria
of 1% of the lesions [373, 374]. The basic of tissue invasion cannot be applied, because
tumour is a teratoma or dermoid, and for the in teratomas multiple tissues interdigitate.
designation of struma ovarii, thyroid tissue For this reason, it is better to have the entire
must make up more than 50% of the lesion for pathological interpretation. In
tumour. The tumours are unilateral in 90% addition, the effect of radiation on the other
of patients, and they are usually benign. In elements of the teratoma are not known.
one series, 20 of 25 were benign [375]. In a The topic of malignant struma ovarii is dis-
review of the world's literature, Pardo- cussed in Chapter 8.
Mindan and Vasquez [376] could find only
17 cases which had metastasized. The thyr-
oid tissue seldom causes hyperthyroidism.
The ovarian lesion can be asymptomatic and
found on gynaecological examination, it can Hyperthyroidism in patients with metastatic
cause ascites, very rarely hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer is almost always found when
and even less frequently the presentation is there is a large volume of follicular cancer
due to metastases [377]. One of the prob- autonomously secreting excess thyroid hor-
Hyperthyroidism due to a high TSH or TSH-like material 133
mones. Although it is included with hyper- should not be used for radiographie studies.
thyroidism with low uptake in the neck, the In cases where the thyroid has not been re-
low uptake is due to surgical rem oval of the moved, this must be done first, but because
primary cancer. In most patients, there is the patient is hyperthyroid, it is necessary to
extensive metastatie cancer so there is no prescribe antithyroid medications for a few
diagnostic surprise. There are re ports of weeks to achieve euthyroidism. Inorganic
large primary cancers causing hyperthyroid- iodine should not be part of the preoperative
ism, in whieh case there is uptake by the preparation, since this can delay, or jeopar-
thyroid. dize, radioiodine therapy. When there is
Federman [380] described three patients some normal thyroid in situ, e.g. a lobe, plus
and reviewed an additional 10 from the liter- distant metastases, the therapeutic approach
ature. Ten of the 13 were women. Thyroid requires careful evaluation of the distri-
surgery was usually done years before the bution of radioiodine on whole-body
hyperthyroid phase, and occasionally the scintigram, including the remnant. This
pathology was interpreted as benign follieu- determines if sufficient radioiodine can be
lar adenoma [380, 381]. Almost all patients trapped in the thyroid and metastases to
have bulky disease in the lungs [382], bones proceed with 131 1 ablation, or whether a re-
[380], liver [383], or a combination of these peat operation on the thyroid is advised.
sites [384, 385]. In contrasts, Pont et al. [386] Although it can be possible to control hyper-
published areport in a 52-year-old wo man thyroidism and reduce the size of metastases
with T3 toxicosis due to an enormous prim- with radioiodine, it is seldom possible to
ary follieular cancer, and drew attention to ablate this amount of bulky disease. As dis-
four similar reports in the literature. 1 have cussed in Chapter 8, one of the bad prognos-
treated an 11-year-old girl who had bio- tic factors is distant lesions, especially in the
chemical T3 hyperthyroidism due to a func- skeleton, liver and brain. Prior to 131 1 ther-
tioning carcinoma that was confined to the apy, the clinieian must determine whether
thyroid. She was referred for operation be- the release of stored hormone by radioiodine
cause she had a large, hot nodule which was distruction of follicles would compromise
assumed to be benign. the patient' s health. There is areport of
Because widespread metastases are usual- thyroid storm resulting after a therapeutie
Iy present and the primary lesion is available dose of 100 mCi 131 1 in a 79-year-old man
for pathological review in most cases, it is with follicular cancer, who was already
not difficult to make the diagnosis. It should hyperthyroid prior to therapy [387]. Pretreat-
be pointed out that the majority of patients ment with large doses of propylthiouracil for
with metastatic follicuar cancer are euthyr- several weeks will render the patient euthyr-
oid, but in patients with significant spread it oid and deplete stores of thyroid hormone,
is wise to measure FT4, T3 and TSH to define and might even increase the proportion of
thyroid status. 131 1 trapped by the cancer. Fortunately, this

Since the metastases are functioning, there cause of hyperthyroidism is so rare it is un-
is the potential for radioiodine therapy. Pro- likely to be seen by most endocrinologists.
vided thyroid surgery has been completed,
exogenous thyroid is stopped and wh ole-
body scintigraphy with 2 mCi 1311 obtained.
Measurement of uptake in lesions and,
where possible, determination of their
volume, allow calculations of what dose of Table 5.17 gives a list of causes of this form
radiation can be delivered. lodine contrast of hyperthyroidism. There are other potential
134 Hyperthyroidism
Table 5.17 Hyperthyroidism due to a high TSH 5. Treatment of the pituitary tumour should
or TSH-like factor cure the hyperthyroidism.
1 Pituitary tumour secreting TSH
2 Non-pituitary cancer secreting TSH Many of the reports fall to fulfil one or
3 Resistance to thyroid hormones: more of these criteria, often for technical
(a) selective in pituitary reasons, such as the unavailability of a TSH
(b) generalized assay or immunostaining techniques at the
4 TSH-like factor (HCG) from trophoblastic time the patient was studied. It is of interest
that in the past, before there were assays for
TSH and LATS, that the primary abnormal
lesion in hyperthyroidism was thought to be
causes but since they are hypothetical I the pituitary. This is discussed in the section
have not included them. Interested readers on the aetiology of Craves' disease (above).
are referred to the excellent reviews by Factors which point to this dia gnosis are
Weintraub et al. [388] and Brenner-Cati and hyperthyroidism, plus visual field defect,
Cershengorn [389]. disturbance in other pituitary functions, and
raised intracranial pressure. The most dif-
5.17 PITUITARY HYPERTHYROIDISM ficult differential diagnosis is inappropriate
elevation of TSH, which is described below.
Under normal conditions, the thyroid is Pituitary tumors causing hyperthyroidism
under control of the pituitary through TSH. secrete an excess of alpha units to total TSH
Hyperthyroidism can result from over- (molar ratio), whereas the ratio is less than
production and secretion of TSH. However, one when there is not a tumour [393]. The
in contrast to Cushing' s disease where the presence of any of the extrathyroidal symp-
adrenal cortical hyperfuction is usua11y due toms and signs described above should
to increased production of ACTH by the prompt measurement of TSH if that has not
pituitary, hyperfunction of the thyroid is sel- already been obtained. If the value is high,
dom due to pituitary disease. Tolis et al. in a CT or NMRI image of the pituitary should
1978 [390] found 18 case reports in the litera- be obtained. Almost a11 cases reported to
ture and added one, and, in 1983. Sma11- date have had tumours of 1 cm or greater.
ridge and Smith [391] co11ected 33 cases, (16 Thyroid antibodies, including TRAb, are not
men and 17 women). The age range was present [393]. Somewhat unexpectedly, ex-
17-58 years. Tolis et al. [390] defined four ophthalmos has been present in so me pa-
criteria necessary to establish this diagnosis tients with this syndrome. This has not been
and I have added a fifth (number 1 below) and adequately explained except by direct inva-
modified their third. sion of the tumour into the orbit [394],
1. The patient should be hyperthyroid clini- although coexisting Craves' disease could
cally. explain two of the cases.
2. There should be supraphysiological Treatment should be directed at the pituit-
serum levels of TSH plus high levels of ary tumour. Because the patient is hyper-
thyroid hormones. thyroid, the symptoms should be contro11ed
3. There should be a pituitary tumour which first with antithyroid medication. Smallridge
produces an excess of alpha subunits of and Smith [391] found that surgery plus ex-
TSH, and does not respond to T3 sup- ternal radiation was most likely to be suc-
pression, or TRH stimulation. cessful, curing 8 of 9, compared to 8 of 16,
4. Thyrotrophes should be identified in the by surgery alone and 1 of 4 by radiation
pituitary tumour. alone.
Hyperthyroidism from trophoblastic tumours 135

5.18 NON-PITUITARY CANCER TSH, a TRH test, CT of the pituitary and

SECRETING TSH assay of alpha subunit and total TSH should
be obtained [396]. If there is no evidence of a
There are no bona fide reports of hyperthyr- pituitary lesion, therapy should be an abla-
oidism due to ectopic production of TSH by tive dose of radioiodine. Treatment of sub se-
a cancer. This contrasts with the syndromes quent hypothyroidism is best done with T3,
of ectopic ADH and ACTH. but it may be necessary to reach a comprom-
ise with a slightly elevated TSH because the
remainder of the body can be mildly thyroto-
xic, even when TSH is above normal.
The other syndrome in which there is total
This syndrome results from tissue resistance resistance to thyroid hormones was first de-
to thyroid hormones. It can be divided into scribed by Refetoff et al. [397, 398]. The pa-
those patients who have selective resistance tient presents with a goitre, high thyroid
in the pituitary, and those who have gener- hormone levels and a high TSH. It is ex-
alized resistance. tremely important to determine elinically if
In the first group, the coexistence of the patient is hyperthyroid. In this syn-
hyperthyroidism and high TSH points to the drome, because all tissues are resistant, the
diagnosis of a pituitary tumour, which is the patient can live in symbiosis with the high
main differential diagnosis. However, there blood levels. There is no doubt that some
is no elinical or radiological evidence of a euthyroid patients have been treated for
pituitary lesion and there are several other hyperthyroidism, often starting with medi-
differences. The TSH rises in response to cations, then surgery and finally radio-
TRH, and it can be suppressed by T3, iodine. The elinicians were treating the high
although the dose necessary is usually test results, not the patients. If the patient is
supraphysiological. The ratio of alpha sub- euthyroid, no treatment is necessary [399].
units to TSH is less than 1. The syndrome is Because the condition is. transmitted as an
rare but perhaps is overlooked, since autosomal dominant, it is wise to screen
Spanheimer et al. [395] recognized three elose relatives to document the biochemical
cases at a time when there were only eight findings and warn against inappropriate
reports in the literature. Until recently, therapy. The TSH can be suppressed by T3 ,
physicians did not measure TSH to diagnose but prolonged treatment can cause hyper-
hyperthyroidism, and often the first indi- thyroidism. If there is hyperthyroidism, the
cation of the syndrome was after therapy best treatment is radioiodine. There is no.
when both thyroid hormones and TSH were reason why a patient with this disorder can-
measured. Subtotal thyroidectomy and anti- not get Graves' disease, but this will be a
thyroid medication are almost invariably fol- rare finding.
lowed by relapse. After radioiodine ablation
of the thyroid, the usual replacement dose of
L thyroxine is found to be ineffective. The
lesion is thought to be either a defect in the
conversion of T4 to T3 in the thyrotrophe, or Another rare cause of hyperthyroidism is
resistance to thyroid hormones at that level. trophoblastic tumour, either a benign mole,
The fact that TSH can be suppressed by T3 or malignant choriocarcinoma. In Western
points to the former mechanism. countries, about 1 in 2000 pregnancies is
Provided the patient is elinically hyper- complicated by a mole, whereas choriocarci-
thyroid and biochemical tests confirm a high noma is 30 times less common. Oriental
136 Hyperthyroidism
women are affected about 10 times as potency of TSH. However, because the level
often. of HCG is so high, it is capable of producing
The first report of hyperactivity of the hyperactivity of the thyroid. Hershman [405]
thyroid in a patient with a mole, which was states that hyperthyroidism is usually associ-
cured by removal of the mole, was by Tisne ated with levels of HCG greater than 300
et al. in 1955 [400]. Only one of their three V/ml. Removal of the tumour, usually by
patients was clinically hyperthyroid, but all curettage, results in fall of HCG and reversal
had elevated radioiodine uptakes. Odell et of hyperthyroidism, and this should be the
al. [401] found high thyroid function tests in goal of treatment. In patients who are
7 of 93 patients with trophoblastic tumours. severely hyperthyroid, the symptoms and
Hershman and Higgins [402] treated two signs should be controlled with propylthiou-
patients with severe hyperthyroidism, and racil, beta-blockers, and in very ill patients
Higgins et al. [403] demonstrated a spectrum with the addition of oral or intravenous
of thyroid function from normal to signi- iodine before the mole is removed. When
ficanctly hyperthyroid. Frequently, the the cause is metastatic choriocarcinoma, the
degree of biochemical abnormality was treatment is anticancer chemotherapy with
disproportionately greater than the clinical actinomycin 0 under the supervision of an
features of hyperthyroidism. oncologist.
Hyperthyroid patients have diffuse goitre Hyperthyroidism has been described in
with a bruit, but there is no infiltrative men with teratoma of the testis secreting
ophthalmopathy, dermopathy, or acro- large amounts of HCG [407, 408]. This is
pachy. New onset of hyperthyroidism in a rare. Stromberg et al. [409] described four
pregnant wo man is likely to be Graves' dis- men with hyperthyroidism who previously
ease, but if there is any uncertainty, abdo- had been treated for malignant teratoma of
minal ultrasound, plus measurement of the testis and were clinically and biochemi-
chorionic gonadotrop in, should be done. cally free of cancer. Clearly, the hyperthyr-
Symptoms such as tachycardia and loose- oidism in these four patients was not due to
ness of the bowels can be wrongly attributed HCG. This report draws attention to the fact
to the tumour [404], and in a patient with a that common causes of hyperthyroidism
known trophoblastic tumour, thyroid func- occur commonly.
tion should be measured with FT4 and TSH.
As discussed in Chapter 3, total hormone
values are high in normal pregnancy and
can be confusing. In hyperthyroidism in
pregnancy, FT4 is high, total hormones are
outside the expected range for pregnancy Because of differences in presentation, dia-
and TSH is suppressed. There is a reduced gnostic difficulties and differences of opinion
rise in TSH in response to intravenous TRH, about treatment each of these deserves indi-
but this test is seldom necessary. Radio- vidual attention.
iodine uptake is high and TRAb is absent.
Therefore, the cause of hyperthyroidism is
neither TSH nor TRAb. The weight of evi-
dence indicates that HCG secreted by the By far the most common cause of hyperthyr-
tumour is the thyroid stimulator [405], oidism in children is Graves' disease. The
aIthough this is not entirely settled [406]. symptoms and signs are similar to those in
HCG displaces TSH from its receptor and adults, with several exceptions. Between 10-
increases cyclic AMP, albeit with 111000 the 20% of patients gain weight and a detailed
Hyperthyroidism in children 137

history of their calorie intake, which is 'lodine-131: optimal therapy for hyperthy-
enormous, points to the cause. Although roidism in children and adolescents?'
ophthalmie signs are very common, they They treated 51 children and 92% became
almost never progress to the severe infiltra- hypothyroid. There were no subsequent
tive state and seldom require treatment, thyroid cancers, and babies mothered and
such as surgical decompression or orbital fathered showed no differences compared to
radiation. Behavioural problems are very those expected. Aseries of publications from
common and the child can be disruptive at the Cleveland dinic from 1965 to 1988 [410,
home and in school, dass-work deteriorates, 414, 415] have addressed this issue. Long-
writing is sloppy and grades fall. Rapid term review of 208 children continued to
permanent revers al of these problems argues show 131 1 to be effective and safe. The aim
for a treatment which does just that, namely was to deliver 100-200, JLCi/g (3.7-7.4 MBq/
radioiodine. The bone age is advanced, but g), this is a wide range and does not provide
in about 80% of cases the child is thin and readers with a definitive policy. There were
even cachectic. There is a majority of girls, 217 offspring of whom four had congenital
72% [410], 75% [411], 84% [412, 413] in four defects, two with dubfoot, one with tracheo-
sizeable reviews. Goitre is absent in about oesophageal fistula and one with patent duc-
5% of patients, therefore its absence does tus which dosed spontaneously. Hamburger
not exdude the diagnosis. [411] treated 191 children with radioiodine.
A child who develops a tremor, loses Many of these had failed to be controlled
weight, or has a new onset of behavioural with antithyroid medications, or had re-
problems should be tested for hyperthyroid- lapsed after the antithyroid drugs were stop-
ism, although there are alternative causes, ped. Eighty-five per cent responded to one
such as substance abuse, dieting, anorexia radioiodine therapy. Originally, he pre-
nervosa, emotional problems and family dis- scribed 200 JLCi to be retained per g (7.4
harmony. The testing is simple: FT4 and MBq) and the average patient receives about
TSH and 1231 uptake. If these establish the 10 mCi (370 MBq) the aim being to produce
diagnosis of Graves' disease, the dinician is hypothyroidism. Twenty-six women have
faced with the difficult decision of advising subsequently borne children and three men
the patient and family about optimal ther- have fathered children, the total number of
apy. Several groups of investigators have pregnancies was 53, of which 49 children
advocated radioiodine in this age group. were healthy. There was one spontaneous
However, 1 was slow to reach the same con- abortion, one induced abortion, one hyd-
dusion, but now believe it is correct. About rocephalic and one hyperactive child.
20 years ago from the time of writing, when Nevertheless, many patients and their pa-
1 was fairly junior, 1 was asked to treat a rents have concerns about radioactive iodine
hyperthyroid teenager with radioiodine. The and it is critical that the dinician should pro-
boy had not been weIl controlled with anti- vide a comprehensive review of all the op-
thyroid medications, and had relapsed after tions as well as a specific recommendation,
thyroidectomy. At that time in the UK, it thus allowing the family to have input in
was very rare for patients less than 40 years the decision, and not be left stuck between
to be treated with 131I. The youth responded the three options. At first sight antithyroid
weIl to a single dose which had been de- medications would appear to provide this
signed to make him hypothyroid, and se ver- least aggressive therapy. There are several
al years of unsuccessful medical and surgical major drawbacks. First, children are notor-
management were brought to a rapid con- iously bad at taking medications regularly.
dusion. Freitas et al. [413] entitle their artide In this regard, methimazole has the great
138 Hyperthyroidism
advantage of being prescribed once a day. Table 5.18 Some symptoms and signs of hyper-
The proportion of patients who fail to come thyroidism in elderly patients compared with
younger patients
under control for this or other reasons, is
high. Hamburger [411] could not pro du ce Elderly Very oldb
control in 99 of 182 patients. Secondly, the
incidence of side-effects is higher in chil- Number 65 25 45
dren. Hamburger [411] noted 17%, and Age 50-78 75-95 20-29
Barnes and Blizzard [412] 14% of children Palpitations 60% 36% 100%
had side-effects of which 43% were major. Goitre 58% 32% 98%
Buckingham et al. [416] also reported 14%, Tremor 71% 8% 96%
Eye signs 28% 12% 71%
and Hayles and Zimmerman [417] in a re-
view of six publications determined the inci- a Extracted from Kawabe et al. [427].
dence to be 24%. Thirdly, the long-term bExtracted from Tibaldi et al. [422].
remission rate is not high and, as stated by
McArthur [418], in most patients the disease
is unrelenting in its progress. Therefore, for hyperthyoidism is common, although not
one reason or another, patients treated at restricted to older patients [419]. The original
first by medieations end up having definitive artieIes describing this syndrome are valu-
therapy later. If medieations are preferred, able reading [420, 421]. The causes of hyper-
methimazole is started with a dose of 0.5- thyroidism indude all those listed above.
0.7 mg/kg/day; propylthiouracil 10 times as However, several re ports stress the in-
much. The latter has to be given 2-4 times creased incidence of toxie nodular goitre,
daily. The dose is reduced proportionally whieh can account for more than 50% of
with dinical improvement. In most children, cases. In contrast Tibaldi et al. [422] dia-
the therapy has to be continued for years, gnosed toxic nodular goitre in only 4 (3 mul-
and often when the patient is old enough to tinodular) of 25 very elderly patients. One
leave the paediatrie dinie, definitive therapy series infers the proportion of hyperthyroid
is instituted. patients who are elderly is increasing [423].
Surgery in children has more complica- Several comprehensive papers deal with
tions and there are more recurrences. Five of this topie [422, 424-427]. Table 5.18 shows
11 who were followed by Hamburger [411] differences in the incidence of dinical fea-
relapsed. It is generally accepted that after tures in control patients, elderly and very
recurrence, radioiodine is the optimal ther- elderly hyperthyroid. The older the patient,
apy. If it is accepted as optimal at that junc- the less frequent the dassic features. The
ture, and the evidence shows it is effective absence of a goitre and the rarity of ophthal-
and safe, why wait until the child and family mopathy in those with Graves' disease is
have been through months or years of un- notable. The dia gnosis should be considered
successful therapies be fore proceeding with in an old patient with weight loss, gastro-
radioiodine? I hope the argument in favour intestinal symptoms and chronie ill health. A
of one-dose radioiodine in this age group is patient with these is likely to be labe lIed as
compelling. having an occult malignancy and subjected
to tests designed to find the primary cancer.
In those with cardiac failure and/or arrhy-
thmias, numerically the most likely cause
is primary ischaemie or hypertensive heart
The dinieal presentation of hyperthyroidism disease. Only when investigations show
in the elderly can be quite different from that a high cardiac output is hyperthyroidism
described above. The syndrome of apathetic suspected.
Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy and in the neonate 139
Diagnostic tests should include FT4 and risk for neonatal Graves' disease, and it will
TSH. Uptake and scintigraphy with 1231 can be exposed to antithyroid medieations given
be valuable to determine if the thyroid traps to the mother. This discussion is limited to
avidly and appears more active than the im- Graves' disease, but if the clinieal features
pression from clinieal examination. In the are atypieal an alternative cause should be
elderly, especially if there are coexisting sought.
medieal problems, T3 values are lower than The dia gnosis of hyperthyroidism in
'normal'. Therefore, borderline high values pregnancy is not straightforward, because
in the range 150-220 ng/dl (2.4-3.4 nmol/l) some features of normal pregnancy are those
can be evidence of hyperthyroidism. In two of hyperthyroidism [430-432]. In normal
series, T3 values were above normal in only pregnancy, there is a rise in pulse rate,
50% [422] and 66% of patients [428]. My whieh is bounding, a feeling of heat, plus
preference is to rely on the first two sweating. In countries where iodine intake is
measurements. Forfar et al. [57] have advo- marginal, goitre in pregnancy is common. In
cated the use of the TRH test to prove fact, one of the first pregnancy tests 2000
hyperthyroidism as a cause of cardiac years ago was a thread round the neck of
arrhythmias. These results also have to be women slaves. Breakage of the thread by an
interpreted with caution, because elderly expanding goitre signalled successful con-
euthyroid men often have a flat response. In ception. There is no data on the sensitivity
addition, suppressed basal TSH predicts a or specificity of the test! There is increased
flat response, therefore TRH testing is usual- clearance of iodine by the kidney during pre-
ly superfluous. The high prevalence of thyr- gnancy, a fall in plasma inorganic iodine,
oid dysfuntion in the elderly is discussed in and if the latter falls sufficiently, the thyroid
Chapter 4, and tests should be ordered with under TSH stimulation undergoes hyper-
minimal clinieal suspicion, because thyroid trophie and hyperplastic changes in an effort
diseases, whether hyper-, or hypothyroid- to trap more iodine and produce physiolo-
ism, are among the few curable pathologies gieal amounts of thyroid hormone. In a
in this age group. study in Scotland, 80% of pregnant women
Treatment would generally be 1311, but had goitres, and plasma inorganie iodine fell
at this age pretreatment with antithyroid from 0.2 ILg/dl in controls to 0.09, ILg/dl prior
medieations until the patient is euthyroid is to delivery [433]. In the USA iodine levels in
prudent. An alternative is the careful use of the blood are four times as great and a goitre
beta-blockers before and after radioiodine is not anormal finding [434]. A goitre was
therapy, plus inorganic iodine for several palpated in 6% of 300 adolescent girls who
weeks after 131 1 therapy. Unless there is a were pregnant compared with 5% in 600
major clinical problem, such as asphyxiation controls [435]. Half of the goitres were due
from a large nodular goitre, surgery should to autoimmune disease or subacute thyroidi-
be avoided. tis. Levy et al. [436] did 'blind' palpation of
the thyroids of 49 pregnant women and 49
controls and found no increase in goitre in
the former. Therefore, the finding of goitre
should be a stimulus to find the cause and
consider the possibility of Graves' disease. If
Hyperthyroidism is said to complicate 0.2% the resting pulse is consistently above 90/
of pregnancies [429]. In the USA, hyperthyr- min and if there is loss of weight, thyroid
oidism during pregnancy is caused by function should be tested. Total thyroid hor-
Graves' disease in 95% of cases. This is im- mone levels in pregnancy can be difficult to
portant because the fetus is potentially at interpret. This is because the high oestrogen
140 Hyperthyroidism
levels cause a rise in thyroid binding globu- the risk of spontaneous abortion and mal-
lin, and this in turn increases total T4 and T3 formations [439]. Pregnancy is a time of
to maintain free hormones in the physiolo- immunological quiescence. The maternal
gical ranges. FT4 falls slightly throughout immune system accepts a foreign graft (50%
pregnancy, but the values do not drop into foreign) without rejecting it. This tolerance
the hypothyroid range. TSH values are also also applies to immunological diseases in-
'normal', therefore measurement of these du ding Craves' disease. There is a tendency
give a precise indication of thyroid status. for levels of TRAb to fall and the disease to
Total T4 values range from 7-15 jLg/dl (90- remit as the pregnancy proceeds. As a re-
193 nmol/l) and T3 from 100-250 ng/dl (1.54- sult, treatment can be tapered and stopped
3.84 nmol/l). If these tests are used, they in some patients. In one series this occurred
should be interpreted along with T3RU or in 39% of patients [440]. In every case, prim-
thyroid binding globulin measurement as ary treatment is with antithyroid drugs.
discussed in Chapter 3. When the dinical Prophylthiouracil is preferred because of
syndrome is of hyperthyroidism but not the association of aplasia cutis with methi-
Craves' disease, it can be important to deter- mazoie. Propylthiouracil is given 3 times a
mine if the thyroid can trap iodine or not. day in a dose range of 50-150 mg 8-hourly
Low uptake causes, such as silent thyroidi- depending on the severity of symptoms and
tis, should not be treated with antithyroid signs. The dose is titrated to achieve dinical
drugs, an important fact in pregnancy. It is and biochemical euthyroidism. It is impor-
justifiable to obtain an uptake measurement tant to cure hyperthyroidism, but equally
with a tracer dose of 10 jLCi 123I. This would important to avoid hypothyroidism. This re-
give a 10 week fetus about 0.3 mrad (0.00003 quires dinic visits with testing at intervals of
Cy) in comparison with about 150 mrad 4-6 weeks. If TSH rises, the dose should be
from background throughout the pregnancy reduced and, as stated above, it may be
[437]. Trophoblastic tumour as a cause of possible to stop treatment in the last month.
hyperthyroidism in pregnancy should also be Relapse after delivery should be anticipated.
considered. In cases of Craves' hyperthyr- The complications of treatment are no differ-
oidism, measurement of matern al TRAb ent in pregnancy, but there is the additional
might be of value in anticipating neonatal concern that the baby could be adversely
Craves' disease [438]. Moderate or severe affected. There is no evidence of propyl-
hyperthyroidism is likely to cause infertility. thiouracil causing malformations. Neverthe-
Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy, therefore, less, the dose should be kept to the smallest
can be considered in two settings. Firstly, required for maternal well-being. There is
the patient who is mildly hyperthyroid prior also concern that the baby will be born
to becoming pregnant but in whom the dia- hypothyroid and goitrous, and have perma-
gnosis is first made during pregnancy. nent reduction in higher intellectual func-
Secondly, the diagnosis had already been tions. No difference in children who were
established and antithyroid medications pre- exposed to antithyroid drugs compared to
scribed. Because of concern about taking control siblings were found up to age 10.5
pharmacological agents during pregnancy or years in one study [441]. In a second inves-
breastfeeding, there is an argument for treat- tigation, T4 values were lower but the
ing Craves' disease in women of child- findings returned to normal quickly [442].
bearing age with 1311 be fore they conceive. However, in this study, T4 was prescribed
However, in the situation where hyperthyr- along with propylthiouracil. The reason for
oidism complicates pregnancy, treatment is the combination is to maintain euthyroidism
advised because hyperthyroidism increases in mother and baby if the dose of propyl-
Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy and in the neonate 141

thiouraeil is too great. There is a consider- Thyroid storm is discussed in the next sec-
able flaw to this protocol. Propylthiouraeil tion. Therapy includes aggressive manage-
crosses the placenta, whereas T4 does not. ment of hyperthyroidism. Plasma exchange
Combined therapy protects the mother from has been used to lower the levels of thyroid
hypothyroidism, but could weIl put the fetus hormones rapidly [447].
at greater risk. I do not recommend co m- Assuming that hyperthyroidism has been
bined treatment, but advise careful titration controlled successfully with propylthioura-
of propylthiouraeil alone. In cases where the eil, which has been stopped by the end of
symptoms are pronounced, beta-blockers, the eighth month and delivery of a healthy
such as propranolol, 20-40 mg 2-4 times child results, the mother will probably wish
a day, or atenolol 50-tOO mg daily, are to breastfeed. She progresses weIl for a few
appropriate. As the hyperthyroidism comes weeks, then hyperthyroidism recurs. In this
under control the dose of beta-blocker is re- setting it is usually a recurrence of Graves'
duced and, if possible, stopped. A review of disease, but postparturn thyroiditis also
beta-blockers in pregnancy shows them to occurs at this time. Absence of goitre is more
be safe [443]. lodine should, if possible, be common in the latter, and the differentiation
avoided. There are reports of it producing a is important since treatments differ. lodine-
goitre in the fetus of such a dimension as to 123 uptake differentiates these, but breast-
obstruct labour and cause death [444]. A feeding has to be stopped for 2 days. Recur-
brief course in preparation for surgery is dis- re nt Graves' hyperthyroidism is treated with
cussed below. propylthiouracil. Statements in most stand-
Surgical treatment of Graves' disease in ard texbooks that this is a contraindication to
pregnancy is acceptable, but now rarely breastfeeding should be reassessed. Almost
done. A general anaesthetic is not without all authors refer to a paper by Williams et al.
risk to the fetus and if the thyrotoxicosis [448] from 1944 as reason to advise against
is controlled with an acceptable dose of breastfeeding. That paper deals with
propylthiouraeil (300 mg/day), medical thiouraeil. In contrast, propylthiouraeil is
management should be continued. If the pro tein bound in the serum and little is ex-
thyrotoxicosis requires larger doses for con- creted in milk [449]. There would appear to
trol, or if there are complications from the be negligible risk of hypothyroidism in the
drugs, surgery is advised. The operation has baby, and the tiny doses would be unlikely
had best results when done in the middle to cause complications. Cooper [157] quotes
trimester, but when necessary can be done the treatment of four breastfeeding mothers
at any time. In one series of 33 patients, 26 and I have experience with three [272]. The
were operated on in the middle trimester, 2 women speeifically ask if this can be done,
in the first and 5 in the last. All but one and a full account of the historical facts and
patient were delivered at term [445]. There current knowledge are discussed. I have
are no recent sizeable series. The patient tested thyroid function in the babies using a
should be euthyoid prior to operation using small volume of blood from a he el stick. The
antithyroid drugs and a brief course of results have all been normal.
iodine. If euthyroid, why operate? When Immunoglobulins in the mother cross the
there is a complication from propylthioura- placenta into the fetus and provide passive
cil, preparation is with propranolol and immunity for the first few weeks of life.
iodine, the latter being used for only a few Matemal autoantibodies also cross the
days. Eclampsia and delivery are potential placenta and can cause disease in the new-
causes of thyroid storm in patients with born. Neonatal Graves' disease is the best
poorly controlled hyperthyroidism [446]. example of an autoimmune disorder. The
142 Hyperthyroidism
baby is born hyperthyroid with goitre and but therapy should not await receipt of test
the disease remits in the same length of time results.
that the maternal TRAb is cleared from the Treatment is with propylthiouracil 5 mg/
child's circulation. There are similar num- kg in divided doses each day, plus 1 drop of
bers of boys and girls with neonatal Graves' Lugol's iodine daily. Propranolol in a dose of
disease. The condition is rare and only about 2-4 mg/day can be added if there is persis-
1 mother out of 70 with Graves' disease will tent tachycardia in spite of the first two
have a hyperthyroid baby. The first re port medications. Neonatal Graves' disease is se-
was in 1910, and a comprehensive review in rious. Fortunately, it is tran sie nt in the large
1978 [450] documented only 82 cases. The majority of cases. Hyperthyroidism in babies
mother usually has Graves' hyperthyroid- has been associated with craniosynostosis
ism. However some have been hyperthyroid and raised intracranial pressure [454, 455].
and are actually hypothyroid and taking re- The increased risk of malformations has
placement L thyroxine. Maternal infiltrative been discussed, Momotani et al. [439] in a
ophthalmopathy and dermopathy increase study comparing hyperthyroid women who
the risk, but this is because they are consis- received no treatment with those who did,
tently associated with higher titres of TRAb. found the following results. Hyperthyroid-
Current or past Graves' disease should alert ism alone was associated with 6% of mal-
clinicians to this possibility, and sometimes formations, hyperthyroidism not adequately
the diagnosis can be suspected be fore deliv- controlled with methimazole with 1.7%,
ery when the baby is small for dates, and the euthyroid Graves' with 0.3% and euthyroid
fetal heart rate is persistently above 160/min. due to methimazole 0%. Note the antithyr-
At birth, the child can be hyperthyroid, but oid drug was methimazole.
antithyroid drugs given to the mother up to
the time of delivery can protect the baby for
hours to days; therefore, delayed hyperthyr-
oidism should be sought in this setting. Pas- 5.25 THYROID CRISIS (STORM)
sage of antithyroid drugs from the mother to Thyroid crisis is an extremely serious com-
the fetus has been used to treat suspected plication of hyperthyroidism, which carries a
intrauterine Graves' disease [451, 452]. significant mortality especially when the di-
This has to be done with close co-operation agnosis is delayed and treatment not intro-
of the endocrinologist, obstetrician and duced with expediency [456-458]. It is the
paediatrician. severe end of the spectrum of hyperthyroid-
The thyrotoxic infant is of low birth ism, and usually occurs in patients who
weight, irritable, hungry, has tachycardia, have been hyperthyroid for some time.
diarrhoea and sweats. Goitre is almost al- There are several common precipitating
ways present and mild eye signs are com- causes including surgical operations, infec-
mon. The diagnosis is a clinical one, which tions and medical problems. Sometimes, the
is confirmed by measurement of FT4 and hyperthyroidism has been recognized and
TSH. Thyroid hormones levels are high for treated, but the patient discontinues anti-
several days after delivery; in our experience thyroid medications. As an index of the
FT4 values in healthy newborns were 4.24 ± severity of the pre-existing hyperthyroidism,
0.23 ng/dl [453] (95 ± 5 pmol/l). Rapid, in- Mazzaferri and Skillman [459] found weight
tense uptake of an intravenous tracer dose of loss of 20-50 pounds in 13 out of 22 patients.
30 /LCi 99mTc is a quick and helpful test [451]. Pneumonia was the most common associ-
High levels of TRAb which disappear with a ated factor, occurring in 9 out of 22 patients.
half-life of 1-2 weeks clinches the diagnosis, Thyroidectomy was causal in 5. However, as
Thyroid crisis (storm) 143

was discussed above, surgery for hyperthyr- doubt. These patients are very iI1 and con-
oidism should only be undertaken when the sideration should be given for their place-
patient is euthyroid. Roizen and Becker [460] ment in an intensive care unit.
reported three cases due to infection, three Treatment is aimed at rapid control of
to vascular incidents, three to drug reac- thyrotoxicosis, the precipitating cause (if de-
tions, three to stopping antithyroid medica- finable), and general supportive measures.
tions and one each to thyroidectomy and Thyrotoxicosis is treated with large doses of
radioiodine. The possibility that radioiodine propylthiouracil, such as 300 mg every 4-6
can cause thyroid storm should be consi- hours. Propylthiouracil is theoretically su-
dered in older hyperthyroid patients, those perior to methimazole, because it not only
who are severely hyperthyroid and those interferes with synthesis in the thyroid, but
with large nodular glands [58]. In these also interferes with peripheral conversion of
situations, pretreatment with antithyroid T4 to T3 . The equivalent dose of methima-
drugs is recommended. Diabetic coma is a zole is 20-30 mg every 4 hours. Whichever
weIl-recognized precipitant [461, 462]. The drug is used is administered oraIly, and in
complications and stresses of pregnancy as severely iI1 patients administration by naso-
precipitants are discussed above. gastric tube is often necessary. lodine is
In most large series, the age and gender of given to prevent the release of preformed
patients is not different from those recorded hormones, and this can be given orally or by
without storm [459], although some investi- infusion of 1 g sodium iodide every 12
ga tors find a slight bias to an older age. The hours. The radiographic contrast agent ipo-
diagnosis is a clinical one. The criteria in- date (Oragrafin) has been shown to have a
clude very severe thyrotoxicosis, central ner- dramatic affect clinically and biochemically
vous system abnormalities with confusion, in severe hyperthyroidism [466]. Its action is
delirium and coma, pyrexia and extreme multifactorial: the iodine content prevents
tachycardia (130-200/min). The emergency release of thyroidal hormones, it has a
of the condition is emphasized and the pa- marked effect in decreasing the conversion
tient should be hospitalized [463]. Routine of T4 to T3 , and it decreases the percent of
thyroid function tests do not determine FT4 in plasma. The dose is 1-3 g orally daily.
whether a patient has thyroid crisis. T4 and A beta-blocking drug is prescibed; I prefer
T3 values are not different in those with propranolol. The range of dose is from 20-60
thyroid crisis compared with hyperthyroid mg every 6 hours; the effect of a starting
patients who do not have the problem. dose of 40 mg can be observed and subse-
Brooks and Waids tein [464] demonstrated quent doses titrated as necessary. Deaths
that FT4 and the dializable fraction were have occurred in spite of propranolol [166,
higher in six patients with crisis, but there 275] and Hellman et al. [467] stress the need
was overlap with results from 15 patients for serum levels above 50 ng/ml, and found
with uncomplicated hyperthyroidism. The that a total daily dose of 160 mg is some-
diagnosis and treatment should not await times insufficient. The response of the pulse
test results. Once it is recognized that the rate is of prime importance, but biochemical
patient has storm, treatment should be monitoring can add information. Traditional-
started. One possible exception to this policy ly, corticosteroids have been prescribed, but
is the use of a thyroid flow study with in- their role is not weIl defined, although they
travenous 99mTc. In severe hyperthyroidism, do reduce conversion of T4 to T3 . This is
there is almost instantaneous visualization of already the ca se with the specific drugs dis-
the thyroid after the injection [465]. This is cussed above and, unless there is reason to
only warranted when the dia gnosis is in believe there is lack of hydrocortisone (co-
144 Hyperthyroidism
existing Addison's disease), it need not be dermopathy and a very small proportion
prescribed. acropachy.
Treatment of precipitating illness includes • Hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by high
appropriate antibiotics for pneumonia, etc. FT4, low TSH and high RAIU.
Supportive care is extremely important. In- • Treatment can be with antithyroid drugs,
travenous fluids, electrolytes and calories are surgery or radioiodine 1311.
necessary for several days. Hyperthermia re- • Medical therapy has the benefit of effec-
quires cooling blankets and acetaminophen tiveness and fairly rapid onset. It has the
can be used. Salicylates should not be given. problems of uncertainty of long-term re-
Cardiac failure is treated with oxygen, diu- mission and side-effects including skin
retics, digoxin and appropriate monitoring, rashes, agranulocytosis and hepatitis.
which can include a Swan-Ganz catheter. • Surgical therapy is used less often - it is
Very rarely, if these measures are unsuccess- effective but more costly and invasive.
ful, plasma exchange can be considered • 1311 is effective, but cure is delayed for
[468]. 2-4 months and hypothyroidism is to be
The dose of antithyroid medications are expected.
titrated as the patient' s condition improves • Ophthalmopathy occurs in 5% of patients
and iodine is stopped. Adecision has to be and can cause Soft-tissue swelling, Prop-
made about definitive long-term manage- tosis, Extraocular muscle involvement,
ment, which in this setting is most probably Corneal involvement and Sight loss
1311, which can be prescribed 4-6 weeks (SPECS).
later, by which time inorganic iodine no • Ophthalmopathy when severe and prog-
longer lowers trapping. ressive is treated by steroids or surgical
decompression of the orbit, or by external
KEY FACTS radiotherapy.
• Hyperthyroidism implies overactivity of • Dermopathy is treated by local steroid
the thyroid and thyrotoxicosis (the re- cream.
sponse of the body to too much thyroid • Functioning single and multiple nodules
hormone). - single functioning nodule usually does
• In practice, the terms hyperthyroidism not cause hyperthyroidism.
and thyrotoxicosis are used interchange- • A small proportion of patients are hyper-
ably. thyroid and T3 can be the only hormone
• There are many syndromes causing elevated.
hyperthyroidism, the commonest is • Diagnosed by high T3 (FT4 ), low TSH; a
Graves' disease. palpable nodule that concentrates excess
• Graves' disease is an organ-specific, auto-
immune disease in which there is pro duc- • Scintigraphy with 1231 and 99mTc can give
tion of antibodies to the TSH receptor, different results (1231 is preferred).
called thyroid receptor antibody (TRAb) • Women are more likely to have function-
• TRAb acts like TSH and stimulates all ing nodules (>10/1).
steps of thyroid hormone production and • Hot nodules are almost always benign.
secretion. However, it has a Ion ger time • Treatment is surgical rem oval or 131 1 abla-
course. tion.
• In Graves' disease, thyrotoxicosis is com- • In general, surgery is preferred in youn-
mon; a small proportion of patients have ger patients and those with bigger
an ophthalmopathy, a smaller proportion nodules.
Key facts 145

• Toxic muItinodular goitre is more com- thyroid is rare and clinically not difficult
mon in women. to diagnose.
• A diagnosis made clinieally and con- • FT4 is high, TSH low and a biopsy of the
firmed by high FT4 , low TSH, and scin- mass shows pathology.
tigraphy showing multiple functioning • Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (Jod
nodules. Basedow phenomenon) usually arises in a
• Therapy is by surgery or 1311. patient with a non-toxie nodular goitre.
• There are several conditions where the • Most often the source of iodine is medi-
patient is thyrotoxie, but there is low up- cinal, such as amiodarone or radiographie
take of radioiodine. contrast.
• Iatrogenic hyperthyroidism is easy to di- • Struma ovarii causing hyperthyroidism is
agnose from the patient's history, high very rare and is difficult to diagnose.
FT4, low TSH and low RAIU. • In struma ovarii, there is high FT4 , low
• Factitious hyperthyroidism is difficult to TSH, low RAIU over the thyroid, but
diagnose because the patient conceals the high uptake over the ovarian lesion.
important information. • Great care is necessary to ensure that
• Factitious hyperthyroidism is characte- radioiodine in the bladder is not inter-
rized by high FT4, low TSH, low RAIU preted as struma ovarii.
and low thyroglobulin. • Metastatic functioning thyroid cancer is
• Hamburger thyrotoxicosis due to thyroid usually obvious from the patient' s history
in ground meat is difficult to diagnose and clinical examination.
clinically. • There are several syndromes where
• In hamburger thyrotoxieosis there is high hyperthyroidism is caused by excess TSH
FT4 , low TSH, low RAIU and low thyrog- or TSH-like material.
lobulin. • Pituitary tumour secreting TSH can be
• Usually there is a regional cluster of misinterpreted as Graves' disease.
cases. • In pituitary hyperthyroidism, the key di-
• Silent thyroiditis is discussed fuHy in agnostic factor is measurable TSH in a
Chapter 9. hyperthyroid patient who has high FT4.
• In silent thyroiditis, there is high FT4 , low • In general, TSH is not stimulated by TRH
TSH, low RAIU but high thyroglobulin or suppressed by T3 , and the ratio of
and often high levels of antibodies. alpha TSHITSH is more than l.
• The thyrotoxicosis is of short duration • There is usuaHy evidence of a pituitary
and is usually followed by areturn to tumour on NMRI.
normal. • Non-pituitary cancer secreting TSH is
• Postpartum thyroiditis is similar to silent theoretieaHy possible, but not weH
thyroiditis, but occurs 2-6 months after documented.
delivery. • Hyperthyroidism with inappropriate
• Subacute thyroiditis is discussed fully in TSH secretion is difficult to differentiate
Chapter 9. from pituitary tumour secreting TSH.
• In subacute thyroiditis, there is transient • In general, TSH is stimulated by TRH, is
thyrotoxicosis, plus pa in in the neck, plus suppressed by T3, and the ratio of alpha
systemic illness. TSHITSH is less than 1.
• There is elevated FT4 , low TSH, low • There is no evidence of a pituitary
RAIU and high ESR. tumour.
• Hyperthyroidism due to cancer invading • Hyperthyroidism from trophoblastic
146 Hyperthyroidism
tumours are rare but more common in • It is safe to breastfeed when taking prop-
oriental women. ylthiouracil.
• The hyperthyroidism is due to very high • Neonatal Graves' disease is very rare, and
levels of HCG, which mimic TSH. usually occurs when mother has high
• Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is levels of TRAb.
more likely to be due to Graves' disease, • Thyroid storm is a clinical diagnosis of
but in atypical cases trophoblastic tumour severe thyrotoxicosis with delirium or
should be considered since the pregnancy coma.
has to be terminated, and in choriocarci- • It has a high mortality rate.
noma chemotherapy is necessary. • Precipitating causes include infection,
• Hyperthyroidism in children is usually surgery, diabetes and radioiodine ther-
due to Graves' disease. apy.
• The diagnosis in children is frequently • Therapy includes high doses of antithyr-
delayed and symptoms attributed to oid drugs plus beta-blockers and inorga-
hyperactivity, behavioural problems, etc. nic iodine.
• Diagnosis is made by high FT4, low TSH • Monitoring in an intensive care unit is
and high RAIU. advised.
• Therapy is as in adults, with 131 1 provid- • Potential causes must be looked for and
ing a quick, permanent cure. treated.
• Hyperthyroidism in the elderly can
present differently, with apathy being
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and high RAIU. 516.
2 Parry, C.H. (1825) Collections from the
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kunde, 6, 197.
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necessary. 12.
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9th month, but relapse is often found acting thyroid stimulator and its relation to
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6.1 INTRODUCTION the thyroid is usually impalpable. The re-

lationship between primary autoimmune
Hypothyroidism is present when there is
hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's is also
insufficient action of thyroid hormones
discussed in Chapter 9. Goudie et al. [5]
to meet the requirements of the body. The
showed that the pathological changes in the
vast majority of patients suffering from
thyroid and the titres of thyroid antibodies
hypothyroidism have disease of the thyroid:
correspond closely. It is thought by some
primary hypothyroidism. Lesser numbers
authorities that hypothyroidism is the inevit-
have disease of the pituitary or hypothala-
able end result in autoimmune thyroiditis;
mus, whieh are ealled seeondary and tertiary
although this is not entirely the ease, it high-
hypothyroidism respeetively. These are also
lights the need for long-term supervision of
called central hypothyroidism. Exeeptionally
these patients. Other very common causes
rare causes of hypothyroidism (quaternary
of underactivity of the thyroid are the result
hypothyroidism) are peripheral resistance to
of treatment of hyperthyroidism. The rela-
thyroid hormone [1], and inactivation of
tionship to previous radioiodine is weIl
circulating hormones by specific autoanti-
established and is described in detail in
bodies [2, 3]. The severity of hypothyroidism
Chapter 5. Briefly, 10-90% will be hypothyr-
varies from cases which are so mild that
oid one year after therapy, the larger propor-
diagnosis is based on biochemical findings,
tion being found when larger doses of
to those which are life threatening and easily
radioiodine are preseribed. Approximately
diagnosed clinically [4]. Severe hypothyroid- 2-4% become hypothyroid annually there-
ism with skin changes is called myxoedema.
after. It is less weIl known that surgical treat-
ment of hyperthyroidism results in 50% of
patients beeoming hypothyroid. There is
some disagreement whether there is a con-
The frequeney of the eauses of hypothyroid- tinual increase in the pereentage who be-
ism depends on the age of the patient. Table come hypothyroid postoperatively. Some
6.1 gives an extensive list of possible eauses contend that after the first year there is no
in adults, in whom the most frequent causes further rise, but it is my strong belief that
are autoimmune thyroiditis, or prior treat- the progressive risk continues for life. Cur-
ment with radioiodine, or surgery. Most pa- rently, it is more common to consult on a
tients with autoimmune thyroiditis have had severely hypothyroid patient with a faint
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and a small propor- thyroidectomy scar, than one who has been
tion Graves' disease, but they present with treated with radioiodine, because of aware-
hypothyroidism and they have circulating ness and earlier diagnosis and treatment in
antithyroid antibodies. A goitre is often the laUer situation. Permanent hypothyroid-
palpable, although in atrophie Hashimoto's, ism has been diagnosed in patients who
164 Hypothyroidism
Table 6.1 Causes of hypothyroidism in adults education. Twenty to thirty per cent of pa-
tients who have had high-dose radiation to
Primary: disease in the thyroid, TSH high, FT4 low the neck (about 4000 rad) become dinically
Common: autoimmune hypothyroidism
Hashimoto' s th yroiditis hypothyroid, and as many as 60-70% have
postradioiodine biochemical hypothyroidism with an ele-
postsurgery vated TSH, or an exaggerated rise in TSH in
antithyroid medications response to TRH. Most of the reports deal
iodine deficiency with patients who had Hodgkin's disease, or
external radiotherapy, high dose
Uncommon: iodine excess, amiodarone, lymphoma [8-10], but the same applies to
subacute thyroiditis, transient patients with other cancers provided follow-
silent thyroiditis, usually transient up is sufficiently long [11]. Hypothyroidism
lithium is more common in those patients with
Rare: ectopic thyroid lymphoma and neck radiation who also
sarcoidosis had lymphangiography, which gives a large
primary or secondary cancers loading dose of iodine. In 100 patients, 16
drugs years of age or younger, who received more
para-aminosalicylate than 2600 rad to the thyroid as part of their
resorcinol treatment of Hodgkin's disease, we found
interleukin 2
chemical brominated hydrocarb more than 70% had a raised TSH. In con-
dietary goitrogens trast, only 24% of those who received 2500
Secondary: disease in the pituitary, TSH low, FT4 low
rad or less had an elevated TSH. All had
Rare: pituitary tumour (60%) lymphangiograms; therefore the radiation
primary dose is more important than the iodine load
secondary [12].
hypophysectomy A number of drugs can interfere with
external radiotherapy
granulomatous diseases
thyroid hormone synthesis. Antithyroid
Sheehan' s syndrome drugs obviously have this action, but this
trauma cause should be dear from the his tory .
infections Other drugs which are reported to cause
defective synthesis of TSH hypothyroidism are para-aminosalicylic acid,
Tertiary: disease in the hypothalamus, TSH low FT4 resorcinol and ketoconazole [13]. Recently,
low interleukin 2 has produced hypothyroidism,
Very rare: idiopathic probably by inducing an auto immune thyr-
granulomatous diseases oiditis [14]. About 3-5% of patients with
external radiotherapy manie depressive psychosis who are treated
with lithium develop goitre and hypothyr-
Quaternary: peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones,
h T3 and TSH high oidism, and those who before treatment
Very rare: defect in transport have circulating antibodies appear to be at
defect in receptor most risk [15]. Up to 50% of patients taking
antibodies against T4 or T3 lithium have an abnormally large TSH
antibodies against TSH
response to injection of TRH [16]. Food
faddism for cabbage or kaIe can pro du ce
hypothyroidism, since these vegetables con-
were previously hyperthyroid and treated by tain antithyroid compounds. However, the
drugs, either inorganic iodine [6] or standard quantity of vegetable that has to be ingested
antithyroid agents [7], again stressing the to produce hypothyroidism is beyond most
need for long-term follow-up and patient people's tolerance. Inorganic iodine in large
Prevalence 165

quantities can pro du ce hypothyroidism, serum thyroxine, but it was not associated
partly by inhibiting release of stored hor- with clinical hypothyroidism [25].
mone and also by interfering with its orga- Infiltrative diseases whether benign such
nification, the Wolff-Chaikoff effect [17]. It is as sarcoidosis, or malignant such as primary
likely that most patients who develop this or secondary cancer or lymphoma, seI dom
problem have an underlying autoimmune cause hypothyroidism. Patients with sub-
thyroiditis, or have had radioiodine therapy aeute and silent thyroiditis often go through
for Graves' disease [18]. In Hashimoto's a transient hypothyroid phase, but in the
thyroiditis there is a defect in organification latter condition 5-10% will remain per-
that can be demonstrated by the perchlorate manently hypothyroid (Chapter 9).
discharge test [19], and this defect is Anti-TSH receptor antibodies have been
exaggerated by iodine loading [20], although shown in six patients to be causal [26], as
in practice the discharge test is not neces- have antibodies to T4 and T3 [27, 28]. Resist-
sary. Iodine-induced hypothyroidism can be ance to thyroid hormone is discussed in
precipitated by dietary or medicinal iodine, Chapter 3.
and it should be recalled that one of the Inborn errors of synthesis of thyroid hor-
worst places to get a large dose of iodine is mones are exceptionally rare, and they are
in hospital, in particular the radiology depart- discussed in 'Hypothyroidism in children'
ment. The relationship of goitre and hypo- (below).
thyroidism due to expectorants containing When there is evidence of underactivity of
iodine is clearly documented [21]. Even the more than one gland, secondary or tertiary
application of topical iodine to a perineal hypothyroidism must be considered. Simi-
fistula has caused hypothyroidism [22]. To larly, if there is clinical evidence of pituitary
cloud the issue of iodine-induced hypothyr- disease, malfunction of the peripheral
oidism somewhat is data suggesting that glands should be sought. Pituitary causes
prolonged in take of more than physiological include hypophysectomy, radiotherapy,
quantities of iodine can actually cause auto- infarction, especially after haemorrhagic
immune thyroiditis. This is based on complications of pregnancy, granulomatous
comparison of the rising prevalence of diseases, and benign and malignant
Hashimoto' s thyroiditis during the last half- tumours. Pituitary tumours account for 50-
century, and the parallel rise in consumption 60% of central hypothyroidism. The symp-
of dietary iodine in the USA [23]. Nowa- toms and signs of hypothyroidism are usual-
days, iodine deficiency is unheard of in the ly less prominent than in unselected patients
USA and the intake, although falling in the with primary hypothyroidism. Central
last several years, is still about 3-5 times that hypothyroidism is said to be about 1/5000 as
required. There are, however, many coun- common as primary disease.
tries where iodine deficiency is a major pub-
lic health problem, causing hypothyroidism
and cretinism (Chapter 11). Iodine is a major 6.3 PREVALENCE
constituent of amiodarone, and hypothyr- Hypothyroidism is an important disease be-
oidism is one of the common thyroidal com- cause it is common and treatable. In popu-
plications of this drug in iodine-replete pa- lation surveys, up to 1% of adults are
tients, Kriss et al. [24] described five patients hypothyroid [29-31]. The condition is 5-10
who became hypothyroid and developed times more frequent in women. The elderly
goitre due to cobaltous chloride, which had are effected more often: 3% of those studied
been prescribed to treat anaemia. Exposure by Sawin et al. [32] and 2.3% in the report of
to lead has been reported to cause a low Bahemuka and Hodgkinson [33]. The classic
166 Hypothyroidism
features of hypothyroidism are found in
only one-third of elderly hypothroid pa-
tients, and depression is a dominant symp-
tom. Because of the numerical importance
and the c1inical differences in the elderly, a
separate section is devoted to this at the end
of this chapter. Hypothyroidism is much less
common in the newborn, and the prevalence
in almost all neonatal screening programmes
is approximately 1 case in 4000. Neverthe-
less, because of the very serious conse-
quences of failing to make the diagnosis,
the importance is stressed. The causes of
neonatal hypothyroidism inc1ude agenesis
and dysgenesis of the thyroid, the latter is
usually incompletely descended. Inborn
errors of thyroid hormone formation are
very rare, and usually present in early child-
hood with goitre and hypothyroidism.
Neonatal screening for thyroid dysfunction
is standard in Western countries and Japan,
but should the adult population be screened
as weIl? Kalenberg and Kagedal [34] argue
in favour of this, because they detected
hypothyroidism in 1.5%, and hyperthyroid-
ism in 1.9%, of healthy Swedish women
over 60 years.
Figure 6.1 Photograph of a woman who has fair-
ly pronounced biochemical hypothyroidism. On
6.4 CLINICAL FEATURES first inspection, she does not look particularly
Among the best descriptions of severe hypothyroid, although she does appear some-
what apathetic. Compare with Figure 4.2. Most
hypothyroidism are the original ones by hypothyroid patients are diagnosed before they
Curling in 1850 [35], Gull in 1875 [36] and become myxoedematous.
Ord in 1878 [37]. Bloomfield [38] and Aikawa
[39] have recorded succinctly the history of
the description of hypothyroidism and the
correlation of the dia gnosis with absence, or agnosed by appearance. In specific c1inical
great enlargement, of the thyroid. The pa- settings, such as after radioiodine for hyper-
tients who were described in these early thyroidism, the diagnosis can and should be
papers were flagrantly myxoedematous, and established early, but in spontaneous cases
a photograph of such a patient is shown in this can be difficult.
Chapter 4. In mild cases, there may be few From time to time, the c1inician will en-
symptoms or signs, or the features are so counter in hospital a grossly myxoedema-
subtle that the dia gnosis is not suspected; tous patient in whom the diagnosis has been
Figure 6.1 shows a photograph of a missed. The patient is wrapped up in a heap
hypothyroid patient who might not be di- of blankets, snoring through raucous ward
Clinical features 167

activities. All the text-book manifestation are tients [41]. Thinning of the hair and alopecia
present. This is the exception. In others, the are less common, and have been attributed
disease causes non-specific symptoms, such to both reduced growth as well as fragility of
as tiredness, stiffness, depression, rheumat- the internal root sheath. Nails are slow
ism, constipation, etc.; aIternatively, one growing, brittle and ridged. Loss of hair
organ is involved out of proportion to the from the outer one-third of the eyebrows is
rest of the body. The physieian should be not specific for hypothyroidism.
alert to the possibility of hypothyroidism as A friend might be the first to recognize a
the cause of non-specific symptoms, espe- problem by the change in the patient's voiee,
cially in women and in the elderly, and which is most noticeable on the telephone.
direct the questions and physieal examina- Asher [42] describes the sound as 'that of a
tion accordingly. Hypothyroid patients are bad gramophone re cord of a drowsy, slight-
non-complaining and because the disease is ly intoxicated person with a bad cold and a
insidious in onset, the patient, relatives and plum in the mouth'. Speech is aItered by
colleagues fail to recognize a difference. It is enlargement of the tongue as well as oede-
not rare to diagnose moderately severe but ma of the vocal cords. My otolaryngology
unsuspected hypothyroidism in relatives colleagues have been the first to diagnose
visiting their spouses in hospitals or in dose unsuspected hypothyroidism on direct in-
relatives of medieal colleagues, since the di- spection of the cords in patients who had
agnosis is much easier for the dinician no other features of the dis order. A mild
seeing the person for the first time when the reversible nerve deafness is found in about
features are established, than for those in 25% of patients, and this can be the present-
frequent contact with the patient. ing complaint.
A common symptom is sleepiness. Many Breathlessness is due to weight gain, re-
patients fall asleep immediately after dinner, duced cardiac output, anaemia, or pleural
and never see an entire television film (in effusion, or any combination of these.
this respect the disease can be advan- Weight gain is very common, but it is not
tageous). Sleep apnoea is common in great, and usually is of the order of 10-20
hypothyroidism. Rajagopal et al. [40] studied pounds. It goes without saying that the vast
11 consecutive random hypothyroid pa- majority of overweight people have no evi-
tients, and demonstrated that 9 had apnoeie dence of thyroid dysfunction.
episodes during sleep. These were more fre- Mental symptoms range from forgetful-
quent if the patient was obese. The number ness and depression, to the extreme of myx-
of apnoeic episodes was dramatically dimi- oedema madness [42]. Psychosis due to
nished after the patients were treated with hypothyroidism gene rally occurs in long-
thyroxine. Cold intolerance is also common, standing cases. However, there is one report
and euthyroid relatives state that the where it occurred rapidly in a young thyr-
temperature in the house is maintained in- otoxie woman who was made hypothyroid
tolerably high. The patient wears excessive by too great a dose of antithyroid drugs [43].
layers of dothes, or when in bed, blankets. A dassic description of myxoedema psych-
Dryness of the skin and lacklustre hair are osis appears in 'The Citadel' by A.J. Cronin
recognized more by female patients, who [44] several years before the condition was
also complain of the lack of success in retain- described in the medieal literature [42].
ing 'permanent' curls. Sweating is greatly Slowness of thought and decision making
reduced. Non-pitting puffiness and hyper- are common. Occasionally, there are cerebel-
keratosis are present in 75-90% of the pa- lar signs with ataxia, nystagmus and
168 Hypothyroidism
Table 6.2 Neurological manifestations of hypo- arthritis, the pain is not worse in the morn-
thyroidism ing. The joints involved are the knees,
metacarpophalangeal and proximal interpha-
Percentage of patients involved
langeal joints. Although they are swollen
Sluggishness 68 57 40 and boggy, they are not inflamed or tender.
Drowsiness 68 30 25 30 22 Provided the underlying diagnosis is recog-
Poormemory 29 23 55 65 nized, there is no need for diagnostic aspira-
Poor hearing 31 15 9 30 53 tion. When this has been done, the fluid has
Vertigo 8 12 16 21 12
Number studied 100 80 400 81 109 normal protein and white cell count and
Reference 45 46 47 48 49 high viscosity. If attention is focused solely
on the swollen joints, the true cause will be
overlooked. In one series [52], the average
intention tremor, for which no other cause is duration of joint symptoms before the cor-
found. Neuropathies are more common than reet diagnosis was made was 11.8 years, and
generally recognized and nerve conduetion in a second group of 12 patients the symp-
studies can be abnormal in both motor and toms extended for 10 years. The delay is
sensory nerves. The relaxation time for ten- disturbing, but the symptoms and signs dis-
dom reflexes is prolonged, usually to more appeared with thyroid therapy, although as
than 350 ms. This was used as a test for long as 6-12 months passed for complete
hypothyroidism, but is too non-specific to resolution in those with the long-standing
recommend. One neuromuscular complaint arthropathy. Carpal-tunnel syndrome is more
that is quite charaeteristic is the sudden common than in a matched euthyroid con-
onset of muscle cramps in patients who be- trol group, and Bland et al. [53] found 5 of 49
come hypothyroid rapidly after thyroidec- patients with carpal-tunnel syndrome to be
tomy or radioiodine therapy. This is not due hypothyroid.
to hypocalcaemia, and the mechanism has Bradycardia is common, and the pulse is
not been explained. Table 6.2 shows the pre- usually regular, though severe hypothyroid-
valence of common neurological symptoms ism can cause malignant arrhythmias, includ-
in five publications. The criteria for diagno- ing complete heart block [54] and ventricular
sis were not so sensitive as currently avail- fibrillation [55, 56]. Some authorities believe
able and probably more advanced cases that these rhythm disturbances are coin-
were included. Nevertheless, the high nu m- cidental. Pericardial effusion is charaete-
bers are stressed [45-49]. Parathesiae occur rized by a high pro tein content, and is usually
in about 12% of patients. [50]. not evident clinically; ultrasonic examination
Weakness of the proximal muscles is very is the most sensitive method for its detec-
common, though not usually severe. Hyper- tion. Small asymptomatic effusions are co m-
trophy of the muscles is noted very rarely monly seen if this test is employed, and they
[50]. There are abnormalities in the muscle disappear when the patient is euthyroid.
fibres on light and eleetron microscopy, Unless there are clinical indications, the test
and these disappear with treatment of should not be ordered. Cardiac tamponade
the hypothyroidism. Halverson et al. [51] is very uncommon, but has been reported
reported the case of a hypothyroid woman [57] and recently this caused a fatal outcome
who developed severe inflammatory necro- in a Christian Scientist [58]. It is argued
sis of muscles which resulted in renal faHure whether there is an increased association of
from rhabdomyolysis. She was cured with coronary artery disease in hypothyroidism
thyroxine. Arthritic pains and swollen stiff [59, 60]. Both diseases are common and
joints are also common. Unlike rheumatoid would be expeeted to coexist. In frank myx-
Clinical features 169

oedema there is more advanced coronary in association with autoimmune thyroid dis-
artery disease compared with controls [61]. ease, and if there are any clinieal or haema-
Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism tological features, it is important to look for
and autoimmune thyroiditis (diagnosed by vitamin B12 deficiency. In 116 hypothyroid
the presence of antibodies), showed more patients, Tudhope and Wilson [70] found 17
coronary he art disease for a follow-up of 5 with microcytic anaemia, 13 with pernicious
years than controls with negative antibodies. anaemia, and 5 with normocytie anaemia.
Therefore, preclinical and mild hypothyroid- The anaemia in each patient has to be evalu-
ism are thought to be risk factors for prema- ated on its own merits. Macrocytic changes
ture coronary artery disease [62, 63]. The alone, without hypersegmented poly-
premature atherosclerosis is blamed on morphs, would favour anaemia of hypothyr-
hyperlipoproteinaemia. However, those pa- oidism rather than B12 deficiency. However,
tients with elevated lipids are usually clini- if there is any doubt, measurement of serum
cally (not subclinically) hypothyroid [64]. B12 : and/or a Schilling test would be
The debate will continue, but it is wise in a appropriate. There is a clinical impression
patient with premature atherosclerosis andl that hypothyroid patients have a bleeding
or hyperlipoproteinaemia to test thyroid tendency. However, this is seldom a clinical
function. Angina is not common in problem. Several ca se reports describe pa-
hypothyroidism, probably because the ox- tients with a signifieant bleeding diathesis in
ygen requirements of the tissues are lowered whom the underlying cause is not complete-
and the cardiac output decreased. In fact, in ly defined [71]. The usual finding is similar
the 1950s and 1960s, intractable angina was to Von Willebrand's disease with low con-
treated by producing hypothyroidism medi- centration of factor VIII and an inhibitor of
cally, or by radioiodine [65]. Treatment with coagulation [72]. Treatment with thyroxine
thyroid hormone can induce angina, and be- usually corrects the problem.
cause CPK, LOH and SGOT are often above Constipation, or an alteration in bowel
the normal range due to slow clearance, an function towards sluggishness, is character-
erroneous dia gnosis of myocardial infarction istic. Manometrie studies have shown lower
can be made [66]. Hypertension is found in intraluminal pressures in both the small in-
hypothyroidism and in some it will respond testine and colon [73]. In general, investiga-
to restoration of euthyroidism [67]. The term tions are not advised because the symptoms
myxoedema heart was applied by Fahr [68] disappear with thyroid re placement. Severe
to the grossly dilated heart whieh is only hypothyroidism can result in, or present as,
found in very severe myxoedema. an ileus [74, 75]. This is more common in the
Hypothyroidism can cause Raynaud' s elderly and there is some evidence it is due
phenomenon, which usually responds to to an autonomie neuropathy [73].
thyroxine [69], although most patients with Occasionally, classic infiltrative ophthal-
Raynaud's are not hypothyroid. mopathy of Graves' disease is found in
Normochromic normocytic anaemia is a hypothyroidism [76]. It is not possible to be
frequent finding and it improves when certain if mild Graves' hyperthyroidism, or
the patient is treated with thyroxine. The euthyroid Graves' disease, preceded the
anaemia is probably due to reduced oxygen hypothyroidism. However, this is a moot
requirements. Anaemia is aggravated by point. Therapies are directed at correcting
blood loss, e.g. from heavy, lengthy men- both the hypothyroidism and the eye dis-
strual periods. Therefore, if there is evidence ease, and not specifically at the underlying
of iron deficiency a source should be sought. mechanism. The role of thyroid antibodies in
Pernicious anaemia is found more frequently the pathogenesis of the ophthalmopathy has
170 Hypothyroidism
been discussed in Chapter 5, and it is recog- Most of the symptoms and signs of prim-
nized that most patients with primary ary hypothyroidism are found in central
hypothyroidism have circulating antibodies. hypothyroidism, but in the latter the sever-
Hypothyroidism due to thyroid disease ity is less marked. In central hypothyroid-
can cause galactorrhoea. This was first re- ism, there is no goitre and there are no
ported in 1956 [77], and is due to high levels immunological features such as ophthalmo-
of prolactin. Although galactorrhoea is pathy (this is rare in the primary disease as
uncommon in hypothyroidism, thyroid well). There may be a constellation of symp-
function should be tested in patients with toms and signs due to deficiency of other
galactorrhoea-amenorhoea syndrome, be- pituitary hormones, in particular gonado-
cause it is so simple to diagnose and treat trophins, plus manifestations of a space-
[78-81], and the response to thyroid replace- occupying lesion or excess hormone pro duc-
ment is gratifying. tion from a pituitary tumour. Approximately
Serum sodium is often low but, paradox- 50-60% of cases of central hypothyroidism
ically, total body sodium is increased. It is are due to pituitary tumours and they can
postulated that the excess sodium is con- cause headache and visual field defects,
tained in myxoedematous tissues. There is characteristically bitemporal hemianopia. A
inability to excrete a water load normally. cautionary note is necessary: long-standing
This plus the hyponatraemia have led to the hypothyroidism can produce enlargement of
theory that there is inappropriate secretion the pituitary gland and its fossa [90-94]. It
of ADH [82]. Macaron and Famuyima [83] can also cause headache. Therefore, it is un-
present conflicting data showing that ADH wise to diagnose a pituitary cause of
was actually correctly suppressed in a pa- hypothyroidism simply on the basis of an
tient they studied. Whatever the me chan- enlarged pituitary fossa on CT or NMRI scan.
ism, hyponatraemia is to be expected, and Measurement of TSH is important, and if it is
this plus the impaired water excretion are high the patient has primary hypothyroidism.
corrected by thyroid replacement. When The complications of hypothyroidism are
thyroid therapy was introduced in the simply severe manifestations of the symp-
nineteenth century, its action was thought to toms and signs described above.
be on the kidney because of the diuresis it In summary, in those patients with spon-
produced. Hyponatraemia of hypothyroid- taneous hypothyroidism, the symptoms are
ism does not respond well to fluid depriva- often non-specific and insidious and include
tion, or demeclocycline. tiredness, lethargy, depression, weight gain,
Isolated effusions of the pleural cavity etc., which are ubiquitous. The signs in a
[84], peritoneal cavity [85, 86], or scrotum well-established ca se are seldom missed, but
[87] are occasionally the presenting sign. An in the mild case the most skilled clinician
effusion which cannot be explained by car- may find little of note. Because of the di-
diac, renal, or liver disease should raise the verse symptoms and signs, the hypothyroid
probability of thyroid disease. Proteinuria is patient may be referred to a gastroenterolog-
seldom explained by hypothyroidism. ist, neurologist, psychiatrist, haematologist,
An increased frequency of hypothyroid- rheumatologist, or cardiologist. These spe-
ism has been found in patients with Down's cialists frequently embark on investigations
syndrome. Sare et al. [88] found this in 19 of more appropriate to their usual patient
121 patients and Lobo et al. [89] in 7 of 101. population and the diagnosis of hypothyr-
The cause in virtually every patient is auto- oidism is delayed. Tachman and Guthrie [72]
immune thyroiditis and the response to state 'The assumption that hypothyroidism
treatment gratifying [89]. has a typical presentation is hazardous.'
Diagnosis 171

6.5 ASSOCIATED DISEASES provide laboratory documentation which

will withstand critical analysis. The diagnosis
Autoimmune thyroid diseases, including
of hypothyroidism is virtually synonymous
hyrothyroidism, are found more commonly
with lifelong therapy with thyroid hormone.
in patients with other autoimmune con-
There are a few exceptions [102, 103].
ditions and vice versa. Tudhope [95] found
Fatourechi and Charib [104] could only find
that 10% of patients with primary hypothyr-
39 cases in the literature who progressed
oidism had pernicious anaemia. In contrast,
from hypo- to hyperthyroid, and they added
11.7% of 162 patients with pernicious
six additional cases. The implications of life-
anaemia were found to be hypothyroid and
long therapy with periodic clinical and
a further 8% had subclinical hypothyroidism
laboratory evaluation are not minor.
[96]. This is much greater than the 2.4%
Primary hypothyroidism is characterized
found by Chanarin [97]. Krassas et al. [98]
by low levels of thyroxine (FT4) and eIe va ted
found thyroid antibodies in 19 of 30 patients
TSH. This combination is found in all mod-
with pernicious anaemia. The higher inci-
erate or severe cases. In mild compensated
dences of thyroid disease in later studies are
cases, the serum thyroxine can be normal,
probably due to better in vitra tests of thyr-
whereas TSH is above normal. This is called
oid dysfunction.
subclinical hypothyroidism, compensated,
Primary hypothyroidism plus primary
or biochemical hypothyroidism, and is seen
hypoadrenalism without pituitary disease is
in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis,
called Schmidt's disease. Both endocrine
after high-dose external radiation and some-
diseases are associated with organ-specific
times after treatment of Craves' disease. A
autoantibodies. Rarely diabetes mellitus,
low FT4 and anormal TSH is an uncommon
p~ir:nary ovarian failure and hypoparathyr-
~ombination in healthy outpatients, except
Oldlsm are found with primary hypothyroid-
ism [99]. m those who are actually becoming hypo-
thyroid after treatment for Craves' disease
There is an increased association with
autoimmune connective diseases. As an ex- with radioiodine or surgery [lOS], or in the
ample 7 of 52 patients with progressive sys- patient with central hypothyroidism. The
temic sclerosis were diagnosed hypothyroid his tory of prior therapy of hyperthyroidism
an~ 5 ~f the 7 had high levels of thyroid
should clinche the diagnosis, and in this
anhbodles [100]. There is an increase in Sjög- situation if the tests are repeated 2-4 weeks
ren's syndrome, myasthenia and rheuma- later, the TSH is above the normal upper
toid arthritis. How et al. [101] reported the level and the patient is, by definition,
association with giant cell arteritis. Other re- hypothyroid. When FT4 is low the patient is
ferences are included in Chapter 9 in the symptomatic irrespective of the TSH value,
section on Hashimoto's thyroiditis. and muscle cramps at this juncture are char-
acteristic; the sequence illustrates that FT4
must fall before the pituitary res ponds [106].
I prefer to order both FT4 and TSH, since
the combination allows both sides of the
There are three diagnostic steps in hypothyr- pituitary thyroid axis to be evaluated. So far
oidism. Firstly, proof that hypothyroidism no mention has been made of T3. This has
exists. Secondly, determination of the anato- been intentional. In many hypothyroid pa-
~ical level of the disorder. Thirdly, defini- tients, T3 is in the normal range, because
hon of the underlying pathology. high TSH causes preferential production and
Even when the diagnosis of hypothyroid- release of T3 . In contrast, low T3 is found in
ism is obvious clinically, it is necessary to many euthyroid sick patients who need no
172 Hypothyroidism
FT4 (L) TSH(H) ~ hypothyroid -------+ Treat

Clinical suspicion ~ Subclinical -------+

FT4 (N) TSH(H) hypothyroid ?Treat
of hypothyroidism

FT4 (L) TSH(N)

~ Central Further
Repeat if same ~ hypothyrold work-up
~ ~ Primary
If FT 4 (L) TSH (H) hypothyroid
FT4 (N) TSH(N) -------+ Euthyroid -------+ treatment
Figure 6.2 Algorithm for the management of a patient with suspected hypothyroidism.

replaeement therapy (Chapter 14). In other For final definition of the loeation of the
words, measurement of T3 to define hypo- pathology, the clinician has to review all
thyroidism is unhelpful and ean be eonfus- clinical, bioehemieal and radiological data.
ing beeause the test has both low sensitivity Modern imaging teehniques including state
and specificity. of the art CT seans or, preferably, NMRI
A high TSH shows that the problem is in images provide spectaeular anatomical detail
the thyroid. In hypothyroidism if TSH is low that assists this task. Although not eommon
or normal and remains normal when re- clinieally, prolonged hypothyroidism ean re-
tested 2-4 weeks later, this indieates eentral sult in enlargement of the pituitary from
hypothyroidism. In this regard, if total T4 hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the thyrot-
measurements are used in plaee of FT4 , it rophes, and there ean be demineralization of
would be important to exclude binding pro- the sella [91-93]. The point was made pre-
tein abnormalities as the eause of low T4 viously that hypothyroidism and an en-
values. This has been diseussed in Chapter larged pituitary should not be assumed to
3. When eentral hypothyroidism is di- mean pituitary hypothyroidism.
agnosed, the next step is to determine if the Figure 6.2 provides an algorithm for work-
lesion is in the pituitary or hypothalamus, up of suspected hypothyroidism and its
beeause disease of the former is likely to be management.
due to a spaee-oeLupying lesion that requires In most patients with primary hypothyr-
specifie treatment not just hormone replaee- oidism, it is unneeessary to have a tissue
ment. It would appear that this differentia- diagnosis, the pathology ean be determined
tion is simple on the basis of response to from clinical or simple laboratory informa-
TRH; pituitary lesions should show no rise tion. A patient who is hypothyroid after 131 1
in TSH, whereas hypothalamie lesions therapy needs no tests to find the eause. A
should, provided the pituitary is normal middle-aged hypothyroid wo man with a
[107, 108]. Nevertheless, some patients with small, firm goitre, a family his tory of thyroid
a pituitary lesion show a brisk rise in TSH disease and high titres of thyroid antibodies
after injection of TRH, and some patients has hypothyroidism from autoimmune thyr-
with hypothalamie problems do not have the oiditis. There are inereasing numbers of re-
anticipated response. In spite of those limita- ports of fine-needle biopsy in eases like the
tions, most authorities support TRH testing. last one, and I question the need for this
Treatment 173

unless there is a specific question to be with equanimity by the patient. The thyroid
addressed, such as a dominant nodule or medication has to be stopped for up to 8
sudden growth of the goitre. weeks [109]. This is necessary to ensure that
There is seldom a place for obtaining 1231 there is sufficient time for the suppressed
uptake and scan. The 24-hour uptake is ex- thyroid to return to normal. The patient will
pected to be low, but there are other causes often become transiently hypothyroid, and
of low uptake including high dietary and TSH will rise even if the thyroid is not re-
medicinal iodine intake. In addition, the up- quired. If by 8 weeks the hypothyroidism
take can be normal due to the 'small pool persists, the thyroxine therapy is needed,
pattern', where residual functioning follicu- but by this time many of the patients will
lar cells trap iodine avidly under TSH sti- have restarted the medicine and/or sought
mulation. These illustrate the low sensitivity another opinion. Obviously, if the patient
and specificity of the uptake measurement in and tests return to normal sooner, the pa-
this setting. The scintigram usually provides tient should not be taking thyroid. Stoffer et
a pictorial representation of what is palp- al. [110] found that 99mTc04 scintigram was
able. Because of the universal access to pre- valuable in this situation. If the thyroid
eise radioimmunoassays (and IRMAs) for could be visualized while the patient was
TSH, it is not necessary to do a TSH stimula- taking thyroid medication there was no need
tion test to differentiate primary from central for the drug and it could be stopped (tem-
hypothyroidism. Likewise, it is not neces- porary hypothyroid symptoms are still to be
sary to do a TRH test in primary hypothyr- expected). In those patients where the thyr-
oidism. If serum TSH is high the patient is oid was not imaged, treatment was recom-
hypothyroid, if it is normal, so is the patient. mended for life.
In those situations where hypothyroidism is
anticipated, repeating the measurement of
TSH is simpler.
Many biochemical abnormalities are found There is no doubt that hypothyroidism,
in hypothyroidism, such as high cholesterol, irrespective of its cause, should be treated.
lipoproteins and creatine kinase, but they The first reported use of thyroid was by
serve no diagnostic function. However, if a Murray [111], who gave glycerin extracts of
patient is found to have unexplained hyper- sheep thyroid by subcutaneous injection. He
cholesterolaemia, it is prudent to ensure presented a follow-up report on the first pa-
hypothyroidism is excluded. tient and estimated that she had received
Clinicians will often encounter a patient about 9 pints of liquid extract over 28 years
who has taken a thyroid preparation for [112]. Oral therapy was introduced in 1892
many years, but there is no good docu- by McKenzie [113]. A variety of other thyr-
mentation of the need for the medicine. oid conditions are treated with thyroid
Reasons for the medication include tired- hormones. These include non-toxic goitre,
ness, depression and difficulty in losing Hashimoto' s thyroiditis, benign thyroid
weight. At the time the treatment was nodules and thyroid cancer, although the
started, either no tests were done, or those last group are usually hypothyroid after sur-
which were used to establish the diagnosis gical removal of the thyroid. These condi-
are now known to be of questionable value, tions are discussed in appropriate chapters.
e.g. borderline low PB 127 I. To prove the Obesity, depression and other non-thyroidal
need for lifelong thyroid replacement is conditions should not be treated with thyr-
time-consuming and usually not accepted oid hormone unless there is proven thyroid
174 Hypothyroidism
deficiency. The main questions are which the assay this is obviously an unsatisfactory
preparation, what dose, and how quickly medication.
can it be prescribed? In alm ost every clinical situation, L thyrox-
ine is the preferred form of replacement.
Triiodothyronine has a limited role in pa-
tients who are athyreotic after treatment for
Because there are two active circulating thyr- thyroid cancer and who undergo wh ole-
oid hormones, T4 and T3 , it used to be body radioiodine scans to detect metastases.
argued that replacement therapy should Triiodothyronine is said to have the advan-
contain both of these. Although it is true tage that it is discontinued for only 2 weeks
that the thyroid secretes both, in euthyroid prior to scanning, in contrast to 4-6 weeks
people the majority of T3 is produced from for thyroxine. Even in this situation, I prefer
circulating T4 . Athyreotic patients treated to prescribe thyroxine because that is the
with appropriate doses of thyroxine alone preparation the patient takes for life, the
have stable and normal levels of T4 and T3 , thyroid status is smoother and changing
whereas those taking preparations contain- from thyroxine to triiodothyronine periodi-
ing T3 including dessicated thyroid are less cally can be confusing for the patient. This is
satisfactory in this respect. In 1961, MacGre- discussed in the Chapter 8, which deals with
gor [114] asked the question, 'Why does thyroid cancer. Larsen [119] has presented
anyone use thyroid extract?' This was based evidence that the amount of T3 required to
on observations on seven patients who were suppress pituitary TSH is excessive for other
hypothyroid in spite of taking standard tissues, such as liver and kidney tissues.
doses. He argued that variability in the pre- Therefore, most of the body is thyrotoxic at
paration was the problem; this was also the level of T3 which is physiological for the
addressed by a short editorial in the same pituitary. The thyrotrophe responds to T4
journal [115]. More recently, Jackson and because it is very efficient in deiodinating T4
Cobb [116] described six patients with clinic- to T3 using a deiodinase enzyme that is
al evidence of hyperthyroidism while they peculiar to the pituitary and brown fat. Nor-
took dessicated thyroid, and all six had high mally, most of intracellular T3 in the thyrot-
T3 levels, but normal T4 . The clinical and rophe is derived from T4 , which in turn de-
biochemical aberrations reverted to normal rives from serum FT4 • The usual dose of
when the medication was changed to thyr- triiodothyronine is 25 p.,g 2 or 3 times per
oxine. This has been described by other in- day.
vestigators for patients of all ages treated
with whole thyroid USP [117] and thyroglo-
bulin [118]. I have seen patients with subtle
symptoms of hyperthyroidism which dis- Not many years ago, the re placement dose
appear when their treatment is switched to of L thyroxine was on average 0.3 mg (300
thyroxine, and almost routinely I recom- p.,g), a dose which is now known to be exces-
mend the change unless the patient has sive for most patients. The reasons for this
been on thyroid USP for years without an paradox include the fact that serum T3 could
adverse clinical problem. The method of de- not be measured, precise measurement of
termining the potency of thyroid USP is TSH was not available and it was not known
based on the iodine content of the prepara- that T4 was converted to T3 . Therefore, it
tion. Since the distribution of iodinated seemed sensible to prescribe sufficient thyr-
pro teins varies from batch to batch, and bio- oxine to maintain the blood level of T4 on
logically inactive compounds contribute to the high side to compensate for the 'absent'
Treatment 175
Table 6.3 Dose of L thyroxine in children (from 6.7.3 HOW QUICKLY?
Fisher and Klein [160])
A young healthy patient can be started on
Age (years) Dose (p,g/kg/day)
100 p.,g daily and the dose increased by 50 p.,g
0-1 9 increments at 2-4 week intervals. A 50 kg
>1-5 6 patient will require 100-125 p.,g, a 100 kg
6-10 4 patient approximately 175-225 p.,g. The start-
11-20 3
ing dose and increment can be selected
Adult 2
appropriately. Since there is a transient rise
in T4 after starting treatment, it is recom-
mended that biochemical testing is not done
for about 8 weeks [129]. The speed of re-
placement in severely hypothyroid or elderly
patients should be more cautious and 25 p.,g
T3 . It is now recognized that ingestion of T4 daily, or on alternate days, is suggested.
alone results in normal levels of T4 and T3 . Table 6.4 provides guidelines on starting, in-
The dose of thyroxine necessary to achieve cremental and maintenance doses in various
this and to have anormal TSH is usually in clinical settings. The most important criteria
the range of 100-200 p.,g per day [120, 121]. for the final maintenance dose is clinical, but
In adults, Stock et al. [121] showed the aver- with current testing it is recommended that
age daily dose was 165 p.,g; in patients over FT4 and TSH are in the normal range. In
65 years the dose was 110-120 p.,g per day certain clinical situations, the goal of treat-
[122]. The dose in older patients is less when ment is to suppress TSH (thyroid cancer and
expressed in p.,g/kg bodyweight (1.86 v. shrinkage of autoimmune goitre), and this
2.06). Children require a larger dose (Table can usually be achieved with FT4 at the up-
6.3) [123]. Recently, it was recognized that per end of the normal range. Sensitive TSH
the amount of thyroxine in generic and measurements differentiate normal from
brand preparations varied [124]. To confuse suppressed values, so tight titration is possi-
matters more, the amount of thyroxine per ble. Some authorities have indicated that
pill in one of the named brand preparations thyroid function tests are not valuable in de-
was increasd, but the pill retained the same termining the adequacy of replacement ther-
nominal strength and appearance. As a re- apy [130], but that is not true with state of
sult, patients who had been weIl controlled the art tests. It should be recognized that
for years became biochemically, or even cli- there can be small rises in T4 and T3 levels
nicaIly, hyperthyroid in spite of the fact shortly after the medication is ingested, but I
they were taking the same preparation in have not made it a policy to draw blood for
apparently the same strength. This caused testing at a specific time in relation to the
considerable controversy and umest, and patient taking the pilI. TSH results do not
has been addressed in the literature [125- fluctuate as much in relation to when thyr-
127]. There is re cent data indicating that oid is ingested.
generic preparations have the same content After treatment of Graves' disease by
as named brands [128]. L thyroxine is avail- surgery or radioiodine, any thyroid tissue
able in 25, 50, 75, 88, 100, 112, 125, 150, 175, left can function autonomously, therefore re-
200, and 300 p.,g tablets (this range is not placement thyroxine and endogenous thyr-
available from all manufacturers), so virtual- oxine can be additive, resulting in the need
Iy any patient can be treated with one pill for a smaller amount of oral thyroxine. The
per day. treatment has to be individualized. Over-
176 Hypothyroidism
Table 6.4 Replacement doses of thyroxine

Patient population Starting dose Incremental dose Maintenance dose FT4 + TSH N

Children Dependent on age see Table 6.3

Young adult 100 JLg 50 JLg 100-200 JLg (approx 2 JLg/kg)
Middle-aged 50 JLg 50 JLg 100-200 JLg (approx 2 JLg/
Elderly 25 JLg 25 JLg 75-125 JLg
Angina pectoris 12.5-25 JLg 12.5-25 JLg to tolerance
Myxoedema coma (a) 300 JLg/m2 IV 100 JLg at 1 week oral therapy on recovery
(b) 200-300 JLg IV 100 JLg at 1 day
+25 JLg triiodothyronine every 12 hours until conscious
(c) 100 JLg IV 100 JLg daily for 7-10 days

treatment can produce typical features of Not all thyroidologists support these state-
hyperthyroidism, but this should be pre- ments. It has been my policy to suppress
ventable in most cases. Recent data indicates TSH in those who have had thyroid irradia-
that if TSH is chronically suppressed there is tion. However, it could be argued that the
an increased incidence of osteopenia mea- treatment is only for a biochemical finding.
sured by dual photon-densitometry [131]. I One double-blind trial in patients with sub-
am not aware of any increased risk of frac- clinical hypothyroidism showed minor be-
tures in these patients, but if replacement is nefits, both subjective and objective of thyr-
the reason for therapy it is better not to oxine [136]. In a second study where either
suppress TSH unless it is feIt that the con- thyroxine 0.1 mg or a placebo was pre-
tinued TSH stimulus would be undesirable scribed for 6 months to 20 asymptomatic
as discussed above. women with TSH ranging from 4-15 /LU/mI,
Thyroid hormones are not completely there was a benefit from thyroxine in 4 pa-
absorbed when given by mouth [132, 133], tients [137]. Thus treatment is of some, but
but it requires an unusual clinical situation, minor, value.
such as surgical by-pass of the gut, to make When treatment is for central hypothyr-
this a clinical problem [134]. oidism, it is essential to determine if the
One unresolved issue is whether to treat patient is hypoadrenal and, if so, to treat
subclinical hypothyroidism (normal T4 with that be fore starting thyroxine. If this is not
slightly elevated TSH). As stated above, done, adrenal crisis can be precipitated. In
Hashimoto' s thyroiditis, prior thyroid sur- other respects treatment is the same.
gery and prior radioiodine therapy can be There was concern in the lay and medical
factors which cause this biochemical finding. press that breast cancer was found more fre-
It is may opinion that FT4 is a better indica- quently in women taking thyroid medication
tor of thyroid status than T4 and some [138]. This allegation was sharply refuted by
patients with normal T4 have a low FT4; the American Thyroid Association [139] and
therefore such a patient is truly hypothyr- shown to be incorrect by Shapiro et al. [140].
oid. If it is accepted that a good proportion
of patients with subclinical hypothyroidism
will become hypothyroid in the future [29],
and if it is accepted that a high TSH causes
premature atherosclerosis [60-62, 135], and
if it is accepted that a high TSH is a risk to a The restoration of euthyroidism in a
thyroid which has been irradiated, a good hypothyroid patient with angina pectoris
argument can be made to start treatment. can present a problem because the increase
Myxoedema coma 177

in heart rate and metabolism often aggra- hours before the operation [146]. Severallar-
vates the angina even to the point of produc- ger studies published after the references
ing rest pain. The aim should be to start cited above indicate that the above dogma is
with a very small dose of thyroxine, and incorrect, and that anaesthesia and surgery
increase the dose with small increments at are not more hazardous for hypothyroid pa-
intervals of 3-4 weeks; the timing and size tients. Weinberg et al. [147] compared the
of change are dictated by the patient's symp- the outcome in 59 hypothyroid patients
toms. A starting dose of 12.5-25 /-tg and (found by tests which were not known at the
increments of the same amounts might allow time of operation) with weIl-matched con-
return to normal thyroid function with no trols of the same age and sex who were
worsening in chest pain. Unfortunately, operated on for the same reasons by the
some patients cannot tolerate the full same surgeons. They found no difference in
maintenance dose, and a compromise is outcome. Seven of the hypothyroid patients
reached between partial treatment and an had T4 values less than 1 /-tg/dl, and a furth-
acceptable amount of angina. Prescribing a er 31 had values below 3 /-tg/dl; therefore,
beta-blocker along with the thyroxine can moderate to severe cases were included.
prevent angina while correcting hypothyr- A prospective study in 500 patients under-
oidism. However, when there is bradycar- going cardiac surgery showed that 10 were
dia, beta-blockers are contraindicated. Sever- hypothyroid at the time of operation and
al groups have shown that coronary artery they did weIl [148]. The authors recommend
by-pass grafting is a valuable alternative in starting thyroxine 25/-tg daily postoperatively.
this predicament [141-143], and preopera- In a third study of 49 hypothyroid patients
tive arteriography, anaesthesia and surgery who underwent cardiac catheterization and
are all feasible at no extra risk in hypothyr- open heart surgery, Becker [149] concluded
oid patients. This is discussed in more detail that these invasive procedures are safe in
in the next section. this setting.
In conclusion, hypothyroid patients
should not be denied necessary surgery,
especially emergency surgery, simply be-
cause they are hypothyroid. Careful moni-
Endocrinologists are often asked by their toring of fluid balance is necessary to
surgical colleagues if it is safe to proceed prevent hyponatraemia or overload. The
with an operation in a patient who is found doses of hypnotics and narcotics have to be
to be hypothyroid. Common sense, based reduced empirically because they are meta-
on the pathophysiology on all the systems bolized more slowly.
and publications describing patients who
have done badly, dictates that surgery
should be postponed until the thyroid de-
ficiency is corrected [144, 145]. In one of Myxoedema coma is the result of long-
these papers, only two patients were dis- standing untreated hypothyroidism, where
cussed; it is not certain if one of them was the patient becomes obtunded and finally
hypothyroid and the other was probably comatose. The condition is the severe end of
overtreated with thyroid extract preoper- the spectrum of hypothyroidism and is un-
atively [144]. Review of the three cases of common. In 1962 Sanders found only 52
Kim and Hackman does not allow a diagno- cases in the literature [150], and in 1986 the
sis of hypothyroidism to be made at the time number reported was said to be 200 [151].
of surgery [145]. Some authorities recom- There are undoubtably many more unre-
mend that thyroxine should be prescribed 48 ported cases and the condition merits separate
178 Hypothyroidism
consideration, because it is a medical emer- malities described above. There is debate
gency with a very high mortality. about which hormone should be prescribed.
The patient is usually elderly, female and Common sense dictates that T3 is the hor-
living alone. The condition is more common mone of choice, because of its more rapid
in cold climates and in cold seasons. The action. Catz and Russell [153] saved 7 of 12
presentation is that of hypothermie coma, patients with triiodothyronine. By contrast,
which should alert the clinician to the diagno- from the work of Holvey et al. [154] and
sis. The differential includes cold exposure, subsequently Nicoloff [155], it appears that
often associated with alcohol and/or thyroxine is superior and that relatively large
sedative excess, chlorpromazine overdose doses should be prescribed initially. The
and overwhelming infection. The true de- majority opinion supports this approach, but
gree of hypothermia is only measured with a there are no controlled studies. Using this
low-reading thermometer, because values approach, thyroxine is given in a dose of 300
can be in the 70-80 degree Fahrenheit range J-tg/m2 . The brand name, Synthroid, is avail-
[152]. Since myxoedema coma can be pre- able for parenteral use. No additional thyr-
cipitated by infection, narcotics and other oxine is given for 1 week. Those who
systemic illnesses, e.g. stroke in a hypothyr- support the use of triiodothyronine pre-
oid patient, it can be impossible to establish scribe 50 J-tg by nasogastric tube (parenteral
a single diagnosis in each patient. A history triiodothyronine is not easy to obtain in the
from a relative or friend of the patient hav- USA) as a starting dose followed by 25 J-tg
ing treatment of thyroid dysfunction, or of every 12 hours.
taking thyroid medication, is very heldful. Wartofsky [151] proposes a compromise
When the diagnosis is suspected, it can be with a loading dose of 4 J-tg thyroxine per kg
confirmed with a high TSH. Treatment must lean body mass given intravenously along
not await receipt of the result. The degree of with 25 J-tg triiodothyronine enterally at 12
elevation of TSH is less than expected due to hour intervals. A se co nd dose of 100 J-tg
the illness suppressing the pituitary. The au- thyroxine is given 24 hours after the loading
thor knows of no case of severe hypothyr- dose.
oidism due to thyroid disease in which the Laderson et al. [156] have demonstrated a
TSH was normal. In coma, irrespective of its rapid beneficial effect of 100 J-tg thyroxine by
cause, T3 , T4 and even FT4 I can be low daily intravenous injection in 10 hypothyr-
(Chapters 3 and 14). Therefore, these tests oid patients. None had myxoedema coma.
are not particularly helpful in establishing There was improvement in cardiac, renal
the diagnosis, but if they are normal the and respiratory functions. Total T4 returned
patient does not have myxoedema coma. A to normal quickly, and a small fall in TSH
low FT4 by a two-step technique is more was noted by 24 hours, aIthough even after
reliable. 1 week the TSH values were not normal.
Because there is often hyponatraemia, The authors suggest that this approach
azotaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypoxaemia and might be as satisfactory, as supraphysiolo-
hypercapnia, appropriate investigations gical doses and a trial in severely hypothyr-
should be obtained as an emergency, since oid patients would appear warranted.
the resuIts will dictate supportive manage- Hypothermia is treated best with blankets.
ment. Active warming is not advocated unless
Treatment centres around correcting the great care is taken to ensure hypotension
hypothyroidism, gradual restoration of the and shock do not occur, as the peripheral
temperature, correcting the precipitating vasculature dilates at a time when the heart
cause and dealing with the metabolie abnor- is incapable of responding.
Neonatal hypothyroidism 179

Infection as the precipitating cause should Table 6.5 Causes of hypothyroidism in ehildren
be sought. There may be no leukocytosis, (adapted from Hutchison [157]
but a left shift is an important point. Culture 1. Dysgensis of thyroid
of blood, urine, sputum and cerebrospinal (a) athyreosis
fluid are required. The CSF has a high pro- (b) maldescent
tein content, and this alone does not indicate (c) maldevelopment
infection. The choice of antibiotic depends 2. Endemie cretinism - iodine deficiency
3. Inborn enzyme defects
on the results of cultures and bacterial sensi- (a) Intrathyroidal
tivities. If infection is suspected clinically, (i) failure of trapping
broad-spectrum antibiotics should be pre- (ii) impaired organification (+/ - deafness)
scribed while awaiting the microbiology (iii) impaired coupling
results. Traditionally, hydrocortisone is pre- (iv) failure of deiodination
(v) production of abnormal thyroglobulin
scribed in doses of 100-200 mg intravenous- (vi) unresponsiveness to TSH
ly. It could be argued that the ill health plus (vii) others
steroids would interfere with conversion of (b) extrathyroidal
T4 to T3 , and thus reduce the effect of thyr- (i) defect in action of thyroid hormones
oxine. This does not appear to be important (ii) thyroid hormone antibodies
4. Ingestion of goitrogens
clinically. Some patients have combined (a) antenatal
thyroid and adrenal deficiencies and need (b) postnatal
both medications, and it is probably safer to 5. Primary thyroid diseases
give hydrocortisone to all patients, rather 6. Secondary and tertiary hypothyroidism
than omit it in some who will die without it.
Cardiac failure requires continuous ECG
monitoring and treatment with oxygen,
diuretics and digoxin. Hypoventilation may also used to describe an infant with neurolo-
require intubation and assisted ventilation. gical abnormalities and severe mental de-
Great caution should be exercised in the re- ficiency due to intrauterine lack of iodine,
placement of fluids, because cardiac failure rather than thyroid hormone deficiency.
is precipitated with ease. Hyponatraemia This is discussed in Chapter 11 on iodine
should not be treated with hypertonie saline. deficieney and endemie goitre. A compre-
It should be recalled that intravenous anti- hensive list of causes of childhood hypothyr-
biotics provide a source of volume and fre- oidism is given in Table 6.5 which is adapted
quently sodium. from Hutchison [157]. Neonatal hypothyr-
These patients are critically ill. They re- oidism (sporadic cretinism) is discussed first,
quire intensive monitoring. From 1953-61 then acquired hypothyroidism.
the mortality was estimated to be 80%. Even
today, the mortality for patients with myx-
oedema coma is greater than 50% in spite of
optimal care. Sporadic neonatal hypothyroidism occurs in
approximately 1 out of 4000 babies. This inci-
dence has been found in alm ost all screening
programmes. The hypothyroidism is not
Hypothyroidism at birth is called neonatal or due to iodine deficiency and is contrasted
congenital hypothyroidism; if it occurs later, with endemic cretinism (Chapter 11). Un-
the terms acquired or juvenile hypothyroid- diagnosed and untreated neonatal hypo-
ism are used. A severely hypothyroid baby thyroidism is inevitably associated with a
at birth is called acretin, but this name is devastating effect on intelligenee. Treatment
180 Hypothyroidism
of hypothyroidism within 6 weeks of birth Table 6.6 Results of screening for neonatal
has resulted in an IQ of 90 or higher in 55% hypothyroidism
of infants [158]. The 'textbook' clinical fea-
Number Number
tures of hypothyroidism are absent or mild, screened hypothyroid Incidence Reference
and clinicians should not expect a consti-
pated child with noisy respirations, feeding (a) With thyroxine
difficulties, prolonged physiological jaun- 463521 105 1/4414 164
dice, thick, cold, dry skin, umbilical hernia 475126 109 1/4568 164
299666 65 1/4755 164
and a coarse cry. Very rarely there is muscu- 54714 5 1/10900 167
lar hypertrophy which improves with thyr- 265020 45 1/5889 168
oxine (Kocher-Debre-Semelaight syndrome). (b) With TSH
The diagnosis is made in most cases by 45000 10 1/4500 169
biochemical testing. Normal and abnormal 76224 19 1/4012 170
thyroid development have been reviewed by 30000 9 1/3300 171
Fisher [159] and Fisher and Klein [160]. 821367 215 1/3820 168

are relayed to the referring physician and
A review of developmental abnormalities in that follow-up is undertaken. The majority
Chapter 1 is advised. The majority of cases of missed diagnoses have been the result of
(80-90%) are due to agenesis, ectopia, or human error. Detailed discussion of the
hypoplasia of the thyroid [161]. Girls are logistics and results of screening tests are
effected twice as often [162]. Secondary presented in the monograph edited by Bur-
hypothyroidism is much less frequent with row and Dussault [166]. Table 6.6 gives an
an incidence of 1 in 50-100000 births. overview of the results of several screening
Dyshormonogenesis is the cause of hypo- programmes [167-171].
thyroidism in approximately 1 out of 30000
births. In some cases of agenesis, there is (a) Screening with T4
autoimmune thyroiditis in the mother and T4 is simpler and cheaper to assay than TSH.
placental transfer of antithyroid antibodies Most programmes accept that all babies with
might be causal [163], although this is gener- a T4 less than 6 ILg/dl are at risk, and should
ally thought not to be important [164]. Tran- be recalled for retesting. Alternatively, pa-
sient hypothyroidism has been attributed to tients with the lowest 5% from each assay
placental transfer of maternal immunoglobu- are recalled and tests repeated. No matter
Iins capable of inhibiting the binding of TSH which of these is used, there will be a signi-
to its receptor [165]. ficant number of false positives. The reason
for the false positives in the former is due to
low T4 values in premature [172] and sick
babies [173] and those with low levels of
Three approaches exist for diagnosing neo- thyroid bin ding proteins. If the 5% with the
na tal hypothyroidism: measurement of lowest T4 are considered to be at risk for
T4 , TSH, or a combination of T4 and TSH. hypothyroidism, and the incidence of the
Whichever method is used, it must be ap- disease is 1/4000, to find that 1 case, 4000
plicable to mass screening on drops of blood babies are screened and 200 called back for
on filter paper. The test must be sensitive, repeat T4 and TSH measurements (200 is 5%
specific, economical and rapid. There must of 4000). In spite of these !imitations, those
be a reIiable method of ensuring the results programmes which employ T4 have similar
Cost be ne fit analysis of screening for hypothyroidism 181
true-positive rates as programmes whieh the 5th percentile, but none had FT4 values
start with TSH. As an example, Mitchell et below the lower limit of the adult normal
al. [174] screened 129028 infants and 3800 range (0.8 ng/dl). Two hypothyroid babies
had T4 values less than 6 JLg/dl. Of the 3800, had FT4 values of 0.3 and 0.4 ng/dl respec-
31 were found to have a high TSH (greater tively. These results appear clear cut in dif-
than 20 JLU/ml) and 23 were found to be ferentiating hypothyroid from normal, but
hypothyroid. FT4 values in healthy babies are higher than
in adults and statistieally higher than in sick
(b) Screening with TSH babies (4.24 +/- 0.23 ng/dl; [M+/-SEM] v.
In theory, this approach would not 3.48 +/- 0.18 ng/dl). Therefore, sick neon-
diagnose the very uncommon ca se of ates had lower FT4 values. A cut-off at 0.8
secondary hypothyroidism. Against this dis- ng/dl produced no false-positive or false-
advantage, those euthyroid patients with negative results. This test cannot be done
low T4 due to non-thyroidal causes would with a sampie of blood on filter paper, and
not be misdiagnosed as hypothyroid as they since it requires about 0.5 ml of serum, it is
are in the T4 programme. Dockeray et al. not suited to large screening programmes.
[170] screened 76224 patients and found 19 There is a small role for FT4 in siek babies
hypothyroid infants, none of whom had who have a low T4 , because anormal FT4
been diagnosed clinically and only 3 were and TSH exclude all forms of congenital
clinically hypothyroid on recall. In order to hypothyroidism.
diagnose 19 patients, only 50 had to be recal-
led (less than 0.1 %). Thirty thousand infants
were screened by Sutherland et al. [171],
who found TSH to be more sensitive and
specifie than T4. There were no false nega-
tives and the incidence of hypothyroism was The cost per individual thyroid test in a
1 in 3300. neonatal screening programme is remark-
ably small, but if the incidence of the condi-
Combined T4 and TSH and other approaches tion is 114000, is it cost effective? Layde et al.
A combination of T4 and TSH is the best [177] estimated it would cost $11 800 to iden-
approach for diagnosing all hypothyroid tify one patient and treat for life, whereas if
neonates, but it is more complicated and ex- the baby was not diagnosed and required
pensive. Because sick neonates often have a long-term institutional care the cost would
low T4, clinicians screening these babies be nine times as much. The analysis
frequently will be faced with low values, and assumes the treated child achieves normal
it would be sensible to request TSH values functional capacity, and there is evidence
as well. As an alternative, since we [175] and that the final IQ is closely related to the age
many other workers have shown that FT4 is at whieh treatment is started; the earlier the
valuable in differentiating hypothyroidism treatment, the higher the IQ. Forty-five per
from euthyroidism in siek adults who have cent of the patients treated by Smith et al.
low T3 and T4, we studied the role of FT4 in [178] be fore 6 months of age attained an IQ
sick neonates [176]. FT4 was measured of greater than 90, whereas only 10%
between the second and fourth day post- achieved that when treatment was delayed
partum, and the results compared with beyond 6 months. The authors also found
those from the state screening programme, that the more severe the hypothyroidism,
whieh used T4 • Sixty-six per cent of the the the lower the final IQ. Similar results were
euthyroid sick babies had T4 values below reported in 31 infants treated by Klein et al.
182 Hypothyroidism
[179], who found an average IQ of 89 in 3 diagnosed by measuring thyroidal RAIU of
babies treated before 3 months, 70 in those 1231 and by counting 1231 radioactivity in
treated between 3-7 months, and 54 in those weighed sampies of saliva and serum. The
whose treatment was delayed beyond that saliva contains equal or less radioactivity,
time. In a different study, 14 out of 19 pa- which contrasts with other intrathyroidal en-
tients treated before 3 months achieved an zyme defects where salivary radioactivity is
IQ of more than 90, compared with 14 out of considerably greater than serum radio-
37 in whom treatment was delayed [180]. activity. The defect can be overcome by giv-
These studies were based on dinical diagno- ing pharmacological doses of iodine, but the
sis of hypothyroidism and, by implication, optimal therapy is thyroxine.
dealt with severe cases. In most of the
biochemical newborn screening program-
mes, very few of the babies found to be 6.14.2 FAlLURE TO ORGANIFY IODINE
h pothyroid would have been diagnosed In this dis order, iodine is trapped, but it is
dinicaIly. As a result, milder cases are not combined with tyrosine, hence it has
being treated at an earlier stage and a better two names, either a defect in organification
prognosis may be anticipated. Neonatal of iodine, or iodination of tyrosine.
hypothyroidism is three times as common as Radioiodine uptake is rapid and increased
phenylketonuria, and 1-2% of long-term, because the high TSH stimulates the trap-
institutionalized, mentally deficient patients ping mechanism. The trapped iodine is free
had delayed diagnosis and treatment of within the follicular cell and can be dis-
hypothyroidism. Therefore, the importance charged with perchlorate. Some of these
of screening newborns for hypothyroidism is patients also have nerve deafness, the com-
proven. bination is called Pendred's syndrome, after
his description in 1896 of two women with
6.14 INBORN ERRORS OF SYNTHESIS goitre, low intellect and deaf mutism [182]. It
OF THYROID HORMONES is not dear from his description that the
(DYSHORMONOGENESIS) women had a defect in organification. Treat-
ment is with thyroxine.
Although these deficits are rare, they are the
second most common cause of congenital
hypothyroidism. They are due to the abs- 6.14.3 DEFECT IN THE COUPLING OF
ence or lack of function of one of the en- IODOTYROSINES
zymes which pro du ce thyroid hormones. In The thyroid is capable of trapping iodine
fully developed cases, there is hypothyroid- and organifying it, but T4 and T3 are not
ism, low T4, high TSH and goitre. The de- formed. Therefore, the uptake of 1231 is nor-
fects are usually transmitted as autosomal mal or high, and perchlorate discharge
recessive. negative. Whether this disorder is due to an
enzyme defect or to production of an abnor-
6.14.1 DEFECT IN TRAPPING IODINE mal thyroglobulin which cannot provide the
required tertiary structure to bring iodotyro-
If the baby is diagnosed hypothyroid by bio- sines into apposition for coupling, is not
chemical screening tests, then this disorder dear. This defect is usually diagnosed by
is characterized by a low radioiodine uptake exduding the others or by biochemical
by the thyroid and an associated inability of analysis of a biopsy showing that iodothyr-
the salivary glands to trap iodine [181]. It is onines are absent.
Treatment 183
6.14.4 DEFECT IN THE DEIODINATION are several syndromes of resistance to thyr-
OF IODOTYROSINES oid hormones. Worts man et al. [184] de-
scribed three members of a family with high
When thyroglobulin is taken into the follicu-
T4, FT4, and rT3 , plus slightly elevated T3
lar cells by pinocytosis, it is digested by pro-
and a non-suppressed TSH. There was a
teolytic enzymes to release iodothyronines
normal rise in TSH after intravenous TRH,
(T4 and T3) and iodotyrosines (MIT and
and T4 fell when T3 was prescribed. They
DIT). The latter are metabolically inactive,
provide evidence for a defect in transport of
and if they are released into the circulation,
thyroxine across plasma membranes. This
the iodine they contain is lost by excretion
topic is discussed in Chapter 3 on testing
into the urine. To preserve the iodine, there
thyroid function, since it is more likely to be
is an enzyme inside the follicular cells cap-
found in adults.
able of deiodinating iodotyrosines so that
the iodine can be recycled for hormone
synthesis. Because the defect is also present 6.15 SCINTIGRAPHY IN NEONATAL
in extrathyroidal tissues, the iodotyrosines HYPOTHYROIDISM
are not metabolized and can be detected by
There is debate whether thyroid scinti-
chromatography of the urine. The defect
graphy should be ordered in neonatal
produces hypothyroidism by iodine defi-
hypothyroid babies. Brooks et al. [161] be-
ciency and it is not clear if it would be
lieve it gives important anatomical informa-
found in areas of iodine excesss.
tion which is of prognostic significance.
Agenesis and ectopia are easily diagnosed,
6.14.5 DEFECT IN THE FORMATION OF and rapid uptake suggest an enzyme defect
THYROGLOBULIN (trapping defect excluded). The radiation
Thyroglobulin is a large glycoprotein dose is very low if 5-6 MBq (approximately
(660000 mol wt) and it has considerable 150 I-tCi) 99mTc04 is used, although uptake
potential for errors in its formation. The measurements are not in the expected range
problem can be compared to haemoglobino- with this radiopharmaceutical. 1231 in a dose
pathies where a single amino acid exchange of 5-10 I-tCi (200-400 kBq) is acceptable.
can produce devastating pathophysiological The authors feel that the scintiphoto is
consequences. An alteration in the amino very easy to explain to the parents who are
acid sequence in thyroglobulin at a then more likely to comply with recom-
hormone-forming site could result in the mendations.
wrong environment for synthesis of T4 and
T3 to proceed. The net result is reduced hor- 6.16 TREATMENT
mone formation, hypothyroidism, increased
TSH and goitre. Diagnosis is by exclusion of The treatment of the inborn errors of thyroid
the other defects. hormone synthesis is thyroxine by mouth
for life. The dose is shown in Table 6.3. In
those patients with apparent resistance to
thyroxine, triiodothyronine can be given,
and if that is not successful supraphysiolo-
Hutchison et al. [183] reported on a non- gical doses of thyroxine are prescribed. It
goitrous cretin with resistance to thyroid ex- should be recalled that if triiodothyronine is
tract who responded satisfactority to T3 . used to treat hypothyroidism, T4 is very low
There are several similar re ports, and there and T3 values considerable higher than
184 Hypothyroidism
normal, with results of 250-300 ng/dl associ- stresses the need for considering this
ated with TSH in the normal range. diagnosis even when symptoms are non-
The causes of juvenile hypothyroidism are
similar to those of adult hypothyroidism. Aseparate discussion of hypothyroidism in
Autoimmune thyroiditis is more common in the elderly is merited because there are
children than is generaHy recognized, and several differences from younger adults.
the levels of thyroid antibodies are lower First, there are changes in thyroid function
than in adults. Rarely, an ectopic hypoplas- with increasing age. Most surveys show that
tic gland will be the cause, and inborn errors T3 values are lower in euthyroid elderly. It is
are encountered very rarely. not always possible to be certain that this
The child is quiet, weH behaved and un- change is not due to coexistent chronic ill-
complaining. Oepending on the duration of ness (I have already recommended not
the disease, there may be dry skin, constipa- measuring T3 for suspected hypothyroid-
tion, delayed puberty and lethargy. Growth ism). T4 values are usually in the normal
is almost always retarded, and a slowing in range, but the TSH shows a slight but pro-
the growth curve is an important clue. Bone gressive rise with age. If it is accepted that a
age lags behind chronological age. Oiagnosis high TSH means hypothyroidism, a signi-
is made by finding a low FT4 and a high TSH ficant proportion of elderly are hypothyroid.
(TSH will not be high in central hypothyr- Robuschi et al. [186] fop.nd high TSH in 21 %
oidism), and if there is a mass in the region of an elderly female population in Mas-
of the foramen caecum or anterior neck a 1231 sachusetts, and of this group one-third were
scintigram should be obtained. The presence hypothyroid and two-thirds subclinically
of thyroid antibodies in the circulation estab- hypothyroid. Brochman et al. [187] found
lishes the cause in most patients. Treatment TSH above 6 in 5.3% and 3.6% of elderly
is with thyroxine by mouth; the dose in chil- women and men respectively. An editorial
dren is somewhat larger on a weight basis in JAMA in 1952 is entitled 'Hypothyroid-
than in adults but by puberty adult doses in ism, a geriatrie problem'! RAIU falls in the
the range toO-150 /J-g per day are usually elderly, as does the absolute iodine uptake
satisfactory. The patient should be clinically [188]. Provided the patients studied are
and biochemically euthyroid. A word of cau- euthyroid, the FT4 remains normal; therefore
tion is necessary. The return of thyroid sta- FT4 and TSH are recommended for testing.
tus to normal is often heralded by com- The symptoms of hypothyroidism in this
plaints from parents and teachers that a pla- age group are frequently non-specific, and
cid, manageable child has been transformed are easily attributed to ageing [189]. They
into an unruly one. Usually this means the include tiredness, lethargy, failing memory,
child is normal. weakness, arthralgias, reduced mobility and
Arecent report in 24 children (18 girls and depression. Hurley [189] coined the term
6 boys) is disquieting, because it showed 'masked hypothyroidism'. Because of the
these patients after treatment with thyroxine high incidence of hypothyroidism, testing is
did not achieve their expected height, and recommended if there is the slightest suspi-
they remained 2 SO below age-matched con- cion of this condition.
trols [185]. The most likely cause was delay The replacement dose of thyroxine is less
in diagnosing hypothyroidism, which in the elderly. Oavis et al. [190] found that
Key facts 185

110 ± 8/Lg L thyroxine kept the TSH in the primary hypothyroidism (autoimmune),
normal range and 139 ± 12/Lg suppressed the surgical removal, and radioiodine ablation
TSH. Formulae are provided by Robuschi et of the gland.
al. [186]. • Any system of the body can be involved;
the more severe and more prolonged the
Dose of thyroxine disease, the more systemic the clinical
= 3.6 X lean body mass (LBM) - 30 features.
LBM Male • In general, the symptoms and signs are
= (79.5 - 0.24 X M - 0.15 X A) X M/73.2 those of reduced function.
LBM Female • Diagnosis is to prove hypothyroidism
= (69.8 - 0.26 X M - 0.12 X A) X M/73.2 is present, and to determine the anato-
Where M is mass in kg and A is the area mical level of the condition and the spe-
in square metres. cific pathology.
• Usually, the cause is one of three dis-
These are somewhat complicated for every- cussed above and is obvious clinically.
day use, and if it is recalled that in this age • Diagnosis is confirmed by low FT4 and
group the usual range of thyroxine is some- high TSH.
what less than 1 /Lg/lb or 2 /Lg/k, and that • Treatment is with L thyroxine.
treatment should be started with a small • The usual replacement dose is approx-
dose such as 25 /Lg and increased by 25 /Lg imately (just less than) 1 /Lg/lb body
increments at intervals of 2-4 weeks until weight.
100 /Lg is reached. After the patient has been • The rate of treatment depends on the
on that dose for 6-8 weeks, FT4 and TSH severity of the disease, the age of the
are measured to ensure they are in the nor- patient, and the presence of other
mal range. If TSH is still high, a further conditions.
adjustment can be made to 112 or 125 /Lg • Thyroxine should be replaced slowly in the
depending on the degree of TSH elevation. old and infirm.
The elderly are more likely to be taking • Rarely, the pituitary or hypothalamus is
several medications and to misinterpret in- at fault. .
structions, or stop medication, and so it is • Diagnosis confirmed by low FT4 and low
helpful to check periodically that they are TSH.
following recommendations. If TSH is found • A TRH test is needed to determine the
to be high, it suggests lack of compliance, or exact level of the lesion.
misunderstanding of the need for lifelong • Look for reduced function of other end oc-
therapy. rine glands: this is very important in the
ca se of hypoadrenalism.
KEY FACTS • Treatment is similar to primary hypothyr-
oidism, but other hormones may be
• Hypothyroidism is due to insufficient necessary. If there is adrenal insufficiency
thyroid hormones to meet requirements this should be corrected first.
of tissues. • Extremely severe hypothyroidism with a
• Hypothyroidism is very common; the loss of consciousness and hypothermia is
prevalence in adults is 1 %. called myxoedema coma.
• Hypothyroidism is 5-10 times more com- • The mortality from myxoedema coma is
mon in women. high.
• The elderly are more often hypothyroid. • Treatment of myxoedema coma is urgent:
• By far the three most common causes are do not wait for laboratory confirmation.
186 Hypothyroidism
• The patient is admitted to the intensive head and neck cancer. Arch. Intern. Med.,
care unit; usually a large dose of L thyrox- 135, 843-6.
ine is given parenterally (500 JLg). 12 Constine, L.S., Donaidson, S.S., McDougall,
I.R. et al. (1984) Thyroid dysfunction after
• Treatment includes slow rewarming, radiotherapy in children with Hodgkin' s dis-
attention to fluid and electrolyte balance ease. Cancer, 53, 46-5l.
and appropriate antibiotics for infection. 13 Kitching, N.H. (1986) Hypothyroidism after
• Neonatal hypothyroidism should be dia- treatment with ketoconazole. Br. Med. J., 293,
gnosed by blood tests shortly after 993-4.
14 Atkins, M.S.,. Mier, J.W., Parkinson, D.R.
birth and treatment prescribed for life. et al. (1988) Hypothyroidism after treatment
with interleukin-2 and lymphokine-activated
killer cells. N. Engl. J. Med., 318, 1557-63.
REFERENCES 15 Emerson, C.H., Dyson, W.L. and Utiger,
R.D. (1973) Serum thyrotropin and thyroxine
1 Refetoff, S. (1980) Resistance to thyroid concentration in patients receiving lithium
hormones. Thyroid Today, (ed. J.H. Oppen- carbonate. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 36,
heimer), Vol 3, Oct. 338-46.
2 Karlsson, F.A., Wibell, L. and Wide, L. 16 Lazarus, J.H., John, R., Bennie, E.H. et al.
(1977) Hypothyroidism due to thyroid- (1981) Lithium therapy and thyroid function:
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164 Dussault, J.H., Mitchell, M.L., LaFranchi, S. thyroxine by solid phase radioimmunoassay:
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trol programs: a cost benefit analysis. JAMA, thyroid hormone associated with decreased
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184 Worts man, J., Premachandra, B.N., Wil- Med., 144, 1752-4.

Management o(thyroid nodules

7.1 INTRODUCTION 10000000 thyroid nodules. It should be

understood that the number of cancers
A solitary thyroid nodule can be feIt in 4-7% quoted above is an annual figure. Therefore,
of the adult population [1-4]. At autopsy, it is not correct to say the risk of a nodule
the incidence of thyroid nodules in one being cancerous is 12300 out of 10000000
series was almost 50%, but this is not the cases (0.00123 or 0.123%). These numbers
same as clinically palpable abnormalities [5]. have also to be contrasted with the number
Whenever a thyroid nodule is discovered the of deaths from thyroid cancer. This has been
question arises: is it benign, or malignant? It constant for several years at approximately
is not easy to find a reliable figure of what 1000 per year in the USA. Of the deaths
percentage of thyroid nodules are malignant; about three-quarters are in patients with
the usually quoted figures of 20-30% are anaplastic or medullary cancers. Therefore, a
based on the results of surgery, and are priori, the risk of a thyroid nodule being
biased in favour of high-risk cases [6-8]. malignant is approximately low (approx-
Miller [9] states that 4% of non-suspicious imately 10%), and the risk of it causing
thyroid nodules are malignant. Based on the death as a resuIt of cancer is extremely
results of fine-needle aspirate (FNA), which small. These numbers have to be considered
are discussed later, the range appears to be in relation to evaluation and treatment.
5-10%. Even in this situation, there are It has been argued in print that all nodules
questions of how patients were selected for should be removed, since there is no other
FNA: was there bias towards biopsying' absolute method of ensuring we know the
suspicious lesions, which would produce a true pathology [12]. The counter-argument
higher incidence? Alternatively, since most has been made, that no thyroid nodules
patients with benign results on FNA are not should be removed, since few are cancerous
referred for operation, is it possible that and those cancers that cause death (anaplas-
some cancers are missed and the true inci- tic cancers) still cause death in spite of
dence of cancer higher? In calculations made surgery [11]. This debate was contrived and
subsequently, I shall accept that 1 out of 10 somewhat artificial, but expresses the ex-
clinically significant thyroid nodules is tremes of opinion. The correct approach lies
malignant. somewhere in between. As many patients as
In 1991, there will be 12300 new cases of possible with benign nodules should be
thyroid cancer and about 1025 deaths from saved from operation, and a high proportion
thyroid cancer in the USA [10]. This con- of patients referred for surgery should be
trasts with the number of persons with a found to have cancer. We should also try to
thyroid nodule. If we accept that 5% of the keep the number of patients who have
population have nodules and there are cancer, but are not referred for operation,
200000000 adults in the USA, there are to aminimum. Therefore, whatever tests are
194 Management of thyroid nodules

used should be both sensitive and specific. dude primary and metastatic lesions and
There are situations where it is advisable lymphoma. About 70% of cancers are differ-
to refer the patient immediately to surgery; entiated (Chapter 8). Some of the benign
these indude any large nodule causing causes, such as acute and subacute thyroidi-
pressure effects or an unsightly cosmetic tis, should not be mi staken for malignancy.
problem. If the patient strongly fears that Sometimes, lesions such as branchial cyst,
the nodule is malignant and is not relieved cystic hygroma, or lymph node enlarge-
by the results of any test, surgical excision is ment, are so dose to the thyroid that they
the treatment of choice. The patient's sub- are thought to be thyroid nodules; usually
sequent well-being, when he or she is told they can be shown to lie outside the gland.
that the final pathological re port shows no Thyroid nodules, whatever their aetiology,
evidence of cancer, confirms the correctness usually move when the patient swallows,
of this decision. extrathyroidal masses generally do not.
In the large majority of patients, the dini-
cian is faced with the nodule and the
unanswered questions, is it benign or malig- 7.3 CLINICAL EVALUATION OF
nant and should one opera te or not? To help PATIENT AND NODULE
answer these questions, the physician
should evaluate certain aspects of the patient It is not possible to use a single dinical char-
and nodule dinically, define thyroid status acteristic to define the pathology of a nodule
and obtain specific investigations. The con- with certainty. However, there are simple
sensus of opinion indicates that FNA is the factors which increase or decrease the risk of
single best investigation, yet frequently thyr- a nodule being malignant. The age of the
oid scintigram and sonogram are ordered by patient, gender, family history and a history
reflex. These tests, which are introduced in of external neck irradiation all help. The risk
Chapter 3, are discussed in more detail here. of a thyroid nodule being malignant in a
Scintigraphy and sonography are discussed child is relatively greater than in an adult. It
before FNA simply to develop an argument is probable that some of the childhood can-
in favour of the last. There is also abrief cers are related to radiation in infancy. The
review of the role of thyroid suppression. topic of radiation-induced thyroid cancer is
Those tests which are sometimes of help discussed in Chapter 13. In summary, 20-
in specific cases but not routinely, such as 30% of people who received 500-1000 rad
201TI, NMRI, fluoresent scanning, serum (5-10 Gy) develop a thyroid nodule, of
thyroglobulin and calcitonin, are not in- which 30-50% are malignant [13-21]. Cer-
corpora ted into the management, and their tainly, a teenager with a thyroid nodule who
role is outlined in Chapter 3. had significant radiation to the neck in infan-
cy must be considered to have thyroid can-
cer until proven otherwise. In the elderly,
there is an increase in benign nodules,
Benign causes of thyroid nodules indude However, a new nodule should be worked-
follicular adenoma, follicular adenomatous up expeditiously to ensure an anaplastic can-
hyperplasia, colloid nodule, cysts, Hashimo- cer is not missed at a treatable stage.
to's thyroiditis, nodular Graves' disease Although thyroid cancer is more common in
(Marine Lenhart syndrome), acute thyroidi- women, benign nodules are found prop-
tis, subacute granulomatous (de Quervain's) ortionately more frequently than they are in
thyroiditis and hemiagenesis. Cancers in- men. Therefore, the risk of a nodule in a
Investigations 195
man being cancerous is greater. The risk of lary cancer in a patient with a new nodule
cancer is greater in a single nodule com- must raise the probability of that diagnosis.
pared to a muItinodular goitre. This begs the The c1inical findings as described above
question what is a muItinodular gland? We point strongly to a diagnosis of cancer, but
would all agree in the ca se of a large nodular they are relatively uncommon. In most pa-
goitre, but the surgeon or pathologist direct- tients with a thyroid nodule there are no
ly inspecting the gland can see, or feel, features of concern apart from the nodule
nodules which cannot be feit through tissues itself. In this latter group, Miller [9] quotes
of the neck. In addition, sonography shows the incidence of cancer to be 4%. These pa-
smalI, impalpable nodules, often less than 5 tients need further tests to determine which
mm. Should these be incorporated into the ones are at risk and should be referred for
definition of muItinodular goitre? At this operation.
time there is insufficient data to be certain.
When a nodule is hard and fixed to sur- 7.4 TESTING THYROID FUNCTION
rounding structures, it is likely to be malig-
nant. Riedei' s thyroiditis is very hard and Most patients with thyroid nodules are
can be fixed, but this condition is so rare that euthyroid and this can be confirmed by TSH
it should not be a prominent differential dia- or FT4 , or both of these tests. A proportion
gnosis. Hashimoto's thyroiditis can rarely of patients with autonomous nodules are
cause fixation, but this possibility should be hyperthyroid, and in them there is an in-
left for the pathologist to determine. When crease in T3 toxicosis [23, 24]. Therefore, if
there is hoaresness due to vocal cord para- there is c1inical evidence of hyperthyroidism,
lysis on the same side as a thyroid nodule, or if it is known that the nodule is hot on 1231
the inference is that the nodule is malignant. scintigram, or if TSH is found to be suppres-
Cerise et al. [22] found this in 6 of 10 pa- sed, it is helpful to measure T3. When there
tients. However, in the remaining 4 vocal is suspicion of hypothyroidism, the diagno-
cord paralysis was due to benign lesions. sis is confirmed by TSH and FT4 • Thus in
I can confirm that a benign nodule can cause almost every situation TSH and FT4 define
hoarseness but, nevertheless, with this the thyroid status with precision.
symptom the nodule should be assumed to
be malignant and no test short of surgery 7.5 INVESTIGATIONS
should be accepted. When there is signi- The information in the following sections
ficant enlargement of cervical lymph nodes can be complemented by reviewing the
in a patient with a thyroid nodule, it is prob- corresponding sections in Chapter 3, where
able that the nodule is cancerous and the the more practical aspects of the tests are
nodal enlargement due to metastases. described and additional references are
Benign conditions, such as Hashimoto' s provided.
thyroiditis and Graves' disease, can very
occasionally cause reactive (presumed im-
munological) enlargement of nodes, but the
c1inical setting would be different and a sing- The reason for obtaining a scintigram is to
le nodule unlikely to be present, aIthough show whether the nodule is functioning or
Hashimoto's thyroiditis can present as a not. Functioning nodules concentrate more
solitary nodule. A family history of proven radioiodine than normal thyroid, hypo- or
benign nodular thyroid disease is reassur- non-functioning, nodules concentrate less.
ing. In contrast, a family history of medul- Functioning nodules are called 'hot'
196 Management of thyroid nodules
Chapter 5. The exact incidence of cancer in
hot nodules is not known, largely because
many of the re ports do not provide informa-
tion about how many hot nodules were in-
vestigated to find a cancer. A single cancer
per 200 hot nodules is a reasonable inter-
pretation from the literature. It can be dif-
ficult to differentiate a small hot nodule from
adjacent thyroid, and it is important for the
nuc1ear medicine physician to palpate the
nodule and apply markers and/or use obli-
que and lateral images to ensure that there is
no doubt that the palpable nodule and scan
findings correspond. Unfortunately, the re-
sults of scintigraphy are disappointing in
two main respects. Firstly, although the
majority of thyroid nodules are benign, and
although almost all hot nodules are benign,
most thyroid nodules are not hot on scan.
Secondly, the separation of scan results into
hot or cold is not always easy in practice. As
a result, in the literature there are reports
Figure 7.1 Thyroid scintigram made 3 hours after ranging from hot, functional, warm, luke-
an oral dose of 200 jLCj123!. The patient had a warm, hypofunctional, to cold. In Chapter 3.
mobile right-sided nodule and she was clinically I attempted to develop the thesis that every
and biochemically euthyroid. The nodule is attempt should be made to answer the
hyperfunctional since there is more uptake than
in the surrounding thyroid . However, there is not question: Has the nodule more or less
total suppression of normal tissue . For complete radioiodine than the surrounding thyroid? If
evaluation it is necessary to use a radioactive mar- the former it is hot, and in the latter case it is
ker placed on or around the nodule to demons- cold. By these criteria about 10% of nodules
trate that what is feit and what is seen are one are hot; therefore, 90% are cold.
and the same.
Everything that has been said concerning
the care of ensuring the c1inical and scan
nodules, non-functioning nodules are called findings correspond apply to the study of
'cold' nodules. Figure 7.1 shows a hot cold nodule. The reader who is following the
nodule which has not suppressed the sur- numbers may well say that the scan results
rounding thyroid. Figure 7.2(a) shows a cold are not likely to determine whether a nodule
nodule in the right lobe, and Figure 7.2(b) is malignant and I would agree. However, if
shows the same nodule with a cobalt marker the scan is done first and if it shows un-
placed on the palpable nodule, demonstrat- equivocally that the nodule is hot, the c1ini-
ing that the c1inical lesion was cold on the cian and patient then do not need to be
scan. These are inc1uded as examples for the concerned about the risk of cancer.
reader who has not reviewed Chapter 3. Ex- The best instrument for thyroid scintigra-
perience dictates that a hot nodule is virtual- phy is the gamma camera with a pin-hole
ly never malignant. There are a few reports collimator. The best radionuc1ide is 1231.
of malignancy in hot nodules [25, 26], and There are sufficient disparate results when
these are discussed and referenced in full in 99mTc is compared with 1231 in the same
Investigations 197



Figure 7.2 (a) Thyroid scintigram 3 hours after 200 p.Ci 1231 in a patient with a solitary nodule in the
lateral aspect of the middle of the right lobe. The nodule is hypofunctional (cold), i.e. it has less uptake
of radioiodine than surrounding thyroid. (b) shows markers placed around the nodule and super-
imposed on the cold spot. The positions are of the radioactive markers are shown by arrows.

patient [27-29] with cancers appearing graphy does not add much diagnostic help
hot with the former radiopharmaceutieal, to to clinical evaluation.
dis courage use of 99ffiTc. In an extensive
review of the literature, Ashcraft and Van
Herle [30] calculated that on 1231 scan cancer 7.5.2 SONOGRAPHY
was the cause of 16% of cold nodules (708 There have been remarkable advances in
out of 4457 cases) and 9% of hypofunction- sonographie instrumentation, and the re-
ing nodules (49 out of 554 cases). If we add solution produced by state-of-the-art, real-
these together, 15% of the entire group of time units is magnificent. Axial resolution of
nodules with less uptake than normal thyr- the order of 1 mm and lateral resolution of 2
oid were malignant and 85% were benign. mm can be obtained. There is no ionizing
In the combined series, only 5% of nodules radiation, no patient preparation and it is
were hyperfunctioning. Although there is not necessary to stop thyroid medications,
the problem of ensuring that the same or to wait for iodine contrast agents to be
criteria were used by a11 authors in the inter- excreted. The test can be done du ring pre-
pretation of scintigrams, and that the instru- gnancy. In spite of these great attributes,
mentation and radiopharmaceuticals were sonography lacks the ability of differentiat-
uniform, or state of the art, the data is im- ing a benign from a malignant nodule. It can
portant. These results indicate that scinti- reliably differentiate a cystic lesion from a
198 Management of thyroid nodules

solid one. If the cyst has a weIl visualized in whom lymph node metastases are the
capsule, a homogeneously empty cavity and presenting complaint, and there is no palp-
if the sound transmission is augmented be- able nodule in the thyroid. Visualizing a dis-
hind the lesion, by these criteria the lesion crete nodule in the ipsilateral lobe as the
has a very low chance of being malignant nodal lesion strengthens the decision to
(about 2%). However, in a study of 146 opera te on the thyroid. I have to admit that
nodules these criteria were met once (0.75%) an impalpable nodule can occasionally be
[31]. This result is considerably lower than palpated in retrospect when it~ precise posi-
18.9% derived by Ashcraft and Van Herle [4] tion has been defined by sonography. Apart
from 17 published series. Some of the pub- from these situations, sonography is not cost
lications were by the same authors, and it is effective in selecting patients with single
not clear if cases were included more than nodules for thyroid surgery [33].
once, or if the patients were consecutive and
unselected for the test. From the combined
data, the average probability of a nodule
being cystic was approximately 10%. The Until recently, the routine evaluation of a
composite review determined that asolid thyroid nodule involved ordering a scinti-
lesion was cancerous in 21 % of patients, a gram and sonogram. Not infrequently, both
mixed solid cystic lesion cancer in 12% and, tests were ordered simultaneously and both
surprisingly, cancer was found in 7% of cys- done irrespective of the result of the other.
tic lesions se nt to surgery. There may have Even now, this approach is common. In Fi-
been additional factors which prompted gure 7.3 I have selected a population of 100
referral of patients with cystic nodules for patients, each with a single thyroid nodule. I
operation. Based on these data, ultra sound assurne apriori that 90 of the nodules are
is not valuable in reaching the decision. benign and 10 are malignant. There are 10
to opera te on a thyroid nodule. One sign hot nodules, none of which are malignant
which is quoted as favouring benignity, is and, sirnilarly, there are 10 benign cysts. Be-
the 'halo sign' where a rim of tissue separ- fore testing it is not known which of the
ates the nodule from surrounding thyr- nodules are hot or cold, or solid or cystic. A
oid. This is thought to represent a capsule cystic nodule cannot appear hot and, like-
produced by slow, steady, even growth of a wise, a hot nodule cannot be cystic. From
benign lesion. Simeone et al. [31] found a the figure it can be seen that by starting with
halo in 43 of 116 benign nodules (37%), and scintigram, 10% of patients who have a hot
only 2 out of 17 malignant nodules (12%). nodule have only one test and they are ex-
There are other reports of cancer giving this cluded from further concern of malignancy
appearance (32). and are managed for hot nodule per se. All
Because of its excellent resolution, sono- 90 patients with a cold nodule have an ultra-
graphy demonstrates in some patients that sound, and of these 10 who have a pure cyst
a single, clinically palpable nodule is one are labelled at low risk for cancer. Therefore,
of many sonographically visible nodules, 80 of the 100 have a solid cold lesion and are
and the most likely dia gnosis is multinodu- considered at risk for cancer. These 80 pa-
lar goitre. The clinical differentiation is im- tients are referred to surgery and 10 cancers
portant since the risk of cancer is less in a diagnosed. If sonography is the first test (Fi-
multinodular gland, but it is yet to be deter- gure 7.4), the same final result is found,
mined whether this dogma holds true if the although 10 patients who have a cystic
other nodules are not palpable. I have found . nodule do not have scintigraphy. Both of
ultra sound of value in the occasional patient these approaches fail badly in selecting the
Investigations 199
100 scintigrams 100 sonograms

1 1
1 1 1
90 solid
90 cold 10 hot
.... Benign 10 cystic

90 sonograms
- - -
90 scintigrams
- - -

1 1
80 solid
1 1
130 cold
10 malignant
10 cystic
- - - ....
10 malignant
10 hot
- - - ~

Figure 7.3 Thyroid nodule scintigram/sonogram. Figure 7.4 Thyroid nodule sonogram/scintigram.
In 100 patients with a thyroid nodule, assurne a In 100 patients with a thyroid nodule assurne a
priori that 10 nodules are cancer and 90 benign. priori that 10 nodules are cancer and 90 benign.
Also assurne 10 nodules are hot on scintigram Also assurne 10 nodules are hot on scintigram
and 10 are pure cysts. Also assurne there are no and 10 are pure cysts. Also assurne there are no
cancers in hot nodules or in cysts. In this analysis cancers in hot nodules or in cysts. In this analysis
scintigram is done as the first test. Therefore a sonogram is done as the first test. Therefore a
total of 190 tests are done to improve the ratio of total of 190 tests are done to improve the ratio of
thyroid cancer to thyroid nodule from 1/10 to 1/8. thyroid cancer to thyroid nodule from 1/10 to 1/8.
If all patients with cold solid nodules are referred If all patients with cold solid nodules are referred
for operation, 10 will have cancer and 70 a benign for operation, 10 will have cancer and 70 a benign
nodule. nodule.

high-risk patient. This is because the tests ities have written that the clinician doing the
have low specificity and because the preva- procedure should do at least 10 aspirates a
lence of cancer in solitary nodules is low. week to maintain the skill [36]. Miller [9] has
written that the first 1000 cases are necessary
for learning! These statements would, by de-
finition, cause all cases to be referred to a
Of the techniques used to obtain tissue for few centres and fewer and fewer practition-
pathological analysis, the one which has ers would have this valuable test at hand.
gained widest acceptance is FNA [34-40]. There is data from a non-academic setting
The techniques are described in Chapter 4. showing equally successful results [42].
There is now abundant data to support this It is customary to classify the results into
test and to counter the main concerns that it three categories: probable cancer (high risk),
would track cancer cells, and that the small possible cancer (intermediate risk or suspi-
specimen would not be representative. It is cious), and benign (low risk). Miller et al.
important that there is sufficient material for [35] using this approach found 107 of 132
the pathologist to study. Therefore, several high risk patients had cancer, and a further 6
passes have to be made and Hamburger and had atypical adenomas, or Hurthle cell le-
Hamburger [41] state that six fragments sions. Therefore, 86% of the patients did
should be seen. In most series, about 5-10% require surgery. For one reason or another,
of specimens are unsatisfactory and the 60 patients in the low-risk group had
aspiration should be repeated. Some author- surgery and only 1 had cancer. Therefore,
200 Management of thyroid nodules
the test was valuable in both positive predic- In their analysis of published results of
tive and negative predictive roles. Unfortu- FNA, Ashcraft and Van Hede [30] studied
nately, the intermediate-risk group is not so eight series from which all patients had
weIl defined. In an update from the same surgery. None of the results I reviewed
series. 2500 patients had FNA [41]. Using above are in their analysis. Eight hundred
the same criteria, 218 out of 284 probably and forty-eight patient with benign cytology
malignant by FNA had cancer, but only 16 had surgery, and 22 cancers were found
out of 149 possibly malignant had cancer. Of (2.6%). In contrast, 51% of the suspicious/
433 patients referred for operation on the malignant categories were malignant in 482
basis of FNA result, 234 had cancer (54%). patient. The authors did not subdivide this
As an aside, the incidence of proven cancer group.
was 234 out of 2500 cases, or 9.4%, which is In summary, FNA is a simple, relatively
extremely dose to the 10%, which I chose non-invasive procedure that provides ex-
for the analysis presented above. tremely valuable dinical information. An
Three hundred patients described by Col- experienced cytopathologist can stratify the
acchio et al. [43] had FNA and adequate aspirates into high risk, of which 80-100%
tissue was obtained in every one. Final dia- will be proven to be cancer, and low risk, in
gnosis was based on surgical specimen in which about 2% have cancer and will be
80 patients, large-needle biopsy in 170, and false negatives. There is an intermediate
follow-up in 50. Of 22 in the 'probable can- group which had defied all attempts to dar-
cer' group, 19 did have cancer (86%), where- ify it [46, 47]. In this category, some 15-30%
as, only 3 out of 248 (1.2%) with benign have cancer. Depending on the incidence of
cytology were subsequently found to have cancer in the entire series, and the criteria
cancer. The overall incidence of cancer was used by the cytopathologist, the numbers in
7.3%. each category will differ. Assuming that 10%
Miller et al. [44] obtained satisfactory aspi- of the nodules are malignant, the analysis is
rates in 95% of their 136 patients who were shown in Figure 7.5.
studied prospectively. Five aspirates were
malignant and all 5 patients had cancer
proven at surgery. Twenty-nine aspirates
were suspicious, or showed follicular neo-
plasm, and 21 of the patients had surgery. The analysis of results of scintigraphy,
Two had cancer and 15 of the lesions were sonography and FNA show that none is
follicular neoplasms, which are impossible to absolute in defining the pathology in every
differentiate from follicular cancer by FNA. nodule. However, FNA is substantially more
Two patients with benign aspirates had accurate than the first two tests. Figures 7.3
surgery and the lesions were proven to be and 7.4 how how combined scintigraphy/
benign. In this series, the incidence of cancer sonography make little impact in the yield of
was 5.4%. cancers found at operation, if the criteria to
Hamberger et al. [45] used three cytologic- opera te is a single cold nodule. The analysis
al categories: malignant, suspicious and be- is based on the assumptions that 10% of
nign. They studied 1970 patients. All 98 with nodules are malignant and that neither hot
malignant aspirate had cancer. Of 233 with nodules, nor pure cysts contain cancer.
suspicious cytology, 60 had cancer (26% of None of these is absolutely true, but that
this group). In total, 158 patients had proven does not detract from the thesis that even
cancer (8% of the total), and of those refer- using these tests optimally, the probability
red to operation 45% had cancer. that a nodule is malignant is increased from
Investigations 201
Thyroid nodule (100 patients) Thyroid nodule (100 patients)


10 high
20 inter-
70 benign
10 inadequate, 10 high 20 inter- 70 benign

risk mediate repeat FNA risk mediate

risk I risk
6-8 2-4 0-1 cancer -l ___ ~ Suppression
cancers cancers found or not?

found found
Figure 7.5 Thyroid nodule FNA. Assume apriori

that the incidence of cancer in these 100 thyroid
nodules is 10% and assume that a repeat aspirate Surgery +- Cold Hot
in 10 patients gives adequate material for inter-
pretation. The incidence of cancer in the high-risk Determine thyroid
category is 60-80%, in the intermediate 10-20% status
and in the low-risk group about 1-2%. If a11 the
patients in the first two groups are opera ted on, Figure 7.6 Thyroid nodule, further evaluation.
the incidence of cancer is 33 %. If there is some
selectivity in patients in the intermediate group
and only half have surgery, the incidence of can-
cer at surgery is 50%.
test. Let us now consider scintigraphy. Since
about 90% of nodules are cold, why not
aspirate an nodules first? This should pro-
the apriori number of 1110 to 1/8. This means duce results similar to those in Figure 7.6,
that 80 patients would be referred to surgery which allows an immediate management
to find 10 cancers. If the sequence of testing decision in 70-80% of patients. In 10%, the
is reversed the same net result is obtained. decision is to operate, and in 60-70% not to
Some have recommended that FNA be operate. As discussed, there remains a signi-
done on solid cold nodules. However, this ficant percentage of suspicious lesions and
approach would mean that an patients some of these are malignant. If an patients
would have either scintigraphy or sonogra- with suspicious cytology are referred for
phy. Almost an would have a second test surgery, the incidence of cancer in surgically
(the one which they did not have first), and treated patients is about 1 in 3. Although
then 80% would have FNA. When a clini- this is substantially better than other
cian does FNA it is somewhat irrelevant if approaches, it is not perfect. The patients
the nodule is solid or cystic; if it cystic this is with suspicious cytology have to be evalu-
quickly apparent. Therefore, why do the ated individually. Most of the reports are of
sonogram? Blum [48] believes that sono- follicular neoplasm, and they turn out to be
graphy helps in directing aspiration to the follicular adenomas, but without the entire
optimal sites. Since most physicians who do lesion to examine it is not possible for the
FNA do not use ultra sound guidance, this is pathologist to determine if there is angio or
of limited value. If after aspiration of cyst capsular invasion. Some of these lesions are
fluid there is palpable tissue, this should hot on scintigram and, therefore, at low risk
be rebiopsied. Therefore, we have removed for cancer, so 1231 scan can be introduced
sonography from the work-up as a routine selectively in this particular setting. In
202 Management of thyroid nodules
addition, the pathologist can sometimes certain, it is reasonable to remove the
move to one or other side of the fence, and nodule. One of my colleagues believes that
help the clinician with the decision whether the second aspiration should be done with a
to operate. When these steps are taken, the larger-bore ne edle to make a bigger puncture
number of patients referred for operation in the cyst capsule; I regret I have to data to
can be reduced but, hopefully, the number substantiate this. There are reports of suc-
of cancers found at surgery remains the same cessful permanent cure by instilling tetracy-
and no patients with cancer are excluded. This cline into the cyst cavity. The first report I
accounts for the result discussed under tis- could find was of a single case [52]. There
sue diagnosis of cancer in 1 out of 2 of followed areport of cure of 7 out of 9 [53]
patients referred to surgery on the basis of and 10 out of 10 patients [54]. In each case,
FNA. the concentration of tetracycline used was
It is hoped that the clinician using such an 100 mg/mI in 0.9% saline. In general, if the
approach can convince his or her surgical cyst was smalI, 1 ml of this preparation was
colleagues that by the time patients are refer- instilled after the cyst had been drained, and
red for operation the data strongly support 2 ml or more in the ca se of large cysts. These
that there is a high risk of cancer. As a resuIt results appear very promising, but arecent
the operation should be appropriate for that controlled trial of tetracycline versus saline
condition. This is discussed in detail in the showed no difference in outcome [55]. Four-
next chapter, but in brief should be ipsi- teen out of 30 treated with saline were
lateral lobectomy and contralateral subtotal cured, compared with 10 of 23 who received
lobectomy. tetracycline (47% versus 43%, P = NS).
The fluid varies in colour from pale straw
to almost black. Most agree that the colour
does not provide any diagnostic help in pre-
dicting malignancy. When clear, water-like
Some cysts disappear spontaneously. Also fluid is obtained, the source is likely to be a
after aspiration of a cystic nodule, the lesion parathyroid cyst. If there is any doubt about
may never recur [49]. In one series of 141 the organ of origin of the cyst, this can be
patients, this happy outcome was found in clarified by measuring thyroid and parathyr-
63 (45%) [50]. In a second report, 14 out of oid hormone levels on the aspirate [51]. In
35 patients (40%) were cured by one aspira- practice, this is not used often. It could be
tion [51]. More than 50% recur and some- hypothesized that prescription of thyroid
times the speed of fluid reaccumulation is hormone in a dose sufficient to suppress
remarkable, and I have sent a patient horne thyroid function would re du ce the chance of
cured, only to find the lesion unchanged 24 recurrence. This does not see m to be the
ho urs later. The cyst can be reaspirated, but case if the thyroid is prescribed after the
how many times? There is no published data aspiration, because Clark et al. [51] pre-
to provide a definitive answer. I routinely scribed thyroxine and had a 60% recurrence,
send the cyst fluid to pathology where it and Sarda et al. [50] had a 53% recurrence
is spun down and examined cytologically. without suppressive therapy. It is perhaps
Frequently, it contains macrophages with more logical to re du ce thyroid function be-
engulfed haemosiderin, presumably from fore aspiration, but I know of no controlled
haemorrhagic degeneration, debris and study in which the thyroxine was prescribed
squames. These are not sufficient to es tab- for a sufficient length of time to suppress
lish that it is benign. Therefore, if there are thyroid function and then aspiration done.
several recurrences and the pathology is not Clearly, this could only be done if there was
Summary 203
prior knowledge that the nodules were with placebo, that biopsy-proven colloid
cystic. nodules did not regress with TSH suppres-
Therefore aspiration, if it is the first testsion. It is important to note that only one
for a nodule, would also be used for the pathology was studied, and the results
treatment of a thyroid cyst as weIl as for might not be exactly the same in patients
diagnosis. If possible, all fluid should be with other conditions. Nevertheless, the
withdrawn. Should recurrences be trouble- investigators had sensitive TSH measure-
some, or the pathology in doubt, surgery is ments, therefore suppression was docu-
advised. In selected cases, instillation of a mented, and they had ultrasound measure-
sderosant could be considered, but the data ment of nodules as objective proof of
would not support its use in every patient. changes in dimension.
In summary, thyroid medication to sup-
7.7 ROLE OF THYROID SUPPRESSION press TSH is not a useful test to differentiate
a benign from a malignant nodule, because
There are data from many sources indicating the sensitivity is moderate and the specificity
that prescription of thyroid medication is a poor. It should not be used to determine
useful test in evaluating thyroid nodules management in a patient with a thyroid
(56-59). The rationale is that malignant nodule. In contrast, if the pathology of the
nodules are not under normal contro!, there- nodule is benign, should thyroxine be pre-
fore, they will not shrink when thyroid is scribed in an attempt to cause regression?
given to suppress TSH. Alternatively, be- The data presented indicates that in colloid
nign nodules are more physiological and nodule this treatment is unlikely to succeed.
would be more likely to disappear. The liter- If FNA shows lymphocytic thyroiditis, thyr-
ature has been reviewed by Ashcraft and oxine is likely to help, especially if TSH is
Van Herle [30] and Molitch et al. [60]. The above normal.
percentage of nodules suppressed ranges There is a potential problem of prescribing
from 9% [59] to 69% [56]. This disparity is thyroxine based only on areport of benign
marked. There are three major problems cytology from FNA. If the lesion is an au ton-
with older publications which could explain omous, non-suppressible hot nodule, the
the differences. There was no tissue diagno- patient can be rendered hyperthyroid by the
sis, there was no simple method of ensuring addition of thyroxine to thyroid hormones
TSH was suppressed, and there was no secreted endogenously. Therefore, it is re-
objective method of proving the nodule had commended that either sensitive TSH or 1231
shrunk. There are some lesions that shrink scintigram, or both, be ordered prior to start-
with considerable consistency, such as lym- ing treatment. When TSH is suppressed
phocytic thyroiditis, but others, as discussed there is no point in trying to suppress it
below, do not change. In addition, there are further. Also, when the nodule is hot and
well-documented cases of thyroid cancer TSH measureable, and adecision is made
which regress with adequate thyroid medi- to start thyroxine, that therapy should be
cation [30, 61]. Molitch et al. [60] analysed prescribed with caution, and appropriate
the chance of regression of a benign versus dose follow-up arranged to ensure that the
a malignant nodule based on a review of the patient is not overtreated.
literature, and found almost no difference.
On average, 16% of malignant and 22% of
benign lesions were suppressible. 7.8 SUMMARY
Recently, Gharib et al. [62] demonstrated Thyroid nodules are extremely common,
in a double-blind study comparing thyroxine whereas thyroid cancer is not. The single
204 Management of thyroid nodules
best way of establishing the clinical decision • Pure cysts are very rare.
of whether to operate is FNA, since this • Most cancers appear as solid or mixed
establishes a tissue diagnosis. Many, includ- solid lesions on ultrasound, but most
ing myself, recommend this as the first test. solid or mixed lesions are not cancers.
This test is not perfect because 15-30% of • Ultrasound is sensitive, but very non-
aspirates are reported as suspicious lesions specific.
(mostly microfollicular neoplasms). Van
Herle et al. [36] have shown that FNA is the
most cost effective approach. Cost effective- REFERENCES
ness is easier to demonstrate in a population 1 Vander, J.B., Gaston, E.A. and Dawber, T.R.
than in the individual, and there is still an (1954) Significance of solitary non toxic thyroid
important role for the clinician. 1 do not, nodules: preliminary report. N. Eng/. J. Med.,
however, subscribe to the nihilistic view of 251, 970-3.
2 Vander, J.B., Gaston, E.A. and Dawber, T.R.
Molitch et al. [60] that 'the decision to oper- (1968) The significance of nontoxic thyroid
ate, suppress or aspirate is thus a "tossup"'. nodules. Ann. Intern. Med., 69, 537-40.
To operate on all patients with thyroid 3 Rojeski, M.T. and Gharib, H. (1985) Nodular
nodules is certain to cause more harm than thyroid disease: evaluation and management.
benefit, and to attempt to suppress all N. Engl. J. Med., 313, 428-36.
4 Ashcraft M.W. and Van Hede, A.J. (1981)
nodules will be largely without benefit and, Management of thyroid nodules: 1. History
in some cases, harmful. and physical examination, blood tests, X-ray
tests, and sonography. Head Neck Surg., 3,
KEY FACTS 5 Mortensen, J.D., Woolner, L.B. and Bennett,
W.A. (1955) Gross and microscopic findings in
• Thyroid nodules are very common. cIinically normal thyroid glands. J. Clin. Endo-
• Most thyroid nodules are benign. crino/. Metab., 15, 1270-80.
• Most malignant nodules have an excellent 6 Katz, A.D. and Bronson, D. (1978) Total thyr-
prognosis if treated appropriately. oidectomy. The indications and results in 630
• It is important to differentiate nodules cases. Am. J. Surg., 136, 450-4.
7 Greenspan, F.S. (1974) Thyroid nodules and
that are malignant from those that are thyroid cancer. West J. Med., 121, 359-65.
benign. 8 Hoffman, G.L., Thomson, N.W. and Heffron,
• The most cost effective method of dif- C. (1972) The solitary thyroid nodule. Arch.
ferentiating a benign from a malignant Surg., 105, 379-85.
nodule is fine-(thin)-needle aspiration. 9 Miller, J.M. (1979) Perspective, in Clinical-
Pathology Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules. Hand-
• Fine-needle aspiration has excellent sensi- book and Atlas, (eds J.1. Hamburger, J.M. Miller
tivity and specificity. and S.R. Kini), Southfield, Private Publication,
• The best radionuclide for scintigraphy is pp. 87-91.
1231. 10 Cancer statistics (1990) Ca-A Cancer J for Clini-
• Nodules which appear 'hot' on 1231scin- cians, 39, 9-26.
tigraphy are almost always benign. 11 Beahrs, O.H. (1976) Indications for excision of
the cIinically solitary thyroid nodule, in Con-
• 99mTc scintigraphy of nodules can give troversy in Surgery, (eds R.L. Varco and J.P.
disparate results compared to 1231. Delaney), Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 153-8.
• Usually, cancers are cold on 1231 scintigra- 12 Cassidy, C.E. (1976) Treatment of the cIinically
phy, but most cold nodules are benign. solitary thyroid nodule with thyroid hormone,
in Controversy in Surgery, (eds R.L. Varco and
• Scintigraphy is sensitive but very non-
J.P. Delaney), Saunders, Philadelphia,
specific. pp. 143-52.
• Thyroid nodules which are pure cysts on 13 Hempelmann, L.H., Pifer, J.W., Burke, G.J.
ultrasound are almost always benign. et a/. (1967) Neoplasms in persons treated with
References 205
X rays in infancy for thymie enlargement: a masquerading as a solitary benign hyperfunc-
report of the third follow-up survey. ]. tioning nodule. Clin. Nucl. Med., 13, 410-15.
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14 Hempelmann, L.H. (1968) Risk of thyroid neo- S.H. (1970) Uptake of technetium 99m-
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160, 159-63. need for caution in evaluating nodules. ]. Clin.
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study with 99mTc pertechnetate scanning. Ann. ]. Nucl. Med., 12, 136-7.
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17 De Groot, L. and Paloyan, E. (1973) Thyroid Management of thyroid nodules. 11: Scanning
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J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 48, 983-8.

Thyroid cancer

8.1 INTRODUCTION them long enough to judge whether treat-

ments are influencing the outcome.
Thyroid cancer is the commonest endocrine
The aim of this chapter is to provide a
cancer and is the twenty-fifth most common
classification of thyroid cancers, and to dis-
cancer in the USA. In 1991, it is estimated
cuss each individually. Controversial aspects
there will be about 12300 new cases (9050
will be addressed, and hopefully clarified,
women and 3250 men) in the USA. About
and a synthesis of the literature and person-
1000 patients die each year from thyroid can-
al experience presented. The reader may not
cer [1]. It has been said that, gram for gram,
accept the approach to management, but
thyroid cancer causes more controversy than
should have sufficient data to reason why.
any other cancer. Major controversies centre
round how much thyroid should be re- 8.2 CLASSIFICATION OF THYROID
moved at operation [2-4], and about the role
of adjuvant therapies, including radioiodine.
Thyroid cancer is not a single disease; 70- The vast majority of thyroid cancers arise
90% of patients in the USA have differenti- from the follicular ceIls, and between 70-
ated cancer, which gene rally has an excellent 90% of these are papillary or follicular, and
prognosis. Because of the good outcome, it are differentiated. Table 8.1, which is mod-
is necessary to treat and folIowalarge ified from the American Thyroid Association
population of patients for many years before classification [10], lists the types, and Table
statistically sound conclusions can be 8.2 shows representative percentages of va-
reached [5-8J. It is cIear that in many pa- rious pathological types from several pub-
tients a good outcome can be predicted at lished series. About 55-65% are papillary,
time of presentation. However, in those who and this category includes mixed papillary-
inevitably have a good prognosis, it is easy follicular cancer, since both have identical
for clinicians to take credit for this and biological characteristics. About 15-25% are
assurne that their management was re- follicular, and included in this category are
sponsible. There have been no randomized Hurthle cancers and clear-cell cancers. These
prospective trials to evaluate controversial last two merit separate discussion from fol-
issues [9], but there are now good retro- licular cancer, since their treatment and
spective studies with meaningful numbers prognosis are less satisfactory. The last can-
of patients who have been followed for suf- cer which arises from follicular epithelium is
ficiently long, and important conclusions the undifferentiated, or anaplastic cancer,
can be drawn. which accounts for 5-15% of cases. These
In contrast, there are thyroid cancers that are usually subdivided into giant- or spindle-
are among the most, if not the most, lethaI. cell varieties. However, the prognoses are
They are uncommon and so deadly that few equally terrible so this pathological dif-
clinicians see enough patients and follow ferentiation is not important cIinically. In the
208 Thyroid cancer
Table 8.1 Classification of thyroid cancers Table 8.2 Types and frequencies of thyroid can-
cers in five USA and two European series (UK
Cell type Cancer type Variants and Switzerland)

Follicular Papillary Papillary-follicular Percentage of lesions

Follicular variant Ref. No. Pap. Foll. Dif!. Anapl. Medull Other
of papillary
Follicular Hurthle 1 1181 62 18 80 14 6
Clear cell 7 964 82 13 4
Anaplastic Giant/spindle cell 9 152 63 21 84 13 3
Parafollicular Medullary Sporadic 28 195 54 26 80 10 1 9
MEN Ha 35 337 67 24 91 3 6
Familial non-MEN 29 469 31 16 47 40 3 15
Lymphoid Lymphoma Non Hodgkin's 31 573 25 39 64 26 2 8
Miscellaneous Haemangioendothelioma
Connective tissue cancers A small proportion of malignancies arise
Metastases Kidney from lymphoid and connective tissues. The
most common of these is non-Hodgkin's
Melanoma lymphoma. In older publications, the lym-
G-I tract phomas were classified as small-cell anaplas-
tic cancers, but this is now known to be
erroneous and special staining techniques
show unequivocally that they are lymphoid
USA there has been a trend for less cancers cancers. The pro gnosis is quite different
to be follicular or anaplastic, and more to be from anaplastic cancer.
papillary. There is data to support that ana- The thyroid is an extremely vascular organ
plastic cancers arise from long-standing and, as anticipated, blood-borne metastases
papillary lesions, and it is conceivable that are found in it. Autopsy of patients dying
early diagnosis and treatment of differenti- from widespread cancer demonstrate that
ated cancer is responsible for this trend, thyroid metastases are common. However,
although a change in the natural his tory of they are seldom important clinically. In con-
the disease cannot be excluded. European trast, certain cancers, in particular, renal,
series show a high er proportion of follicular breast, lung and melanoma, can present as a
and anaplastic cancers. All of these cancers clinically relevant mass in the thyroid and,
are more common in women, but recently occasionally, removal of the meta stasis pro-
the proportion found in men is increasing. It duces long-term survival.
is likely that external radiation, which is Each of these is discussed separately, with
known to be a cause of some thyroid can- most emphasis being given to the differ-
cers, is one factor for the increased incidence entiated lesions.
in men.
Cancers of the parafollicular cells are
called medullary cancer, and make up about 8.3 DIFFERENTIATED THYROID
5% in most series. Twenty per cent of these CANCER: PAPILLARY
are familial and are part of the syndrome of
multiple endocrine neoplasia type Ha (MEN
Ha), a very small percentage MEN Hb, and Although papillary and follicular cancers are
about 80% are isolated clinical findings. both considered to be differentiated, there
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 209
are sufficient differences for them to be nodule. Some of the controversy is related to
discussed individually. Several publications the presence of focal, or diffuse, lymphoid
group these together, but wherever possible infiltration in up to 50% of patients with
I have attempted to separate the data. Papil- papillary cancer [19]. Patients with papillary
lary cancer includes mixed papillary- cancer can have serological evidence of thyr-
follicular and follicular variant of papillary oid autoimmunity; we found that 15 out of
cancer, since their biological behaviour and 38 patients (39%) had positive antithyroglo-
prognosis are identical. Fifty-five-65% of bulin titres [20]. These patients were in a
thyroid cancers are of this type. prospective study comparing whole-body
radioiodine scintigraphy with serum thyro-
globulin levels for follow-up of treated thyr-
oid cancer. The possible beneficial role of the
There is now abundant evidence, both in immunological infiltrate in this cancer is also
humans and in experimental animals, that controversial, but in the large series from the
radiation is an important cause of papillary Mayo Clinic the presence of Hashimoto's
cancer [11-14]. This topic is discussed in de- thyroiditis was a statistically good prognostic
tail in Chapter 13, which covers all aspects of feature [6].
thyroid dysfunction after radiation. Goit- There are re ports of carcinogens causing
rogens have produced thyroid cancer in thyroid cancer in experimental animals [21].
experimental animals, most probably from Alcohol has also been implicated by increas-
continuous TSH stimulation of the follicular ing TSH secretion, but this has not been a
cells. In clinical practice, they playa very factor in patients whom I have studied,
small aetiological role. Most data supports many of whom are non-drinkers.
that cancers of the thyroid are more common In summary, most papillary cancers are
in areas of iodine deficiency, but these find- not caused by any easily recognized factor.
ings have been refuted by a study compar- A his tory of external radiation over the neck
ing the prevalence of papillary cancer in an is an important factor, but is causal in only a
iodine-rich area (Iceland), and demonstrat- small percentage of the total. Other factors
ing that it was five times greater than that of are of minor clinical significance. I was sur-
an iodine-poor area (North East Scotland) prised to consult on a young woman with a
[15]. The differences could not be attributed radiation-induced papillary cancer which
to radiation, autoimmune thyroid disease, or was treated by surgery. Postoperatively, she
any other reasonable factor. However, the developed an unsightly keloid scar, which
degree of iodine deficiency in Scotland is was treated by external radiation therapy!
modest when compared to clinically relevant
iodine deficiency, and this probably
accounts for these disparate results. 8.3.3 PATHOLOGY
The role of Hashimoto's thyroiditis in Papillary cancer can occur in any part of the
causing, or simply being associated with, thyroid. Its size varies from an incidental
papillary cancer is controversial, with au- microseopie finding, to lesions several cen-
thoritative arguments for and against [16, 17]. timetres in diameter. Increasing size is a bad
Whatever the truth, the data of Clark et al. prognostic factor. Cancers less than 1.5 cm
[18] showed that the risk of cancer in pa- have been called occult [22], but this term
tients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis was 25% has been criticized and should be restricted
in those with a solitary cold nodule, but to cancers found incidentally when opera-
there was no increased risk in those with tion is done for some reason other than re-
diffusely enlarged glands and no dominant moving thyroid cancer. A better term for
210 Thyroid cancer
dominant lesions should not be considered
as having the same potential for growth and
spread, since it is clear that the frequency of
recurrence in patients who have residual
thyroid postoperatively is 10-20% in most
Histologically, the epithelial cells are
cuboidal and arranged in fronds with a deli-
ca te vascular core (Figure 8.1). In many,
there is a follicular component and even
when this predominates, the mixed lesion is
called papillary cancer. The cell nuclei have a
characteristic ground-glass appearance, and
they are sometimes like the eyes of 'Orphan
Annie', and are given that name. Intranuc-
lear inclusions are characteristic (Figure 8.2).
Psammoma bodies are typical, but are not
restricted to this cancer. In cases where the
follicular cells are tall, the pro gnosis is less
satisfactory [26].


Papillary thyroid cancer usually presents as
a solitary thyroid nodule. Evaluation and
Figure 8.1 Typical appearance of papillary carci- management of thyroid nodules is discussed
noma . The ceHs are arranged in fronds with a in Chapter 7, and is not repeated here.
delicate central core of vessels and connective tis- Papillary cancer usually presents as an
sue. asymptomatic nodule. When there is clinical
evidence of invasion of the surrounding
structures, such as the recurrent laryngeal
small cancers is 'minimalIesion'. The can- nerve, the trachea, strap muscles of the
cers are then classified as intrathyroidal and neck, or oesophagus, the clinician should
extrathyroidal, depending on whether they consider that the nodule is cancerous.
are restricted to the gland or have extended Although microscopic lymph node metas-
through the capsule. The cancers vary in tases are found in up to 50% of patients,
colour, are firm to hard in consistency, and palpable lymph node enlargement is much
can be cystic in parts. Cystic degeneration of less common and, per se, is not a common
metastases in lymph nodes is common. Mic- presentation. However, when papillary can-
roscopic metastases to regional nodes are cer is diagnosed in a cervical node, by far the
present in about 50% of patients at the time most likely primary source is the thyroid and
of the first surgery. The cancers do not have careful palpation of the thyroid precedes
a true capsule, but form a pseudocapsule by elaborate work-up for alternative primaries.
slowly compressing normal tissues as they Likewise, persistently enlarged neck nodes
grow slowly. These cancers are multifocal in in a patient who has had external neck irra-
20-80% of cases [23, 24], especially if the diation should prompt careful examination
cancer is radiation induced [25]. The non- of the thyroid. Distant metastases in the
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 211
the thyroid. This was done because the easi-
ly palpable lump thought to be the primary
was found to be benign. Therefore, if a
nodule is not feIt, it is unlikely that the thyr-
oid is the site of the primary lesion, but most
authorities would advise an uItrasound to
exclude this more objectively.
Almost without exception, patients with
papillary cancer are euthyroid. The few re-
ports of hyperthyroidism caused by thyroid
cancer are in patients with widespread fol-
licular cancer, or large hyperactive primary
follicular lesions, and these are discussed
under follicular cancer. Papillary cancer is
found in patients of all ages, but the average
is 35-45 years (Table 8.3) [3, 6, 27-29], and it
is about 2-3 times more common in women.

It is hard to discuss treatment without dis-
cussing prognosis first. This may seem para-
doxical, but the outcome is dictated by a few
simple factors not direct1y related to therapy.
Therefore, with knowledge of these factors,
the clinician can predict which patients will
Figure 8.2 High power of papillary cancer show-
ing intranudear indusions and 'Orphan Annie' do weIl and treat them conservatively. In
appearance of some other nudei. contrast, when the patient falls into a poor-
risk category, a more radical treatment is
prescribed. Prognostic factors are discussed
in detail below, but it is important to recog-
lung, bones, liver, or brain are very rare nize that the following factors are extremely
presenting features, but when papillary can- important in relation to the risk of dying
cer is diagnosed in one of these sites, and from the cancer, as weIl as having recurrent
there is no obvious primary, the clinician disease. Table 8.4lists these factors and indi-
should focus on the thyroid. Although cates their importance in five large series [3,
numerically this is an unlikely primary, it is 5, 6, 27, 30]. Young patients almost never
one of the few cancers where a reasonable die from papillary cancer, but patients who
prognosis can occur even in the presence of get this disease in later life are at consider-
metastases. It is extremely rare for a minimal able risk. Women have a better prognosis
cancer to spread distantly. Therefore, in the than men. The risk of death increases with
case of widespread metastases, the primary the size of the primary cancer, and deaths
cancer in the thyroid is palpable. There are a almost never occur if the primary lesion is 2
very few exceptions to this rule [6], and I cm or smaller. Extension into surrounding
have seen one patient with pleural metas- structures worsens prognosis, as does the
tases in whom the primary thyroid cancer of presence of distant metastases, especially le-
1 mm was discovered on thin sectioning of sions to the bone or brain. As a result, a
212 Thyroid cancer
Table 8.3 Prognostic features in papillary cancer

Extr. lymph Dist. histal.

Ref· No. Age Gender Size thyr. mets mets.

3 693 + + + + + NA
5 546 + + NA NA + + NA
6 859 + + + + + +
27 241 + + + + +
44 600 + + + + + +
NA = Not available from text.

Table 8.4 Clinical demographics of patients with thyroid removed. Opponents to total thyr-
papillary thyroid cancer oidectomy counter that the risk of recurrence
from lobectomy, or subtotal thyroidectomy,
Reference Number Women % Men % Age (years)
is not much greater than after total thyr-
3 693 63.8 36.2 32.3 oidectomy. Therefore, that problem is more
6 859 67.9 32.1 43.6 theoretical than real. They indicate that total
27 241 72.2 27.8 41.3 thyroidectomy carries a risk of complica-
28 157 67.5 32.5 45.0 tions, which is considerably higher than the
29 147 72.1 27.9 45.6
risk of lobectomy multiplied by 2. Finally,
they counter that radioiodine can be pre-
scribed even when there is some residual
25-year-old woman with an intrathroidal normal thyroid left after operation. Let us
cancer of 1.5 cm has an excellent prognosis, analyse the results of various operations, in-
and treatment must not cause any long-term cluding recurrence rates, deaths from cancer
complication. In contrast, a 65-year-old man and complications, to help determine the
with a 4 cm cancer and spinal metastasis has optimal approach.
a very bad prognosis, and therapy should be
In his analysis of 693 patients, Mazzaferri
more radical in an effort to ablate all cancer.
[3] found that the extent of an operation did
not influence the outcome in patients with
8.3.6 SURGICAL TREATMENT cancers smaller than 1.5 cm. This reference
Surgical removal of the cancer is funda- is the la test of a sequence of important pub-
mental. Surgical opinion varies from remov- lications; in this specific article there are
ing only the cancer, the lobe containing the more patients and longer follow-up, and the
cancer, the lobe and isthmus, the lobe, statistical conclusions are slightly different
isthmus and part of the contralaterallobe, to from those in the original paper, which was
total thyroidectomy. The first is inadequate published in 1977 [36]. If the cancer is larger
and is not considered further. Those who than 1.5 cm, total thyroidectomy is followed
favour total thyroidectomy [32-35] develop by fewer recurrences than subtotal thyr-
the following supportive arguments. Many oidectomy: 11.3% of 362 patients versus
papillary cancers are multifocal (up to 80%), 22.0% of 315 patients (P<0.004). Permanent
and it defies good surgical practice to leave hypoparathyroidism occurred in 9.2% of the
known, albeit microscopic, cancer behind. former group, and 0 out of 237 in the latter.
Also, if a surgeon can remove one lobe at Because of the improved recurrence rate,
low risk, why not both lobes? In addition, Mazzaferri and his colleagues [3, 36, 37] re-
when radioiodine therapy is given postoper- commend total, or ne ar total, thyroidectomy
atively, it is advantageous to have all normal for lesions of 1.5 cm or greater. Rossi et al.
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 213

[38] advise bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy. What about the benefit of total thyroidec-
After a median follow-up of 13 years in 239 tomy to the nuclear medicine physician who
patient, the recurrence rate was 12%, and plans to treat the patient with radioiodine? I
8% of their patients died. With this lesser have only seen one absolutely negative
operation, complications were greatly re- whole-body 131 1 scan in patients after thyroid
duced with only 1 case of permanent hypo- surgery, even in cases where the operative
parathyroidism (0.4%), and 1 with unilateral note indicates total thyroidectomy was done.
vocal cord paralysis (0.4%). These results Attie et al. [34] measured the uptake of 1311 in
contrast with those of Harness et al. [35] who 140 patients who had undergone total thyr-
found 4.0% permanent hypoparathyroidism oidectomy, and 90 of these patients had
and 2.5% vocal cord paralysis in 430 patients values of 0.6% or greater. Therefore, there
who had total thyroidectomy. In another in- was significant thyroid left in 64 % of
vestigation of 706 patients with either papil- patients. If it is accepted that total thyroid-
lary (81.3%) or follicular (18.7%) cancer, ectomy cannot be achieved, and if it is
there were fewer recurrences in those who accepted that significant troublesome perma-
had total thyroidectomy than subtotal thyr- nent complications are more common after
oidectomy or lobectomy [39]. The percen- this procedure, there are strong reasons to
tages were 15%, 28% and 25% respectively. accept the advice of the surgeons quoted
However, after total thyroidectomy, 7% had above and the view of Cady [42]: 'overall, a
unilateral vocal cord paralysis and 12.8% policy of total thyroidectomy for thyroid can-
were hypoparathyroid. In a smaller group of cer is doomed to failure since it provides no
patients, Starnes et al. [9] found a twenty- greater solution to the problem of thyroid
fold increase in complications after total cancer and does it at higher risk of major
thyroidectomy compared to lesser proce- complications' .
dures, and these authors conclude 'total ipsi- One particularly difficult situation in-
laterallobectomy, isthmectomy, and subtotal volves the patient who has had a lobectomy
contralateral lobectomy is the treatment of for an apparent benign nodule, interpreted
choice for papillary, mixed papillary- as such on frozen section during the opera-
follicular and follicular thyroid carcinoma' . tion. The permanent slides show the lesion
Crile et al. [40] support this view and state is carcinoma. The question arises of reoper-
that total thyroidectomy should be reserved ating on the 3rd or 4th postoperative day to
for patients less than 7 years, or older than complete the procedure, or of ablating the
44 years who have extensive bilateral dis- residual thyroid with radioiodine, or to do
ease, or distant metastases, provided the op- nothing extra. It is not possible to give a
eration can be done safely. Likewise, Hayet single correct answer. If the primary lesion is
al. [41] in reviewing the surgical experience single, intrathyroidal and the patient less
in 859 patients at the Mayo Clinic report, 'we than 45 years, the probability of recurrence
continue to recommend ipsilateral total is very low, and a second operation is not
lobectomy and contralateral subtotal lobec- advised. None of 57 patients in one series
tomy as an appropriate primary surgical who had lobectomy had a recurrence or died
treatment of papillary thyroid carcinoma' . [38]. If there is evidence of metastases, and it
These physicians have accepted that the is anticipated that radioiodine will be pre-
complications from total thyroidectomy are scribed, subtotal lobectomy can be under-
sufficiently common and troublesome that taken. Alternatively, the remaining lobe can
they outweigh the slight reduction in recurr- be ablated with one dose of radioiodine, and
ences, which can usually be treated success- the metastases treated with a second dose
fully by a second operation. after several months. A repeat operation
214 Thyroid cancer
allows the remainder of the thyroid to be improved outcome when the nodes were
examined pathologically and it expedites involved. This view was criticized by Har-
matters, but there is an increased risk of wood et al. [45], who demonstrated that
complications from this approach. On ba- nodal involvement was commoner in youn-
lance in this setting, reoperation is prefer- ger patients, and since age is the most
able. It is hoped that increased reliance on important single determinant of survival,
fine-needle aspiration of nodules preoper- patients with positive nodes have to be
atively will result in surgeons accepting that compared to properly matched controls. By
patients referred for thyroidectomy for a doing that, they found positive nodes to be a
nodule have a high probability of cancer, poor prognostic factor. Nevertheless, the
and the operation should be planned accord- long-term importance of metastases to re-
ingly. There is now data to support that the gional nodes is much less than age, sex, size
accuracy of cytological interpretation of thyr- of cancer, extrathyroidal spread and distant
oid pathology on an adequate specimen by metastases.
fine-needle aspiration is superior to frozen An interesting study was conducted by
section interpretation of thyroid pathology Kozol and Numan [46]. They polled board
(see Chapter 7). However, when thyroid tis- certified surgeons and asked them what op-
sue is seen on frozen section in lymph eration would be advised for a patient with a
nodes, the diagnosis is unequivocally can- papillary cancer greater than 5 cm. Of the
cer, and this should be an indication to con- 100 surgeons who responded (50% response
sider contralateral subtotal lobectomy. rate), 3 recommended lobectomy, 28 lobec-
Although spread of papillary cancer to re- tomy plus isthmusectomy, 43 sub total thyr-
gional lymph nodes is common, there is no oidectomy and 26 total thyroidectomy.
place for radical neck dissection; it does not Clearly, there is no unanimity of opinion.
improve survival [41] and it adds trouble- There are other risks from thyroidectomy in-
some complications [43]. It is very disturbing cluding death. This is significantly more
to consult on a young patient who has no common in patients older than 70 years
evidence of cancer, but is physically troubled (0.66%) compared with 0.02% in patients
and markedly self-conscious about drooping less than 50 years [47]. The mortality of 0.7%
and loss of function of the shoulder due to from 407 operations reviewed by Max et al.
sacrifice of the spinal accessory nerve and/or [48] was accounted for by pre-existing illness
marked asymmetry of the neck due to re- in the patients who died but, nevertheless,
moval of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. As is a sobering statistic. Haematoma, wound
an aside, when the spinal accessory nerve is infection and Horner's syndrome from dam-
damaged, there is atrophy of the trapezius age to the cervical sympathetic chain are rare
muscle to such a degree that the scapula is complications. It is not my role to discuss
perceived as an abnormal swelling, and I the pros and cons of general versus local
have seen several patients who thought they anaesthesia for thyroid surgery, but simply
feit metastases in that site. Lymph nodes to comment that local anaesthesia is
which are obviously involved should be re- appropriate for the patient who is a bad
moved by 'berry picking' or modified neck risk for general anaesthesia, but in whom
dissection planned to preserve the above surgery is necessary. There have been re-
structures and the jugular vein. There is con- markable changes in the postoperative care
flicting data of the prognostic significance of of patients over the last 20 years. In the past,
metastatic spread to lymph nodes in this patients were kept in hospital for 7-10 days;
cancer. Most series show no increase in mor- now the trend is to discharge them on the
tality, and Cady et al. [44] showed an first postoperative day provided there are
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 215
no complications. There are recent reports and sufficient thyroxine should be pre-
of same-day thyroidectomy, including one scribed to suppress TSH. Many experts have
series of 48 patients, 3 of whom had dif- seen papillary cancer shrink when TSH is
ferentiated cancer [49]. My personal pre- suppressed [50]. There are reports of pul-
ference would be for at least one night in monary lesions disappearing or stabilizing
hospital. with this treatment alone [51]. There is ex-
In summary, the consensus of opinion is perimental evidence in animals to support
that ipsilateral lobectomy and contralateral this [52]. The corollary is that metastases can
subtotal lobectomy is the optimal operation grow when thyroxine is stopped in prepara-
for papillary cancer. In patients who are tion for whole-body radioiodine scintigra-
younger than 45 years and have a single phy, although in practice clinical problems
intrathyroidal cancer of less than 3 cm, ipsi- are uncommon. Mazzaferri et al. [3] showed
lateral lobectomy and isthmusectomy is that patients treated with thyroxine had a
adequate, but less desirable. There is no be- statistically better outcome. In contrast with
nefit from total thyroidectomy which, in this long-held dogma, Cady et al. [53] did
practice, is difficult to achieve and is associ- not find this to be stastistically significant in
ated with a significant increase in trouble- producing a better prognosis. Their conclu-
some complications. sions have been criticized by Crile [54]. It is
recommended that sufficient thyroxine is
prescribed to suppress TSH. The dose of
thyroxine necessary to achieve this depends
Having brought the patient through the op- on the weight of the patient, and will usual-
eration, hopefully with no complications, ly be in the range of 100-300 ILg/day (appro-
the role of additional treatment arises. This ximately 2 ILg/kg). The clinician should
always includes thyroxine and, in selected ensure that TSH is suppressed by measuring
patients, radioiodine 1311. Very seldorn is it it with a new sensitive assay. It has been
necessary to prescribe external radiotherapy, recommended that TRH test should be done
or chemotherapy. Each of these is discussed to prove that there is no rise in TSH [55, 56],
individually. Patients who have occult thyr- but this is not necessary. When distant
oid cancer, i.e. cancer less than 1 cm in size, lesions continue to grow in spite of sup-
found serendipitously when the thyroid is pressed TSH, alternative therapy has to be
removed for some other reason, do not re- considered.
quire radioiodine or other anticancer ther-
apies. They should also not be subjected to
repeat operation to complete total thyroidec- 8.3.9 RADIOIODINE THERAPY
tomy. Their management should be that of As an aid to determine which patients are
the primary condition after operation as if no treated with radioiodine, I try to separate
cancer had been present. those patients who have intrathyroidal
papillary cancer from those who have exten-
8.3.8 SUPPRESSIVE THERAPY WITH sion into adjacent tissues, or who have
THYROXINE metastases. The last two have a statistically
greater chance of dying from the cancer, and
Thyroid replacement is a basic part of treat- in them it makes sense to ablate all function-
ment, because the patient is likely to be thyr- ing thyroid, both normal and malignant. On
oid deficient when subtotal thyroidectomy occasion, this separation is not obvious with-
has been done. In addition, differentiated out performing a diagnostic scan. However,
thyroid cancers are usually TSH dependent, in most patients it iso The surgeon and
216 Thyroid cancer
pathologist define whether there is exten- the patient. 1 have not been impressed by
sion through the capsule of the thyroid and any difference, and some care should be
whether there are lymph node metastases. taken when introducing the L triiodothyr-
Distant metastases may be recognized on onine, since the serum thyroxine will not fall
chest radiograph, or suspected by symptoms for several days and transient hyperthyroid-
of bone pain or persistent headache. Fortu- ism can be produced by the addition of T3 to
nately, distant metastases at presentation are T4 • A dovetailing of the medications, taper-
not common. The best method of ablation is ing L thyroxine and starting L triiodothyr-
with radioiodine 131I. This radionuclide is onine in half the final dose, prevents this,
trapped and organified like inorganic iodine, but is more complicated and takes longer.
and it emits beta particles which are destruc- When the logic for using L triiodothyronine
tive locally over a distance of several milli- is questioned, there is really no advantage
metres. Using this radionuclide, it is possible since the half-life of T4 is 7 days and
to deliver a very intense radiation dose to hypothyroidism is not apparent until the
thyroid tissue without causing damage to third week of abstinence, whereas the half-
adjacent normal tissues. 1311 also emits gam- life of T3 is 24-36 hours and hypothyroidism
ma rays which can be used for scintigraphy. occurs for the same length of time be fore
Therefore, the distribution of the therapy testing. The patient should not be given
can be predicted by a test dose, and approxi- radiographic contrast and should not take
mate calculations of radiation from a ther- iodine-containing medications. Several au-
apeutic dose are made, based on size of le- thorities recommend a low-iodine diet [61,
sions and their uptake of the tracer. It is 62]. I recommend reduced intake of seafood
possible to deliver tens of thousands of rads and flour products, and avoidance of vita-
to some cancers, and this this contrasts with min and mineral supplements containing
external beam therapy where about 6000 rad iodine. Others have used diuretics to lower
(60 Gy) is the limiting dose, because higher plasma inorganic iodine in order to enhance
doses cause permanent damage to normal trapping of radioiodine by the cancer [63].
structures, such as the oesophagus, spinal Hamburger [64] encountered a severe com-
cord, etc. plication when he used mannitol, and this is
For diagnostic scintigraphy, thyroxine is not recommended. I have not used diuretics.
stopped for a minimum of 4 weeks. This is Other investigators have used exogenous
to ensure that TSH rises. It is important to bovine TSH by injection, 10 units daily for 3
measure TSH to prove it is elevated. days, in an effort to augment radioiodine
Edmonds et al. [57] found TSH to be greater uptake [2]. This material is not human TSH,
than 30 j..tU/ml in athyreotic patients at 4 and it can cause allergic reactions [65]. In
weeks, and we found a mean value of 129 addition, it has a short half-life of approx-
j..tU/ml in our patients [20]. Beierwaltes et al. imately 1 hour, and its use is not encour-
[58] recommends stopping thyroxine for 6 aged. If exogenous TSH is employed and the
weeks, but gives no TSH values. Alterna- scintigram is negative, the procedure has to
tively, thyroxine is stopped and replaced by be repeated correctly. Therefore, it is better
L triiodothyronine for 4 weeks and then the to use the endogenous TSH protocol as de-
triiodothyronine stopped for 2 weeks [59, scribed first.
60]. The usual dose of L triiodothyronine is In those patients who have only had a
50-tOO j..tg/day, and it is best prescribed in lobectomy, the clinician should not expect a
divided doses due to its relatively short half- rise in TSH at the time of the first scinti-
life. This approach is said to reduce the gram. Nevertheless, the residual normal
period of hypothyroidism experienced by thyroid will trap iodine and, if there is an
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 217
indication to treat, the lobe can be ablated of administration is randomized, 1231 would
with a therapeutic dose of 1311. Treatment of always have to be studied first. Figure 8.3(a)
distant lesions with radioiodine has to await shows a whole-body scan with uptake in
ablation of normal thyroid, and cannot be residual thyroid, and Figure 8.3(b) shows a
undertaken for several months. spot view of the neck.
There is debate about the optimum dose Abnormal sites of uptake distant from the
of 131 1 for total-body seintigraphy. The dose thyroid bed which concentrate radioiodine
ranges from 500 J.tCi to 30 mCi. Those who should be considered for treatment, as
use larger doses indicate that more lesions should residual thyroid when it is known
are detected in some patients, and in other that there is invasion into surrounding tis-
patients the only lesions seen are with the sues. Figure 8.4 shows diagrammatically
higher dose. It is true that if scans are done how I stratify the patients.
several days after a therapy dose, lesions are There is a second 'form of treatment'
picked up that were not imaged with the which involves ablating 'normal' thyroid
diagnostic scanning dose [66, 67]. However, postoperatively (Figure 8.5). The tissue is
it is unlikely that these lesions accumulate usually normal, but could conceivably con-
suffieient radioiodine to respond to therapy. tain microscopic foei of cancer. This is a very
Therefore, it is a moot point whether they controversial issue. There are thyroidologists
are seen on the diagnostic scan with 30 mCi, who ablate residual thyroid routinely, and
or not. The fact that they are seen on the they argue that it is not possible to deter-
therapy scan usually means that they will mine whether there are microscopic foei of
require a second therapy dose at a later date. cancer, or whether there are functioning
I prescribe 2 mCi and, routinely, obtain metastases until all normal thyroid has been
anterior and posterior whole-body scans removed. This is similar to the argument in
with a spot view over the neck and upper favour of total thyroidectomy. The clinieian
chest using a gamma camera with appropri- should look critically at the simple prognos-
ate collimators for the high energy of the tic factors and make a judgement whether it
gamma rays of 131 1 (366 Kev). The spot view is likely that ablation of residual thyroid can
can be obtained with a standard collimator, improve prognosis. In a 25-year-old woman
or a pin-hole collimator. I routinely measure with a 2 cm intrathyroidal cancer this is un-
the uptake in neck lesions and, frequently, likely. Therefore, an ablative dose should
in distant metastases as weIl. Henk et al. [68] not be given. In contrast, if the patient is 65
and Beckerman et al. [69] have presented years old and has a 5 cm cancer, there is
data in favour of waiting 72 hours between reason to believe that ablation of all thyroid
giving the test dose and scanning, but there should improve the outcome. When a deei-
is no real difference between 48 and 72 sion is made to ablate normal residual thyr-
hours, so any time within these limits is oid, this has to be thought of as different
acceptable. There is no study comparing 1231 from treatment of cancer per se. The term
with 131 1 for this purpose. The 13 hour half- prophylactic radioiodine therapy has been
life of the former would require a substantial used, but even this is incorrect and I use the
dose to be administered if scans are to be term thyroid remnant ablation. How much
made after 48 hours. In addition, because 131 1 is necessary for thyroid remnant abla-
the energy of the gamma rays of 1311 are tion? There has been a trend to prescribe
higher, it would be difficult to make images 30 mCi (actually 29.9 mCi) but, of course,
with 121 1, when 131 1 had been used first. the main reason for choosing this particular
Therefore, it is difficult to plan a compara- dose is to allow the therapy to be given on
tive study of 1231 with 131 1 in which the order an outpatient basis.
218 Thyroid cancer

Figure 8.3 (a) Whole-body scan 72 hours after 2 mCi of 1311. The patient had subtotal thyroidectomy 4
weeks previously, and had been given no thyroxine postoperatively. Intense uptake is noted in the
region of the thyroid bed, but no evidence of local or distant sites of uptake. Note that with the high
energy of the gamma rays of 1311 there can be a 'star' effect. In (b) which is a spot view of the neck in
the same patient, the artifactual star is no longer seen. This also shows uptake in the region of the
thyroid bed and is probably normal thyroid.

Thyroid operation
Thyroid operation ,J.
,J. Stop thyroxine
triiOdothyron ine
> 4 weeks
2 weeks
Stop thyroxine > 4 weeks Measure TSH and T9
triiOdothyronine 2 weeks Admi nister ' 31 1 Dose 2 mCi
Measure TSH and T9 Whole-body scan

Adm lnister 13'1 Dose 2 mCi
Whole-body scan

normal thyrOid
Lymph node


Lymph node


l l l l ~ Is therapy necessary?
II so, 29.9 mCi
or 75- 100 mCi
Figure 8.4 Flow diagram for management of a
patient with papillary cancer after operation. Figure 8.5 Remnant ablation.
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 219
In some series, 30 mCi is not as successful protect the patient from developing metas-
as larger doses (75-100 mCi) in ablating tases. Unfortunately, visual inspection was
residual thyroid. Therefore, treatment of used to determine if 'a remnant was suitable
metastases is delayed and the patient may in for treatment'. In an undefined number of
fact be subjected to a greater cumulative patients in whom uptake was measured, no
radiation dose in the long term. The litera- therapy was prescribed if the value was less
ture is not particularly helpful in formulating than 1%. I have used a lower cut-off at
a uniform protocol. In the first report, 30 0.3%. Figure 8.6 shows whole-body 1311
mCi successfully ablated 21 out of 36 (58%) scintigrams postremnant ablation in the pa-
residual thyroids, whereas higher doses tient whose pretreatment scan is shown in
were successful in 18 out of 28 cases (64%) Figure 8.3. I have not treated patients with
[70]. The authors concluded that 30 mCi was radioiodine unless a diagnostic scan im-
as valuable. Ryo [71] criticized this publica- mediately be fore showed uptake. Blind
tion since it lacked objective evidence of up- treatment seems to me to be just that.
take, or volume of thyroid being treated. In The reader is left puzzled. Should 30 mCi
contrast, Kuni and Klingensmith [72] did not be prescribed for thyroid remnant ablation?
achieve ablation of residual thyroid in any of Firstly, adecision should be made whether
13 patients with low-dose therapy. Siddiqui this treatment is necessary. In patients
et al. [73] were successful in only 1 out of 10 under 45 years with a cancer 3 cm or greater,
patients, and they feIt low-dose therapy was it is justifiable to prescribe this amount. A
not justified. It is difficult to compare these repeat scan several months later may show
reports because the stage of the disease, the total ablation, in which case no additional
volume of the residual thyroid, the measure- radioiodine treatment is prescribed. If the
ment of uptake, and the criteria for a nega- repeat scan shows no uptake in the neck but
tive scan, are not defined. Ramaciotti et al. does show metastases, these would be treat-
[74] did measure uptake, and on this basis ed with a larger dose of radioiodine (see
were successful in treating normal residual below). If there is still residual uptake in the
thyroid in 9 out of 15 patients. Even better same area in the neck, a second dose of 30
results were reported by DeGroot and Reilly mCi can be prescribed. In older patients, or
[75], with 15 out of 18 cured by 30 mCi and when there is a reason to hope for rapid
all 21 patients by 50 mCi. These workers definitive ablation, a larger therapy dose of
ablated thyroid if the primary cancer was _ 75-100 mCi can be given. Unfortunately,
greater than 1 cm, or if there was a history of there is no guarantee that this will be suc-
neck irradiation, or if the cancer was multi- cessful. The role of adequate subtotal thyr-
focal, in addition to those with metastases or oidectomy is stressed, since if there is only a
invasion. This would be almost every case. small volume of normal thyroid and there
They do give information about the stage of are functioning metastases, the latter are
disease, but not the criteria for a negative usually seen on total-body scintigraphy, in
post-treatment scan. Snyder et al. [76] treat- which case a large therapy dose would be
ed 69 patients with 29 mCi and completely prescribed at the onset.
ablated the remnants in 42 patients, and When there is abnormal uptake in distant
almost totally ablated an additional 14 (82% sites, it is worth attempting therapy with a
of the total group). They found there was no large dose of radioiodine. Figure 8.7 shows
relation to radioiodine uptake in the rem- an anterior whole-body scan in a woman
nant, the volume of residual thyroid, or the who had extensive functioning metastases.
calculated radiation dose. Equally important, Some effort should be made to quantitate
they found that successful ablation did not the uptake and to determine the mass of
220 Thyroid cancer

Figure 8.6 Follow-up anterior whole-body scan Figure 8.7 Whole-body scan (anterior projection)
72 hours after 2 mCi 1311 in a patient treated in a patient with widespread functioning metas-
previously with surgery and 131I. The patient has tases in the skulI, lungs, liver, pelvis and right
been off thyroxine for 4 weeks. A faint shadow of femur. The scan was made 72 hours after 2 mCi
the body is seen with a trace of uptake in the 131I. There is uptake in the bowel due to excretion
neck and more uptake in the low pelvis due to of radioiodine.
excretion of the tracer.

cancer by other methods including roent- these procedures. Maxon et al. [77] have
genograms, CT (without iodine contrast), attempted to quantitate the prescribed ther-
NMRI, or ultrasound. This is not always apy, and have shown that a dose of 30000
possible because the lesions can be so small rad for thyroid remnant ablation and 8000
that they are below the resolving capacity of rad to metastases improved the rate of re-
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 221

Distant metastases
concentrating 131 1

Treat with 131 1
Dose dependent on site of lesions,
their size and 131 1 uptake

Start thyroxine

6- 12 months

Figure 8.8 Flow diagram for the management of a

patient with distant metastases.

sponse to therapy. When uptake at any site

is less than 0.3% of the administered dose,
therapy is unlikely to be successful. Figure
8.8 shows the protocol for treating distant
When there are pulmonary lesions, the
dose administered is 100-150 rad. Diffuse
pulmonary lesions which are not seen on
chest X-ray are the easiest to ablate [78].
There are many re ports of these lesions de-
tected only by radioiodine scintigraphy [79,
80], and Figure 8.9 shows the scan in a
young woman postoperatively and which
shows diffuse pulmonary uptake of 131 1 as
weH as functioning metastases in lymph
nodes. There has been concern that radio-
iodine would damage normal pulmonary
epithelium, but the local dosimetry does not
support this conclusion. There are two re-
ports of this [81, 82], but in the former case
there was 50% uptake of the therapy dose in
the lungs. In my experience, this is more
than an order of magnitude than the usual
case. Cannon-baH metastases to the lungs Figure 8.9 Whole-body sean made 72 hours after
are less easy to ablate, but considerable suc- 2 mCi 131I, which shows funetioning eervical
cess is possible provided the lesions trap nodal metastases as weIl as diffuse pulmonary
uptake. A ehest roentgenogram was normal and
radioiodine (Figure 8.10). Massin et al. [83] the patient has diffuse 'mieroseopie' funetioning
reported on 58 patients with pulmonary . metastases to the lungs.
metastases from a total population of 831
patients (7%) with differentiated thyroid
222 Thyroid cancer

Fi!?ure 8.10 Anterior and posterior spot views of the lungs showing multiple areas of foeal uptake of
13 I. This is typical of 'eannon-ball' metastases.

cancer. Their series included both papillary what surprisingly, 42% of the patients had
and follicular cancers, and they found that abnormal ehest X-rays but normal scans, and
5% of the former and 10% of the latter only 10% had the converse. There is no in-
metastazised to the lungs. Thirteen of the 14 formation on how the diagnosis was estab-
patients with micronodular disease had lished in the former patients . In both of
papillary cancer and 12 of the lesions con- these reports, young patients did better and,
centrated radioiodine. The 8-year survival in in both, radioiodine ablation improved the
these patients was 77%, compared with 18% prognosis. The fact that lesions are not im-
for those with macronodules. Only 1.3% of aged on a repeat scan does not necessarily
patients who had total thyroidectomy and imply that they have been ablated. An
postoperative radioiodine developed pul- alternative explanation is that they are no
monary lesions, compared with 11% who longer able to trap iodine, perhaps because
had partial thyroidectomy. It appears that of dedifferentiation. Nevertheless, a nega-
both the surgery and the radioiodine had a tive follow-up scan with a benign clinical
role in the reduction, because both total course and undetectable thyroglobulin are
thyroidectomy alone and partial thyroidec- good evidence of successful therapy.
tomy plus radioiodine had an intermediate The majority of bony metastases occur in
incidence. Neither produced as low a per- the axial skeleton. They are more difficult to
centage as both together. Samaan et al. [84] eradicate and, in the experience of some, are
found pulmonary metastases in 101 out of never entirely cured. I successfully treated a
1127 patients (9%). They also found the in ci- 30-year-old man who had several recurr-
dence of pulmonary metastases was less in ences of differentiated cancer in the cervical
those who had a total thyroidectomy (5%), lymph nodes. When he was referred for con-
compared with 9% for those who had a sideration for radioiodine therapy, the initial
lesser operation. They also found that the whole-body scintigram showed uptake in
prognosis was better in those with small le- the left side of the thorax. Full lung tomo-
sions which concentrated radioiodine. Some- grams were negative, and a 99mTc diphos-
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 223

phonate bone scan showed alesion in a rib

which corresponded to the hot spot on the
radioiodine scan. He was treated with 100
mCi 1311 (a smaller dose than I would cur-
rently use), and is free of disease and has
undetectable thyroglobulin after 13 years. In
spite of pessimism about curing skeletal
metastases, their growth can frequently be
hai ted or reversed. Bone metastases are
more common in patients with follicular can-
cer, but are found rarely when the pathology
is papillary. The lesions are osteolytic on a
radiograph, and not all are seen on standard
bone scintigraphy. Castillo ct al. [85] were
unable to image 59% of lesions with 99mTc
diphsophonate bone scan that were seen on
a total-body iodine scan, or a radiograph. It
is also my impression that although some of
the skeletal lesions are difficult to image,
with the latest 99mTc compounds and high-
resolution gamma cameras, most are seen,
albeit faintly (Figure 8.11). The prognosis in
patients with skeletal metastases is poor.
Harness ct al. [86] treated 10 patients with
radioiodine and, although 7 died, all 10
survived for at least 5 years. The authors
were encouraged by the palliation from
radioiodine. Hepatic metastases from papil-
lary cancer are extremely rare, but for con-
tinuity this is diseussed here. In generat
when the liver is involved with thyroid
metastases, there is widespread disease with
nodaC pulmonary and skeletal lesions.
Figure 8.7 shows a whole-body scan in a
woman who originally did have isolated
hepatic metastases, which responded par-
tially to radioiodine therapy, although sever-
al years later she developed skeletal and
brain lesions as shown. Diffuse hepatic
uptake is usually due to concentration of
radiolabelIed hormones in the liver. Figure 8.11 99mTe diphosphonate bone sean in a
Fortunately, brain metastases are very patient with known metastases in the right clavi-
rare. Their treatment is problematic because cle (weIl seen) and left femur (not weIl seen).
they are usually symptomatic, causing head-
ache and vomiting, and there is concern that
stopping thyroxine and allOwing TSH to
rise will stimulate further growth of the
224 Thyroid cancer
lesion. In patients I have treated, I feIt it Treatment 01
was inadvisable to take this approach and Iymph node metastases

the patients were treated by external radia- Stop thyroid and
tion therapy with remission, but subsequent repeat procedure
death from both brain lesions and wide-
spread disease. If the brain lesion is single Repeat
and in a non-critical part of the brain, it scan
might be possible to resect it. There are two negative
Lymph node metastases
case re ports of patients with cerebral metas- concentrating 131 1
tases having catastrophic events shortly after
1311 therapy. The first had a stroke on the 4th
Treat with 131 1,
day after 135 mCi of 1311 and was found at usually 100-150 mCi
surgery to have a haemorrhagic meta stasis I ..
[87]. The second developed symptoms
which were aUributed to radiation sickness L Start thyroxine

12 hours after 200 mCi [88], although that 6-12 months

seems somewhat unlikely because the radia-
tion delivered over that time would not be
Figure 8.12 Flow diagram for the treatment of
sufficient to cause this syndrome. Whether functioning metastases to the lymph nodes.
the radioiodine or the TSH stimulus was
causal is not certain, but dearly in this set-
ting the dinician must use considerable
judgement to reach the decision of whether tases to lymph nodes has been presented.
to stop thyroxine and treat the patients with This is not a major bad prognostic factor. It
radioiodine. A similar situation is found is my policy to treat positive nodes which
when a spinal meta stasis abuts on the spinal are impalpable with radioiodine, and to
cord; there are reports, and I have experi- advise surgical removal of those that are
ence, of neurological worsening, which most palpable. The protocol for treatment with
probably was due to cancer growth under radioactive iodine is shown in Figure 8.12,
TSH stimulation [89, 90]. In some cases like and is similar to that for distant metastases,
this, radioiodine is the most appropriate except the therapy dose is usually 100 mCi.
therapy, but this should be planned in col- A repeat scan 7-10 days after the therapy
laboration with the neurosurgeon and radia- dose is valuable to prove that the treatment
tion oncologist, so that emergent steps can localized where desired. As stated above, a
be taken if complications occur. scan of the therapy dose sometimes demons-
The prognosis in patients who have exten- trates lesions that were not seen on the test
sion of the cancer out of the thyroid into scan [66, 67]. The scan will also show diffuse
strap musdes or trachea is worse, and re- uptake of radioiodine in the liver in those
sidual tissue should be ablated with patients in whom there is enough function-
radioiodine. This is not thyroid remnant ing tissue to produce radiolabelIed thyroid
ablation, but destruction of tissue that is hormones. The diffuse uptake is due to
almost certainly cancerous. In this situation, metabolism of radiolabelIed hormones in the
a dose of 75-100 mCi 1311 is recommended. liver, and should not be interpreted as
The most contentious problem is whether to metastases [91-93].
treat the patient with positive uptake in The use of diuretics and low-iodine diets
lymph nodes with radioiodine. The debate to augment uptake in metastases has been
about the prognostic significance of metas- presented. An alternative approach, which
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 225
has not been used extensively and which 1 and required propranolol for several weeks.
have not used, is to prescribe lithium to pre- There is very little chance of causing thyroid
vent the release of iodine from the thyroid. storm, but if the patient is hyperthyroid due
The original report by Gershengorn et al. [94] to widespread metastatic cancer (see follicu-
was not encouraging, because of the high lar cancer), it is justifiable to pretreat with an
whole-body and marrow radiation from 1311. antithyroid medication for a few weeks; but
A more recent study in 18 patients showed that treatment has to be stopped before
that the half-life of radioiodine in metastases administering radioiodine. Beta-blockers
was increased after 7 days of lithium carbon- would be prescribed to treat hyperthyroid
ate in a dose range of 400-800 mg daily [95]. symptoms. Many patients report a change in
However, there was no increase in the re- taste, days to weeks, after therapy, more
tention time in anormal thyroid. The often when 100 mCi or more is prescribed.
experimental design resulted in the mea- Allweiss et al. [99] in an analysis of treated
surements with adjuvant lithium always patients found that sialadenitis is more com-
postdating the non-lithium measurement, so mon than most have believed. Ten out of 87
the effect of protracted hypothyroidism on patients developed this. The complication
the outcome could not be excluded. occurred as early as 1 day, and 9 of the 10
Not all papillary cancers concentrate had symptoms within 3 weeks of therapy. It
iodine and even when the test is done prop- was not uncommon for the symptoms to last
erly and TSH is high, about 10% of cancers as long as 1-2 years. Edmonds and Smith
are not visualized. There are a very few [100] also found pain in the salivary glands,
false-positive results provided the normal usually the parotid, in 10% of their patients,
distribution of iodine is remembered (Chap- and this complication could be delayed for
ters 2 and 3). There are ca se reports of up- months to years after therapy. I have sug-
take in inflammatory lung disease [96L gested that patients suck lemon sweets for
Meckel's diverticulum [97] and renal cyst several days to encourage the flow of saliva,
[98]. but have not conducted a trial to determine
its benefit.
8.3.10 SIDE-EFFECTS AND Growth of the cancer under TSH stimula-
COMPLICATIONS OF 1311 tion has been discussed. When a complica-
THERAPY tion occurs in hours or days after treatment,
the temporal relationship incriminates either
The intense radiation dose delivered to the the treatment, or the preparation for treat-
thyroid can cause radiation thyroiditis with ment. Whenever there is evidence of dif-
acute pain and tenderness over the thyroid. ferentiated thyroid cancer in a fixed space
The pain can be referred to the jaw, earl or where accelerated growth would be criticat
teeth on the side where the remnant of thyr- considerable judgement must be used before
oid remains. This complication is rare, but embarking on this treatment.
the patient should be warned about it. It The parathyroid glands receive a signi-
usually occurs 7-14 days after treatment. ficant radiation dose from l3It but there are
There is a spectrum of severity; some pa- few reports of hypoparathyroidism resulting
tients only require simple analgesics like from this treatment. Recently, Glazebrook
aspirin, but in severe cases it is necessary to [101] undertook a study to determine para-
prescribe stronger analgesics and prednisone thyroid reserve in patients who had received
(30-40 mg) for about 2 weeks. One patient 1 radioiodine. The stimulus for the investiga-
treated when this occurred became hyper- tion was a patient who developed tetany
thyroid as a result of disruption of the gland 20 months after receiving 100 mCi 1311.
226 Thyroid cancer
Glazenbrook concluded that 58% of patients involved therapy doses given repeatedly at
treated postoperatively with radioiodine intervals of a few months, and few therap-
were subclinically hypoparathyroid, but ists prescribe doses as frequently, or as large
since these patients were statistically diffe- as these. Residual thyroid can be ablated
rent before 131I, it is likely that surgery, not with 1 or 2 therapies, and although distant
radioiodine, was causa!. In practice, hypo- metastases can be difficult to ablate, the in-
parathyroidism is not a complication. Never- terval between therapies should not be less
theless, further investigations using para- than 6 months and, preferably, 1 year.
thyroid hormone measurements before and When there is a life-threatening concern
after surgery and after radioiodine seem jus- about the cancer, it is justifiable to prescribe a
tified. cumulative dose greater than 1050 mCi. The
The major theoretical problems of radio- patients treated by Pochin have been analy-
iodine relate to long-term complications. sed further by Edmonds and Smith [100].
This is important since many of the patients The three patients who developed leukaemia
are young and their prognosis treated did so in 1957, and were the last in this
by operation and thyroxine alone is good. series to develop this complication. Leu-
Potential complications include induction of kaemia occurred within 3 years of therapy.
a more aggressive form of thyroid cancer, The number is greater than the expected in-
and induction of cancers in organs which cidence of 0.25% (P = 0.002). Brinckner et al.
are the sites of highest radiation doses [106] found two cases of acute myelogenous
from radioiodine, in particular the stornach, leukaemia in 194 patients treated with
salivary glands, kidney and bladder, plus radioiodine, which contrasted with 0.097 ex-
the marrow whose cells are radiosensitive. pected. From the literature, they present 10
Potential risk to children born to patients patients with adenominator of just less than
who have been treated with radioiodine 500 patients. They conclude that 131 1 is
must be considered. appropriate for differentiated metastatic can-
There are re ports of differentiated cancers cer, but is not without risk. One patient I
becoming anaplastic after radioiodine, but treated developed stage IV immunoblastic
more cases transform de nova [102]. This lymphoma 9 years after her first therapy
topic is developed in depth in the section on dose. She received a total of 400 mCi over 3
anaplastic cancer. If the goal of treatment is years.
to ablate all thyroid tissue, both malignant Edmonds and Smith [100] found 6 patients
and normal, and this is achieved, anaplastic with breast cancer, which was just statistical-
change cannot occur. Therefore, if radio- ly more than the 2.53 expected (P = 0.044).
iodine is recommended in a specific patient, There were 3 bladder cancers compared to
adequate single-dose treatment should be 0.46 expected (P = 0.012). Bladder cancers
attempted. This is somewhat different from did not occur until 14-20 years after treat-
ablation of anormal remnant which is dis- ment. Cancers of the salivary gland, sto-
cussed above. Several large series show no mach and other sites were not increased.
increased risk of se co nd malignancies that They conclude the 'benefits of therapy do
could be attributed to radioiodine [103, 104]. not appear to be outweighed by long-term
However, the data of Pochin [105] supported harmful effects'.
the thesis that acute leukaemia (three cases) One series showed no difference in gene-
was found more often than expected, but tic risk to offspring of 33 treated patients
this complication was found after cumulative [107]. The treated patients were 14.6 years
doses of more than 1050 mCi. His protocol average age at the time of therapy, received
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 227
an average of 196 mCi, and were followed the same surgery and similar age and sex
for 18.7 years. This data is heartening, but distribution. Those who believe that it im-
more information is necessary before a final proves the prognosis point to their long-
conclusion can be reached. Several patients I term results, and those who do not think it
have treated with large doses have had nor- is beneficial point to theirs. In the patients
maloffspring and, generally, I advise them analysed by Mazzaferri [3] and Mazzaferri
to wait one year before conceiving, although and Young [36], there were fewer recurr-
there is no data to support this delay. Hand- ences in patients treated with radioiodine
lesman et al. [108] described a 32-year-old (6.4% v. 13.1%), yet these patients had
man who became azoospermic after 350 mCi more extensive local disease and cervical
131I. The gonadal dose was estimated be- node metastases at presentation. Therefore,
tween 175-525 rad. They showed a positive the benefit of radioiodine might be greater
correlation between the 1311 dose and FSH than is apparent from the numbers. There
level, and an inverse relation of dose and are no criteria on why these patients re-
sperm density. Small testes and azoospermia ceived radioiodine, or not. Eighty-seven per
was described in a teenager who received cent received less than 200 mCi and 98% less
350 mCi (radiation dose to the testes was than 300 mCi.
calculated to be in the range of 175-350 rad) Leeper [110] reported on the use of 131 1
[109], and Edmonds and Smith [100] de- in 46 patients, 25 with papillary cancer, who
scribe a similar patient, but contrast hirn had distant metastases. For controls he used
with two who received larger doses and patients whose cancers did not concentrate
fathered normal children. A prospective 131I. This is flawed since these latter cancers,
study would be of value. by definition, have a different biological be-
Concern about radioiodine for pulmonary haviour from those that trap radioiodine. Pa-
metastases has been discussed [81], but it is tients less than 40 years of age with papillary
more likely that impaired lung function re- cancer were benefited, and the me an dose
sults from residual cancer than radiation, prescribed was 470 mCi. In the analysis of
since pulmonary function is usually normal 333 patients treated at the University of
when there is no evidence of cancer. Michigan, 36 had lung or bone metastases,
Serious, long-term complications of radio- and 28 of these had papillary cancer. The
iodine are not common, but they are not mortality in the series was 28% at 15 years,
zero. Therefore, because differentiated can- which the authors compare with a 75% 5-
cer has a good prognosis, this treatment year mortality from a different centre. They
should not be used indiscriminately. If have also compared the outcome with a his-
young patients are to be treated, the lowest torical control group from their own institute
dose which is expected to be successful who were opera ted on, but did not receive
should be used. In patients with distant radioiodine [111]. The radioiodine was
metastases, therapy should not be withheld shown to improve the prognosis, but this
because of concern of complications, as the type of comparison is also flawed since
cancer poses a greater risk. many factors could have changed with the
passage of time. In the prospective treat-
8.3.11 RESULTS OF 131 I THERAPY ment group of 54 patients treated by Krish-
namurthy and Blahd [112], those patients in
There are no controlled, randomized trials whom complete ablation was achieved
comparing radioiodine with no radioiodine survived with no serious complications. In
in patients with the same stage of disease, summary, although most therapists are
228 Thyroid cancer
convinced that radioiodine therapy improves easier to transport the dose weIl shielded in
survival, there is no controlled study to a lead pig than it is to transport a radioactive
confirm this. The data available suggests patient. The patient should sign informed
that those with dis ta nt lesions are helped consent that the nature of the treatment has
and that ablation of residual thyroid reduces been explained and potential problems dis-
the recurrence rate somewhat. cussed. A form giving information on safely
measures to be taken after discharge is pru-
dent. The treatment can be given in liquid or
capsule form. New dispensing systems for
SAFETY [113]
the liquid do not cause as much risk of re-
Women in the childbearing age should have lease of vaporized radioiodine as old sys-
a negative pregnancy test before radioactive tems. Capsules reduce this risk [115], but the
iodine is prescribed. This is best done using cost of preparing capsules is so expensive
serum beta HCG. After treatment, patients that I use liquid for cost reasons alone. The
are a radiation source from which their rela- technologist or physician responsible for giv-
tives and the public should be protected. ing the treatment must explain to the patient
The NRCP regulations recommend a limit of what to do, and must wear rubber gloves.
5 rem/year whole-body radiation for radia- The treating physician should be in attend-
tion workers and for family members over 45 ance. Once treated, the patient must remain
years. The limit to non-radiation workers in the special room until released by the
and younger family members is 0.5 rem- physician. Showers are allowed. The patient
year. It is recommended that patients receiv- should drink at least 8 ounces of fluid hourly
ing 30 mCi or greater should be admitted to for 8-10 hours, and micturate at least every
hospital. If one centre treats a substantial 2 hours, to speed the excretion of untrapped
number of patients as in-patients, there radioiodine and to reduce radiation to the
should be a room designated for these pa- urinary tract. There should be instructions
tients. The room should be at the end of a about how long nurses and visitors can be in
corridor with two free walls and only one contact with the patient, and the office and
wall adjacent to another patient room [114]. horne phone number of the responsible
The patient in the adjacent room should be physician should be on record in case a
older than 45 years. The common wall can problem arises. Since the urine is extremely
have lead shielding incorporated, or a lead radioactive, it should not be collected, and
shield can be placed between the treated pa- great care should taken to avoid spillage or
tient and the wall. It is preferable that the splashing. Large, plastic waste containers
patient sleeps at the far end of the room and should be in the room to collect non-
wall fixtures, call button and oxygen outlets reusable materials, and meals should be deli-
should be placed accordingly. When the pa- vered on paper plates, which are collected
tient is admitted, a special form should be by the person responsible for radiation safe-
posted on the outside of the room door (Fi- ty. Bed clothes are placed in plastic bags and
gure 8.13). The patient should wear a wrist retained until radioactivity has decayed.
band indicating that radioactivity has been Generally, the patients are healthy and re-
prescribed. The nurses should wear radia- quire a minimum of laboratory tests. When
tion dosimeters and none should be pre- blood or urine tests are planned, they
gnant. Rubber gloves should be used by should be obtained be fore the radioiodine is
nurses when they are in contact with the prescribed. Elective surgery should not be
patient. It is better to administer the therapy planned in these patients, but emergency
in the patient's hospital room, because it is surgical procedures must be done as




Attending Physician: _ _ _ _ _ __
Phone: Days Nights: _ _ __

Patient's Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Med# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


lodine-131 Therapy
mCi __________________________________

Administered _______-:----:-_ _ _ _ _ __


1) This patient has received a therapeutic dose of radioactiv-
ity which could present hazards.
2) Consult "Physician's Orders for Patients Who Have Re-
ceived Radioactive lodine-131 Therapy" form - en-
closed in this record and the "Radiation Protection
Guide for Hospital Staff."
3) All precautions expire 45 days after date administered
(see above).
Figure 8.13 Example of a notice to be posted on the doOf of a patient who has been hospitalized for
treatment with 30 mCi or more of 131r.
230 Thyroid cancer
expeditiously as possible, and sponges, speci- Grade (histologieal), Extent and Size
mens and instruments labelIed as radioactive (AGES). Prognostic score = (0.05 X age in
and handled as such. Instruments should be years if the patient is 40 years old or more, 0
free of radioactivity be fore reuse. if less than 40), plus (1 if the histology is
A patient treated with 100 mCi emits 22 grade 2, or +3 if the histology grade is 3 or
mrem/hour at 1 metre. When the retained 4), plus (1 if there is extrathyroidal spread or
dose is less than 30 mCi, or the emitted +3 if there is distant spread), plus (0.2 x
radiation 8 mremlhour at 1 metre, the pa- maximum diameter of the primary cancer in
tient can be released from hospital. Once the cm). In this analysis, a score of 3.9 or less
retained dose is 8 mCi or less (emitted radia- was associated with a 25-year cancer mortal-
tion 1.8 mremlhour), no special precautions ity of 2%! A score from 4.0-4.99 had a 24%
are necessary. Jacobson et al. [116] have mea- mortality after the same length of follow-up,
sured whole-body and thyroid radiation in and a score of 5.0-5.99 a mortality of 49%,
family members. They found a range of and 93% of those with ascore of 6.0 or more
whole-body exposure of 0.17-126 mrem/day. died as a result of the cancer. Clearly, any
Thyroid doses ranged from 4-1330 mrem. adjuvant therapy should be recommended
They found the telephone mouthpiece was in the last groups, not the first.
the hottest surface and, as a result, we cover
the mouthpiece of the phone in the hospital
room with thin plastic, such as Seran wrap.
Personnel involved in radioactive iodine
therapies should have counts made over About 10% of histologically well-
their thyroids to ensure there has been no differentiated thyroid cancers do not
inhalation of radioactivity. Clearly, this form accumulate a meaningful quantity of 1311,
of treatment should be under the control of a even when the patient has been off thyrox-
physician trained in therapy with unsealed ine and has a marked TSH stimulus. Painful
radionuclides and radiation safety. bone lesions which do not trap iodine
should be treated using external radiation
therapy. Progressive widespread metastatic
disease should be treated with systemic
Prognosis falls into two categories: firstly the chemotherapy. Otherwise, if the patient
recurrence rate and, secondly, and more im- is asymptomatic, the only treatment is sup-
portantly, the death rate. Not all publica- pressive doses of thyroxine for life.
tions separate these, and to a degree the two
factors are interrelated. Important factors for
both are increasing age, male sex, large
primary cancer, distant metastases and There is a very limited role for external
dedifferentiated pathology. Less important radiation therapy in the primary treatment
factors are lymph node metastases and the of differentiated thyroid cancer. If metas-
presence of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Table tases accumulate 1311, this form of radiation
8.2 lists the role of these in several published treatment is preferable because a higher
series. Hay et al. [41] have developed a for- radiation dose can be delivered more selec-
mula which can be used to determine apriori tively. Whenever there is residual thyroid
the prognosis. The mathematical basis for cancer in the neck which is not controlled
the formula comes from results of their with TSH suppression and which does not
multivariant analysis of the outcome in trap iodine, external radiation therapy can
860 patients. The factors used are Age, be used. There are re ports of its use in place
Differentiated thyroid cancer: papillary 231
of radioiodine, with fair results [117], but in intervals. One patient had a complete re-
any publication about therapy the other mission and 4 others a partial remission.
prognostic factors have to be evaluated since Hellman et al. [121] used combined chemo-
they frequently dictate the outcome. I con- therapy with Adriamycin 40 mg/kg on day
sulted and treated a young man whose 1, melphalan 6 mg/m 2 orally from day 3
papillary cancer had been treated postoper- to day 6, vincristine 2 mg intravenously and
atively (lobectomy) with high-dose external bleomycin 15 mg intramuscularly on day 15
radiation. When he developed distant of a 28-day cyde. Eight cydes were pre-
metastases and was referred for radioiodine scribed, then melphalan was given monthly
therapy, a diagnostic whole-body 131 1 scinti- for a year. Four patients with pro-
gram showed normal uptake in the residual gressive limited disease had a complete re-
lobe, which was subsequently totally ablated mission, and 3 with widespread disease a
with 1311. He died of widespread thyroid partial remission.
cancer and is the only patient less than 45 Cisplatinum, or a combination of cisplati-
years old who has done so in my experience. num and Adriamycin, are under investiga-
There are re ports of external radiation given tion, but results in reasonable numbers of
before 131 1 causing a bad outcome [118]. This patients are not available. Whatever che-
case demonstrates that normal and malig- motherapy is used, it is important that an
nant thyroid are resistant to fairly high doses oncologist is responsible for the manage-
of radiation, 7000 rad in this case, and that ment of the patient, and the decision about
internal radiation from 1311 can deliver a when to introduce chemotherapy is a joint
higher dose. one with the patient and thyroidologist. This
therapy should not be used when there is no
evidence of progressive disease.
Because most patients with differentiated
thyroid cancer have a good prognosis, espe- Serum thyroglobulin is a very valuable mar-
cially if treated by the appropriate operation, ker for differentiated thyroid cancer. The
oral thyroxine and, in selected cases, topic is introduced in Chapter 3. Many re-
radioiodine, there is a very limited role for searchers have shown that increased levels
anticancer chemotherapy. Gottlieb and Hill correlate with recurrent or metastatic dis-
[119] presented the results of treatment with ease, and absent thyroglobulin with success-
Adriamycin in 28 patients with differentiated ful ablation of all thyroid tissue [122-129]. In
thyroid cancers. Twelve patients had papil- our experience, the results are very valuable
lary cancer, 6 follicular, 9 Hurthle and one but are different depending on whether the
undassified. Twenty-one had neck involve- patient is taking thyroxine, or not. Theyalso
ment, the same number pulmonary metas- depend on whether a significant amount of
tases, and 9 had bone metastases. In every normal thyroid is left postoperatively. In
patient, the disease was progressive and was those patients who had total thyroidectomy
considered to be untreatable with standard and are taking suppressive doses of thyrox-
therapies. Ten had a partial remission (36%), ine, the sensitivity is 97% and specificity
and their survival was superior to those in 96% [129]. In those with residual thyroid,
whom the cancer continued to grow. Shi- the specificity falls to 87%, but the sensitiv-
maoka and Reyes [120] treated 14 patients ity is still excellent at 97%. When the patient
with Adriamycin 60-90 mg/m2 at 3-4-week stops thyroxine and thyroid tissue, both
232 Thyroid cancer
benign and malignant, is stimulated by TSH, with thyroxine, I do not do radioiodine
the results are less impressive but still clini- scans because the residual thyroid will be
cally valuable. The sensitivity in those with imaged and little else. In these patients thyr-
no thyroid tissue is 75%, and in those with oglobulin is helpful, but anormal result in
residual thyroid 94%. The specificities are our experience is up to 10 ng/ml, and not
95% and 71 % respectively. Clearly, there are undetectable as in the former situation.
both false negatives and false positives, and
readers should not be overly concerned by
case reports of proven metastatic disease 8.3.18 WHOLE-BODY THALLIUM
associated with normal thyroglobulin [130]. SCINTIGRAPHY
When evaluated along with careful clinical
examination and a whole-body radioiodine There is growing evidence that 201Tl is a
scan, the clinician has three objective valuable additional imaging agent for thyr-
methods of follow-up. oid cancer. It is not specific; however, it has
I suggest the following approach in pa- the great advantage that the study can be
tients who are thought to have total thyroid done without stopping thyroxine. If suf-
ablation, either by surgery alone, or by ficient data supports that this scan always
surgery and radioiodine. When total-body gives the same result as radioiodine, the
131 1 scintigraphy is done to prove that abla- 201TI scan would be done first and, if nega-
tion has been achieved, stop thyroxine for at tive, the patient would not have to stop
least 4 weeks, draw blood just prior to admi- thyroxine. When the 201TI scan is positive, a
nistering the tracer dose of 1311 and measure radioiodine scan would be ordered as a pre-
TSH and thyroglobulin. If the scan is nega- liminary to determine if treatment with
tive and thyroglobulin undetectable, com- radioiodine should be administered. The
plete ablation is virtually assured. Re- data of Brendel et al. [131] speaks against
start thyroxine and use clinical examination this possibility. This is also presented in
and thyroglobulin measurements while the Chapter 3.
patient is on thyroxine to follow the course
of the disease. If thyroglobulin becomes
detectable at any time, stop thyroxine and 8.4 DIFFERENTIATED THYROID
repeat the radioiodine scan. CANCER: FOLLICULAR
If the scan is abnormal yet thyroglobulin This cancer is discussed separately because
unmeasurable, the patient would be treated the pathology, behaviour and pro gnosis are
with 131 1 to ablate the abnormality but, in different from papillary cancer [132]. Not all
this situation, thyroglobulin will not provide experts agree on the distinction and argue
a good index for follow-up. This is uncom- that the poorer prognosis is attributed to the
mon. When the opposite is found, a nega- patients being older.
tive scan with positive thyroglobulin, the
clinician is perplexed since there is probably
cancer but its site is not known. Whole-body
201TI scintigraphy can help to define the
abnormal site which, if it is to be treated, There is only a minor association with prior
will require surgery or external radiation head and neck radiation causing follicular
since it does not concentrate radioiodine. cancer. In a significant number of cases the
In patients who had a lesser thyroid op- lesion arises in a multinodular goitre, but it
eration and adecision made simply to treat is not clear if the cancer arises there de nova,
Differentiated thyroid cancer: follicular 233

or whether malignant transformation occurs.

The incidence of follicular cancer is decreas-
ing in the USA [133, 134], and this has been
attributed to increased iodine in the diet,
and hence less multinodular goitre. Coin-
cidentally, the percentage of papillary can-
cers is increasing.

This section deals with pure follicular can-
cer. Hurthle cell tumours, which are consi-
dered as a variant of follicular cancer, are
discussed separately below. The cancer is
usually weIl circumscribed when srnall but,
as it enlarges, it invades both the vessels and
the capsule of the gland. It is pink in colour,
and can occur at any place in the thyroid,
although it is said to be rare in the isthmus.
Histologically, it consists of microfollicles
with small amounts of colloid (Figure 8.14).
There are no papillae and no psammoma
bodies. When there are classic features of
follicular cancer, but the nuclei have a
ground-glass appearance, the lesion is clas-
sified as a follicular variant of papillary can- Figure 8.14 Histology of follicular carcinoma.
cer and the lesion behaves like papillary
rather than follicular cancer [135]. Pure fol-
licular cancer has a greater tendency to rately well-differentiated is prognostically
metastasize by the blood to the bones, lung, important.
liver and brain than papillary cancer, and
less tendency to spread via the lymphatics to
regional nodes. Histological evidence of
marked capsular invasion or vascular inva- The usual presentation is a nodule in the
sion are important, since they are each bad thyroid. In most series, 65-80% are women
prognostic features (Figure 8.15). Sometimes and the average age range is from 45-55
it is difficult to differentiate an atypical fol- years [132-134, 136]. Most patients are
licular adenoma from a well-differentiated euthyroid, but there are a small number of
follicular carcinoma, but minor degrees of reports of hyperthyroidism due to wide-
angioinvasion clinch the latter diagnosis. spread metastases secreting excess thyroxine
Even after careful evaluation of multiple sec- [137-139] or very rarely a huge primary
tions, the issue can be unsettled and only lesion hypersecreting [140]. Because of the
the appearance of metastases at a later date propensity for angioinvasion, the cancer can
establishes the true nature of the lesion. grow along the great vessels of the neck and
Most now agree that separating well- cause superior vena cava syndrome [141,
differentiated follicular cancer from mode- 142].
234 Thyroid cancer
radioiodine is used in the rare patient with
follicular cancer who is hyperthyroid, pre-
treatment with antithyroid drugs is recom-
mended to prevent thyroid storm [144]. The
usual dose to treat metastases is 150-200
mCi 1311, but Leeper [1] has demonstrated
that larger doses can be given provided
dosimetrie calculations from the preliminary
test dose show that the blood will receive
less than 200 rad, and that retention at 48
hours is not greater than 80 mCi. Using this
protocol in 150 patients, he has not seen
fatal marrow aplasia, leukaemia, or pulmon-
ary fibrosis. I have never used more than 200
mCi for a single treatment.
The principles for the use of radiation
therapy and chemotherapy are the same as
for progressive papillary cancer.
Thyroglobulin as weIl as total-body 131 1
scintigraphy are used for determining
whether the patient is free from cancer, or

The overall prognosis in patients with fol-
Figure 8.15 Intravascular extension of follicular
cancer. licular cancer is inferior to that in patients
with papillary cancer. Several factors are
associated with a bad prognosis, and of
these the most important are extrathyroidal
extension of the cancer, distant metastases,
the large size of the primary lesion, nodal
Surgery is the main form of treatment for metastases, and old age of the patient [133,
this cancer. The correct operation is near tot- 134, 136]. Extensive angioinvasion is signi-
al thyroidectomy, but as stated above, even ficant, but hard to separate from local inva-
after total thyroidectomy, residual tissue is sion and distant metastases.
usually apparent on whole-body imaging
with radioiodine [143]. The role of radio-
iodine is more clearly established in the case
of follicular cancer, although even here there
is no uniform opinion [143]. Certainly, if Hurthle cells, also called Askanazy cells, are
there is pathological evidence of angio- or large oxyphil cells (Figure 8.16). These cells
capsular invasion, residual thyroid should also occur in the thyroid in a variety of con-
be ablated with 75-100 mCi 1311. A repeat ditions, including Hashimoto' s thyroiditis
scan 6-12 months later is done to look for and Craves' disease, in addition to neo-
functioning metastases which, if present, are plasia. There is now no doubt that this is
treated with a second dose of 1311. When a follicular cell with abundant mitochondria
Differentiated thyroid cancer: Hurthle cell 235

(a) (b)

Figure 8.16 (a) A low-power photomicrograph of a Hurthle cell lesion in upper three-quarters of the
picture and normal thyroid below for comparison. To prove this lesion is cancerous requires evidence
of capsular invasion, vascular invasion or the presence of metastases. (b) A high-power photomicro-
graph of the Hurthle cells with abundant dark cytoplasm.

[145] . Therefore, Hurthle ceU cancers are ed when there is definite evidence that the
variants of follicular cancer. It is necessary lesion is cancerous. Postoperatively, thyrox-
for there to be evidence of metastases, or ine is prescribed but there is seldom evi-
angio- or capsular invasion before this di- dence that radioiodine is taken up by metas-
agnosis is made. The cancer occurs in slight- tases, so this therapy is not prescribed . A
ly older age (mean age 55.5 years in 29 pa- repeat operation is done for local recur-
tients [145]) than pure follicular cancer, and rence. Symptomatic distant lesions are
the ratio of women to men is 2 to 1. The treated by surgery if they can be resected or
cancer is more prone to spread locally than debulked without serious complications.
follicular cancer, but distant spread occurs as Alternatively, external radiotherapy is given.
weU. Because there are few large series, Ten of the 29 patients studied by Watson
it is difficult to establish optimal therapy. et al. [146] died of their cancer and bad
However, near total thyroidectomy is advis- prognostic features were lymph-node
236 Thyroid cancer
metastases, high-grade histology and local metastases to regional lymph nodes. This
invasion. No patients had distant metastases might be an underestimate since nodes are
at presentation, but this has previously been not sampled routinely in the surgery of thyr-
shown to be bad. oglossal cyst. There is an increased ratio of
women (2 to 1) and the age range is 30-60
years. There is one report of a case occurring
8.6 DIFFERENTIATED THYROID after neck irradiation [154]. The condition
CANCER: CLEAR CELL has an excellent prognosis and the operative
I am not certain whether this should be clas- procedure for the thyroglossal cyst (Sistrunk
sified with follicular or anaplastic cancer. It operation) is all that is required in most pa-
is rare and has a bad prognosis. The only tients. Since a small proportion of these can-
case I have seen had a metastasis to the cers are thought to arise in the thyroid and
ilium, which concentrated radioiodine, migrate upwards through the thyroglossal
hence I have placed the discussion here. It is duct, it is important to palpate the thyroid
difficult on occasion to determine if this is a carefully to ensure there is no mass. It is
primary thyroid cancer, or if it is a metasta- probably correct to obtain a thyroid scinti-
sis from a clear-cell cancer of the kidney gram or ultrasound, and if these and clinical
[146, 147]. If the lesion stains with antithyr- findings are normal, most authorities recom-
oglobulin, it is of thyroid origin. When di- mend prescribing thyroxine in a dose suf-
agnosed early, near total thyroidectomy is ficient to suppress TSH. It could be argued
advised. In the ca se of metastatic spread, that if the thyroid is normal and the cancer
testing can be done to determine if the can- arose de nova in the ectopic site, no addition-
cer traps sufficient radioiodine to advise this al therapy would be required, but caution
therapy. Otherwise, radiation and/or chemo- usually dictates the former approach. The
therapy are prescribed depending on the small number of cases does not allow sweep-
position and extent of spread [148]. ing recommendations to be made. I have
seen this once in a 37-year-old woman in
whom a thyroglossal cyst was removed for
8.7 DIFFERENTIATED CANCERS IN cosmetic reasons. It was made up entirely of
EXTRATHYROIDAL SITES papillary cancer. There was a tiny palpable
nodule in the lower left of the thyroid,
8.7.1 CANCER IN THYROGLOSSAL DUCT which was hot on 1231 scintigram. After con-
OR CYST siderable discussion adecision was made
Thyroid cancer in the thyroglossal duct or not to operate on the thyroid. She remains
cyst is rare and usually not diagnosed weIl with the tiny nodule unchanged 12
preoperatively. The surgeon and patient are years later.
surprised to leam that a routinely removed
thyroglossal cyst contains cancer. On occa-
sion, hardness of the cyst or associated
lymphadenopathy alert the clinician to the
possibility of this diagnosis. Jaques et al. Struma ovarii is a rare tumour which is
[149] and other investigators [150-152] have usually diagnosed by the pathologist when
reviewed the literature and added cases, and an ovarian tumour is removed. It is a terato-
in total about 70 cases have been described. ma in which thyroid tissue makes up the
Ninety per cent are papillary cancers [153], majority of the lesion. About 0.5% of ova-
but unlike papillary cancers arising in the rian tumours are of this kind. The thyroid
thyroid, only about 10% of these have tissue is usually benign, although 19 cases of
Undifferentiated cancer: anaplastic 237
malignant struma ovarii were found in the substantial proportion of thyroid cancer
world literature up to 1983 [155]. Other ways deaths.
in which this tumour can present include
hyperthyroidism (Chapter 5) and ascites
[156]. The number of cases with metastases
is extremely small and the only patient I There is considerable circumstantial evi-
have treated presented with a solitary bony dence that anaplastic cancer arises from pre-
metastasis causing spinal cord compression. existing differentiated thyroid cancer or, in
The ovarian tumour had been removed pre- some cases, long-standing goitre. In one
viously, but diagnosed as a benign lesion. series of 84 patients, 74 had one or other of
With pathological proof that the spinal le- these factors [158]. It has been suggested
sion was follicular cancer, a review of the that previous external or 1311 radiation for
original showed it was malignant (a difficult differentiated cancer increases the risk of
diagnosis because the usual criteria for anaplastic transformation [159], but since
malignancy are hard to apply in teratoma, this transformation can occur without radia-
where various tissues are intermingled). The tion the association is not absolute. Kapp et
treatment is similar to that of thyroid cancer. al. [102] reported two cases, one after exter-
The primary lesion should be removed. Be- nal radiation, the other after 1311 for treat-
cause there are a small number of reports of ment of differentiated thyroid cancer, and
bilateral tumours, annual gynaecological ex- they reviewed the world literature. Of 135
amination is advised. When there is no evid- cases of differentiated cancer that progressed
ence of metastases this is adequate. When to anaplastic, 35 had prior radiation (mostly
metastases are present they can be treated 1311) and 100 had not. In another series, no
with radioiodine, but before this is possible, cases had this association [160], and the
the normal thyroid has to be removed by chance of transformation occurring after 131 1
surgery. This also ensures that the primary is determined to be less than 5%. Clearly, if
cancer is not in the thyroid. In the patient the radioiodine ablates all malignant tissue,
described, this was done and the spinal this sequence cannot occur and whenever
lesion treated with 2 doses of 200 mCi I have encountered such transformation,
radioiodine at an interval of 1 year. At the there was residual thyroid cancer which
time of writing, she is clinically free of dis- could not be ablated.
ease, a total-body 131 1 scan is negative and
thyroglobulin undetectable [157].
Anaplastic cancers are classified as giant or
8.8 UNDIFFERENTIATED CANCER: spindie. Adenosquamous cancers are prob-
ANAPLASTIC ably anaplastic, as are sarcomas which are so
anaplastic that they are interpreted as sarco-
ma rather than carcinoma. In the past, there
Fortunately, this cancer is rare. It accounts was a category of small-cell anaplastic
for 5-15% of thyroid cancers in most of the cancer, but in retrospect these are either
large published series in the USA (approx- lymphoma or medullary cancer without
imately 500 new cases per year). The inci- amyloid. This misinterpretation accounts for
dence is high er in Europe. It is probably the the relatively better prognosis in patients
most rapidly lethai of all cancers, few pa- with this pathology (small-cell anaplastic car-
tients survive 6 months from the time of cinoma), and it makes comparison of prog-
diagnosis and, therefore, it accounts for a nosis in different series difficult since
238 Thyroid cancer
patients with different diseases are compared. A chest radiograph with views of the thor-
In true anaplastic cancer, the cells are large, acic inlet help to define encroachment on the
bizarre, often multinucleated with hyper- trachea and whether there are pulmonary
chromatic nuclei (Figure 8.17). Standard his- metastases. A CT scan of the neck and thor-
tological staining techniques with antibodies ax give more information about these, and
(usually monoclonal antibodies) against should be ordered as an emergency. In this
thyroglobulin make it possible to prove the clinical situation, it is legitimate to use iodine
origin of the cells with considerable accuracy contrast, since if the dia gnosis is anaplastic
[161, 162]. Nevertheless, when the cells are cancer there is no role for radioiodine and, if
extremely dedifferentiated, they do not not, waiting 4-6 weeks until the iodine is
make thyroglobulin. excreted is acceptable. H, as is usually the
case, it is thought that the cancer is unresect-
able dia gnosis might be made by needle
aspiration, or limited open biopsy. On the
Most of the patients are older than 60 years other hand, if a ne edle aspirate of a less
and there is a slight increase in women sinister lesion shows anaplasia and clinically
(Table 8.5). The symptoms include a rapidly and radiologically there is no evidence of
enlarging neck mass, breathlessness, chok- invasion, complete surgical excision should
ing, hoarseness and dysphagia. Carcangiu et be done. This is the only hope of long-term
al. [160] describe the three D's, dysphagia, survival. Aldinger et al. [158] reported a
dyspnoea and dysphonia. Although lymph mean survival rate of 5.4 years for three pa-
node metastases are very common early tients in whom the disease was confined to
(80%), and distant metastases have occurred the thyroid and surgically removable, com-
in about 50% by presentation, it is the pared with 4.8 months in 81 patients with
dramatic primary cancer that predominates. more advanced disease. Since the patient
There is early extension into midline struc- usually has far advanced local and/or distant
tures. The diagnosis can be made with con- metastases when first seen, the physician
siderable accuracy from the bedside. The pa- and patient have to accept the disease is
tient has a rock-hard thyroid mass which is incurable. To emphasize this, in addition to
fixed, and has difficulty speaking and brea- the figures above, Carcangiu et al. [160] re-
thing. Stridor can be present. This cancer port that 82% of the patients they followed
can cause obstruction of the superior vena died within 1 year, and the mean survival
cava. Occasionally, the cancer is found by rate in another large series was 4 months [4].
the pathologist in a surgically removed Casterline et al. [163] feIt that survival for
nodule when there has been no clinical longer than 2 years was sufficient to warrant
suspicion of anaplastic cancer. H the lesion is a ca se re port, and they summarized the re-
small and removed completely, a very for- suIts of 10 publications, and showed that the
tunate circumstance, this is the only hope of 2 year survival in 420 patients was 2.6%. It is
long-term survival. difficult for one centre to develop meaning-
ful, controlled protocols because this cancer
is not common, the progression is so rapid,
8.8.5 INVESTIGATIONS, TREATMENT and the patients elderly and frail and unable
AND PROGNOSIS to tolerate severe therapeutic regimes. There
Because of the rapid onset of the disease and is a consensus that high-dose external
its terrible prognosis, early tissue diagnosis radiation should be coupled with chemo-
is important. There is no role for scintigra- therapy. The radiation dose recommended is
phy or uItrasound in a patient with stridor. 5000-6000 rad and various fractions, such as


Figure 8.17 (a) Low-power photomicrograph and (b) high-power photomicrograph of an anaplastic
carcinoma showing the loss of follicular architecture, bizarre cell shape and multiple mitotic figures .
240 Thyroid cancer
Table 8.5 Patient characteristics in anaplastic can- found it in a progressively increased propor-
cer of the thyroid tion, up to 21 %, but this was due to familial
cases diagnosed at an early stage by screen-
Average Ratio warnen
Reference Nurnber age (years) to rnen ing (see below). Hazard et al. [168] identified
this as a separate cancer in 1959, in a paper
162 26 66 2.7/1 describing 21 cases. Prior to then, these can-
158 84 64 1/1.5 cers were classified as anaplastic. Correct-
160 70 67 3.1/1 ness of dia gnosis is extremely important,
because about 20% of medullary cancers are
famiIiaC and because the prognoses of the
two diseases is different, anaplastic cancer
200 rad per day, or 160 rad twice daily, or causing inevitable death in a few months.
100 rad 4 times a day have been prescribed. The concept that medullary cancer arises
The chemotherapy should include Adriamy- from parafollicular cells which secrete calci-
ein [164, 165L which has been shown to be tonin was proposed by Williams in 1967
the most effective single agent and, fre- [169], and the following year, three groups
quently, this is combined with eis-platinum. reported on patients with this disease in
Even with combined therapy the prognosis whom extremely high concentrations of cal-
is terrible. Aldinger et al. [158] reported suc- eitonin were found in the cancers [170-172]
cess in 4 out of 14 patients with combined and subsequently in the blood [173].
surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, 1 out Medullary cancer can occur sporadically,
of 16 with surgery alone, 1 out of 7 with or it can be familial. The familial are sub-
surgery and radiotherapy, and 0 out of 7 divided into three types: firstly multiple
with surgery and chemotherapy. In spite of endocrine neoplasia type Ha (MEN Ha), sec-
early shrinkage of the cancer with che- ondly type Hb and, lastly, familial non-MEN
motherapy, it grows back relentlessly and medullary cancer. MEN Ha includes a constel-
causes death by local invasion. Occasionally, la ti on of medullary cancer, phaeochromo-
chemotherapy causes sufficient reduction in cytoma, and hyperparathyroidism, and is
size of the primary lesion to make it possible also called Sipple's syndrome [174]. MEN
to consider surgical exeision [166]. If the pa- Hb has the first two features plus a charac-
tient is in respiratory distress, tracheostomy teristic faeial appearance, Marfanoid features,
is necessary but this can be technically dif- and mucosal neuromas [175]. Non-MEN
fieult because of the extent and site of the famiIial cancer does not have the additional
malignancy. There has to be cooperation of features. All are transmitted as an autosomal
thyroidologist, surgeon, radiation therapist dominant.
and oncologist, and because of the dreadful
nature of the disease, the patient must be
given adequate relief of suffering with
strong analgesics and sedatives, and support The cell of origin is the parafollieular or C
for the family. cell which lies between follicles. They do not
abut on colloid, have no microvilli and they
contain dark, secretory granules [176]. The
8.9 MEDULLARY CANCER cells can be demonstrated with peroxidase-
labelIed anticalcitonin antibodies. They sec-
rete calcitonin which can be used as aserum
Medullary cancer accounts for about 5-10% marker to detect the cancer, and to deter-
of thyroid cancers (Table 8.1). Sizemore [167] mine the success of surgical treatment [177,
Medullary cancer 241

178]. In familial cases diagnosed early by tients with medullary cancer, as has C cell
provocative tests designed to stimulate re- hyperplasia in patients with phaeochro-
lease of calcitonin, there is a spectrum from mocytoma [187]. Just as 80% of medullary
C cell hyperplasia to frank malignancy. This cancers are sporadic, the same percentage
is not seen in sporadic cases. The cells are applies to sporadic phaeochromocytoma.
round, polyhedral and pleomorphic, and are Extra-adrenal as well as intra-adrenal
present in sheets. There are no papillary phaeochromocytomas have been described
or follicular elements in the classic case, in one patient [188].
although there are a few reports of cancers
which do contain both malignant follicular
and parafollicular elements [179, 180]. These
are difficult to explain since it implies malig- Medullary cancer is found in equal numbers
na nt transformation of two cell types with in men and women [167, 184]. Patients can
different embryonic development. A charac- be any age, but sporadic ones are dis-
teristic finding is amyloid in primary and covered most frequently in the 40-50 year
secondary lesions. There is amino acid range and familial cases earlier, usually be-
homology between amino acids 9-19 of cal- tween 15-30 years, especially if screening
citonin and amyloid, and the C cells appear tests are carried out. In sporadic cases, the
to secrete amyloid. It can be important to do most frequent presentation is a thyroid
Congo red staining to aid with diagnosis. nodule. Not infrequently, the specific di-
The cancers are unencapsulated and hard, agnosis is not suspected preoperatively, and
and they are multifocal in about 20% of surgery is for a clinically suspicious cold
sporadic cases and 90% of the familial. A nodule. With more extensive use of fine-
typical pattern in the familial cancers which ne edle aspiration to obtain a tissue diagnosis
have not been treated at an early stage, is in thyroid nodules, the dia gnosis should be
bilateral cancers at the lateral aspect of the established preoperatively. This is important
junction of the upper and middle thirds of because it allows planning of the optimal
the thyroid. In Ibanez's [181] series, 7 out of surgical procedure, namely, total thyroidec-
9 familial cases were bilateral. Lymph node tomy. It is not clinically useful to measure
metastases are found in 50-80% of patients, calcitonin in every patient with a thyroid
and are more frequent in the central rather nodule with the intention of diagnosing
than lateral nodes. Nodal metastases in the medullary cancer. About 30% of patients
mediastinum have been found in 20-30% of with medullary cancer have troublesome di-
patients at the first operation. Blood-borne arrhoea and this symptom, if persistent in a
metastases are found in lung, liver and bone patient with a thyroid nodule, should raise
in descending frequency, and other organs the probability of medullary cancer. Di-
are involved rarely. The pathological fea- arrhoea is thought to be due to a secretory
tures have been described in depth in sever- product of the cancer, which, in addition to
al reviews [181-183]. calcitonin, can produce 5-hydroxytryp-
Patients with MEN Ha and b can have tamine, histamine, prostaglandins, CEA,
phaeochromocytoma. This was the case in vasoactive peptide. ACTH, corticotrophin
15 out of 31 cases in the series of Saad et al. releasing factor and other vasoactive mate-
[184] and 12 out of 29 cases described by rials (167, 182, 189). In general, these would
Chong et al. [185]. The adrenal cancers are not be looked for routinely, but the clinician
bilateral in about 50% of patients [186], and should be alert to symptoms which could be
can be malignant. Hyperplasia of adrenal due to humoral secretions. In familial cases,
medullary cells has been encountered in pa- hypertension from coexisting phaeochro-
242 Thyroid cancer
mocytoma might be present. The clinician more [167] prefers this test because it has a
should examine the patient carefully to de- higher sensitivity. Some patients suffer tran-
termine the extent of the cancer and for the sient epigastric or substernal discomfort
presence of regional lymph node involve- shortly after injection of the pentagastrin.
ment. Neither of these tests is perfect, and there
are reports of disparate results in a small
8.9.4 INVESTIGATIONS proportion of patients. Therefore, if one of
the tests is negative yet the clinical suspicion
(a) Calcitonin persists, the other test should be under-
Calcitonin is a 32 amino acid peptide of taken. To overcome this, Wells et al. [194]
molecular weight 3400. It is a valuable recommend combining calcium infusion (2
tumour marker both to diagnose medullary mg/kg) followed by pentagastrin 0.5 ILg/kg
cancer, and to follow the response to treat- with multiple blood sampIes over 15 mi-
ments. There are some drawbacks with this nutes.
measurement. Firstly, the assay is not part-
icularly sensitive and there is overlap (b) Imaging tests
between normals and 'low' abnormals, Several radiopharmaceuticals have been
therefore, false negatives are found. Second- found to localize in primary and metastatic
ly, certain non-medullary cancers, in particu- medullary cancer. Some of these were intro-
lar oat-cell of lung, breast and pancreas, also duced in Chapter 3. Thallium-201 was first
secrete calcitonin [190, 191]. Thirdly, the recognized to localize in medullary cancer in
levels of calcitonin fluctuate considerably 1980 [195], and Hoefnagel et al. [196] correct-
even from clearly abnormal to normal. With ly localized 11 out of 12 lesions. The test
these considerations in mind, the following requires no preparation, 2.0 mCi of 201TI as
approach is proposed for patients in whom thallous chloride are injected intravenously
the diagnosis is suspected. and whole-body imaging started after 10 mi-
Measure calcitonin in a venous blood sam- nutes. The major role of 201TI is in searching
pIe; if the result is elevated the diagnosis is for cancer in patients with persistently ele-
very likely and patient should have tests to vated calcitonin.
exclude phaeochromocytoma. Radioiodinated metaiodobenzylguanidine
If the calcitonin level is normal, provoca- (MIBG), which has been a very successful in
tive tests should be conducted, especially in imaging phaeochromocytoma [197] and has
family members who are being screened for also been used to treat metastatic lesions
asymptomatic disease. Of the provocative [198], was found serendipitously to localize
tests, the two which have been most reliable in medullary cancer [199], and subsequent
are the short calcium infusion and the penta- reports confirm that it localizes in some, but
gastrin tests [192]. The patient should be not all, lesions [200, 201]. The test has a
fasted and the tests should be done under significant false-negative rate. However,
continuous medical observation. when there is intense uptake in a site
Calcium 2 mg/kg is injected rapidly, or 3 deemed to be unresectable, consideration
mg/kg is infused over 10 minutes and blood should be given to therapy with 131I_MIBG
sampIes taken over 15 minutes. Alternative- (100 mCi has been prescribed [196]).
ly, pentagastrin is injected intravenously in a Pentavalent 99mTc dimercaptosuccinate
dose of 0.5 ILg/kg and blood sampIes drawn (DMSA) was first shown to image medullary
at O. 1, 2, 5 and 10 minutes. Sizemore and cancer in 1984 [202], and subsequent reports
Go [193] found a rise in calcitonin of 5-36- have been favourable [203, 204]. The role
fold over basal levels in patients, and Size- of this radiopharmaceutical is similar to 201Tl.
Medullary cancer 243

Total thyroidectomy is the treatment of

choke [167, 184]. If a lobectomy has been
done before the diagnosis was established, a
second operation should be undertaken to
complete the procedure. The central lymph
nodes from the hyoid to the in nomina te
should be removed because they are fre-
quently involved. If lateral cervical lymph
nodes are found to be involved at operation,
a modified radical disseetion is advised.
Although some authorities recommend this
routinely, I do not. One of the prognostic
factors in determining long-term survival is
removal of all cancer at the first operation. In
selected ca ses, external radiation therapy is
used postoperatively; this has best results
when there is a small tumour load, in the
case of bulky residual disease it is not cura-
tive. The dose and port vary depending on
the specific site of the cancer but, in general,
Figure 8.18 Sagittal section of a NMRI scan 4500-5000 rad supervoltage is prescribed
through the lower head, neck, and upper trunk over 4-6 weeks. This should be prescribed
in a patient with extensive nodal metastases from
by aradiation therapist with an interest and
medullary cancer. Abnormal nodes are seen
throughout the neck and upper mediastinum. knowledge of the disease and its natural his-
There are isolated re ports of 131 1 being
used to treat medullary cancer [206-208].
Five to 10 mCi are injected intravenously The cells do not trap iodine. It has been
and whole-body images made 2 hours later. hypothesized that small foci of medullary
Specific monoclonal antibodies to calcito- cancer surrounded by normal thyroid would
nin have been used in experimental animals receive sufficient radiation from 131 1 in the
[205] and in patients [206]. Both whole anti- normal tissue to be sterilized. When total
body and fragments F(ab'h have been used. thyroidectomy is done, there is little role for
It is too early to define their role in diagnosis ablating residual thyroid because the uptake
and treatment at the time of writing. of 131 1 is so small that lethaI radiation dam-
Standard imaging techniques which are age to adjacent cancer is not likely to occur.
not tumour specific are used to stage the In larger series, the recurrence and death
cancer: ehest roentgenogram and CT or rates are not reduced in those treated
NMRI of the thorax for pulmonary metasta- with radioiodine, and this therapy is not
sis and mediastinal nodal involvement, recommended.
skeletal scintigraphy and CT or liver scin- When the diagnosis of medullary cancer
tigraphy to evaluate the bones and liver re- is known preoperatively, it is prudent to
spectively. Figure 8.18 shows a NMRI scan screen for phaeochromocytoma by measur-
in patient with extensive neck and medias- ing urinary catecholamines. When phaeo-
tinal nodal metastases. chromocytoma and medullary cancer
244 Thyroid cancer
coexist, the former should be treated first. cases diagnosed in a thyroid mass. It is also
All the usual preoperative and intraoperative difficult to determine wh at percentage of
care for a patient at risk for unexpected thyroid malignancies are lymphomas for the
adrenergic crisis should be in place. The same reason. Hamburger et al. [209] found
thyroidectomy is done when that risk has 30 cases out of 389 with thyroid cancer
been removed. All patients should be put on (7.7%), and these were diagnosed from 4200
thyroxine postoperatively simply because patients with a thyroid nodule, most of
they need it, but unlike the situation with whom had fine-needle aspiration for tissue
differentiated cancers, this therapy does not diagnosis. If this is representative, the fre-
suppress medullary cancer. Diarrhoea due to quency of primary lymphoma in the thyroid
humoral secretions from unresectable metas- is similar to medullary or anaplastic cancer.
tases should be treated with standard me dic- It is now recognized that a significant
al measures including codeine, Lomotil and proportion of cancers which were classified
kaolin, and if these are not successful, a trial as small-cell anaplastic cancers are, in fact,
of nutmeg, which is a prostagIandin inhibi- primary lymphomas [210, 211]. In most
tor, is suggested. In those patients with series, the predominant lymphoma is diffuse
widespread metastases systemic chemother- histiocytic (Rappaport Classification [212]),
apy has to be considered, but none is very but there are reports of T-cell lymphoma,
effective. It is probable that specific treat- . plasmacytoma [213, 214] and Hodgkin's dis-
ment with radiolabelled antibodies will be ease [215]. In the experience of my radiation
used therapeutically in the future. Family therapy colleagues, this is a rare presenta-
members should be screened so that no ear- tion for lymphoma, accounting for 1.3% of
ly case is missed because eure can be antici- cases [216]. Burke et al. [217] provide evid-
pated at that time, whereas in advanced dis- ence that there is a pathological gradation
ease the prognosis is gloomy. from Hashimoto' s thyroiditis (chronic lym-
phocytic thyroiditis) to lymphoma, and they
found this in 27 of 35 cases where they could
examine residual thyroid not involved with
The outcome depends on the stage of the lymphoma. This association is recognized in
cancer, the completeness of surgery, 24-95% of published cases (Table 8.6) [216-
whether the cancer is sporadic or familial, 218]. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a very com-
and the age of the patient (young patients mon clinical problem, and the frequency
survive longer). Patients with MEN Ha do with which it progresses to lymphoma is
best, followed by sporadic cases, and the not known. One patient in whom I made
worst pro gnosis is found in patients with the the diagnosis by fine-needle aspiration,
rare MEN Hb. Overall survival in two large confirmed by open biopsy, did have patho-
series at 10 years were 67% and 61 % [167, logical evidence of chronic lymphocytic thyr-
184]. oiditis, but had no circulating antithyroid
antibodies. Unfortunately, antibody studies
in patients with lymphoma of the thyroid
8.10 LYMPHOMA OF THE THYROID are usually lacking. Does Hashimoto' s thyr-
oiditis progress to lymphoma in a small per-
centage of patients, or is the thyroid limited
The exact percentage of lymphomas present- in its response to the presence of cancers
ing in the thyroid is difficult to determine including lymphoma by mounting a lym-
because most publications to not discuss the phocytic response, like chronic lymphocytic
total number of lymphomas seen, only those thyroiditis? The lymphocytic response is also
Lymphoma of the thyroid 245
Table 8.6 Demographics of patients with lymphoma of the thyroid

Hashirnoto' s thyroiditis
Reference Nurnber Wornen to rnen Average age (years) (%)

209 30 2.7/1 61 24
211 249 2.7/1 62 95
216 11 1.2/1 57 73
217 35 2.9/1 65 77
218 57 2.6/1 62 36
219 12 1.0/1 62 33
220 29 4.8/1 64 76
221 10 10/0 68 30
222 12 1.4/1 60 33
223 20 3.0/1 64 NA

seen in papillary cancer. Holm et al. [225] lymphoma disrupting the follicles and re-
followed 829 patients with aspirate-proven leasing thyroid hormones into the circulation
chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, and com- [226]. Hoarseness is described with higher
pared them with matched controls who had frequency than in differentiated cancer, with
colloid goitre and with age- and sex-matched a range from 10% [12] to 66% [219]. The
normal population. They found four cases of incidence of dysphagia is also significant,
lymphoma of the thyroid [0.2%] in those ranging from 14-36% [217, 220]. The pre-
with Hashimoto' s thyroiditis, which was 67 sence of these and/or stridor would suggest
times the expected frequency in the popula- lymphoma or anaplastic cancer.
tion. As stated earlier, a solitary nodule in a Investigations include needle aspiration of
patient with Hashimoto's thyroiditis should solitary nodule. However, this is one area
be investigated in the same way as any solit- where cytology can fail to provide the defini-
ary nodule. tive answer and can be misleading. It can be
difficult to differentiate chronic lymphocytic
thyroiditis from lymphoma unless there is
sufficient tissue to stain with monoclonal
The clinical features of lymphoma in the antilymphocyte antibodies to determine if
thyroid include thyroid mass, goitre, and a the lesion is monoclonal and cancerous, or
sud den increase in goitre size. The thyroid polyclonal and benign. In cases where un-
mass is hard, non-tender and non-fluctuant, certainty persists, open biopsy is essential.
and often fixed to surrounding structures. In stage I, lymphoma in which the cancer is
The average age of the patients is about 60 localized to the thyroid, lobectomy not only
years, and there are about three women to establishes the diagnosis but also can be
each man (Table 8.6). The majority of pa- curative, although external radiation therapy
tients are euthyroid, but when the entire is usually advised. Thyroid scintigraphy and
gland is involved, the patient can be ultra sound seldom are helpful, but if the di-
hypothyroid as was the case in 12 of 30 pa- agnosis is known from ne edle aspirate a
tients studied by Hamburger et al. [209]. whole-body 67Ga scan is valuable in stag-
Autoimmune thyroiditis could be an alterna- ing the extent of the disease. Once the dia-
tive cause of the hypothyroidism. There is gnosis is certain, conventional investigations
one re port of hyperthyroidism due to the include chest roentgenogram, CT of the
246 Thyroid cancer
ehest and abdomen, lymphangiogram and tient with a thyroid nodule. Ivy [231] de-
bone marrow aspirate so that stage can be scribed 19 patients in his total series of 30. In
determined. This is important for appropri- the entire group the sex distribution was vir-
ate therapy. In stage 1 and 2 disease, local tually equal with 16 men and 14 women. As
radiotherapy to a dose of 4000 rad is suf- expected, 26 of the patients were 50 years of
ficient, in stages 3 and 4, chemotherapy or age or older. In 8 patients the primary site
combined radiation and chemotherapy are was found at the same time as the metastasis
necessary. The management should be to the thyroid, and in 3 the true diagnoisis
dictated by a radiation therapist or an on- was not made for several months. Although
cologist experienced in treating patients with the diagnosis was made at operation in 27 of
lymphomas. the patients, the author makes the point that
The importance of establishing the correct fine-ne edle aspiration as the first test should
diagnosis is that treatment and prognosis are limit the need for surgery as a diagnostic
quite different from anaplastic cancer of the test. The primary sites were the kidney in
thyroid. Seventy-five per cent of patients 12, breast in 6 and lung in 5 patients respec-
with lymphoma confined to the thyroid live tively. McCabe et al. [228] had very similar
5 years or longer. A typical patient is de- experience in 17 patients. Nine were women
scribed in the ca se records of the Massa- and 14 were 50 years of age or older. In 13
chuseUs General Hospital [227]. patients, the primary cancer was known,
and in 4 it was diagnosed synchronously
with the metastasis. None was diagnosed by
fine-needle aspirate, although they also sup-
Metastases from cancers of other organs are port this investigation. The prognosis in
found in the thyroid in 1.9-26.4% of auto- these patients is poor. Unless it is clear from
psies [228]. This large discrepancy is in part other tests that the thyroid is the only site of
due to the tenacity of the pathologist and metastasis, surgery is usually not advised.
the frequency of sectioning the gland. Willis When surgery is done, procedures greater
[229] found 5.2% and Shimaoka et al. 9.55% than lobectomy do not improve the prog-
[230], and these percentages are probably nosis. Most patients die within 12 months.
more consistent with general experience. The cases discussed above are metastases
These lesions are incidental and of no clinic- in clinically relevant nodules and, remark-
al significance. McCabe et al. [228] in re- ably, 34 out of 76 such cases have been due
viewing the literature found that 77% of to renal cancer. There can be difficulty in
metastases were from five primary sites, the differentiating clear-cell cancer of the kidney
breast, lung, melanoma, kidney and gas- from follicular cancer, in particular, the
trointestinal tract. These data deal with auto- clear-cell variety [232], but use of fat stains
psies. More important in clinical practice are which are positive in the former and anti-
finding metastatic cancer (1), in a solitary thyroglobulin which labels the laUer should
thyroid nodule in a patient with a known make this differentiaton. Sometimes the kid-
primary cancer, or (2) in a patient with no ney meta stasis in the thyroid is the only
known cancer. In the first situation, cancer secondary lesion and a lobectomy to remove
in a solitary nodule in a patient with a prior the mass is followed by long-term survival
diagnosis of cancer is more likely to be due [233]. Arecent report has looked at the
to a metastasis than to primary thyroid can- frequency of diagnosing metastases by fine-
cer; therefore, it is important to review the needle aspirate and found 4 in 68 consecu-
past history of cancer when evaluating a pa- tive patients, all of whom were known to
Key facts 247

have a primary site [234]. I found 2 cases in tures are age <45 years, female gender,
my first 100 aspirates, both in patients with cancer <3 cm, intrathyroidal lesion, and
known cancer. the coexistence of autoimmune thyroid
When a patient with a known cancer pre- disease.
sents with a thyroid nodule, a fine-needle • Diagnosis is made clinically, and usually
aspirate is advised. Thyroid scintigraphy by FNA.
and ultrasound usually do not add new in- • Therapy is surgical (usually total lobec-
formation. If a metastasis is diagnosed, tomy on side of lesion, isthmusectomy
further work-up including a ehest roent- and subtotal lobectomy on contralateral
genogram and a CT of the ehest and abdo- side).
men would be ordered to determine • Thyroxine is prescribed for Iife to sup-
whether there are other lesions. If not, a press TSH.
lobectomy is advised. When the aspirate • Radioiodine 1311 is administered to ablate
shows primary thyroid cancer, treatment as functioning metastases.
outlined earIier in the Chapter is advised, • The role of 1311 to ablate normal remnants
provided the patient is expected to have a not fully defined; is in advised in selected
meaningful survival from the original non- cases where a poor prognosis anticipated.
thyroidal cancer. If the fine-needle aspirate • There is seldom a' role for external radia-
is benign, no treatment is required apart tion or chemotherapy.
from periodic follow-up. When metastatic • Follicular cancer is much less common,
cancer is diagnosed on aspirate of a thyroid and tends to metastasize haematogenous-
nodule in a patient with no known primary ly to the lung, bone, brain and Iiver.
cancer, it is necessary to determine the prim- • Diagnosis is made clinally and by FNA.
ary site. The frequency of a renal primary is • It is treated by surgery, total lobectomy,
stresssed, and ultrasound is the best non- isthmusectomy and subtotal lobectomy
invasive test. Careful skin examination look- on the contralateral side (alternatively, a
ing for melanoma, ehest roentgenogram and total thyroidectomy).
mammography in women should be consi- • 1311 is administered to ablate functioning

dered. There is one report of Kaposi' s sarco- metastases.

ma in a patient with AIDS [235] and this • Whole-body 1311 scintigraphy is valuable
might become a more frequent occurrence. to define functioning lesions in both
papillary and follicular cancer.
KEY FACTS • ThyroglobuIin is a good method of deter-
mining the effectiveness of therapy or re-
• Three types of cancer arise from the currence of the disease.
follicular cell; papillary, follicular and • Anaplastic cancer is found in elderly pa-
anaplastic. tients.
• Medullary cancer arises from the parafol- • It is rapidly fatal due to local and distant
Iicular C cello involvement.
• There are about 12000 new thyroid can- • No therapy is effective in advanced dis-
cers in the USA each year. ease.
• Papillary cancer is the commonest; it is • Complete surgical removal is seldom
slow growing and has the best prognosis. possible.
• Many cases already have cervical nodal • External radiation and chemotherapy are
metastases at the time of diagnosis. usually given, but are palliative at best.
• In papillary cancer, good prognostic fea- • Medullary cancer can be isolated or part
248 Thyroid cancer
of multiple endocrine syndromes which the Mayo Clinic, 1946 through 1970: initial
are familial. manifestations, pathologie findings, therapy,
• Calcitonin is a useful tumour marker and and outcome. Mayo Clin. Proc., 61, 978-96.
7 Rossi, RL., Nieroda, C, Cady, B. et al.
family members should be screened since (1985) Malignancies of the thyroid gland. The
early detection and therapy is optimal. Lahey Clinic experience. Surg. Clin. N. Am.,
• Diagnosis is usually made clinically and 65, 211-30.
by FNA. 8 Mazzaferri, E.L. (1988) Thyroid cancer: an
• Treatment is total thyroidectomy and cen- overview. Thyroid Today, 1 (10), (ed. J.H.
Oppenheimer) .
trallymph node dissection. 9 Starnes, H.F., Brooks, D.C, Pinkus, G.S. et
131 1 is not valuable.
• al. (1985) Surgery for thyroid carcinoma. Can-
• Problem is measurable ca1citonin without cer, 55; 1376-81.
an obvious source. 10 Werner, S.C (1969) Classification of thyroid
• Imaging tests, such as ultrasound, CT, disease. Report of the committee on
nomenclature, the American Thyroid Asso-
NMRI and 2oITI, can be used to find re- ciation - Part 1. ]. Clin. Endocrinol Metab, 29,
sidual cancer. 860-2.
• Venous catheterization is sometimes 11 Duffy, B.J. Jr and Fitzgerald, P.J. (1950) Can-
used for ca1citonin localization. cer of the thyroid in children: areport of 28
cases. ]. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 10, 1296-
• Lymphoma ansmg in the thyroid
accounts for about 5% of cancers. 12 Favus, M.J., Schneider, A.B., Stachura, M.E.
• It is usually found in older women, often et al. (1976) Thyroid cancer occurring as a late
in pre-existing Hashimoto's thyroiditis. consequence of head-and-neck irradiation:
• Diagnosis is made clinically and by FNA. evaluation of 1056 patients. N. Engl. ]. Med.,
294, 1019-25.
• Therapy depends on the stage of the dis- 13 Doniach, I. (1974) Carcinogenic effect of 100,
ease; usually external radiation therapy 250 and 500 rad X-rays on the rat thyroid
and chemotherapy are administered. gland. Br. ]. Cancer, 30, 487-95.
• Metastases to the thyroid are rare as a 14 DeGroot, L. and Paloyan, E. (1973) Thyroid
presenting feature. carcinoma and radiation: a Chicago endemic.
JAMA, 225, 487-9l.
• Primary sites are usually the breast, lung, 15 Williams, E.D., Doniach, 1., Bjarnason, O. et
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tract. area. A histopathological study. Cancer, 39,
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Table 9.1 Classification of thyroiditis

9.1 INTRODUCTION Type Eponyms and synonyms Aetiology
In this chapter, six thyroid disease are de- Acute Suppurative Infective
scribed. Each has an inflammatory patholo- Subacute De Quervain' s Probably viral
gy, but they are only loosely connected clini- Granulomatous
Silent Painless Probably
cally and there is not a common aetiology. Postpartum immunological
Table 9.1 Iists these dis orders and their Hyperthyroiditis
eponyms and synomyms and probable Transient
Hashimoto' s Chronic lymphocytic Immunological
causes. Hashimoto's thyroidities is extreme- autoimmune
ly common in clinical practice, and it is said Riedel's Invasive fibrous Unknown
to be the most prevalent thyroid disease. In Radiation Radiation
contrast, acute suppurative thyroiditis and
Riedel's thyroiditis are rarities. Each syn-
drome is presented individually starting
with the commonest. that antibodies against thyroid antigens
were present in the circulation of patients
with this diagnosis. Other synonyms, such
as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, autoim-
The original description of this type of thyr- mune thyroiditis and lymphadenoid goitre
oiditis was in four middle-aged Japanese result from the pathological appearance and
women [1]. Although the age and sex are pathogenesis.
characteristic, this disease is found in all One of the important clinical questions is
ages and both sexes. It is very common in to define what constitutes a diagnosis of
Japan, but it is also very prevalent in North Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is an autoimmune
America and Europe. Most series show a disease in which there is a goitre, evidence
preponderance of women with the ratio to of humoral autoimmunity to thyroid anti-
men from 9 to 1 to as great as 25 to 1 [2, 3)]. gens and characteristic lymphocytic infiltra-
In one large population study, the annual tion of the thyroid. Frequently, other mem-
incidence in women was 69 to 100000 [3]. bers of the family have autoimmune thyroid
The peak incidence is between 40-60 years. disease or circulating antithyroid antibodies.
The original description of the pathology There would be no doubt about the diag-
showed the thyroid to be infiltrated with nosis if the patient had all of the above
lymphoid cells, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis features. However, would, or should, the
was the first proven autoimmune disease. finding of circulating thyroid antibodies in a
Witebsky et al. [4] produced experimental middle-aged woman be sufficient to estab-
thyroiditis in animals by injecting them with Iish the diagnosis? For some that is enough,
thyroid antigens, and Roitt et al. [5] showed but such a finding is very common. In one
258 Thyroiditis
study in patientsseen in general practice, tion. If the patient presents with hypothy-
16.2% of women and 4.3% of men had anti- roidism and has high levels of thyroid
thyroglobulin antibodies [6]. I use the pre- antibodies, the best term is primary hypo-
sence of a goitre plus thyroid antibodies to thyroidism. It is important to recognize that
make the diagnosis. In contrast, Fisher et al. giving a name to a disease does not infer
[7] require five markers: goitre, scintigraphic knowledge of its aetiology: this terminology
findings, increased TSH, thyroid antibodies is used to allow clinicians to und erstand
and a positive perchlorate discharge test. I why certain treatments are proposed.
agree that TSH should be measured in all
patients, but the result is usually normal;
therefore, it need not be high to establish 9.2.2 AETIOLOCY
the diagnosis. It is not necessary to obtain
a thyroid scintigram routinely and a perchlo- There has been a large body of experimental
rate discharge test, although frequently evidence supporting the autoimmune nature
abnormal, is definitely not required in of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This will not to
practice. be presented in detail because it does not
Another vexed issue is the relationship directly influence management. The thyroid
to other autoimmune thyroid disease, in autoantibodies are to various thyroid anti-
particular Craves' disease and primary gens, including thyroglobulin, thyroid micro-
hypothyroidism. If the patient is hyperthyr- somes and a second colloid antigen. Some
oid, has a firm goitre and evidence of patients have thyroid receptor antibodies
humoral autoimmunity, does she have (TRAb), others have growth-stimulating
Craves' disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis? antibodies, and others have antibodies that
Fatourechi et al. [8] described 24 such inhibit these functions. A mixture of stimu-
patients and concluded that Craves' and lating and inhibiting antibodies can be de-
Hashimoto' s were part of the same disorder . tected in the same patient. Very occasional-
Wyse et al. [9] described 10 patients with ly, antibodies are formed against T4 and/or
characteristic ophthalmopathy of Craves' T3 • Those readers who are interested in the
disease, in whom biopsy of the thyroid (3 purported defect in immune regulation,
open and 7 ne edle biopsies) showed changes which allows formation of these antibodies,
of Hashimoto's Some authors have used the are referred to Volpe [10, 11]. These reviews
term Hashitoxicosis to cover this overlap. I indicate the possible role of cellular immun-
take a pragmatic approach which is related ity.
to thyroid status and the proposed treat- It might be hypothesized that some no-
ment. If the patient is hyperthyroid, treat- xious agent, e.g. a virus, alters the antigenic
ment will be for hyperthyroidism. Therefore, structure of the gland so that the thyroid is
it is better to say the patient has Craves' no longer recognized as self. So far, evi-
disease, or autoimmune thyroid disease with dence of a single causative factor has not
hyperthyroidism. Similarly, when there is been forthcoming, although the relationship
clinical evidence of infiltrative ophthalmo- of autoimmune thyroid disease to a prior
pathy in a euthyroid patient with a firm high dose of external radiation to the anter-
goitre, the best diagnostic label would be ior neck, which could alter thyroid antigenic
euthyroid Craves' ophthalmopathy, because structure, is recognized [12].
treatment will be direct at the eye disease. There is an association of Hashimoto' s
Likewise, if the patient has a diffuse, rub- thyroiditis with certain tissue types. That
bery goitre and is euthyroid, Hashimoto's form of Hashimoto' s which most often re-
thyroiditis is the most appropriate designa- sults in atrophy of the thyroid (this goes on
Hashimoto' s thyroiditis 259
to primary hypothyroidism) is associated germinal centres. There is disruption of thyr-
with HLA-DR3 [13]. In contrast, HLA-DR5 is oid follides and their number is reduced.
found more frequently in patients with the The follicular cells have a variable appear-
goitrous form of the disease [14]. The fact ance. They can be cuboidal or columnar
that these tissue characteristics are on the when stimulated by TSH or other growth
sixth chromosome fails to explain why stimulators. Some of the hypertrophied fol-
women are more likely to get the disease. licular cells have an oxyphilic cytoplasm and
Perhaps oestrogen influences the expression are called Hurthle or Askanazy ceHs. There
of the gene. is a fibrous variant of the disease in which
Beierwaltes [15] has drawn attention to the the thyroid is very firm, and there is marked
linear relationship between the increasing overgrowth of fibrous tissue at the expense
intake of dietary iodine and the increasing of thyroid follides. In the atrophie variant,
frequency of Hashimoto' s thyroiditis, and the gland is small and shrunken with few
suggests that iodine is an aetiological factor. follides. Woolner et al. [18] in an extensive
He argues that iodine in doses not dissimilar review of 605 patients has provided the in-
to those ingested in the USA (approximately terested reader with an excellent reference.
750 JLg/day) causes a defect in organification, Usually the entire gland is involved, but
and that defect is characteristic of Hashimo- these findings can be restricted to a lobe, or
to's thyroiditis. Whether the defect can nodule, or even microscopically (focal thyr-
cause Hashimoto's is less dear. Evans et al. oiditis).
[16], however, were able to produce thyr-
oiditis in dogs by subcutaneous injection of
iodine. Allen et al. [17] demonstrated that 9.2.4 CLINICAL PRESENTATION
oral iodine could increase the incidence of The patient is most often fernale. She can be
lymphocytic thyroiditis in young rats with asymptomatic and a goitre is found at a
a genetic predisposition to develop this medical examination, very often done for
condition. unrelated reasons. The goitre is rubbery to
In summary, the evidence points to Hashi- firm in consistency and it can be smooth,
moto' s thyroiditis being an organ-specific granular, bosselated, or lobular. In one
autoimmune disorder. The patient may be series of 217 patients, 92% were firm or
geneticallY predisposed and the gland might bosselated, and in 68% the entire gland was
require an insult (viral, iodine, radiation, diffusely enlarged [7]. The goitre has dis-
other?), which slightly alters its antigens and crete borders and does not invade surround-
thyroid autoantibodies are formed. Some of ing structures.
these antibodies damage the gland and As more nodules are subjected to needle
others influence its function. The final dinic- aspiration, it has become apparent that
al picture will depend on the specific anti- Hashimoto's thyroiditis can present as a
body milieu at any one time. solitary nodule. Nevertheless, a solitary
nodule in a thyroid which feels like a dassic
Hashimoto' s should be investigated inde-
pendently, because the incidence of cancer
The gland is enlarged, firm, often bosse- in such a solitary nodule is similar to that
lated, or nodular and paler than normal. The in a nodule in anormal gland. The patient
pyramidal lobe is frequently enlarged. There is most often dinically euthyroid, 78% in
is an infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma the report of Fisher et al. [7], but the whole
cells between the thyroid follides and, in spectrum of thyroid function is reported
places, these form lymphoid follides with from overt hypothyroidism (18%) through
260 Thyroiditis

subclinieal hypothyroidism where the only ambulant citizens, whereas, in practiee,

abnormality is a high TSH, euthyroidism, patients are more likely to have clinieal
and hyperthyroidism (4%). The nomencla- problems, such as a goitre or compensated
ture of those patients with abnormal thyroid hypothyroidism. Therefore, these numbers
function was addressed previously. In addi- might underestimate the frequency of prog-
tion to subclinical hypothyroidism, there are ression to hypothyroidism. Most patients
other patients who have an exaggerated re- with the full clinical syndrome of primary
sponse to TRH. In general, there is nothing hypothyroidism probably had Hashimoto's
to be gained from doing the TRH test, since thyroiditis, provided destructive causes of
treatment would be prescribed for other hypothyroidism such as surgery and radio-
criteria (see below). iodine therapy are excluded.
Very rarely the thyroid is painful and A lesser proportion of patients who have
tender, making the differentiation from sub- goitre and mild hypothyroidism go into re-
acute thyroiditis clinically diffieult. The mission [22], and some even become hyper-
enlarged gland can produce pressure symp- thyroid [23]. These fluctuations can best be
toms, including a feeling of heaviness in the explained by changes in the amounts or acti-
neck, a strange sensation on swallowing, vities of stimulating, inhibiting and growth
and even dysphagia, hoarseness and dysp- antibodies.
noea. It is not unusual to find cervical lym- The most important differential dia gnosis
phadenopathy, whose presence is attributed is simple non-toxie goitre. The presence of
to the immune process. If a patient has a high titres of thyroid antibodies points to a
nodular goitre, hoarseness and enlarged cer- diagnosis of Hashimoto' s. Since the ther-
vicallymph nodes, the most important dis- apies are similar, differentiation is not critic-
ease to exclude is cancer, and all necessary al, although autoimmune thyroiditis is more
steps should be taken to exclude that di- likely to progress to hypothyroidism and
agnosis, before attributing the symptoms associated immunologieal diseases are more
and signs to Hashimoto' thyroiditis. frequent.
There are generally no systemie symptoms There is debate whether thyroid cancer is
unless the patient is hypothyroid. To blame more common in patients with Hashimoto's
Hashimoto' s for depression or allergies dis- thyroiditis or not. Certainly, many papillary
tracts the clinician from prescribing the cancers are accompanied pathologically by
optimal treatment for those disorders. It has an infiltrate of lymphocytes which is identic-
generally been accepted that most patients al to focal thyroiditis. In my experience, 40%
with chronie lymphocytic thyroiditis become of patients with papillary cancer have anti-
hypothyroid sooner or later. There is evi- thyroid antibodies [24]. However, this is
dence from a large prospective study of ran- different from Hashimoto' s thyroiditis caus-
domly selected people from a community in ing the cancer. The evidence supports no
England that is not the case. Those patients difference, e.g. Perzig [25] found cancer in
at most risk for developing hypothyroidism 86 out of 364 patients with thyroiditis, and
had significant elevations of thyroid anti- 216 out of 909 from his complete surgical
bodies and a slightly raised TSH. Five per series; both represent 24% of the denomina-
cent of women with those two risk factors tor. Clark et al. [26] found 9 cancers in 75
became hypothyroid each year for 4 years patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Seven
[19]. In another study, 5 out of 18 asymp- were found out of 27 patients with a discrete
tomatic patients became hypothyroid in 4-39 solid nodule (25%) and only 2 out of 48 with
months [20, 21]. It should be kept in mind a diffusely enlarged thyroid (4%). Most of
that the English study looked at healthy, the patients who had cancer would have
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 261
been diagnosed by standard evaluation of a number of other tests which demonstrate
the solitary nodule. Lymphoma is found abnormalities in physiology, but they have
more often in association with autoimmume little role in clinical practice.
thyroiditis [27, 28], but the risk is so small For the first, FT4 and TSH are sufficient.
that it does not warrant prophylactic thyr- These will show normality if present and
oidectomy. Lymphoma of the thyroid is dis- subtle deviations, whether on the high or
cussed in detail in Chapter 8. low side. Thyroid autoimmunity is tested for
Other autoimmune diseases are found by measuring antithyroglobulin and antimic-
more frequently. These include adrenal rosomal antibodies. In my experience, using
insufficiency, and the combination of prim- radioimmunoassays for thyroid antibodies,
ary hypothyroidism and hypoadrenalism is more than 95% of those with Hashimoto' s
called Schmidt's syndrome. Doniach et al. thyroiditis have positive resuIts (sensitivity
[29] found gastric antibodies in 30% of pa- 95%) [40]. The explanation why not all pa-
tients with autoimmune thyroid disease. In tients have circulating antibodies has recent-
contrast, Carmel and Spencer [30] showed ly been attributed to local production of
that 24% of 162 patients with pernicious these by lymphocytes in the gland [41].
anaemia had clinical thyroid disease, and These tests are also positive in most patients
48% had abnormal TSH values. Hypopar- with Graves' disease, and primary hypothyr-
athyroidism, diabetes mellitus, Sjögren's oidism, and about 10% of apparently normal
syndrome, and vitiIigo are all found more people have these antibodies in their circula-
often. The systemic connective tissue dis- tion (specificity about 85-90%). None of the
eases are probably encountered more com- tests for cellular immunity are of clinical
monly [31], and there are reports of der- value, and it does not help to determine the
matomyositis [32] and polymyalgia rheuma- HLA type of the patient.
tica [33] plus autoimmune thyroiditis. Marks Thyroid scintigraphy is seldom required.
et al. (34) found mitral valve prolapse in 31 However, in those patients with a dominant
out of 75 patients with chronic lymphocytic nodule, it might help to know if the nodule
thyroiditis, compared with 4 of 50 controls is functional. 1231 is the preferred radionuc-
(P<0.0005), and they give evidence that mit- lide. Ramtoola et al. [42] have reported that
ral valve prolapse is an autoimmune dis- the scan can mimic normaIity and other
order. It is not cost effective to screen for all thyroid diseases, especially Graves' disease,
of these conditions, but clinical awareness which was the case in 25% of their study
during follow-up is necessary. population. The uptake of radioiodine can
Systemic complications of Hashimoto' s be low, suggesting progression to hypo-
thyroiditis are rare, provided that associ- thyroidism, or normal or high. The last is
ated autoimmune disease are not included. paradoxical, but is explained by a reduced
There are a few reports of immune complex number of follicular cells trapping iodine as
nephritis, most probably due to thyroglo- avidly as possible in an effort to make suf-
bulin-antithyroglobulin complexes [35-39]. ficient thyroid hormone. As will be discus-
sed below, all of the iodine is not organified.
The pyramidal lobe is seen on scintigram
frequently [Figure 9.1]. If a solitary nodule is
The aim of investigations is to (1) define non-functional, needle aspiration is advised;
the thyroid status of the patient, (2) demons- but if the clinical impression of the nodule is
trate that there is thyroid autoimmunity, and suspicious, the patient should be referred for
(3) define the nature of any other abnormal- surgery [26], aIthough knowledge of the
ity, such as a nodule in the gland. There are pathology on needle aspirate can be valuable
262 Thyroiditis

mal, the patient can be seen annuaIly, and

have the measurement repeated. If TSH
rises above the normal range, the patient is
at risk of becoming hypothyroid and treat-
ment would be advised.
The sedimentation rate is usually normal,
but can be increased . Serum gammaglobulin
levels can also be high. These tests are too
non-specific to be of diagnostic value.

Thyroid replacement/suppression is justified
to treat hypothyroidism, or to attempt to
shrink the goitre. Some patients who are
euthyroid and are not bothered by the
Figure 9.1 The appearance of Hashimoto's thyr- enlarged thyroid need no treatment, but
oiditis on 1231 scintigram is very variable. In
should be evaluated annuaIly. In so me cases
general, the gland is enlarged, the distribution of
radionuclide is inhomogeneous and the pyramid- of weIl-established nodular goitre the re-
al lobe is apparent. sponse to therapy can be disappointing, and
in most patients with this finding, thyroid
tissue remains palpable even with treatment
with thyroxine. Some patients have non-
in planning the extent of the operation. The suppressible thyroid, and a full re placement
differential diagnosis in this situation lies be- dose pro duces hyperthyroidism. Therefore,
tween focal thyroiditis, lymphoma, thyroid if the patient is older, or has cardiovascular
cancer and other benign lesions. The aspi- disease, it is wise to start with a small dose
rate will separate out most who have benign of thyroxine, such as 0.025 mg daily for 2
pathology and most with cancer. It will not weeks, increasing with similar small incre-
differentiate lymphoid infiltrate of Hashimo- ments until the patient is euthyroid and
to's thyroiditis from lymphoma unless there thyroid function tests normal. Younger,
is enough tissue to prove whether the cells fitter patients can be started on 0.1 mg per
are monoclonal, which is typical of lympho- day for 4 weeks, and the dose titrated to the
ma (Chapter 8). optimal level (see below). It is generally
One of the characteristic abnormalities in accepted that once thyroxine is started to
the follicular cell in autoimmune thyroiditis treat this condition, it will be required for
is a defect in organification of iodine, and life. Papapetrou et al. [45] studied 12 patients
this can be demonstrated by a positive per- who had been on re placement therapy for 10
chlorate discharge test [43]. This defect years. When thyroxine was stopped for 6
occurs in about 40-50% of patients, and is weeks, there was a progression of thyroid
exaggerated by an excess of inorganic iodine dysfunction and the patients became
given orally or intravenously [44]. This test hypothyroid. Although it could be argued
plays no role in the routine diagnosis of the investigators did not stop the medication
Hashimoto's disease. Investigators have long enough to ensure the thyroid had time
done TRH stimulation tests to determine to recover fully from the effects of the sup-
which patients have limited thyroid reserve. pression per se, the general conclusion of
This also is not necessary. If the TSH is nor- progression of thyroid dysfunction is prob-
Subacute thyroiditis 263
ably correct. Therefore, patients should rec- lesser procedure, such as lobectomy and
ognize that treatment is for life. The number isthmusectomy for those patients with a
of cases where intrinsic thyroid function nodule, and isthmusectomy for pressure
goes from low to high is very smalI, but symptoms. Each patient should be evaluated
clinicians should be alert to this possibility; individually and the operative procedure
when a patient who previously has planned to deal with the specific clinical
been well on thyroxine develops symptoms problem with the smallest surgical risk.
of hyperthyroidism, the dose should be Glucocorticosteroids are seldom required
tapered and if symptoms persist, therapy to treat Hashimoto' s thyroiditis. In pharma-
should be stopped. If there is still clinical cological doses, they pro du ce a dramatic re-
and biochemical evidence of hyperthyroid- duction in goitre size, but the response is
ism, treatment will be required as discussed dose related and the therapy has to be con-
in Chapter 5. tinued for weeks to months, so side-effects
Should the aim of replacement L thyroxine are to be expected. In contrast, arecent re-
therapy be to produce a euthyroid patient port described painful Hashimoto' s thyroidi-
with normal thyroid function? There is no tis in 8 patients, which did not respond to
debate about the former, but if the aim of steroids [46], and in 2 patients the symptoms
treatment is to shrink a goitre, it is probably eventually necessitated surgery to remove
better to suppress TSH yet keep FT4 within the thyroid. Steroids are not recommended
the normal range. Anormal FT4 and TSH except for exceptional circumstances where
would be more desirable if the goal of ther- thyroxine has been ineffective and surgery
apy is to correct hypothyroidism. However, contraindicated.
many of the patients will have coexisting There is no role for external radiation.
goitres. Thus replacement with resulting nor-
mal TSH, or suppression of TSH, are both
appropriate, depending on the circumst- 9.3 SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS
In view of the large number of patients QUERVAIN'S THYROIDITIS)
with Hashimoto' s thyroididitis, surgery is 9.3.1 INTRODUCTION
required very infrequently. There are a num-
ber of indications, including a solitary Subacute thyroiditis is a syndrome in which
nodule which is not unequivocally benign, there is a rapid, painful enlargement of
pressure symptoms, intrathoracic extension, the thyroid, systemic symptoms, such as
rapidly enlarging goitre, large, cosmetically malaise and muscle aches, plus sequential
displeasing goitre which does not decrease changes in thyroid function, starting with
in size with adequate suppression, and euthyroidism, followed by hyperthyroidism,
hyperthyroidism [26], although the last can then normality, then hypothyroidism and,
also be treated by drugs or radioiodine. finally, euthyroidism once more. De Quer-
There can be little disagreement about these vain [47] was the first to describe this in
indications, but there is considerable debate print. It is also called granulomatous thyr-
about how much surgery is necessary. Per- oiditis since this is typicaIon pathological
zik [25] recommends total thyroidectomy examination.
because the disease usually involves the
entire gland, and since nodular growth in
any residual thyroid can require a second 9.3.2 AETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS
operation with increased risk of damage to Subacute thyroiditis appears to be caused by
normal structures. Other surgeons advise a viruses, in particular Coxsackie, or mumps
264 Thyroiditis
[48]. The evidence for this is based on sever- Table 9.2 Causes of painful neck
al facts. Firstly, the condition presents in
mini-epidemics. Secondly, it frequently has Origin 01 pain Pathology Comments
a elose temporal relationship to upper re- Neck Abscess of soft tissue Rare
spiratory infections. Thirdly, when they are Veins Phlebitis Rare
Trachea Tracheitis Common
looked for, rising viral antibody titres are Pharynx Pharyngitis Common
found in the convalescent phase. Other Branchial cyst Abscess Rare
viruses thought to be causal inelude influen- Thyroid Thyroiditis subacute Common
Thyroiditis acute Rare
za, adenovirus and mononueleosis; this Thyroiditis Hashimoto's Pain rare
topic is reviewed in depth by Volpe [49]. A Invasive cancer Rare
re cent report notes the association with Lymphoma Rare
Haemorrhage into cyst Pain rare
Chlamydia [50]. It is likely.that the gland re- Thyroglossal cyst abscess Rare
sponds in a similar and limited fashion to Trauma (martial arts) Rare
invasion by these infective agents. In some
patients, no history of antecedent viral infec-
tion can be elicited. Therefore, we should
keep an open mind about aetiology. There
is an increased frequency of tissue type
HLA-BW35 in patients who get subacute Most patients have a painful, enlarged, ten-
thyroiditis. However, the condition is not der thyroid. Table 9.2 lists conditions which
considered to be an autoimmune disease can cause pain in the anterior neck and thyr-
[51], and other autoimmune diseases are not oid. OccasionaIly, the thyroiditis is focal and
found more frequently. presents as a painful nodule which requires
The disease process (viral or other) causes ne edle aspiration to elarify the diagnosis.
the destruction of thyroid follieles and the This latter presentation can continue with
release of colloid and stored thyroid hor- the thyroiditis creeping, or marching,
mones into the circulation. This causes the through the remainder of the gland. Coin-
paradox of hyperthyroidism, both bioche- cidentaIly, or even preceding the thyroid
mical and elinical, with a low radioiodine symptoms, there are systemic symptoms,
uptake because the gland is temporarily des- which are described below. The acute, pain-
troyed and incapable of trapping (Chapter ful part of the syndrome lasts from about 2
5). weeks to 2 months; protraction of symptoms
weIl beyond that can be encountered, albeit
The thyroid pain is often referred to the
Firstly, there is acute inflammation with ear, or the angle of the jaw and teeth, and
polymorphonuelear infiltration and, some- can be misinterpreted as due to disease in
what later, macrophages are present. There these sites, but palpation of the thyroid
is marked destruction of follieles and folli- should resolve the diagnosis. Movement of
cular cells, which are desquamated. The the inflamed thyroid with swallowing causes
architecture of the gland is totally disrupted. dysphagia. Hoarseness was present in 8 of
At a later point, giant cells and granulomas 56 patients reported by Volpe and Johnston
are characteristic, and their presence has [52]. This is thought to be due to the swol-
been attributed to areaction to the exposed len, inflamed gland stretching the recurrent
colloid. Thus the acute phase is followed by laryngeal nerve. Recently, two separate ca se
a subacute phase and, finaIly, recovery. re ports describe permanent vocal cord para-
Subacute thyroiditis 265

lysis, which can probable best be explained Table 9.3 Symptoms and signs in subacute thyr-
by the inflammation extending out of the oiditis
thyroid and causing fibrosis round the Reference Reference
nerve, or thrombosis of the nerve' s blood 49 60
supply [53, 54]. The thyroid is enlarged,
often more than twice normal, and it is firm Number of patients 51 62
to hard and exquisitely tender. The patient Percentage with:
reflexly shies away from the examining neck pain 89 65
fingers and the clinician should be very gen- ear/jaw pain 64 16
tle and explain prior to palpation that will be migrating pain 38 13
weight loss 11 35
the case. Occasionally, there is redness of palpitation 18 32
the skin overlying the gland. This is the heat intolerance 30 31
common presentation, but there is a spec- malaise 84 29
trum from mild, which is identical clinically Examination of thyroid:
to silent thyroiditis, to cases which can be firm/hard 100 90
confused with acute suppurative thyroiditis. tenderness 57 77
Most patients have severe malaise, diffuse enlargement 45 55
unilateral 55 24
headache, muscle aches, lethargy and low- nodule, single 8
grade fever. When the constitutional symp- nodule, multiple 6
toms are predominant, the correct dia gnosis
might well be overlooked. Rottenberg et al.
[55] described 13 patients in whom subacute
thyroiditis was eventually diagnosed. The myopathy [57]. After this phase, there is a
thyroid complaints were relatively mild, and return to normality coincidental with the
the salient symptoms pointed to a systemic metabolism of the released hormones: then
or neoplastic disease. Needle biopsy of the about 25% of patients become hypothyroid.
thyroid in 10 patients showed classic pathol- Figure 9.2 shows the sequence diagrammati-
ogy of subacute thyroiditis, and one-half of cally. Hypothyroidism occurs because the
the patients responded to salicylates, the gland has not yet recovered its ability to
remainder to steroids. Subacute thyroiditis produce hormones. Complete recovery is
should be remembered as a cause of fever of anticipated, and very few patients become
unknown origin (FUO). Table 9.3 lists the permanently hypothyroid [58, 59]. This is
frequency of symptoms and signs in two remarkable in view of the extensive destruc-
publications [49, 60]. tion of the gland. Some patients who be-
The release of excessive amounts of hor- come permanently hypothyroid might have
mones into the circulation produces clinical had silent thyroiditis, which is known to
hyperthyroidism in 50-70% of patients. progress to this more frequently (this is
However, it is a rare cause of hyperthyroid- probable in 3 of 62 of the patients described
ism, and in one series accounted for only 1% by Hamburger [60]). Recurrence or relapse
of cases [56], but in another series 9.9% of after complete recovery is much less co m-
all hyperthyroidism [57]. Not all patients mon than in silent thyroiditis, but does
with subacute thyroiditis will be seen by occur rarely [61, 62].
thyroidologists, and hence these statistics In every large series, there is an greater
might be imprecise. The hyperthyroidism is number of women (3-5 to 1). It is very rare
usually mild to moderate in severity, but can in young children [63]. The differential di-
be sufficiently prolonged to cause thyrotoxic agnosis includes pharyngitis and laryngitis,
266 Thyroiditis

} and

Time (monlhs)

Euthyroid HypcrthyrOld Eu HypothyrOld Eu

FT, N FT, H FT, N FT, L FT, N or L


Figure 9.2 Time activity graph of subacute or silent thyroiditis. H = high; L = low; N = normal; RAU
= radioactive uptake.

and some experts state that the diagnosis of thyroiditis is painful, but systemic symp-
subacute thyroiditis is overlooked and mis- toms are absent. Haemorrhage into a cyst or
labelled as pharyngitis [52, 60]. As discussed adenoma produces a painful thyroid swell-
above, the mild and severe cases of subacute ing, but usually will not be confused with
thyroiditis can overlap with silent thyroiditis subacute thyroiditis. Lymphadenitis is
and acute thyroiditis respectively. The latter usually not likely to be diagnosed as sub-
is the more important, since it is due to a acute thyroiditis, because the nodes are
treatable infective cause and is dangerous if lateral to the thyroid. However, Endo [65]
not treated. Therefore, when there is doubt, described a ca se of subacute thyroiditis in a
needle aspiration with cytological examina- lateral aberrant thyroid. Since most author-
tion and culture is advised. The differentia- ities consider lateral aberrant thyroid to be a
tion of 'silent' subacute thyroiditis from metastatis from primary thyroid cancer, this
silent thyroiditis depends on cytological dif- re port should be interpreted with caution.
ferences, and I am not convinced that the Thyroiditis due to a karate blow to the anter-
differentiation is sufficiently important to ior neck has been described, but the his tory
warrant needle aspiration. should lead to the diagnosis [66].
A rapidly growing cancer in the thyroid
can cause pain and the release of stored
iodinated compounds, and can be misdia-
gnosed as thyroiditis [64]. In the case of an Thyroid function tests should be ordered .
invasive cancer, the hyperthyroid phase is Depending on when testing is done in rela-
not transient and the painful mass does not tionship to the onset of the disease, FT4 and
regress spontaneously. Rarely, Hashimoto's T3 can be normal, high, or low. Likewise,
Subacute thyroiditis 267

TSH can be normal, suppressed, or high.

Figure 9.2 illustrates this. The ratio of T4 to
T3 is greater than in other hyperthyroid con- TC
ditions, and this is said to be a useful
diagnostic hint. However, the clinical pre-
sentation usually makes this superfluous.
Thyroid antibody levels are not helpful; they
are elevated in a small proportion of pa- ,
tients, and in one report this occurred in 3 I
out of 40 patients [67]. Erythrocyte sedi- J
mentation rate is increased, and usually
greater than 30 mm/h as was the case in 39
out of 42 values reported by Hamburger
[60]. Very high values up to 100 mm/h are
consistent with the diagnosis, and a white
cell count greater than 10000 mm 3 can be SSN
found occasionaIly. Ouring the acute phase,
radioiodine uptake is low and anormal re- R L
sult excludes the diagnosis. Values of 1-2%
at 24 hours are common. Thyroid scintigra-
phy at 3-6 hours after 1231, or minutes after
intravenous 99mTc, show reduced or absent Figure 9.3 Thyroid scintiscan with markers over
uptake in the region of the thyroid (Figure the thyroid cartilage and sternal notch in a patient
9.3). This test is not always necessary but with subacute thyroiditis. There is no uptake in
the thyroid. In many patients a scan would not
can be helpful when there is doubt about the necessary as a low uptake would give the same
diagnosis. It is not necessary to do a TSH informa tion.
stimulation test, but old reports show no
increase in radioioiodine uptake. Weeks or
months later, the uptake returns to normal
and in the recovery period can be transiently
elevated. However, it is not necessary to agement of the patient, but can be of interest
obtain serial studies. when epidemiological information is sought.
In the setting of a typical his tory and ex- Thyroglobulin levels are high early in the
amination: a high FT4 , low TSH and a low course of the disease. Madeddu et al. [71]
radioiodine uptake, it is not necessary to found high values in 35 out of 38 patients
embark on additional testing. (92%). Thyroglobulin levels remain high for
When there is diagnostic uncertainty, a some time after the patient has recovered,
needle aspirate showing acute inflammation indicating continued leakage of colloid. This
and giant cells clinches the diagnosis [67, measurement is not usually necessary
68]. The anterior neck should be anaethe- clinicaIly.
tized since an injection into the tender gland
is not relished by any patient. In those pa-
tients in whom constitutional symptoms pre-
dominate, a 67Ga (gallium citrate) scintigram Treatment starts with indicating to the
showing intense focal uptake in the thyroid patient that the dia gnosis is established;
helps to establish the diagnosis [69, 70]. Vir- secondly, relieving neck pain and thirdly,
al antibody studies are not relevant for man- treating abnormal thyroid function when it
268 Thyroiditis
is symptomatic. Neck pain, which is mild to ing the hyperthyroid phase, it will simply
moderate, responds to adequate doses of sali- add fuel to the fire and make the patient
cylates, such as 1 g 3 or 4 times a day. This, worse. The gland has already released
plus reassurance and discussion about the stored hormone and it cannot be suppres-
expected sequence, suffice in many patients. sed. Likewise, antithyroid drugs are of no
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like value - the horse has already left the barn.
ibuprofen and propoxyphene can be used in Ouring the tran sie nt hypothyroid phase, if
place of aspirin and in preference for those there are symptoms thyroxine should be
who cannot take salicylates. Glucocorticos- prescribed. Most patients do not require
teroids are very successful in rapidly impro- this, and in those who do, the therapy will
ving the the symptoms and reducing the usually be temporary. Because this is not a
swelling [52, 72]. Prednisone 40 mg per day bacterial infection, there is no rationale to
is a reasonable starting dose, which can be prescribe antibiotics.
titrated upwards after a few days if the ex-
pected response is not achieved. Steroids
should be prescribed only after thoughtful 9.3.7 PROGNOSIS
consideration, because in many cases non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory medications will The long-term prognosis is good. Some un-
suffice. Secondly, the patient might require a fortunate patients have ill health for several
fairly large dose for months and side-effects months, and they are the ones who are more
are, therefore, more likely to occur. It is rec- likely to be referred to a specialist and more
ognized that as the dose is reduced below a likely to be remembered because of the
criticallevel, there can be an exacerbation of severity of their symptoms. Very few pa-
the symptoms and the dose has to be in- tients with true subacute thyroiditis develop
creased. Thirdly, the response is non- permanent hypothyroidism [69] or hyper-
specific and Hashimoto's thyroiditis and thyroidism [73]. Because the thyroid status
lymphoma will improve substantially. Neith- fluctuates and loeal and systemie features
er steroids nor anti-inflammatory drugs alter can be of an unpredictable length, several
the natural history of subacute thyroiditis. office visits are usually necessary. The nu m-
External radiation was used in the past ber and timing will depend on the individual
(1000-2000 rad), but this is not advised be- case. Once the disease has run its full course
cause of concern of it causing thyroid cancer. and the patient is finally euthyroid, long-
Occasionally, surgery is advised to exclude a term follow-up is not necessary.
dia gnosis such as cancer. This should not be
common if ne edle aspiration is done first. If
the diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis is made 9.4 SILENT THYROIDITIS INCLUDING
during the operation, a minimal procedure is POSTPARTUM THYROIDITIS
advised because long-term problems from
subacute thyroiditis are very rare.
Ouring the hyperthyroid period, symp- Silent thyroiditis is a syndrome which runs a
toms can be controlled with beta-blockers, course similar to subacute thyroiditis with a
such as propranolol, in doses ranging from hyperthyroid phase passing through nor-
20-40 mg every 6-8 hours. This is purely mality to hypothyroid, and finally returning
symptomatic - it will slow the pulse, re du ce to normal. Unlike subacute thyroiditis, there
tremor and help fatigue. There have been is no anterior neck pain and no tenderness
recommendations to prescribe T4 or T3 to of the thyroid. This dis order has been given
suppress the thyroid, but if this is done dur- various names, including silent thyroiditis
Silent thyroiditis including postpartum thyroiditis 269
[74], hyperthyroiditis [75] spontaneously re- Table 9.4 Comparison of symptoms, signs and
solving lymphocytic thyroiditis [76, 77] tran- laboratory investigation in silent and subacute
sient painless thyroiditis [78], and painless thyroiditis
thyroiditis with transient hyperthyr- Silent Subacute
oidism [79, 80]. The first report of this
syndrome was in 1975 by Papapetrou and Neckpain +++
Jackson [74], and this was followed almost Fatigue/malaise + ++
immediately by the publication by Gluck et ESR >30 mm + +++
Ff4 high ++ ++
al. [81]. The sudden discovery of a new syn- LowRAIU +++ +++
drome in several geographically discrete Permanent hypothyroidism +
areas is puzzling and raises the question, Thyroid antibodies ++
was it part of a spectrum of another known Subsequent goitre +
Clinical course Similar Similar
disease, or whether it was a new discrete Thyroid biopsy Different Different
syndrome? This is dicussed further below. I
use the term silent thyroiditis synonymously
with the other names. Postpartum thy-
roiditis runs an identical clinical course, outcome, it does not matter what they are
investigations show similar results [82-86] thought to be due to. Without question a
and it is considered to be identical to silent patient with classic subacute thyroiditis has
thyroiditis in this text. many differences from one with classic silent
thyroiditis, as shown in Table 9.4. But those
cases at the interface are impossible to dif-
ferentiate without pathology, and biopsy of
The major body of evidence, including the gland is not easy to justify in an asymp-
pathology and immunology studies, indicate tomatic patient. Arguments favouring that
that this is an autoimmune disease. The silent thyroiditis and postpartum thyroiditis
association with other autoimmune diseases are the same condition are found in refer-
has been used to support this thesis [49, 87]. ence 90.
Some authorities have argued that this is
simply a mild form of subacute thyroiditis
[88], and a review of the patient characteris-
tics from published series of subacute thyr- The prominent feature in silent thyroiditis is
oiditis shows a small number of patients lymphocytic infiltration with disruption of
who could well fall into this category [60, 88, follicles. Giant cells and granulomas are not
89]. Those who believe that this is aseparate seen. Likewise those findings which are
disease point to the fact that the histology is characteristic of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, in-
different, and that the association with thyr- cluding germinal centres and Hurthle cells,
oid antibodies is much higher. Nevertheless, are not found. When the follicles lose their
there are unequivocal reports of asymptoma- integrity, thyroid hormones are released into
tic patients who clinically look as if they the circulation.
have silent thyroiditis, but a thyroid biopsy
shows the feature of subacute thyroiditis
with giant cells and a relatively acute in-
flammatory reaction. I take a pragmatic The usual clinical presentation is of mild
point of view. Because asymptomatic sub- hyperthyroidism with anxiety, weight loss,
acute thyroiditis and silent thyroiditis run a tremor, palpitations, etc. The onset is rapid
similar course and have an almost similar in comparison with Graves' disease. Some
270 Thyroiditis

Table 9.5 Symptoms and signs in silent thyroidi- cipated. Therefore, it is important to make
tis the correct diagnosis early. ClinicaIly, it can
be difficult to differentiate silent thyroiditis
Reference 79 Reference 103
presenting features features present from a mild ca se of Craves' hyper-
(52 patients) (112 patients) thyroidism, but this is resolved by measure-
% % ment of radioiodine uptake. The most
Nervousness 44 84 difficult differential diagnosis is factitious
Weightloss 33 67 hyperthyroidism, and this is discussed in
Sweating 25 70 the next section. Postparturn thyroiditis is
Fatigue 21 83
Tremor 4 71 identical to silent thyroiditis, but it occurs
Goitre 4 54 from 3-12 months after deli ver; it is also
diffuse 52 more likely to recur with a similar presenta-
tion after subsequent pregnancies. Walfish
and Farid [94] report that in their experience
50% of the women in childbearing age with
patients have non-specific symptoms, and a diagnosis of silent thyroiditis have, in fact,
just do not feel weIl and thyroid function postparturn thyroiditis. This is an important
tests ordered serendipitously are high. The diagnosis to make, since tiredness, malaise,
thyroid when it can be feIt is firm [76], and it and depression in the postparturn period are
is unusual for it to be more than twice nor- usually attributed to postparturn blues or de-
mal in size. The common symptoms and pression. In two large series, postparturn
signs from two series are listed in Table 9.5. thyroid abnormalities associated with this
In the first, the percentage of presenting fea- syndrome were found in 5.5% and 6.5% of
tures are given [79], in the second, the fre- patients respectively [95, 96]. Reference 97
quency of the symptoms [103]. There is no provides a comprehensive review.
evidence of infiltrative ophthalmopathy,
although stare and lid retraction can be
In the experience of some thyroid experts, The classic findings early in the disease are
silent thyroiditis accounts for 10-20% of high thyroid hormone levels (FT4 and T3 ),
cases of hyperthyroidism. This, however, is suppressed TSH and low radioiodine uptake
not my experience. There might be differ- (1-2%). Surreptitious ingestion of T4 pro-
ences in referrals, but there is also a geo- duces similar resuIts, and if there is any
graphical variation with fewer cases seen on doubt, thyroglobulin can be measured. It is
the west coast of the USA [91]. The highest high in silent thyroiditis and absent in facti-
frequency is in the mid-West and in Japan tious hyperthyroidism [98]. Hyperthyroid
[92]. Figure 9.2 shows the expected time states with low radioiodine uptake are dis-
course for silent thyroiditis. Thyrotoxicosis cussed in more detail in Chapter 5. A vari-
lasts an average of 2-4 months, but some able proportion of patients have antithyroid
patients are never clinically thyrotoxic, and antibodies in the circulation. Antimicrosomal
in others the symptoms can last as long as antibodies are found more often than anti-
8-10 months. Nikolai et al. [93] found that thyroglobulin antibodies. Different author-
46% of the patients they followed had peris- ities have published quite disparate resuIts,
tent problems including 23 out of 54 with and this is explained by different assay
goitre, and 3 out of 54 with hypothyroidism. techniques [87]. When sensitive radioimmu-
In most patients, the disease is self-limiting noassays are used, almost all patients have
and return to normal thyroid function is anti- antibodies. It is usually not necessary to
Acute (suppurative) thyroiditis and thyroid abscess 271
obtain antibody measurements, but in the that propylthiouracil did not shorten the
case of factitious hyperthyroidism they are course of the hyperthyroid phase, whereas 4
usually absent (unless the patient has auto- weeks of prednisone did. They prescribed
immune thyroid disease in addition). The prednisone in a dose of 50 mg daily for the
course of the disorder can be followed clini- first week, and decreased the dose by 10 mg
cally and with judicious use of FT4 and TSH increments at weekly intervals. In spite of
measurements. this evidence, because silent thyroiditis is
As the disease remits, the thyroid's ability generally of short duration and can be con-
to trap iodine returns to normal and can trolled symptomatically with beta-blockers,
rebound above normal. It is not necessary, the use of steroids is not recommended
however, to do serial uptake measurements. [101], except in an unusually severe case.
When 1231 uptake is ordered in a postparturn Thyroid suppression does not prevent re-
patient, breastfeeding must be stopped for at peated episodes. In exceptional cases where
least 2 days. In this regard, Duong et al. [99] recurrences are frequent and troublesome,
describe a lactating patient with postparturn surgical removal of the gland is recom-
thyroiditis in whom there was no thyroid mended [102, 103]. Alternatively, if the thyr-
uptake of 1231, but there was significant oid can trap sufficient iodine, radioiodine
breast uptake. After recovery, there was no ablation will achieve the same goal.
breast uptake, but the thyroid was imaged Obviously, this cannot be done during the
normally. hyperthyroid phase.
The white blood count is normal and the Because of the cyclical swings in thyroid
ESR normal, or minimally increased. The lat- function plus the possibility of permanent
ter contrasts with the values found in sub- hypothyroidism, periodic clinical evaluation
acute thyroiditis. These measurements do over the first several months will be neces-
not help to establish the diagnosis. sary and a review at 1 year is advised.


Since the hyperthyroidism is mild and usual- ABSCESS
Iy not protracted, treatment might not be
required. Discussion with the patient that 9.5.1 INTRODUCTION
the nature of the problem is defined and the Acute suppurative thyroiditis is extremely
clinical course which it will take might be rare. One hypothesis why infective organ-
sufficient [100]. If the symptoms are severe isms seldom invade the thyroid is that the
enought to require treatment, beta-blockers, high iodine concentration acts as an antisep-
such as propranolol 20-40 mg 2 to 4 times a tic. Alternatively, the rich blood and lymph
day, will provide relief. Subsequently, about drainage prevent bacteria and other organ-
25-50% will become hypothyroid for weeks isms remaining in the gland long enough to
to months, and about one-half of these colonize it. Berger et al. [104] in an extensive
patients will need replacement therapy review found 224 cases in the literature from
which, in a small number, will be perma- 1900. Each of these patients had either abs-
nent. Propylthiouracil has a minor peripher- cess formation, or an infectious cause.
al effect by reducing the conversion of T4 to The onset of the disease is rapid and the
T3 , but its major action is to inhibit synthesis local and constitutional features so severe
of thyroid hormones. That action is not pre- that the patient is usually managed as an
sent in thyroid cells which are incapable of emergency, and may not see a thyroid
trapping iodine. Nikolai et al. [77] showed specialist.
272 Thyroiditis
Table 9.6 Symptoms and signs of bacterial thyr- from Berger et al. [104] lists the frequency of
oiditis* symptoms and signs. The patient is fevered
and diaphoretic, has a tachycardia and chills
Symptom/sign % patients
and looks siek. Characteristically, the neck is
Pain 100 flexed to prevent stretching of the strap
Tendemess 94 muscles over the inflamed gland, and great
Fever 92 care should be taken during examination of
Dysphagia 91 the neck to be gentle and not to extend the
Dysphonia 82
Erythema 82 neck. A signifieant proportion of patients are
children (approximately 40%) [117, 118], and
• Adapted from reference 104. pre-existing thyroid disease is said to be
more frequent than expected [104].
Thrombophlebitis, septic emboli and
septieaemia are serious complications. An
Acute thyroiditis is usually caused by bacteria, enlarging abscess can track and rupture ex-
in partieular staphylococcus, streptococcus, ternally or internally into the trachea or
or pneumococcus, and there are isolated mediastinum.
reports of salmonella [105], pseudomonas
[106], Escherichia cali [107], mycobacteria
[108, 109] and treponema [110] as causes.
Fungal disease including actinomycosis [111, The diagnosis is made clinieally. The white
112], coccidioidomycosis [113] and crypto- cell count is elevated, (usually in the range
coccus [114] are reported, and recent pub- of 15-20000/mm3 ) with a polymorphonuc-
lieations indieate that AIDS is an underlying lear leukocytosis. The erythrocyte sedi-
factor in some of these patients. Pneumacystis mentation rate is high. Thyroid function
carinii thyroiditis has been described in such tests are usually normal, although there are
a patient [115]. The infectious agent gains reports of hyperthyroxinaemia [108]. Dia-
access to the gland by the blood, lymphatics, gnosis and treatment should not await these
direct implantation, or through internal results. A thyroid scintiscan is usually not
fistulae, such as a patent thyroglossal duct necessary, but if done shows the abscess to
[116]. Occasionally, an upper respiratory in- be cold. This is one of the few settings in
fection, or infection elsewhere (prostatitis, whieh I would use 99mTc pertechnetate
pyelonephritis), precedes the thyroiditis by a because it will provide an image within
few days. In some cases no good source is minutes, and the ability of the thyroid to
found. organify trapped iodine is moot. Kleinmann
et al. [119] used scintigraphy to differentiate
two patients who had neck abscesses not
involving the thyroid by demonstrating nor-
There is rapid onset of severe pain in the mal thyroids on scintigrams. Real-time ultra-
neck, and the thyroid is tense and extremely sound has a role in determining whether
tender. The pain can radiate to the jaw or there is true abscess formation [120], and it
ear. The skin of the anterior neck is hot and, allows non-invasive evaluation of the neck
in cases of true abscess formation, there is a veins for thrombophlebitis. A CT scan will
fluctuant mass. As the abscess enlarges, it seI dom be required. Culture of pus obtained
can cause stridor and dysphagia, the latter by needle aspiration will help to determine
due to pain produced by movement of the the most appropriate antibiotie(s).
thyroid while swallowing. Table 9.6 adapted Because the local and systemie features are
Riedel' s thyroiditis 273

so pronounced, this disease is unlikely to be clue to the aetiology of invasive fibrous thyr-
confused with other thyroid diseases, with oiditis and Levine states in 1983, 'Our know-
the exception of subacute thyroiditis. The ledge has not advanced much further than
reader is referred to Table 9.2, which lists that of Riede!' [125]. Although the drug
painful anterior neck and thyroid conditions. methysergide has been associated with scler-
An abscess of the anterior neck has already osing fibrosis, especially retroperitoneal
been discussed as a potential differential fibrosis [126], there appear to be no reports
diagnosis. of it causing Riedel's thyroiditis.


The correct treatment is aspiration and/or Woolner et al. [127] have defined three
surgical excision and drainage with micros- pathological hallmarks of this condition.
copic examination and culture of the pus and Firstly there is fibrosis, with the affected
parenteral antibiotics. Most cases do not zone being tough, fibrous and woody.
recur. If there is a recurrence, it suggests an
Secondly is an inflammatory fibrous process
anatomical access to the thyroid, such as a which extends beyond the gland into sur-
patent thyroglossal duct. This should be
rounding structures, including the strap
defined and treated surgically. Rarely, resolu-
muscles, trachea, oesophagus, veins and re-
tion of the acute disease is followed by hypo-
current laryngeal nerves. Thirdly, microsco-
thyroidism [120], or hyperthyroidism [121].
pically the inflammatory fibrotic process
The prognosis depends on correct, early
causes almost complete destruction of the
diagnosis, drainage of the lesion and appro-
involved portion of the thyroid and there is
priate antibiotics.
no giant-cell reaction. To these Meijer and
Hausman [128] have added a fourth, occlu-
9.6 RIEDEL'S THYROIDITIS (lNVASIVE sive phlebitis. In some reports, only one lobe
FIBROUS THYROIDITIS) is involved and the other shows normal
archi tecture.
Riedel's thyroiditis [122] is a very rare dis-
ease and many experienced thyroidologists
have never seen a case. In two large surgical The patient, usually middle-aged and
series, the condition was found in 37 out of female, most often seeks medical attention
56700 thyroidectomy specimens at the Mayo for a painless anterior neck mass which has
Clinic between 1920 and 1984 [92], and 2 out grown rapidly. In some cases, it has been
of 6571 thyroids examined pathologically by present for months. The mass causes pres-
Lindsay et al. [123]. For some time there was sure or a heaviness in the neck, and the
debate whether this was aseparate entity or invasive fibrosis can produce dyspnoea, a
a variant of Hashimoto' s or Oe quervain' s feeling of suffocation, or dysphagia by inva-
thyroiditis. There is no clinical, pathological, sion of structures adjacent to the thyroid.
or immunological evidence that these dis- On occasion, there is mild discomfort. There
eases are in any way related. One exception are no constitutional symptoms. The mass is
to this sweeping statement is a single re port rock hard and most frequently diagnosed cli-
of a patient who had subacute (de Quer- nically as cancer. Fixation to deep structures
vain's) thyroiditis followed by Riedel's thyr- strengthen this impression. Less frequently,
oiditis [124]. That patient also developed the clinician will make a diagnosis of sub-
transient hypoparathyroidism. There is no acute thyroiditis. However, the lack of pain
274 Thyroiditis
and tenderness and systemic manifestations normal, and thyroid scintigram shows no
are against that diagnosis. The thyroid, in uptake in diseased areas. None of these tests
the fibrous variant of Hashimoto' s thyroidi- helps establish or exclude the diagnosis.
tis, is quite firm, but seI dom has the hard-
ness of Riede!' s thyroiditis, and it almost
always has discrete, we11-defined edges. The
majority of patients are euthyroid, but very Although the gland is impressively hard and
rarely hyperthyroidism is present [136]. clinica11y ominous, the disease does not have
RiedeI' s thyroiditis is, on occasion, associ- a bad prognosis and is usua11y self-limiting,
ated with fibrosis in other sites, including although a hard goitre persists. A surgical
the mediastinum [129, 130] retroperitoneum, biopsy to establish the dia gnosis can be
liver and biliary tract [131], and orbits [131- coupled with an isthmusectomy to relieve
135]. I have seen a woman who presented at pressure on the trachea. High doses of glu-
age 38 with a stony hard, somewhat painful cocorticosteroids have been recommended
swelling of the thyroid, which was causing because of their apparent efficacy in treating
local pressure effects. Open biopsy proved fibrosis in other sites. Because Riede!' s thyr-
the lesion was Riede!'s thyroiditis. Later she oiditis extremely rare, there are no control-
developed proptosis with palpable masses led studies, but 2 out of 4 patients treated by
above and below the right eye which, on Katsikas et al. [137] were dramatica11y im-
biopsy, were the fibrous variant of orbital proved by steroids. Therefore, if the diagno-
pseudotumour . sis has been established and symptoms
The increased incidence in women is progressive, it is justifiable to prescribe high-
found in many publications: 5 to 1 [125], 6 to dose steroids, such as prednisone 60-80 mg
1 [126], 3 to 1 [127], 3.1 to 1 [92]. daily, the dose being tapered if a response is
achieved. Not a11 clinicians have found ster-
oids to be of value [139]. There is no role for
9.6.4 INVESTIGATIONS external radiation or radioiodine. Thyroid re-
The diagnosis is established by surgical biop- placement does not influence the course of
sy, which is usua11y necessary to exclude a the disease, but is required if the patient is
diagnosis of cancer, and may be necessary to hypothyroid.
relieve pressure on the trachea. Hamburger
[138] has cautioned against relying on a nee-
dIe biopsy to make this diagnosis, because
the fibrous tissue obtained can be found as a Several days after radioiodine therapy,
desmoplastic reaction in some cancers, or in radiation thyroiditis can occur. The con-
the fibrous variant of Hashimoto' s thyroidi- dition is similar to subacute thyroiditis with
tis. Other investigations are not specific. neck pain, which can be referred to the ear,
Thyroid function tests are usua11y normal, jaw, or teeth [140]. The thyroid is tender on
although if there is sufficient destruction of palpation and it is often swo11en [141]. This
the gland, hypothyroidism is to be expected. complication is not common when the ther-
In areport from the Mayo Clinic 5 out of 20 apy is given to treat Graves' hyperthyroid-
patients were hypothyroid, but a11 with uni- ism, and it is more likely to occur when a
lateral disease were euthyroid and remained cancerocidal dose is prescribed to ablate a
so on fo11ow-up [127]. Thyroid tests should remnant of residual normal thyroid after
be ordered to define the status of the pa- surgery [142]. For example, a hyperthyroid
tient. Raised levels of thyroid antibodies are patient treated to deliver 120, ILCiJg tissue
not found, the sedimentation rate is usua11y (9.6 mCi (361 MBq) to a 40 g gland with 50%
Key facts 275

uptake) will get one-tenth of the thyroidal cause is not known, but could be due to
radiation compared to the patient who re- the radiation inducing an immunological
ceives 100 mCi (3700 MBq) to ablate a 4 g thyroiditis.
remnant with 5% uptake. When radiation
thyroiditis occurs, it usually results in per-
manent hypothyroidism [143]; and when the
treatment is for thyroid cancer, thyroiditis • There are six discrete syndromes given
predicts fairly reliably that thyroid tissue is the name thyroiditis.
ablated. Radiation thyroiditis probably only • These diseases are not related genetically,
occurs when 20000 rad (200 Gy) or more aetiologically or clinieally.
have been delivered to the thyroid. I have • Hashimoto's thyroiditis is also called
only seen it in relation to treatment of thyr- chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.
oid cancer, and the pain is controlled with • Hashimoto's thyroiditis is very common,
aspirin, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and there are more women with the dis-
drugs. If there is release of enough stored ease than men (9 to 1).
hormone to cause hyperthyroidism, beta- • Antithyroid antibodies, both antithyro-
blockers should be prescribed. The problem globulin and antomicrosomal (antithyr-
is transient and recovery in 1-4 weeks is operoxidase), are found in the serum.
anticipated. • Goitre is considered by most to be a sine
External radiation over the thyroid, pre- qua non.
scribed to treat conditions such as Hodgkin' s • Hypothyroidism occurs in a proportion of
disease, produces a significant incidence of patients with the passage of time.
hypothyroidism [144], and this topie is dis- • In mild cases, no treatment is necessary.
cussed in detail in Chapter 13. Painful thyr- • When a goitre is large and/or when
oiditis has not been described in this setting hypothyroidism is developing, treatment
and would not be expected because the stan- is with L thyroxine.
dard doses are 3500-4500 rad. Recently, Blit- • There is an increased risk of other auto-
zer et al. [145] described two patients with a immune diseases.
syndrome like silent thyroiditis with thyr- • There is a slight increase in lymphoma of
otoxicosis and low uptake of radioiodine the thyroid.
occurring shortly after anterior neck irradia- • Subacute thyroiditis is also called granu-
tion. Our group have confirmed this finding lomatous and de Quervain' s thyroiditis.
in three patients who were hyperthyroid cli- • It is presumed to be caused by viral infec-
nically and biochemically, and had a low tion.
radioiodine uptake [146]. Two went on to • The disease is characterized by general ill
become permanently hypothyroid, the third health, severe pain over the thyroid and
was transiently hypothyroid and returned to thyroid dysfunction.
normal, but 18 months later developed clas- • Thyroid dysfunction usually starts with
sie Graves' hyperthyroidism with a high up- thyrotoxicosis, followed by anormal
take of radioiodine. This type of radiation period, then hypothyroidism with, final-
thyroiditis occurs 3-9 months after external ly, areturn to normal.
radiation, and its incidence is not known • The diagnosis is clinical plus evidence of
because it is not common for thyroid func- high FT4 low TSH, low RAID and high
tion to be measured routinely at that time. ESR.
Symptoms due to mild hyperthyroidism • The treatment for pain is anti-
could easily be attributed to the underlying inflammatory drugs, sometimes predni-
cancer, or to the radiotherapy per se. The sone.
276 Thyroiditis
• The treatment of thyrotoxicosis is with conditions, such as mediastinitis and
beta-blockers. retroperitoneal fibrosis.
• Treatment of hypothyroidism is with L • Usually it is misdiagnosed as cancer.
thyroxine. • The diagnosis is dinical and by biopsy.
• Silent thyroiditis and postpartum thyr- • There is no good treatment; prednisone
oiditis appear to be identical dinically; can be tried and surgery may be neces-
only the setting differs. sary to relieve pressure.
• Most probably this is (these are) auto- • Radiation thyroiditis consists of two
immune. separate syndromes.
• There is a sequence of thyrotoxicosis, • One is similar to subacute thyroiditis, and
normality, hypothyroidism and, finally, occurs days to weeks after radioactive
euthyroidism over a 3-6-month cyde. iodine.
• Sometimes thyroid dysfunction, especial- • This is uncommon.
ly hypothyroidism is permanent. • The temporal relationship makes diagno-
• It is important to consider this diagnosis, sis easy.
especially in the 3-6-months period after • Treatment is with anti-inflammatory
delivery. medications and, if necessary, predni-
• The diagnosis is by finding high FT4, low sone.
TSH and low RAIU. • If thyrotoxicosis is present give beta-
• Treatment of thyrotoxicosis is with beta- blockers.
blockers, and hypothyroidism with L • The second occurs after external neck
thyroxine. irradiation.
• Recurrent episodes can occur in particular • This is not common.
after subsequent pregnancies. • It has a course similar to silent thyroiditis.
• Acute thyroiditis (thyroid abscess) is very • Permanent hypothyroidism appears to be
rare. the common outcome.
• It is usually caused by bacteria, but fungi
and protozoa can also be a cause.
• There is abrupt onset of thyroid pain, and REFERENCES
severe constitutional symptoms. 1 Hashimoto, H. (1912) Zur kenntniss der lym-
• The diagnosis is made dinically. phomatosen veranderung der schildruse.
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Simple goitre (non-endemie, non-toxie

goitre) and multinodular goitre


Simple goitre is one of the least simple thyr- In Chapter 11, the role of iodine deficiency
oid disorders with particular regard to its as a cause of endemic goitre is described.
pathogenesis. Henneman's [1] dinical defini- However, iodine lack cannot be implicated
tion of simple goitre as 'a benign, diffuse or as a causal factor in simple goitre since the
multinodular enlargement of the thyroid of condition occurs in iodine-replete areas. Any
unknown etiology with normal hormone theory about cause must be capable of ex-
production occurring sporadically' is difficult plaining the fo11owing pathological findings
to improve. Studer and Ramelli [2] have de- in simple goitre. Firstly, there is an increase
fined the condition 'as a slowly developing in the number of fo11icular ce11s and follides
diffuse or nodular enlargement of the thyr- [2, 3]. Secondly, the appearance of both the
oid gland resulting from excessive replica- ce11s and the follides are disparate from one
tion of epithelial ce11s with subsequent area to another within the thyroid. This con-
generation of new follides of widely differ- trasts with the situation in Graves' disease
ing structure and function'. By convention, where a11 ce11s are hypertrophied and folli-
goitres whose causes are known are not in- des uniform in appearance and depleted of
duded under the term simple goitre. There- colloid. The changes in Graves's disease and
fore, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, euthyroid other hyperplastic goitres are the result of
Graves' disease, iodine deficiency, and goit- strong stimulators of follicular cell function.
rogen induced goitre are exduded. Since dif- Studer alone and with coinvestigators [4-6]
ferentiation of auto immune thyroid disease hypothesize that the stimulatory factors in
with goitre from simple goitre depends on simple goitre are subtle and of long dura-
the presence, or absence, of antithyroid anti- tion, so that populations of ce11s which are
bodies, the sensitivity of the assay will dic- more sensitive to positive stimuli undergo
tate how patients are dassified. hyperplastic changes and form outbuds and
The space a110tted to this condition does subsequently new follides made up of prog-
no credit to its frequency. In the USA up to eny of these more active ce11s. As some folli-
5% of the population have this, and the pre- des bud and grow more rapidly, others
valence varies from country to country. The slowly increase in size and accumulate col-
cause is not dear and there may be multiple loid. Therefore, an additional factor has to
aetiologies which act in consort, or in differ- be implied, namely, disassociation of forma-
ent degrees, in different populations. tion of colloid (and hormone) from its de-
gradation and release. With the growth of
some follicles and formation of new follicles
at random sites, the blood supply which
Pathology 283
starts by supplying all follicles uniformly contain thyroid hormones and might be
becomes distorted. Some regions atrophy formed in excess to that released. The poten-
because of reduced blood supply, and hae- tial for deranged amino acid sequence is
morrhagic necrosis occurs in others. great, and could be considered analogous
Bleeding can occur inside follicles and in to alterations in haemoglobin structure and
extrafollicular connective tissue. These their effects on red cell structure and
changes result in the development of fibrous function.
tissue and scarring, which is also a charac- In the last decade, a body of da ta has been
teristic finding. The laying down of fibrous developed demonstrating growth stimulat-
bands then dictates how and where follicles ing factors which can cause hyperplasia of
can grow, thus changing the configuration follicles without increase in function. Most
from diffuse enlargement to nodular, and prominent of these factors are immunoglo-
forming a multinodular goitre. In aseries of bulins. Therefore, some simple goitres are
experimental studies, Studer et al. [4, 5] has immunologically media ted diseases, and
demonstrated that some follicular cells are should be considered as autoimmune in na-
more active then their neighbours and form ture [9, 10]. Gaag et al. [11] found growth-
new active follicles. stimulating immunoglobulins in 43 out of 62
What causes the slow, subtle stimulus to patients with non-endemic goitre. The anti-
growth? The first culprit could be TSH. bodies were found more often in patients
Slightly increased levels could conceivably with diffuse goitres and in those whose
produce the changes described above. Why goitres recurred after surgery. The anti-
is there a raised TSH? The presence of mild bodies were not inhibited in vitra by TSH.
goitrogens could interfere with normal thyr- Therefore, these antibodies, unlike TSI, are
oid hormone production and cause this, but not directed against the TSH receptor. The
the ubiquity of the simple goitre makes this methods for measurement vary, and this
hypothesis less probable. There is no evid- probably accounts for differences in sensitiv-
ence of slightly raised TSH values at the time ity in reports. There are other growth fac-
the patient is seen with a nodular goitre, but tors, such as epidermal growth factor, but
it could be argued that high levels in the their roles are not defined in this situation.
past started the sequence. The preponder- In summary, the basic problem in simple
an ce of women involved suggests a role goitre is the continued increase in the nu m-
of oestrogen and/or progesterone. Familial ber of both follicular cells and follicles,
goitre points to an inherited defect, perhaps which is not accompanied by an increase in
in one of the enzymes responsible for hor- function. Several possible ways for this to
mone synthesis. Complete absence of an occur have been presented; they are not ex-
enzyme causes goitrous hypothyroidism; clusive of one another, and one or any com-
incomplete deficiency could cause euthyroid bination could playa role.
goitre [7]. A somewhat related explanation
has been pro mo ted by Stanbury and Wang
[8]. They point out that thyroglobulin is the
largest protein molecule in the body, and its The thyroid is enlarged and can be huge,
structure both intrinsically and three dimen- weighing several hundred grams. Micro-
sionally is critical for the formation and scopically, there are combinations of small
subsequent release of thyroid hormone. hyperplastic follicles and large ones with
Changes in the composition or tertiary struc- abundant colloid. There is an increase in
ture of thyroglobulin could result in the pro- fibrous tissue and evidence of recent and old
duction of thyroglobulin which does not haemorrhage.
284 Simple goitre and multinodular goitre
10.4 CLINICAL PRESENTA TION enlarged thyroid, with or without nodules,
and appears euthyroid. Inc1uded in the dif-
Frequently, the goitre is noted in the course
ferential would be Hashimoto' s thyroiditis,
of a physical examination for some unrelated
Graves' disease with near normal thyroid
reason. The goitre can be diffuse or nodular.
status and other painless thyroiditides. In
By convention, thyroids less than 40 g have
the ca se of simple nodular goitre, where one
been termed small and those greater than 40
nodule is particularly prominent, the dif-
g large [12]. Some small goitres are nodular,
ferential dia gnosis of a single nodule has to
which is difficult to understand based on the
be considered (Chapter 7). The c1inician
explanation of pathogenesis given above.
should try and resolve three facts: what is
Ho~ev~r, in general, as the thyroid enlarges
the thyroid function, is there a cause of the
the mCldence of nodularity increases. Is a
goitre and, in nodular cases, what is the
palpable thyroid enlarged? In a linebacker
potential for malignancy? The first is
(in E~rope re~d prop forward) it most prob-
achieved easily by FT4 and TSH. If these are
ably IS, but m a 95 lb ballerina it can be
normal, the patient is euthyroid. In cases
norm~l. ~xten~ive experience of palpating
where TSH is suppressed, the patients have
thyrOlds m pahents with known thyroid dis-
subc1inical. hyperthyroidism and can prog-
order~, ~~ weIl as ~n normal people, will help
ress to tOXIC nodular goitre. In the situation
the chmClan to dlfferentiate between them
of normal FT4 and suppressed TSH, I mea-
but in some patients it is impossible to deter~
sure T3 since a high T3 explains the low
mine with certainty whether a palpable
TSH. The second question usually cannot be
gland ~s normal or not. As the gland en-
answered. I usually measure standard anti-
larges lt can be noted by the patient or seen
thyroid antibodies (anti-Tg and antimiero-
by friends and relatives. As the goitre en-
somal~ by sensitive radioimmunoassay to
larges, symptoms are noted with increasing
estabhsh, .or exc1ude, Hashimoto's thyroidi-
frequency. Very large goitres cause a feeling
tis. ThyrOld growth antibodies are not uni-
of pr~ssure, tightness, and difficulty in
versally available, and even in the best
breathl~g or swallowing. In nodular goitre
research laboratories, the sensitivity of the
a promment nodule raises concern of malig-
test is in the range 60-70%. As a result I do
nancy by both patient and physician. The
not use the test. I believe it is not justifiable
reported incidence of malignancy in multi-
to embark on an expensive and elaborate
nodular glands varies, but the most widely
work-up unless treatment will be altered.
quot~d figure, 1 %, is probably accurate [13].
Therefore, in most cases where the patient
A smgle nodule on c1inical examination
has a small goitre and is euthyroid, I seldom
should be evaluated as discussed in Chapter
order ult~asound, radionuc1ide scintigraphy,
7, but imaging techniques with high resolu-
or do a fme-needle aspirate. To defend this
tion often show other nodules, and the
approach we must ask what could be gained
pathologist will confirm this in cases referred
by doing these tests? Ultrasound shows the
for surgery. The cosmetie effect of the goitre
size and shape of the gland and will demon-
can be the presenting complaint.
strate nodules weIl. It cannot differentiate
benign from malignant tissue, and seldom
pro duces data that changes the c1inieal di-
10.5 DIAGNOSIS AND agnosis. A radionuc1ide scan shows an en-
INVESTIGATIONS larged gland and demonstrates than some of
!he diagnosis of non-endemie simple goitre the nodules are functioning and some not.
IS usually apparent from a c1inieal examina- This usually does not extend what is already
tion. The patient, usually a wo man, has an known. In nodular goitres, the demonstra-
Sub sternal goitre 285

tion of functioning nodules is of value. In shrinkage would not be expected. This ther-
multinodular goitre where the incidence of apy should not be prescribed if there is
cancer is low, is it possible to justify biopsy clinieal or biochemical evidence of hyper-
of all palpable nodules? What about the thyroidism, including a suppressed TSH.
nodules that are not palpable? Biopsy should Therefore, thyroid testing should be done
be reserved for patients with a dominant or first. In cases of very large goitre whieh
suspieious nodule. Therefore, the third cause pressure symptoms, the best treat-
question is answered by clinical judgement ment is surgery. After operation it is reason-
and in selected cases FNA of dominant able to prescribe enough thyroxine to
nodules. suppress TSH in the ho pe that if TSH was
In patients with pressure symptoms, a the growth stimulus, this will prevent re-
plain roentgenogram of the trachea and currence. I am not aware of a trial proving
thoracic inlet, and a barium swallow and, in this point.
selected cases, a CT scan and ENT opinion Should non-toxie goitre be treated with
can be useful. The tests help to determine radioiodine? I have not done so, but there is
whether goitre and symptoms are cause and areport of its benefit [16]. The problems
effect. In some patients, it is difficult to with this include the small but real risk of
accept that a small goitre is the cause of missing a thyroid cancer, and the more im-
symptoms, such as tightness of the neck, portant problem of delivering enough radia-
and the clinician must ask, is the size, con- tion to cause shrinkage. For example, if the
sistency and position of the goitre unequivo- goitre is 200 g and the 24 hour uptake is
cally capable of producing the symptoms? If 15%, and the therapist wishes to deliver 200
not, the additional studies help to clarify /LCi/g, the prescribed dose would be about
whether the thyroid, or some other factor, is 250 mCi! In this example, I have taken a
causal. Trotter [14] states that simple goitre fairly large gland with a fairly low uptake to
does not cause dysphagia, and although this illustrate the problem of dosimetry, but the
is not 100% true, it does make an important numbers are realistic. In selected patients, in
clinical point that other causes of this symp- whom operative risk is considered to be sig-
tom should be exduded. nificant and in whom there is good uptake
of a tracer dose of iodine, this approach
could be considered.
Most patients with simple goitre do not seek
medieal attention and do not appear to come
to much harm as a result. If a small' diffuse Goitres with their lower poles inferior to the
goitre is found serendipitously and the pa- thoracic inlet are called substernal. If the
tient is euthyroid and there is no concern of gland lies in its entirety below the thoracic
thyroid malignancy, it is reasonable to pre- inlet, it is termed intrathoracic. Higgins [17]
scribe no therapy. By contrast, Burrow [15] subdivided the latter into complete in-
believes that thyroxine should be prescribed trathoracic and partial intrathoracic. The
in most cases. Certainly, in patients who are former describes glands completely in the
euthyroid and have diffuse goitre, this is thorax, the latter those where 50% or more
acceptable and, in some cases, the goitre re- of the volume is intrathoracic. This descrip-
gresses. In contrast, by the time the gland is tion is somewhat artificial since the rela-
nodular it is unlikely that suppression of tionship of the thyroid to the thoracic inlet
TSH will help, since some of the nodules are can be altered greatly by extension and flex-
autonomous and others so scarred that ion of the neck. Sub sternal goitres are usually
286 Simple goitre and multinodular goitre
thorax, a topic covered in Chapter 1. The
explanation for down ward movement of
goitre into the thorax include the following.
The inferior border of the thyroid has no
structures to inhibit expansion, and growth
takes the path of least resistance. Once ex-
tension starts downward, it is helped by
stretching of the gland by swallowing, and
when the inferior bord er is in the thoracic
inlet it is subjected to reduced intrathoracic
pressure with inspiration. In addition, grav-
ity could playa role. The writer is only par-
tially convinced by these theories. In most
patients, there is total continuity of the cer-
vical thyroid with the substernal component,
but in some the thoracic part is separate, but
at operation can be seen to be connected by
a band of fibrous tissue.
Sub sternal goitre is more common in
women (3 or 4 to 1), and occurs most often
in patients in the 50-70 age range [18-20].
When symptoms occur, they include dif-
ficulty in breathing, wheezing, difficulty in
Figure 10.1 ehest roentgenogram showing a swallowing, a change in voice and hoarse-
superior mediastinal mass deviating the trachea
to the left. The appearance is characteristic of ness. On examination, the spectrum ranges
substernal goitre, but is not specific for that from asymptomatic to patients in respiratory
diagnosis. distress. The enlargement can be sufficient
to obstruct venous return, and cause super-
ior vena cava syndrome. In most series, the
patients are euthyroid, e.g. 51 out of 52 ev-
non-toxic multinodular goitres, although aluated by Katlic et al. [19] and 17 out of 18
other causes of goitre, including fetal adeno- of studied by lrwin et al. [21]. Although
ma and Hashimoto' s thyroiditis, can pro- hyperthyroidism can occur with sub sternal
duce the same result. The patient can be toxie multinodular goitre, the frequency in
asymptomatic and the dia gnosis made on early re ports is based on clinical features
clinical examination where the physician without laboratory confirmation. It is not
cannot palpate the inferior edge of an en- easy to determine thyroid status by examina-
larged thyroid. More often, the abnormality tion of a patient distressed by stridor. In
is detected on a ehest roentgenogram as a most large series, one or two of the patients
superior mediastinal mass (Figure 10.1). were hypothyroid. It is sensible to measure
Some patients are symptomatie due to the thyroid function (FT4 and TSH) to ensure
size and pressure effects of the goitre and that no patient is referred for operation with
have dysphagia or dysphonia. undiagnosed hyperthyroidism.
How does the thyroid re ach the mediasti- There are a variety of diagnostic tests
num? Almost every case shows communica- whieh have been recommended to prove
tion with cervical thyroid. A minority of that the superior mediastinal mass is thyr-
cases appear to be ectopic thyroid in the oid. In some patients, the clinical features
Substernal goitre 287
structures make delineation of thyroid tissue
difficuIt. Computed tomography is very
valuable and widely used to diagnose
mediastinal and thoracic abnormalities, and
it has been used with success in establishing
that a mass was an intrathoracic goitre [23]
(Figure 10.3). The clinician should be
thoughtful about the sequence of testing.
Computed tomography is not complete
without contrast-enhanced images. There-
fore, radioiodine scintigraphy must precede
CT scanning, and if the former provides the
correct diagnosis, the laUer is superfluous.
Other tests, such as nuclear magnetic re-
sonance imaging, barium swallow and uItra-
sound, may help in isolated cases but are
usually not essential. Fine-needle aspiration
is not advised because of the risk of bleeding
Figure 10.2 lodine-123 scintigram made 3 hours
after oral ingestion of 200 MCi 1231. Scintiscan in a clinically silent area, of collapse of the
shows an irregular area extending from the in- lung, and concern that the sampIe will not
ferior pole of the left lobe of the thyroid. This was be representative since in most operative
substernal on clinical examination. The patient series the average size of the goitre has been
refused further work-up or therapy. 100-200 g.
On ce the dia gnosis is established, most
authorities recommend surgery to remove
the lesion. This is based on the following
are so compelling that tests are not neces- facts. The lesion usually continues to grow
sary, e.g. if there is a large cervical goitre and if asymptomatic at presentation, it could
that can be seen and feIt to pass through weIl produce serious press ure effects in the
the thoracic inlet. If there is uptake of future. Although the patients are usually
radioiodine in alesion seen on roentgeno- about 60 years, this implies on average 10-
gram, it confirms the abnormality is thyroid 20 years of life which could be jeapardized
tissue. Therefore, in cases where uncertainty by non-operation. The surgery carries a low
exists, a radioiodine 1231 scintiscan is advised mortality and morbidity. Several se ries of
as the first test (Figure 10.2). Radioiodine 30-80 patients have no perioperative deaths,
scans have been successful in most investi- and complications were not troublesome.
gators' experience. Irwin et al. [21] correctly The beningnity of the lesion is not guaran-
diagnosed 20 out of 21 cases. These investi- teed, even when it has been present for
gators used 131 1 but, nowadays, 1231 is pre- many years. The incidence of carcinoma
ferred, because of the substantially lower ranges from 2-10% . Some of these are occuIt
radiation to the patient. In contrast, Sand et carcinomas, but because of the clinically si-
al. [22] found the scan was correct in only lent area they could grow unnoticed. The
58% of their patients. They provide no de- main reason for operation is to relieve pres-
tails of the technique. Technetium, which is sure effects on the trachea and oesophagus.
used widely for thyroid scintigraphy, should An operation can usually be undertaken
not be used for radioisotopic imaging of this by a standard cervical approach. In one
area, since background activity in vascular series, 78 out of 80 were successfully treated
288 Simple goitre and multinodular goitre

Figure 10.3 CT scan of the upper mediastinum showing the trachea deviated to the left by the
right-sided substernal thyroid.

in this way, one required a partial upper closed space. In contrast, Kay et al. [16] in
sternotomy, and one a complete sternotomy their series of 14 patients treated with 131 1 for
[20]. The procedure is described in more de- non-toxic multinodular goitre had 8 with
tail by Katlic et al. [20]. 'moderate degree of retrosternal extension
Non-operative therapy with thyroid sup- but no patient studied had a predominantly
pression is usually not valuabIe, because retrostemal goiter'. These authors did not
multinodular goitres seI dom suppress. This see any acute thyroid swelling after 131 1 but
treatment is certainly not advised when advised careful observation in cases of
there are pressure symptoms. Thyroid retrosternal goitre and state 'high-dose
should be prescribed for life after thyroidec- corticosteroids could be used to reduce any
tomy in an effort to prevent recurrence, even chance of acute swelling'. This therapy
although its efficacy has not been deter- should be reserved for patients who are con-
mined in a controlled study. sidered to be poor operative risks. However,
There are anecdotal re ports of radioiodine in most patients surgery is the recom-
therapy worsening symptoms, presumably mended approach. There is no role for exter-
by causing swelling of the goitre in an en- nal radiotherapy.
References 289

KEY FACTS proportion of the gland, or the entire

gland, becomes sub sternal.
• Simple goitre and non-toxie goitre are • 1231 scintigraphy is the best test for di-

synonymous. agnosing substernal goitre.

• A single cause of the condition is not • Treatment of substernal goitre is usually
clearly defined. surgical.
• By definition, goitre caused by diseases
such as Graves' disease and Hashimoto' s
thyroiditis are not covered by this term.
• lodine defieiency, goitrogens, TSH, auto- 1 Henneman, G. (1979) Non-toxie goitre. Clin.
immune stimulators and genetic disposi- Endocrinol. Metab., 8, 167-79.
tion have all been suggested as causal. 2 Studer, H. and Ramelli, F. (1982) Simple goitre
and its variants: euthyroid and hyperthyroid
• Many cases might have several a etiolo- multinodular goitres. Endocr. Rev., 3, 40-61.
gical factors. 3 Studer, H. (1982) A fresh look at an old
• One hypothesis states that some follicular disease: euthyroid and hyperthyroid nodular
cells grow and divide too rapidly, leading goitre. J. Endocri. Invest, 5, 57-68.
to formation of follicles whose cells have 4 Studer, H., Peter, H.J. and Gerber, H. (1989)
Natural heterogeneity of thyroid eells: the
this characteristie. basis for understanding thyroid funetion and
• Diffuse goitre is the first sign. nodular goitre growth. Endocr. Rev., 10, 125-
• The patient is clinically and biochemieally 35.
euthyroid. 5 Peter, H.J., Studer, H. and Groseurth, P.
• With time the thyroid becomes more en- (1988) Autonomous growth, but not auton-
omous funetion, in embryonie thyroids: a c1ue
larged and develops nodules. to understanding autonomous goiter growth?
• Some of the nodules function au ton- J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 66, 968-73.
omously. 6 Peters, H.J., Studer, H., Forster, R., et al.
• Haemorrhage into the gland causes fibro- (1982) The pathogenesis of 'hot' and 'cold'
sis and scarring. follic1es in multinodular goitres. J. Clin. Endoc-
rinol. Metabol., 55, 941-6.
• The end result is a multinodular goitre. In 7 Lever, E.G., Medeiros-Neto, G.A. and De
some cases, where there is signifieant Groot, L.J. (1983) Inherited dis orders of thyr-
autonomous tissue, the patient is thyroto- oid metabolism. Endocr. Rev., 4, 213-39.
xie and the condition is called toxic multi- 8 Stanbury, J.B. and Wang, C-A. (1981) Nontox-
nodular goitre. ie goiter, in Thyroid Today, (ed. J.H.
Oppenheimer) 4, 1-5.
• FT4 and TSH define thyroid status. 9 Drexhage, H.A., Bottazzo, G.F., Doniaeh, D.
• Scintigraphy with 1231 shows nodularity et al. (1980) Evidenee for growth stimulating
and functional characteristics. immunoglobulins in some goitrous thyroid
• Significant hypofunctioning nodules can diseases. Lancet, 2, 287-92.
be biopsied using fine-ne edle aspiration. 10 Drexhage, H.A., Doniaeh, D., Bottazzo, G.F.
• In diffuse goitre, treatment with L thyrox- et al. (1982) Deteetion and c1inieal signifieanee
of antibodies stimulating or bloeking thyroid
ine sometimes halts growth and can growth in disorders of the thyroid gland,
shrink the gland. in Current Endocrine Concepts, (ed. E.D. Wil-
• Nodular goitre usually does not shrink liams), Praeger Publishers, London pp. 37-55.
with L thyroxine treatment. 11 van der Gaag, RD., Drexhage, H.A.
Wiersinga, W.M. et al. (1985) Further studies
• Large goitres causing pressure symptoms
on growth-stimulating immunoglobulins in
have to be removed. euthyroid nonendemie goiter, J.Clin. Endocri-
• In older patients, there is a tendency for a nol. Metab., 60, 972-9.
nodular goitre to migrate inferiorly, and a 12 Kilpatriek, R., Milne, J.S., Rushbrooke, M. et
290 Simple goitre and multinodular goitre
al (1963) A survey on thyroid enlargement in 18 AHo, M.D. and Thompson, N.W. (1983)
two general practices in Great Britain. Br. Med. Rationale for the operative management of
J., 1, 29-34. substernal goiters. Surgery, 94, 969-77.
13 Sokal, J.E. (1960) The incidence of thyroid can- 19 Katlic, M.R., Wang, C-A and Grillo, H.C.
cer and the problem of malignancy in nodular (1985) Substernal goiter. Ann. Thorac. Surg, 39,
goiter, in Clinical Endocrinology, (ed. E. B. 391-9.
Astwood), Grune and Stratton, New York, p. 20 Katlic, M.R., Grillo, H.C. and Wang, C-A.
168. (1985) Substernal goiter: analysis of 80 patients
14 Trotter, W.R. (1962) Diseases of the Thyroid, FA from Massachusetts General Hospital. Am. ].
Davis Company, Philadelphia, pp. 133-43. Surg, 149, 283-7.
15 Burrow, G.N. (1989) Nontoxic goiter - diffuse 21 1rwin, R.S., Braman, S.5., Arvanitidis, A.N. et
and nodular, in Thyroid Function and Disease, al. (1978) 1311 thyroid scanning in preoperative
(eds G.N. Burrow, J.H. Oppenheimer and R. diagnosis of mediastinal goiter. Ann.
Volpe), WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, Lon- Intern. Med., 89, 73-4.
don, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney and Tokyo, 22 Sand, M.E., Laws, H.L., McElvein, R.B. (1983)
pp. 141-51. Sub sternal and intrathoracic goiter. Reconsid-
16 Kay, T.W.H., d'Emden, M.C., Andrews, J.T. eration of surgical approach. Am. Surg., 49,
et al. (1988) Treatment of non-toxic multinodu- 196-202.
lar goiter with radioactive iodine. Am. ]. Med., 23 Glazer, G.M., Axel, L. and Moss, A.A. (1982)
84, 19-22. CT diagnosis of mediastinal thyroid. A.J.R.,
17 Higgins, c.c. (1927) 1ntrathoracic goiter. Arch. 138, 495-8.
Surg, 15, 895-901.

Iodine defieieney dis orders, endemie goitre

and endemie eretinism

11.1 INTRODUCTION water or food, inborn errors of hormone

synthesis, or immunologieal fa~to~s, .~ight
This ehapter deals with eonditions eaused
play a role, but are relatively mSlgmfI~ant
direetly by dietary defieieney of iodine, and
eompared with iodine deficieney. Matovmo-
beeause the writer has worked in the west
vie [3] has provided a list of goitrogens
coasts of Seotland and California, both areas
whieh ean aggravate the severity of iodine
where iodine deficieney is rare, the text is
deficieney. Differenees in the prevalenee of
based on published data, rather than per-
goitre within a region are best explained by
sonal experienee. Iodine defieieney is a .se-
the addition of goitrogens. They include eas-
rious international health problem affectmg
sava, eabbage, kaIe, soybean, peanut, wal-
about 400000000 people in Asia alone. It
nut and mustard. In spite of the additive
may cause only goitre, and the term ende-
role of goitrogens, evidenee that iodine de-
mie goitre is used when more than 10% of
ficieney is the most impartant factar include the
the population have enlargement. of the
following. In all endemie goitre regions,
thyroid. In many regions, a eonsldera~ly
dietary iodine is low. Normal thyroid fune-
higher pereentage have this finding. GOltre
tion requires about 100 p.,g iodine daily, and
alone is not a major health hazard, but loeal
the incidenee of goitre inereases directly as
eomplieations from goitre are problematie,
the daily iodine intake falls below 50 p.,g. In
and become more eommon as the size of the
areas of greatly redueed intake (10-20 p.,g),
thyroid inereases. In addition, t~~roi~ dys-
goitre is universal and eretinism ~eeurs.
funetion, in partieular hypothyrOldlsm m the
Direct measurement of iodine eontent m wa-
population and in newborns, is a serious
ter and foodstuffs show low values. Patients
result of iodine deficieney. Hetzel [1] has
have low plasma inorganie iodine levels,
reeommended the use of the term iodine
thyroid uptake is high, and urinary iodine
deficieney disorders (IOD) rather than ende-
low. All of these are reversed by adding
mie goitre, beeause the latter fails to impart
iodine to the diet.
the seriousness of the problem. Also, the
When the amount of dietary iodine falls
term endemie goitre does not indieate the
below a eritieal level, the thyroid produces
cause of the disease or its treatment [2].
insufficient thyroid hormones, and the usual
eompensatory meehanisms try to eorrect
this. TSH rises, and in virtually every series,
the mean TSH value is higher than in eontrol
Iodine deficieney is the most important and populations. The high TSH plus low plasma
eommon eause of endemie goitre. In some inorganie iodide lead to inereased trapping
regions, loeal faetors, such as goitrogens in of iodide and high thyroid uptake. Also as a
292 Iodine deficieney dis orders, endemie goitre and endemie eretinism
result of lower intrathyroidal iodine plus said to be about six times as common as in
high TSH, there is increased formation of non-goitrous areas, and follicular and ana-
MIT and an increased ratio of MIT/DIT. This, plastic cancers account for a higher propor-
in turn, results in an increased ratio of T3 to tion of the lesions compared with USA.
T4 in both thyroglobulin and the circulation. Haemorrhage into a nodule causes sud den
Since T3 is metabolically more active than T4 , enlargement of the area, pain and pressure
and since it contains less iodine, the arrange- on adjacent structures.
ment is sensible. However, it results in the The major cIinical problem in iodine-
somewhat paradoxical finding of low, or deficient areas is cretinism, which is discus-
low-normal T4 , elevated TSH and normal sed below.
or high-normal T3 . Intuitively, anormal T3
would be expected to produce anormal
TSH. Evidence was presented in Chapter 2
that FT4 was more important in dictating
feedback at the pituitary because of its very
active 5' deiodinase. There are no good Despite cIear evidence that iodine deficiency
analyses of free hormone values in iodine is the major cause of endemic goitre and
deficiency, but by inference FT4 should be cretinism and that both can be eliminated by
low. TBG values are normal or high. Thyro- iodization, it is not possible to state that pre-
globulin values are high. vention has been achieved. Historically,
iodine 'supplements' were used successfully
150 years ago, and there are anecdotal re-
ports of the value of (iodized) salt in pre-
The commonest cIinical finding is goitre. venting goitre in the Inca population 500
This finding per se need not be considered a years ago. The active ingredient of salt was
major problem, and in some regions is not known, but its beneficial effects were.
considered by the native population to be For an iodination programme to be success-
normal. The fact that goitre is prevalent indi- ful, the affected community must recognize
cates that at some point thyroid hormone that there is a significant health problem and
production was deficient in that proportion that the problem can be defined and treated.
of the population to a degree that TSH secre- There must be political and financial willing-
tion caused enlargement of the thyroid. ness to embark on the project, and there has
Implicit with this is that biochemical hypo- to be sufficient health practitioners to imple-
thyroidism existed and, in some patients, ment it. Positive feedback of the beneficial
cIinical hypothyroidism could also exist or results are important to ensure enthusiastic
have been present. In population studies, all continuation of the programme. Unfortu-
grades of thyroid function from normality to nately, the very countries that are most in
severe hypothyroidism are found. The goitre need of a programme are those where there
can reach considerable dimensions, and is a lack of communication, and few medical
large ones tend to be nodular. Pressure practitioners or stable and willing legislators.
effects on the trachea and oesophagus can Involved communities are isolated and there
result. Predominant nodules, some of which are no methods of disseminating informa-
can be hard and cause local effects, have to tion to the population. Thus implementation
be differentiated from thyroid cancer. There of an important public health measure is
has been disagreement whether iodine de- fraught with problems. There is convincing
ficiency causes, or is associated with, an proof from all prophylactic trials in a wide
increase in thyroid cancer. The body of opin- variety of countries and regions that iodine
ion now supports an association: cancer is supplements reduce the proportion of goit-
WHO classifieation for endemie goitre 293

rous patients, and if given prior to pregnan- most important is iodine-induced hyperthyr-
cy will eliminate cretinism [4, 5]. In addition, oidism Ood Basedow hyperthyroidism). This
there is a general improvement of the intel- is most likely to occur in patients having
lect of schoolchildren and improved produc- autonomous function, either nodular goitres
tivity in the community in general. There are or, less likely, Graves' disease. Prior to pre-
three approaches to replenishing iodine. scription of iodine there was insufficient
Firstly, to supplement salt with iodine, iodine for the thyroid to produce enough
secondly, to give iodized oil by mouth, and hormone to cause hyperthyroidism. The
thirdy, to give iodized oil by intramuscular complication is not commonly described in
injection. If the daily intake of salt is 10 g, communities given prophylactic iodine, but
0.001 % iodine provides 100 J-tg iodine. The it has to be kept in mind that these areas do
major impediments to providing this to not have ready access to skilled clinicians
underdeveloped communities are cost, and and cases may go unrecognized. In contrast
ensuring that there is not a large competing to· the enormous problem of hypothyroidism
industry supplying non-iodized salto Lu and and cretinism, this potential problem should
Ma [6] have shown that oral iodized oil is not be used as an arguement against an
simpler, safer and cheaper than injected io- iodization policy.
dized oil. However, it is effective for a shor-
ter time (6-30 months). 11.6 WHO CLASSIFICATION FOR
Injections of iodized oil, such as contrast ENDEMIC GOITRE
agents like lipiodol or iodized poppyseed oil,
• Grade 0 Thyroid not palpable or, if palp-
provide patients with a prolonged supply of
able, not larger than normal.
iodine. Four millilitres solution containing
• Grade la Thyroid distinctly palpable but
2.15 g of iodine is adequate for 3-4 years as
usually not visible in a raised position; the
judged by urinary excretion of iodine. The
thyroid is larger than normal, i.e. at least
material is absorbed slowly from the injec-
as large as the distal phalanx of the sub-
tion site and disappears with a half-life of
ject's thumb.
5-6 months. If any of these preparations are
given before conception, cretinism in the • Grade lb Thyroid easily palpable and
visible with the head in a raised position;
offspring is prevented. It has been calculated
the grade includes all patients with a dis-
that a programme of intramuscular injec-
crete nodule.
tions costs a few pence per person per year -
a small price to pay. • Grade 2 Thyroid easily visible with the
head in a normal position.
It could be argued that treatment should
• Grade 3 Goitre visible at a distance.
be with thyroxine. This would reverse the
biochemical and clinical problems. However, • Grade 4 Monstrous goitre.
the cost of this approach, plus the necessity Such a classification is open to subjective
to take medication regularly (daily or at least
interpretation, but it does allow for compari-
weekly), would limit the success of such a son of populations and evaluation of re-
programme. sponse to therapy.
Hetzel [4] has defined three groups
of severity of iodine-deficiency diseases:
Mild, in which 5-20% of schoolchildren
have goitre; moderate, where up to 30% have
The major problems relate to planning, im- goitre; and severe, where 30% or more have
plementation and follow-up as discussed goitre. In these groups respectively, the
above. In addition, there are side-effects of urinary iodine in J-tg/g creatinine are more
the iodine which have to be recognized. The than 50, 25-50, and less than 25. The first is
294 Iodine deficieney disorders, endemie goitre and endemie eretinism

improved by economic development and io- Table 11.1 Comparison and contrast of myxoede-
dized salt, the last two require treatment matous and neurological cretins
with iodized oil as discussed above.
Feature Myxoedematous Neurological

Hypothyroidism Classic appearance Normal

11.7 ENDEMIC CRETINISM Stature Small Normal
Deafmutism Absent Present
The derivation of the word cretin is not c1ear Cerbral diplegia Absent Present
Effect of thyroid Improvement None
[7]. Hetzel [8] traced its definition to Dider- Thyroid gland Normalllarge Very large
at's Encyclapedia (1754) as 'an imbecile who is Tests: T4 Very low Normai/low
deaf, dumb, with a goitre hanging down to TSH Very high Normal/high
the waist'. A current definition formulated
by the Pan Ameriean Health Organization is:
an individual with irreversible changes in
mental development, born in an endemie and probably were not hypothyroid
goiter area and exhibiting a combination of in utera. Table 11.1 contrasts the c1inical and
some of the following characteristics not laboratory findings in these forms of cretin-
explained by other causes. ism. Although both dis orders are found
in regions of iodine deficiency, their
1. Irreversible neuromuscular disorders.
pathogeneses are different. The hypothyroid
2. Irreversible abnormalities in hearing,
variety is associated with low levels of thyr-
speech and leading in certain cases to
oid hormone and a high TSH. The baby or
child looks hypothyroid and has dry skin,
3. Impairment of somatie development.
puffy features, periorbital oedema and
4. Hypothyroidism.
markedly delayed somatic development. As
There are two distinct types of endemie stated above, this is less common [10]. In
cretinism, and both occur in regions where regions where controlled trials of correction
endemie goitre is prevalent. Although the of iodine deficiency have been undertaken,
prototype of each is characteristie, there is adequate re placement of iodine in the
an overlap and it is more correct to consider mother in the first 20 weeks of gestation
a spectrum. One form of cretinism is the almost entirely abolishes the hypothyroid
hypothyroid, or myxoedematous cretin. This variety. In contrast, thyroid function in
is the type I learned about in medieal school, those infants with neurologieal disease is
and whieh comes to my mind when cretin- ne ar normal, and certainly different from
ism is discussed. However, it is less com- those of the hypothyroid cretins. This syn-
mon in most series, except in reports from drome is not abolished by treating the
Zaire. It has c1inical similarities to sporadic mother with iodine unless the iodine is
cretinism of economically advanced coun- given before conception or, at the latest, in
tries. This form of endemie cretinism is the earliest weeks of pregnancy [11, 12]. The
thought to be due directly to deficiency of cause of this appears to be directly the result
thyroid hormone in the fetus, which persists of iodine lack, not thyroid hormone lack on
after birth. The other form has predominant- the developing brain. Animal models in rats
ly neurologieal deficits, and was weIl and sheep support this hypothesis [10]. The
described by McCarrison [9] in India in mothers of babies with neurologieal features
1908. Prominent features are severe mental have large goitres, which trap iodine avidly
deficiency, deafness, spastic diplegia, and and this strengthens the thesis that the fetus
squint. The infants are not very hypothyroid is starved of iodine and iodine deficiency per
References 295

se causes the dis order. Thyroid hormone re- • Hypothyroid cretinism is due to thyroid
placement corrects the somatic abnormalities hormone deficiency.
in the hypothyroid variety. However, intelli-• The neurological cretin is not myxoede-
gence is permanently impaired if the treat- matous, is of normal stature, has deaf
ment is delayed for any length of time after mutism and cerebral diplegia, but thyroid
birth. In addition, iodine re placement of tests are normal or borderline low.
these children reverses the biochemical and • Neurological cretinism is due to iodine
clinical features of hypothyroidism [13]. In deficiency in utero.
• Iodine-deficiency dis orders are prevent-
contrast, the neurological features are irrev-
ersible and are not influenced by either thyr- able by providing sufficient dietary iodine
oid hormone or iodine. Endemie cretinism is (prophylaxis).
still found in New Guinea, ZaIre, Brazil, In-• In many situations, iodine deficiency per-
dia, Pakistan, China and Mexico. For those sists because of social, political and eco-
interested in reviewing the topic in depth, nomic factors.
there are excellent reviews [14-16], and • Treatment with depot iodine by injection
monographs [17-19]. or by mouth prevents goitre and revers es
hypothyroidism, but not neurological
KEY FACTS • Iodine deficiency dis orders are major in-
• Iodine-deficiency disorders are very co m- ternational health problems.
• Several hundred million people are
affected. REFERENCES
• The main aetiological factor is iodine de- 1 Hetze!, B.S. (1983) Iodine deficiency disorders
ficiency in the diet. (IDD) and their eradieation. Lancet, 2, 1126-9.
• In some regions goitrogens playa role. 2 Editorial (1983) From endemie goiter to iodine
• Iodine-deficient regions are usuallY far deficieney disorders. Lancet, 2, 1121-2.
from the sea, often in the mountains or 3 Matovinovic, J. (1983) Endemie goiter and ere-
tinism at the dawn of the third millenium,
highlands, and frequently in areas where Ann. Rev. Nutr., 3, 341-412.
glaciers have stripped iodine-containing 4 Hetzei, B.S. (1986) The eoneept of iodine de-
topsoil. ficieney disorders (IDD), in Iodine Deficiency
• Prevalence of goitre increases propor- Disorders and Congenital Hypothyroidism, (eds
tionally as the intake of iodine drops be- G. Medeiros-Neto, R.M.B. Muciel and A. Hal-
low 50 f.Lg daily. pern), Aehe, Sao Paulo, pp. 1-6.
5 Stanbury, J.B. (1986) Aspeets of the clinical
• Goitre can become nodular and can cause findings in endemie goiter, in Iodine Deficiency
pressure effects. Disorders and Congenital Hypothyroidism, (eds
• Hypothyroidism occurs and is also pro- S.G. Medeiros-Neto, R.M.B. Muciel and A.
portional to the decrease in iodine in the Halpern), Aehe, Sao Paulo, pp. 7-14.
diet. 6 Lu, T.Z. and Ma, T. (1986) A clinieal investiga-
tion in China on the use of oral versus
• Follicular cancer is more common. intramuseular iodized oil in the treatment of
• Cretinism is the major health hazard. endemie goiter, in Iodine Defieiency Disorders
• There are two forms of cretinism, hypo- and Congenital Hypothyroidism, (eds G.
thyroid and neurological, although there Medeiros-Neto, R.M.B. Mueiel and A. Hal-
is usually an overlap. pern), Aehe, Sao Paulo, pp. 103-9.
7 Pharaoh, P., Delange, F., Fierro-Benitez, R. et
• The hypothyroid cretin looks myxoede- al. (1980) Endemie eretinism, in Endemie Goiter
matous, is small, often has a goitre, and and Endemie Cretinism. Iodine Nutrition in Health
has a low T4 and high TSH. and Disease, (eds J.B. Stanbury and B.S. Het-
296 Iodine deficiency disorders, endemie goitre and endemie cretinism
zel), John Wiley and Sons lne, New York, pp. 14 Pan Ameriean Health Organization (1974) En-
395-42l. demie Goiter and Cretinism: Continuing Threats
8 Hetzet B.5. (1971) The history of endemie to World Health, (eds J.T. Dunn and G.A.
eretinism. Instit. Hum. Biol. Papua New Guinea Madeiros-Neto), (PAHO Seientifie Publieation
Monograph Series, 2, 5. 292) Pan Ameriean Health Organization,
9 MeCarrison, R. (1908) Observations on ende- Washington De.
mie eretinism in the Chitral and Gilgit valleys. 15 Stanbury, J.B. (1984) The pathogenesis of
Laneet, 2, 1275-80. endemie eretinism. J. Endoerinol. Invest., 7,
10 Hetze!, B.S. and Hay, 1.D. (1979) Thyroid 409-19.
funetion, iodine nutrition and fetal brain de- 16 Medeiros-Neto, G. (1989) Endemie goiter and
velopment. Clin. Endoerinol., 11, 445-60. endemie eretinism, in Endoerinology, (ed. L.J.
11 Pharaoh, P.O.D., Buttfield, I.H. and Hetze!, De Groot), Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 746-
B.S. (1971) Neurologieal damage to the fetus 57.
resulting from severe iodine defideney during 17 WHO (1979) The Control of Endemie Goiter, (eds
pregnaney. Laneet, 1, 308-10. E.M. De Maeyer, F.W. Lowenstein and e.H.
12 Pharaoh, P.O.D., Buttfield, I.H. and Hetze!, Thilly), World Health Organization, Geneva.
B.S. (1972) The effeet of iodine prophylaxis on 18 Stanbury J.B. and Hetzel B.S. (eds) Endemie
the ineidenee of endemie eretinism. Adv. Exp. Goiter and Endemie Cretinism. Iodine nutrition in
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13 Vanderpas, J.B., Rivera-Vanderpas, M.T., New York.
Bourdoux, P. et al. (1986) Reversibility of 19 Medeiros-Neto, G., Mudel R.M.B. and
severe hypothyroidism with supplemental Halpern A. (1986) Iodine Defieiency Disorders
iodine in patients with endemie eretinism. N. and Congenital Hypothyroidism, Aehe, Sao
Engl. J. Med., 315, 791-5. Paulo.

Changes in thyroid function tests in

physical and psychiatrie diseases

12.1 INTRODUCTION treatment is at best unnecessary, and at

worst dangerous.
It has been recognized for some time that
I have discussed the result under two ma-
thyroid function abnormalities accompany
jor headings, organic illnesses and psychiat-
non-thyroidal illness. When a test i's abnor-
rie illnesses, because the abnormal thyroid
mal, it generally implies abnormal function
test results are somewhat disparate. The
of the system tested. However, in the ca se of
type and degree of abnormal tests are dis-
thyroid function tests, the abnormal results
cussed and then suggestions as to the best
appear to be unrelated to altered thyroid
tests which give the least inappropriate
function. One of the problems in being
results. It is important for clinicians to de-
dogmatic about whether the tests alone are
termine from the patient's history and ex-
at fault as a result of ill health, is that there is
amination whether thyroid disease could be
no single, easHy measured gold standard of
responsible for the degree of ill-health.
thyroid function at the cellular level. In addi-
Although thyroid disease is common, the
tion, clinical evaluation of siek patients does
vast majority of patients admitted as an
not always allow thyroid disease to be
emergency to hospital are euthyroid (prob-
diagnosed, or excluded with certainty. The
ably more than 99%). Of those who actually
single best test of thyroid function as far as
have thyroid dysfunction, the thyroid prob-
tissues are concerned is serum TSH, but
lem is seldom the cause of the hospitaliza-
even this is modulated by other factors apart
tion, although it may contribute to the
from serum FT4 and T3 levels. The 5' deiodi-
patient's ill health. Therefore, the physician
nase in the thyrotrophe, which metabolizes
should be selective about which patient
T4 to T3, is not the same as the enzyme
should be tested, as weIl as about which
which has the same action and function in
tests are used.
peripheral tissues. The former is not respon-
sive to ill-health, whereas the latter iso As a
result, the pituitary can react differently to
other tissues in the course of non-thyroidal
illness. In theory, measurement of TSH
should be a reliable index of thyroid func- Any severe organic illness can affect the
tion, but factors such as dopamine and ster- thyroid function test [1]. Abnormalities have
oids lower the value. Whenever thyroid test been documented in patients with myocar-
result are found to be abnormal, the clinician dial infarction, renal faHure [2, 3], nephrotic
first suspects thyroid dysfunction and re- syndrome [4], liver disease [5], diabetes [6],
sponds by prescribing therapy. If the test are cancer, starvation [7, 8], endotoxin-induced
misleading and thyroid function normal, fever [9], etc. The most frequent test
298 Changes in thyroid function tests in physical and psychiatrie diseases
abnormality is a low T3 [1, 10-13]. A low T3 Therefore, there must be another explana-
with anormal T4 and TSH is called the low tion for the finding, which is also noted in
T3 syndrome, but rather than being a distinct patients who take exogenous L thyroxine;
syndrome it is the mild end of a spectrum of thus reduced secretion of endogenous T4 is
findings in ill health [13]. This has been not the explanation. Chopra et al. [21, 22]
shown to be due to impaired action of 5' have promoted the theory that ill health pro-
deiodinase in peripheral cells. Therefore, T4 duces an inhibitor which interferes with the
is not converted to T3 . Concurrently, rT3 binding of T4 to the carrier proteins. The
values are high due to the reduced metabol- nature of the inhibitor has not been defined,
ism of rT3 by the same enzyme, 5' deiodi- but the concept is attractive. We know that
nase. Free T3 values are also low. It is alm ost free fatty acids interfere with T4 binding to
guaranteed that T3 is low and rT3 high in transport proteins, and this might be one of
siek, hospitalized patients. 00 the test re- the factors. Reduced binding would cause a
sults help in diagnosis? It has been sug- transient rise in FT4 and loss of FT4 in the
gested that the ratio of rT3 to T3 can be used urine. Some, but not all investigators, have
as an index of severity of ill-health. This is found a rise in FT4 which is consistent with
one setting where clinieal examination is the theory. Since T4 and FT4 I are low in a
simpler and better. It is my perception that signifieant proportion of sick patients who
the tests do not help to prove a patient is are euthyroid, it does not make sense to
sick, and they can only mislead clinicians order these tests during the acute phase of
into thinking that the patient is hypothyroid. non-thyroidal illness.
To add further confusion, truly hyperthyroid We have found that FT4 measured by the
sick patients have normal or low T3 values. two-step assay usually gives appropriate re-
The degree of sickness is best determined by sults as judged by clinieal evaluation of the
clinieal examination, and T3 and FT3 should patient, prior history and subsequent course
not be ordered in siek patients. [15]. That is to say, in sick patients with no
Futher along the spectrum of siekness, T4 good evidence of thyroid dysfuction who on
results can be low [13]. This is found when recovery are euthyroid have anormal FT4
the illness is worse or more prolonged. As when they are sick. This is not true when
would be expected, the prognosis in patients one-step assays are done [23-28]. The one-
with a low T4 is poor, because of the under- step assays give low results whieh are no
lying illness [14]. In our experience, about different from T4 and FT41.
50% of patients with a low T3 have a low T4, To confluse matters even more, high
and most have normal TSH values. There- levels of T4 have been found in euthyroid
fore, they are not hypothyroid [15]. Many sick patients by some investigators [29]. This
other investigators have found this combina- is a much less frequent occurrence than low
tion of results [16-20]. A low T3 and T4 and levels as described above. One possible ex-
normal TSH has been called the sick euthyr- planation is that the illness, especially if it
oid syndrome but, again, it is stressed that involves damage to the liver, could release
this is not a disease, but part of the spectrum transiently excess binding proteins, which
of abnormal test findings. There is no single are synthesized in the liver, into the circula-
explanation for the low T4 . Partly this is due tion and cause a rise in T4 [30, 31].
to a fall in prealbumin. However, prealbu- Sick patients are likely to be given medica-
min only carries 10-20% of T4 and little, if tions and to have radiological studies with
any, T3 . In addition, calculated FT4 I, which iodine contrast agents. Many medications
corrects for a degree of binding abnormalty, alter thyroid test results, and some actually
is also low in many sick patients [15, 16, 18]. alter thyroid function. Some alter the con-
Psychiatrie illnesses 299
centration of binding proteins, others the monly used in extremely ill patients, sup-
binding of hormones to the carrier proteins; pressed TSH would be expected. Perhaps
some reduce the conversion of T4 to T3 and high levels of endogenous steroids brought
others interfere with the secretion of TSH. about by the illness suppress the pituitary.
These have been discussed in Chapters 2 In some cases, the low TSH is probably an
and 3. These only add more confusion and index of total body malfunction.
emphasize the need for selectivity in testing. Many hospitalized patients have radiolo-
Wehman et al. [32] were the first to show gieal studies with contrast agents, whieh
that severe illness could pro du ce low TSH have been shown to produce changes in
values. We have confirmed this, but the thyroid function from subtle but statistieally
finding is not consistent and much less com- significant drops in T4 and rises in TSH, to
mon than low T3 and T4 [33]. In 22 brain- dramatie changes and clinically relevant
dead cardiac donors, serum TSH values disease.
were low «0.3 /LU/mI) in 5 patients. Since In our investigations, we did not find a
T4 was below 5 /Lg/dl in 19 patients and T3 single patient with suppressed TSH and a
below 90 ng/dl in 20, the low thyroid hor- high FT4 due to siekness alone, and so this
mone values could not be attributed to de- combination of tests can establish a diagno-
pressed pituitary function. Paradoxically, sis of hyperthyroidism. Likewise, we did not
elevated TSH values have been found in siek find a high TSH and low FT4 due to siek-
patients. Wong et al. [34] found that 13 out ness, and so this combination can be used to
of 95 hospitalized patients had values of 10 diagnose hypothyroidism. This is not to say
/LU/mI, or greater. The patients were elderly, that these combinations will never be found
(mean age 74 years) and that could have in euthyroid sick patients. TSH alone should
been a factor. We have found both sup- not be used to establish whether a sick
pressed and high TSH results in sick, patient is euthyroid, or not. Likewise, total
apparently euthyroid, patients [35]. Heart thyroid hormone measurements, in partieu-
transplant recipients and patients und er- lar T3 values, are frequently low in these
going coronary artery bypass surgery were settings and are of no use in defining thyr-
selected because of the severity of their ill- oid status. In carefully determined clinical
ness. None had clinical evidence of thyroid situations, if it is important to diagnose thyr-
dysfunction. In the latter group, the non- oid disease in a siek patient, FT4 and TSH
thyroidal illness was less severe and of shor- values interpreted together give the best in-
ter duration. Low TSH values were found in dex of thyroid function.
21 % and 7% of patients, and high values in As a corollary, if FT4 and TSH are normal,
10% and 13% respectively. These findings there is no reason to treat low T3 and T4
were not due to the nature of the underlying results. Even if FT4 is low but TSH normal,
problem because in 158 hospitalized pa- there appears to be no evidence that replace-
tients, TSH was subnormal in 11 % and ment therapy is required; the appropriate
above normal in 10% of patients who had therapy should be directed at the underlying
no evidence of thyroid disease and had a non-thyroidal illness, although at this junc-
normal FT4 . Again it is difficult to ture the prognosis is poor.
separate the role of the illness per se, from
the effects of therapy on TSH values. It is
easier to explain the changes in TSH due to 12.3 PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESSES
exogenous factors than to serious illness. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
High doses of steroids suppress TSH, as can cause psychiatric problems. Original and
does dopamine, and since these are com- later descriptions of toxie diffuse goitre
300 Changes in thyroid function tests in physieal and psychiatrie diseases
associated the onset of hyperthyroidism findings. Twenty-two patients with a high
with psychological trauma [36, 37]. The FT4 I were studied on admission and on
typieal psychiatrie symptoms found in follow-up in more detail. Test results re-
hyper- and hypothyroidism have been de- turned to normal without antithyroid ther-
scribed in Chapters 5 and 6. In addition, apy. T4 fell from 13.95 ± 1.931-tg/dl to 9.33 ±
some of the features of thyroid dysfunction 2.4 I-tg/dl, FT4 I from 6.15 ± 0.83 to 3.79 ±
can appear similar to those of psychiatrie LI, and FT4 from 2.43 ± 0.65 ng/dl to
illness and viee versa. A tense, agitated, tre- 1.38 ± 0.35 ng/dl. All of these changes are
mulous patient who has tachycardia and statistically highly significant. Serum T3 was
sweating should be considered to be hyper- normal in 20 out of the 22 patients and low
thyroid. The same symptoms and signs in 2. On follow-up, the T3 results were lower
could be due to severe anxiety, substance in 17 and higher in 5. TSH values were nor-
abuse, or withdrawal from alcohol or drugs. mal, (0-6 I-tU/ml) but at the time of the
It is fundamental in the management of pa- study, sensitive TSH measurements were
tients with psychiatrie complaints to ensure not available. Therefore, it is not possible to
that there is no treatable organie cause. be certain if some values were truly low.
Therefore, it would see m that testing thyroid Morley et al. [40] found 'hyperthyroid'
function in patients with acute psychiatrie values in amphetamine addicts.
illness would be important clinieally. Unfor- Based on the results of these studies, it
tunately, because the test results are often would appear that routine tests of thyroid
abnormal when no thyroid dis order exists, function are misleading in patients with
this is not the case. Many large series have acute psychiatrie diseases. There is no test
shown a significant proportion of abnormal which has high sensitivity and specificity. It
test results. However, on recovery from the would appear that the best approach is to
psychiatrie illness, the tests return to normal examine the patient carefully, and if there is
without treatment for thyroid dysfunction. no goitre it is unlikely that hyperthyroidism
Cohen and Swigar [38] found that FT41 was is present. If hyperthyroidism is strongly
high in 9% and low in 9% of 480 patients suspected, at that juncture T3 and
with a variety of psychiatrie ilnesses. T4 was radioiodine uptake are probably the most re-
increased in 13%. These investigators re- liable tests. This differs from almost all other
peated testing in 31 patients and, of these, clinieal situations. This combination of tests
27 showed areturn to normality in approx- would not be justified for routine screening
imately 2 weeks. The authors attribute the of all acute psychiatrie patients. There is not
high FT4 levels to a 'stress syndrome' with enough data on sensitive TSH measure-
reduced binding capacity, and therefore ments at present to comment on their use. If
high calculated free hormone levels. This the clinical suspicion is modest, it is prudent
does not explain the increased incidence of to wait until the psychiatrie illness has im-
high total T4 values. proved, or 2-4 weeks before testing. We
We conducted a similar study in 645 pa- were surprised to find that not a single pa-
tients hospitalized with acute psychiatrie tient out of 645 had bona fide thyroid dys-
illnesses [39]. T4 was high in 33% and FT4 I function, but this conclusion could only be
in 18% of patients FT4 I was high in 21 % of reached by sequential studies.
patients with schizophrenia and major affec- I have left TRH testing for separate discus-
tive disorders, 25% of phencyclidine abusers sion. There is no doubt that some patients
(PCP) and 31 % with miscellaneous function- with psychiatrie illnesses have a flat or
al psychoses. Dementia and major personal- blunted respone to TRH. This has led to the
ity disorders were not associated with these concept that the test can be used diagnosti-
Key facts 301

cally to differentiate psychiatrie disorders. number of patients we studied. Reduced

However, flat responses have been de- conversion of T4 to T3 should result in low T3
scribed in endogenous depression [41, 42], values as described above under physical
alcoholism [43], schizophrenia [44, 45], and illnesses, but this was not found. It appears
cocaine and heroin addicts [45]. In our series that further investigations into the cause of
described above, the TSH response to TRH these laboratory findings and whether they
bore no relation to the type of psychiatrie play any role in the cause of the psychiatrie
condition, or to the level of thyroid hor- illness, or simply result from the illness,
mones. In the latter regard, it is different would be rewarding. Readers interested in
from the results in thyroid dysfunction. reviewing the literature in more detail
Baumgartner et al. [44, 45] conducted TRH should proceed to the references of Baum-
tests on normal controls, and on depressed gartner et al. [45] and Loosen [46], both arti-
and schizophrenie patients. In patients the des having extensive bibliographies.
tests were done on admission and on recov-
ery and in controls at approximately the
same times. The increase in TSH from basal
to peak value was used for analysis. The
pre- and post-values in depression, schi- • Thyroid function tests can be altered by
zophrenia and controls were 7.5 ± 4.9 to 7.9 organic and psychiatrie illnesses.
± 4.1, 6.9 ± 3.7 to 7.0 ± 1.6 and 9.5 ± 4.7 to • In organic disease, the commonest
9.6 ± 5.9 respectively. These are not statisti- finding is an inappropriately low T3 level.
cally different. The authors stress the im- • T3 is low in euthyroid siek and normal in
portance of comparing patients with controls hyperthyroid siek patients.
of the same age and sex. The rise in TSH • In very ill patients, both T3 and T4 can be
normally decreases with age and normal low in euthyroid patients.
elderly men can have flat responses. They • In extremely ill patients, FT4 can be low.
also found that the test had no specific di- • In extremely ill patients, TSH can be low.
agnostie value. A small proportion of pa- • In most euthyroid siek patients, FT4 by
tients had flat result but their underlying the two-step assay and TSH in combina-
illnesses differed. TRH testing should not be tion are helpful.
used to diagnose psychiatrie dis orders be- • In most euthyroid siek patients, T3 and T4
cause the sensitivity, specificity and positive give misleading results.
predictive value are all low [46]. A high T4 • In siek patients, thyroid tests should only
should not be a reason to treat a patient with be ordered if. there is good reason to be-
an acute psychiatrie dis order with antithyr- lieve thyroid dysfunction is present, and
oid medieations. that failure to diagnose and treat it would
Discussion of the cause, or causes, of be harmful to the patient.
these changes has been left to last because • In some illnesses, such as hepatitis and
they are not weIl defined. If the high T4 and porphyria, T4 can be inappropriately
FT4 I values are due to increased pituitary high.
function, TSH should be high. If the cause is • In acute psychiatrie illness, T4 FT4 I and
autonomous excess function of the thyroid, even FT4 can be elevated.
TSH should be suppressed. Neither is cor- • In contrast to standard teaching, which
reet; TSH values are mostly within normal. If states the one should rule out organie
the thyroid spontaneously released thyroid causes of psychiatrie illness, this can be
hormones, serum thyroglobulin would be very difficult in the case of suspected
elevated, but this was not found in a small hyperthyroidism.
302 Changes in thyroid function tests in physieal and psychiatrie diseases
• The best tests to prove euthyroidism in with nonthyroidal disease. J. Clin. Endocrinol.
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26 Chopra, 1.J., Van Herle, A.I., Chua Teco, 37 Whybrow, P.c. (1986) Behavioural and
G.N. et al. (1980) Serum free thyroxine in thyr- psychiatrie aspects, in Werner's The Thyroid,
oidal and nonthyroidal illnesses: a comparison 5th edn, (eds S.H. Ingbar and L.E. Braver-
of measurements by radioimmunoassay, man), The Lippincott Company, Philadelphia,
equilibrium dialysis, and free thyroxine index. pp. 967-73.
/. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 51, 135-43. 38 Cohen, KL. and Swigar, M.E. (1979) Thyroid
27 Slag, M.F., Morley, J.E., Elson, M.K et al. function screening in psychiatrie patients.
(1981) Free thyroxine levels in critically ill pa- lAMA, 242, 254-7.
tients: a comparison of currently available 39 Spratt, D.1., Pont, A., Miller, M.B. et al. (1982)
assays. lAMA, 246, 2702-6. Hyperthyroxinemia in patients with acute
28 McDougall, 1.R (1982) Limitations of free T4 psychiatrie disorders. Am. /. Med., 73, 41-8.
measurement, in Free Hormones in the Blood, 40 Morley, J.E., Shafer, RB., Elson, M.K et al.
(eds A. Albertini and RP. Ekins) , Elsevier (1980) Amphetamine-induced hyperthyroid-
Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, pp. 171-8. ism. Ann. Intern. Med., 93, 707-9.
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RR (1979) The diagnostic dilemma of isolated pin releasing hormone (TRH): a useful tool for
hyperthyroxinemia in acute illness. lAMA, psychoneuroendocrine investigation. Psycho-
242, 251-3. neuroendocrinol., 5, 63-80.
30 Stuart, D.D. and Schultz, A.L. (1978) Thyroid 42 Loosen, P.T. and Prange, A.J. (1982) Serum
function tests simulating Graves' disease in thyrotropin response to thyrotropin releasing
alcoholie hepatitis. Ann. Intern. Med., 89, 514- hormone in psychiatrie patients: a review. Am.
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31 Schussler, G.c., Schaffner, F. and Kom, F. 43 Loosen, P.T., Wilson, 1.C., Dew, B.W. et al.
(1978) Increased serum thyroid binding and (1983) Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
decreased free hormone in chronic active liver in abstinent alcoholic men. Am. /. Psychiatry,
disease. N. Engl. /. Med., 299, 510-15. 140, 1145-9.
32 Wehmann, R.E., Gregerman, R.1., Bums, 44 Baumgartner, A., Hahnenkamp, L. and
W.H. et al. (1985) Suppression of thyrotropin Meinhold, H. (1986) The effect of age and dia-
in the low thyroxine state of severe non- gnosis on thyrotropin response to thyrotropin
thyroidal illness. N. Engl. /. Med., 312, 546-52. releasing hormone (TRH) in psychiatrie pa-
33 Macoviak, J.A., McDougall, 1.R., Bayer, M.F. tients. Psychiatry Res., 17, 285-94.
et al. (1987) Signifieance of thyroid dysfunction 45 Baumgartner, A., Graf, K-J., Kurten, 1. et al.
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Intern. Med., 141, 873-5. 55-82.

Radiation and the thyroid

these are also called photons. The only dif-

13.1 INTRODucnON
ference between these is that X-rays arise
The thyroid is frequently investigated using from electrons outside the nucleus, whereas,
a radionuclide of iodine and in some pa- gamma rays are intranuclear in origin. X-
tients with hyperthyroidism or thyroid can- rays can be man-made by accelerating a
cer, therapy involves radioiodine. In both of stream of electrons against a medium such
these situations, the gland is exposed to in- as tungsten. When the charged electrons en-
ternal radiation. In the past, the thyroid was ter the electric field of the tungsten nuclei
exposed to external radiation when head they decelerate rapidly and energy is given
neck and chest lesions were treated (the off as X-rays. This is also called Brems-
range of doses was usually 500-1000 rad, strahlung (breaking radiation) and this is the
5-10 Gy) for reasons which are now not basis for the production of diagnostic X-rays.
considered legitimate. There is unequivocal X-rays can also occur as a result of radio ac-
evidence that such doses of external radia- tive decay (see below). Gamma rays are
tion to the thyroid are responsible for pro- given off by radioactive nuclides. The excess
ducing an increase in the incidence of both energy of the nucleus reaches the ground
benign thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer. state by emmitting a gamma ray which car-
Both internal and external radiation, if the ries off the energy. Photons have no mass,
dose is great enough, can cause hypothyr- they have a waveform and travel at the
oidism. The former includes patients treated speed of light, 3 x 1010 crn/s. The energy of
with 1311, the latter patients with cancers tre- a photon increases as the wavelength de-
ated with 4000-5000 rad (40-50 Gy) in a field creases.
that includes the thyroid. This chapter re- From the point of view of the thyroidolog-
views briefly the interaction of radiation ist, the most important particulate radiation
with tissues, radioactive decay, radiobiology is the electron, which has a negative charge
and dosimetry in a simple manner. Then and is designated e -. Another type of par-
published reports and personal clinical ex- ticulate radiation is the positron, or positive
perience of the effects of various absorbed electron, e + which is of importance as radia-
doses of external and internal radiation in tion source in positron emission tomography
producing thyroid disease are described. (PET scanning). Others forms of particulate
radiation are neutrons, alpha particles and
pions, but these last three have little role in
thyroidology. Subsequent discussion is li-
Radiation can be divided into two categories, mited to photons and e - .
electromagnetic and particulate. There are Photons produce their effects on tissues
two important forms of electromagnetic indirectly. They interact with molecules,
radiation, X-rays and gamma rays. Together most frequently water, since that is the main
Radiation physics 305

Angle 01 deflection
Photon is related to the energy
interacting Fast electron 01 the ineident photon
Ineident photon
with electron in L orbit

Figure 13.1 Photoelectron. Incident photon is Fast eleetron

also ealled reeoil eleetron
totally absorbed and disappears. All of the energy
is transmitted to the electron which has the ener- Figure 13.2 Compton electron.
gy of the photon - the energy of the L shell

constituent of the body. The photons can
interact in several ways, but the three most

- (0 ,
\K v,c"v
common and important are photoelectric,
Compton scatter and pair production. Of
these, the first two are most important in
biology, and they both result in the release y
of e- from an atom. In the ca se of the photo-
electron, the photon transfers all of its L ,
e- , ,
energy to an orbital electron and ejects that
electron with an energy equal to the differ-
ence between the energy of the photon and
Auger electron

the binding energy of the electron (Figure

13.1). The original photon disappears. In the Figure 13.3 Auger electron or characteristic X-
second situation, Compton scatter, a Comp- ray. As the electron moves from the L shell into
ton electron occurs when the incident the vacancy in the K shell, the excess energy is
given off either as an Auger electron or as a
photon imparts some, but not all of its ener- characteristic X-ray.
gy, to an orbital electron. The electron is
ejected and the photon is deviated from its
original path and, since it loses energy, its than the inner e- the difference is dissipated
wave frequency increases (Figure 13.2). either as an X-ray, or as a low-energy elec-
Although the analogy of these interactions tron called an Auger electron (Figure 13.3).
with billiard balls is helpful, the photon does One other way that an electron can be
not actually strike the electron in either case. ejected from its orbit is by a gamma ray
The ejected e - is called a fast electron and it, imparting its energy to an electron of the
in turn, can produce effects which are de- same atom, so that the electron, not the
scribed below. In addition, if the electron photon, is emitted. This is called a conver-
which is ejected is from an inner orbit, as is sion electron and is discussed below under
frequently the case, the vacancy has to be radioactive decay.
filled by an e- from an outer orbit. Because The last common interaction of photons is
the binding energy of the outer e- is higher pair production. This can only occur if the
306 Radiation and the thyroid
molecules, they produce ionization, or ex-
citation. The latter is rare with the energy of
electrons from radionudides used in thyr-
oidology, so we shall focus on the former.
The incident electron, provided it has
511 Kev photon
enough energy, displaces an orbital electron
• Positron e· resuIting in ionization (Figure 13.5(a». The
o Electron e original electron is deflected and has its
energy reduced by the binding energy of the
511 Kev displaced electron, which is termed a secon-
photon dary electron. Both electrons are capable of
producing similar events until their energies
Figure 13.4 Pair production.
are lost. Electrons can produce Brems-
strahlung radiation in tissues (Figure
energy of the photon is greater than 1.022 13.5(b», but this is uncommon because of
Mev. None of the commonly used radio- the low density of the medium. Charged
nudides emit photons with so high an ener- partides travel less than photons and the
gy. In this situation, the photon on entering distance travelled depends on their energy,
the electric field of a nudeus disappears and mass and charge, and the medium through
the energy is converted into e - and e +. An which the particles are travelling. The grea-
electron has a mass equivalent of 0.511 Mev ter the energy, the further the charged parti-
from the relationship of energy to mass des travel. In contrast, as the mass or charge
of the partide increases, the distance the
(equation 1) partide travels decreases. Similarly, as the
density of the medium increases, the dis-
Mass is defined in relation to the carbon tance penetrated decreases. Therefore, it can
atom and 1 atomic mass unit (amu) is one- be deduced that an eIectron will penetrate
twelfth of a carbon atom. One amu is further than a neutron on the basis of weight
equivalent to 931 Mev of energy, and the differential, and further than an alpha parti-
mass of an electron 0.000549 substituted in de on the basis of weight and charge dif-
equation 1 has an energy equivalence of ferential. Electrons in tissue have an irregu-
0.511 Mev. If the energy of the incident lar path due to their being deflected time
photon is greater than 1.022 Mev, the re- and again by orbital electrons. As a resuIt,
sidual energy is divided between the photons their range is less than their path length.
as kinetic energy (Figure 13.4). Since the range is dependent on energy,
The interaction of photons with tissues is knowledge of the latter helps determine the
complex, e.g. a photon might produce a former. However, few electrons are emitted
Compton electron by displacing a K shell with the maximum energy Emax , and the
electron. The electron will produce ioniza- average energy E is about one-third of Emax .
tion. The incident photon is deflected and Electrons with energy of 100 Kev travel up to
has less energy, and might now produce a 200 micrometres in tissues.
photoelectron which, in turn, causes ioniza- It is necessary to discuss briefly types of
tion. The vacancy in the K shell is filied by radioactive decay, since this is relevant to
an L shell eIectron which can result in the the radionudides used. There are three
production and release of an Auger electron, forms of radioactive decay: alpha, beta and
which produces further ionization. gamma. Alpha emission is not important in
When electrons interact with atoms or thyroidology. It involves the emission of a
Radiation physics 307

\ \

0 0

Ineident eleetron
defleeted from
original path •
eleetron ejeeted
(a) o Eleetron from orbit

Energy emitted
as photon

(b) o Eleetron

Figure 13.5 (a) Interaction of electron with atom; (b) Bremsstrahlung radiation.

helium nucleus (2 neutrons and 2 protons) There are three forms of beta decay: beta - ,
from the radionuclide. Since a neutron and a beta + , and electron capture. The last is
proton each has a mass of I, the parent sometimes called inverse beta emission.
nucleus loses 4 units of mass number. Neut- In beta- decay, a nuclear neutron is con-
rons have no charge, whereas protons have verted into a proton, electron and antineutri-
acharge of + 1. Therefore, the daughter pro- no. The last is weightless and chargeless,
duct has an atomic number of 2 less than the and of no biological consequence. The elec-
mother. This form of decay is found in tron is released from the nucleus. The
radionuclides of a high mass number, such daughter atom has the same mass as the
as radium. radioactive mother, but its atomic number is
increased by I, since there is an additional
226 222 218 210
proton present. Some radionuclides, after
Ra~ Rn~ P~ etc~ Pb
emitting a beta particle, still have a higher
88 86 84 82
energy than the ground state and they emit
Alpha particles because of their mass and the excess energy as gamma rays. This is
charge travel extremely short distances in called beta-gamma decay. Iodine-131 decays
tissues, usually only a few micrometres. in this fashion.
308 Radiation and the thyroid
Table 13.1 Complete list of electrons and
Half-life 8 days
photons emitted by 1311
Mean number
Radiation Energy Mev disintegrations
722 Ei ni
637 Beta 0.192 0.904
131mXe Beta 0.096 0.069
54 Beta 0.070 0.016
Beta 0.286 0.006
Beta 0.143 0.005
164 Gamma 0.723 0.016
Gamma 0.637 0.069
80 Gamma 0.365 0.833
o Kev Gamma 0.284 0.048
Gamma 0.080 0.017
Figure 13.6 Decay of 1311 and an explanation of Intern conv 0.330 0.017
schematies. The straight horizontal line on top Intern conv 0.046 0.029
represents the parent radionuclide. The lower K a X-rays 0.030 0.038
horizontal lines are daughters and the lowest is
the final ground state. Arrows indieate radio- There are other gamma and conversion electrons, but
active incidents. The length of arrow (also the they give very little additional absorbed radiation.
distance between horizontallines) is proportional
to the energy of emission. If the daughter has a
higher atomie number, as in beta-decay, the ly and over a short distance, loses energy
arrow points down and to the right. If the daugh- and eventually interacts with an electron
ter has a lower atomic number the arrow points (e-). When e+ and e- interact, theyannihi-
down to the left. When there is no change in
atomie number, as in isomerie transition, the late one another and their mass equivalent is
arrow is vertical. replaced by energy in the form of two
photons, each with 511 Kev energy. These
are emitted at an angle of 180 degrees. This
is pair production as shown in Figure 13.4.
Detection of these high-energy photons by
131 131 131
coincidence counting, a technique by which
I~ Xe ffi Xe
only those incidents occurring simuItaneous-
53 e 54 gamma 54
ly in detectors exactly opposite one another
The offieal way of showing this decay are registered, forms the basis of positron
scheme is shown in Figure 13.6. Table 13.1 tomographie imaging. Several radionuclides
lists the type and number of radioactive of iodine are positron emitters, including
emissions from 131 1 and their energies. It can 12°1, 1211, 1221, 1241 and 126I. Since a positive
be seen that there are beta -, gamma, inter- electron is lost, the atomic number of the
nal conversion electrons, X-rays and Auger daughter decreases by 1 and the mass nu m-
electrons, all of whieh produce interactions ber remains constant.
in tissues. In electron capture, the nucleus captures
Beta + decay is also called decay by posit- an orbital electron, which combines with a
ron emission. A nuclear proton is converted proton to form a neutron and neutrino. Be-
into a neutron, positron (e+) and neutrino. cause a proton is lost, the atomic number
The positron is emitted with the neutrino decreases by 1, but the mass number re-
which, like the antineutrino, is of no biolo- mains constant since a neutron is produced.
gieal consequence. The positron, very rapid- In this regard, the end resuIt is similar to
Radiation physics 309
125 1 Table 13.2 Electron and photon emissions of 1251

60 day half-life
Radiation Energy Mev Number o[ disintegrations

Gamma 0.036 0.068

Intern conv 0.035 0.080
Intern conv 0.031 0.110
Intern conv 0.004 0.750
X-ray 0.032 0.041
X-ray 0.031 0.199
X-ray 0.028 0.738
35.4 Kev X-ray 0.027 0.378
X-ray 0.004 0.215
Augere- 0.030 0.009
125Te Augere- 0.026 0.058
Auger e- 0.023 0.137
52 0 Auger e- 0.003 0.149
Auger e- 0.001 0.359
Figure 13.7 Decay scheme of 1251.

decay by positron emission. lodine-125 de- 123 1

cays by electron capture. 13.3 hour half-life

125 125
I~ Te
53 52
----..,....~-----159 Kev
The captured electron is usually from the
inner (K) shell. The vacancy created there is 123Te
filled by an outer shell electron and as dis-
cussed above, the energy differential is lost 52
as an Auger electron, or as an X-ray which is o
characteristic for the daughter. The complete Figure 13.8 Decay of 1231.
decay of 1251 is shown in Figure 13.7, and the
number and energies of emitted electrons,
and photons in Table 13.2. lodine-123 also
decays by electron capture and its decay
99m 99
scheme is shown in Figure 13.8.
Tc~ Tc
Decay by gamma emission occurs in
43 43
radionuclides which are metastable. These
radionuclides have energy above the ground In this case the daughter product is also
state and they release the energy in the form radioactive, but its half-life is so long that it
of a gamma ray (a photon arising in the is of no consequence. Figure 13.9 shows the
nucleus). Because the photon has no charge complete decay of 99ffiTc.
and no mass, the mother and daughter have As an alternative, an excited nucleus can
the same mass number and the same atomic decay by emitting what is called a conver-
number. The mother product is said to be an sion electron (Figure 13.10). The best way of
isomer, and the form of decay is called thinking about this is to imagine that the
isomerie transition. Technetium decays by energy which would be lost with emission of
isomerie transition. a gamma ray is given to an orbital electron,
310 Radiation and the thyroid
99mTc occurs when the radiation per se damages a
43 Half-life 6 hours structure such as DNA. However, this is un-
likely simply on the basis of the size and
140 number of molecules of DNA available.
Most often the damage is indirect and usual-
ly related to free radicals, which have un-
1% 99% paired elecrons in the outer shells. These
atoms, or molecules, are very active and can
cause damage to adjacent molecules. Since
H 2 0 is the most prevalent molecule, it is
most likely to be ionized and form free
o Kev radicals.
H20~ H 20+ + e-
Figure 13.9 Decay of technetium-99m. Tech-
netium-99m is obtained from molybdenum-99 H 2 0+ + H 2 0 = H 3 0+ + OH*
which decays by beta-, with a half-life of 67
hours. Because technetium is obtained from a
molybdenum generator, it is important to ensure Hall [3] states that 75% of damage to CNA
that there is no molybdenum breakthrough in from radiation is due to OH*. The nucleus is
the technetium preparation, since this would give the most sensitive part of the molecule and
significant radiation to the patient. NRC regula- severe damage results in cell death. Less se-
tions allow for 1 /LCi Mo-99 per 1 mCi Tc-99m vere damage produces a cell which is unable
(111000) Bq/Bq) or a maximum of 5 /LCi Mo-99 per to reproduce. Therefore at the end of its
dose (185-KBq). Tc-99 is radioactive and decays
by beta-, with a half-life of 21000 years, to life-span, it dies and is not replaced. The
ruthenium-99. radiation can shorten the life of the cell and
cause premature death of acelI, which is
also incapable of replacing itself. This type of
damage in the thyroid results in hypo-
and the electron is ejected. This electron thyroidism, and is desirable when thyroid
comes from a different source from the elec- cancer is ablated, but less desirable when
trons in beta decay, which are nuclear. In radioiodine is used to treat a non-malignant
general, the conversion electron comes from condition.
either the K or the L shell. As in previous Smaller quantities of radiation produce
situations, when an orbital electron is lost, subtle abnormalities in DNA. There are
its vacancy is filled by an outer electron, and sophisticated mechanisms in the nucleus
either an Auger electron, or X-ray is given capable of repairing these defects. A full de-
off. Figure 13.3 shows these two me chan- scription of these is outside the scope of this
isms. Two textbooks are referenced [1, 2] text, but interested readers are referred to
which will help interested readers pursue Friedberg [4]. Failure to repair these lesions
the topic of physics in relation to nuclear can result in mutations, which can cause the
medicine. normal regulatory mechanisms to be lost
Whether the radiation to the thyroid is and tumours, both benign and malignant,
interna!, as with radionuclides of iodine, or to result. Although the DNA is the most
external, as in the case of external radiation, radiosensitive part of the ceIl, it is not the
the major effect on tissues is due to ioniza- only part which can be damaged. The nuc-
tion. Therefore, these forms of radiation are lear membrane and the cell membrane are
also called ionizing radiation. The radiation radio sensitive, but to a lesser degree. The
can have a direct effect on tissues. This clinical results of treating Graves' disease
Dosimetry 311

Gamma photon 'strikes' and

ejects the orbital electron,
usually trom the K shell
o Electron

Figure 13.10 Internal eonversion, isomerie transi-


with 1251 resulted in the same incidence of querel (Bq), which is defined as having 1
hypothyroidism as 131 1 [5], yet the former dps. One megabequerel (MBq) is equal to
produces intense radiation of the apical 106 dps. One MBq equals 27.03 /LCi, and 1
membrane of the follicular ceIl, and less than gigabequerel equals 27.03 mCi. One /LCi is
10% of the dose to the nucleus. By contrast, equal to 37 Bq. To calculate the dose to an
1311 produces uniform radiation across the organ, it is necessary to know how much
ceIl, including the nucleus. Nevertheless, radioactivity is given and what proportion is
the final outcome is the same, namely, cell taken into the organ. In the thyroid, these
death. The implication is that the dose to the are usually weIl known, because the dose
cell membrane from 1251 is great enough to given is measured beforehand, and the per-
kill the cell. Radiation may alter the cell centage uptake can be measured with
membrane, either directly or by damaging accuracy.
DNA, and altering the expression of genes The half-life of the radionuclide in the
responsible for making membrane proteins. thyroid has to be known. Since iodine has a
The altered membrane could be the basis for biological half-life (Tb) and radioiodine, a
immunological disease after radiation. physical half-life (T p), these both have to be
incorporated into the effective half-life (Te).
The effective half-life cannot be longer than
either the biologicalor physical half-lives.
It is necessary to define a number of terms. The formula to calculate Te is:
There are two systems of terminology, the 1 1 1 Tb X Tp
traditional and the Systeme International. In - = - - + - - or T = ------'-
Te Tb Tp ,e Tb + Tp
the tradition system, the rad is the unit of
absorbed radiation. One rad gives 100 ergs The effective half-life has to be multiplied by
per g absorbing tissue. In the Systeme Inter- 1.44 to obtain the average lifetime of the
national, the unit is the gray. One gray (Gy) radionuclide, which is used to determine
is equal to 1 joule per go One gray is equal cumulative activity. For example, what is the
to 100 rad, therefore, conversion from one cumulated activity when 5 mCi (185 mBq)
unit to the other is straightforward. The are administered to a thyroid with 50% up-
curie (Ci) is the amount of radiation which take given the biological half-life of iodine is
has 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second 16 days, and the physical half-life of 1311 is 8
(dps). Therefore one mCi has 3.7 x 107 dps days? Effective half life is (8 x 16)/(8 + 16) :::
and one /LCi, 3.7 X 104 dps. In the Systeme 5.33 days = 128 hours. Cumulative activity
International, the unit of activity is the be- is 5000 x 50/100 x 128 x 1.44 = 460080
312 Radiation and the thyroid
Table 13.3 Dosimetry from 131 1
Radiation Energy Mev Mean number disintegrations 6i
Ei ni 2.13 x E x n 0

Beta 0.192 0.904 0.370 1

Beta 0.096 0.069 0.014 1
Beta 0.070 0.016 0.002 1
Beta 0.286 0.006 0.004 1
Beta 0.143 0.005 0.001 1
Gamma 0.723 0.016 0.025 0.03
Gamma 0.637 0.069 0.093 0.03
Gamma 0.365 0.833 0.646 0.03
Gamma 0.284 0.048 0.029 0.03
Gamma 0.080 0.017 0.003 0.035
Intern conv 0.330 0.017 0.012 1
Intern conv 0.046 0.029 0.003 0.03
K a X-rays 0.030 0.038 0.002 0.15

Surn of 6 i x 0 = 0.433

/LCi. This assurnes that the uptake of radio- fraction for each emission, and the sum of
iodine is instantaneous. The next step is these obtained. The data about number of
to determine the absorbed radiation dose, emissions and their energy, as weH as the
and this depends on the type of radioactive absorbed fractions, are given in MIRD tables
emissions, their energy and frequency. The [6]. Therefore, by simple arithmetic the sum
number (n) and energy (E) are used to de- of absorbed doses can be determined.
termine the equilibrium absorbed dose Ta calculate the dose in rad the formula is:
constant: [Activity in organ x Te X 1.44 x sum of .0.
= 2.13 x n x E x 0]/weight of organ
The sum of L, x 0 for 131 1 is 0.433 (Table
(The rate of energy emission of 1 /LCi is 213
E ergs/hour//LCi.h and by definition 1 rad is
For example, what is the absorbed dose to
100 erg/g; therefore 1 g.rad is 100 erg.) Be-
the thyroid of 40 g when 10 mCi are admi-
cause there can be many emissions, each has
nistered and the uptake is 50%? Assurne
to be taken individually, and each equili-
effective half-life is 100 hours.
brium absorbed dose (.0.), 2.13 x n x E,
ca1culated. In the ca se of 131 1, there are 5 beta [10000 x 50/100 x 100 x 1.44 x 0.433]/40
emissions, 8 gamma, 5 conversion electrons = 7794 rad (77.9 Gy)
and an X-ray. The next step is to ca1culate
The sum of absorbed radiations from
how much of the radiation is absorbed by
99mTc results in a dose of 0.078 rad//LCilh.
the target organ, this is called the absorbed
Therefore a dose of 1.0 mCi given in-
fraction (0). In the ca se of the thyroid, where
travenously with immediate trapping of 2%
the source volume and target organ are the
and an effective half-life fo 6 hours in a thyr-
same, this is 1 for electrons. It is less for
oid of 20 g would give a dose of:
photons, since their energy is not entirely
deposited in the gland. The equilibrium [1000 x 2/100 x 6 x 1.44 x 0.078]/20 = 0.67
absorbed dose is multiplied by the absorbed rad (0.0067 Gy)
Thyroid disease due to extern al radiation 313
13.4 THYROID DISEASE DUE TO heart disease with cardiac catheterization,
EXTERNAL RADIAnON and calculations made in retrospect in-
dicated radiation doses to their thyroids of
I have divided this somewhat arbitrarily into
20-30 rad (0.2-0.3 Gy) at ages 11 and 9
three sections dependent on the absorbed respectively [10].
dose, firstly, low doses up to 100 rad (1 Gy), Parker et al. [11] analysed the incidence of
secondly, intermediate doses between 101
thyroid cancer in Japanese who had been
and 2000 rad (1-20 Gy), and thirdly, high
exposed to radiation from atomic bombs.
doses greater than 2000 rad (>20 Gy). In
The population studied had received direct
practice, it is very unusual for the thyroid to radiation with neutrons and gamma rays,
receive more the 6000 rad from external
but no radioactive fallout. In regard to the
radiation. last, they differ from the Marshallese islan-
ders who are discussed below. The investi-
gators found that there was a cut-off at a
13.4.1 LOW-DOSE EXTERNAL dose of 50 rad (0.5 Gy), above which the risk
RADIATION of thyroid cancer increased considerably.
A long-term investigation in Israel has de- The relative risk in women was X 5 and in
monstrated that thyroid cancer is associated men x 9.4, both being statistically signi-
with much lower radiation doses than most ficant. The authors of the study take pains to
investigators thought possible. The 'patient indicate that they do not imply there is no
group' in this study was a large group of risk at doses less than 50 rad (0.5 Gy).
children who were treated for ringworm of Therefore, there is data which associates
the scalp using external radiation between an increase in frequency of thyroid cancer in
1949-60 [7]. The investigators compared the patients who received external radiation
incidence of thyroid and other cancers in the (usually X-rays) in doses from 9-99 rad
irradiated patients with matched controls, (0.09-0.99 Gy).
and with a second smaller cdhtrol group of
sibs who were not irradiated and not match-
ed exactly for age and sex. The first report in
1974 showed an increase in thyroid tumours
and also brain and parotid lesions [7]. The The largest body of information incriminat-
investigators, using a phantom and know- ing external radiation as a cause of thyroid
ledge of the radiation technique, were able cancer relates to patients who received doses
to determine dosimetry with accuracy and of 101-2000 rad (1-20 Gy). There are also
the mean dose to the thyroid was 9 rad (0.09 data from experiments in animals indicating
Gy). In 1977, they calculated that the risk of this dose range is associated with a greater
thyroid cancer was 6.3/radIl06 people/year frequency of cancer and benign nodules.
[8]. An updated analysis in 1984 showed The first report of this association indi-
that 29 of the treatment group of 10 842 had cated that of 28 patients younger than 18
thyroid cancer, compared to 6 in the control years with thyroid cancer, 10 had prior
group of 10842, and 2 of the 5400 sibs. The radiation to the thymus [12]. The authors,
relative risk was X 5.4 (x 2.7 - 10.8, 95% although universally recognized for this
confidence limits) [9]. association, are seldom quoted to have writ-
Two brothers were found to have thyroid ten, 'To propose a cause-and-effect rela-
cancer at ages 33 and 38 respectively. There tionship between thymic irradiation and the
was no family history of thyroid cancer, but development of cancer would seem quite
both had been investigated for congenital unjustified'. There followed areport by
314 Radiation and the thyroid
Clark [13] who found that all 13 children investigators calculated the risk as 1.5 cases/
with thyroid cancer that he treated had a rad (0.01 Gy)110 6/year, which is almost iden-
history of radiation. The dose range was tical to the number developed by Hempel-
200-725 rad (2-7.25 Gy), and the time be- mann et al. [15]. The data of Favus et al. [17]
tween radiation and discovery of the cancer needs further scrutiny. Many of the lesions
was 6.9 years. In contrast, Uhlmann [14] were impalpable and discovered by scin-
stated that in his experience the statistics, tigraphy. Pathologically many of the cancers
'Did not justify the acceptance of a correla- were not at the palpably, or scintigraphical-
tion'. Nevertheless, he found that 4 of 25 ly, abnormal site and they were minimal or
children with thyroid cancer had indeed occult cancers. This raises the question
been irradiated, and the 4 cases came from a whether tests should be done to find im-
population of 480 patients who had been palpable lesions which, even if they are car-
irradiated and recalled for examination. One cinomatous, have an outstanding prognosis.
thyroid cancer per 120 irradiated children Other investigators have demonstrated that
certainly justifies association. Hempelmann thyroids which have been irradiated have
et al. [15, 16], in aseries of papers, streng- more scintigraphic abnormalities than non-
thened the association by finding 19 cancers irradiated glands. In one study, after pa-
and 22 benign nodules in 2878 children who tients with palpable nodules were excluded,
received radiation in infancy. They deter- 16 out of 150 irradiated glands were scinti-
mined the risk of thyroid cancer to be 1. 7 graphically abnormal, compared to 1 out of
cases/rad (0.01 Gy)/106 people/year. Using 97 controls [18]. The authors of this paper
this data, if we review the paper of Uhlmann advise scintigraphy as part of the initial
[14] and assurne a dose of 750 rad (7.5 Gy) work-up of patients who received more than
was absorbed by the thyroid and the 480 700 rad (7 Gy) be fore the age of 10. This
patients were followed for 7 years (these can conflicts with the advice of the American
be inferred from the paper), the number of Thyroid Association, who advise palpation
thyroid cancers expected would be 4, which of the gland (this should be done by a physi-
happened to be the case. cian with training and experience) [19]. Hof-
Favus et al. [17] examined 1056 patients fenberg [20] in a discussion paper also
with a history of neck irradiation, and pal- opposes regular scanning and favours clinic-
pated a nodule in 16.5%. Using 99mTc scinti- al examination. The patients should not be
grams they found lesions in an additional lost to follow-up, since additional cancers
10.7%. In total, 287 patients (27.2%) had an are found with the passage of time.
abnormal thyroid, and of these 182 under- Proof that the findings are not isolated is
went surgery and 60 had thyroid cancer. found in publications from other centres. Oe
There are several ways of looking at the Groot and Paloyan [21] found that of 50 con-
data. From the most pessimistic but also secutive patients with thyroid cancer, 20 had
realistic, 33% of surgically removed thyroids neck irradiation. In aperiod of 18 months,
contained cancer. Alternatively, 5.7% of the Hamburger and Stoffer [22] found 16 cancers
patients who were examined had thyroid in 814 patients (2%) with a history of radia-
cancer. However, the 1056 were from a lar- tion. Twenty-one cancers were found from
ger population of 5266 who were irradiated, 530 patients (4%) by Murphy et al. [23]. They
and since there is no data on the remaining referred 30 patients to surgery immediately,
4210 it is difficult to draw firm conclusions of and 9 had cancer (30%); several months later
the overall risk. If none of the unexamined a further 30 were advised to have surgery
patients had cancer, which is unlikely, the and 7 had cancer (23%). Maxon et al. [24]
true risk would be 60/5266 or 1.1 %. These compared 1266 patients who were radiated,
Thyroid disease due to external radiation 315

with 958 well-matched controls. In the for- for developing a benign nodule was 3 times
mer group, 16 were found to have thyroid as great, 12.3 cases/rad/106/year. The risk of
cancers and 15 had benign thyroid nodules, developing either a benign or malignant
which contrasted with 1 cancer and 2 benign nodule was linear up to 1500 rad (15 Gy).
lesions in the control group. Depending on What should be done when a patient pre-
the reason for therapy and the number of sents with a history of prior neck irradiation?
courses, the radiation dose to those who de- Firstly, it is important to determine that the
veloped cancer varied considerably, from radiation was ionizing. Sometimes it is a re-
210-1130 rad (2.1-11.3 Gy) with a me an of lief to find that uItraviolet radiation was
524 rad (5.24 Gy). The mean time from radia- given, and this is not associated with thyroid
tion to finding the cancer was 16 years (6-28 cancer. Also, local radium to the tonsillar
years). The risk was approximately 1.5 cases/ bed does not produce distant radiation since
rad (0.01 Gy)/106/year. the alpha particles only penetrate a few mic-
The radiation was given for a variety of rometres. If the radiation was ionizing, it is
reasons most, if not all of which, would now helpful to know the dose and the port,
be considered unjustified. The original pa- aIthough this information has often been
tients had thymic irradiation for the syn- lost. The thyroid should be examined care-
drome of status thymicus, a non-existent fully. When no nodule is feIt, a repeat ex-
syndrome. It was recognized on chest radio- amination after a year is sufficient. When a
graph of children with 'failure to thrive', nodule is feIt, there is a difference of opinion
bronchitis, snifftes, etc. that the thymus was about its management. Some argue that the
large. Therefore, this was accepted as the risk of cancer in the thyroid is at least 30%,
cause of the symptoms. Since the thymus therefore surgery is advised. Others argue
was known to be very sensitive to radiation, about 60-70% of nodules are benign, there-
this form of therapy was prescribed. Of fore they advise fine-needle aspiration and
course, the thymus is proportionally much base the decision to operate, or not, on the
larger in infants, and if chest radiographs result. I tend to use the former approach
had been obtained in normal children, there unless the patient is opposed to operation.
would have been no difference in its size There is controversy about the extent of
compared to abnormals. Other indications for surgery, a topic covered in Chapter 8. Since
radiation were pertussis, enlarged cervical the entire gland was irradiated, the need for
lymph nodes, including tuberculous nodes, total thyroidectomy is advocated. However,
enlarged tonsils and adenoids, otitis, mas- the same arguments which were presented
toiditis, furunculosis and acne. in Chapter 8 hold true, and ipsilateral lobec-
In summary, the data supports that tomy on the side of the clinical abnormality
approximately 2% of children who received plus subtotal contralateral lobectomy is re-
700 rad (7 Gy) to the thyroid develop thyroid commended. Schneider et al. [26] found that
cancer. The usual latent period is 10-20 the course of radiation-induced thyroid can-
years. However, patients are found with cer was similar to spontaneously occurring
cancer outside these dose and temporal cancers. They have followed 318 patients
ranges. In addition to cancers, there is also and found the factors associated with recurr-
an increase in benign thyroid tumours. Us- ence were histology, angioinvasion, size,
ing published resuIts, Maxon et al. [25] calcu- and lymph node metastases. Three patients
lated that the risk of cancer was greater by died (1 %) and 40 had a recurrence (12.6%).
more than a factor of 2 than previously Neither the extent of operation nor the
stated. Their analysis indicated a figure of 'prophylactic' use of radioiodine lowered the
4.2 cancers/rad (0.01 Gy)/l06/year. The risk recurrence rate. After operation, patients
316 Radiation and the thyroid
should be given a suppressive dose of thyr- aspirate, but since these patients have
oxine. An earlier report of Roudebush et al. already been treated for a life-threatening
[27] suggested that radiation-induced can- disease, and since they frequently are very
cers were more aggressive but, on balance, concerned about new abnormal dinical
any difference is marginal. Because radiation findings, and because thyroid cancer has
causes an increase in tumours of the parotid been described in this situation, it is also
[28] and parathyroid, the former should be correct to advise a subtotal thyroidectomy. If
palpated and the latter tested by measuring the nodule is malignant, the correct pro ce-
serum calcium. If calcium is high, the dini- dure has been done, and if benign, concerns
cian should complete the work-up for hyper- are put to rest and the patient greatly
parathyroidism. relieved.
External radiation in doses greater than
2000 rad (20 Gy) can cause hypothyroidism.
This was first described by Markson and
Flatman [36] in 1965. There is abundant liter-
Based on a careful analysis of the literature, ature to document this, and it has been
Maxon et al. [25] stated 'it would appear, found largely in patients with lymphoma
then, that external radiation of the thyroid at treated with 3000-5000 rad (30-50 Gy) [37-
doses higher than 2000 rem is not clearly 44], although it has also been described in
associated with the induction of thyroid can- patients with head and neck cancer (Shafer
cer'. However, we have found 6 patients et al.) [45]. There is considerable variation in
with thyroid cancer in a group of 1791 pa- the incidence of postradiation hypothyroid-
tients who received external radiation for the ism from 4% [37] to greater than 80% [40],
treatment of Hodgkin's disease [29 a, b] and but this is largely related to the method of
there are additional reports in the literature defining hypothyroidism. In most reports,
[30-33]. In general, the cancers are papillary, the definition is biochemical and based on a
but adenosquamous and anaplastic cancers high TSH, and in others an abnormal re-
have been described [34, 35]. If we use the sponse to TRH is used [37, 42]. We routinely
formula 1.5 casesIl06/rad/year, the number measure TSH and FT4 in these patients
of thyroid cancers expected would be signi- when they are seen for review of their
ficantly more than in actuality. In the Stan- Hodgkin's disease [46]. We do not advise
ford experience, 1791 patients received 4000 TRH testing. The reasons for the apparent
rad (40 Gy) and were fo11owed for 10 years. increased frequency in patients with lym-
Therefore, approximately 107 cases should phoma are that as a group their survival is
have been found, whereas, we found 6. superior to that of other cancers, and they
Nevertheless, dinicians should examine the frequently have diagnostic tests such as
thyroids of these patients at fo11ow-up; I re- lymphangiogram or CT with contrast, that
commend this annua11y for life. Eighteen pa- give a large iodine load which can cause
tients have had surgery for benign nodules, hypothyroidism [47]. Our studies did not
almost a11 had multiple nodules, and several a110w us to separate completely the effect of
others have received thyroxine for nodular radiation from lymphangiogram, although in
goitre; therefore the true incidence of benign children with treated Hodgkin's disease, the
nodules has not been determined at the time frequency of hypothyroidism was 78% (74
of writing. When a nodule is found, it is not out of 95 children) in those who received
dear what is the best approach for its man- more than 2600 rad and 17% (4 out of 24)
agement. It is correct to obtain a fine-ne edle who received less than that dose [44]. All
Thyroid disease due to external radiation 317
patients had a lymphangiogram; therefore Since not all patients are affected, it is likely
radiation is the more important factor. In our that there is a genetic factor. In addition,
total group of 1791 patients of all ages, 498 since many patients also receive iodine con-
have an elevated TSH (28%). trast, that could playa role. Physicians man-
It would appear from animal studies that aging these patients should be aware of this
an elevated TSH plus radiation to the thyr- possibility and when there is weight loss,
oid is important in the production of thyroid malaise, nervousness, etc., they should
cancers. These studies usually involved low- order tests for TSH and FT4. If these tests
er doses of radiation. Doniach [48] showed confirm hyperthyroidism, 1231 uptake should
convincingly in rats, that 500 rad plus an be obtained. If high, it is likely that the pa-
antithyroid drug to raise TSH, produced tient has Graves' disease and treatment with
malignant thyroid tumours in 5 out of 10 1311 should be prescribed. I have treated one

animals and benign tumours in all 10. By such patient for more than 10 years with
contrast, radiation plus thyroxine resulted in propylthiouracil since he was extremely con-
none of 17 rats developing cancer, and only cerned about additional radiation. There is
1 had a benign tumour. If the animal experi- not enough data to know whether antithyr-
ments can be extended to the human, a oid drugs are more likely to be toxic in a
strong argument can be made for prescribing patient who has had extensive radiation and
thyroxine to irradiated patients who have a chemotherapy. Nevertheless, in this setting,
high TSH. However, it should be remem- an ablative dose of 1311 would appear to be
bered that thyroxine was given to animals better.
immediately after radiation, not when Some patients are found to have a diffuse-
biochemical hypothyroidism was detected. ly enlarged granular thyroid and elevated
Should all patients receive thyroxine, and levels of antithyroid antibodies. I have not
should the dose be sufficient to suppress biopsied the thyroid, but feIt that the clinical
TSH? These questions are not resolved, but diagnosis was Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The
since at the time of writing the risk of cancer response to thyroid has been satisfactory.
is smalI, it would also appear better to We have encountered patients who went
screen, rather than treat, and it would from definitive hypothyroidism to classic
appear satisfactory to have TSH in the low Craves' hyperthyroidism after mantle radia-
normal range. Since other thyroid condi- tion [51]. We have also found a syndrome
tions, including hyperthyroidism, can occur like silent hyperthyroidism in 6 patients, 40f
after external radiation, it is important to whom are permanently hypothyroid. Since
measure thyroid function (TSH and FT4 ) silent hyperthyroidism is generally accepted
annuaIly. to be an immunological disease, we believe
Wasnich et al. [49] were the first to de- this should be included as one of the im-
scribe Graves' hyperthyroidism and euthyr- munological diseases which can be found
oid Graves' ophthalmopathy after mantle after external radiation to the thyroid
radiation for Graves' disease. We continue to [52, 53].
see patients with these diseases (30 out of In summary, a wide spectrum of thyroid
1791), and other investigators confirm the diseases occurs after external doses of grea-
finding [50]. There is no doubt that the inci- ter than 2000 rad to the thyroid. The most
dence is increased. The cause is thought to common is biochemical hypothyroidism.
be due to radiation producing an alteration Hypothyroidism is usually permanent, but
in the follicular cell antigens that is recog- can be transient. Immunological diseases in-
nized as foreign by the immune system. clude classic Craves' hyperthyroidism, with
318 Radiation and the thyroid
or without ophthalmopathy, euthyroid disease in children who had had procedures
Graves ophthalmopathy, Hashimoto's and with 131 1 in comparison with well-matched
silent thyroiditis. Thyroid nodules and thyr- controls showed no statistical risk of thyroid
oid cancer are found, but to date their cancer from a mean dose of about 100 rad (1
frequency does not support a linear rela- Gy). However, there were 5 cancers in 3503
tionship to the administered dose. exposed and only 1 cancer in 2594 controls,
and one wonders, if the groups had been
larger, if the conclusion would have been
13.5 THYROID DISEASE DUE TO the same [56].
INTERNAL RADIA nON In 1954, islanders on the Rongelap islands
(Marshallese) were accidentally exposed to
an atomic explosion. They received both ex-
The optimal radionuclide for diagnostic thyr- ternal gamma radiation of 175 rad (1.75 Gy)
oid tests is 1231. This radionuclide in a dose and internally absorbed radiation from 1311,
of 200 J,tCi (7.4 MBq) gives about 2 rad (0.02 1321, 1331, and 1351. The dose to the thyroid
Gy) to anormal thyroid. There are two varied depending on the age of the patient
methods of making 1231 and, of these, cyclo- (actually size of thyroid), and the closeness
tron production results in considerably less to the explosion. Children less than 10 years
1241 contamination and a lower absorbed on the nearest island received 175 rad direct
radiation. This preparation is more expen- radiation plus 500-1400 rad from radionuc-
sive. Even smaller thyroidal absorbed doses lides of iodine (6.75-15.75 Gy). One of 19
are obtained with 99mTc. There is no data developed thyroid cancer and 17 developed
showing any association of thyroid cancer benign thyroid nodules. In 34 older people
with internally deposited radiation of this who received smaller internal doses, there
amount. It is only fairly recently that these were 2 cancers and 3 benign nodules. There-
radionuclides have replaced 1311, although fore, a total of 3 cancers and 20 benign
we made a plea in favour of 1231 in 1977 [54]. nodules were found in 53 patients after a
lodine-131 in a dose of 100 J,tCi (3.7 MBq) follow-up of 15 years [57]. It appears that the
gives an absorbed dose to anormal sized combination of radiations produces signifi-
thyroid with uptake of 20% of about 100 rad cantly more lesions than would be calculated
(1 Gy). This is in the dose range which is of from the external dose alone. Doses in the
considerable concern with external photon range 100-1500 rad (1-15 Gy) would not be
radiation, although with 131 1 almost 90% of expected to cause an increased incidence of
the radiation is due to electrons. There is hypothyroidism.
very little data pointing to a risk from this
dose causing either nodules or cancers.
A single re port by Pilch et al. [55] de-
scribed a patient who at age 4 and 12 had
131 1 scintigraphy and a calculated dose of 240 Radioiodine-131 therapy is the most com-
rad (2.4 Gy) to the thyroid. At age 20 she mon form of therapy for Graves' hyperthyr-
was found to have metastatic papillary can- oidism in the USA, and its use in Europe is
cer. The reason for the investigations was extensive, although there children and
suspected hyperthyroidism, and there was young adults are more likely to be treated by
no description of a nodule which could have alternative methods. If this treatment is to be
been a pre-existing cancer. Recently the re- prescribed, when there are alternatives, and
sults of a multi-institute review of thyroid if patients are expected to have a long ex-
Thyroid disease due to interna1 radiation 319

pected survival, we should evaluate critically risk from radioiodine. Holm et al. [64, 65]
the data about unwanted effects on the found 4 cases of thyroid cancer in 3000
thyroid. radioiodine-treated patients, and this was
Under this heading, the dose to the thyr- not different from the expected incidence.
oid is in the range 2500-15000 rad, and I The total follow-up was 39066 patient-years,
shall accept that the most common doses to and the me an follow-up 9.5 years. All 4 pa-
the thyroid are about 10000 rad (100 Gy). tients who developed cancer had nodular
The major theoretical concern is that cancers goitres; in 1 it is probable that thyroid cancer
of the thyroid would be found with in- pre-existed the treatment with radioiodine,
creased frequency after 1311. The data do not and in another there was an alternative
support this. source of radiation. By contrast, Hoffman
Thyroid cancer can coexist with Graves' [66] found 3 thyroid cancers in 1005
hyperthyroidism. The frequency from patho- radioiodine-treated patients, which was 3.8
logical series varies considerably. Sokal [58] times the expected frequency. The number is
reported 0.15%, OIen and Klinck [59] 2.5% small and the percentage 0.3% within the
and Kilpatrick et al. [60] 7%. In two clinical broad limits defined above.
series, 17 out of 576 (3%) patients with can- I have treated 3 patients with thyroid can-
cer [61], and 10 out of 502 (2%) [62] had cers which were diagnosed 4, 7 and 13 years
Graves' disease. These cases of hyperthyr- respectively after 131 1 therapy for Graves'
oidism were not due to the cancer secreting disease. In the last 2, the original 131 1 ther-
excessive amounts of hormones, but the can- apy was prescribed elsewhere, so it was im-
cers were incidental findings at operation, or possible to determine the true incidence of
after work-up of a nodule. The corollary of 9 this finding. On two occasions I reviewed
cases of cancer found in 720 patients (1.25%) the literature and in 1971 could find 8 similar
with hyperthyroidism [62] shows that there patients [67] and in 1981, 25 re ports [68]. Of
is a small but definitive correlation between these 25 cases, 7 arose less than 5 years after
these two conditions. Therefore, in patients therapy and are unlikely to be associated.
treated for hyperthyroidism, it is expected Even if there are cases which have not been
that a small proportion already have cancer. reported, this small number, taken along
What is the true incidence? This is hard to with the follow-up studies discussed above,
determine since there may be a bias in those indicates that there is not an increased risk
patients sent to surgery and the numbers of thyroid cancer after therapeutic doses of
could be too high. Alternatively, cancers 131 1 in patients. How is this the case, when

arising in patients not treated by operation external radiation is clearly implicated?

could weIl be attributed to whatever treat- It is very unlikely that the explanation is
ment was prescribed. If we assurne that the insufficient data for analysis, since there
incidence of thyroid cancer in patients with have been sufficient patients studied and the
hyperthyroidism is in the range of 0.1-1.0%, length of follow-up is long enough, because
and that 1 000000 patients have received 131 1 most of the cases reported have occurred
treatment, there should be 1000-10000 within 15 years and all within 20 years.
associated cancers. In the Cooperative Thyr- There is a difference in the carcinogenic
otoxicosis Therapy Follow-Up Study there effects of 1311 and external radiation with X-
were 50 cancers in 11 732 patients who had rays based on experimental and clinical data.
thyroidectomy (0.4%), and 19 arose more The former is considerably less carcinogenic.
than 1 year after radioiodine in 21714 pa- The most likely explanation is that 131 1 in
tients (0.08%) [63]. This does not indicate a therapeutic doses sterilizes the population of
320 Radiation and the thyroid
follicular cells, and if the cells are dead, or Table 13.4 Absorbed doses from radionuclides of
unable to reproduce, they will not produce iodine rad/mCi or mrad/p,Ci
cancers. Therefore, there is an inverse rela-
Radionuclide Absorbed dose
tionship of hypothyroidism and potential
for thyroid cancer. The topic of post- 131 1 7.5
hypothyroidism was reviewed and refer- 530.0
enced in detail in relation to treatment of 450.0
hyperthyroidism (Chapter 5), and only a few 68.0
references are listed here [69-75]. This is by 7.4
far the most common thyroid dis order re-
lated to high doses of internal radiation.
lodine-125 was used by several groups of plication is rare with absorbed doses less
investigators as an alternative to 131 1, and than 20000 rad, and it is seen in 90% with
there is one report of a patient developing doses greater than 200000 rad. These num-
laryngeal cancer which could have been bers demonstrate the intense radiation that
associated with this radionuc1ide [76]. can be delivered using 1311. In very rare cir-
lodine-125 emits low-energy conversion and cumstances, the radiation causes disruption
Auger electrons, which are very destructive of follic1es and releases stored hormones into
over distances of about 1 micrometre. This the circulation, which can cause hyperthyr-
contrasts with 1311 whose ß emissions travel oidism [78, 79]. Permanent hypothyroidism
tens to hundreds of micrometre. In addition, is the usual sequel to radiation thyroiditis
1251 emits low-energy photons, and it has a [80].
long physical half-life of 60 days, so the The following cases give examples of the
radiation is of a different type, over a diffe- dosimetry.
rent path-length and different length of 1. A hyperthyroid patient has a thyroid of
time. It is too early to be certain that this 50 g and the 24-hour uptake is 50%. Assum-
radionuc1ide is the same as 1311 with regard ing the effective half-life of 1311 is 100 hours,
to lack of association with subsequent thyr- how many rad are delivered from a dose of
oid cancer. As discussed previously, 1251 in 10 mCi?
doses which cure hyperthyroidism also
1JLCi 131 1
in 1 g tissue for 1 hour gives 0.433
causes hypothyroidism.
In summary, the major thyroid abnormal- rad. Therefore rad = [10000 x 50/100 x 100
ity caused by internal radiation from high x 1.44 x 0.433]/50
doses of 1311 is hypothyroidism. = 6235 rad (therefore no
2. A patient with 2 g of residual thyroid
receives an ablative dose of 100 mCi to treat
thyroid cancer. The uptake is 5% and effec-
Very high radiation doses cause thyroiditis. tive half-life assumed to be 100 hours.
Clinically this is similar to subacute thyroidi-
Therefore rad = [100000 x 5/100 x 100 x
tis, with pain and tenderness over the thyr-
1.44 x 0.433]/2
oid, plus referred pain to the jaw and ears.
= 155880 rads (thyroiditis
Fever with these symptoms add to the simi-
larity with subacute thyroiditis [77]. Maxon
et al. [25] in their review of the literature and There is some support for the concept that
their personal experience in treating patients radiation, both interna!, or externa!, is re-
with thyroid cancer indicate that this co m- sponsible for causing anaplastic transforma-
References 321

100% at
• For therapeutic uses, radionuclides that
emit particles are preferred.
80% 20000 rad
(200 Gy) • with
Significant thyroid disease is associated
radiation to the thyroid.

• increasedradiation
External is associated with an
risk of thyroid cancer.
• The risk of thyroid cancer is approximate-
ly 1.5-4.2 cases per rad (0.01 Gy) per year
per 106 cases.
• Benign thyroid nodules are also found
in thyroids which have been radiated
• Graves' hyperthyroidism and euthyroid
Graves' ophthalmopathy are found more
often after neck irradiation than would be
expected by chance.
• As the dose of external radiation in-
10 100 1000 10000 100000
creases above 3000-4000 rad (30-40 Gy),
Rad to thyroid logarithmic scale
the relative risk of cancer falls and of
0.1 1 10 100 1000
hypothyroidism increases.
Gy to thyroid • In patients receiving more than 4000 rad
Figure 13.11 Effect of an increasing dose of radia- (40 Gy) external radiation, 20-50% be-
tion on the thyroid. Thick line = incidence of come hypothyroid.
cancer; thin line = incidence of hypothyroidism • Low doses of radiation delivered internal-
after follow-up of 20 years. ly (radionuclides of iodine) are seldom
associated with an increase in any thyroid
tion of differentiated cancer. The data cannot disease.
exclude spontaneous transformation of diffe- • Internal radiation in high doses (more
rentiated to anaplastic cancer, since in many than 7000 rad (70 Gy)) often results in
series this transformation is found in pa- hypothyroidism.
tients who have not received any form of • High doses of internal radiation seldom
radiation [81]. This is discussed in the sec- cause thyroid cancer.
tion on anaplastic cancer in Chapter 8. • Very high doses can cause radiation thyr-
For reference, Table 13.4 gives absorbed oiditis.
dose estimates from 6 radionuclides of
iodine. Figure 13.11 shows diagrammatically REFERENCES
the incidence and type of thyroid disease
produced by radiation in relation to the 1 Chandra, R. (1976) Introductory Physics oJ Nuc-
absorbed dose [82]. lear Medicine, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
2 Sorenson, J.A. and Phelps, M.E. (1987) Physics
in Nuclear Medicine, 2nd edn, Crune and Strat-
ton, Orlando.
3 Hall, E.J. (1978) Radiobiology Jor the Radiologist,
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The following abbreviations are used - TRH for thyrotropin releasing hormone, and TSH for
thyroid stimulation hormone.

Abscess, thyroid 271-3 Bacteria and acute thyroiditis 272

Absolute iodine uptake 45 Basal metabolie rate 65
Acropachy, thyroid 99-100 Beta-blocking agents 101, 105, 116, 141, 143
Acute thyroiditis 271-3 Binding, see Protein binding
Adenoma, see Nodule, thyroid Biopsy, see Needle aspiration
Adrenal insufficiency 100, 171, 176, 261 Bone, metastases to 222-3
Agenesis, thyroid 6 Bradycardia 168
hemi- 9-10 Brain
hypothyroidism and 6, 166, 180 metastases to 224
Agranulocytosis 104 TRH in 13,14
Albumin 21-3, 35 Breast feeding and
Amiodarone 54, 131-2, 165 antithyroid medication 116, 117, 141
Amplified enzyme-linked immunoassays radioiodine therapy 113
(AEIA) 40-2 Bromide ions 17
Anaemia 88, 169, 171, 261
Anaplastic cancer 129, 193,207-8,237-40,320 C ceIls, see Parafollicular ceIls
Angina pectoris 169, 176-7 Calcitonin 28
Antidiuretic hormone 170 assay for 242
Antithyroid antibodies 64-5, 83-5 as cancer marker 28,64,240-1,242
Antithyroid medications gene-related protein 28
in hyperthyroidism 101-5, 110, 117, 132 and scintigraphy 55
and breast feeding 116, 117, 141 Calcium 14,28
in children 137-8 in hyperthyroidism 88, 111, 115
during pregnancy 140-1, 142 short infusion test 242
in thyroid storm 143 Cancer, thyroid 207-48
hypothyroidism from 164 anaplastic 129, 193, 207-8, 237-40, 320
thyroid hormone formation and 17, 18, 101, dassification of 207-8
102-5 dear ceIl 207, 236
Apathetic hyperthyroidism 138 diagnosis of 49-64, 77, 78, 231-2
Arterial supply 2-3 nodules and 193-202, 203, 246-7
Arthritis 100, 168 ectopic thyroid and 8, 236
Askanazy ceIls, see Hurthle ceIl cancer follicular 207-8, 232-4
Atrial fibrillation 87, 118 Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 209,244-5,260-1
Autoimmune thyroid disease Hurthle ceIl207, 234-6
pyramidal lobe in 1-2 hyperthyroidism in 132-3, 211, 225, 233-4
tests for 64-5 iodine deficiency and 292
see also Craves' disease; Hashimoto' s lymphoma 208, 244-6
thyroiditis; Silent thyroiditis medullary 208, 240-4
Autoregulation, thyroid 12, 20-1 calcitonin as marker for 28,64,240-1,242
326 Index
nodules and 122-3, 193-202, 203, 246-7 Diffuse toxie goitre, see Graves' disease
occult 209-10, 215 Diiodothyronines 23
papillary 207-32 Diiodotyrosine (DIT) 18, 19,20
prevalence of 193,206 Dimercaptosuccinate (DMSA) imaging test 55,
prognosis for 211-12,230,234,236,237-8,244 242-3
radiation-induced 194, 237, 304, 313-16, 317 Dopamine 15, 299
radioiodine therapy and 112, 124, 237, 304, Down's syndrome 170
318-21 Drugs, antithyroid, see Antithyroid medications
struma ovarii 9, 132, 236-7 Dysgenesis 6, 166
thyroglobulin as marker for 19,52,63-4,231-2 Dyshormonogenesis 166, 180, 182-3
in thyroglossal duct or cyst 236
treatment of 211-32,234,235-6,238,240, Ectopic thyroid 6, 7-8, 286
243-4,246 Elderly patients
Carbimazole 102-4, 105 hyperthyroidism in 138-9
Carotid body tumour 78 hypothyroidism in 166, 178, 184-5
Carpal tunnel syndrome 168 Endemie goitre 291-4
Chemotherapy in thyroid cancer 231,240,244, Euthyroid siek syndrome 36
246 Examination, physieal 75-8
Children see also Palpation
hyperthyroidism in 136-8 Eye, see Ophthalmopathy
hypothyroidism in 179-84
Cholesterol, high levels of 66, 173 Factitious thyrotoxicosis 127-8
Choriocarcinoma 135-6 Familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinaemia 23
Clear ceH cancer 207, 236 Fever of unknown origin 265
CoHoid material 3-4, 16-17, 18, 19 Fine ne edle aspiration (FNA), see Needle
Computerized tomography 2, 58-9 aspiration
Coronary artery disease 168-9 Fluorescent scanning 57-8
Cretinism 18, 25, 292-3, 294-5 Follicle 3-4, 16-17
amiodarone-induced 165 development of 5-6
Cricothyroid muscle 3 Follicular cancer 207-8,232-4
Cyclie AMP 16 FoHieular ceHs 3-4, 16-17
Cyst iodide transport into 17-18, 20-1, 43-8, 106-9,
aspiration treatment of 202-3 129-30, 182
dia gnosis of 78 in simple goitre 282-3
ultrasound 56-7, 198 thyroid hormone secretion by 19-20
thyroglossal duct 6-7, 78 Follitrophin (FSH) 15
cancer in 236 Free (serum) hormone 21,22-3,292
see also Nodule tests for 34, 36, 38-40, 181
non-thyroidal illness and 298-9,300
Oe Quervain's (subacute) thyroiditis 58, 129, 165, Free thyroxine index (FT4 I) 38
Deiodinase 20,23-4,297,298 Galactorrhoea 170
Development of thyroid 4-6 Gallium imaging tests 53-4
abnormalities of 6-10 Gastrin 28
Diagnosis 75-81 Goitre
see also Tests; Individual disorders abnormal thyroglobulin in 19, 183,283
Dietary iodine 20,24-5,291-5 diagnosis of 34, 51-2, 57, 64-5, 76-7, 284-5,
Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 259 286-7
hyperthyroidism and 103, 129-32, 293 dietary iodine and 25,291-5
hypothyroidism and 25, 164-5 diffuse toxic, see Graves' disease
whole-body scintigraphy and 52-3 endemie 291-4
Index 327

nodular, see Nodule thyroid Hot nodule, see Nodule thyroid

simple 282-9 Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) 15, 136
substernaI51-2,285-8 Hurthle cell 207, 234-6
Goitrogens 291 cancer 207, 234-6
Graves, Robert 83 Hyaluronic acid 98
Graves' disease (diffuse toxie goitre) 83-118 Hypercalcaemia in hyperthyroidism 88, 111
acropachy 99-100 Hyperpara thyroidism
aetiology of 83-5 in hyperthyroidism 88-9, 115
in children 136-8 with medullary cancer 240
clinical features of 85-9 Hyperthyroidism 82-146
dermopathy of 84, 98-9 amiodarone-induced 131-2
dia gnosis of 100-1 basal metabolism in 65
physical examination 75, 77, 78 in cancer 211, 225, 233-4
tests 35, 46-7, 48, 54, 59, 61, 64-5, 84-5, metastatie thyroid 132-3
100-1 trophoblastic tumours 135-6, 140
in elderly patients 138 causes of 82
euthyroid 95 in children 136-8
follicle structure in 4, 105-6 clinical features of 85-9
Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 258 dia gnosis of 75-6, 78-80
neonatal85, 101, 139, 140, 142 non-thyroidal illness and 299
ophthalmopathy of 59,83, 84, 89-98, 111 tests for 14, 15, 34-47, 54, 58, 64-5
in pregnancy 139-41 in elderly patients 138-9
pyramidal lobe in 1-2 follicle structure in 4
radiation and 317 see also Graves' disease
remission of 103-4, 117 Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 258,260
treatment of 101-18, 137-8 hemiagenesis and 9
vascular flow in 2 hormone resistance and 135
Wolff-Chaikoff effect in 21 iatrogenic 127
Growth hormone 14 iodine-induced 129-32, 293
Growth promoting antibodies 65, 283 metastases to thyroid and 129
neonatal65, 85, 101, 113, 139, 140, 142
'Halo sign' 198 pituitary 134
Hamburger thyrotoxicosis 128 in pregnancy 65, 85, 101, 116, 117, 136, 139-41
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 257-63 in psychiatrie illness 86, 300
cancer and 209, 244-5, 260-1 from radiation 317
diagnosis of 77,257-8 screening for 166
tests for 47-8, 54, 64-5, 165, 261-2 silent thyroiditis and 270, 271
free iodide in 17 subacute thyroiditis and 264, 265, 268
hypothyroidism and 163, 258, 260 subclinieal 42
nodule in 195,259,261-2 treatment of 101
pyramidal lobe in 1-2,259,261 see also Autonomous thyroid nodule; Thyroid
treatment of 262-3 storm
Wolff-Chaikoff effect in 21 Hypocalcaemia 111, 115
Heart Hypomagnesaemia 88
ectopic thyroid in 8 Hyponatraemia 170
in Hashimoto's thyroiditis 261 Hypoparathyroidism
in hyperthyroidism 87, 118, 131-2, 138-9 following cancer surgery 213
in hypothyroidism 168-9, 176-7, 179 from radioiodine therapy 111, 225-6
Hemiagenesis 9-10, 120, 121 Hypothalamus 12-14, 42-3,172
Heparin 40 Hypothyroidism 163-86
Hepatitis 104 aetiology of 163-5
328 Index
amiodarone-induced 131, 165 inborn error of 182
angina and 169, 176-7 radioiodine dosage and 106-9
basal metabolism in 65 tests of 43-8
central163, 165, 170, 172, 176 Iodine deficiency disorders 291-5
in children 179-84 Iodothyronines 17, 19
cholesterollevels in 66, 173 see also Triiodothyronine
clinical features of 166-71 Iodotyrosines 17, 18, 19, 20
cretinism with 294-5 inborn errors of 182-3
diagnosis of 75-6,80, 171-3 Ipodate 143
non-thyroidal illness and 299, 300 IQ (intelligence quotient) following treatment for
tests for 14, 15,34-46,58, 64-5, 171-3 neonatal hypothyroidism 181-2
dietary iodine and 25, 164-5
in elderly patients 166, 178, 184-5 Jod Basedow phenomenon 129-32, 293
follicle structure in 4 Juvenile hypothyroidism 179, 184
Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 163, 258, 260
neonatal 6, 166, 179-84 Katacalcin 28
postoperative 114, 123-4, 163 Kidney cancer, metastases from 246
psychiatrie illness and 167, 300
radiation-induced 275,304,316-17 Laryngeal muscles 3
radioiodine therapy and 106-9, 112, 117, Laryngeal nerve 3
124-5, 163, 304, 319-20 damage to 111, 115
screening for 166, 180-2 subacute thyroiditis and 264-5
subclinical40, In, 176 'Lateral aberrant thyroid' 8
surgery in patients with 177 Leukaemia from radioiodine therapy 111-12,226
thyroglobulin defect and 19, 183 Lingual thyroid 7
treatment of 173-7 Lithium therapy 101, lOS, 164, 225
Iatrogenic hyperthyroidism 127 metastases to 223
Imaging studies 2, 3, 43-59 thyroid hormones in 36,224-5,298
see also individual techniques Lobectomy in
Immunoglobulins, growth-stimulating 65,283 Hashimoto's thyroiditis 263
Immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) 40-2 papillary cancer 212-15
Immunosuppressive drugs 101-2 Lobule 4
Indices, diagnostic 78-81 Long-acting thyroid stimulator 65, 84
Inferior thyroid arteries 3 Low T3 syndrome 36,298,299
Inferior thyroid veins 3 Lung, metastases to 221-2
Innominate veins 3 Luteotrophin (LH) 15
Inositol triphosphate 14 Lymph nodes 3
Internal jugular veins 3 in thyroid cancer 8-9,210-11,214,224
Iodine/iodide 24-6 Lymphoma
dietary 20,24-5,291-5 orbital 97-8
Hashimoto' s thyroiditis and 259 ofthyroid 129, 208, 244-6
hyperthyroidism and 103, 129-32, 293
hypothyroidism and 25, 164-5 Marine Lenhart syndrome 126
whole-body scintigraphy and 52-3 Medullary cancer 208,240-4
organification of 18, 47 calcitonin as marker for 28,64,240-1,242
autoimmune thyroiditis and 262 Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) imaging test
inborn error of 182 55,242
therapy with, see Radioiodine therapy Metastases to thyroid 129,208,246-7
transportluptake of 17-18 Metastatic thyroid cancer
control of 16, 20-1, 129-30 diagnosis of 51, 52-3, 54-5, 58-9, 63-4
Index 329
follicular 234, 235, 236 Norepinephrine 15
hyperthyroidism in 132-3 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 2,59,243
medullary 241, 244
papillary 210-11,212,213-14,216,219-25 Occult thyroid cancer 209-10,215
Methimazole 102-4, 105, 110, 138 Oesophagus, ectopic thyroid in 7-8
Microscopic structure of thyroid 3-4 Oestrogen 15, 23, 35
Middle thyroid veins 3 Oil, iodized 293
Mole, benign 135-6 Onycholysis 89
Monoiodotyrosine (MIT) 18, 19, 20 Ophthalmopathy
Multinodular goitre 195, 198, 282-9 of Graves' disease 59,83,84,89-98, 111,317
toxic 125-6 in hypothyroidism 169-70
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 208, 240-4 Orbital decompression 96-7
Muscle 'Orphan Annie' cell nuclei 210
orbital 89 Osteoclasts 28
paralysis 86 Ouabain 17
weakness 87, 168 Ovary (struma ovarii) 9, 132, 236-7
Myasthenia gravis 87
Myxoedema 163, 166-7, 168-9 Paget' s disease 28
coma 177-9 Palpation 1, 77, 78, 284
cretinism 294-5 Papillary cancer 207-32
pretibial84, 98-9 Parafollicular cells (C cells) 4,240-1
cancer of 28, 64, 208, 240-4
Needled aspiration 59-63 development of 5
of nodules 59-63, 78, 119-20, 126, 199-202 Parotiditis [parotitis in the USA], radiation 110-11
and metastases 246-7 Pendred's syndrome 18, 182
and ultrasound 57, 61 Pentagastrin test 242
Neonatal (disease) Perchlorate 17, 18, 47, 132
hyperthyroidism 65, 85, 101, 113, 139, 140, discharge test 18, 47-8, 165
142 Percussion examination 78
hypothyroidism 6, 166, 179-84 Perihyoid mass 7
screening programmes 180-2 Peroxidase, thyroid 18, 19, 47, 65, 102
TSH levels 16, 181 Pertechnetate 17, 18
Neurological cretinism 294-5 scintigraphy 48,50-1,53, 120
Nodule, thyroid 118-26, 193-204 Pheochromocytoma 240, 241, 243-4
adenoma 118 Phosphatidyl inositol14, 16
cancer and 122-3, 193-202, 203, 246-7 Physiology of thyroid 12-29
causes of 194 Pituitary gland
clinical evaluation of 194-5 hyperthyroidism and 134
diagnosis of 9-10,35,46,55, 76-7, 78, 119-22, hypothyroidism and 165, 170, 172
125,195 TSH production by 12, 15-16
needle aspiration 59-63, 78, 119-20, 126, tests of 34, 40-3, 298-9
199-202, 246-7 tumours of 14, 134, 135, 165, 170
scintigraphy 48, 49-51, 119-21, 125, 195-7, Postpartum thyroiditis 128-9, 268-71
199,200-2 Prealbumin, thyroxine-binding 21-3,35
ultra sound 56-7, 197-9,200-1 37,298
in elderly patients 138 Pretibial myxoedema (dermopathy of Graves'
hot 118-26 disease) 84, 98-9
radiation-induced 304, 315, 316 Pretracheal fascia 1
simple goitre and 284-5 Prolactin, 14, 170
size of 57 Prophylaxis, iodine 292-3
treatment of 123-6, 193-4,202-3 Propranolol105, 116
330 Index
Proptosis 94, 274 Scintigraphy 3, 48-55
Propylthiouracil102-5, 138, 140-1 of autonomous nodule 48,49-51, 119-21, 125
Protein binding of thyroid hormones 21-3,35, of ectopic thyroid 7
37-8 fluorescent 57-8
non-thyroidal illness and 298-9 of free iodide 17
Pseudotumour, orbital 94-5, 97-8, 274 of hemiagenesis 9-10
Psychiatrie illness in neonatal hypothyroidism 183
hyperthyroidism in 86, 300 of nodule 48, 49-51, 195-7, 199, 200-2
hypothyroidism in 167, 300 whole-body 52-3, 217
thyroid function tests in 14,36,40,43,300-1 Screening programmes 166, 180-2
Pyramidal lobe 1-2, 6 Seaweed 25
Secretin 28
Radiation 304-21 Sialitis, radiation 110-11, 225
dosimetry in 311-12 Silent thyroiditis 76, 128, 165, 268-71
physics of 304-11 Sipple' s syndrome 240
see also Radioiodine therapy; Radionuclide Sistrunk operation 236
imaging tests; Radiotherapy, external Size of thyroid 3, 284
Radiation thyroiditis 110, 225, 274-5, 320 and radioiodine dosage 106-9
Radioimmunoassay 38-42 Smoking and Graves' opthalmopathy 97
Radioiodine therapy 45 Sodium, serum 170
in autonomous nodule 124-5, 126 Somatostatin 15
in cancer 133, 215-30, 234, 243 Sonography, see Ultrasound
in Graves' disease 105-13, 117, 124-5, 143, 163, Spinal accessory nerve 214
310-11,318 Spinal cord
in children 137, 138 metastases to 58-9,224
for ophthalmopathy 90, 111 TRH in 13,14
safety precautions with 228-30 Sternotomy 288
in substernal goitre 288 Steroid therapy
thyroid disease from 318-21 in Graves' ophthalmopathy 95, 96, 97
cancer 112, 124, 237, 304, 318-21 in myxoedema coma 179
hypothyroidism 106-9, 112, 117, 124-5, 163, and pituitary suppression 15, 299
304,319-20 in thyroid storm 143-4
Radioiodine uptake test 43-6 in thyroiditis 263, 268
Radionuclide imaging tests 43-55 Stress and Graves' disease 85
Radiotherapy, external Structure of thyroid 1-4, 16-17
in cancer 230-1,235, 238,240,246 Struma cordis 8
in Graves' ophthalmopathy 95-6, 97 Struma ovarii 9, 132,236-7
and thyroid disease 313-18 Subacute thyroiditis 129, 165, 263-8
cancer 194, 237, 304, 313-16, 317 tests for 58, 266-7
Raynaud's phenomenon 169 Subclavian artery 3
Receptor Substernal goitre 51-2,285-8
nuclear 27 Superior laryngeal nerve 3
TSH 16, 65, 83-5 Superior thyroid arteries 2-3
Regulation of thyroid function 12-16 Superior thyroid veins 3
Remnant ablation 217-19 Superior vena cava syndrome 234
Retinol-binding pro tein 22 Surgery
Riedel's thyroiditis 77, 273-4 in cancer 212-15,234,236,238,240,243-4
in Graves' disease 113-17, 138, 141
Salt, iodized 293 ophthalmopathy 96-7
Sarcoidosis 54 in Hashimoto' s thyroiditis 263
Schmidt's disease 171, 261 of hypothyroid patients 177
Index 331
of nodule 193-4, 204 in hypothyroidism 173-7, 178, 183, 184-5
autonomous 123-4, 125 in nodule 202-3
in substernal goitre 287-8 tissue resistance to 135, 183
total, tests of 35-40
T3 resin uptake test 37-8 in non-thyroidal illness 297-302
T3 suppression test 46-7, 121 in pregnancy 139-40
T3 toxicosis 9, 121 Thyroid peroxidase 18, 19, 47, 65, 102
Tachycardia 87 Thyroid receptor antibody (TRAb) 65, 83-5
Technetium uptake test 45-6 Craves' disease and 65,83-5, 100-1
Teratoma pyramidal lobe and 2
struma ovarii 9, 132, 236-7 Thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH) 12, 15-16
of testis 136 cancer and 317
Tests of thyroid function 34-67, 75 hyperthyroidism and 133-5
in organic non-thyroidal illness 297-9 lingual thyroid and 7
in psychiatrie illness 36,40,43,300-1 pyramidal lobe and 2
in screening programmes 180-1 receptor for 16
Tetracycline 202 antibody against 65,83-5
Thallium imaging test 54-5,232,242 tests for 34, 40-2, 46, 52
Thiocyanate ions 17, 18 non-thyroidal illness and 297, 298-9
Thrombocytopenia 88 psychiatrie illness and 300, 301
Thymus, irradiation of 313, 315 screening programmes with 181
Thyrocervical trunk 3 TRH and 13-14, 42-3
Thyroglobulin 4, 19 Thyroid storm (thyroid crisis) 46, 142-4
antibody against 65 clinical features of 86
as cancer marker 19,52,63-4,231-2 radioiodine therapy and 110, 143
iodination of 16, 17, 18, 19 treatment of 117, 143-4
structural defect in 19, 183, 283 Thyroidea ima artery 3
tests of 63-4 Thyroidectomy
Thyroglossal duct 5 in cancer 212-15,234,235,243-4
cancer in 236 in Hashimoto' s thyroiditis 263
cyst in 6-7, 78 whole-body scintigraphy following 52
patency of 6,273 Thyroiditis 257-76
Thyroid binding capacity (TBC) tests 37-8 acute 271-3
Thyroid binding globulin (TBC) 21-3, 35, chronic lymphocytic, see Hashimoto' s
37-8 thyroiditis
Thyroid crisis, see Thyroid storm diagnosis of 76, 77
Thyroid hormones postpartum 128-9,268-71
action of 27-8 radiation 110, 225, 274-5, 320
formation of 16-20, 26 Riedel's 77,273-4
antithyroid drugs and 17, 18, 101, 102-5 silent 76, 128, 165, 268-71
inborn errors of 166, 180, 182-3 subacute 58, 129, 165, 263-8
iodine deficiency and 291-2 Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis 86
metabolism of 23-4, 26 Thyrotoxicosis 82
overingestion of 127-8 factitious 127-8
peripheral effect of 66, 101, 105 hamburger 128
receptor for 27 see also Hyperthyroidism
serum transport of 21-3 Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) 12-15
stores of 4 tests for 14, 15, 42-3
therapy with in elderly patients 139
in cancer 203, 215 in psychiatrie illness 14, 43, 301
in Hashimoto's thyroiditis 262-3 Thyroxine (T4 ) 12, 15
332 Index
actions of 27-8 protein binding of 21-2,35,37-8
formation of 16-20,26 tests for 35-40, 46-7, 172
free (FT4 ) 21, 22-3, 34, 38-40, 181, 292, 298-9 non-thyroidal illness and 298-9
metabolism of 23-4, 26 therapy with 174, 178, 183-4
overingestion of 127-8 Trophoblastic tumour, hyperthyroidism from
protein binding of 21-3,35,298 135-6,140
tests of 34, 35-40 Truncus arteriosus 7
non-thyroidal illness and 298-9 TSH, see Thyroid stimulation hormone
psychiatrie illness and 36, 40, 300, 301 TSH stimulation test 46, 121
screening programmes with 180-1 Tyrosine 17, 18-19, 182
therapy with
in cancer 215 Ultrasound 55-7
in Hashimoto's thyroiditis 262-3 and ne edle aspiration 57, 61
in hypothyroidism 174-7, 178, 183, 184-5 of nodule 56-7, 197-9, 200-1
in nodule 202-3
Thyroxine binding prealbumin (TBPA) 21-3,35, Vagus nerve 3
37, 298 Vascular system of thyroid 2-3
Tissue dia gnosis 59-63 Vaseulitis 104-5
see also Needle aspiration Veins 3
TRH, see Thyrotropin releasing hormone Ventricular fibrillation 87
Triiodothyronine (T3) 12, 15 Viruses and subacute thyroiditis 263-4
actions of 27-8 Vitamin B12 deficiency 169
formation of 16-20,26 Vomiting 87-8
metabolism of 23-4, 26
overingestion of 127-8 Wolff-Chaikoff effect 20-1, 130, 165

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