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Detailed Lesson Plan

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Guiguinto



At the end of the session, the students must:
 Identify the elements of short story in the selection being read
 Share significant experiences related to courage and strong determination; and
 Perform differentiated task
CONTENT A Journey of a Thousand Kilometers by Marinellie N. Berin


 Opening Prayer
Everyone, please stand. Before Yes, ma’am/sir! Classmates, let us close
we begin today’s class, may I call our eyes and feel the presence of the
on someone to lead us with an Lord.
opening prayer?
(Students pray)
 Greetings
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ma’am/Sir! Good
Are you excited for today’s morning, classmates!
journey? Yes, Ma’am/ Sir! We are very excited
for today’s class.
Very well!
A. Preparatory activities
 Classroom Management
Before you take your seats, first,
pick up the pieces of trash in
your area. Make sure that your
chairs are aligned.
Thank you. You may now take
your seats.

 Checking of Attendance
To start with, Class Secretary, There are no absentees today,
how many absentees do we have ma’am/sir.
for today?
That’s great! Thank you!

B. Reviewing previous Class can you still remember our Yes ma’am! Yes ma’am. Our topic was
lesson or presenting new topic last week for our catch-up about Sonnet 29 by George Santayana.
lesson (ELICIT) day?
What did you learn about that We can be happy for being contented to
topic? all the blessings that we have in life.

Guiguinto National Vocational High School

Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Tel. No. (044) 806 - 6616
Detailed Lesson Plan

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Guiguinto


. That’s correct. Before we

proceed to our lesson, I would
like everyone to watch closely the
video clip to be flashed on the
Learners will watch a short video Learners will watch the video.
clip about contentment.

What did the two men do as they They walked through crossing the part
passed to the street flooded with of the street flooded with water without
water? bothering they would get wet.
He saw a boy with very nice shoes and
he got envious.

What did the boy do when it was He stopped and thought of a way to pass
his turn to pass through that through that street without being wet.
street flooded with water?
What inspiring behaviour did He has shown the attitude of being
the boy show in the video. efficient. He has used his courage and
C. Establishing a purpose for
strong determination to face challenges
the lesson (ENGAGE)
in life. He thought of a way to solve the
problem than being part of the problem.
This video has something to do
with our lesson for today which
is about the having courage and
determination in facing
challenges in life.

Our lesson for today is about a

short true-to-life story of a young (Students answers may vary.)
man who has faced struggles in
life during the covid-19 pandemic
D. Presenting examples /
instances of the new
lesson (ENGAGE)
Now, I will present to you the
actual picture of the main
character in the story. What can
you say about the character?

Guiguinto National Vocational High School

Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Tel. No. (044) 806 - 6616
Detailed Lesson Plan

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Guiguinto


E. Discussing new concepts To begin the discussion, I want The students will read every part of the
and practicing new skills volunteer to read each paragraph story orally while the rest of the class
#1 (EXPLORE) of the story. will read along silently. Students will
answer question for every paragraph
being read.

F. Discussing new concepts For every paragraph, I will be

and practicing new skills asking a volunteer to answer
#2 (EXPLORE) question based on the part being

G. Developing Mastery Comprehension question.

(Leads to Formative nd
Assessment) (EXPLAIN) 1. When and where did the 1.The story happened from Manila to
story take place? Samar during Covid-19 pandemic

2. Who is the main character 2.Peter Roncales. A 19-year old boy

in the story? Describe from Samar, Leyte.

3. Why did the main 3.He decided to go home to see his

character decide to go family again through riding his bicycle.
home? How did he do it?

4. What values should you 4.His courage and determination to see

emulate from the main his loved ones.
5.I felt inspired while reading the story.
5. What did you feel while
reading the story? 6.To inspire everyone not to lose hope
in time of struggles in life. We should
6. What do you think is the find a way to overcome challenges in
purpose of the author in life.
writing the story?

Guiguinto National Vocational High School

Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Tel. No. (044) 806 - 6616
Detailed Lesson Plan

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Guiguinto


H. Finding practical Can you relate some experiences (Answers may vary)
applications of concepts in your life to some part of
and skills in daily living Peter’s life?
I. Making generalizations What is the story all about? It is about contentment that brings us
and abstraction about the true happiness.
lesson (ELABORATE)
Perform differentiated tasks.
1. Prayer writing
2. Short poem composition
3. Slogan
4. Song writing
5. Role playing
J. Evaluating Learning
Content- 15 points
Creativity 10 points
Teamwork 10 points
Presentation 15 points

TOTAL 50 points
K. Additional Activities for
application or remediation

Prepared by:

Guiguinto National Vocational High School

Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan
Tel. No. (044) 806 - 6616

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