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Melissa Addyman


Melissa Addyman

LID Paraprofessional with seven years Western Governors University
of experience in a structured learning Bachelor of Arts, Special Education and Elementary
classroom. Comprehensive Education (Dual Licensure) - October 2023
knowledge of data collec on, CPI
training, and working with children in  Excellence Award for Application of Elementary
Special Educa on and General Visual and Performing Arts Methods
Educa on se ngs. Seeking to move
into a teaching posi on in Special
Educa on.  Excellence Award for Exemplary Work in the
Natural Science Lab

CONTACT  Active Member of Kappa Delta Pi


Burleson ISD - LID Paraprofessional
2017 - Present
Website goes here
Lil’ Raspberries – Childcare Owner
2001 - 2007
Available Upon Request

 EC-6 Core Passed

 Teachworthy Certification

 Capturing Kids’ Hearts 1

Melissa Addyman

ISTE Educator Standards

ISTE Educator Standards:

ISTE Student Standards:
2.1 Learner
1.1 Empowered Learner
*Educators improve their techniques and
*Students can use technology to be empowered
abili es by being open to learning from and
learners. It can be used by students as a way of being
with others. A willingness to explore proven
ac ve par cipants in their learning through choosing,
and promising prac ces when it comes to
achieving, and demonstra ng competency in their
technology use can boost student learning.

2.2 Leader
1.2 Digital Citizen
*Educators should look for ways to support the
*Students understand the opportuni es of the digital
empowerment and success of their students
world when it comes to learning, working, and daily
through leadership. This will improve their
living. They also understand the rights and
teaching and their students’ learning.
responsibili es that come with that access and use it in
ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.
2.3 Ci zen
*Teachers teach and mo vate students to be 1.3 Knowledge Constructor
part of the digital world in a posi ve and
*Students carefully find, choose, and categorize
responsible way.
informa on from a variety of resources, such as
finances, using digital tools to create knowledge,
ar facts, and make learning experiences that are
2.4 Collaborator
meaningful to them and others.
*Teachers use their me to work with
colleagues and students to be er prac ce,
discover new resources, share resources and 1.4 Innova ve Designer
ideas, and solve problems.
*Students use different technologies to develop
innova ve and crea ve problem-solving methods,
including iden fying a problem, the steps required to
solve the problem, and designing the solu on.
Melissa Addyman

2.5 Designer 1.5 Computa onal Thinker

*Teachers come up with learner-driven ac vi es *Students develop and use strategies to
and environments that accommodate the understand and solve problems in ways that
learner by providing differen a on and assis ve employ technology methods to develop and try
technologies, s mula ng interest and out solu ons.
engagement, and allowing the learner to
recognize how their academic works aligns with
their personal goals and build awareness of their 1.6 Crea ve Communicator
*Students communicate and express themselves
clearly and crea vely for various purposes using
various technologies such as pla orms, digital
2.6 Facilitator
cameras, audio and design so ware, style, and
*Teachers work with students to learn digital media that fit their goals.
technology for achievement of the ISTE
Standards for Students.
1.7 Global Collaborator
*Students use tools such as digital cameras, audio,
2.7 Analyst wri ng, and graphic design so ware to enrich and
*Teachers use data to support and drive their broaden their perspec ves and learning by working
instruc on to help students achieve their goals in effec vely with others locally and globally.
their learning.
Melissa Addyman

Noted similari es:

The ISTA standards for educators and students are meant to assist both the teacher and the student in
using technology responsibly to support student learning, solve problems, express their crea vity, work
with groups/teams, and help them become competent in using technology appropriately and

Both standards lay the founda on and basic standards for students' successful use of technology in ways
that will support their learning today.

Noted differences:

When it comes to the standards for educators, they are targeted toward providing students with
guidance and encouragement in developing skills to use technology in safe, produc ve, and responsible
ways. Standards are geared toward growing their students and empowering them. Student standards are
targeted at helping students become independent in using technology to support their learning, such as
communica ng with others, using technology crea vely, recognizing problems, and coming up with
solu ons. Educator standards are focused on teachers facilita ng, laying the founda on, and providing
instruc on. In contrast, student standards are focused on helping students learn to use technology
appropriately and safely for themselves and their be erment.
Melissa Addyman
Melissa Addyman

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