Evacuation Signage Note

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Every required sign designating an exit or way of exit access shall be so located and
of such size, color, and design as to be readily visible. No decorations, furnishing, or
equipment which impair visibility of an exit sign shall be permitted, nor shall there be
any brightly illuminated sign (for other than exit purposes), display, or object in or near
the line of vision to the required exit sign of such a character as to distract attention from
the exit sign.
4. A sign reading “EXIT” with an arrow indicating the direction shall be placed in every
location where the direction of travel to reach the nearest exit is not immediately
5. Every sign shall be distinctive in color and shall provide contrast with decorational
interior nish, or other signs.
6. Directional Sign Requirements. The sign shall have a height of three hundred millimeters
(300 mm) to six hundred millimeters (600 mm) from the oor to the line of vision and shall
have a narrow width of seventy-six millimeters (76 mm) painted on the wall by a photo-
luminescent paint or any equivalent material with photo-luminescent characteristic
pointing to the direction of the exit.
B. Illumination of Signs
1. Every sign shall be suitably illuminated by a reliable light source giving a value of not
less than ve thousandths (0.005) lumens per square centimeters on the illuminated
surface. Such illumination shall be continuous as required under this Section, and where
emergency lighting facilities are required, exit signs shall be illuminated from the same
2. Internally illuminated signs shall be provided in all occupancies where reduction of
normal illumination is permitted, such as in motion picture theaters.
3. Luminous directional signs shall comply with para “C” hereof.
C. Size of Signs
Every exit shall have the word “EXIT” in plainly legible letters not less than one hundred
fty millimeters (150 mm) in height, with the principal strokes of letters not less than nineteen
millimeters (19 mm) in width; except that in existing buildings, externally illuminated exit signs
having the word “EXIT” in plainly visible letters not less than one hundred fteen millimeters
(115 mm) in height, other than in places of assembly, may be continued in use. Other
signages required by this Rule shall be of the same dimension, unless otherwise provided.


A. An emergency evacuation plan shall be posted on strategic and conspicuous locations in
the building containing the following basic information:
1. “You Are Here/ room number/ building” Marking
2. Fire Exits
3. Primary Route to Exit (Nearest to the viewer)
4. Secondary Route to Exit (Second nearest to the viewer)
5. Fire alarm pull stations and annunciators
6. Fire extinguishers/ hose cabinets
7. Emergency Light
8. First Aid Kits locations (if applicable)
9. Emergency Call stations (if applicable)
10. Areas of safe refuge (for high-rise building)
11. Assembly areas instructions
12. “In Case of Emergency” instructions
B. This shall be drawn with a photo-luminescent background to be readable in case of power

C. It shall conform with the standard design format provided in this RIRR with the minimum
dimension of:
1. Two hundred fteen and nine tenths millimeters (215.9 mm) height by three hundred
thirty and two tenths millimeters (330.2 mm) width if mounted on every rooms/spaces
with fty square meters (50 m2) oor area and below;
2. Four hundred fty-seven and two tenths millimeters (457.2 mm) height by six hundred
nine and six tenths millimeters (609.6 mm) width if mounted on rooms/spaces fty-one
square meters (51 m2) to one hundred fty square meters (150 m2) oor area including
building lobbies upon entry, elevator lobbies at every oor, hallways and corridors
on every bend/corner or at every fteen meters (15 m) interval in the case of long
hallways; or
3. Six hundred nine and six tenths millimeters (609.6 mm) height by nine hundred fourteen
and four tenths millimeters (914.4 mm) width if mounted on rooms/spaces one hundred
fty-one square meters (151 m2) oor area and above provided that it shall be mounted
on multiple locations within the open space such as upon entry to the building, areas of
assembly, or at every twenty- ve meters (25 m) interval in the case of auditoriums and
D. Symbols/icons/logos to be used for the marking shall be in accordance with NFPA 170,
Standard for Signs and Symbols.
E. The wall mounted maps shall be oriented to correspond to the actual oor layout as
perceived by the viewer.



A. Where required by any individual occupancy of RA 9514 and its RIRR, construction and
compartmentation shall apply to new, existing, permanent or temporary buildings.
B. Appropriate provisions of the latest edition of National Building Code of the Philippines
(NBCP) shall be used to determine the requirements for the construction classi cation.
C. The design and construction of re walls and re barrier that are required to separate the
buildings or subdivide the building to prevent the spread of re shall comply with Section 602,
Fire Resistive Standards of the latest edition of NBCP, and NFPA 5000, Building Construction
and Safety Code.
D. In high rise buildings and healthcare occupancy building, a quality assurance program
for devices and systems installed to protect penetration and joints shall be conducted by
an approved inspection agency in accordance with American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) E2393, Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive
Joint Systems and Perimeter Fire Barriers.
E. Required re resistive construction, including re barriers, re wall, exterior walls due to
location on property, re resistive requirements based on type of construction, draft-stop
partition, and roof coverings shall be maintained and shall be immediately repaired,
restored or replaced where damaged, altered, breached, penetrated, removed or
improperly installed.
F. Fire-rated gypsum wallboard for walls or ceiling that are damaged to the extent that
openings exist shall be replaced or returned to the required level of re resistance using a
listed repair system or using materials and methods equivalent to the original construction.
G. Where readily accessible, required re resistance-rated assemblies in high rise buildings
shall be inspected at least once every three (3) years.
H. The person responsible for the conduct of inspection shall demonstrate appropriate
technical knowledge and experience in re resistance rated design and construction
acceptable to the Chief BFP or his/her duly authorized representative.
I. A written report prepared by the person responsible for conducting the inspection shall be
submitted to the C/MFM having jurisdiction, documenting the result of visual inspection.
J. A certi cation of re stopping in accordance with any of the following promulgated rules
and regulations of PD 1096, National Building Code of the Philippines; NFPA 251, Standard
Method of Test of Fire Resistance of Building Construction and Materials; American National

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