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Coffee break button (coffee_break) - "Adds a button to a working dweller which can

be used to send a dweller to a coffee break."

No destroy restrcitions (destroy_any_room) - "Destroy any kind of room anywhere."

Disable automatic camera movement. (disable_auto_camera_movement) - "Disable

automatic camera movement (to incidents, etc.)."

Disable rats (disable_rats) - "Disable rats appearing in empty rooms."

100% scraping rate (full_recycle) - "Scraping items gives their crafting


Instant breeding (instant_breeding) - "Dwellers mate instantly."

Instant crafting (instant_crafting) - "Crafting rooms craft instantly."

Instant child growup (instant_growup) - "Child dwellers grow up instantly."

Instant quest travel (instant_quest_travel) - "Quest teams travel instantly."

Instant room rushes (rush_instant) - "Rushes are instant."

Instant training (instant_training) - "Instant training."

Instant wasteland quests (instant_wasteland_quests) - "Exploring dwellers find a

random quest as soon as they leave the vault."

Instant wasteland exporer return (instant_wasteland_return) - "Exploring dwellers

return instantly to the vault."

Allow more MrHandies per floor (remove_1_mr_handy_cap) - "Multiple MrHandies are

allowed on the same floor."

Mysterious stranger (mysterious_stranger_time) - "Change the timing of the

MysteriousStranger. Requires additional configuration."
More info:
The config has the following parameters:
mode: The way the following parameters are used. Possible values are "Seconds"
(times are in seconds) and "Multiplier" (times are used as multipliers to change
the times).
time_to_appear: Time for the stranger to appear.
time_to_hide: Time for the stranger to hide.

No breeding restrictions (no_breeding_restrictions) - "Family relations doesn't

matter when dwellers are finding partners."

Disable controller vibration. (disable_controller_vibration) - "No controller


No living quarter limits (no_vault_dweller_limit) - "Living quarters doesn't limit

the number of dwellers you can have."

Remove MrHandy cap limit. (remove_wasteland_mrhandy_caps_limit) - "MrHandies can

collect infinite amount of caps."

No random incidents (no_random_incidents) - "No random vault incidents."

No room build restrictions (no_room_build_restrictions) - "Every room is unlocked
by default."

Remove resources limit (remove_vault_storage_limits) - "Infinite storage count

which doesn't depend on storage rooms."

Allow pet bonus modification (allow_pet_bonus_modification) - "Disable pet data

verification to be able to edit it."

No wasteland explorer limit (remove_wasteland_dweller_limit) - "Have as many

exploring dwellers in the wasteland as you like."

Produce quantum (produce_quantum) - "Nuka factories produce quantum instead of food

and water."
More info:
One cycle takes 30 minutes, which can be reduced by 15 minutes with higher
Endurance levels. The nuka production is based on the room upgrade level and the
merge level. Each upgrade level adds +1 quantum and production is multiplied by the
merge level.

Remove 200 dweller cap (remove_200_dweller_cap) - "Removes the 200 dweller cap,
however this can impact performance."

Remove pet count caps (remove_pet_count_caps) - "Removes pet limitations (equip

every dweller with pets in the same room)."

Rushes never fail (rush_never_fails) - "Rushes never fail."

Skip objectives (skip_more_objectives_per_day) - "Skip more than 1 objective per


Training config (training_modifier) - "Change settings of training"

Unlimited resources (unlimited_resources) - "Unlimited resources (caps, water,

food, etc, all of them are configurable)."

Remove wasteland MrHandy cap (remove_wasteland_mrhandy_cap) - "Send as many

MrHandies to the Wasteland as you want."

Remove stimpacks/radaway caps (remove_wasteland_stimpacks_radaways_cap) - "Equip as

many stimpacks and radaways to exploring and questing dwellers as you like."

No explorer limits (remove_quest_team_limit) - "Send as many dwellers to the

wasteland as you like."

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