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Modal dan Modal Perfect

Modal adalah bagian dari auxiliary verb(kata kerja Bantu), sehingga dapat diperlakukan seperti kata kerja bantu.
Adapun fungsinya untuk memberikan tambahan arti pada kata kerja yang disertai. Modal selalu diikuti kata kerja
dasar( infinitive without to).

A. Modal
1. Can
a. Menyatakan kemampuan (ability). Contoh: She can speak three languages.
b. Menyatakan ijin (permission). Contoh: Can I borrow your dictionary?

2. Could
a. Menyatakan kemampuan pada waktu lampau. Contoh: She could swim well when she was young.
b. Menyatakan kemungkinan di waktu mendatang. Contoh : I could wear jeans in the wedding party next
c. Menyatakan ijin (permission). Contoh: Could I use this toilet?

3. May
a. Menyatakan ijin (permission). Contoh: May I read this book?
b. Menyatakan kemungkinan (possibility). Contoh: He may come late this morning.

4. Might
a. Merupakan bentuk lampau dari may. Contoh: He said that he might come late.
b. Menyatakan kemungkinan besar (strong possibility). Contoh: She might be at home today.

5. Must
a. Menyatakan kepastian/penyimpulan (deduction). Contoh: The students must be tired after working all
day long.
b. Menyatakan kebutuhan (necessity). Contoh: We must eat nutritious food.

6. Should
a. Menyatakan kewajiban moral/social (obligation). Contoh: You should do that because you have promised
b. Menyatakan harapan (expectation). Contoh: You should be able to do this at the end of the lesson.
c. Menyatakan saran (advice/suggestion). Contoh: You should study hard to pass the exam.

B. Modal Perfect.
a. Must + have + Verb3/been (pasti telah…).
Untuk menyatakan kepastian tentang sesuatu yang terjadi pada waktau lampau (past conclusion). Contoh:
The oil was frozen. It must have been very cold last night.

b. Might + have + Verb3/been (mungkin telah …).

Untuk menyatakan kemungkinan pada waktu lampau (past possibility). Contoh: Desty came late this morning,
she might have missed the bus.

c. Should + have + Verb3/been = Ought to + have + verb3/been (seharusnya telah …)

Untuk menyatakan saran yang seharusnya dilakukan pada waktu lampau (past suggestion). Contoh: Lena has
an examination today but she saw the film last night; she should have been studying for her exam last night.

d. Could + have + Verb3/been ( sebenarnya bisa ….).

Untuk menyatakan kemampuan pada waktu lampau tetapi tidak terlaksana atau tidak dilakukan. Contoh: We
did not go last night. We could have gone to the cinema but we decided to stay at home.

1. “Does Anto know that Mirna had an accident yesterday?”

“I don’t think so. We … as soon as we knew it.”
a. may have told him d. must have told him.
b. should have told him e. had better tell him
c. had to tell him

2. “Was John accepted at Astra?”

“He might have been; I haven’t seen him around for some time”.
From the above sentence we may conclude that he …
a. refuses to work for Astra.
b. is not working for Astra
c. is still unemployed
d. was certainly accepted
e. was probably accepted.

3. Everybody was disappointed by the game last night. They all thought the team … much better than they did.
a. should play d. would play
b. could have played e. ought to play.
c. may have played

4. He asked me whether he … my car to go to the party.

a. could borrow d. may borrow
b. might borrow e. would borrow
c. ought to borrow

5. I could not find the museum you told me about. I … the wrong bus.
a. must have taken d. would have taken
b. should have taken e. ought to take
c. should take

6. I did not know there was a test yesterday. You … me about it.
a. would have told d. could tell
b. should tell e. should have told
c. might have told

7. “I’m sorry I was not able to finish typing your paper.”

“Well, it was my fault, I … you with so much works.”
a. might not have burdened
b. had not burdened
c. should not have burdened
d. would not burden
e. could not have burdened

8. Harry could not pay the school fee because his father was unemployed. “his rich uncle … him with his school
a. may support
b. should have supported
c. would have supported
d. will have supported
e. might support

9. There was so much noise next door. Our neighbour … from their vacation abroad.
a. may come back
b. would have come back
c. is supposed to come back
d. must have come back
e. ought to come back
10. Rita has just missed the plane to Medan. She ... at the airport at least two hours before the departure.
a. was d. has to be
b. should be e. must have been
c. should have been

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