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[Assimilation Alex] Codes (0501-0600)

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1. ... top and bottom of any ramp. 21. 1 truck Minimum loading slot requirement for Hospitals
loading and hotels.
2. 0.60 - 0.75 Standard width of a wheelchair.
22. 2.00 mts Under the NBC, the minimum dimension for court
3. 0.60 mtr. Maximum projection of a balcony over a
or near yard from the property line to the face of
street of over 3 meters but not more than 6
the building is
23. 2.00 mts Under the NBC, all inner courts shall be
4. 0.65 sqm. The unit area per occupant for theaters.
connected to a street or yard either by a pass
5. 0.70 - 1.20 How many meters above the floor is the with a minimum width of
mts. comfortable reach of persons confined to a
24. 2.50x5.00 Under the NBC, for Group A Dwellings, stairs
shall have a clear width of at least
6. 0.74 mts. How many meterd is the comfortable
25. 3.00 mts Under the NBC, the interior lots shall have an
clearance for knee and leg space under
access road with a minimum width of
tables for wheelchair users.
26. 3.00 mts Under the NBC, clearance between established
7. 1.00 mtr. Maximum projection of a balcony over a
grade of the street and/ or sidewalk and the
street of 10 mts to less than 11 mts in width.
lowest under surface of any part of the balcony
8. 1/5. Under the NBC, of only two exits are shall not less than
required, they shall be placed a distance
27. 3.00 mts Under the NBC, display windows or wall signs
apart of not less than what fraction of?
within how many meters above the sidewalk
9. 1/8 living Parking requirement for multi-family living
28. 3.00 mts. Multiple living units of up to 6 units built on the
units units of up to 50 sqm of living unit area.
same lot shall have an access road directly
10. 1.10 - 1.30 Standard length of a Wheelchair. connecting said building to a public street a
mts. width of.
11. 1:12 In B.P. 344, the maximum slope a ramp is. 29. 3.50 mts. Turnabout should also be provided at or whithin
12. 1.20 mts Under the NBC, every corridor and exterior how many meters of dead end.
exit balcony servings as a required exit for an 30. 3.60 mts Under the NBC, the vertical distance between
occupant load of more than ten width shall landings shall not be more than
not be less than
31. 4 Number of wheelchair seating for an assembly
13. 1.40 sqm. The unit area per occupant for dining seating capacity of 51-300.
32. 4.50 mts. Maximum spacing of posts for 2-story wooden
14. 1/50 sqm of Parking requirement for places of worhip. structure with a height of 8 mts.
33. 4.50 mts. Maximum height of 1st the floor for a 2-story
wood structure with a height of 7 mts.
15. 1/50 sqm of Parking requirement for amusement centers.
34. 5.00 mts Under the NBC, a building in R-1 zone shall
gross floor
comply with the open space requirement in the
form of
16. 1.80 mts. Under B.P. 344, a level area of not less than
35. 5 units Under the NBC, residential hotels and apartels
how many meters shall be provided at the
shall be provided with one parking slot for every
17. 1.80 mts Under the NBC, mezzanine floors shall have a how many units?
clear ceiling height not less than how many?
36. 6.00 mts. Under the NBC, parking areas for the physically
18. 1/100 sqm of Parking requirement for neigborhood handicapped shall be within how many meters in
shopping flr shopping centers. length?
37. 6 m2 Under the NBC, rooms for human habitation shall
19. 1/150 sqm of Parking requirement for markets. have a minimum size of
shopping flr
38. 8.00 mts. Front yards for commercial buildings abutting a
road-right-of-way of 25-29 meters shall have a
20. 1/living unit Parking requirement for multi-family living minimum width of
units of more than 100 sqm of living unit area.
39. 9.3 Under the NBC, the unit area per occupant of offices 58. Accessory Under what classification of occupancy does
m2 is fences of over 1.80 mts in height fall?
40. 10% Under the NBC, window openings shall equal to at 59. Accessory Under what classification of occupancy does
least of what percent of the floor area of room? private garage fall?
41. 12.00 Offices shall be provided how many cubic meters of 60. Apartment A room or suite of two or more rooms,
cum. air per person? designed and intended for , or occupied by one
family for living, sleeping, eating, and cooking
42. 14 Under the NBC, habitable rooms with natural
cu. ventilation shall have a minimum air space per person
mts. of 61. Balcony A portion of the seating space of an assembly
room, the lowest part of which is raised 1.20 mts
43. 18.60 The unit area per occupant for hotels.
or more above the level of the main floor.
62. Barbecue A stationary open hearth or brazier, either fuel-
44. 20% Under the NBC, open spaces inside lots is
fired or electric, used for food preparation.
45. 20% Percentage required for number of parking if parking
63. Business Under what classification of occupancy does
garages are available within 200 meters of structure.
and Aircraft hagars fall?
46. 20% Under the NBC, areas where adequate parking lots/ mercantile
multi-floor parking garages are available within 200
64. Business Under what classification of occupancy does
mts. of the proposed building / structures only what
and police and fire stations fall?
percent of the parking requirements maybe provided
within the premises?
65. Business Printing plants shall be classified under what
47. 25 Under the NBC, hospitals shall have one parking slot
and type of occupancy.
for every how many beds?
48. 50% Under the NBC, space required for interior lots is
66. business & Under the NBC, gasoline filling and service
49. 60 Minimum travel distance from handicapped parking to mercantile stations shall classified under what occupancy
mts. facility being served. classification?
50. 80% Under the NBC, a dwelling shall occupy not more 67. business & Under the NBC, printing plants shall be
than how many percent of an inside non-corner single mercantile classified under what occupancy classification?
frontage lot?
68. business & Under the NBC, reformatories shall be classified
51. 120 A building permit shall expire if work authorized is mercantile under what occupancy classification
days abandoned or suspended at any time after
69. Chimney The pipe which connects a flue-burning
/4 commencement for a period of.
connector appliance to a chimney.
70. Corridor A long interior passageway providing access to
52. 185 Under the NBC, a mezzanine floor use other than for
several rooms.
sm. storage purposes shall have at least two stairways to
an adjacent floor is the area greater than? 71. Course A continuous horizontal layer of masonry units.
53. 500 Arcades shall be cantilevered from the building line 72. Cross wall A term which may be used synonymously with a
mm over the sidewalk and the horizontal clearance partition.
between the curb line and the outermost face of any
73. Curb A raised rim of concrete, stone or metal which
part of the arcade shall not be less than.
forms the edge of street, sidewalk, etc.
54. 750 Under the NBC, for Group A Dwellings, stairs shall
74. Fireplace A hearth and fire chamber or similarly prepared
mm have
place in which a fire may be made and which is
55. 750 Under the NBC, the minimum requirements for a built in conjunction with a chimney.
mm parking space is
75. . Fire Under the NBC abutment on lot lines are
56. 800 Sidewalks of 2 mts or more in width shall include on its zones allowed only in
mm outer side a planting strip of not less than how many
76. Footing That portion of the foundation of a structure
/ millimeters in width?
which spreads and transmits loads directly to
the ground or soil.
77. Girder A horizontal structural piece which supports the
57. a. Under the NBC, open spaces for corners and through
end of the floor beams or joists or walls over
10% lots is
78. Helistop Same as heliport except that no refueling, 97. storage& Under the NBC, cold storage shall be
maintenance, repairs, or storage of mercantile classified under what occupancy
helicopters is permitted. classification?
79. Industrial Under what classification of occupancy does 98. Suportales The vertical supports, such as posts or
factories and workshops using incombustible stanchions, as used in indigenous or
and non-explosive materials. traditional type of construction.
80. Industrial Power plants shall be classified under what 99. System Under the NBC, general units of measurement
type of occupancy. International on consonance with the current worldwide
practice follow the
81. Industrial Under what classification of occupancy does
cold storage and creameris fall? 100. Vault Any surface or underground construction
covered on top, or any fire-proof
82. industrial Under the NBC, factories using not highly
construction intended for the storage of
combustible materials shall be classified
under occupancy classification?
83. Institutional Under what classification of occupancy does
Mental Hospitals fall?
84. Institutional Reformatories shall be classified under what
type of occupancy.
85. institutional Under the NBC, prisons shall be classified
under what occupancy classification
86. Magna Carta R.A. 7277
for Disabled
87. minimum The purpose of the NBC is to provide for all
buildings and structures, a framework of
standards and requirements which is the
88. residential, Under the NBC, convents shall be classified
hotels and under what occupancy classification?
89. Residentials, Under what classification of occupancy does
hotels and Monasteries fall?
90. Residentials, Convents shall be classified under what type
hotels and of occupancy.
91. Safety Accessibility, reachability, usability, orientation,
workability and efficiency, and ___ are the
basic planning requirements of BP344.
92. Storage and Under what classification of occupancy does
hazardous Aircraft repair hangars fall?
93. Storage and Repair garages shall be classified under what
hazardous type of occupancy.
94. Storage and Under what classification of occupancy does
hazardous wood working establishements fall?
95. storage & Under the NBC, repair garages shall be
hazardous classified under what occupancy
96. storage & Under the NBC, power plants shall be
hazardous classified under what occupancy

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