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LESSON 1 Understanding Instructional Resources

Instructional resources provide information and tools to draw upon in order to support teaching
and learning activities. This lesson is designed to help you in understanding the different
instructional resources and its application to teaching and learning. Specifically, the objectives of
this lesson are the following;
•discuss the importance of instructional resources for teaching and learning;
•identify the different types of instructional resources; and
•analyze how these resources are applied in teaching and learning.

Education Theory
*Instructional resources are the keys to achieving the lesson goals and objectives. It is a broad
range of materials that can be used to facilitate effective teaching. Any resource or material that
help teachers in teaching is considered as instructional resources. In a learner centered
environment, teachers need to have access to a wide range of instructional resources) in order to
better help students in the development of their knowledge, skills, and attitudes and to provide
them with meaningful experiences that will support them in learning.

Studies have shown that instructional resources have great implication to teaching and
learning (Nacario 2014; Okongo 2015; Olayinka 2016 Maharaj-Sharma 2017). To
ensure a meaningful and effective delivery of the lesson, it is essential for teachers to consider
the relevance, quality, and currency of instructional resources to be used. In selecting
instructional resources, it is also important for teachers to ensure that it is tailored to the content
of the lesson to be taught and to the learning style of students. As what Shulman (1986) said,
learners are unlikely to appear in the classroom as blank slates, hence, it important to consider
the knowledge and capability of the learner in choosing instructional resources to be used in
teaching and learning activities.

There are varieties of instructional resources that are commonly used to aid teaching and learning
activities; these include;
1. digital laming resources (digital media, documents in digital formats, software and
applications, websites);
2. non-digital learning resources (printed materials such as textbooks, work books,
research journals etc.);
3. graphic organizers or Visual presentations; and
4. teacher-made resources (improvised teaching materials).

In Addition to these resources, the DepEd has also adopted the implementation of the Learning
Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) where teachers can Access lesson
exemplars, teacher’s guides, and curriculum guides that will help them in the Delivery of the
lesson in a particular grade level.

Educational Researches and Literatures
Educational researches and literatures are used as standard sources of information to Support
formal studies as well as the validity of the content of lessons to be taught. This lesson Will help
you in understanding how research and literatures are used in instructional planning Specifically,
the objectives of this lesson are the following:

•Discuss the significance of using research and literatures in instructional planning and
•Analyze how these resources can help improve instruction and student learning.

Education Theory
Educational research such as research journals are academic researches that are usually Peer-
reviewed or refereed and have undergone the scrutiny of experts in a specific field prior to
Publication whereas literatures are written works such as textbooks, manuscripts, workbooks,
Guidebooks, and other printed materials that are published and deemed to have artistic or
Intellectual values. These instructional resources provide a wide range of theoretical principles
And concepts that will further enhance teachers’ technological, pedagogical, and content
Knowledge (TPCK) in a particular discipline.

Educational researches and literatures are useful resources for teachers in order to have a
Comprehensive and relevant material that will support the content and delivery of their lesson
Plans, It is a collection of knowledge where teachers can draw a lot of information about
Teaching and learning approaches. Research and literatures contains relevant information that
Can be used to support the validity of content to be taught and pedagogical strategies to be Used.
It presents new knowledge based on research findings and experts opinions that can help
Improve the content of a particular subject matter to be taught including appropriate strategies
And approaches to improve student learning. In choosing appropriate resources for your lesson,
it is important to consider its content And make sure that is aligned with the course syllabus and
the teaching principles required in The delivery of the K to 12 Curriculum.

LESSON 3 Digital Media Resources

Digital media is an ICT-based instructional resource used to improve instruction. This Lesson
will help you in understanding digital media integrated in the teaching and learning Process.
Specifically, the objectives of this lesson are the following:

•Discuss what is the use of digital media in teaching and learning;

•Analyze how digital media can improve student learning; and
•Create digital media to support instruction.

Education Theory
Digital media is an ICT-based instructional resource that can be created and preserved In digital
formats. In today’s era of digital technology, it is relatively easy to create audio and Video
materials using tablets and smartphones and share them to other digital devices or online Where
they can be accessed by audiences worldwide.
Digital media is seen as a potential to transform the teacher’s pedagogical technique and
Students” learning process. Unlike traditional resources (printed texts and images), digital media
Is more flexible since it can be modified and reproduced easily. Searching text from an e-book
For example is way lot easier compared to browsing each textbook page. It will also help them In
analyzing what is being taught and encourage them to think critically and creatively.
The following are some forms of digital media that can be used by teachers as resources To
enhance teaching and learning activities:

•Digital videos;
•Digital audios;
•Digital images;
•electronic documents;
•social media;
•video games;
•Open Educational Resources (OERs); and
•Application software.

Using digital media for teaching and learning requires skills and competency on the Use of ICT
tools. Since much of digital resources are now available online, it is essential for Teachers to
evaluate and validate first the digital media content to be used to make sure that it Is appropriate
for the learners’ need.

Graphic Organizers as Resources for Visual Presentation
 A graphic organizer is a type of visual presentation used to demonstrate relationship of
Facts and ideas with the lesson being taught. This topic will guide you in understanding
how Graphic organizers will help improve instruction. Specifically, the objectives of this
lesson are The following:
•Observe how graphic organizers and visual presentations are being used for teaching And
•Discuss the important benefits of using graphic organizers and visual presentations To students;
•Integrate graphic organizers and visual presentations in lesson plans.

Education Theory
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words; we make meaning out of pictures and
Translate abstract images into realistic ones. According to 3M Visual Systems Division (1997),
Visual aids have been found to have improved learning by up to 400 percent. Hence, using
Graphic organizers as instructional resources can help improve teaching and learning activities.
In a study conducted by Johal (2011), he concluded that the use of mind mapping in Teaching
mathematics has made learning enjoyable and fun, it helped learners gain a deeper
Understanding of the mathematics topics and have improved their mathematics achievement.
This means that graphic organizers such as mind mapping and the likes are useful resources for

*Graphic organizer and visual presentations are communication tools used to present and
Demonstrate the relationship of facts and ideas related to the lesson being taught. It serves a
Guide for learners and helps them develop creative and critical thinking skills as it encourages
visual analysis of the concept map or diagram being presented. Graphic organizers can be used
During brainstorming of ideas, motivating learners, and in assessing student learning, Some
Examples of graphic organizers are the following:
•Concept maps;
•Mind maps;
•Venn diagram;
•How charts;
•Tables; and

Teacher-made Instructional Resources

Teacher-made resources are instructional resources developed or modified by teachers Based on

the learning style of students. This lesson will help you in understanding how teacher. Made
resources can improve student learning. Specifically, the objectives of this lesson are the

•Discuss the significance of teacher-made resources to student learning and

•Analyze how to develop and produce instructional resources.

Education Theory
Finding and collecting instructional resources is one of the greatest challenges for teachers, Often
times, teachers encounter difficulty in preparing instructional plans due to the lack of Available
materials, access to technology, and financial support. As a teacher, it is essential to Have access
to a wide range of instructional resources for effective teaching.

There are many excellent materials that are ready to use for instruction, However, in A learner-
centered classroom setting, the students are the primary consideration in designing Instructional
plans. Each student or group of students has its own unique ability and learning Style which
requires instructional methodologies and resources that are suited to their own Learning style. As
such, teachers need to develop and produce appropriate instructional Resources that will meet the
lesson objective.

Developing and producing your own instructional resources is one way of contextualizing
Instruction. In the absence of ready-made resources, teachers can use available indigenous
Materials to support the delivery of the lesson, Teacher-made resources can be in the form of
Graphic organizers, handouts, visual aids, worksheets, and among others.

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