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Past continuous (I was doing) ‘Sead thi example situation Yesterday Karen and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 o'clock and finished at 11.30, So, a 10.30 they were playing tennis “They were playing = they were in the middle of playing, They had not finished playing Wasiwere ing isthe past continous: playing doing king et: hesherr_ was welyourthey were 8) was inthe middle of doing something a a certain time, The action ot Situation had already started before this time, but had not finshed: started doing, Las doing finished doing ast past Trou 1 This time lase year Iwas living in Beal 15 What were you doing at 10 oloc las night? 1 I waved ro Helen, but she wasn looking, Compare the past continuous (1 was doing) and pase simple (di) Past continwous (i the middle ofan action) Pas sip (complete action) 8 L was walking home when I met Dave 1 walked home after the party lastnight {in the middle ofan action) completely) Kate was watching television when Kate watched television a lot when she wwe arrived, was ill ase year We often use the past simple and the past continuous together to say cha something happened in the middle of something ele: 12 Matt phoned while we were having dinner. 1 Iwas eaining when I got up. © I saw you inthe park yesterday. You were siting on the grass and reading « hook. 1 T hurt my back while I was working inthe garden. But we use te pas simple ro say that one thing happened after another: 1 was walking along the road when I saw Dave. So stopped, and we had a chat. Compare: 15 When Karen arived, we were having | 3 When Karen atrived, we had dinner dlinnee. (= we had already started before (= Karen arrived, and then we had she arsived) dinnes) Some verbs (for example, know and want) are not normally used in the continuous (see Unit 4A): ‘We were good fiends, We knew each other well. (nor We were knowing) 1 Twas enjoying the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (not was wanting) Exercises Unit 6 61 62 6a 4 What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as in the examples. The past continuous is not always necessary (see the second example). 1 (at 8 o'clock vesterday evening) ets. heving. dame. - 2 (at S o'lock last Monday) 85. on a. bus. n my. ny heme tnt 3 (at 10.15 yesterday moring) mene nnn cn 4 (at 4.30 this morning = (ae 7-45 yesterday’ evening) (half an hour ago} Use your own ideas to compete the sentences. Use the past continuous. Matt phoned while we ere having. dinner ‘The doorbell rang while ‘We saw an accident while we Ann fel asleep while she ‘The television was on, but nobody Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple L988, (se) Sue in town 1 lemcet) Tom 1 (eyele) home meron sciliwatiedyent dor |rouywiatcan Si crvaiaa [ouaagc ty = ie eat (Dicker idl evoditon soe onntlag oe oes Howse) |i cg a chat while we (set For our Highs, (manage) to stop in time and — (noe! hi) him. Put the verb intathe correct form, past continuous or past simple 1 Jenny 285. aitorg._ wait) for me when L980... arrive) 2 Whar (you / do) at cis time yesterday?" “Twas asleep.” 3 (you! go) out lastnight” "No, Iwas t00 ceed.” 4 How fast (you / drive) when the accident Ihappenl? 5 Sam (cake) a photograph of me while 1 {n0t/ look! 6 We were in avery difficult postion, We [not / know) what v0 do. 7 Thaven't seen Alan for ages, When I last (see) him, he (try) to find a job. st (walk) along the stoet when suddenly 1 — hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody nnn (follow) me, Lwas seared

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