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The Prep School

Dear Parents,
By bringing real-life context to the curriculum through
RESEARCH-BASED approach, we believe that our students can be
encouraged to become independent workers, critical thinkers, and
lifelong learners. You are requested to help your child enjoy the
experience of researching and gathering the required information
with reference to this project. You are pertinently informed that no
written answers are required at all. However, a healthy oral
classroom discussion by students and a multimedia presentation is
scheduled as a follow-up.

1. What is the meaning of the word ‘Eid?
2. How many Eids do Muslims celebrate each year?
3. Which Eid is celebrated after the month of Ramadan?
4. Which Eid is celebrted in Zil Hajj?
5. Why do Muslims celebrate Eid ul Azha?
6. What does the word sacrifice mean?
7. What is the purpose of sacrifice on Eid?
8. Who were Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail(AS)?
9. Which animals are slaughtered on Eid for sacrifice?
10. How can we take care of animals we buy for sacrifice?
11. What safety rules you think we should follow when taking care of animals?
12. What is the best use of meat on Eid ul Azha?
13. How can we help others on Eid ul Azha?
14. What do you like best about Eid ul Azha?
15. How is Eid ul Azha different from Eid ul Fitr?

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