LESSON PLAN P.E Q4 - (Active Recreation) 2022-2023

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S.Y. 2022-2023

Date: May 22 ,2023

Subject: MAPEH 9
Component: Physical Education
MELC: Discusses the nature and background of recreational activities PE9GS-Iva-6
Participate in active recreation PE9GS-IVB-h-7
Grade: 9 Honesty, Humility, Charity, Integrity, and Nobility
Grading period: 4TH
Schedule: Monday- Friday


The way we live our life in an everyday basis id your lifestyle. These are the patterns of your behavior on
how you typically live. It includes eating habits, physical activity, participation, and recreational choice.
Do you belong to the “technology generation?”. Well, these are the people who choose to spend time in
front of the computer rather than playing sports, walking, and moving around.
Today’s teenagers are seen at places like fast food chains indulging with unhealthy food such as fries,
burgers, and drinking too much sugary drinks that causes obesity.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 Describe the nature and background of outdoor recreational activities.
 Engage in a regular physical activity.
II. Subject Matter:
A. MAPEH 9: Active Recreation (Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Activities)
B. Materials Needed:
 Lesson plan
 Textbook
 Laptop- PowerPoint presentations
 TV Monitor
C. 60 mins/period

III. Procedures:
A. *Prayer
*Checking of attendance
*Remind the learners about the classroom rules:
Establish safe a nd secure learning.
Safety rules :
 Always wear face mask.
 Sanitize your hand with alcohol as needed.
 Always keep your social distancing.
Non-Verbal communication ( using hand signal only):
 Be quite
 Always Listen
 Fix your eyes
 Put your hands on the desk
 Raise your hand if you have something to say/you want to answer

Cheering Challenge: Special Edition ------------with props

B. Review of Past Lesson: Don’t Break the Chain Challenge: In or Out

Topic: Physical Education: Active Recreation( Indoor Recreational Activities)
 Name the some indoor recreational activities

C . Vocabulary time: Unlocking Difficulties

*English integration – unlocking difficult words; correct spelling and pronunciation
 Recreation- activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.
Synonyms: leisure, fun, enjoyment, entertainment ,pleasure
Tagalog: Libangan
 Activity-something you do, or just the state of doing
Synonyms: task, hobby, interest, or pastime
Tagalog: aktibidad, kilos
 Benefit-something that helps you or good result
Synonyms: good, gain,or advantage or profit
Tagalog: Benepisyo

I.MOTIVATION: Picture puzzle

 Solve the mystery box for 5 minutes only.
 Unlock MYSTERY BOX by following the direction given inside the box.
 Inside the mystery box are tasks to accomplish and reward.
Materials needed:
 Manila paper
 Masking type
 Marking pen
 Scissors

DRRMS integration:

Picture puzzle:


• Learner must have a cardboard and a chalk.

• Identify the name of the recreational activity by writing the answer in the cardboard.
• In English subject, a wrong spelling is always wrong.
• You are only given 10 seconds to answer.
A recreational activity in which participants
take up temporary residence in the outdoors,
usually using tents or specially designed or
adapted vehicles for shelter.


 The founder of modern recreational

camping was Thomas Hiram
Holding, who wrote the first edition
of The Camper’s Handbook in 1908.
 His urge to camp derived from his
experiences as a boy: in 1853 he
crossed the prairies of the United
States in a wagon train, covering
some 1,200 miles (1,900 km) with a
company of 300.

Is an activity of moderate difficulty,

2. which involves walking across long
distances on trails or paths. There are
short half-day programs and longer
itineraries that last over 20 days.
Groups of two or more people are
usually allowed to enjoy the outdoors


 Hiking, walking in nature, is a recreational activity.

 Hiking is a natural exercise that promotes physical fitness,
reduces stress, and improves mental and physical well-
being for people with sedentary occupations.
 Hiking is also a great way to meet new people and make
new friends.

Is a popular leisure activity enjoyed by people of
all ages and abilities. It can be as simple as
potting a few plants on a windowsill, or as
 complex as designing and planting an entire
garden. It can be a very relaxing and therapeutic
activity, and it can also provide a way to connect
with nature and get some exercise.

 Gardening provides physical health benefits because it
is a component of three types of physical activity:
Is a mode of underwater diving whereby
divers use breathing equipment that is
completely independent of a surface air
4. supply, and therefore has a limited but
variable endurance.


 The name "scuba", an acronym for

"Self-Contained Underwater Breathing
Apparatus", was coined by Christian J.
Lambertsen in a patent submitted in

Is a surface water sport in which an individual,

5. a surfer (or two in tandem surfing), uses a
board to ride on the forward section, or face,
of a moving wave of water, which usually
carries the surfer towards the shore.


 Surfing’s roots lie in

premodern Hawaii and Polynesia, where the
sport was practiced by both men and women from
all social strata from royalty to commoners.
 Early European explorers and travelers praised the
skills of Hawaiian surfers, but 19th-century
missionaries assigned to the islands disapproved of
the “constant intermingling, without any restraint,
of persons of both sexes” and banned the pastime.
Surfing was practiced only sporadically in Hawaii
by the end of the 19th century.

K1. Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

 Show acceptance of different genders and sexual orientations
K1. A.1
DRRMS Integration:

III.ANALYSIS: “Tell me more……”

Guide Questions:
1. Can anyone be part of active recreational activity? (Indoor and outdoor)? Why or why not?
2. Are only boys allowed to participate in higher intensity or extreme physical activities? Why?

Grade 11 &12
K2. Values- and Rights-Based Decision -Making
Demo skills to reaffirm or change values and behaviors based on increasing
personal capacities & experiences; skills in resisting peer pressure,
communicating personal needs and sexual limits; and appropriate self-
management. K2. A.1

1. Let’s test your numeracy and literacy skill.

2. Count as many as you can the outdoor recreational activity you have learned today.
3. What active recreation that is hard to spell but you can spell correctly?

2. What are the benefits of active recreation in your everyday health?

Sa Filipino:
Ano- Ano ang magandang maidudulot sa paglahok or pagkakaroon ng aktibong libangan sa ating araw araw
na kalusugan?

• reduced risk of heart disease and stroke

• reduced risk of developing high blood pressure
• prevention of some cancers
• reduced risk of becoming overweight
• reduced risk of developing diabetes and prevention
• better bone and muscle development and prevention of osteoporosis
• improved muscle flexibility, strength and endurance
• improved quality of sleep.
• encourage social interaction
• improve concentration and learning
• increase personal confidence and self-awareness
• reduce feelings of depression and anxiety
• enhance self-esteem
• improve quality of life.

3. In Edukasyon Pagpapakatao,
What are the social benefits of recreation in your daily life?

4. Do you know gardening? Do you know how to cook?

How important to have a healthy food preparation/meal when participating in physical activity?
(TLE Integration)

5.In Science, what parts of your body benefit the most from active recreation or regular physical activity?

6.How important physical activity in your mental health especially during pandemic? ( HGP Integration)

• The way you live your life in an everyday basis is your lifestyle.
Lifestyle includes eating habits, physical activity participation and recreational choice.
• Participation in active recreation influences your healthy lifestyle. It improves health condition in many

DRRMS Integration:


1. As a student , who belong to a “technology generation”, will you still participate in an active
recreation and physical activity? Why?


 Create a list of your daily active recreation ( OUTDOOR) or physical activity.

 List down your daily healthy meals.

Time of the day Activities Amount of time Low, Moderate, Healthy meals


Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer by writing the letter only.

1. A recreational activity in which participants take up temporary residence in the outdoors,

usually using tents or specially designed or adapted vehicles for shelter.

A. Camping
B. Hiking
C. Gardening
D. Scuba Diving

2. Is an activity of moderate difficulty, which involves walking across long distances on trails or paths.

A. Camping
B. Hiking
C. Gardening
D. Scuba Diving
3. Is a popular leisure activity enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. It can be as simple as
potting a few plants on a windowsill, or as complex as designing and planting an entire garden.

A. Camping
B. Hiking
C. Gardening
4. Is a mode of underwater diving whereby divers use breathing equipment that is completely independent of
a surface air supply, and therefore has a limited but variable endurance.

A. Camping
B. Hiking
C. Gardening
D. Scuba Diving
5. Is a surface water sport in which an individual, a surfer (or two in tandem surfing), uses a board to
ride on the forward section, or face, of a moving wave of water, which usually carries the surfer
towards the shore.

A. Camping
B. Hiking
C. Gardening
D. Scuba Diving

6-10. What recreational activity you are willing to A. Scuba
participate and why? You can select as many as you can. Diving
B. Hiking
Note: English –plus 1pt. Tagalog– no deduction C. Surfing
Bisaya- minus 1 pt D. Gardening
E. Camping


Write a short letter address to our barangay officials about your proposal of recreational activity that you want to
promote in your community.

Materials Needed:
 Short colored folder ( any color)
 Long bondpaper
 Ballpen
A. Composition---------------------------------------------------5
B. Cleanliness of the output-----------------------------------2
C. Creativity -------------------------------------------------------------2
D. Timeliness------------------------------------------------------------1
Total: 10


Subject Teacher



Principal IV

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