Group 2 Chapter 7.3 7.4 Summary Outline Managerial Economics

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CHAPTER 7: Firm Competition and *some firms can keep their operation details

Market Structure private from other firms

7.3 Oligopoly and Cartels 7.4 Production Decisions in Non Cartel

- when a market has multiple sellers *expected operation of the firm in perfect
- decisions on output volume will have an competition or in monopoly / cartel is
effect on market price. straightforward.
*If the firm in perfect competition
* sellers in an oligopoly could use as much understands its production costs, it will
market power (strongest) as a monopolist. increase volume up to the point where its
marginal cost exceeds the price.
Cartel *For the monopolist / cartel, production
- restricting competition should increase up to the point where
- would operate at the same production marginal cost equals marginal revenue.
volume and price.
- every member firm would sell at the same *A major reason for complexity in
price and would set its individual production determining the optimal production level
volume that every firm operates at the same is that the firm does not know its oligopoly
marginal cost. competitors will respond to its production
-cartels are usually not tolerated by decisions.
- The collusion that is a necessary Bertrand Model or Price Competition
component of a cartel is illegal. - the assumption that all firms can anticipate
*OPEC oil exporting group is the best the prices that will be charged by their
example of a cartel. competitors.

*cartels could theoretically function with Cournot Model or Quantity Model

the same power as a monopolist. - assume all firms can determine the
-cartel price will be well above their upcoming production levels or operating
marginal cost, they could profit individually capacities of their competitors.
by increasing their own production.
Leader firm
Problem in dividing profits in cartels: - will make a decision on either its price or
Example: a cartel had two member firms; A its volume / capacity commitment and then
and B. the remaining “follower firms” determine
*A has more efficient facilities than firm B how they will react.
Solution: Firm A is allowed to provide bulk
of the production volume. But, A claims that
their share in profits should be proportional
to their share in production volume and B
will object and the arrangement could end.

Optimal cartel operation

- all firms set production so all have the
same marginal cost
- firms need to share internal information for
the cartel to determine the TOTAL
volume gets divided between firms.

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