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Detailed lesson plan in Mathematics 2

Cooperative Education (Mesa Community College)

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Lesson Plan
Mathematics 2
Fourth Quarter – Measuring Time

Topic: Telling and Writing Time in Minutes Using Analog Clock

A. Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of time.
B. Performance Standard:
The learners should be able to apply knowledge of time.
C. Learning Competencies:
The learners should be able to tell and writes time in minutes including a.m and p.m
using analog clock.

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

A. Tell and write time in minutes including a.m and p.m using analog clock.
B. Shows time using analog clock.
C. Value the importance of time.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Telling and Writing Time in Minutes Using Analog Clock

B. References: Mathematics 2, Teachers Guide and Learners Materials, pages 327-331
Phoenix Math for the 21st Century Learners, pages 296-306
C. Materials: Analog clock, picture/images of analog clock, visual aids.

III. Methodology:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities:

1. Classroom Routine
 Opening Prayer
Let us all stand. Let us close our eyes, The pupils will stand silently and will pray
and bow our heads. Let’s pray Angel of together with their teacher.
God. “Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom
God’s love, commits me here. Ever this day be
at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.
 Greetings
“Good Morning children.” “Good morning, Teacher”

“You may now take your seat.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”
 Attendance check
“Who is absent today?”
“None ma’am.”
“Very good! All Grade 2 - Narra are
present today.”

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2. Review:
Based on the lesson that we discussed
yesterday, who can tell me what time is in
the flash card using the digital clock?
(The teacher will show time in digital clock
using flash cards)

3:25 PM 10:15 AM 12:55 PM

- 3:25 in the afternoon
- 10:15 in the morning
8:30 AM 5:45 PM
- 12:55 in the afternoon
- 8:30 in the morning
- 5:45 in the afternoon
Very good! 3 claps to each and every one.
- The children will clap.
What does A.M means?
- A.M means anti-meridian and it stands for
How about P.M?
- P.M means Post-Meridian and it stands
Very good! Let’s give him/her e claps. for afternoon.

B. Preparatory Activities:

- All together let’s do skip counting by 5. Let the pupils do the skip counting from 5 to 60
in chorus.
- 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55,

- Very good! Now, let’s complete the series

on the board by skip counting from 5 to - Volunteer pupil will complete the series
60. Who wants to answer? by skip counting by 5.

5, 10, ____, 20, 25, 30, ____, 40, ____, 50,

55, _____ - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55,
-Very good! Let us give him/her three claps.
- Pupils will clap.
C. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
The teacher will ask a riddle.

Class, try to answer this riddle.

“It has face but no eyes, nose, or lips. - A clock!
It has hands that moves on and on.”
What is it?

Very good! You’re right. The answer is

clock. Let us give him/her 3 claps. - Pupils will clap.

The teacher will show real clock to the class and

will ask the following questions.
 Do you have this at home?
 What is this?

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 What do this tell us? - Yes, we have.

- A clock.
Very good! - Clock tells us time.

(The teacher will write the word time on the

Now, I want you to think about time. I will allow
you to think for 2 minutes about the importance
of time to you. You can share your ideas by

“Time helps me _______.

“I use time to ________.
- Time helps me to do my work on time and
accomplished it early.
- I used time so I know the right time and
- Time serves as my guide so I can do my
Very good! Nice ideas! Let’s give each and chores early.
every one a big hand.

2. Presentation
The teacher will show an improvised analog
clock with movable hands.

Can you tell me what are the numbers that we

can see in the clock?

- There are numbers from 1 to 12.

Allow the pupils to be familiar with the numbers
and how they are positioned in the clock.

How will you describe the parts of the clock?

- The clock has face and hands.

Very good. The clock has 2 hands. The short
- The clock has short hand and long hand.
hand and the long hand.

3. Discussion:
The clock has two hands, the short hand and
the long hand. Look at the clock. What time
does the clock show? Where does the short and
long hand pointed at? (The clock is in 7:15)

- The short hand pointed at 7 and the long

Very good! What do you think id the time that
hand pointed at 3.
clock is telling?

- It is 7:15
Very good! The clock shows 7:15 that means
that the time is 7:15.

The teacher will show a picture of an analog

clock where in the number pointed by the short
hand tells the hour and each number on the
clock face stands for five minutes which is
pointed by the long hand.

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With the given picture here, what does short

hand in clock stand for? How about long hand?
- The short hand tells the hour and the long
Very good. Let’s give him/her 3 claps. hand tells the minutes.

The teacher will point the short hand of the clock

in 8 and the long hand is on 5 and it is in a.m.

How will you read the time in the clock?

Very good! To read the time where the short - The time is 8:25 in the morning.
hand is on 8 and the long hand is on 5, count by
5’s from 12, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25. It is 25 minutes
after 8 o’clock or the time is 8:25 in the morning.

The teacher will read the time and the pupils will
repeat how the time is read.

The time 8:25 a.m. can be read as:

- Eight twenty-five in the morning
- 25 minutes after 8 in the morning
- 35 minutes before 8 in the morning - Eight twenty-five in the morning
- 25 minutes after 8 in the morning
The time 3:15 p.m can be read as: - 35 minutes before 8 in the morning
- Three fifteen in the afternoon
- 15 minutes after 2 in the afternoon
- 45 minutes before two in the afternoon - Three fifteen in the afternoon
- 15 minutes after 2 in the afternoon
Very Good! Let’s give each of us 3 claps. - 45 minutes before two in the afternoon

4. Individual Activity

Activity 1: The teacher will use the improvised

analog clock for this activity. The teacher will put
the long hand and short hand to a certain time
and let the students read the time. The teacher
will have asked the students to read time in
different ways.

Telling Time. What time is it?

1. 4:20 PM

2. 5:30 AM - Four twenty in the afternoon

- 20 minutes after 4 in the afternoon
3. 10:45 PM - Five thirty in the morning
- 30 minutes after 5 in the morning
4. 11:05 AM - Ten forty-five in the afternoon
- quarter to 11 in the morning
5. 1:35 PM - eleven five in the morning

- one thirty-five in the afternoon

Very good! Let’s give them 3 claps. - 25 minutes to 2 in the afternoon

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Activity 2: The teacher will post clocks with

different time. Let the pupils say and write the
time show in the clocks.

- 10:10
- 7:20
- 5:50
- 12:15
- 4:25
Very good! All your answers are correct. - 11:45

Activity 3: The teacher will post clocks that the

pupils need to draw the hands of the clock
according to its time.

1. 3:35
2. 1:05
3. 7:05
4. 4:00
5. 10:20
6. 12:40

Very good! All your answers are correct. Let’s

give them a big hand.

5. Reinforcing Activities/Group Activity:

The teacher will group the class into four
groups. Group 1 and 3 will write and tell the time
shows in the clocks. While group 2 and 4 will - 2:30
draw the hands of the clock according to its - 6:40
time. - 5:30
- 5:10
For group 1 and 3: - 4:30
- 8:35

For group 2 and 4:

1. 9:35
2. 11:25
3. 6:35
4. 2:10
5. 3:50
6. 8:15

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-Worksheet 1

6. Application:

The teacher will give a set of clocks that the

pupils will write the time.

- In reading and writing the time, say or

write first the number hour and followed
7. Generalization: by the number minutes. Use colon to
separate the hour part and the minute
How do you read and write time in analog clock? part of the time.

Very Good! Let’s give him/her 3 claps. -Worksheet 2

8. Evaluation:

The teacher will distribute a worksheet to

the class. Let the pupils draw the hands of the
clock based on the given time.

IV. Home Activity:

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A. Read and write the time shown in each

clock. Write your answer in your activity

- We thank You Lord for the knowledge we

B. Draw a clock and show the time by
learned today. Please help us to become
drawing the hands of the clock. Draw it in
Your worthy children to glorify you. Amen.
your activity notebook.

1. 3:25 - Good bye ma’am, good bye classmates.

See you again tomorrow.
2. 4:04
3. 7:55
4. 1:40
5. 12:00

Let us all stand and lets pray.

Good bye class.

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