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Study this example situation: ah Kate’ clothes are covered in paint. | The ceiling was white. Now itis red ‘She has been painting the cling. She has painted the ceiling Hos been painting isthe presonr perfect | Has pained isthe present perfect simple. continons. ‘We are interested inthe activity: Ir does not | Here, the imporrane ching is thar something acter whether something has been finished has been finshed. Has painted is «completed ‘or not In this example, che activity (painting action. We are interested in the result ofthe the ealing) has nor been fished. activity (he painted ceiling), nor che activity inset Compare these examples: Mrs ewer din. treba 6 The OK ain a Ne repairing te ca repaired 1 Joc has been eating too much ects. | Somebody ha exten al my chocolates. He should eat es ‘The box seme G It's nice to see you again. What have you © Where's the book I gave you? Whar been doing since we last met? | have sou done with i? 12 Where have you been? Have you been Have vou ever played tennis? playing tennis? We use the continuoes 1 say bow long (for an activity tha sill happening): We use the simple ro say how mu, how ‘many 0 how many times \for completed 1 How long have you been reading [5 How much of that book have vou read? that book? © Lisa is sill writing eters. She’ been iting eters all day. 19 They've been playing tennis since 2ovdock. 3 im learning Spanish, but I havent been learning i very long. 13 Lisa has writen ten lecers today. 12 They've played renis thre times this week. 5 Fm learning Spanish, bur I haven't learnt very much ver. Some verbs (or example, knowfikebeieve) are not normally used in the continuous: 15 P¥e known about it for a long time. (ot P've been knowing) For a list of these verbs, se Unit 4. Buc note that you cause want and mean inthe present perfect continuous: 12 I've been meaning to phone Jane, bu | keep forgeting, resent prfet simple > Units 7-8 Present perfect continuous > Unit 9 Present perfet + forsince = Units 11-12 Exercises Unit 10 101 102 103 For each situation, write two sentences using the words in brackets. | Tom stared reading a book two hours ago. He is stil reading it and now he is on page 53. (read / for twa hours) He has. been for te hows, = read / 53 pages so fat) 6. Mas. cea 53 pages. $0 far. - 2: Races fom Asses. She x eveing round Eoope che women: She bop her ip thtee months ago. Inravel /for these months) She . - — [vist / ix countries so fae) 3 Patrick isa tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years okl, This year he is rational champion again for the fourth tne. (sin the national championships / four times} ra {play / tennis since he was ren 4 When thes left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together. They sil make flim. Limake / ive films since they’ let college) They Limake / films since they let college) a = For each situation, ask 2 question using the words in brackets 1 You have friend who is learning Arabic. You ash (how long / earn / Arabic?) Hong nave, you. been learning, Arabic? - 2 You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (air long?) Have 3. You see somebod fishing by the river. You ask: (cata / any fish?) a 4 Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask: how many people / invite?) - co 5 A friend of yours isa teacher. You ask: {how long / reach?) - - {6 You meet somebody who isa writer, You ask how many: books / write 2 {how long / write / books?) es - 7 A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday. You ask: ‘how long / save si Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (have done) or continuous (have been doing) 1 Where have you been? HA. yo. been playing... (vou / play) tennis? 2 Look! (somebody / break) that window: 3 You look tired. {you / work) hard? 4 (you /ever/ work) in a factory?” “No, never” S ‘Liz is away on holiday.” Is she? Where (she ! go)? 16 My brother isan ator (he / appear) in several films. 7 Sorry I'm late "That allright. — (noc wait) long” 8 “Isic tll raining?” “No, (it seople Dens (U7 Tose) my adress book, — (you see) te 0 sve (0/ read) the Book you lent me, but — I1/not/fnish) it yet. I's very interesting n — (1/tead the book you let me, so you can have it ack now. 2

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