The Grinch

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Within a snowflake is the town of Villa Who,

and its inhabitants, the Who,

They make preparations for the Christmas holidays,

who celebrate with happiness and joy


It's been a while and it's no joke

there lived a being with a sad look

villa Who was the place

where the Grinch chose to dwell

The happy ones who lived there

And the Grinch quarreled with them

He didn't laugh, always angry

He liked to be bitter

Christmas without explanation

He hated from the heart.

MOM: I love Christmas! Lights, dresses, decorations... Shopping,

shopping and more shopping!

DAD: I love her too but we already spend too much, darling...

Lend me the list (takes out a roll of paper that looks like parchment and

starts crossing out names) Mom Lou: yeah(ready), gloves for uncle

Lou… we already bought for Lou's nephews, mom, dad, uncles,

cousins, nephews, who are we missing?

MOM: And Cindy? , Cindy?… (Looks for Cindy)

DAD: Right! (overwhelmed) Cindy, what do you want for Christmas?

(caught in a pile of gifts)

CINDY: Don't you think it's too much, Dad? I think this time

I don't want anything for Christmas.

DAD: That's what Christmas is all about. That's the Christmas spirit. The


(DANCE. In a corner of the stage the GRINCH appears for the

next scene)

The GRINCH: (looking towards the town at the top of the mountain)

It just can't be! It's Christmas again, what don't these people understand?

Shut up! (screaming) Why don't you respect and stop singing those

songs. (Calling loudly) Maaaaaxxx where are you? (exits

Max, his dog wagging his tail dressed as a reindeer and with motifs

Christmas on his clothes) It can't be! You? My faithful friend

betray! Go away, get out of here before I get sick... Ayy, ayyy

it hurts me!

LORD (Somebody): Don't you want gifts for

Christmas? I didn't know that the grinch thing was contagious.

CINDY: Grinch?

MOM: No, no, not at all. She's just a little confused. That is


CINDY: Mom, I'm not confused and I want to know what or who it is.

the Grinch.

MOM: Shhh, I'll explain it to you at home.

MAYOR(alcalde): Did someone say “grinch”?

DAD: Erm... (Fearful) Good morning Mr. Mayor Who.

MAYOR: Come closer. I don't need to remind you that this year

We will celebrate the thousandth Who-Júbilo. The most important party

from Villa Who. The book of Who indicates very clearly: “The Who

of all sizes know that the Who Joy is a time that

we must treasure.” So tell me that in your family, no one

shares the apathy of the only creature in a billion

miles around hates Christmas. (He gets a little excited

little by little)
CINDY: (whispering) I still don't understand who the Grinch is. (He

mayor turns to look at Cindy doubtfully)

DAD: (Laughing nervously) Don't worry, Mr. Mayor.

We are all excited about Christmas and the Who Jubilee.

CINDY: Dad, please tell me who the Grinch is.

DAD: Cindy, it's not worth it. He is a What who doesn't love Christmas.

He does not have the spirit of the One Who Rejoices. Please, Cindy, don't continue with



But Cindy was not satisfied.

And even though the Grinch might be deformed

She didn't want to keep waiting.

And she decided to go out and look for him.



(Scenario: they continue shopping in the village. The mother can

appear with purchases.)


DAD: yes? (reading a magazine while walking through the center of

the city)

CINDY: I've been thinking about the Jubilee One and maybe he'll do something.


DAD: Oh, that's great... Talk to your mother.

CINDY: But where is he?

MOM: (she appears with thousands of light bulbs and decorations for the house)

Look at everything I found!... but come on... it's getting late for the


(Scenario: On a corner appears, in a kind of atrium,

the mayor and next to him, Martha, his girlfriend.)

MAYOR: Now the nominations to elect the Who Who

represents all the qualities of a Quientuant and

Who will inspire: the lord of the Jubilee of our town's festivities.

(All the people shouting excitedly while the mayor

discover the trophy that will be given to the winner) Is there any

CINDY: (screaming) I propose the Grinch. (All the people

surprised and worried. They turn to look at each other confused and

murmurs are heard)

MAYOR: (Laughs sarcastically) Wow, wow, wow... what a daughter

So who altruistic you are, Lou. (Addressing Cindy's dad)

DAD: Thank you (Laughs nervously)

MAYOR: Cindy? (He calls her with his hand to come closer)

As she approaches, he takes the Who book and heads to the town)

Let me quote a verse from the book Who: “The term

Grinch should be applied when the Christmas spirit reaches

missing” (he closes the book and addresses Cindy and the people) I tell them

I ask, do you think he could be our Lord of Joy?

CINDY: True, Mr. Mayor Who, but the Who book says

also this: “No matter how different a Who may be,

"It will always be well received by everyone."

MAYOR: (nervous and looking in his book for something to

counter what was said) Yes, but the book also indicates that: “The

The Grinch prize will not be given because... sometimes... some

confusion will arise”

CINDY: You made that up. It doesn't say it there.

MAYOR: Of course not, I just... I can't find the page now.

(highly strung)

CINDY: The book does say: “The Lord of Joy will be the one who

deserves appreciation and affection too, since the Christmas spirit

has that effect on the Who”, then I think that whoever does it

needs is the Grinch and if everyone is the Who I imagine,

you are going to approve it. (People celebrate).

MAYOR: Well then, if your purpose is to waste a

great nomination, that's your problem but... (laughs

mockingly) I swear that the Grinch will never come here and by not

do it, the crown of Mr. Jubilo will belong to me


(DANCE: the Who begin to sing for Christmas.)

GRINCH: (While he is sitting on his couch, he listens to the music and

Involuntarily he begins to move his feet and head when

beat of the music. When he realizes it, he changes his attitude and

shouts) Waaaa.. Damn Christmas music, it's joyful and triumphant.

I want noise, noise... (he starts looking for something to do

noise, cans, bottles, whatever)


CINDY: (knocking on the door) Mr. Grinch. Mr. Grinch. (I don't

They respond and then he enters).

GRINCH: Hello, little girl. How dare you enter the Grinch's shelter?

You have summoned the thunder, now prepare for the lightning and here

There is the face of fear. Buga buga.

CINDY: Mr. Grinch. My name is Cindy Lou Who.

GRINCH: Maybe you feel terror creeping into your being.

CINDY: I'm not scared.

GRINCH: Denial is normal when facing ultimate evil.

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CINDY: I don't think so.

GRINCH: Do you doubt it? Another unmistakable indication of a fear

aberrant. Now… I… got you! Save your life before I want to

murder. (He makes faces and does everything he can to scare Cindy. He


CINDY: Maybe I need to rest a little (laughing)

GRINCH: (Addressing the audience) These children... no longer feel

nothing because of movies and television. (To Cindy) What is it?

what you want? (Screaming)

CINDY: Mr. Grinch, I have come to invite you to be the gentleman of the


GRINCH: The gentleman from the Jubiqué?

CINDY: The Lord of Joy.

GRINCH: (The Grinch takes the invitation and reads it quickly)

HA HA HA. It is funny.

CINDY: I know you hate Christmas, but wouldn't that be a bad thing?

understood? I have also had doubts about Christmas. May be

meets with the Whos and participates in the festivities...

GRINCH: But maybe if you meet with the Whos and participate in

the celebrations... (in a mocking tone, while he walks around the place with

Cindy behind him)

CINDY: Maybe everything would be clearer for me too.

GRINCH: Sorry, session is over. Please make another appointment with

my receptionist

CINDY: Please, sir. You have to accept the award.

GRINCH: Prize? You never mentioned an award.

CINDY: Yeah, with a trophy and all that and you won it.

GRINCH: Prize… and did I win it? That means that others

they lost.

CINDY: So you're going?

GRINCH: A village full of losers. Oh how cute! Was

someone emotionally destroyed?

CINDY: Well, the mayor didn't look happy.

GRINCH: (Feigning dismay) Oh no! Oh really?

CINDY: Martha Who's going to be there too.

GRINCH: Oh he will?... And he will see me as a winner? Will be

on me like flies on a horse covered in sugar. Well

I'm sorry to disappoint you Martha, my love, but the G train ends

of leaving.

CINDY: So you'll accept?

GRINCH: Okay. I don't know if it's that nice twinkle in your eye

but you have convinced me. Who knows? That Who Joy could

change my concept about life.

CINDY: Really?

GRINCH: No. (The Grinch closes the door on his nose)

(DANCE. People starting the celebration)

(Inhabitants of Villa Quien gathered for the celebration)

MAYOR: The time has come to present the award to Whom

Joy. (All the people happy) Congratulations, Mr. Grinch! (All

muttering because the Grinch isn't coming) What? Didn't show up?

Who would have imagined it? (Feigning dismay) Well,

I think that then the prize will be for second place,

TRUE? And while you prepare my crown, let me tell you something


GRINCH: (Bursts in and bumps into Martha and hugs her) Boo!

(Addressing the people) They get excited, they get excited (Martha

she sees flirtatiously). As I am here to accept a kind of

prize and the creature mentioned a check.

CINDY: I didn't say that.

GRINCH: Okay, okay. Give me the prize. Come on!

While I'm young.

MAYOR: Don't worry, Mr. Whom I Joy. But before…

Raise him to the throne of Jubilee. And now, Lord of Joy... A ride on

the throne of Jubilee, then judging the most delicious dessert in the world

Who Joy, Christmas Conga, Fruit Cake, Nut Pudding and

sack race.

(The Grinch, grumbling, follows the town's flow)

MAYOR: The moment we have all been waiting for has arrived.

GRINCH: My prize and the check... I'm sure there isn't one because...

I'm sure someone mentioned a check. (Flirting with

Martha who is close to him and the mayor)

MAYOR: (ignoring him) The time has come to… exchange


(All the people give each other gifts. They give the Grinch a razor and

He gets angry. He starts to get angry.)

MAYOR: and now, something for the love of my life. Martha, love,

Please become the mother of my children. (While she

she gives a ring)

Martha: Augustus!

MAYOR: What do you answer?

MARTHA: You see... I... The ring is beautiful...

GRINCH: Of course I do. That's the only thing that matters, right?

That's the only thing that has ever mattered. Gifts…gifts,

gifts, gifts... Do you know what happens to your gifts? All

They come to me, in the trash. I could make miles of ropes with
all the Christmas ties that come to me in the trash. And the

greed, greed never ends... I don't want to provoke

problems but this Christmas thing is stupid, stupid, stupid... (It

gets even angrier and begins to cause destruction while the

Who flees and he ends up getting rid of the tree.)

MAYOR: Could we enjoy a Christmas as it should?

be? Des-grin-cha-dos. Merry christmas! Luckily we have a tree

spare. Come on, let's rejoice!




GRINCH: (in his house, happy about his misdeeds) Tomorrow will be

Christmas and everyone will be showing off his gifts. I must put

end to this. Every year they torture me with the same thing. But how, how

I will put an end to this. (Max arrives with snow on his nose)

NARRATOR: Then a cruel and ugly thing occurred to him.

A wonderfully macabre idea came to him.

GRINCH: I know what I'll do! (He starts to prepare everything)


In great haste from home to home

He put his plan into action

With a deformed face

And the most evil heart

The sweets and the gifts,

The food and the little tree,

He stole everything together

And in the bag he hid

GRINCH: They finally won't have Christmas today and I will laugh at how they will cry.


MAYOR: Good morning Villa Who today is Christmas and we are going to

celebrate…but but what happened. Where are the gifts?

ALL: and the gifts?

CHILD: And my bicycle?

LADY: And my scarf?

MAYOR: Who warned them? I told you: invite the Grinch and

will destroy Christmas. Cindy, I hope you feel very satisfied

of what you caused.

DAD: If she isn't, I am. She's glad she took the gifts.

MAYOR: Are you happy? Are you glad the Grinch took,

No… pulverized Christmas?

DAD: Lord, no one can end Christmas. It's just that I don't know

It's about the gifts, or the contests, or the pretty lights. It is what

Cindy has tried to explain to them. And she is absolutely right, by the way.

I don't need more for Christmas than what I have here (hugs his

family) to my family. Merry Christmas to all!

GRINCH: HAHAHAHA I got it this year there is no Christmas, (everyone in

the people hug each other around the pine without arrangements and begin

to sing) How? What's happening? I hear songs….but if I have

their gifts and now, what do they celebrate?


Then the Grinch, in the distance, heard something.

Very quietly it began,

But little by little it grew

But it wasn't a sad sound

On the contrary, I was happy

The Whos of the village, of all sizes,

They sang even without gifts, like good Who-brothers.

GRINCH: Despite everything, he did show up. How it happened? Arrive

without ribbons, he arrived without toys. He arrived without bags, cake or


NARRATOR: Then he thought of something that didn't occur to him.

GRINCH: So Christmas... you're not in a store... Maybe

Christmas, maybe... you mean a little more. He starts to hurt

chest. (It twists)


What would happen? In the village it was said

That the Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day

(The Grinch acts shocked.)

GRINCH: What is happening to me?... I feel a warmth inside and

I'm... dripping (wipes eyes) Oh no, the gifts. Not yet

It's so late. (Fight with the big bag of gifts. Get to the town

and everyone gathers around him.)

GRINCH: Merry Christmas everyone.

(A police officer approaches him. Lucy watches from afar)

POLICE: You caught me, officer. I'm the Grinch who stole the

Christmas... and I'm... sorry (makes a face of dismay)

MAYOR: You heard officer, you admitted it.

POLICE: I heard him perfectly, he said he was sorry. Besides,

I think everything is found here. There is nothing missing.

MAYOR: Please help me… Martha.

MARTHA: Merry Christmas, Augustus Mayor. I think I have something

for you. (She approaches him and gives him back the ring) I'll give you back your

ring I'm sorry, but my heart belongs to... someone else.

(Turns to see the Grinch)

GRINCH: (He looks at her with surprise and doubt. He asks with gestures if she is

She refers to him and Martha nods. When she observes this,

she is happy and shouts with happiness) I have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend. (She goes

to Augustus) No hard feelings, right? It's Christmas.

(The whole town gathers around the Christmas tree. They put

a table and they all have dinner together in the center of town. Can

play the Christmas song here.)

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