Readings in The Phlippine History

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Laurel, Jayson T.


Desired Activity:
Activity No.01: Venn Diagram
Instruction: Using a Venn Diagram, make a comparison on the following


 Limasawa is dubbed as the

 The monument is a testimonial
birthplace of Roman Catholicism
Butuan tradition that remained vigorous in the Philippines.
end of the Magellan and his expedition la  The first Catholic mass in the
Butuan and celebrated there the first mas Philippines was on easter Sunday
Philippine soil.
of March 31, 1521 officiated by
 The Butuan claims rest upon a
Father Pedro Valderama in the
that was almost unanimous and unbroken
shore of town islet named as
three centuries17th 18th 19th.
Limasawa in the top of Southern

 Both were claiming

that the first mass
was celebrated
Activity No. 02:
Instruction: Answer the following exhaustively:
1. What are the issues concerning the first mass held in the Philippines?

-Many claim that first mass in the country was held in Butuan but it was held in Magallanes,
Limasawa Island of Leyte.

2. Which of the contentions on the site of the first mass is more believable? Why?

-The foremost total and solid account of the Magellan endeavor into Philippine shores in 1521 is
that of Antonio Figafetta where in it is in limasawa, the location of the primary mass within
the Philippines. it is since of the irregularities of the facts and the need of prove as well on the
Butuan convention which Limasawa was demonstrated with confirmations such as
the certification that within the same date.

3. Why is it significant to establish the accuracy of the details of the first mass?

- primary mass within the islands is an vital chronicled occasion. It is essential for us to get it it
through the assistance of adjust and nitty
gritty data that incorporates information approximately our history.

*See pages 147-150 of the book ( Readings in Philippine History)

Desired Activity:

* Answer task sheet number 15, page 151 of the book.

1. What exactly did Jose Montero and Gov. Rafael Izquierdo tell about the cavite

- Jose Montero and Gov. Common Rafael Izquierdo was arranged prior and was
thought of it as a huge trick among taught pioneers, mestizos, abogadillos
or local attorneys, inhabitants of Manila and Cavite and the local clergy.
They hinted that the plotters of Manila and
Cavite arranged to sell tall positioning Spanish officers to be taken after by
the slaughter of the monks..

2. Do you think that Cavite Mutiny could have been avoided if reports were
more truthful and factual? Defend your answers.

--YES, it could have been avoided if the reports were more truthful and factual.
HOWEVER, a revolution against the Spanish Government must happen because it is
not right that the Spaniards will rule us forever. It is still injustice if we were still
governed and colonized by the Spanish Government. We deserve not to be
discriminated. Our country is our own land and we deserve to have independence.

3. It is believed that the Cavite Mutiny inspired the 1898 revolution? Why do
you think it took 26 long years before filipinos staged the 1898 revolution?

- The Cavite mutiny of 1872 was uprising of Filipino military personnel of Fort San
Felipe, the Spanish arsenal in Cavite. Around 200 locally recruited colonial troops
and laborers rose up in the belief that it would elevate to a national uprising. The
mutiny was unsuccessful, and government soldiers executed many of the nationalist
movement. Many scholars believed that the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was the
beginning of Filipino nationalism that would eventually lead to the Philippine
Revolution of 1896.

Desired Activity:
Activity No. 01:
Instruction: Answer the question comprehensively:

1. How did the Propaganda Movement come to its end?

The propaganda movement came to its end when the time that Dr. Jose P. Rizal
was arrested and got executed.

2. Do you consider the Reform Movement a success or a failure? Why?

Publicity Development did not succeed since their requests were not allowed by the
Spanish government. Conjointly they don’t have solidarity.
Desired Activity
Activity No. 01: Essay (Book Task Sheet)

Instruction: Answer the following exhaustively.

1. Why did Garcia believe that Rizal really retracted his masonic affiliation?

Garcia believed that Rizal really retracted his Masonic affiliation because he
had his testimonies and numbers of eyewitnesses that can prove Rizal’s
retraction. The availability of such documentary materials were his proofs and
made it possible that Rizal really made a retraction. And the fact that Rizal
wanted to marry Josephine Bracken.

2. What proofs did Garcia provided to defend his arguments?

The proofs did Garcia provided to defend his arguments was:

The Retraction Document is considered the chief witness to the reality of
Retraction, himself. And He added that the evidence speaks for itself and
moves to the question of Rizal’s character as some argue that the retraction is
not in line with Rizal’s mature beliefs and personalit

3. Did you find any consistency in Garcia’s argument? Explain.

No I did not find any consistencies in Garcia’s argument because of the presence of
documents of the said retraction, I do not know what to believe in the given
documents because there are some mistakes that proves that they fabricated the it

4. Do you believe or not that Rizal really retracted? Why?

No, Rizal has been executed therefore he did not retracted. Rizal himself
believed that there was a strong likelihood of fraud after his death, and that the
prime mover in this would be the friar archbishop.
*See pages 207-210 of the book Readings in Philippine History.

Desired Activity:
*Answer Task Sheet No. 19, pages 211-212 of the book.

1. Based on the four accounts, what were the inconsistencies did you find on their

-I found out that the inconsistent part on their accounts were the dates and location
of the cry or the said event for the initiation of revolution.

2. Why did you think there were differences in their accounts?

There were inconsistencies in their accounts because there had been different
movements that Bonifacio did. He travelled into different places from time to time in
accordance to those mentioned dates and places.

3. Compare and contrast the four accounts, and place in a chart the consistent and
inconsistent details in their narratives.

- In 1935, Pio Valenzuela, along with Briccio Pantas and Enrique Pacheco said in
English translation “The first Cry of the revolution”. Did not happen in Balintawak
where the monument is, but in a place called Pugad Lawin.
PIO The said event was a The inconsistent part
VALENZUELA’S CRY sign of the start of on their narratives is that
OF PUGAD LAWIN revolution against the they have different dates
GREGORIA DE friars through tearing their and
JESUS’ VERSION OF cedulas and shouting
places of where and when
“Long Live Partiots”
THR FIRST CRY the first cry happened.
Desired Activity
Activity No. 01: Find Me!

I. Instruction: Answer the following question with the correct answer.

The legal case monitoring system (LCMS) 1. A web-based legal

system for recording and monitoring various kinds of agrarian cases at
the provincial, regional and central offices of the DAR to ensure faster
resolution and close monitoring of agrarian-related cases.

Executive Order No. 151 2. Allowed the voluntary consolidation of

small farm operation into medium and large scale integrated enterprise
that can access long-term capital.

Republic Act 7905 3. Strengthened the implementation of the CARP.

Republic Act 3532 4. Provided an additional Php50 billion for CARP and
extended its implementation for another 10 years.

Republic Act No. 34 5. Established the 70-30 sharing arrangements and

regulating share- tenancy contracts.

Presidential Decree No. 27 6. Restricted land reform scope to tenanted

rice and corn lands and set the retention limit at 7 hectares.

Tenancy Act of 1933 7. Regulated relationships between landowners and

tenants of rice (50-50 sharing) and sugar cane lands.

Rice 8. Served as the medium of exchange during the Pre-spanish period.

Executive Order No. 26 9. Series of 2011, to mandate the Department of
Agriculture- Department of Environment and Natural
Resources-Department of Agrarian Reform Convergence
Initiative to develop a National Greening Program in
cooperation with other government agencies.

Land Registration Act of 1902 10. Provided for a comprehensive

registration of land titles under the Torrens system.

II. At present administration (Duterte Administration), cite at least two

agrarian issue and recommend a solution on how to manage or solve
that issue.

Issue #1: Undistributed lands under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform

Program (CARP).

Solution: Land reform is regarded to be a major solution, as land

ownership would lead to farm investments and, in turn, productivity.
Effective extension services are another solution as farmers taught better
ways of farming.

Issue #2: Zero backlog program on pending cases.

Solution: They should elaborate those requirements with the team, and
accepts completed stories into the baseline. They should achieve 100%
accomplished rate to commit again on their new objectives, the completion
of land acquisition and distribution and a 100% delivery of support services
to its beneficiaries.

Activity No. 02: Essay

Instruction: Answer the following exhaustively.

1. What are the issues concerning agrarian reform/policies in the

Philippines? Citeat least five.

-The redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced,

to farmers and regular farmworkers who are landless, irrespective
of tenurial arrangement, to include the totality of factors and
support services designed to lift the economic status of the
beneficiaries and all other arrangements alternative to the
physical redistribution of lands, such as production or profit-
sharing, labor administration, and the distribution of shares of
stocks, which will allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the
fruits of the lands they work.

2. What were the early issues on land ownership?

During the Pre-Spanish period, practically everyone had access to

the fruits of the soil and rice served as the medium of exchange. While
during the Spanish Era, the concept of encomienda (Royal Land Grants)
was introduced. This system grants that Encomienderos must defend
his encomienda from external attack, maintain peace and order within,
and support the missionaries. In turn, the encomiendero acquired the
right to collect tribute from the indios (native). The system, however,
degenerated into abuse of power by the encomienderos The tribute
soon became land rents to a few powerful landlords. And the natives
who once cultivated the lands in freedom were transformed into mere
share tenants.

3. Which of the early agrarian laws are really beneficial to tenant


REPUBLIC ACT No. 1199, August 30, 1954 known as the "Agricultural
Tenancy Act of the Philippines." It is the purpose of this Act to establish
agricultural tenancy relations between landholders and tenants upon the
principle of school justice; to afford adequate protection to the rights of both
tenants and landholders; to insure an equitable division of the produce and
income derived from the land; to provide tenant- farmers with incentives to
greater and more efficient agricultural production; to bolster their economic
position and to encourage their participation in the development of peaceful,
vigorous and democratic rural communities.

4. What do you think is the most significant agrarian law? Explain why.

I think the most significant agrarian law is the RA 6657 or ther know as
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. This law is still the one being
implemented at present. And i think it is still effective up to now because of
its good purpose for it promotes social justice and industrialization
providing the mechanism for its implementation and for other purposes.

5. Is agrarian reform in the Philippines a failure? Why?

It maybe a failure if there were someone who suffered from the agrarian
reforms but it can also be a success for those who had benefited from it. But i
think it is a total failure if majority of people suffered. All of this means that
distributing lands to the poor does not necessarily guarantee that their economic
conditions will improve without corollary services such as infrastructure and
access to credit to make the land productive, as well as social services,
specifically in the areas of health and education, which is failed to materialize
under CARP.

Desired Activity:

Activity No. 01: Essay

Instruction: Answer the following exhaustively.

1. What is the relevance of a Constitution in a country?

The structure is fundamental in a society since it serves as a rule on how one ought
to act in like manner. From the citizen’s right, obligations, to the government
official’s obligations, liabilities and government agency’s parts.
It makes concordance and arrange. Without it, everything’s a mess. Its serves as an
equalizer among individuals of any social status due to the truth that no one
is over the law. We are regarded to stand with the law in any case of the quality of
life that we have. Undoubtedly, the structure is imperative in keeping peace
and arrange inside a society. A bit like in schools, a approach “No ID No
Entry”is entirely executed for the understudies to
be dependable and taught people people and so in a nation. Rules and Republic acts
are being executed to serve as a guide to the citizens to recognize the
correct and off-base. Dura lex se lex “The law may be cruel but its still the law”as a
saying goes individuals don’t do what they need as long as there’s a law that rebuffs.

2. Do you think there is need to change the existing constitution?

I do not think that we have to be totally alter the current constitution.

I completely stand by the incomparable sway - individuals. The destiny of a
certain nation ought to be managed by the larger part of the citizens.
I moreover accept that the charge of rights provided are more
than sufficient to deliver significance to the proper of
the individuals. Gracious servant's parts and obligations are
clearly announced, spinning around people's welfare. However, there are a
few laws, which I think ought to still be subject for improvement.
3. React: Does killing ex-soldier Winston Ragos an act of violation of Article
3 Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution? Why? (Refer to news last April 23, Shooting of
an ex-soldier due to violation of ECQ)

ARTICLE III. BILL OF RIGHTS. Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or
property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal
protection of the laws.

Yes, it is violation to Article III Bill of Rights section 1. Ragos for several minutes was
raising his hands and facing to the pulis is like he is surrendering, and The act of
Ragos attempting to draw an alleged gun is not indication of intent to kill. The
moment that Ragos unsling his bag and draw it near to the pulis is acting like he
don’t have plan to shoot them. And it is not a self defense because the fact that the
number of pulis and the victim is not like he can harm the pulis.

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