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What is creativity ?

Creativity is the capacity or ability

of an individual to create ,
discover or produce a new or
novel idea or object , including
the rearrangement or reshaping
into a new form of what is already
known to him

Creativity relates to divergent thinking and

intelligence relates to convergent thinking .Every
intelligent person may not be creative but a very
high percentage of the creative people possess
intelligence to a high degree .
1 )Creativity is universal
Creativity is not confined to any individual , sex
caste . It has no boundary of age , location or
culture . It is universal in nature
2 ) Creativity is innate as well as acquired

Creativity is not merely a hereditary factor. It

can be nourished and nurtured by proper training
3 ) Creativity carries ego involvement

No other person can experience

the same warmth , happiness and
satisfaction of the creation as the
creator. One‘s individuality and identity
are totally merged in one’s creation
4 ) Creativity rests more on divergent thinking

Creativity is the result of adventurous

thinking and a departure from closed thinking
5 ) Creativity is not completely

Creativity requires constant understanding ,

hardwork and patience to produce something
new and unique
Steps to foster creativity

1 ) Synetics
2 )Brain storming
3 )Lateral thinking

The concept synetics has been developed by Gordon and

Prince in 1961 . The term synetics is derived from the Greek
word ‘synetikos’ which means ‘bring forth together ‘ or
‘bringing different things into unified connection ‘. Since
creativity involves the co – ordination of things into new
structures , every creative thought or action draws on
synetic thinking . Synetic thinking is the process of
discovering the links that unite normally disconnected
elements .

The term brain storming was first coined by Osbron

in 1957 to describe a group process of creative
problem solving . It facilitates generation of ideas
quickly . In the group the problem is posed and the
individual members of the group are encouraged to
speak out any idea that emerge from their mind
without any restriction
The term was first proposed by EDWARD De
Bono in 1967 in his book ‘The use of lateral
thinking ‘. Lateral thinking refers to creative
problem solving usually by reformulating the
problem or reviewing it from a fresh angle .It is
contrasted with vertical thinking which involves
finding methods for overcoming obstacles in the
chosen line of approach.

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