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CIS340-Lab3 part 2

DDL + DML commands Example



Create Update Delete

Alter Table Drop Table Insert Row Select
Table Row Row

Rename Rename Add Modify Drop

Table Column Column Column Column


Alter Table Drop Table

create table ( Rename Rename Add Modify Drop Drop Table Table's
Table column column Column Column name;
Alter Table Table's_name Alter Table Table's_name Alter Table Table's_name
datatype Alter Table Table's_name
constraients, Rename Column Alter Table Table's_name
Rename to New_Table's_ Add Column's_name datatype Modify Column's_name
Column's_name To constraients ; datatype; Drop Column Coumn's_name;
...........); name; New_Column's_name


Insert Row Update Row Delete Row Select

Update Table's_name
Insert into Table's_name values Select column1,column2, ....
Set column = value Delete from Table's_name
(colunm1's value,colunm2's From Table's_name
value, ......) ; Where column=value; Where column=value;
Where column=value;
Creating A table

Create table Passenger_Ticket

T_id int primary key,
passenger_name varchar(30),
passenger_age int,
flight_date date,
city varchar(50)
Rename a table
Q1) Rename the previous table to Ticket:
Rename a table
Q1) Rename the previous table to Ticket:
Rename a column
Q2)Rename city column to destination:
Rename a column
Q2)Rename city column to destination:
Add a new column
Q3) Add a new column named T_price (number), T_price must be greater than 500:
Add a new column
Q3) Add a new column named T_price (number), T_price must be greater than 500:
Modify a column
Q4) Modify a destination column to char(10):
Modify a column
Q4) Modify a destination column to char(10):
Modify a column
Q5) Modify a passenger_name to be not null:
Modify a column
Q5) Modify a passenger_name to be not null:
Modify a column
Another answer for Q4+Q5:
Modify a column
Another answer for Q4+Q5:
Drop a column
Q6) Drop column passenger_age:
Drop a column
Q6) Drop column passenger_age:
Drop a table
Q7) Drop Ticket table:
Drop a table
Q7) Drop Ticket table:
Inserting Rows
Insert the following rows: Note:
Oracle SQL:
Row1: (1001, 'Mona Ahmad', '03-15-2022', 'Riyadh', 750);
Row2: (1002, 'Amal Alnaser', '02-18-2022', 'Tabuk', 550); 03-14-2000

Row3: (1003, 'Reem Mohammed', '05-15-2022', 'Medina', 640); Live SQL:

Update rows:
Q8) Update the flight_date value to ’06-23-2023’ to the passenger that her name is ‘Reem
Update rows
Q8) Update the flight_date value to ’06-23-2023’ to the passenger that her name is ‘Reem
Update rows
Q9) Update the destination value of the passenger who has T_id = 1002 to match the
destination of the passenger who has T_id = 1003:
Update rows
Q9) Update the destination value of the passenger who has T_id = 1002 to match the
destination of the passenger who has T_id = 1003:
Delete rows
Q10)Delete the record of the passenger that her name is ‘Mona Ahmad’:
Delete rows
Q10)Delete the record of the passenger that her name is ‘Mona Ahmad’:
Select data
Q11) show all data in Ticket table:
Select data
Q11) show all data in Ticket table:

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