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Unit iiyy Past perfect (I had done) Seudy this example situation: at 10.30 at 11.00 Sarah went to a pacts last week, Paul kent tothe party too, but they didn’ se ech other, Paul ef the party at 10.30 and Sarah arrived at 11 o'lack, So ‘When Sarah arrived atthe parts, Paul wasn'e there He had gone home Had gone isthe past perfect simple Tele |! (Chewee 3 ‘The past perfect simple is had + past participle (gonelseenfnshed et). Sometimes we talk about somthing that happened in the pas: © Sarah arvived atthe party “This isthe starting point of the story: Then, if we want to talk about things that happened before this ime, we use the past perfect (had .) © When Sarah arrived at the parry, Paul had already gone home, Some more examples: ‘When we got home last night, we found that somebody’ had broken into the fat © Karen didn't want to go to the cinema with us because she'd already’ soem he film © Atfirs I thought I'd done the right ching but I soon realised cha 'd made a big mistake. “The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hada’ floen before (ora He had never flown before THM orspace the presont perfect have seen et.) snd the pat perfect (had seen ete Present perfect Past perfect | have seen | had seen past "row past vote © Whois that woman? I've never seen 1 didn’ knove who she was, Pd never her before. seen her before. (= before that time) We aren't hungry. We've just had lunch ‘We werent hungry. We'd jue had lunch © The house i dict. They haven’ eleaned = The house was det. They hada’ it for weeks. cleaned it for weeks. HMI opr the pt simp el, was et.) andthe pst perfect had had en te) 1 as Was Tom there when you arrived? 4s Was Tom there when you arsived? 1 Yes, but he left soon afterwards, 1 No, he had already left. 2 Kate wasnt at home when I phoned. Kate had just gor home when I phoned She was at her mother's house. She had been at her mother house. 30 Past perfect continuous — Unit 16 regular verbs (goneseen ete) = Appendix 1 Exercises Unit 15 184 152 183 Fcad the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets, 1 You went to Sue's house, but she wasnt there. (she go / oun) — She had. gone. it, . 2 You went back to your home rown after many years. Ie wasn’t the same as before. (itt change /a lo) 5 Linvited Rachel to the party; but she couldn't come. (she / arrange /co do something ese) _ 4 You went ro the cinema lastnight. You gor o the einema late. the lm /already/ begin) “ 5 Ie was nice to see Dan again after such a long cme. LL not see / him for ive years) 6 Tojfered Sue something to eat, but she wasn unary (she / ust / have (breakfast) For each situation, write a sentence ending with never .. before. Use the verb in brackets 1 The man siting next co ou on the plane was very nervous. Ie was his st fight fy) Hed never Hewn before, ame 2A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger to me. (see) 1 5 Sam played tennis yesterday: He wasn’t very good at it because it was hs frst game, (play) He ee 4 Last year we went to Denmark, It was our first time there. (be there) We - before. Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right. These sentences are in the order in which they happened ~ so (1) happened before (2), (2) before (3) ete. But your ‘paragraph begins with the underlined sentence, so sometimes you need the past perfect. 1 11 Somebody broke ico the office during) We arrived at work in the morning the night and found thar somebody - 44. rok 2 Wearnved atwork inthe morning, [into the office during the night. So (5) We called the poi we 21 Laura went out this morning. Tied co phone Laut this morning, but 2) Lei to phone ber no answer 13) There was no answer She ow, 3 1 imeame tuk om aan a fo day a i. ist hold very wel 3) He looked very well. 41 Kevin sent Sally lors of emails, Yesterday Kevin . he never replied to them from Sally. He ‘ery surprised. ©) Yesterday be gota phone all fom bet, {He wenn ~ los of emails, 4 He was very surprised but she as ut the verb into the correct form, past perfect (I had done) or past simple dd). “Ws Paula the parry when you arrived?” “No, he 8. ge. (go) home." 1 2 ele very tired when T gor home, $0 {go} straight co bed. 3 The house was very quiet when got home. Everybody _— (go) to bed. 4 Sorry Pm late, The ear ——— (break) down on my vay here. 5 We were driving along the road when we (see) a car which Uheeak} down, s0 we {stop} 0 help. ~ Additional exercises §-0 (pages 204-07) 31

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