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It is often used as a tool in a classroom setting to encourage students to think critically about texts.
It ranges in length from 250- 750 words.
It is an evaluative paper that focuses on one’s reaction or response to a text.
The paper is 2-5 pages long and requires the writer to analyze the text and interpret its meaning.


SUMMARY. A summary in a reaction paper should capture the thesis statement or main argument/idea from the
text within a few sentences.
ANALYSIS. This section of reaction paper provides the writer’s critical response to the text including reaction and
SYNTHESIS. The synthesis section is where the writer discusses how the text(s) relate to each other and/or to their
larger discursive field.

CRITIQUE PAPER. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strength and weakness of a literature, movie or tv show.


INTRODUCTION. Provides a brief overview of the information readers may need in order to follow along with the

SUMMARY. is a broad overview of what is discussed in a source. In a critique essay, writers should always assume
that those reading the essay may be unfamiliar with the work being examined.

CRITIQUE. is your evaluation of the resource.

CONCLUSION. has three main functions in an essay.

REVIEW. It is an evaluative paper written to evaluate and provide suggestions for research papers.

POSITION PAPER. It is sometimes called point of view paper.

INTRODUCTION. It is a part of a position paper that bears the thesis statement.

THESIS STATEMENT. It is an encapsulation of the paper’s main point.
ARGUMENT. It is a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true. It is included to provide opportunity
to further strengthen one’s claim or stand.
ISSUE. It is an important consideration in writing a position paper.
COUNTERARGUMENT. It involves acknowledging standpoints that go against your argument or stand.
CONCLUSION. It is part of a position paper that restates the main point.

It is a set of specific objects or symbols grouped together on the basis shared characteristics which can be referenced by a
particular name.

DEFINITION. It is a method of identifying a given term and making its meaning clearer.
FORMAL CLARIFICATION. It is done through a parenthetical or brief explanation.
EXPLICATION. It is a method used to elucidate a concept that uses verses, quotes, passages or lines lifted from
literary or academic work, interpreted, and explained in a detailed way.

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