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Confronting the foundational challenge


Loud thunderstorm and sounds of creatures of the moving nights of the witches

The power and the principality of the unseen

The ancestral power of the irumole

The power of darkness

In a loud booming voice.... hahahahaha hahahahaha

We are the ones that look into foundation and making sure the building is not well built

We destroy foundation from generations to generations

If we are unable to do so, we incarnate into the fruits of the next generation

(All these will be said by 3 witches line by line )

The grandmother of Mrs Olagunloye was the head of this witches, inability to take in her child after her
disnisss is the reason behind the grandchild now

Iya Jide was trying to lure Mrs Olagunloye to Baba so that she can be captured by the hand of the

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The family of Olagunloye are blessed with 2 beautiful kids, very prayerful and generous but they really
don't know the issue behind the wife who has been pregnant for 1 year and has been unable to deliver.

She doesn't have feel pain neither does she feel child labour, but regardless she doesn't feel
comfortable as normal human being for the past year ..they have prayed and fasted but nothing seems
to come fort from it.

The least thing she'll do is what her friend (Iya jide) is advising her to do

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Scene 1

Iya Jide description look : (Her Yoruba sounds like that of over educated people from Ekiti), she looks so
serious with her deeper life skirt,carried old school hand bag and old look of spectacle..her shoe
sounded so aloud
Iya Jide: I have told you my friend, this prayer you've been praying from Beginning of the year till now
isn't working, it hasn't been working and yet you have refused to follow me to Baba

Mrs Olagunloye: (cuts in ): i have told you, i am a believer and all these people you always refer me to
isn't possible, i can't go there iya Jide,it is uncalled for as a believer. How can a so called believer be seen
in such places

Iya Jide (Angrily stood up and hissed) wo ore mi ( my friend) it seems you want ro take this problem of
yours into the new year or you want it everlasting..if you are ready,you know the way to my residence.
(leaves the stage angrily)

Mrs Olagunloye:(Hand places under jaw and clicking of tongue, also looking sad and worried) Ha oloun,
this was the same issue my mother had before leaving this sinful world, lord help me out of this
situation, lord I'm tired

She cried off the stage

Scene 2

Mother of Mr Olagunloye walks in, she was welcomed softly by the family and she was happy to see the
kids, at the same time she wasn't pleased with the situation of her daughter in-law

Mother in-law- My wife see how radiant you're looking

They both laughed

Mrs. Olagunloye : Mama, it is God's grace and your son ooo

Mother: i see, May God continue to bless him for you

Mr Olagunloye: i am even happy she's looking happy because she has been bothering herself on the
issue on ground. Infact this has caused issue between she and her friend Iya jide

Mrs Olagunloye: cuts, no no no ( shaking her head in disagreement to what the husband had said) ..
Daddy junior, it is not so but how can i so called believer invites me to one Baba or whatever name he's
being called..the only person i strongly believe in is my God and that's the only person that is capable of
helping me

The family of Olagunloye had a terrible dream which made them to stay awake to pray, while praying,
Mrs Olagunloye was in pain of labour

This always happen almost every month aftermath so they called for a nurse and iya Jide decided to
come around too because she was being calculative in her spirit from the meeting
Scene 3: (Gathering of the witches)

One of them said in a derailing voice and shaking of head and arms movement:. We have been patient
all the while with the family of Olagunloye and that is how this another generation will pass without
fulfilling our mission, we have tried as much as possible to kill her gradually since the beginning of this
year, hmmmm do you know that once she Cross over to new year, it is over

Eyin aye oooooooo, she e n wowani ran ni

Second witch(iya jide) why exactly are we taking this thing jokingly, aren't you even seeing the time, we
are the foundation destroyer and yet people are about to destroy us and even build on it

Third witch ( The messanger): i have gone to the house of Olagunloye and the foundation we have been
destroying is about to be built back

Eyin aye oooooooo

Nitori Afoju ni ojo se n kun( it is because of the blind f, that's why the climate gives sound)

Nitori Aditi ni ojo se n su ( it is because of fhe deaf,the weather gives sign)

We are all gathered because.of Victoria ( Mrs Olagunloye)

We all know that her mother was unable to be captured after the dismiss of her grandmother, we all
know that she's the next person to be captured because that is the foundation that has been laid, why is
this so difficult

Ewo alagbara aye...this journey won't be at ease if we aren't fortified

Incantation was being made while the family of Olagunloye kept praying

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Scene 4:

Nurse( ma pls keep pushing)

Mrs Olagunloye: I'm trying nurse, i am

Iya Jide kept showing concern

Mr Olagunloye was in the sitting room with mama and they kept praying fervently
Nurse : keep pushing

Mrs Olagunloye: in pain and tears, I'm trying nurse

Iya Jide kept acting like she's praying

The nurse then told iya Jide to go get something, before she'll return back, Mrs Olagunloye already put
to bed

On the babys hand is written i have come to rebuild the foundation

Iya jide confessed her sins and she started displaying lunatic

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