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Week 4 Summative Assessment: Positive Organizational Cultures

Kirby Lewis
University of Phoenix
Martha Owen
Mayo Clinic Positive Organizational Cultures

Describe the company you chose and how the company aligns with your personal values.
 Mayo Clinic is the largest not-for-profit medical group practice in the world. They provide the best
possible care for everyone, and their ultimate goal is for people to be able to heal at home. Mayo
Clinic provides patient-centered care. “They’ll listen to your story, learn your goals, and work
together to accurately diagnose and treat your condition” (Mayo Clinic). This aligns with my personal
values because I believe everyone deserves access to health care and it shouldn’t just be accessible to
those who can afford it. Telehealth has made it more convenient for patients to make appointments
with providers and get prescriptions filled with the comfort of not having to physically go into the
doctor’s office or facility. Patients are able to get diagnosed and their prescriptions filled from the
comfort of their own home, resulting in improved patient care and overall patient satisfaction.

Explain the importance of communication to good culture.

 Communication culture in the workplace has a direct impact on employee’s experience,
motivation, engagement, and overall business success. Being transparent and honest with
employees results in happier and more satisfied employees (Martic, K. 2023). Clear and direct
communication promotes teamwork, enhances problem-solving, promotes diverse perspectives
resulting in a more positive culture.

Provide an example of the company’s effective communication methods.

 Mayo Clinic has different communication channels but one of their most effective
communication methods are on the organization’s website. Mayo clinic’s website not only
provides information about the organization but also provides patients access to their account to
request appointments, pay bills, refill prescriptions and to make it more accessible, you can even
download the Mayo Clinic app to your smart phone.

Describe some possible ineffective communication methods and how a company could resolve them.
 Possible ineffective communication methods include all methods of communication that have
been received but not understood. Factors that can contribute to ineffective communication are
language difference, poor listening skills, lack of clarity, and misconception and wrong
 A company can resolve ineffective communication by setting clear expectations and making
processes easy to follow and have options for all languages. A company could also do the
necessary research to know their audience, know their needs and speak in terms their audience
understands. Lastly, a company could use the right relevant channels to communicate to impact
more effectively.

Martic, K. (2023, March 24). Why and how to build a great communication culture in the Workplace.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (n.d.). Patient-centered care. Mayo

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