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 COVID-19 pandemic.

 Deficiency in cybersecurity.

 Retain key employees.

 Risks associated with our franchisees.

 Laws and regulations.

 Dependence on a limited number of suppliers.

Covid 19 and it is impact on operations seems to be the mayor undertaken risk at this company.
A defective Cybersecurity could negatively impact the business by causing a disruption to
operations, a compromise or corruption of confidential information, and/or damage to employee
and business relationships and reputation. Also, the risk of losing key employees can be
damaging for Planet Fitness. Planet Fitness carries all the risks associated with franchisees
such as potential bankruptcies, changes in control, turnover rising costs related to construction
of new stores and maintenance of existing stores. Moreover, laws and regulations including,
among others, those governing indoor tanning, electronic funds transfer, ACH, credit card, debit
card and digital payment options, and changes in such laws and regulations, failure to comply
with existing or future laws and regulations or failure to adjust to consumer sentiment regarding
these matters, could harm Planet Fitness reputation and adversely affect profits. Finally,
dependence on a limited number of suppliers for equipment, products, and services could result
in disruptions and could adversely affect the company’s revenues and gross profit.

Why was Planet Fitness having financial issues?
Because less people were using their service.
Why were less people using their service?
Because Covid 19’s regulations.
Why Covid 19’s regulations affected Planet Fitness financially?
Because they had to close.

Covid 19 has been one of the biggest disruptors of business in the history of the world. Basically, many of
the financial issues Planet Fitness is having is due to the impact of Covid 19 because they had to close
sometimes partially, and in some states totally for a long period of time. One of the solutions to make
back some of the profits is to offer online services such as trainings and nutrition education. The good
news is that after the economy is opening again, Planet Fitness has seen an increases in membership,
more than 600000 (Planet Fitness 10k 2021).

Planet Fitness. (2021, March 1). Retrieved October 1, 2021, from

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