Bayong Kor Mountain

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Bayong Kor Mountain

, 'OJ cJ ,
r:JlUJHUiWJ11fUijfHUHll U)iLut~fUt~H:nl;)t~\}\iWH~ L~~
Ln~l;)lij In:tilgquih~ ml;)Ln~iltlerunfttl;)itrude1~tH1 ml;)Ln~

IlI1Mnt.nlJU LUnut mWLn~Jut~m Ln~l'lR
CllUJijLUW fUijJr~gl~\}l;)l~t~ncrm ~l;)LmjUfUlUH\}m~rm
Ln~mW\iWtun~~ R~WfUruJ~fUfUlWtme1mLn~tmtfUJij'1
tf}JmOJJt:H1milH~OJJHfHr1lUHt~n ljl~~tlnnUjlfHWl Ul~~tlcJt
, 0IC:(j, 010. c: ,,,
OJ ntUft
U til tiUOJ OJ hll ft WlUOJU mrllil ttil til ru nllil: ruUf:1U un ~ '1
H U 8 H

t~utOJJm1rnmjltilnru~ruHnmtiLn~~~tilnt {fit trHJcJtft~tilOJ

Lut~OJg~'1 tr)ftn;Uiili L~~LcJtUmHl1\~t~~ R~Ln~mU1W Un
LW~LnWHnu ~tlnrutOJ~lmmHJq~nhrri tllJOJLn~~l~un~

tum L~~trunLn~U1f}JLullilHJ tilRtruLn~f\hhll OJU1U~ t~rm

rfITl~nm H"JH~OJtLHmOJu~Lljl~ULumr~ %
G) - "JH~ljl~ ~8Qtl et rul rgrhllf:11
19 - OJHft~ttlntm'HOJ'1HmBm~

m- f\!H~ljl~9uLu~~nt~tlWl9mtiGR'1 tUljl~OJtLmj~u
Un1ltl ~~tmrOJnmtil '1
o C» ' "

Long time ago, in Khmer kingdom there was a king named Preah Bat
Bayong, who had a royal palace in Dangrek Mountain. The king had a wife
named Neang Sak Kraob. She was the most beautiful woman with smiling
face, and white complexion like an angel. The good fragrance of her body
could be smelled around 16 kilometers. Then, this great fame was publicized
to Siam king. This king sent a spy to find out and finally they knew that the
queen was really a beautiful and faithful woman. The Siam king made a bad
scheme to catch her to his kingdom for the great honor of his country. When
Preah Bat Bayong knew this trick, he immediately took his wife, group of
ladies- in- waiting, servants, officers and all soldiers to leave the palace by
ithe junks toward the southeast in the nighttime. Before leaving, the king
raised his both hands on the head and prayed to God, "May I achieve three
1. Have a safe journey on the waterway,
2. Be not caught up by Siam soldiers
good residence. If the three wishes become true, I will have my hair

__ _______ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _- - A
, cJ 0 • OJ 0 0 '0..,

t ~ uL{ft'lLU lliU1~ ~H1Jm £1 t'l L{ft'l tun WHli m t'llliU m t'lt g '1

m m
elI ~L{f t'l Lut tHlH tHlH ill m w ti nijl15 ~ liHlm wtm tUl W t {f U
I I OJ 01

L{ftlt'llnt HmrnftUl3iiWt B'tiJunrJt m'1 g15mHHUt151~3Jru

IlJ~URtijlnrJtm~1rurruijlRu~ n'1 t ~Ut1ii~t151~m1itrty1~m
, v

u n
ttiruwlltduHunmWtinm "ftBijlRnn"'1 tWu
dV 6V n U U

L{ftl ft WttfiWH1JnLIl~Ul ~rlm r151 rUl3 m "nJti~ ijl rillJ~ ,

mt'l t15 ~
~ , CQ 0 " ,

tm 15t'ltW15glWtiruummnJ{fnmt'l{fjlw '1 Lmt151~ 3JruIlJ~

v v W I n
ru~t mijl15U~ Ut {flUnRmJUtijl~Wm I'"'
OJ OJ ",0.,-," t 01

t{fut15i{ft151~m15tmJ1~m fttiRt15t'lun '1 mHliJUum15~ J:1

'" u..,
tB'tiJtUUt1~t1rulHlU11rtfU15glWHUnJ~n ~t'ltgu~nnhmmg'1
I 0 , cJ , v , 'C)

Lnt'l nU15 ttiruglWHlUl1 H151~ t15im15t~~mUtintiruWDtgm

"ftBtfU15Ul3 "'1 mt'lUnt15t'lt15~ t15iuJru1Wm UWnumnR t3nn
U '" l U I
cJ 0. V
m ttl i'1 ~~ WtLtiunyt 15int~t'l t 151~ WDLJ:1utUl W L{ft'l nliJl t'l
wtmt mt {fJ nWt tiit m~ fUHlt~W tit tiru'1

The king was so worried that he sailed the junk day and
night. When he discovered that he had been so far, the
king looked for a place to land the junk. At the same time,the
storm blew the junk to move round and broke its wheel. That
was the reason why this place has been called "Bak Changkot
village" (village where junk broke its wheel), but nowadays this
village is known as "Bakkot village". The king was very frightened
so he raised his hands and prayed, "May the storm vanish; and I will
deliver the offerings for the water demons." Suddenly, the storm
disappeared. After sailing a bit further, the king anchored the junk,
prepared the offerings for the water demons, and made a new wheel of
the junk. That place has been called "Kanleng Chot village" (village
where the king anchored the junk) and the place, where the offerings were

delivered to the water demons, has been called "Senbon village" nowadays.
The three mentioned villages are located in Leay Bor commune, Tram Kok
district, Takeo province. After finishing all work there, the king continued his
journey in the same direction toward the southeast.
nr~t In rHU nt~titalli fihn1RfIllliLfiti mth ~tH 9NHrlm n1! r
01 01 t cJ t t ~

tUntln~~mtn{F! tJ1tint~tit1)1~dlUHlYl~rUJm:mrinHuDtgm
H NWifIllli"! tUnU~ mint fiJ nri run t~titallitWm Btfll5 ~~ fiU r
OJ Cj 0 cJ t cJ v,
tLGl5 ntljlGfUj rtl51~anqmutn1 tri rufIllli! Lnti nt~ titl51~dlu
<JtI' iJU
tulllitUnNtn1tfl'dtnlh <J

nt InwJ nri ru nt~ titalli tn:S1~Nntn.u Lfiti tRn~ crill lli

Ln~9llitLGl5LUmr runtalliHnmHgdmJlrtriruw~tn~llitln'
rn~ NrullRBl5tWm aJltit fiJ nHnUnt fUJam~3dltAmam~
Bl531l5! Ln~l51tiLfiti~£JtfiJl5l5al){lm~LfU~ rirur·mnJ9n rfHnJ
tmn ~ti Hnm fUn~ntl5tim "fUa8 tljll5£JUntl5tifU3
Q <J '" u~ '"' "'1

llii 1)1 fU n, ti fU1 m.. !


Un~ nt~t1 teJruun:~lt1H(Jt 9D~url t~l: Wlthmn:n51ntIn eJnhun
'" 1 'vt U d

t~ttnim "~@H~~t9]~ "'1 nff~tI~H~mr~lrmwLn:~lt1tm:

(jl~ fUtLtIu ~ CH fUuUUil [l ttI~ ~ flh nit f1! CH fU]tIt eJru(jl~Urn ~
o U 10 1 v U
nruu~~~illtfU~~ln n~t1mtI~ninLn:~lt1t~l: nU1fUgrgl
teJ1illrJtni '~tftinii~ tUQJtmt~n31t1tRn rJtniunnrutN]tI
tUQJt mt~n31t1 ruu'1 tLn1illt eJruLn:~lt1U~LfU~Jun51ill fUtni
cJ 0 1 1 ~ 0

'~tJqnii~ ~t11nrJtetltm~fU~lftU~u'1 U~ltHit~l: LfUltHn

m~ 3Jru nu :uht131 t1UR t(jlnrJ tnit fUItIt
I IV U 3 c:,
u3c:; ru uru~ fU1UHW IV

\J ~
Un~nt~t1tm:t:fl~tmn:U1 "ft@tfU~ru~"
IV u \;t

tmtnin1illtInWl "ft@fU~t1"
<1V IV'V

When he alrived at a place, the junk was leaked so the king was repairing
while sailing. That place has been named "Sampov Threay village" up to now
(where the junk had a leak). Traveling further, he arrived at a place where
there were many thatches growing. The king pulled out the thatches and
inserted them into the leak. Since then, this place has been known as "Prek
Sbov village" (where there were many thatches growing). Then, they
continued their journey. When they reached a place, Qween Sak Kraob was
worried about many things, one was that the journey was further and further
and the target was not found yet and another thing that she was afraid was
that Siam soldiers might catch up with them. Then, the Queen lit the candles

in order to pray to the all demons, "May we find a safe, good residence and
May cruel Siam soldiers fail and be damaged in the ocean." The place, where
• the queen lit the candles to pray to the demons, has been called "Anlong Tien
village". The praying ceremony made her wish come true. 100 thousand
Siam soldiers that the Siam King sent to chase her missed her way. They
sailed their junk to different directions. The king Bayong's junk departed to
the east, while Siam Junk went to the west. After the Queen prayed, the king
Bayong turned his junk a bit to the southwest. Then suddenly, there was a
storm to blow and damage Siam junk and all the soldiers were drowned to
death in the ocean. The place where Siam junk was damage by the storm
had been named "Senlong village". Today this village has been changed to
"Sanlong village" .
dtnnnNWi tt)ltn;uih1 rnrututruJilUHhm9N~ift L~~~n
OJ 0. 0 OJ d ' 0 cJ
tUJmtrn~ lH~gChtU,13 Ul~H~n~rutmt(jl~ttI~unNWit13itnji
trn~taill t~uillHH~Jtitrutrn~tl31~tBijJm~nt~ti~Nij~p~mf1u
, OJ cJ 01 cJ ,
iNtl3itHn.Ql~mN~(jl13 Ul~H~~mWmnt~ticy~ChtLu13tt1rumu
Ln~ ~ ill R~ Unn rudrn 13iHi~ wmff Ntrri131Ln~H~mUl Willlti
a 0 &- 0 , cJ OJ

~ rut mg titLnLung tUlillun Ntrritl3iU"ti nt~tit131~'1 tLmilln

o· 0 0. a OJa
t~u 13tiLn~131tiLnijmtiLn~ndm flit ~jtit mnqn~-m t~mUJn
ticSn u,,"n.Qlru~m~t~Jti~Hihti~ti LN1tH~~~~(jl"mNtrriLn~j1U
ruml3i~t131~'1 Untint13tit131~ChUtnm~m lU13~ '1
fill \It ~~
As for the junk of the king Bayong, it went very fast to the southwest. The
king saw a lot of islands and mountains so he anchored his junk near an
island and walked up to the island to find a good place and build temporary
residence. When he discovered that there were several favorite places, the
king ordered his soldiers and servants to take all luggages out of the junk,
took his wife into the valley of the mountain, and landed the junk there. After
the king, the queen and all of his coordinates got out of the junk, the sky
became dark and the rain was pouring so heavily. Suddenly, the thunderbolt
struck the junk to overturn and sink. That place has been called Phnom

Ull:flejdrunRN1RmUnJUJ'1 umt~l: U~ti\jl~ejU~~rutjUJ~HJru

Q,QI'" Q
a: t 01
'"' '"' '"'

~ rm~ rnflUJtUnt1ln nU~iHcrUll:ll~lUt run:mN~

'"' ~ n N
t~i~t~l:'1 Q
, QI " '0 0
nr:t~u~nt~i\jl~WrutJrutU1UJ l'iUH3NHlIl:NrunrumtaUJ
lll:H~tjtU1 W rHit Nut! ft Nrl ~ Qti9Z1fUNt.n:H~ !~U1:~1~
m~ ff t~tj~tjn'1 lll:~l~l~ti i rul'iUl:m~uifhflt1ftJcUt9~UZ U1
~~~lRlll:tnNtmrNRg1UJmH'iJ~nt~l: tnruu~:tn:H~Ultfn
mRlll:tnNm1UruU~Q~tfm1t~:w~'1 tf)lu1;Iliti l~tiAtmJtn:
tnNg1UJHUnJ~n ~i~:\jl~mmU~ltjm tf)lU1;Ilititmf tUlur
un c1 w
: mumm:m "thnwtitnU"
\.It Q

tjn~ruNDtg'1 tf)lUt;uiJ~tmf l~ti~tit~truat1)l:W1taur tJI:d

Mntftf;fU mlll:H~tjtU1W\jl~tNut!nr3m~G)&i lll:H~ijtU1N
,c:I c;-

After that king Bayong kept looking for a

place to build a royal residence. At that time,
the king found a fascinating hill so he built a
temporary shelter. When having a suitable
residence, the king and the queen talked about
their sadness and suffering from the beginning. The
queen reminded the king of his praying that he would
have his hair shaved for the water demons. Now the king
had to fulfill his promise. King Bayong had his hair shaved
for the offering for the water demons. That was why the king
was called Bayong Kor and the hill, he built the shelter, has been
called Bayong Kor Mountain. King Bayong Kor resided peacefully with
his wife on the hill for over one year, and then the queen was pregnant.

• • Cl
Cll:UiU~HutfH\J L~ilnLU"Jnljll3Ul:nw~UHjlliH~ Ln:l31tfUl
tn:t;HJl£lf i Ln:nw~Lml3:ftnttfl3tntnl3l31tf tn:m9l£lf tn
. f~titnl3un:nTInilHfllir:tnmmnrul:mmmfrJ
L: F\ -'8 H
Wlun:nwntnr ,

fjlunl3HtiHlG JUtmtfRf}PnCU~t\mCYftmgl: l31~Ln:frum ~il

tnm cuDLn:9llitLntmili milO tf}f(JmW~tmf ~il tn:l1u
Mnt1UJU mJ cuLn:H~tfnj;itiurltm:tl3:tfn ~teimtnl3tmGDBnJiil
rmt cum
nU cuItfU~
n mnn:t ~illi
W un:Hil j;itiljll3 CU8CUUtllliftntnl3 ~n
F\ 1 WI 18

ftlli~ n1>1 ei oh ~m cuJtftfn ei oj ~tl3:t ~llii

When it was due time, she delivered a baby namedPreahBath Daikley

(short arms King). Though this prince was namedPreahBath Daikley but
his body was normal and he was such a good-looking, clever boy that his
parents were very satisfied with him. SincePreahBath Bayong Kor and Preah
Neang Sak Kraob escaped to this island, they never heard about Siam king.
King Bayong Kor lived peacefully and was never afraid that Siam king would
arrive at this island.


tUnUJt:fn t~tHNJt:ffhnnmmJtHBt:fJUJn tn:SH~NntnJ;fU

~mnHmjl1) ~tuudm~t~1)~fttNNt1)1!rurJt~ t~UJtLfl~ 1
tiNUJnU nt:fL~ II tJm HJltLu 1)~Ut e1 mnw Nt tQ ~ m.JtH ~um HlJI
tuJ~' Lnt:fm~otil nmWltLU1) tgJ n Urn 1) fJtn1rJt e11t mG N
gnjrul tBt:fJt~~in tn:S1l1NntnJ;fU ~~tgJn'1 unt:fL~ Un
tnn 1) ttJiUJ~~nnmtfl11) m~HfJ t~(jl1)ftmnnm ff~RumiW1
.~' \.I U'~ lJ,

tLNtHeflUJt~UJrum UlltJtiuihitmJ ~~ tn:81u N1\t1tJ;fU Uvne1

u 0 C:J t) 01 t

W1t1)1Q~tm:tJUJw1)lUJNt:fLg t~ntUmNtmW1tL(1)t~tLu1)UJU

o rJ te11t'm e1ru tm:t1)l: ttJiUJR t(jl:UJ 0lun rJ tmt1)1Q nts:; it'm:

I" '"

cJ " ' , ' cJ
t t1 ru t ~(jtilttJUtmJ j:Hl ~ mflU0 ill t~ u1jHllLutfHlJl G) \9 CU ~

tJ1~trn~t t1ruUflt cuJtmn nhrrlt1)l~eJlthnyl~m "tetl

ntffWmCUll[Gtrm51irnilltfneJI "tetlnrrl",
<JV fill U.

Later on, Siam king made a bad scheme to abduct Preah Neang Sak Kraob.
He had a special theater built on a junk and sent many clever officials who
were good at investigating and many other soldiers to the south to look for
Preah Neang Sak Kraob again. The officials, performers, and soldiers made
a discussion, estimating that King Bayong Kor and Preah Neang Sak Kraob
must be living on an island of the ocean. They left for the island for many days
and nights. When they reached there, they anchored their junk around five
hundred meters from Bayong Kor's island. The place where Siams
anchored their junk had been called Cheung Brachum, which has now been
known as Cheung Kanhchum.

! lJ\Jml~ l~r~ 1~Lfl!H!lUP
10 10
~Wl!U n~ln\J ~flDHHmUU !mUnN
10 ~ 10

M£lNl U31Gdn~rul~ru hflCNHw~uruuUn!JtU~lnl~lf.Il

'fi 6 M I tit to.
£l~! lUUN anru ~~ ~Lhm![ll !U~U ~lf.Il~Lru lrufPU31ut~~~ ~l~l
~lJ\J lmUnN r~Drutll~Lhru~~ ~ml~ 1 ~lg~~~~Wl.wl~~lru~~
~lNhlfN~fl h{lm~u~l~~b~l~L1tH~rul~~nGl~~~m![ll
n u p

~~1~l!J1 ~l~UU
~~nWUfl!11Nm~ 1N
010 i

m1J11rufuluHll~Lhl~1~ hl£l ~Lhru~ ~ru l!J fleN l~N lruUUUt!

NruJHiimNt~mNJtj uCl{Jlru~fimm~ ~~UfHlrutNJm~~
I\JlrumUh~uur\l'1 lHMfi\lmNltjm~twummn
Q Q U rhufimmn U I

ijl~ Uh~ uj1 Nrul Nm tt}ftJQuihhmJ nnm ~ rit~iQ ~t m~t~~

ttj~'1 fimijrut'Y1~m~~§l~ mruLn9Jtitm~:rmr1~~~~unw
OJ DC; OJ 0 0.. cJ 0 tt I, 0.. 001

ijnfUHfUU-frlUuiijl ~~um'Y1~tr1rutu:nun~9~!J~ ~m-wmr

tUUd9~rutDJrUh~LUtWUUNumA'1 WUfifttruJ~ ~~Ufi\lru
tfU~l tt}ftJQuihhmJ t e1 ruijl~t mtijrut 'Y1~ m\fwfim m:t~l:
r1~lemfiLmu~ru tt}ftJQuih~tmJ ~~ tn:Il~NrlutJ;fU tU~
t 'iJ cJ OJ

nrut lJte1ruijl~ tmmrut rul~ '1

V 8

After properly anchoring their trunk, Siams built a wooden bridge

from the junk to the port. Then, they performed the play on the junk
every night. All men and women had never seen any interesting
performance, so they crowdedly went to see the play and were
greeted warmly by those Siams. When they performed for longer
time, people on the island felt very happy by the Siam performance
so that these people and Siams had very close relationship. The
Siam spies discovered that King Bayong Kor was really li . . . ing on
that island . When the audience returned home, they admired the
female dancers and performers, who could dance beautifully, and
their warm welcome. Ladies-in-waiting and soldiers of Bayong Kor
told King Bayong Kor and Preah Neang Sak Kraob everyday they
went to see the show.
'f) • OC» OJ OJ 0

t~~UJ U1~~mmLml3ilthJ\}~hJUJ1liHnnWtl3~qij1l3 W1W

'" U u -..J-..J
U <:J

. \}~ tmturut rlJll315iltfi~ij1l3twm~il tLm~unRt ruJil~WlW

mcytururunnJJ tfltmnu'hhmt RL~~tl3itt11Jm~l3~WlW~
o •
LLl~131~ R~ nLLl~ ntJqU1~ t131tJltt ruff truJ ~ Q~LLl~ ntJ dn,rn R'1
'OD to t " OJ 0 t

LLl~131~UJ1~WmtmUu~~m131mnnLl~ "1~UU~JmU1ru nL~~

tLfiJ m-fru~11m13ul n1m wuti~13U1~ntJ dt nil It m~nt cyl13 '1

One day, since she could not help going to the theater and her servants kept
telling her about the performance, Preah Neang Sak Kraob asked her
husband for permission to see the performance once because the servants
told her that it was wonderful. The king said nothing. She left her baby with
her servant; Preah Neang Sak Kraob went to bathe in the port. Then, she wore
jewelry and the male and female servants accompanied her to see the
in ry nil m rJ Ul ~ 111 i:l ijl11 BftfJ'ltj
t11i Qi:l fU1 ri t i:l ~ i:lu~ t~ i:l ~ tn~ n
Hi:l HUl11 '1 Ut I1JI fHl fit nJlt:r
tift~F\8 U \J

t e1 rut ~ijl11 t uuuJ C;cJltuu(1)l~

a t ' 0.

~ t ~ 11JI1 ft mcJl c; i:l1 fi nH 11 i:l

'" <1 F\

~~fitLC;Ji:l'1 rJwimrJt~
t ~C;i:l t3J~ ~1~ UH11i ~ W
" Co

rufU1 ~ c;~W @-n1 W11

v t ~ 0

wunuHlwwidW fit~i:l
t ~ 0. "
t~~cJl UHilll~m fitJwm
'" u tf"'\

ru~t~~i:lm un~111i:lr1ni:ltft
, cJ " 00

w1uLn ~~ WW1i:ltJl C; tm~

WlutDi:l ~i:lU~t!)i:l mRLU~

U~t ~i:l\iWtU1im "U~LfU11
i3ufwm" I n
~ ~

,.. "u~rJwidw"
, 't) c.> 01 0

Jm ~mUHlt3Ju.r~1 tU1wwwi
duo. ,
fiW~mdWWmU~C;~i:l' '1 tJ tn:Il~Mt
tnJ!U Lnmni:lftt ruJi:lf)ft ~i:lm rJWidWWmt fU1~t ~JW r1qi:l wR
Va tlcJ 0 a 01

U1~~ W11 i:ltnJ111 031~tLfitrui:l '1

Wt nifidWtI3m~ Wt m, t ~U
Ln~~i:l~ fiC;~rrutJfiLn~ n w I1JIl Rrm '1
She deeply concentrated on the themes ofthe story and beautiful songs of the
characters in the play. The Siams had already made the appointment with
sound of drum rhythms and lyrics of songs . The junk was tied up to an
anchor to the northeast about 300 meters to drag the trunk backward. The
place which anchor was dropped has been called "Yuthkar village". When
they knew that she was stuck up with the themes and music, they sang a song
called Srav Khse Yuthkar (unfastening the rope of anchor). Then, another
song called as Sampov Thoy (reverse the junk). Then, they untied the rope
~ and the junk reversed gradually. Preah Neang Sak Kraob and her servants
iJ did not know that the junk was reversing and moving because they were
focusing on the performance. While the junk was goimg further and further,
Preah Neang Sak Kraob wanted to go home.
C1{~L~ti ~lfHng rmfHn W1) :U1~p1) LNltHmwmf\{ ~ tft~n
01 0. 01 ct 0 0 cJ 0 V 0 ,

CY'1rmmm~tLftlliti1)tUJm Ln~1)1~nLw~Jl~m~l1~m~mWLuu

n~lrutiU11Nl~ir'1 Ln~1)l~L~ti~mwm e1nh D~t frtim rute1ru

Hind e1~tmt frtiJ~qftnn~ltHe1tw]ti f)~JrHmB1)qft Lftruti

tJl1rutin~ruQ~8ijlllinrumfthw]mmm RL~tiLn~nt1)J~te11lli
tLn]tiu~m . 'a! t~t1)~tmllite1ru~L~rLmrlLijlNn~ijRWrl
t1LfttJl9Lw~J1m"'1 tlumw]ti HlLffi1)HNUnfttru]muN tn:l1~
NntnJ.fu ~ q~nJ 1)Lftrutitin1m t):illintftLn~1)l~talliH~ t~tft
umm~'1 ru~nm~ijl1)un~1)l~tmlli R~llim~UlllitW£HW'lti'1
I M I \J U d "

t~ £H w]mtJ1nHmm N ijl1) ~ 1~1~ 31~ t31u'h~ tLG 1) e1 oj nru

tW1)lm~t1)l~'1 H1!£HW]tiijl1)llin tn:I1~NrltnJ.fU tin):itiQ~,
LijlNl~tmllit~Jn tmlli~UnU\5~LntimH1)1mUtLijU1~1)1~'1

When she turned her eyes to find the way home, she saw nothing but the vast
water. She was shaking and shocked in the middle of the ocean. She
remembered the past time when she left Dang Rek Mountain to run away
from Siams, but now she could not escape and was abducted because of not
knowing Siams' trick. She sobbed and said, "Oh! It is today that I am
separated from my poor husband and my beloved son." Siams pushed her
servants to return home by rafts; only Preah Neang Sak Kraob was taken.
After abducting her, Siams took her to their king. Siam king was very happy.
He awarded them many presents. He kept her in a separated castle and
ordered his womenservants to serve her there.

Utru1ll tflftJ1;lUlutmJ mrutUL{1tiUJlUmurHH\HwJtJ~l
01 01 dOl ~ cJ
liJr1LLl~H~tJtU1WtmtU1liJ LLl~H~ntnft~QHulnWtHHHUHru~
0. I 010 0 I ~ , Q. 0 t

tJ~ U~ t9 ~ m~HW {1ntJ1~t~UlUJ HhuW1~ YLm 1Wt~1W1taW

I I t QfcJcJ

LLl~mJt1Ul'1 LLl~H~L{1~ ~~ ~w~~ tmtJU1lWltH t~ HfttunLLl~

cJ 0. 01 01 01011 Cf 0 CD 01 0. cJ
t~Lft tfttJ~(jl~ tWm~tLn1Ll{1 nCHHy~t'YW ~~lrunt(jlntun
n W t{1ti~ntJntijruuihm:1rn
{11W ~ ~
ft t{1titUJrntnrm
~ ~ 18

rumrrut~ruW{1tftW11:mW1lhWH1n U1lrl~uW1utiwlliHrun~t
(\J I '" '" u " U

nWftmW! nWft
A ~
"0 '01 0'

HttJ~ u~uwm.m: run wrn ruU~~H~ Hiuftnt ~t w'U

1tJ fl{1ttij~
uft U 1 I

~ ~ dU Q

When king Bayong Kor knew that his wife was abducted, he was absolutely
grief-stricken. His tear dropped every day, but he bore to live for his son.
He looked at the ocean he nearly became blind. He saw nothing, but the vast
water and waves of the sea. When he turned his eyes to the island, he saw the
landscape and forest that seemed to help relieve his suffering. "How sad
I am!" said the king, "I am nostalgic when you and I ran away from Siams.
Now, it is not evitable to make a great mistake that leave me so lonely."


0" ' v '
(j HUtn tn:!l13 Mntttf;fU ttHlHHj t 1)1 Qtl Uil fDHi tj mtftUl ~ H~

! 0. OJOJO • 0 0.

tm~tfl1)Lrr~ilRLfDmULfDtm1) dl1) y t m~ULfD~Ultfrn mmn(j~~n

, OJ'!1 do. OJ OJ cJ

CflnutLtf~Ug1)UJltl run ntf1)LfDlnLfDl~ mfD(jR~QteH LtjlfDl ~

dcytltcym tftunR~Gdlm~mn~rt~l£il1)'1 ~mtg~ Lrr~mtltntl
, 01 0. 011 OJ cJ OJ

fitl tHnmtfU~ CHn~WJtldl1) y fD~tl rnmrutLntltjl1) tWmtf~ fDJ

teHUU1~l)ltlgiU~Hli~ t~mwJtf ~mU111)UJltf~ldl~y ij1)~
OJ ta OJ

Lrr~1)ltlt Gmt ~ rulltjl1) t ~J m Lrr~1)ltlt nn~ Qt fDl nfDtLtltl nrut g

CID OJ 0 1 ' 0. OJ 0 t

1) ntwmurr~mJUUnn(jdl~UfDru1m 1)tl urr~fDltfdlfinfDn'1

........, IU -.J d U
Preah Neang Sak Kraob, who was staying alone in the castle, always felt very
upset even though she was attentively served and pleased by the servants, she
could not be relieved from the suffering. For her, though the castle was very
big, but it seemed too narrow to find way to walk. Every day, she sat and
looked out at the south window to look for anyone with whom she might be
familiar. Siam king always ordered the soldiers to guard at the doors and
would not let her out at all. She was very sad everyday because she missed
her beloved son and her poor husband.
tLG ~ ij1 tun UJt:H1 tn:aUlflNf ell rhn ~ rUJ rru ~l I'm chr ~ d
v tcJ
t~Ji:l f1JiU1:UITl lnU1:mITl teirutJ~ ijl~ tWm m(Utftt fUl:'1 ulftJ
OJ 0. 0. OJ

t;nihhmJ RLijlULn:ncJt1U'lITltJdt Mit Ui:lL~utihi:l'1 Ln:H~R

OJ OJ 0 0.

HUH fUGn t mUntin UJcJl31 i:l fUtJrulun:u ITlt mITltJinun:m ITl

n n IV U

UJntJn1m~mnHnijl~'1 Ul:UITlRm~U1:u~rum "dJt1LfttmITltJ

lnun:mITl UUftt mt ei ~t ~nijl~ t ~ t m:uuunUJnmUJtJn1mR~i:l
1 , 1 n ........,

LUU1~€p31i:lgrfUL~tJW1B~31~ ~t~:t1Ln~mrutmH mUITltnC1.Q

tfU~lOu1 (1ru~ijl~t mri eii tUm~HlfU§tJneiru~~Hlut eil:~~
ijl~"'1 t9U UlftJQ1uhhmJ L~~tLfifUtrfUtJ~fUJteiruD1un~ r{L~
u~~rutgcJl(1rut fU~l ijl~ d~~ nuq~~lft~tJnLU~t~1nt~i:llJUJ
mi:lNrutJ~1£1lmiuniltD~tJ~Hl~tJmmt1519L(1:nn~lJUJ t9utl51
OJ t "V tt t 't>
~t~:cJlutnw:m tLfUGtJ(1ru nJJntJneirufUDtgt~:'1

Years later, prince Dai Kley became mature. He asked his father for his
missing mother. King Bayong Kor, then, told his son about what had
happened. The prince was furious. He asked for permission to look for and
save his mother. The king said, "If you go alone with bare hand, you can't
save your mother. When you bring your mother back, there will be fighting;
so it is not the right time to go. Please wait until I mobilize enough soldiers
to go with you. If you are in danger, they can help you escape." The king
selected lots of brave and loyal soldiers to assemble at a particular place to
learn fighting lessons and magic. That place has been called Sre Chorm Pol
up to now, (field where brave, loyal soldiers were assembled).

~~l~~llioJm 4l~rnr'Yt:Hh~~nG~tullli t~Ul~~~ tn:QHJ
l£ll WlUl~fld~U') q~Ntnitmnmgrt(jtl9n Ntmtm~NmrurlJ
HrJtnrurtltlUN~til t~Ut me1oJU1 te1~ tN]BI tn:HUlflNl£l1
R13nNtnit~Rn~t~ trn~~lli te1rum~ te1~ ~WlU ~tlUllU~ oJ
tN]B'YBUJltl Qrut ml"1 nt N]B41~ I ~ 1341~ tmruBntulllim
tn:HUlflNl£l1 ftntB~m~ln~mBm l£ll tnln~H~m~ln~U1~
0/0. 0. 0. 01 'a OJ 0

ru m~un~mnnnNtllt1rWl~nnnrumrumrut~nnUN'UnB un~
t-S U $" W\J \.I t
Htl41~ mnnnrumtlHNm NmrulnmNtnit~i~t~~13~ tllitl
0 ' " 00 01 OJ

An,", U 1

tmtnmRi:ltl41~tullli ij~Rruli'h'l t0rul1~tlBn1mt~

~ v
1 ~

tllitl41~NtlB13mmN13~Ujl~ t9UlnruUBnNtrmm", ln~H~

<1 U ~ntlun~~llit13~tn~nUtoJ)rm
I n
0) cJ
• 0. 1 oc,)

4l~~U~ tlln~mm lutU1ruWlB~ '1[1ruln~11~t rulnt ~ utruln

ln~mm1m RlUtU1ruWlij~~ru~ruln~U~te1(,

When King Bayong Kor realized that the soldiers were strong enough, he let
his son prince Dai Kley travel by junk toward the northwest. It took them
three weeks to arrive at the Siam border. Prince Dai Kley anchored his junk
at a port near an island, which was so close that he could go into Siam
kingdom. As mentioned, though prince Dai Khley was named short arms
(Dai Kley) but he, like other men, had normal arms and was very handsome
and charming. He told his soldiers, "Wait for me here, in our junk, I will go
alone. I don't know when I will be back; I will return after I attain my goal."
He continued his journey to his Siam city thinking, "IfI meet my mother, she
may not be able to recognize me, and neither may 1."

mug~mtg\jw tn:Ql9f£l1 R~iltnfU~iltijru~lWtijruHlW
,v , cJ t t

LfU1utmjl~guLu9~ tn:S1~NntnJAU mLn~mmwru~ilLnilU)F'

01 cJ cJ '0. ,w
LtjlfU19 9nttJrutfn31il tun tn\jwLn~H~ t:lil tnL9iltf~'l{lrum
U1~mmt 1\J1~ L9~~mn mU\Jt fUJtfm~Jutmtf'lrlnLfUhhJLnil
" t 01 ,0 Q.

~8~ruLn9jil ~urilu~ u~imntJ1tfltftfj1~pm 9LfUrulm nm~u~

LUftrl ~ RL9~ tm rumnJUrDnutrnJilt~l~~il ~Ln~~lilt enw
tfUU~t~tfl11 t:l tn:S1~Nr\tnJAU 1m ij~'l{lruUlmfU[1fh~~
mLn~ncJ~LnmwL9~t9JW ~nmmmfUtfUJtfh1~1\J10 RtRnG~
Q. c) "0 I Ole) I I

LUnn ~lli1il Zlil HJJ neirutjl~ tm rum nJ fU~ muil mtfogm mfU
L~ ~il~ifU, Ln~rniltjl~~Ln~H~Ul eirutnruLnruudm~Ln~H~
tfn~ilt 9J n Ln~~lil~il q~nLtjll\J19tfnm gh Ln~~liltjl~Urnl R
l nUl .. ~t~~l\J1ftrurunw ftnm~tf~fU~tUrnurumnnnUt9",
t9U v H U 1 -'U ........, -...)
I 01 0 01 10.. " , 0

Ln~H~lVfUm~ t fUURt ~tfl1m Zlil ttflWL9il~nUl Hmuil~~Ln~

t fUJtft~~ ~ tjl~ tul'w ~il nLill ftWn~lil
t 9i 9fit ~i "h rri r\5 ~
r\Jtft ~ it 9i mm w n

U~t9it9Jn", ~~eirutnruLnruud
, a ,
Ln~H~~ fUt~l~ nLn9jUtfnLtjll\J19
1mmtfUrrulLn~~lil I Ln~~lilR
t umtfngu~l e1 t 9Jil t 9iLn~ ncJ d
tOOl 00.. 0

....1IiIl run nI tin mil mn~ llilW fU tnn ~

fU run ru ru il t rul tf ~l t en wt fU un

\J Q n
ClPQ, t 0

t~tfll tjl~LULn~~~H§ni~il~
tul'WR ~l mift tUrnffun~ drunR
Q ......,

"h eiit 9iRn~m ~un Ntrri I

One day, when the prince was looking around, he glanced at his mother Preah
Neang Sak Kraob, who was sitting at the window alone looking outside.
He did not know she was his mother. The prince thought, "This Siam lady is
really beautiful, her face is as round as the moon, and she had so lovely red
lips." He suddenly fell in love with her. He tried to pay a court to her. Preah
Neang Sak Kraob, not recognizing the young man as her son, thought that he
was a typical Siam man and courted him, too and they fell in love with each
other. She told the prince, "Please come here again in the late night. I will go
down and wait for you." She confirmed, " Here is very quiet; no one comes
often." The prince had deeply fallen in love. He thought himself, "I will make
love with this Siam girl and take her to the junk; then, I will be back to look
for my mother." When the late night came, he returned to the castle as she told
him. She went down to take him to her room. They made love and slept
together. After that, they left for the prince junk.

Cl1 :t:HHHU hl wi L0: 1)1 tll\!l (lh-n t:fHU WI mtJ ffi1 fi WI ij nut UJ
ijn91tlt1ll:RQlRg1) ttDWfU1nniPfrltmrmtlritJn!JltJ R~tlt3jlW
IJlLrirt1):WI In:S1t1NftlnJ;fu WlLo:mmmw In:aUlfuJlal
d O l o I

t:JlLO:m:Jtfu'l'1 LO:1lltlnLWlUIJl tfHut1):WlLo:fl£JtfUiWl ~n hHl

rJ ' 0 01

t tj ruLo:1')l tlLtrl fUm nt 131 rutJnH fU 1W: m ruWltl G) OQ1tJnttfl W'1

Lo:mm ~tlLo:fl£JtfLnRUH~ufrlt tj1Wt fUt3~~n1rununtl tfU1)
0' OJ 0: I

n fUn '1 tltfUt3ntfUtfl1t mWnnIl1 nHlnWtrlnntltnrut1)l:m1)

nQ ,
tTl " \It
I d O l I t rJ c:» 0 0 010 OJ

fUru'1 LO:fl£JtfLn nm1)tfUt3~1§nffi1Umrt:JlO~nmm:Htn~AUj

ttjruL~tl trlri t 9t3t m:U1:mm t m:WlLo:mmHnt mfUUJltl nIll
1 % 1 "

00. I 01 ,cJ OJ

ntJri ~ut fUt3~ffi1Um H1ll:t ~jW'1 unorut fU1)l mrutrlriU1:1lltl

ttDW R1)1 mtUnhltmuntlt l 1) flnmriutl ti tm:t mm~uo:
" n n

fl£JenIllR In:tiUJt1uihhmf rm'1

When they got at the junk, she recognized Banyong Kor's soldiers and
relatives. They talked to each other and knew that she was Preah Neang Sak
Kraob, the prince's mother. She was informed that the young man was her
son that she left for over ten years. The mother and son embraced each other
because of missing, and their love relationship was disappeared. The prince
was deeply shocked by his misconduct toward his mother. Even though his
mother apologized for him, he could not get rid of this shock. The soldiers,
when finding Preah Neang Sak Kraob, quickly sailed the junk as fast as they
could toward Bayong Kor's palace.

UN~tfl tummH1 Nt ITiRijl1)tHl e1ruLll~lld e rul1fh u~tJ
t;llihhmJ ~il tn:IUu\JltUU!U ijl1)tHlgUq€Pte11liHNIJ~
rnllW ~ilt mwt NIJ~tl\JlnNtLilil9~~3Jn3Jr\HLm~t NIJ~~n w
ao OJ OI!OJ Il
HUnUqn'1 mruwijl1) gULll~i1~m9LNill1mttflW Lll~1)liln

Lmuu~ ~ rutuulltimtlewfirm "tf:l1)lwn§[lrJtm~t1)iQil

• •
m1) UnLN' t1)in e1 IIJ1UtLtlLf:luwrut rill1
t OJ 00 OJI

Lijll\Jl9tjWtn~ n bil
EP1)t f1!Ut N]tll Rt ill1~ rulltlnw] ntu] 1) §[l rJ t 9 '1 wrut e1rulj 1)
OJ I 0 10' ,
• OJ C»

3m Ntl1) l\Jl ru mn 1) ruNt Wil t l\Jl~ 1) nl\Jl1) mm

t Wilt m e1ru -yu. IF\ U "

1 ill
Gtrulnn1)tWilrm Rij1)l\Jlru8mrJmmw
-yu. "
--...J A
1 cJ ,
teH'1 wruijl1) dum
ntnnIJnUUn1l9t NUll rtfl n e1ruijl1) NUf:lN1)
"c;:JQ U \AI ""
C» , OJ 01 OJ cJ
H1) mmtlw1)iln1) ruNtwilt1)~t mttflW NtlUll~l\JltlHi1Wt 91N
"" u u u ""
, 0 t o "
e1ru~UB[lN Llltl91ilqLnOil '1

Three weeks later, the junk reached the palace. King Bayong Kor and Preah
neang Sak Kraob were reunited happily, excitedly and they sobbed because
they missed each other so much. When Preah neang Sak Kraob met her
beloved husband, she told him, "I was kept in the castle alone with many
women-servants all day and night, and no one bothered me, even Siam King.
When our son came there, I did not recognize him, and neither did our son.
We both fell in love and engaged in sexual intercourse. Please apologize me
and our son."
'~tJQlu'hhmJ L~~UJlUtUl~WDLmhnt:fmnJ~rutr;Ul~r;lil
OJ ,0 tot OJ to.
nnw L~ilnf)nmr;~lru~t~jW tmWU1~H~L~il(1mmmm
" 0. OJ,t ao. _ CPO 0 010 OJ't

t:3gm!f1wr; ilfjr; t m~UUJ1ill1.fl1 nt:fr;Ullr;LUL(1~Ht (1~ t:1UjUJ1il

~ CPo.. "
tr; ~ t ei r tr; ~ t:1t:fn(1 tUl ~t:f r; '1[l ru €r ijl r; mUll r; LUL(1 ~ Hr;l mrUJ1 il
01 OJ 0 . ' _

tr;~", tDiltr;~ '~tJQlu'il1'mJ L(1~H~mr;W~~WilJWtLniltru1

L(1~n cJ~Lnmr; ijlUngg~ fJ1R einh-fijlw t ~UL(1~H~ ~ttnitinLijlg
ncJUMnnrtU11n t:fncJuiH1tum~md~ru tUnilmr;nt:ft(1DHrmm
~ \41 Q: \It

m~milt:f8, ru~G~ ntum~tt:3'1uti~rutUlnjjruw(1umh

I 1 I U I <1
m Rijlr;
1~gwWtLt:f(jm "wrtn~L(1~ncJ~Ln~~ru~O{lng tfL~mnLW~
~ijlr;G~r;G)OOG)H~ ", '~tJQlu'ilitmJ RL~~mft~(1rumG)ooG)
ri1R ~gwflnLW~U1~ncJ~Lnteir,

After listening to what she told, the king was not angry because he thought,
"Never have son and mother made love with each other; this was because
they did not know each other, they made a great mistake." Since King
Bayong Kor was afraid that his son would be sinful, he called for scholars
and prophesiers to prophesy whether his son would have a sin or not.
Through a long analytical discussion, they decided, "The prince has to be
punished to dig up 100 I ponds (100 I Sreas Ang)." Then, the king decided to
order the laborers help him.

1 ...
ttJ1W cj I
'0. ~~ 0 c) 'a0

Lrl~flG~LnL~~H£3Wl3m LW~H~I:fl~G)OOG) tr1rudl~te1BfHul~

tl3~ -y8WtH~~W~ndliUtllilG~
U '4 L.; 1
t Bt:fi~~ijll3
r1flUn.nlLW~H~tl3~tru~r1R~n tu1WB~~flUt~t~J~1m~(j£3lim
r1flUtl31~ Wt:f~it
u U
-y W
m" '1 tUlml3~
CJ cJ 0 OIcJ cJ
tUllliijll3 dltl3in~t 8nftl
~ n
t:fll3 ~ntl3~ wrut:fll3tmn~m

H~'tLGl3n.nlW· ~(jdl H~rm H~r\f~ dlt~t:f'1 e5

After the 1001 ponds were dug up, the king celebrated a religious ceremony
for the completion, The prince wished, "Now I have dug up 1001 ponds,
I would devote these ponds for the advantage of all living creatures on earth
to use the water from today onwards until all the ponds become dry and the
soil comes up as flat as normality, then my sin will be vanished." Thus there
have been many places named Angs namely Ang Rokar, Ang Soeng and so
on. The End

Failures are good lessons for us to learn.

- ,

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