Greeting Phrases How To Greet People Conversation Topics Dialogs - 124963

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Greeting Phrases: How to greet people

A: Match the greetings with the provided answer:
1. Hello. a. I am doing good, thanks.
2. How are you? b. I am from Syria.
3. Pleased to meet you. c. My name is Ali.
4. How are you doing? d. I am great, thanks.
5. What is your name? e. Hi.
6. Where are you from? f. Pleased to meet you too.

B: Complete the greeting introduction expressions with the words from the box
a. you from? meet you too c. name? d. are you doing? e. are you? see g. am good thanks h. morning/afternoon/evening i. meet you.

1. How _______________________ 2. Where are _____________________ 3. I ______________________

4. Good _________________ 5. How _______________________ 6. Nice to ___________________

7. Long time __________________ 8. What is your _______________ 9. Nice to ___________________

C. Complete the dialogue using the words above.

A: Good _______________. ________________ are you?
B: __________________. I am ___________________, and ________________.

A: I am ___________ thanks. My name is ______________. What is your ____________?

B: My name is ___________________. _______________ to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you _______________.

B: Are you a new ESOL student?

A: Yes, I am. I am from _________________, and _____________
are you from?
B: I am from ________________.

A: Have you met the other students?

B: No, I haven’t
A: OK, let’s go and meet them. I will introduce you.

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