Men Tiwas and Men Sugih

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Men Tiwas and Men Sugih

Once upon a time, there were Men Sugih and Men Tiwas in a village. Men Sugih was
a rich woman and Men Tiwas was a poor one. Men Sugih was a very tricky to Men Tiwas.
“Hey Tiwas give the rice back to me. You lie. I’ve got a louse in my hair”. Men Sugih
took the rice and Men Tiwas was very sad and stay in hungry.
On the other occasion, “Oh…please don’t take the rice! It is for the kids, please!”
Men Tiwas begged. “It is not my business! I want the rice. You lie to me. I found two seeds”.
Ladies and gentlemen, those were the condition of Men Sugih bad attitude that made
Men Tiwas suffered.
One day, Men Tiwas went to forest to take some fire wood and vegetable (paku
plantation) to be sold in the market. “Oh, I think I should take some….” But suddenly she
heard something moving in the bushes. “Excuse me, is there somebody?” The bushes was
shaking and Men Tiwas was eager to know it. And she really surprised. “Oh sorry I make you
surprised”, Men Tiwas showed a golden deer. “Hey Tiwas don’t be afraid come close to me”.
Men Tiwas was very scared, then she came close to golden deer. “Tiwas… please take
something from my anus”. A moment she was doubt and “come on give a hand and take
something from my anus!” at last she gave her hand and take something from the deer’s anus.
How surprised she was. “Oh my God, they were golden necklaces, bracelets, rings, and
money”. She couldn’t believe it and on that time the golden deer disappeared. “Oh… where
are you golden deer, thank you, thank you God!”.
Men Tiwas went home soon. In short, Men Tiwas changed her life to be rich one. On
the other hand, Men Sugih felt jealous and tried to know Men Tiwas’ life. “Ti…Ti…Tiwas
your life changed shortly. You could build the house. You have many golden accessories.
How did you get them?” Men Sugih seduced Men Tiwas. “Please, inform me, now I was
poor, I couldn’t buy a glass of rice, please…please Men Tiwas?” asked Men Sugih sadly.
Men Tiwas was so kind and she took pity on her and then she told everything to her.
Men sugih was so happy and the following day she went to the forest and pretended to take
the firewood. Suddenly she saw the golden deer. She was so happy and imagined that she
would be the most generous.
“Oh golden deer, I was so poor. I stay in hungry for two days. My family was suffer.
Please help me?” and then the golden deer said, “Hey Sugih give your hand to my anus!
Without thinking much she took her hand to deer’s anus. On that time, the deer run fast and
Men Sugih brought to the bushes.
“Oh no…no…stop…please stop… release me please!” shouted Men Sugih. After a
few minutes the deer released Men Sugih. She was full of hurt and wounded. She tried to get
home. She shocked and got sick.
Ladies and gentlemen,
What is the moral value of the story of Men Tiwas nad Men Sugih? Alright. We can
learn from the story that we must help each other. Don’t be greedy, otherwise you will pay it!

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