Biodegradation UserGuide

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PetroMod 2016
Version 2016.2

Reference Guide
*Mark of Schlumberger
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4 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.1. Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Who should use this software? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2. Biodegradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2. Step 1: Define and Add Components in the Component Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3. Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4. View the Results of Biodegradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5. Biodegradation in PetroCharge Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Open PetroCharge Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
View the effects of biodegradation on a model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Apply biodegradation to a model that has been simulated without biodegradation . . . . . . . . . 22
Change the biodegradation settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Appendix: Help and Support Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Submit a support request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Additional help information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016
1. Introduction

In this chapter

1.1. Software ................................................................................................ 8

Who should use this software?............................................................. 9

Introduction 7

1.1. Software
PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software combines seismic, well, and
geological information to model the evolution of a sedimentary basin. PetroMod
software will predict if, and how, a reservoir has been charged with hydrocarbons,
including the source and timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration routes,
quantities, and hydrocarbon type in the subsurface or at surface conditions.
The biodegradation add-on enables you to incorporate the effects of biodegradation
into a petroleum systems model. It can be used with the hybrid and flowpath
migration methods. Biodegradation can only be used with 3D models.
Biodegradation occurs mainly at the free oil water contact (OWC) and is dependent
upon the size of the OWC area, temperature, composition of the oil, filling history
and supply of nutrients for the microbes. Fig. 1-1 offers a graphical depiction of the
biodegradation process.

Fig. 1-1 Biodegradation at OWC.

The rate of biodegradation is expressed as:

dm i
--------- = – r i rA
mi - mass of components in compound class i
ri - relative degradation rate of compound class/component i
r - total degradation rate
A - OWC area
The total degradation rate is given by:

T1 - temperature above which biodegradation decreases.

σ - temperature range parameter specifying the temperature range in which
biodegradation decreases.

8 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

Who should use this software?

rmax - The maximum rate of degradation. This value is dependent on the

composition of the oil and the degradation environment, e.g. supply of nutrients.
These theoretical assumptions are used to calculate the affect of biodegradation on
a petroleum system model. For more information on the theoretical aspects of
biodegradation in petroleum systems modeling, please refer to: Hantschel, T. &
Kauerauf, A. (2009) Fundamentals of Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling

• • • • • •
Note: A license is required for each add-on. Please contact the PetroMod support
team to obtain a license (see “Appendix: Help and Support Information” for
contact details).

Who should use Specialist basin and petroleum system modelers whose responsibilities range from
this software? petroleum resource assessments on a regional scale, to petroleum charge risk
assessments on a play or prospect scale.

Introduction 9
Who should use this software?

10 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

2. Biodegradation

In this chapter

2.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................12

2.2. Step 1: Define and Add Components in the Component Editor ..................13
2.3. Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the Simulator.................................16
2.4. View the Results of Biodegradation .........................................................18
2.5. Biodegradation in PetroCharge Express....................................................19
Open PetroCharge Express .................................................................19
View the effects of biodegradation on a model .....................................19
Apply biodegradation to a model that has been simulated without

Biodegradation 11

2.1. Introduction
The general workflow for incorporating biodegradation consists of two main steps:
Step 1: Define and Add Components in the Component Editor
Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the Simulator
There is also a simplified and decoupled biodegradation option in PetroCharge

12 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

Step 1: Define and Add Components in the Component Editor

2.2. Step 1: Define and Add Components in the Component Editor

Before running a simulation with biodegradation, make sure the corresponding
biodegradable components are present in the Component Editor. Biodegradable
components have the suffix “_deg”. When running a simulation with the
biodegradation option, the Simulator looks for components with this suffix. If they
are not found, biodegradation will not be applied.
1 Open the Component Editor from the PetroMod Command Menu. Go to
the Editors tab and click once on the Components icon (alternatively, click on
the Editors menu on the Menu bar and select Components).
2 The Component Editor will open:

Fig. 2-1 The component editor

3 Select the component group from the drop-down list. The components
belonging to the selected group will appear in the table.
PetroMod comes with a set of biodegradable components (components with
the “_deg” suffix). Fig. 2-1, for example, shows components in the “Oil:
Compound Classes” group. The components PK_P10 ... PK_P60+ have a
corresponding biodegradable counterpart as indicated by the “_deg” suffix.
Think of these components as a single component with two parts - a
biodegradable part (the part with the “_deg” suffix) and a non-biodegradable
part (without the suffix). The fraction of the component that is degradable is
given by the Deg. Frac parameter (see below).

Biodegradation 13
Step 1: Define and Add Components in the Component Editor

• Rel. Deg. Rate (relative degradation rate): The relative degradation velocity that
must be assigned to both parts of the component (i.e. biodegradable and non-
biodegradable parts).
• Deg. Frac. (degradation fraction): For the biodegradation calculation, the
simulator needs to know the fraction of the component that is biodegradable.
Take a look at the PK_P10 component in Fig. 2-2. The non-biodegradable part of
the component (without the “_deg” suffix) has a Deg. Frac. of 0.8. This means
that 80% of the component is biodegradable. The biodegradable part of the
component is PK_P10_deg. This part of the component has a Deg. Frac of 1 to
indicate that it is completely biodegradable. The Deg. Frac for the “_deg”
component is always 1.

Fig. 2-2 Determine the degradable fraction

4 If you want to use the supplied components and parameters, proceed to 2.3.
Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the Simulator. Otherwise, edit the
supplied components.
To edit one of the supplied components, first copy both parts of the component
(i.e. the degradable and non-degradable parts).

To copy components:
i) Insert an empty row into the table by right-clicking anywhere in the table and
selecting Insert Row(s) from the context menu.
ii) Highlight the row containing the component you wish to copy and click the copy

button . Click on the empty row and then click the paste button to insert
the copied data.

5 After copying the component, add the “_deg” suffix to one of the copies and
edit the parameters as required.

• • • • • •
Note: If you wish to use other components for biodegradation, make two copies of
the source component (see above for instructions on how to copy
components). PetroMod will automatically apply suffixes to the copies.
14 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016
Step 1: Define and Add Components in the Component Editor

Rename the copied components (they should have the same name, but one
should have the “_deg” suffix). You can now edit the biodegradation
parameters on the copied components.

6 Save your changes and close the Component Editor.

Biodegradation 15
Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the Simulator

2.3. Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the Simulator

Before running the simulation, select the Biodegradation option in the Simulator
interface to ensure the parameters you set in Step 1 are included in the simulation.
1 Open the Simulator from the PetroMod Command Menu and select your
2 To activate biodegradation, select the Biodegradation checkbox on the
Simulation Options pane.


Set options

Fig. 2-3 Setting the biodegradation options in the Simulator.

3 Edit the Biodegradation options as required:

• Maximum degradation rate: The maximum rate of degradation which is
dependent on the composition of the oil and the degradation environment,
e.g. supply of nutrients.
• Threshold temperature T1: The temperature above which biodegradation

16 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the Simulator

• Temperature range sigma: The parameter specifying the temperature

range in which biodegradation decreases.
• Paleo pasteurization temperature: The temperature above which all
biodegradation stops.
• Mass reduction factor: The ratio between the maximum possible
hydrocarbon losses due to biodegradation and the total hydrocarbon mass.
Below is an example showing the mass reduction factor for a biodegradation

4 C16H34 + 30 H2O 49 CH4 + 15 CO2

15  12 -
------------------------------------ = 0.199
4  16  12 + 34 
Mass Reduction Factor

Biodegradation 17
View the Results of Biodegradation

2.4. View the Results of Biodegradation

The effects of biodegradation can be viewed in Viewer 3D.
1 Open your model in Viewer 3D.
2 Right-click the accumulation in the Organizer and select Accumulation
Info... . The Accumulation Info box will open. The Balance tab shows the
biodegradation masses for vapor and liquid:

Fig. 2-4 Viewing the results of biodegradation in Viewer 3D.

18 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

Biodegradation in PetroCharge Express

2.5. Biodegradation in PetroCharge Express

Biodegradation settings and options can also be set in PetroCharge Express.
PetroCharge Express is an easy-to-use tool for quickly obtaining detailed
information on reservoir layers, especially hydrocarbon (HC) accumulations and their
drainage areas. Migration is only considered through the flowpath method, i.e. the
timing of migration is neglected.
PetroCharge Express offers two biodegradation options:
1 View the effects of biodegradation on an entire model that has been simulated
with the biodegradation option.
2 Apply biodegradation to individual accumulations of a model that has been
simulated without the biodegradation option (or switch off biodegradation for
individual accumulations in a model that was simulated with biodegradation).

Open PetroCharge 1 Open PetroCharge Express from the PetroMod Command Menu. Go to
Express the Petro tab and click once on the PetroCharge Express icon (alternatively,
click on the Petro menu on the Menu bar and select PetroCharge
2 PetroCharge Express will open. Click File, Open Project..., double-click
pm3d in the Open PetroCharge Project dialog and then double-click on a
model. The available prx files will be listed. Only *.prx-files are shown. This
format characterizes layers with reservoir properties. The software uses the top
and base map and the information concerning the porosity and temperature as
calculated in the simulator and stored in the *.prx-file.

View the effects of If you simulated a model using the biodegradation options as described in Step 1:
biodegradation on Define and Add Components in the Component Editor and 2.3. Step 2: Set
a model Biodegradation Options in the Simulator, you can view the results in PetroCharge
1 Turn on the accumulations: Expand the Hydrocarbons folder in the Charge
Browser, right-click on Vapor Accumulations and select Show.
Do the same for Liquid Accumulations.

Figure 2-1: Show/hide the accumulations

2 In the Liquid Accumulations / Vapor Accumulations dialog, select the

checkbox next to Biodegradation Level Color.

Biodegradation 19
View the effects of biodegradation on a model

Fig. 2-5 Showing the biodegradation level.

The biodegradation level represents the amount of biodegraded hydrocarbons in an

accumulation. It is calculated using the following equation

mi deg: degradable mass of component i in an accumulation.

mi : mass of component i.
The biodegradation level is graphically represented in a color chart in PetroCharge
Express. 0=no biodegradation, 1=complete biodegradation. To view the exact
level, click on the accumulation in Map View. The corresponding drainage area will
be selected and the Drainage Area info box will open (the right hand image in Fig.
2-6). Go to the Accu. tab. The exact biodegradation level is shown at the bottom of
the tab.

20 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

View the effects of biodegradation on a model

Fig. 2-6 Viewing the Biodegradation level

Biodegradation options
The Options menu on the PetroCharge Express Menu bar contains an item
called Biodegradation Options

This option enables you to change the biodegradation settings. However, the
changes affect only the current time step of the loaded layer. You also need to
ensure that components with the _”deg” suffix are assigned in PetroCharge
Express, otherwise biodegradation will not be applied. The Biodegradation
Options also enable you to remove biodegradation from the loaded layer.

Biodegradation 21
Apply biodegradation to a model that has been simulated without biodegradation

Apply If you have a model that was simulated without biodegradation, you can set the
biodegradation to a biodegradation options in PetroCharge Express to calculate and view the effects
model that has of biodegradation on individual accumulations. The biodegradation algorithm is
been simulated based on a simplified, decoupled approach.
1 Click an accumulation to open the corresponding Drainage Area info box.

2 Click the Time button at the bottom of the Geom. tab

3 A time chart for the accumulation will open. Click the Biodegradation button
on the Toolbar of the time chart (Fig. 2-7). A second time chart will open
showing the effects of biodegradation on the accumulation. In Fig. 2-7, for
example, the time chart at the top shows the accumulation without
biodegradation. Liquid volume increases up to about 6Ma and then remains
relatively constant up to present day. The bottom chart shows the same
accumulation with the effects of biodegradation. You can see that
biodegradation causes the liquid volume to decrease after 6Ma.

Without biodegradation

With biodegradation

Fig. 2-7 Accumulation with and without the effects of biodegradation

22 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

Apply biodegradation to a model that has been simulated without biodegradation

Change the 1 To change the biodegradation settings, click the Info button on the Toolbar of
biodegradation settings the Biodegradation Time Chart (Fig. 2-8).
2 The Biodegradation Settings and Options dialog will open. Adjust the settings
as required and click OK (see 2.3. Step 2: Set Biodegradation Options in the
Simulator for a description of the settings). The time chart will immediately
update to reflect the changes.

Fig. 2-8 Setting the biodegradation parameters.

Biodegradation 23
Apply biodegradation to a model that has been simulated without biodegradation

24 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

Submit a support request

Appendix: Help and Support

PetroMod is provided by © Schlumberger. The software has been designed by the
Schlumberger Aachen Technology Center (AaTC).

Submit a support 1 Visit the Schlumberger Software website at

2 Click Support on the menu bar.
3 Login or Register.
The Support page offers these services:

4 Submit your request in one of these ways:

• Create a ticket: Click Support Services first, then Tickets, to create a
ticket that will be sent to the Customer Care Center. In the ticket, you must
specify the software product, version, and platform.
• Data Exchange: Use this service to attach files to a ticket or upload files via
Secure File Transfer.
1. Click Support Services.
2. Click Start Exchange.
3. Enter the Ticket Incident Number and your E-Mail address.
4. Select the HTML or Java Applet UI upload method: HTML has a default file
size limit of 2GB. Java has no file size limit.
• Telephone: Click Support Services, then click Call or Email us to find
the telephone numbers of support personnel in your region.
• Email: Send an email to
Subject: Software product (e.g. PetroMod)
Email content: Product version, module (e.g. PetroBuilder 3D), description of
the issue, how you tried to solve the issue, screenshots, your phone number
and email address.
Appendix: Help and Support Information 25
Additional help information

Additional help PetroMod provides the following help information:

• The PDFs of the user guides, installation guide, and release notes are included in
the installer and can be downloaded from the Documentation page of the
Schlumberger Software website.

• Task and process-specific information is available via these buttons in

• The PetroMod Help Center provides online access to the user guides and links to
the Schlumberger Software website. Open the Help Center from the Help menu
in any PetroMod module.

26 PetroMod Biodegradation, Version 2016

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