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Tabango, Leyte
Second Semester 2022-2023


General Instruction: Do not write anything on the test paper nor make unnecessary marks and folds. Follow the directions
and do not cheat. Anyone who will violate this general instruction will be dealt accordingly
Directions: Read and understand the statements below. Choose the correct answer from the options provided. Write the
letter only.

1. It is the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us.
a. Natural Science b. Social Science c. Political Science d. Psychology
2. It is considered to be “hard” sciences, and has theories and well-established laws.
a. Natural Science b. Social Science c. Sociology d. Psychology
3. Which of the following describes Humanities?
a. Studies human interaction c. it is more scientific in approach
b. Studies human culture d. it involves more constructed methodology
4. Anthropology is field of social science studies the holistic “science of man”, a science of the totality of human
a. False b. Maybe c. True d. none of the above
5. To what field of social science does this question belong? “Why have income and wealth become more unequally
distributed over the past few decades?”
a. Sociology b. Psychology c. Anthropology d. Economics
6. To what field of social science does this question belong? “What are the different ways people dress and
communicate in different societies?”
a. Sociology b. Psychology c. Anthropology d. Economics
7. It is a detailed description of a specific cultural and social group that has become a central methodological piece of
the discipline of anthropology.
a. Social Science b. Research c. Observation d. Ethnography
8. He is the French Enlightenment Philosophe, who was the proponent of positivism, suggested that theology and
metaphysics are flawed since they could not be empirically proven.
a. Auguste Comte b. Max Weber c. Emile Durkheim d. Sigmund Freud
9. This field of social science examines how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way that
locations and places can have an impact on people.
a. Humanities b. Geography c. Sociology d. Political Science
10. An umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization,
presentation, and interpretation of information about these events.
a. History b. Geography c. Linguistics d. Anthropology
11. Which of the following best describes what social sciences have in common?
a. an interest in studying human beings c. a focus on material culture.
b. the study of human mind d. research that overlaps genetics.
12. Which of the following is not an example of social science?
a. Physics b. anthropology c. Economics d. psychology
13. If you were to explore why one group of people speak, the way that they do, which discipline would
be the most relevant?
a. chemistry b. linguistics c. psychology d. economics
14. Why is social science and natural science are both scientific but differ in focus?
a. Natural science deals with spiritual values
b. social science deals with all aspects of the group life of humans
c. social science deals mostly with matter and energy
d. Natural science does not deal with living things.
15. _____ is a social science, while _____ is a natural science
a. Astrology | astronomy c. Anthropology | Astronomy
b. Geography | geology d. Agronomy | horticulture
16. Anthropology most often studies the relationship between?
a. The natural environment and trading system
b. biological traits and socially acquired characteristics of humans.
c. Physics and biology
d. Marketing strategies and geography
17. In the field of social science, the most concerned with the distribution, consumption, and production
of resources in society is.
a. Psychology b. Linguistics c. Economics d. Anthropology
18. Homo genus is the scientific name for the human.
a. true b. false c. maybe d. none of the above
19. These are ideas and beliefs that are passed down from one generation to another generation and can
be created by individuals.
a. Culture b. Beliefs c. Tradition d. Heredity
20. In archaeology, objects found on a certain area by the archaeologist are being studied, what do you
call the non-movable evidence?
a. Eco facts b. Artifacts c. features d. fossils
21. In what field can you find an answer to this question: “What were the major influences that the Spanish regime
brought upon the Philippines?”
a. Linguistics b. Geography c. History d. Anthropology
22. According to this field of social science, each human language is a complex of knowledge and abilities enabling
speakers of the language to communicate with each other, to express ideas, hypotheses, emotions, desires, and
all the other things that need expressing.
a. Linguistics b. Geography c. History d. Anthropology
23. It deals with systems of government, and the analysis of political activity and political behavior.
a. Sociology b. Psychology c. Anthropology d. Political Science
24. It encompasses the study of the size, structure, and distribution of these populations, and spatial and/or temporal
changes in them in response to birth, migration, aging, and death.
a. Demography b. Sociology c. Psychology d. Political Science
25. This is one of the historical roots of psychology which studies how the mind works to enable the organism to adapt
to and function in the environment.
a. Behaviorism b. Functionalism c. Gestalt d. Structuralism
26. He established the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany.
a. Wilhelm Wundt b. E.B. Titchener c. John B. Watson d. William James
27. Which school of psychology states that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts?”
a. Behaviorism b. Functionalism c. Gestalt d. Structuralism
28. These are unconscious strategies with which people reduce anxieties relating to impulses from the Id.
a. Repression b. Defense Mechanism c. Denial d. Regression
29. “A man who is having an extramarital affair might be having a tendency to be irrationally jealous of his wife even
though his accusations are totally groundless”, what defense mechanism is applicable to this?
a. Projection b. Rationalization c. Regression d. Repression
30. “A woman who was not able to get the crown as Ms. Universe says she did not do her best that’s why she ended
as a runner up.” This is an example of what defense mechanism?
a. Projection b. Rationalization c. Denial d. Repression


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement tells the correct idea, and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

1. Social science deals with human relationships and studies phenomena in the real world.
2. Microeconomics deals with the study of governments, industries, central banking, and the boom and bust of the
business cycle.
3. According to Max Weber, modernity has an organic solidarity among its segmented and differentiated members
who are usually unrelated residents of the city.
4. Geography is said to be divided into two types, namely physical and human geography.
5. Syntax is a subfield of linguistics which studies the formation of sentences.
6. History asks the question “How do children acquire such complete knowledge of a language in such a short time?”
7. Psychology answers this question, “What are the distinct functions of the Senate compared to that of the House of
8. Economics responds to the question, “When it comes to mate selection, why do men prefer women with good
physical features while women prefer men with good economic status?”
9. Sociology answers this question, “Why do most young men and women of Eastern Visayas opt to cohabit than
formally marry?”
10. Each field of the social sciences draws upon its own theories, perspectives, and methodologies in explaining
society and social behavior.

Direction: For No. 2-9 , supply the correct word being described in each statement.

1. Direction: Rearrange the jumbled word to come up with the correct answer:
An approach that acknowledges the economic relations between classes
determine/structure social and political relations.
2. A theory of personality, an approach to psychotherapy, and method of investigation
founded by Sigmund Freud
3. May be defined as (1) the art of government, (2) public affairs, (3) compromise and
consensus, and (4) power.
4. An approach that acknowledges the economic relations between classes
determine/structure social and political relations.
5. An approach that views institutions as humanly devised constraints that structure political,
economic, and social interactions.
6. is a basic problem arising from unlimited wants of people with limited resources.
7. The systematic study of various aspects of human society.
8. The study of humans; the social science that seeks to understand human origins and
adaptation, and the diversity of cultures and worldviews.
9. A social science that deals with the optimum allocation of scarce resources among its
alternatives to satisfy the unlimited human .
10. Direction: Rearrange the jumbled word to come up with the correct answer: “YGEHPOGAR”
The study of the earth’s surface; a specialized investigation of the physical structure of the
earth, including its terrain and its climates, and the nature and character of its contrasting
inhabited portions

“Do not educate the children to be rich. Educate them to be happy. So when
they grow up they will know the value of things, not the price.” -Anonymous


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