The Development of Cutting Edge Technology On The Food Sector Has Already Change The People Habbit

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The development of cutting edge technology on the food sector has already change the people

habbit. In present, the people’s culture engage with the food are change including their way to
aquire the food. This essay will discuss behind the scene of people’s behaviour development with its
impact on the food sector .

the exposure of internet encourages the people to change the traditional way to quire the food.
Since the internet has been ingrained in the people’s character, many people attempt to left behind
the cooking behaviour as a traditional way to serve the food. They use the certain apps on mobile
phone to get fast meals as many of software platform develop their apps which provide the myriad
type of food as well as people’s interest. Additionally, the availability of cooking tool on the people
home occasionally decrease the cooking habbit. For instance, the Gofood application has already
draw Indonesian student interest to order the meal on fast food restaurant since they do not have
the cooking tools on their dorm.

Continuously, the positive feed back will be come from several sector. First, the government receive
the benefit from utilization of apps to serve the food as a revenue from the task. Many transaction
happen in everday make the task from transaction and restaurant increase the country expenditure.
In addition, the exposure of internet on people habbit in a row with the Indonesian government
purpose in technology transition from traditional way to digitalization technology in all sector,
including food advertising and needs. For instance, the task from food transaction on restaurant
contribute to build the modern infrastructure in Indonesia to pursue the purpose of flourishing
country. Secondly, the experience of people habbit on the modern way not only impact on the big
restaurant but also for small food businesses. The small business leverage the app on mobile phone,
such as Grabfood, to advertise their food item to guide the customer interest. Since many
youngsters in this era have a high frequency to utilize the mobile phone to aquire the food, the small
restaurant can compete with others to get a customer eventhough the resourch from a far
disctance. For instance, during 2017, many adolescents on the south of Jakarta ordered the food of
bakmi GM in central of Jakarta by Grabfood application since this restaurant profound on the ratting
of food apps.

Inconclusion, depite

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