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Q1: Which of the following is NOT a magic predefined constant??

a __DATE__

b None

c __CLASS__

d __FILE__

e None

f __LINE__

Q2: Which of the following is correct about NULL??

a The special constant NULL is capitalized by convention, but actually it is case


b NULL is a special type that only has two values : NULL and NOT NULL

The correct Answer is: None

d The special constant NULL is capitalized by convention and it should be defined as

such as it's case sensitive. Meaning null is different than NULL

e NULL is a special type that only has one value: NULL.

The correct Answer is: None

Q3: Which command can be used to display basic information about your server??

a info

b ls

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e show

f uname
Q4: ________is the enterprise-grade cluster management solution from Docker. It manages
your whole cluster from a single place.?

a Docker Swarm

The correct Answer is: None

c Docker Compose

The correct Answer is: None

e Docker Hub

f Docker Universal Control Plane

Q5: How to dump pod logs (stdout) in Kubernetes??

a kubectl pod logs my-pod

b None

c None

d kubectl logs my-pod

e kubectl log my-pod

f kubectl pods logs my-pod

Q6: Which of the following are not Numeric column types??


b None





Q7: What is the use of Canvas element in HTML5??

a None

b The canvas element is used to draw graphics by making use of JavaScript. It is

defined with the <canvas> tag.

c None

d The canvas element is used to draw graphics by making use of CSS. It is defined
with the <canvas> tag.

e None

f None

Q8: What is a Dockerfile??

a Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a file
called Dockerfile.

b Docker cannot be build images automatically by reading the instructions from a

file called Dockerfile.

c None

d None

e Docker can build audio automatically by reading the instructions from a file called

f None

Q9: The SQL WHERE clause??

a None

b None

c Neither A nor B are correct

d Limits the column data that are returned

e Both A and B are correct

f Limits the row data are returned

Q10: What will be the output of the SELECT CASE WHEN NULL = NULL THEN 'YES' ELSE
a None

b False

c None

d None

e An Error will be generated

f True

Q11: Which of the following is an aggregate function in MySQL??

a None

b Union

c None



f Group By

Q12: The query SELECT name, (SELECT study_program FROM programs) study_program
FROM students will return the student name and the program that the student is studying.?

a None

b None

c True

d None

e False

f None

Q13: Which of the following are commonly found in web pages??

a intranet
b hyperlinks

c internet

d None

e None

f all of the above

Q14: How to retrieve the join token for worker nodes in Docker Swarm??

a docker swarm join-token get worker

b docker get join-token worker

c None

d docker swarm get join-token worker

e docker swarm join-token worker

f None

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