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Submitted by: Shaina Marie C. Carlon BSEd-English 3

Submitted to: Ms. Hannah EG C. Lejano, LPT
M-SAA (3:30-4:30 PM)


1. Title: Parasite by: Bong Joon Ho

2. Theme:
The theme of the movie "Parasite" is class inequality. The film explores the ways in which
the poor are forced to exploit the rich in order to survive in a capitalist society. The Kim
family, who are poor, are forced to deceive and exploit the wealthy Park family in order to
get ahead.
3. Significance of the Content
a. Societal Issues in the story
The societal issues in the story are the struggle for survival where the Kim family is forced
to struggle for survival in a society that is deeply divided by class inequality. The Kim’s are
poor and live in a semi-basement apartment. They are constantly struggling to make ends
meet and to provide for their basic needs. The Kim’s are trapped in a system that values
wealth and status over human life. They are forced to exploit others in order to survive. The
film also highlights the ways in which class inequality can lead to violence. The Kim’s and
the Parks are locked in a struggle for survival, and this struggle leads to bloodshed.

b. Philosophies in the story

"Parasite" is significant when it comes to philosophies because it suggests that empathy is
essential for building bridges between people of different social classes. It is a skill that can
help us to understand and connect with others, even when they are different from us. The
movie Parasite explores the importance of empathy in a number of ways. The Kim family is
able to infiltrate the Park household because they are able to understand and exploit the
Parks' weaknesses. For example, they know that Mr. Park is a gullible man who is easily
impressed. They also know that Mrs. Park is a lonely woman who is looking for friendship.
c. Symbolism in the story
One of the most important symbols in the movie is the viewing stone is a complex and
powerful symbol in the movie Parasite. It is a reminder that wealth and material
possessions do not guarantee happiness and fulfillment. It is also a reminder that the
capitalist system is inherently unequal and unjust. In the movie Parasite, the "viewing
stone" is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and the false promises of capitalism. The Kim
family believe that if they can possess the viewing stone, they will be able to improve their
lives and achieve their dreams of social status and financial success. However, in the end,
the viewing stone does not bring them the happiness and prosperity that they desire.
II. Plot analysis

The movie begins with the Kim family living in a cramped semi-basement apartment. They
are struggling to make ends meet and are constantly looking for ways to improve their
situation. One day, the Kim family's son, Ki-woo, is offered a job as an English tutor for the
Park family's daughter, Da-hye. Ki-woo sees this as an opportunity for his family to escape
their poverty and achieve their dreams of a better life.
The Kim family schemes to get employed by the Park family by posing as unrelated, highly
qualified individuals. Ki-woo's sister, Ki-jung, gets a job as an art therapist for the Park
family's son, Da-song. Ki-woo's father, Geun-sae, gets a job as the Park family's chauffeur,
and Ki-woo's mother, Chung-sook, gets a job as the Park family's housekeeper.
The climax of the movie occurs when the Kim family's secret is exposed. The Park family's
former housekeeper, Geun-sae, returns to the house and reveals that she has been living
in the bunker in the basement for the past four years. Geun-sae's husband, who is abusive,
comes to the house looking for her. A fight ensues, and Geun-sae kills her husband.
The Park family is horrified by the events that have taken place in their home. They flee the
house, leaving the Kim family to fend for themselves. Geun-sae is killed by Mr. Park, and
Chung-sook is hospitalized. The Kim family is reunited, but they are now outcasts and must
find a new way to survive.
The movie ends with Ki-woo trapped in the bunker, where he writes a letter to his sister, Ki-
jung. In the letter, Ki-woo expresses his hope that one day he will be able to buy the house
and free his family from their poverty. However, the film ends with a shot of the house being
sold to a new family, suggesting that the Kim family's dreams of a better life will never be

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