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A Lesson Plan in English

SUBJECT: Using Adjectives in a Series

Level: Grade 2
Date: January 21, 2021

I. Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson, the learner must be able to:
A. Cognitive: Write a series of adjectives in their appropriate order.
B. Affective: Appreciate the use of adjectives in describing a specific object.
C. Psychomotor: Actively participate in class activities and discussions.

II. Content
A. Sometimes, we use two or more adjectives together.
B. Very often, we put the adjectives in the following order:
Number + Size + Shape + Color + Material + Noun

Number Tells you how many are being described.

Examples: many, few, several, one, two three, etc.
Size Tells you how big or small something is.
Examples: large, tiny, enormous, little
Shape Describes the shape of something.
Examples: square, round, flat, rectangular
Color Describes the color of something.
Examples: blue, pink, reddish, grey
Opinion Describes what you think about something.
Examples: beautiful, honest, brave, delicious
III. Materials
Board, Chalk, Cartolina, Plastic Cover, Pentel Pens, Notebook, Pencil

IV. Development of the Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Routine
Prayer, Greetings, Attendance Checking

B. Lesson Recall
What did we talk about yesterday?
We talked about adjectives.
What are adjectives?
Adjectives are words that describe a person,
place, animal, object or event.

How do we describe words? What Size, shape, color, number, opinion.

characteristics do we tell about when

C. Motivational Activity
What do you see on the board? A store.

Can you guess what is missing in the

store? A vendor!

Correct! Who wants to be a vendor to the

store? (Calls a student)
*Raises hands.
Okay, now that the store has a vendor, the
store is now open for buyers. Since today
is the opening day, the store is giving
away 3 items for free. Do you want to
have a free item?
Great. There is only one condition.
You are not allowed to point the item with
your hands. You can only use adjectives
or describing words to let the vendor
know what item you want to buy. For
example, for this item you may say “Can I
buy one, small, red, delicious, apple?” Is it

Great! Let’s try it! Yes.

*Items on the store (students will choose

only three in this activity):
1. One, small, blue, round ball
2. Three, small, red, heart-shaped,
3. Five, small, green, apples
4. One, small, red, delicious, apple
5. Two, big, blue, round balloons
6. Five, big, green round balls
7. Two, tiny, white, furry, kittens
8. One, long, yellow ruler

So congratulations to the lucky buyers

who got a free item from the store. Did
you enjoy the activity?

D. Discussion Proper
What did you do to let the vendor know
what item you want to buy?

Correct. What kind of words did you use

to describe the item/s? I/We described the item we want to buy.

How many adjectives did you use?

Do you think if you used only one
adjective, the vendor will be able to guess Two/three/many/more than one
what item you want to buy?

Why? If you want to buy the two, big,

blue, round balloons, why can’t you just
say “Can I buy balloons?” No.

That’s correct. Sometimes, one adjective Because the vendor may think that what I
or describing word is not enough. We wanted to buy is the three, small, red, heart-
need to use more than one adjective to shaped, balloons.
distinguish an object.

Now, there is a correct sequence of

adjectives that we should follow. On the
board is the correct order of adjectives
that we should follow. Let’s all read:

E. Guided Practice
Now on the board are jumbled adjectives
and nouns. Let us try to arrange them in
the correct order.
1. big four vases Number + Size + Shape + Color + Opinion +
2. round two fountains NOUN
3. tall people many
4. tiny five caterpillars
Very well. I guess you are now ready to do it
on your own.

1. four big vases

2. two round fountains
3. many tall people
4. five tiny caterpillars

V. Generalization
Why do we need to sometimes use more than two adjectives or describing words?

VI. Evaluation

Instruction: Put ✓on the blank if the adjectives are arranged in correct order and X if
____ 1. a small, blue balloon
____ 2. a big, square, red table
____ 3. an old, round, plastic plate
____ 4. a black, little, young kitten
____ 5. a wooden, square, green board

1. ✓ 2. ✓3. ✓ 4. X 5. X

VII. Assignment
Answer page ___ in the textbook.

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