Go-Beyond FAQs

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Go Beyond Policy


What is the purpose of the Go-Beyond policy (work model)?

Go-Beyond is a way of work which enables employees to:
• Exercise flexibility in their way of work/work schedules
• Choosing reasonable starting and end times, developing predictable work routines, exercising
work from home on need basis with prior approval from line manager
• Improve work-life balance and enhance productivity and collaboration
• Flexible work routines may vary based on nature of job

How can I avail flexibility under the Go-Beyond policy?

The Go-Beyond policy provides flexibility to employees that will vary based on their job role and
requirement. You can avail flexibility by fulfilling the following criteria:

1. Seeking line manager’s approval in advance via Workday - Workday->Request Time Off->Go-
Beyond (Workday can be accessed from Telenor Toolkit or Workday App)
2. In case, prior approval cannot be sought due to any reason, formal consent of line manager will
be required by locking request in Workday the same day
3. Stronger delivery on KPIs and goals during flexible working arrangement to be ensured by
4. Being available for stakeholders and/or meetings to ensure collaboration and speed of delivery
5. Being accessible from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm for calls, meetings and all work-related deliverables

Why is it mandatory to lock Go-beyond request in Workday?

It enables employees to plan their schedules and get prior approval from line manager through a
systematic manner. So, it is mandatory for all employees to pre discuss and lock their flexible working
schedule with line manager.

If I have a flexible work-routine which is already approved by my line manager; do I still need to get an
approval in Workday?
Yes. As per updated the Go-Beyond policy, you are required to revisit your work routines and seek line
manager’s consent through Workday.

What type of flexible work schedule can be requested through workday?

You can lock the following requests through Workday:
• Daily start and end timings flexibility e.g. 0.5 hours or 1.0 hours (inclusive of start / end time)
• A full day work from home/other location e.g. 8 hours
• A half day work from home/other location e.g. 3 hours

How will a personal urgent work, where I am unable to secure prior approval of line manager be
The Go-Beyond model drives the spirit of flexibility with predictable work schedules. In case, the work
schedule remains unpredictable, it will be considered casual leave.
Go Beyond Policy

Are there any situations where Go-Beyond cannot be availed?

The Go-Beyond model drives the spirit of flexibility with predictable work schedules, being available and
accessible for office work. However, any situation where delivery and quality of work and access to
stakeholders is limited Go-Beyond will not be applicable. Some of these examples but not limited to are
listed below. In such cases, employees are encouraged to avail casual leave instead:
• Accessibility and work-delivery is hampered due to travel to poor connectivity, no-
signal/network areas where no meetings, calls and emails can be attended
• Doctor’s appointment or child’s school visit where schedule may get delayed and timing to
reach office or working remotely remains unpredictable
• Care of sick family member which requires dedicated attention and office work cannot be
• Traveling and driving where it becomes a safety hazard to attend calls, emails or join meetings
• Any situation where work-delivery becomes difficult, limited access to stakeholders and
availability is unsure

Under which circumstances can I avail more flexibility than the normal range i.e. beyond starting &
ending times?
Individual cases would need to be evaluated by the line manager who, if required, can further discuss it
with HOD & HRBP to help decide. The requirement or need shared by the employee will be evaluated
along with other factors such as individual performance, role, level of flexibility etc.

If I am accessible during the mentioned hours i.e. 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM then will it be okay if I am not
available or accessible after 5:30 PM?
Employees should not be contacted for normal work routine matters post 5:30PM, unless defined by the
nature of their work. Late hour contact by line manager or stakeholders should only be done in case of
emergency or urgency for which employees should try their best to be accessible.

Does Go-Beyond restrict the Remote Work model?

This policy covers remote working on occasional/need basis. However, it defines that on any such
occasion where remote working is required, the need will be evaluated by the line manager and
exercised post his/her consent.

What if my line does not allow me to exercise the Go-Beyond model?

In situations where the employee and line manager are unable to mutually agree to any way of work or
flexibility option, the employee may reach out to his/her relevant HRBP or department head for
resolution. However, there may be circumstances where flexibility is not applicable due to job role,
business urgencies or performance; in such cases, the management discretion will take precedence.

Am I allowed to avail the flexi model and leave early if I complete my work before the agreed upon
work hours?
Collaboration and predictability of routine is a key driver of the Go-Beyond model and hence office
presence is encouraged for ensuring availability for stakeholders. Occasionally, if the employee wishes
Go Beyond Policy

to avail flexibility on a particular day based on the work load, the employee can consult their line

What does not fall under Go-Beyond?

• A day off
• Relocation to another city i.e Change in office location which is not defined as primary/official
work location as per job requirement.
• Compromising on your deliverables or KPIs
• Fixed routine of working remotely a day per week, daily remote working, half day every day or
clubbing weekends with working days.
• Unpredictable work routines i.e. late requests to line manager, not being accessible during
working hours, unavailability for meetings, no response on calls, emails or tools of work which
compromises collaboration and performance.

Do we need to complete any number of hours in a week?

There are no fixed hours. However, a full-time job at Telenor Pakistan means 40 hours work per week,
which sets the premise for employees and line managers to decide flexible work routines which do not
impact performance and key deliverables.

Are there any set core business hours for the organization which must be considered while designing
flexible work routines?
Our daily core business hours are from 9:00am – 5:30pm (including lunch break) from Monday to Friday.
These hours are linked with routines of our customers, internal and external stakeholders and to drive
collaboration among cross functional and agile teams. All flexible work-routines shall be made
prioritizing work according to core business hours.

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