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Program + Semester Course Name Section Code

ISBA II Database Systems Management IN2213-G4

Percentage Weight of Total
Type of Evaluation
Summer 2022 Evaluation
Assignment # 1-2
Course Instructor
Due Date
Muhammad Waqar
Week 5 (June 11, 2022) Total Marks: /8

Student Name: ______________________________________ Student ID #: ________________

Note: Please use proper referencing (where necessary) when submitting your report. Report without
references shall not be acceptable. For developing relational diagrams, you can use any software. If you
do not have access to any software, please draw it on a page, scan it and include that in the report.

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Three tables Employee, Store and Region are given in Figure P3.1. Please go through these
tables and answer the following questions. (Hint: Each store employs many employees, one
of whom manages the store.)

Question No. 1 (Marks 2)

Define primary and foreign key. For each table, identify the primary key and the foreign key(s).
If a table does not have a foreign key, write None.

Question No. 2 (Marks 2)

Define entity integrity. Do the tables exhibit entity integrity? Answer yes or no, and then explain
your answer.

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Question No. 3 (Marks 2)

Define referential integrity. Do the tables exhibit referential integrity? Answer yes or no, and
then explain your answer. Write NA (Not Applicable) if the table does not have a foreign key.

Question No. 4 (Marks 2)

Create a relational diagram to show the relationships among EMPLOYEE, STORE, and REGION.

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