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lnternal Combusti0n Pneumatic Tyre
1.0-3.5 ton



Mitsub shi Grend a s advanced gaso ine eng ne which hetped pioneer ihe stafdard use oi The Grendias automalic
e eclronicai y conrrol ed lue nject on and three way cara\,tic convefiers in fork ft rrucks, speed imiler can be set to
has evolved even further. The new crenda has acheved rcmarkabte envronmenta two evels outclooB {HlcH)
controls and co'np ies wth al 2007 Emisson Standarcts whte sit matntainno hioh and indoors (Lo\r',l.
pe.formafce and rel ab lty evels.
Drivers can alternate between the two
- 200TEnss.nsSlardadr.rSDe.ircSrre.a ln.udng of
Loirr Ent w lh Em ss ons Stan.tard ror Sp€c
spee.llmits at the ilck of a swtch, he p ng
fc Speciat Verri. es
M nislry ol tho Envirnmed them to choose the most appropriaie iLr-.I
M i sll/ or E.onomy lrade and ndustrl, eflciency for the ocat on
M n srry of Land nnaslfurl!@ an.lTransport . Stridara r.r F €ctro r ca y C.itrcr€d caso ne

Dependifgon ihe task trro power

eveis can be se ected:POWEF
mocle \,,rh ch maxim zes power
output ancl SOFT nrode for fuel
eff c ency and low no se eve s.
Se eci ng SOFI mode clts CO: :
em ssioJrs byapproximatey l3%
to the POWER mode.
. Slandard r.,Ee.tronca yCo ro €dcaso.e
Bes des lhe gasolne powered and dlesel
The we -known pedomance leves ol powered rnodes the Grend a is aso ava abl€
the highly acclaimed N/itslrbsh Dese I othercean exhalst. energy eillcient mode s
Engne have been ma nta neil but now These nciLrde LPc-powered ord eseltrucks
come wth ecojiefdly reinements. The ftted with DPF iD eselPad cLiare F ted ihat
upgraded engines have now achieved heps e rnlnale possbe back smoke
low emisson eves in cor.plance wth
the 2007 Emsson Siandards wtholrt Vehicre f lted wih DPF he ps e m nare

compromis ng horsepower or re iabiity.

.20C7 Enr5soft Sbdard kl
spe. r. spc. a! veh . es (.. ldin!r orl bad vcrr
Comp ia x { I r Emrss ons 9a rlard ror

M i6lry oi,/ 'h'ade an.l ndustry

M nslry ol L:nd ninsttu.tu re and na rs rort

w/ the ceram c DPF f ler
nsidelhe iqhi side slep
@cov€ry unil s llied
oJ rhe mach ne


and necessary iecovery tme

Wilh features such as olr noise engine,

enhanced soLrndproofng ol the
compartrnent and floor evel
danrpenng, lMtsub shi Forkili Trucks has
achieved a quet working envronment
both for the operator and th€ surroun.lng
working envrronment.
. SO err vaenl nos€ rov. lturendcae.ngnc s l
SOFT mor e el rqlr de sleedl




N/itsubish Grendias are constrlrcied wth a ow center of gravty frame that optimizes
vehice baiance and stab ity duing lftng That means a greater oad capacily willr
much greaier stabiity. The hgh torque high-power engine mainians a slabe ift speed
regard ess olthe load, hepng operators to ncrease produciivily

"P""d' 64@mmts r",n* *o"or
66Clmrnrs r**" -, **o.'n*."
N. .apa.{y deialnn uD io a he qhl ol a iieteG 12 slaqe mast)

Anorlrer €x.r6 ve {€aru'e rolnd on rhe M rslh !h G€n.l a s son

andig syslem lhat..lval€s hen lrre ioA lhe 9rcunt
aul.marcayloloct rq mdslrom harddrcpsorsrracks

The hgh power engne and the hgh performance transmission are perJecty malched to
prodlrce an exlremely srnooth siart/acceleration as we as exce lent tract on even on lph I
slopes L\ce enl braking and sioppng coniro s provided by a robust an{l reiabe duo

1om accere€rion - "1 .".,.*r. r,"-o.r 12 desree uph I velociry 5"okir/h

Tightturns are easy w th the Grend alhanks

FLqhl ang e stack ns aisle widrh
to aluly hyilrau ic power steer ng itied wlh
sleer ng sinchronlzer/mechanism for 10070 3650-.,.-,*
stalonary steerng, ts rnaneuverab itv I95l},.,,,.*,*
a ows for easy U turns and favicration n
1 with hp slrppoir mechansm.
Abiily to adlLrsl pos ton and exieni oi recln no accordrnq to
bodyshape ior max mum comfort. Seat belt ftted w:th,,,rarning
:ok Solg.oldld-^ata q! ..q.c.rdorad i4
2 car be moved back and iorth al ihe touch
of a finger. (fortorque converter models only)
3 (optiona) lor comfo'1able operaton in ouldoor
cofdt ons. Easiy nsia le.l and uninstaled.

Fitedwthstee.rgsynchronize[ arnechan smlhatautomat caly

matches the rcarwheelanqe 1o the steerlno afq e.
6 a ows de cate movements
7 for optona iunciions pos t oned on the rlght s de ol

8 integralng ndcators and headight

9 for excelent vibrai on

redLrcton. The ent re power trarn is supported by vibration
absorbeni rubber mounts.

Grendas can be equ pped wlth a fnge(p contro er to enabte

operaiions slrch as fting and t 11 ng at the touch ot a iinger.
9 I I rrrsuersxr

Beady to Perform
To Your Applications

tl I frttTslrBtsHt

www'mitf orklift,com.sq

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