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Name: Jan Daniel J.

Yr/Section: 12-E

Reflection Essay No. 3: Understanding the Mind

Instructions: Answer the following questions, you may search on the internet but make sure to
cite your sources using APA Format.

1. What is Dualism? According to Plato and Rene Descartes?

Dualism, as conceptualized by Plato and René Descartes, is a philosophical idea positing the
existence of two distinct or different substance: the material body and the non material mind or soul.
Plato's concept of dualism is deeply rooted in his Theory of Forms, where he emphasizes the soul's
pre-existence and its journey towards enlightenment and understanding. Descartes, on the other hand,
famously expounded substance dualism, arguing for the constant separateness of the mind and body,
which is explained by his renowned phrase, "I think, therefore I am," which explains his understanding
of consciousness as the foundation of existence.

2. What are the types of Dualism? How it differ from one another? Give an example of

The types of dualism can be categorized into two which is the substance dualism and property
dualism, each offering its own perspectives on the relationship between the mind and body. Substance
dualism asserts that the mind and body are composed of fundamentally different substances, with the
mind existing independently of the body. Descartes' dualism exemplifies this view, where the mind is a
non-physical substance distinct from the material body. In contrast, property dualism contends that
mental and physical properties are distinct yet interconnected aspects of the same substance.

3. What is the difference between Dualism and Materialism? Explain briefly.

Dualism stands in contrast to materialism, another prominent philosophical stance regarding the
nature of existence. Materialism says that only physical matter exists and that mental phenomena can
be explained entirely in terms of physical and chemical processes. Unlike dualism, which asserts the
existence of both mental and physical substances, materialism denies the existence of anything
beyond the physical realm, it bases on scientific facts. From the materialist perspective, mental states
are seen as emergent properties of complex physical processes occurring within the brain, challenging
the concept of a separate immaterial mind or soul.

For Items 4-6, please watch the video and answer the following question.
The Mind Body Problem

4. Do you agree that there’s a mind-body problem? Why or why not?

Yes, I agree that there is a mind-body problem. The video explained how our physical appearance
often dictates how others perceive us, yet fails to capture the depth of our inner selves. This
dissonance between our outward appearance and our inner thoughts and emotions presents a
profound philosophical occurence that resonates with many individuals' experiences, which makes me
convinced that there is a mind-body problem.

5. How does the mind-body problem affect our understanding of ourselves as an individual
and as a member of society?
The mind-body problem profoundly impacts our understanding of ourselves as individuals and as
members of society. On a personal level, it highlights the struggle between how we perceive ourselves
internally and how others perceive us based on our physical appearance. This discrepancy can lead to
feelings of misrepresentation and a sense of disconnect between our inner selves and our outward
presentation. Within society, the mind-body problem underscores the importance of empathy and
understanding in our interactions with others. It calls for a recognition that individuals are more than
just their physical appearance and encourages us to appreciate the complexity and depth of each
person's inner life.

6. What is your takeaway after watching the video?

After watching the video, my takeaway is a heightened awareness of the complexity of human identity
and the importance of empathy in our interactions with others. The video prompts reflection on the
disconnect between our inner selves and our outward appearance, highlighting the need for more
understanding of the human identity. It serves as a reminder to approach others with compassion,
recognizing that their physical appearance may not fully reflect the richness of their inner lives.

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