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6 Test A** Class: TOTAL: / 50

1 Look at the pictures. Write the verbs.

6 c________

1 point for each correct answer. Total points /5

1 c amp
2 Complete the simple past verbs.

1 The elephants p ulled the heavy trees

through the forest.
2 They c_______________ in a tent in the

2 j________ 3 Two tigers e_______________ yesterday.

We want to know where they are.
4 We c_______________ up the mountain
to 4,000 meters.
5 The ship s_______________ across the
Atlantic Ocean.
6 We found Tom’s wallet. Joe
3 l________ f________ h_______________ us find it.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points /5

3 Complete the sentences with the

verbs in the simple past.

be buy go grow have leave

4 p________
1 Tom was born in this house.
2 Jo and Sam ________ a house in Oxton.
3 Amy ________ high school last year.
4 My grandmother ________ seven
5 We ________ up on a boat.
5 f________
6 My dad ________ to college in 1989.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points /5

Metro Level 1 Unit 6 Test A** 1 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
6 Test A**

4 Write sentences. Add the missing

verbs in the simple past. Grammar
1 last summer, / we / a new house 5 Write sentences. Use the correct
simple past form of the verbs.
Last summer, we bought a new house.
1 We / watch / a movie / at the hotel
2 Tim and Amy / married / in September
We watched a movie at the hotel.

3 Adam / a job / in a clothes store 2 Andrea / prepare / breakfast /

4 Simon / high school / in 2015 3 I / climb / that mountain / last summer

5 I / born / in 2003 4 My family / stay / at a hotel / in the

6 Joe / up in Portugal
5 The rain / stop

1 point for each correct answer. Total points /5

6 You / play / the guitar / very well

7 Susan / like / the food

8 Stella / study / Italian / in Rome

9 I / try / your cell phone number / five times

1 point for each correct answer. Total points /8

Metro Level 1 Unit 6 Test A** 2 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018
6 Test A**

6 Complete the story with the correct 8 Complete the article with the correct
simple past form of the verbs. simple past forms of the missing
camp cook love play try visit
Eva Dickson 1w as a Swedish explorer.
walk wash
She 2g________ up in Stockholm, and
g________ married in 1925. In 1932, she
l________ Sweden and 5w________ to
Summer Camp Kenya. She 6k________ a lot of people
there. Later that year, she 7d________ a
Summer camp was great last year. We car from Nairobi in Kenya to Stockholm in
camped in big tents in the forest, and Sweden. The journey 8t________ many
________ our clothes in the river. We months. She 9b________ the first woman
________ soccer every day, 4________ to go across the Sahara Desert by car.
food outside, and I 5________ a lot of new
things. We 6________ a lot of interesting
places, and we 7________ along the river 1 point for each correct answer. Total points /8
in the forest. I 8________ it. It was
awesome. I can’t wait for next year.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points /7

7 Complete the sentences with the

simple past forms of the verbs.
1 Amanda left (leave) home very early
2 Henry ________ (think) Madrid was in
3 They ________ (take) their cameras on
their vacation.
4 They ________ (find) an old watch in the
5 My team ________ (win) the game.
6 We ________ (buy) a new car last month.
7 We ________ (go) to bed late last night.
8 Adrian ________ (have) a dog when he
was in South Africa.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points /7

Metro Level 1 Unit 6 Test A** 3 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

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