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BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS SOUNCIL Botswane General Ceriicate of Secondary Education CHEMISTRY 0870101 Paper Multiple Choice ctober!Novernber 2017 ‘nour ‘Adétional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft Clean Eraser Sot pencil (type 8 or HB is recommended) READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Read the instructions on the separate answer sheet very carefull Write your name, Centre number and candidate number inthe spaces provided on the Answer Sheet unless this as already been done for you. ‘Sign your name inthe space provided on the Answer Sheet. ‘There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question, there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correc and record your choice, using a soft pencil, ‘onthe separate answer sheet Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. ‘Any rough working should be done in this booklet Do not use staples, paper cps, highlighters, olue or correction fd. You may use a calculator ‘Acopy ofthe Periodic Table is printed on Page 16. This document consists of 14 printed pages and 2 blank pages. Turn over 2 4 Which statement about the nature of matter is correct? ‘A. Gases expand when heated BPartcies in a liquid are arranged in a regular pattem. © Solids are easily compressed D_ Solid particles do not move. 2. Which diagram represents the structure of an atom? A B © © © © 3 Some reactions are exothermic. How does the temperature and energy change in an exothermic reaction? temperature change | _ energy change ‘A | decreases ‘energy taken in B | decreases energy taken out ¢ | increases ‘energy taken in D | increases energy taken out Which change of state results in the formation of a liquid? A. condensation B evaporation © freezing D_ sublimation 5 whats the total number of electrons in 2N*7 Aw Be c 0 o3 flood samples for four athietes A, B, C and D were analysed to tet for the presence of illegal rugs X and Y. The chromatogram forthe testis shown. Which athlete's blood sample contains an legal drug? start line 7 Which ofthe gases diffuses the fastest at room temperature and pressure? os formula mass 7 | carbon dioxide “4 B | helium 4 © [hydrogen 2 | water vapour 18 8 Which statement about Group 1 elements is correct? A. They are hard metals. B They form coloured compounds. © They have low densities. D They react slowly with cold water. Turn over 19 The diagram shows par of the Periodic Table. ? Which element isa metal that forms stable metal ons with more than one charge! 10 The structures of atoms of four elements P, Q, R and $ are shown. OOO® Which two atoms wil react to form an ionic compound with a formula of the type XY? A PandQ B PandR © Rands D QandR 14. Which diagram represents a pure compound? B c D , 8 2 w;? ew @ wo sed [ee ov] %oé 5 42, The equation forthe combustion of butane is shown, 20H + 190: ——> 800: + 10,0 How many molecules of carbon mole y ‘f carbon dioxide are produced by the combustion of 1 mole of butane? Aa Be cc 4x6.02x 10" D 8x6.02x 107 13 Tne table shows information about the thermal decomposition af the nitrates of metals P, Q and R. nitrates of metal decomposes to P ‘metal oxide, nlrogen dioxide and oxygen a metal nitite and oxygen R ‘metal, nirogen dioxide and onygen What could metals P, Q and R be? EPEC HEE EL eee eee eit Reece eer eee eeeeeie P @ R calcium ‘sodium siver calcium iver sodium sliver calcium ‘sodium [D [siver sodium calcu 44: Aluminium reacts with oxygen to form aluminium oxide a8 shown, XAL + yO2 —> 7AHOs Which values of x, y and 2 correctly balance the equation? o|n|olol< oe] o]a|> [Tur over 6 418 Sodium reacts with oxygen as shown by the equation. Nats) + Oz(g) ——> 2Na:0(8) What volume of oxygen, measured at room temperature and pressure Is required to react with sodium to produce 31 of sodium oxide? (Ax: 0,16; Na, 23) A 0.6dm* B 0.8dm* © 1.2dm? D 1.6dm* 16 What isthe relative formula mass of ammonium phosphate, (NH,);PO.? [AGN14; H.1; P, 31; 0,16) A113 B 116 © 144 D 149 ‘17 Whats the empirical formula of an oxide of phosphorus containing 8.0 g of oxygen and 6.2 g of Phosphorus? [AcP, 31; 0,16 A PO B PO; © Po, D P.O, 18 The diagram shows part of the structure of a protein molecule found in hal. Ho Hon Le td ig 8 Tae es ee ce HOH Hoch 4 HCH 9 wien two compounds are structural inmere? A tand2 Bo tandé © Bands D Sands ‘20 Winch gas obtained during the fractional dititaton of quid aris represented by Xin the pie chart? ccarbon dioxide nitrogen noble gases oxygen com> 24 Which catalyst is used during the adition of hyeregen 1° ethene? ‘A. aluminium oxide B iron © manganese(IV) oxide D nickel siz [Turn over epica17 osreevon a 22 The reaction scheme shows stages in the preparation of ethanol. starch Staged gueose 99982 ethanol ‘Which processes occur at stage 1 and stage 2? stage 1 stage 2 A | cracking fermentation B | cracking hydration Fe [hydrolysis hydration D | hydroWsis Termentation 23 The equation for the reversible reaction of sulphur dioxide and oxygen to form sulphur trioxide is 280,(6) + 09) ==> 28039) A= -196kJ/mol Which change increases the production of sulphur trioxide? ‘A. decreasing pressure B decreasing temperature © decreasing the amount of catalyst D_ decreasing the volume of oxygen 24 Hexane Is cracked to produce two compounds. Which could be the compounds? ‘A CO; and H.0 B CsHe and CsHe © Cilio and CoH D Cah and HzO 25 Which metal is extracted from its ore by electrolysis? A. calcium B copper © siver D zinc 9 tassium iodide rea 26 Aqueous pot ‘odie reacts with chiorine gas as shown by the ionic equation, 2 + Ch —> 1, + 2cr Which substance is oxidised” act B Ck er Dit 27 The structure of an organic compound is shown, °° Nt H-0—C¢—c—o-H \What is likely to be a property ofthe organic compound? decolourises bromine water reacts with ammonium salts to form ammonia reacts with metals to form hydrogen tums red litmus paper blue coer 28 What volume of water is needed to dilute 25 0cm’ of a 2.00 mol/ di hydrochloric acid solution to ‘make a 0.200 mol/ dm? solution? A 025em" B 25cm? © 25cm? D. 250cm? acted with aqueous sodium hydroxide and forms a white precipitate 28 A sample of water is re 1 ‘The precipitate does not cissolve in excess aqueous sodum hydroxide. Which ion is present in the water sample? ar cat cut 2n* coa> io Turn over bec 2017 csr00v08 10 190 Asoktion of 500cm i prepared by dissohving 1.0g of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, \Whatis the concentration of the solution? (A Na, 28; 0, 16:4, 1] ‘A. 0.00005 mol/ den? B 0.002 mol/dm? © 000125 mol/dm® 1D 005 mol/dm® 231 The table below shows the resis of tests in which metals W, X, Y and Z are added to aqueous solutions oftheir suphates, aqueous sohtons of mete | W860. 780, ¥50. 750. w ‘no reaction no reaction ‘reaction occurs rc rection acare | reacon cos Ya [recon coos | resto ro 2 [rereecten | porencton [vo reton Whats the order of decreasing reactivity ofthe metals? ost reactive Teast reactive a w x Y z 5 x vi w z © Y x z w D z w Y x 32 Pais of reactants are listed below. 1 sectum and water 2 potassium hydroxide and hydrochorc acid 3 hii acd and sodium carbonate “4 sliver nitrate and potassium chloride Which two pairs produce a gas? A tand2 B tans © 2and3 D 2end4 once 07 csmovonnr " |33 Which compound is used to remove permanent hardness in water? Ca(HCO,)s Ca(OH)s MgSO. NasCOs coor ‘34 The diagram shows a set-up used forthe reaction of zine with nitric acid. ‘Atstart Why is there a change in the balance reading? ‘A. The gas produced escapes. The products have a lower mass than the reactants © The reactants are being used up. The reaction releases heat to the surroundings, '35 Which fons are discharged during the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride? ‘cathode | anode al ow ‘OH Bl cr c| or | Nt pi om | Nat 2 436 Which statement best explains why metas are malleable? a7 ‘The layers of ions can slide over each other. ‘Their particles vibrate at fixed positions. They have high melting points. They have mobile electrons. voor Barium sulphate is insoluble in water Which method is suitable for preparing barium sulphate? crystallisation displacement Precipitation substitution com> Which statement is true both for carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide? A It dissolves to form acid rain B tis areducing agent. € tis poisonous. D Itleads to temporary hardness of water. ‘Which substance is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of sulphuric acid? A ion 1B manganese(IV) oxide © nickel D vanadium(V) oxide ‘sr00voNt7 3 Jo The diagram shows a set-up for the preparation of chlorine. concentrated hydrochloric acid 4 potassium water manganate(VII) concentrated sulphuric acid What is the purpose of the water and concentrated sulphuric acid? water ‘concentrated sulphuric acid to dissolve hydrogen chloride gas to dry chlorine gas to dissolve hydrogen chloride gas to dissolve chlorine gas to dissolve chlorine gas to dry chlorine gas ololol> to dissolve hydrogen chloride gas to dry chlorine gas gas

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