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How to Handle and Properly Store the Isola G200 PCB Material
It is very crucial to know how best to handle the Isola G200 PCB material. The lack
of proper handling of this laminate material can affect its effectiveness in your circuit
boards. Also, there is a need for the proper storage of this prepreg system.

In this article, as an engineer or designer, you shall find out more on how best to store
and handle Isola G200 PCB material. This is a well researched writing for you to
broaden your understanding in this regard.

Table of Contents

What is Isola G200 PCB Material?

To begin with, it is important to discuss what the term “Isola G200” means. If you’re
familiar with multilayer circuit boards, then you would agree with us that Isola
G200 PCB material is a laminate for holding together the layers. This implies that,
Isola G200 is both a prepreg system as well as a laminate.

Therefore, its type of laminate works for multilayer printed circuit boards. Also, it
comes with so many processing advantages which accelerate its high performance in
various applications. Plus, this laminate works for wide panel size PCBs. Being a
prepreg system, it has a resin system included in it.

This laminate can effectively work under high temperatures. Also, no pressure affects
its stability and efficiency. One needs to store and handle Isola G200 PCB material in
a cool atmosphere.

Furthermore, this helps protect this prepreg system from full polymerization. Hence, it
is so because of the inclusion of a resin system. Notably, the Isola G200 PCB material
works perfectly for high reliability circuit boards needs.

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How Do You Handle Isola G200 PCB Material For High


In this part of the article, we shall focus on how best to handle Isola G200. This
laminate material is a mixture of epoxy resin with Bismaleimide/Triazine.

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Please note, the way you handle Isola G200 can make it work positively or have
negative effects on it. Some engineers handle it without caution. This type of laminate
is different from other laminate materials you expose to unfavorable weather
conditions. Although it is highly weather resistant, you still need to keep it in the right

If you handle it properly, it can enhance its lifespan. Thus, it becomes durable. In a
nutshell, the way you handle this prepreg system determines how long it would last. It
uses some measurable polymerized resin and as such needs proper care.
This fiberglass fabric has a resin system which is non-tacky. However, the resin
system is moderately friable.

When there is any kind of reduction in resin from its fabric, this mostly leads to
lamination challenges. Improper handling of this prepreg system can cause glass
damage on it. This implies that any careless handling of Isola G200 PCB material
causes lamination problems. These are the reasons you need to handle it with care.

Notably, Isola G200 prepreg thickness comes from the kind of fabric used for it.
There is an increase in resin the fabric holds when there is reduction in the thickness
of the fabric.

Proper ways to handle Isola G200 PCB material are as follows. It is paramount to use
only the correct and sharp tool during paneling of this laminate material. This prepreg
system cutting needs an accurate instrument.

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How Do You Store Isola G200 PCB Material?

This PCB material needs the right storage the same way it requires proper handling.
To store it, please there are recommendations below. Meanwhile, it is delicate and
needs a cool atmosphere.

To store Isola G200 prepreg and PCB laminate material, you need a restricted area.
You need a space where you can exercise some control. This implies, you store it in
some controlled area.

This laminate can absorb moisture if it is wrongly handled and stored. In handling it,
you should store it right. This implies that you can’t neglect handling it with caution
without proper storage. If it absorbs moisture, then it causes cure. Thereby, the glass
transition temperature becomes totally abnormal causing its depression. Definitely,
the prepreg system’s flow becomes tampered with.

One needs this laminate storage to be lower than 21 degrees while

the humidity should be below 45 percent. Don’t open if it doesn’t equilibrise to

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factors of the layup package. If not, it can result in moisture condensation on Isola
G200 PCB material.

It is not recommended to retain this prepreg for too long , above 3 months at alloted
conditions for storage.

It is crucial one tests this laminate material and prepreg before making use of it. You
should completely avoid prolonged storage. Such requires functionality testing if
there is longer storage.

Once the package is unsealed, immediately make use of Isola G200. Therefore, one
needs to reseal prepreg that remains when applying new desiccant.

Moreover, so importantly, ensure that the atmosphere is cool for storage. You need to
avoid harsh, toxic, and catalytic environmental conditions. Also, avoid high radiation
as well as harsh ultraviolet light.

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What is The Stabilization Period for Isola G200 PCB


The stabilization time for this kind of prepreg solely depends on temperature for
storage. Note that the stabilization time requires that one keeps this prepreg in its
sealed form. This is if your storage temperature is lower than the layup room degrees
of temperature.

Importantly, if you stick to this during stabilization time, it helps to prevent moisture
condensation on the prepreg system.


It is safer to handle Isola G200 PCB material the right way. Above all, it is crucial to
store the laminate and prepreg in a cool atmosphere. The stabilization time needs
some degree of temperature for storage. Also, no need for a prolonged period for
vacuum storage. Peradventure there is extended storage, and a different location that
has considerable environmental control.

Also, every kind of Isola G200 PCB laminate needs clean gloves to handle them. You
must only wear neat gloves when touching or handling this prepreg. Note that it is a
delicate type of prepreg system. Moreover, an engineer needs to be cautious when
handling a high resin prepreg system or Isola G200 PCB material.

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