Arthritis & Rheumatism: Leukocyte Migration To Rheumatoid Joints: Enzymes Take Over

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Vol. 54, No. 9, September 2006, pp 2707–2710

DOI 10.1002/art.22062
© 2006, American College of Rheumatology

Arthritis & Rheumatism

An Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology and


Leukocyte Migration to Rheumatoid Joints: Enzymes Take Over

Gaby Palmer,1 Cem Gabay,1 and Beat A. Imhof 2

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflam- integrin families, as well as various members of the
matory disease tightly linked to leukocyte infiltration immunoglobulin superfamily, are classically considered
into joints. In this issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism, to be crucial for these leukocyte–endothelial cell inter-
Marttila-Ichihara et al (1) describe the involvement of a actions. Given the central role of leukocytes in inflam-
vascular molecule with ecto-oxidase activity and adhe- mation, interference with the function of adhesion mol-
sion properties in leukocyte homing to inflamed joints. ecules involved in the extravasation process represents
They show that leukocyte migration is blocked by a small an interesting strategy for therapeutic intervention in
molecule inhibitor of this amine oxidase, known as autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as RA.
vascular adhesion protein 1 (VAP-1), or amine oxidase,
copper-containing 3 (AOC3). The adhesive properties
of AOC3 were initially identified using antibodies which Targeting adhesion molecules in arthritis
block rolling and firm adhesion of leukocytes on in- Despite accumulating evidence that leukocyte
flamed endothelial cells. Importantly, however, these trafficking to the inflamed synovium in RA is adhesion
antibodies do not inhibit the enzymatic activity of molecule dependent, the mechanisms regulating recruit-
AOC3, suggesting that the molecule has in fact 2 ment of leukocytes to the joint in experimental models
functional sites operating in leukocyte migration. of inflammatory arthritis and the role of various adhe-
The recruitment of leukocytes to inflamed tissues sion molecules in human RA are still poorly understood.
is a highly regulated multistep process that includes The initial capture and rolling of leukocytes on the
leukocyte rolling on the vascular endothelium, activation endothelium is mediated predominantly by the interac-
of leukocytes and subsequent firm adhesion to endothe- tion of selectins present both on leukocytes (L-selectin,
lial ligands, transendothelial migration from the vascular
CD62L) and on endothelial cells (E-selectin, CD62E;
lumen into the surrounding tissue, and migration of
P-selectin, CD62P) with carbohydrate ligands on the
inflammatory cells through the tissue in response to
reciprocal cell membrane. Investigations in various ani-
chemokine gradients (2). The successive events in this
mal models, such as rat adjuvant-induced arthritis (AIA)
cascade are mediated by coordinated interaction of
and mouse antigen-induced arthritis and collagen-
adhesion molecules expressed by leukocytes and by the
induced arthritis (CIA), have provided inconsistent re-
inflamed tissue, and distinct subsets of adhesion mole-
sults concerning the importance of individual selectins in
cules are involved in the different steps of the extrava-
the development of arthritis. Discrepant results have
sation process. In particular, proteins of the selectin and
been reported in particular depending on whether inhi-
Gaby Palmer, PhD, Cem Gabay, MD: University of Geneva
bition of selectin function was achieved using specific
School of Medicine and University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland; antibodies or ligands, which either partially decreased
Beat A. Imhof, PhD: University of Geneva School of Medicine, arthritis or had no effect (3,4), or using gene knockouts,
Geneva, Switzerland.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Beat A. which in some instances even aggravated the disease (5).
Imhof, PhD, Department of Pathology and Immunology, Centre Altogether, the data obtained lead to the conclusion
Medical Universitaire, 1 Rue Michel-Servet, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzer- that, in experimental arthritis models, both selectin-
land. E-mail:
Submitted for publication March 31, 2006; accepted in revised dependent and -independent pathways of leukocyte re-
form May 31, 2006. cruitment cooperate for joint infiltration.


Chemokines trigger arrest of rolling leukocytes selective inhibition of single adhesion molecules might
and firm adhesion by activating leukocyte integrin mol- not be sufficient to prevent leukocyte recruitment effi-
ecules, such as lymphocyte function–associated antigen 1 ciently.
(LFA-1) (␣L␤2, CD11a/CD18), Mac-1 (␣M␤2, CD11b/
CD18), and very late activation antigen 4 (VLA-4)
Vascular amine oxidases and leukocyte trafficking
(␣4␤1, CD106). Leukocyte integrins interact with endo-
thelial counterreceptors of the Ig superfamily, including In addition to multiple traditional adhesion mol-
intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs) and vascular ecules present on leukocytes and endothelial cells, there
cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). Again, different is increasing evidence that other molecules are involved
requirements for individual integrins and ligands have in leukocyte extravasation. For instance, several families
been reported in experimental arthritis according to the of membrane proteins with catalytic domains outside the
model, time point, and cell type examined, but there is plasma membrane, so-called ectoenzymes, have been
quite some evidence for the involvement of LFA-1, shown to make important contributions to this process
VLA-4, and ICAM-1 (CD54) in leukocyte infiltration (for review, see ref. 13).
into the joint (3,6). Finally, platelet endothelial cell AOC3, which is also known as VAP-1, is a
adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) (CD31) is an Ig su- nonclassic, inflammation-inducible endothelial molecule
perfamily molecule involved in transendothelial migra- involved in leukocyte adhesion. AOC3 is expressed in
tion of leukocytes. Interestingly, inhibition of PECAM-1 endothelial cells of many organs in mice and humans. Its
with specific antibodies was reported to decrease arthri- activity is also found in the serum, suggesting that the
tis, while PECAM-1–knockout mice, in contrast, dis- enzyme may be shed from the endothelial surface.
played exacerbated CIA (7,8). AOC3 is an ectoenzyme belonging to the semicarbazide-
Increased expression of E- and P-selectins, vari- sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) family, which catalyzes
ous integrins, and members of the Ig superfamily, such oxidative deamination of primary amines to produce
as ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and PECAM-1, has been de- aldehyde groups, H2O2, and ammonium. On endothelial
scribed in RA synovium, and increased levels of soluble cells, AOC3 functions as a traditional adhesion mole-
adhesion molecules, including E-selectin, P-selectin, cule, and this function can be blocked by monoclonal
ICAM-1, and VCAM, in serum and synovial fluid have antibodies. In addition, the enzymatic activity of AOC3
been used as markers of vascular endothelial activation is also critical for its adhesive functions. It has been
in RA (9). Many different drugs, including nonsteroidal suggested that leukocytes first interact with AOC3 via
antiinflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, and RA adhesive epitopes and then via a leukocyte surface–
disease–modifying agents, interfere with the expression expressed substrate(s), which interacts with the catalytic
and/or function of cell adhesion receptors, and it has site to initiate the SSAO reaction. AOC3 may also
been postulated that this effect accounts, at least in part, modify adhesion molecules on the endothelial cell
for their antiinflammatory activity. and/or leukocyte surface to modulate trafficking. Nota-
Based on these data, blocking adhesion mole- bly, the products of the SSAO enzymatic activity and, in
cules that mediate the accumulation of leukocytes in particular, the alteration of the redox balance by H2O2
inflammation is expected to have therapeutic potential may also regulate endothelial cell or leukocyte signals
in human RA. However, the few clinical trials performed necessary for transmigration, including expression of
so far have not met expectations. For instance, efazu- adhesion molecules, chemokine receptors, or matrix
limab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against metalloproteinases (13).
LFA-1, did not significantly reduce arthritis in a cohort AOC3 is virtually absent from noninflamed en-
of patients with psoriatic arthritis (10). Anti–ICAM-1 dothelium. Under inflammatory conditions, AOC3 ex-
monoclonal antibodies were evaluated in a phase I/II pression is increased, and AOC3 translocates to the
open-label study and had only limited effects in patients luminal surface of blood vessels. AOC3-deficient ani-
with RA (11). Finally, a randomized, placebo-controlled mals display defective cell migration during inflamma-
trial of an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide ICAM-1 in- tion, but appear healthy under nonchallenged condi-
hibitor could not demonstrate clinical efficacy beyond tions, although they display some defects in lymphocyte
that of placebo in patients with active RA (12). Among homing. AOC3-deficient mice manifest attenuated in-
the possible explanations for this low efficacy are the flux of inflammatory cells during peritonitis and auto-
redundancy and overlapping functions of molecules that immune diabetes (13). In addition, inhibition of the
are involved in leukocyte extravasation, due to which adhesive function of AOC3 using antibodies was previ-

ously demonstrated to have antiinflammatory effects in stance by the exacerbated CIA observed in E-selectin–,
several animal models, including peritonitis, allograft P-selectin–, or PECAM-1–knockout mice (5,8). In con-
rejection, and air-pouch inflammation (13). In humans, trast to classic adhesion molecules, which are generally
increases in the levels of both plasma- and/or difficult to target using small molecule inhibitors, ec-
membrane-associated SSAO have been reported for toenzymes are attractive candidates for the design of
many inflammation-associated diseases, including RA, new approaches to modulate leukocyte trafficking. In-
diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic heart failure, and Alz- deed, the catalytic centers of enzymes are often easier to
heimer’s disease (14,15). target, and in the case of ectoenzymes, inhibitors do not
need to be cell permeable and can thus be water-soluble
Therapeutic potential of SSAO inhibitors in arthritis molecules, which can be administered orally.
Following the proof of concept provided by
AOC3 is highly expressed on vessels of inflamed Marttila-Ichihara and colleagues, further experiments
human synovial tissue (14). In this issue of Arthritis & aimed at evaluating the safety, specificity, and potency
Rheumatism, Marttila-Ichihara et al (1) report that of SSAO inhibitors for the treatment of RA are thus
administration of a synthetic SSAO inhibitor amelio- eagerly awaited. Safety is obviously an important issue
rates AIA in rats and anti–type II collagen antibody–
when considering the inhibition of ubiquitously ex-
induced arthritis in mice. In arthritic rats treated with
pressed adhesion molecules, and the benefits of down-
the SSAO inhibitor, inflammatory cell infiltration into
regulating a broad range of inflammatory processes
the synovium, neovascularization, and cartilage and
need to be carefully balanced against potentially delete-
bone erosion were reduced. In the more acute mouse
rious effects on host defense against infections. Finally,
model, the number of infiltrated polymorphonuclear
provided that further validation of their specificity and
leukocytes was decreased both in SSAO inhibitor–
potency can be obtained, antiadhesive therapies based
treated mice and in AOC3-knockout mice. In the mouse
on the use of small molecule inhibitors certainly repre-
model, administration of the inhibitor had an even more
pronounced antiarthritic effect than the deletion of the sent an economically interesting alternative to expensive
AOC3 gene. Based on enzymatic analyses, the authors biologic treatments, such as humanized anti–adhesion
suggest that the higher efficacy of the inhibitor may be molecule antibodies, which are currently being devel-
related to inhibition of other closely related AOCs in oped for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.
addition to AOC3. AOC1 and AOC2 are indeed also
expressed on endothelial cells in many tissues and could
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