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Angelica Mae C.


BSMA 1-2 10/28/23

Write your responses in the sentence completion activity below:
1. My unique personality traits, skills, abilities and hobbies that I can relate to
Invidualistic are
- The traits that I have which I can relate to Individualistic are highlighting my achievements,
loving how distinct I am from other people, and focusing on my personal attributes. I tend to flex
my achievements in social media and talk about it with my parents because it is the fruit of my
hard-work and sacrifices. Also, I love how unique I am from other people and I also know that
everyone of us is unique which interests me the most that there are other unique selves in this
world aside from me. Since I love my uniqueness, I love people complimenting me, although I
do not physically show it, but I love it when I am being complimented because of my personal
attributes or just by simply me talking about my personal assets.

2. My beliefs, values , and characteristics which are socially shared within a group
- Usually, the beliefs, values, and characteristics of my friend groups are adapted by each
other. By this, what I mean is that the positive traits that a member of my friend groups are being
shared and adapted by almost every member and some of the traits and values I shared with
my friend group is that to not cram things until the very last moment. I shared with them my
study schedule and how I can maintain the work-life balance. Also, I am glad that I am able to
share with them the humor I have. Luckily, all of my friend groups and I have the same humor
that goes well together.

If you were in that person’s situation, how will you deal with it:
Within six weeks, you and three of your colleagues in your department will make an
important project.
After the project, you were given a Php 100,000 as a prize. "How did you divide the
Here is some information:
1. A has made 25% of the total project.
2. B has made 40% of the total project.
3. C has made 25% of the total project.
4. D has made 10% of the total project.
Write the amount of money that you think should be given to each:
A: 25,000
B: 25,000
C: 25,000
D: 25,000
How and why did you come up with your decision?
I came up with the decision of giving equal amounts for everyone in the team because as a
team, everyone shares an effort to make the event possible. Even though they share different
percentages on the project itself, it is presumed that another person has the capability to do the
bigger amount but still, there is an effort provided by every member of the team that is why I
divided the amount received from the project equally.

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