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1. Who owns the IP?

2. Can IP engage ethical issues? i.e. discuss the IP dilemma from an ethical
theory perspective and provide your opinion if WiTech should sue the small
company in the U.S. or not?

Intellectual property (IP) ownership often involves difficult moral and legal decisions.
Concerns of intellectual property rights and ethical obligations are brought up in the scenario
by the tiny American company's creation of a product that is comparable to WiTech's
patented technology.

Legally speaking, ownership normally belongs to the organisation or person that is in

possession of the patent or copyright. Nonetheless, while weighing the consequences of
claiming intellectual property rights, moral questions may come up. The consequentialist
ethical theory of morality would contend that WiTech ought to sue the small business in order
to safeguard its innovation investment and preserve its competitiveness in the market, hence
optimising total utility.
On the other hand, deontological ethics could place a greater value on justice and respect
for the independence of others. Under these circumstances, suing the small business might
be viewed as too harsh or unjust, particularly if the small business accidentally created a
comparable product without being aware of WiTech's intellectual property.

My opinion is more in favour of a well-rounded strategy that takes ethical and legal rights into
account. Although WiTech has a right to defend its intellectual property, it also needs to
consider the possible harm to the small business and the broader consequences for
innovation. Other approaches, including collaboration or negotiation, might better protect
WiTech's interests while maintaining to ethical standards.

Beabout, G. (2001). Applying Utilitarianism and Deontology in the Ethics of IP Rights.
Journal of Business Ethics, 32(2), 143-153. Retrieved

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