TQ - SHS Achievement Test - Personal Development

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y. 2022-2023
Personal Development

Name: __________________________ Section: _____________ Score: ___________

Teacher:_____________________________________ Date: __________________

School:______________________________________ District: _________________

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct
1. Which of the following refers to self-awareness and is concerned with the construct that
negotiates the ideal self and the actual self.
A. Self-concept
B. Self-derivation
C. Self-fulfillment
D. Self Actualization
2. Which of the following best describes the role of self-awareness in accepting one's
strengths and limitations?
A. Self-awareness helps in denying and hiding one's strengths and limitations.
B. Self-awareness makes one excessively critical of both strengths and limitations.
C. Self-awareness leads to an unrealistic assessment of one's strengths and limitations.
D. Self-awareness enables recognition and acceptance of one's strengths and
3. What is the benefit of accepting one's strengths and limitations?
A. Accepting strengths and limitations leads to a stagnant mindset.
B. Accepting strengths and limitations encourages comparison with others.
C. Accepting strengths and limitations enables personal growth and development.
D. Accepting strengths and limitations hinders personal growth and self-improvement.
4. How does self-awareness contribute to personal fulfillment and well-being?
A. Self-awareness promotes self-criticism and dissatisfaction with oneself.
B. Self-awareness leads to complacency and a lack of personal growth.
C. Self-awareness hinders social connections and emotional well-being.
D. Self-awareness fosters a sense of purpose and alignment with personal values.
5. Sarah is preparing for a job interview. She thinks, "I'm not qualified for this position, and I
will probably mess up." As a result, she feels anxious and insecure. Which of the following
step will Sarah take based on her behavior?
A. Sarah cancels the interview and withdraws her application.
B. Sarah practices and rehearses her answers to potential interview questions.
C. Sarah attends the interview but performs poorly due to her negative mindset.
D. Sarah seeks advice from a mentor or career counselor to boost her confidence.
6. Michael receives negative feedback on a project he worked hard on. He interprets this
feedback as a personal failure and believes he is not talented. Consequently, he feels
demotivated and discouraged. Which behavior is most likely to follow this pattern?
A. Michael becomes passive and avoids taking on new challenging projects.
B. Michael takes a break from work and engages in self-care activities to recharge.
C. Michael discusses the feedback with his colleagues and seeks their perspective.
D. Michael acknowledges the feedback, learns from it, and works on improving his skills.
7. Emily is invited to a social gathering. She thinks, "I won't know anyone there, and I'll feel
awkward and out of place." Consequently, she feels anxious and hesitant about attending
the event. Which of the following will you advice to Emily/
A. Emily must reach out to a friend who will also be attending the event to accompany
B. Emily should attend the event and actively engages in conversations to overcome her
C. Emily should cancel her plans and chooses to stay home to avoid potential
D. Emily should decide to attend the gathering but arrives late to avoid the initial
8. Mark is about to embark on a new business venture. He thinks, "Taking risks leads to
growth and opportunities." Consequently, he feels excited and motivated. How is Mark's
thought likely to influence his behavior?
A. Mark might feel overwhelmed and abandon the idea due to fear of failure.
B. Mark may hesitate to take action and seek validation from others before proceeding.
C. Mark will actively seek advice from successful entrepreneurs to minimize potential
D. Mark will embrace the challenges and actively pursue his business venture with
9. Which of the following is one of the primary developmental tasks during adolescence?
A. Nurturing physical health and well-being.
B. Establishing a career and financial stability.
C. Forming intimate and meaningful relationships.
D. Developing a sense of identity and self-discovery.
10. Which of the following is a common challenge faced by adolescents in their social
A. Adjusting to changes in family dynamics and roles.
B. Managing financial independence and budgeting skills.
C. Coping with declining physical strength and endurance.
D. Balancing academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities.
11. Which of the following is an emotional challenge often experienced by adolescents?
A. Balancing personal autonomy with social expectations.
B. Coping with a decline in memory and cognitive abilities.
C. Navigating through hormonal changes and mood swings.
D. Developing effective communication and conflict resolution skills.
12. Jake, a 17-year-old, is facing significant peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors such
as substance use and reckless activities. He feels torn between fitting in with his peers and
maintaining his personal values. Which developmental challenge is Jake confronting?
A. Social development
B. Values development
C. Cognitive development
D. Emotional development
13. Adolescence stage is where you established your own identity at the same time your
family expected responsibilities from you. Which of the following statement is true about
adolescent stage?
A. .Age of adjustments to new pattern of life and roles such as spouse, parent and
bread winner.
B. Transiton age when adjustments to initial physical and mental decline are
C. Group and creativity age when self-help skills, social skills, school skills and play are
D. Transition age from childhood to adulthood when sex maturation and rapid physical
development occur resulting to changes in ways of feeling, thinking and acting.
14. Alex, a teenager, is interested in pursuing a career in music. Their older sibling, who is a
professional musician, provides guidance, support, and helps them practice. This scenario
exemplifies the influence of:
A. Parents
B. Peers
C. Siblings
D. Teachers
15. Rebecca, a teenager, has a close relationship with her older brother, who mentors her in
navigating social challenges and provides guidance in decision-making. Which of the
following areas of development is influenced by her sibling?
A. Moral development
B. Social development
C. Cognitive development
D. Emotional development
16. Which of the following strategies is effective in fostering responsibility and independence
in adolescents?
A. Controlling and micromanaging their daily routines and activities.
B. Shielding them from challenges and decision-making processes.
C. Discouraging them from taking risks and exploring new experiences.
D. Assigning them age-appropriate household chores and responsibilities.
17. Which is a key factor in promoting the development of problem-solving skills in
A. Providing immediate solutions to their problems.
B. Encouraging them to rely solely on adults for problem-solving.
C. Allowing them to experience natural consequences of their actions.
D. Making decisions on their behalf without involving them in the process.
18. Which of the following is an effective way to cultivate financial responsibility in
A. Shielding them from any financial responsibilities or discussions.
B. Giving them an allowance without any expectations or guidance.
C. Encouraging them to set savings goals and manage their own money.
D. Managing their finances entirely on their behalf without their involvement.
19. Which of the following approaches is essential for preparing adolescents for future
career success?
A. Making career decisions on their behalf without their input.
B. Encouraging them to explore various career options and interests.
C. Shielding them from any work-related responsibilities or experiences.
D. Restricting their exposure to different work environments and industries.
20. Alex, an 18-year-old, is preparing for college and wants to improve his communication
skills. How can he become more capable and responsible in this area?
A. Providing him with pre- written scripts for all social interactions.
B. Assigning a personal communication tutor to speak on his behalf.
C. Restricting his interactions with peers to minimize social challenges.
D. Encouraging him to join clubs or organizations that foster communication.
21. Which of the following is a common cause of stress in individuals' personal lives?
A. Lack of exercise and physical activity.
B. Engaging in leisure activities and hobbies.
C. Financial difficulties and economic instability.
D. Excessive social media usage and screen time.
22. Which of the following is a potential effect of stress on individuals' mental and emotional
A. Increased self-esteem and positive self-image.
B. Enhanced social skills and interpersonal relationships.
C. Improved ability to cope with daily challenges and setbacks.
D. Development of anxiety disorders or depressive symptoms.
23. Emma is a high school student who experiences stress due to academic demands,
extracurricular activities, and social pressures.Which is the primary factor contributing to
Emma's stress?
A. Unrealistic expectations and perfectionism.
B. Insufficient access to educational resources.
C. Inadequate support from teachers and parents.
D. Lack of time management skills and organizational strategies.
24. Samantha is a college student who experiences stress related to financial difficulties,
family problems, and personal responsibilities. Which is the potential effects of Samantha's
stress on her mental health?
A. Enhanced problem-solving abilities.
B. Increased resilience and coping skills.
C. Improved self-esteem and self-confidence.
D. Development of anxiety and depression symptoms.
25. Which of the following part of the brain is primarily responsible for higher cognitive
functions, such as thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving?
A. Amygdala
B. Hippocampus
C. Basal ganglia
D. Prefrontal cortex
26. Which of the following activities can enhance cognitive ability and brain functions?
A. Performing regular physical activity
B. Having inconsistent sleeping habits
C. Eating an abundance of sweet foods
D. Avoiding mental demands and stimulation
27. Which of the following elements can enhance cognitive abilities and promote brain
A. Seclusion and aversion to social engagement
B. Prolonged sleep deprivation and erratic sleeping habits
C. Prolonged stress and a lack of stress-reduction strategies
D. Interacting with others and sustaining enduring connections
28. You are interested in enhancing your cognitive abilities for personal growth. You studiy
most of the time while seated at a desk. Which mental exercise might help your brain work
A. Using energy drinks to improve brain function.
B. Extending the amount of uninterrupted study time.
C. Skipping a workout to concentrate just on studying.
D. Taking regular breaks to walk about or participate in physical activity.
29. Which of the following assertions is true in terms of comprehending the intensity of
A. Only hereditary variables have any bearing on emotional acuity.
B. Emotions are always conveyed by people with the same intensity.
C. Emotions often manifest themselves at a level that is continuous and unchanging.
D. Depending on the person and the circumstance, emotional intensity might change.
30. Which statement regarding emotional expressions is accurate?
A. Expressions of emotion are universal throughout civilizations.
B. Genetics alone determines how people express their emotions.
C. Individuals and cultures can exhibit different emotional expressions.
D. Emotional expressions are fully conscious and under complete control.
31. An individual who struggles with differentiating between anger and frustration might have
difficulty communicating their emotional state. Which is a potential consequence of this
A. Better understanding of emotional intensity in others.
B. Heightened emotional awareness and self-regulation.
C. Increased accuracy in expressing emotions to others.
D. Misinterpretation of their emotional expression by others.
32. According to study, mindfulness training can help people better distinguish between
different emotions. How would this development help people in their emotional expressions?
A. Emotional distinction is unaffected by mindfulness.
B. Suppression of emotions results from increased emotional distinction.
C. More accurate and nuanced emotional communication is the outcome of improved
emotion distinction.
D. Increased emotional difference makes it harder to feel others' feelings and
comprehend their motivations.
33. Which of the following is a potential consequence of consistently hiding negative
A. Greater ability to maintain positive relationships.
B. Increased risk of developing mental health issues.
C. Improved emotional well-being and stress reduction.
D. Enhanced communication and understanding with others.
34. In the context of emotional intelligence, which of the following do individuals who
possess high emotional intelligence will more likely do?
A. Avoid experiencing negative emotions altogether
B. Express both positive and negative emotions openly and authentically.
C. Distinguish between different emotions and express them appropriately.
D. Suppress both positive and negative emotions to maintain emotional stability.
35. .A research study investigates the impact of social norms on the expression of positive
emotions. Which of the following findings suggests what individuals from a culture that
values modesty and humility will more likely do?
A. Express positive emotions openly and exuberantly.
B. Hide positive emotions to conform to cultural norms.
C. Express positive emotions selectively based on social status.
D. Experience higher levels of positive emotions compared to other cultures.
36. When it comes to the expression of emotions, cultural factors play a significant role. In
cultures that prioritize collectivism, individuals are more likely to:
A. Express positive emotions freely, but suppress negative emotions.
B. Hide both positive and negative emotions to maintain group harmony.
C. Express emotions openly and individually without considering societal norms.
D. Experience higher levels of negative emotions compared to individualistic cultures.
37. Which of the following is an acceptable expression of attraction in teenage relationships?
A. Respecting personal boundaries and consent.
B. Pressuring someone into a romantic relationship.
C. Engaging in manipulative tactics to gain attention.
D. Ignoring the feelings and emotions of the other person.
38. In teenage relationships, it is important to have open and respectful communication.
Which of the following scenarios demonstrates this?
A. Engaging in frequent arguments and conflicts.
B. Ignoring the other person's feelings and opinions.
C. Listening attentively and empathetically to each other.
D. Trying to change or manipulate the other person's behavior.
39. Which of the following exemplifies a relationship that nurtures mutual respect and
A. Seeking to control and dominate the other person.
B. Encouraging open communication and active listening.
C. Disregarding the emotional well-being of the other person.
D. Making all the decisions without considering the other person's preferences.
40. Vince is attracted to his classmate Hannah. He decides to ask her out on a date. Which
approach demonstrates an acceptable expression of attraction?
A. Vince constantly pesters Hannah until she agrees to go on a date with him.
B. Vince insists that Hannah must go on a date with him because he is interested.
C. Vince respectfully asks Hannah if she would be interested in going out sometime.
D. Vince spreads rumors about Hannah to gain her attention and make her jealous.
41. Which of the following demonstrates effective followership in a workplace setting?
A. Resisting change and maintaining the status quo.
B. Advocating for personal interests at the expense of the team.
C. Unquestioning obedience and compliance with all instructions.
D. Taking initiative, offering constructive feedback, and supporting the leader's vision.
42. How can leaders positively influence their followers?
A. By promoting conformity and suppressing individuality.
B. By creating a collaborative and inclusive environment.
C. By exerting control and dominance over their followers
D. By disregarding the needs and opinions of their followers.
43. In a social movement for environmental conservation, a group of followers challenges
the established leadership hierarchy. They actively question the decisions made by the
leaders and propose alternative strategies. Which is reflected in this action?
A. Passive acceptance of the movement's objectives.
B. Challenging the status quo and advocating for change.
C. Resisting any form of change advocated by the movement.
D. Blindly adhering to the direction set by the movement's leaders.
44. James is a political leader who always seeks personal gain and power. He manipulates
his followers and uses fear tactics to control public opinion. Which of the following
characterizes James' leadership?
A. Exploiting his position for personal gain and self-interest.
B. Encouraging critical thinking and independent decision-making.
C. Empowering and inspiring his followers to achieve shared goals.
D. Nurturing a sense of unity and collaboration among his followers.
45. Which of the following factors can influence career planning and decision-making?
A. Education level only.
B. Societal expectations only.
C. Personal interests and values.
D. Financial considerations only.
46. Personal life goals can play a significant role in career planning. Which of the following is
an example of a personal life goal that can influence career decisions?
A. Achieving financial stability.
B. Pursuing societal recognition.
C. Conforming to family expectations.
D. Focusing solely on career advancement.
47. How can external factors, such as economic conditions, influence decision-making?
A. External factors have no impact on career decisions.
B. External factors determine career choices completely.
C. External factors can limit career options or create opportunities.
D. External factors only influence career decisions for a specific age group.
48. Which of the following corresponds to the combination and sequence of roles played by
a person during the course of his/her lifetime?
A. Career
B. Job
C. Occupation
D. Profession
49. How can exposure to diverse career options impact adolescent career decisions?
I. It broadens their understanding of various industries
II. It allows for exploration of different job roles and responsibilities
III. It inspires individuals to pursue unconventional career paths
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III
50. Why is goal-setting important in making adolescent career decisions?
I. It provides a sense of direction and purpose.
II. It enables individuals make choices which are irrelevant with their aspirations.
III. It assists adolescents in planning and working towards long-term career success.
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I and III
D. I, II, and III

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