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MA Liebenberg

Physical quantities are divided into scalars and vectors.
1. A scalar is a physical quantity that has magnitude and a unit but not direction.
✓ mass (5 kg) ✓ energy and work (2 J)
✓ time (23 s) ✓ electric current (0,1 A)

✓ distance (100 m) ✓ power (100 W)

✓ speed (2 m∙s-1) ✓ electric potential difference (6 V)

✓ wavelength (0,4 m) ✓ temperature (273 K)

2. A vector is a physical quantity with magnitude, direction and unit.

✓ force (5 N, upward)
✓ weight (8 N, downward)
✓ displacement (2 m east)
✓ velocity (6 m∙s-1, south)
✓ acceleration (4 m∙s-2, direction 300)
✓ impulse (6 N∙s right)
✓ momentum (4,5 kg∙m∙s-1, on a bearing of 350)
2.1. Vectors are graphically represented by using a straight line with an
The length of the straight line represents the magnitude of the vector.
The arrowhead shows the direction of the vector.

A is the starting point (tail) and B the end (head) of AB or ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗

The vector is directed in an eastern direction.
The vector below represents a force of 500 N east.

Vectors are indicated with a symbol that is printed in bold, F, or with an

arrow above the symbol, 𝐹 . For our discussion we will use a bolded symbol.

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


3. Resultant vectors
3.1. A resultant vector is a single vector that has the same effect as two or more
vectors together.
3.2. A resultant vector can also be defined as the vector sum of two or more
3.3. A maximum resultant of two or more co-linear vectors, is obtained when
vectors act in a straight line, in the same direction - the angle between the
vectors is zero and the magnitude of the resultant is equal to the sum of the
3.4. A minimum resultant of two or more co-linear vectors, is obtained when
vectors act in a straight line, in opposite directions - the angle between the
vectors is 1800 and the magnitude of the resultant is obtained by subtracting
the vectors. The direction is the same as the direction of the biggest vector.
Example 1
A donkey pulls a cart with a force of 50 N to the right. There is a force of friction of
10 N to the left.
1.1 Determine the resultant force on the cart with a scale diagram.
1.2 Determine the resultant force on the cart by using a calculation.
4. Vectors in two dimensions
4.1. Vectors in two dimensions are not horizontal
or vertical, but at an angle with the horizontal
or vertical direction.
4.2. When working with two or more co-linear
vectors, in two dimensions, it is important to
set a frame of reference.
4.3. We need a zero point, with a y-axis and an x-
axis intersecting at the zero point.
4.4. This is called a Cartesian plane.
4.5. We can also use compass directions to
represent the frame of reference: North (N),
South (S), East (E) and West (W).
4.6. We place the tail of the vector at the centre of
the compass points and then we can describe
the direction of the vector relative to these.

The direction of vector A is

300 South of East or 600
East of South.

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


4.7. You will need the following mathematical tools

for two-dimensional vectors:
Pythagoras’ theorem:
r2 = x2 + y2
(Can only be used in a right-angled triangle).
In a right-angled triangle:
✓ sin𝜃 = ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒

✓ cos𝜃 = ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒

✓ tan𝜃 = 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡

5. Resultant of perpendicular vectors

5.1. When we add two vectors that are perpendicular to each other, we can
sketch them on a Cartesian plane.
5.2. We can then use Pythagoras’ theorem to find the resultant vector.
5.3. Use the tail-to-head method to place the vectors.

5.4. This is also known as the triangle (or polygon) method, depending on the
number of vectors that are discussed.
5.5. The vector that closes the triangle or polygon, is the resultant vector.
5.6. The resultant is always drawn from the start of the first to the end of the last
vector - it is not head-to-tail.
5.7. The orange vector is the resultant because it closes the triangle and is not

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


5.8. If the vector diagram is a closed triangle or polygon, all the vectors are lying

5.9. This implies that the resultant is zero.

Example 2
Ron walks 2 km in the +x direction and then 3 km in the +y direction.
2.1 Sketch a diagram to represent the displacements and the resultant
2.2 Determine the resultant displacement by using an appropriate calculation.
Example 3
Two donkeys pulled a cart. One donkey pulled with a force of 50 N to the North
and the second donkey pulled with a force of 30 N to the West. What was the
resultant force on the cart?
6. More than two perpendicular vectors
6.1. Vectors, lying in the same straight line, are called co-linear vectors.
6.2. If we need to find the resultant of three or more vectors that are arranged
parallel or perpendicular to one another, we do the following:
6.2.1. Determine the resultant of the co-linear vectors, parallel to the x-
direction (Rx).
6.2.2. Determine the resultant of the co-linear vectors, parallel to the y-
direction (Ry)
6.2.3. Find the resultant of Rx and Ry using Pythagoras and trigonometry.
Example 4
Lindy walked 600 m in the +y direction, then 200 m in the +x direction, then 200 m
in the -y direction and then 100 m in the +x direction. What is her resultant

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


7. Compass direction
7.1. The four cardinal directions are North, South, East
and West.
7.2. If the direction is directly between two directions,
we can combine the names, for example North-
East is half-way between North and East.
7.3. This can only happen for directions at right angles to each other. You cannot
say North - South.
7.4. Another way of using the compass to specify
direction in a numerical way is to use bearings.
7.5. A bearing is an angle, usually measured clockwise
from North.
7.6. Note that this is different to the Cartesian plane
where angles are anti- or counter-clockwise from
the positive x- direction.

F is a force vector on a
bearing of 3300 (2700 + 600)

8.1. The resultant of two vectors that are not co-linear (in a straight line) can be
determined in ONE of the following ways:
8.2. The parallelogram/rectangle (tail-to-tail) method.
8.3. The triangle (head-to-tail) method.
8.4. Resolving the vectors into their perpendicular components (discussed in the
next power point).
8.5. It is important that you only use ONE method at a time - never combine the
8.6. A vector may be moved around until it is tail-to-tail or head-to-tail with
another vector provided that the direction and magnitude of the vector
remain unchanged.
8.7. In any of the three methods, you can either use a scale diagram, or a
mathematical calculation.
8.8. Read the question carefully - no marks are allocated if a calculation is done,
but a scale diagram is asked or vice versa.
8.9. If no specific method is required, you may use a calculation or a scale
diagram - never use them simultaneously.

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg



1. If an object is in equilibrium, it can be:
1.1. At rest, or
1.2. Moving at constant velocity.
2. When the resultant of two or more forces that act on a point (object) is ZERO the
forces are in equilibrium:
2.1. ∑ 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠 = 0 N, or Fresultant = 0 N
3. The single force that is responsible for keeping ALL the other forces in equilibrium,
is known as the equilibrant force
4. The equilibrant has the same magnitude as the resultant force but acts in the
opposite direction.
5. In the example below, two men are applying forces F1 and F2 on a donkey.
6. The donkey resists the two forces, by applying a force FE in the opposite direction.
The donkey remains stationary.

7. The force that the donkey applies, is equal to the resultant force, of the forces of
the two men.
8. When three forces act at a point and the object remains stationary or moves at
constant velocity as a result of the forces, the resultant force = 0 N
9. The three forces can now be represented as the three sides of a triangle, using the
head-to-tail method.
10. The triangle will be closed, as shown in the diagram below:

11. ∑ 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑠 = Fnet = F1 + F2 + F3

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


12. Each of the forces can be considered as the equilibrant of the two remaining
forces; e.g. F2 is the equilibrant of F1 and F3 etc.
13. Each of the forces can be considered as the resultant of the remaining forces, if it
is acting in the opposite direction; e.g. –F2 is the resultant of F1 and F3.

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


C. Components of two dimensional vectors

1. Vectors exerted in one dimension are in a straight line and are parallel to either
the vertical or horizontal axes.
2. Vectors, that are exerted in two dimensions, form an angle with the axes and are
in the same plane as the axes.
3. A vector in two dimensions can be described in terms of x and y coordinates.
4. Although many components are possible for a specific vector, we are only
interested in the two that are at right angles to each other, that have the same
effect as the original vector.
5. These components act in the x and y direction and can also be described as
horizontal or vertical, or parallel or perpendicular to the plane.
6. A force vector F, that forms an angle of 𝜃 with the
horizontal, has two components that form an angle of 900
with each other: Fx is the component in the x direction
and Fy is the component in the y direction.
7. Fx and Fy together, have the same effect as F acting on its
8. The ratios below can be used for the shaded triangle:
𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑥 𝐹𝑥
8.1. cos𝜃 = ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒 = 𝑟 = 𝐹

Fx = Fcos𝜃 (x – component)
𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑦 𝐹𝑦
8.2. sin𝜃 = ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒 = 𝑟 = 𝐹

Fy = Fsin𝜃 (y – component)

Horizontal component: Fx = Fcos𝜽

Vertical component: Fy = Fsin𝜽

9. The unshaded area can also be used in calcultions, but then the trigonometry
functions must be changed accordingly.

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


Example 5
Peter pulls a lawnmower over a horizontal lawn with a
force of 700 N.
The handle of the lawnmower makes an angle of 300
with the horizontal plane.
5.1 Calculate the x component of the force.
5.2 Calculate the y component of the force.
5.3 How will the components change if the
lawnmower is pushed by Peter?
5.4 Is it more effective to push or to pull the lawnmower? Explain.
D. Force acting on a slope
1. If an object is placed on a frictionless slope, it will slide down the slope.

2. The force of gravity (Fg) that acts vertically downwards, has a component parallel
to the plane (Fg//), that is responsible for the motion of the toy car down the slope.
3. Fg also has a component perpendicular to the slope (Fg⊥).
4. The force of gravity pulls the object at the same
time parallel to the plane and perpendicular into
the plane.
4.1. We can calculate the components by using
trigonometric ratios (shaded triangle).
𝑦 𝐹𝑔∥
sin𝜃 = 𝑟 = 𝐹𝑔

Fg// = Fgsin𝜽
𝑥 𝐹𝑔⊥
cos𝜃 = 𝑟 = 𝐹𝑔

Fg⊥ = Fgcos𝜽

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg


4.2. The components of a force are not additional forces.

4.2.1. We can define them as the original force that are divided into two
more useful parts : one parallel to the inclined plane, and one
perpendicular to the inclined plane.
4.2.2. The angle between Fg and Fg⊥ (𝜃) is equal to the angle of the
inclined plane with the horizontal.

• When you have to represent forces in a

free body diagram, only the gravitational
force (Fg) OR its components Fx and Fy are
• If you have to draw a vector diagram for
the gravitational force and its
components aal three forces are
Example 6
A car with a mass of 8 tonnes, stands on a hill that
forms an angle of 200 with the horizontal.
6.1 Calculate the force of gravity (weight) that the
earth exerts on the car.
6.2 Use a vector diagram (not to scale) and the tail-
to-tail method to represent the components of the weight parallel and
perpendicular to the plane.
6.3 Calculate the components of the weight.
6.4 How will the components change if the angle with the horizontal is
increased from 200 to 400?

Grade 11 Vectors in two dimensions MA Liebenberg

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