Mercantilism: Mercantilist Economic System

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Mercantilism was a form of economic nationalism that sought to increase the

prosperity and power of a nation through restrictive trade practices. Its goal
was to increase the supply of a state's gold and silver with exports rather
than to deplete it through imports. 1
 It also sought to support domestic employment.
 Collection of economic thought from 1500-1750
Mercantilist Economic System
 Holding of gold and sliver
 Emolyment enhncement
 strong army
 decrease imports increase exports
 enhance production capacity
 Dont share technology
 Strong state policies about trade
 Merchant class (Critical to the successful functioning of the economic system)
 Labor class (The most critical factor of production)
 Positive balance of trade / trade surplus

The Role of Government

 collection of gold (increase the stock)

 Reduction of imports
 enhancement in exports
 police in the favour of exports/production
 provide and make safe of trade routs

Challenges to Mercantilism

 Early classical writers such as David Hume and Adam Smith Challenged mercantilism

 First attack was raised by David Hume

 Positive balance of trade cannot be maintained indefinitely

price-Specie-Flow Mechanism: Hume saw a flaw in mercantilist policies like

accumulating bullion (gold/silver). He theorized an influx of gold would inflate prices,
making exports expensive and imports attractive. This would naturally balance trade
over time, making the whole bullion hoarding strategy pointless.
 Quantity theory of money

Ms=Supply of money
V=Velocity of money
P=Price level
Y=Level of real output
V and Y are held constant, so increase in Ms caused proportional change in P

 Second assault on mercantilism came from Adam Smith

 Money as a Tool, Not Wealth:(people thing gold/sliver is the symbol of country

wealth. david said money is tool for trade not wealth itsels. orgional weath is
production capacity.

: Mercantilists viewed international trade as a fixed pie. One nation could only gain
wealth at another's expense
Mercantilists focused on accumulating gold and silver (bullion) through export
surpluses. Smith believed wealth came from producing valuable goods and services, not
just holding gold

Smith's Alternative:
Free Market and Specialization:
invisible hand" that directed individual actions towards the collective good. Competition
would drive down prices and benefit consumers.

Comparative Advantage
A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost is
lower than in other countries

Ricardian Model (discuss comparative advantage )

1. Fixed resources and technology
2. Completely mobile factors of production (labour in the simplest case) inside each
3. Completely immobile factors of production between the countries
4. Full utilization of resources
5. Perfect competition
6. [Labour theory of value (not necessary for PPF analysis)]
7. Zero transportation costs
8. Constant unit costs
9. No government imposed obstacles
10. Full employment
11. Two countries, two commodities world

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